It’s a Cinco de Mayo edition of the podcast, and the panel is joined by Seattle City Council candidate David Ginsberg. Goldy puts the candidate in the hot seat and (using only DOJ-approved interrogation methods) extracts from Mr. Ginsberg his real reasons for running.
There is also a race coming up for King County Executive, and a new poll puts former Discovery Institute Fellow Susan Hutchison way out in front with 20%. Does this poll bode well for a candidate who beats the competition, hands down, with 62% name recognition? The conversation then meanders to transit for the Puget Sound region. Goldy wonders about a new rumor that Sound Transit wants to electrocute the I-90 floating bridge.
In the other Washington there is a forthcoming nomination to the Supreme Court, and the Republicans are ready to demonize and block just about anyone nominated by Obama. Can they succeed? Will they succeed? Listen and learn!
Goldy was joined by Seattle City Council candidate David Ginsberg, Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle, Effin’ Unsound’s & Horsesass’s Carl Ballard, and Seattle Transit Blog’s Andrew Smith.
The show is 44:50, and is available here as an MP3
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
I haven’t listened to the podcast playback, but I’m pretty sure that I missed one Jewish SC Justice while ticking off my list. Embarrassingly, it’s the very first — Louis Brandeis (thank you, Woodrow Wilson). But I was right about the rest of them.
I note with little surprise that Cardozo is the only one who was appointed by a Republican President (Hoover).
Cinco de Mayo edition? What is that?
Isn’t it supposed to be a cinco de quatto celebration?
Why is obama having so many recent problems reading off his teleprompter recently?
How out of touch is he not to know the name of the holiday without reading it off a teleprompter. Imagine the outrage if bush had screwed something as simple as this up.
I think it’s when he goes off the reservation and tries to think he can think for himself and leaves the teleprompter in the corner, Marvin.
“Happy cinco de cuatro”- my god how retarded is that?
Obama should have consulted with his new portugese water dog before wandering off by himself into the land of conversational spanish, especially something so fucking mind-numbingly easy to remember, yet he fucked it up royally.
But remember, in revisionist liberal history, G.W. Bush and Dan Quayle were idiots with only half the gaffes this dunce and his veep have racked up already.
I’m still trying to understand why that drunk-driving, AWOL coward George Bush needs a Presidential Library? My Pet Goat is the only book the traitor ever read and he did THAT while he let Bush-family-friend Osama bin Laden kill 3000 Americans!
@4 So future researchers can compile a list of his crimes.
Seattle is a liberal town, and there’s no justification for a Republican to hold office here, because such a person would represent only a tiny minority and that’s undemocratic.
What Democrats must do is decide who their best candidate is, then get behind that person as a bloc, just like we did in the elections director race.
I see Marvin Stupes and Rickie Dumbshit are eating each other’s fleas this morning.
But that’s only the beginning. As the Republicans’ habitat continues shrinking and they eat out their forage base, here’s what we can expect from them:
“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (May 7) – More than 300 stray dogs that were dumped on isolated islands turned to cannibalism after weeks of starvation, animal welfare activists said Thursday.”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use)
But that’s only the beginning. As the Republicans’ habitat continues shrinking and they eat out their forage base, here’s what we can expect from them:
“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (May 7) – More than 300 stray dogs that were dumped on isolated islands turned to cannibalism after weeks of starvation, animal welfare activists said Thursday.”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use)
@ 7 & repeated @ 8
Q: How long before Roger finally gets the hang of how to post around here?
A: Most likely as long as it takes Obama to think without the use of a teleprompter.
“Happy Cinco de Siete, Mr President”…
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, a 700% increase over last Friday! Our president’s approval continues to skyrocket, increasing with each passing day! Of course, this glorious news sucks for our America-hating, treasonous trolls who want America to fail. They placed their bet against America – bad move. They lose.
Oh, and did I mention that Marvin’s a little faggot?
Yet, obama is embarrassed that all the other americans can’t speak spanish.
The obama must have been be projecting his own shame regarding his inability to speak in any language other than teleprompter.
In breaking news, obama has bought rosetta stone software to learn how to speak “austrian.”