It was B-day in the Washington State legislature, and a “mostly-cuts” budget emerged from its mean, selfish, elderly-hating, antisocial hole. Goldy wonders if Rep. Frank Chopp really represents his constituents in the 43rd, and further wonders if Chopp is trying to extort a billion dollars from Sound Transit. Will the state Democrats’ failure to lead, rather than just grow their coalition, give us a Governor named Rob McKenna?
It was Election Day in NY-20, traditionally a Republican stronghold, yet the Democratic candidate came from behind to take a small lead as the polls closed. Time to call the lawyers! On that topic, a three-judge panel has ruled in the Minnesota Senate race lawsuit, and the ruling strongly favors Senator Elect Al Franken. How much longer will Norm Coleman be able to obstruct the seating of a junior Senator from Minnesota? Lastly the panel chats about sex…laws.
Goldy was joined by’s Joel Connelly, Group News Blog publisher Jesse Wendel, Effin’ Unsound’s & Horsesass’s Carl Ballard, and Drinking Liberally Seattle co-host Chris Mitchell.
The show is 37:01, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
The house budgets cutting off of funding for all adult day health is just a cost shift. Other people will have to pickup a good chunk of the services ADH provides.
The senate version make more sense, the people sweet little elderly people it drops are more likely to have services already available else where.
Speaking of cost shifts. How many more drunk driving car wrecks will we have courtesy of our 15 new liquor stores?
Report: 9 People Visited ER 2,678 Times in 6 Years
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Associated Press
This must be Kountry Klubber steve and the rest of the class warfare KLOWNS. FREE BED AND FOOD AND DRUGS!!
Just wait until we get Socialized Medicine.
Better than a homeless shelter and living wife Kountry Klubber Steve’s life-partner!
Go to the Emergency Room!
Looks like I suffered through Lesley Stahl’s feature on Conficker last Sunday for nothing:
Leslie Stahl’s interview style (dramatization):
It’s just torture.
Today’s Rasmussen:
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Obama has been lurking around this status for the past month or so after being +32 in January. It appears he has a pretty stable 35% strong support…which ain’t bad.
PS–I’m part of the 30% Strong Disapproval.
Obama is not ready for prime time.
More Democrat lies!
This one about the 90% of guns in Mexican crimes traced to US. FALSE.
More like 17…yet Clinton, Feinstein and others go off without the facts.
Typical of the LEFT.
Don’t let a small thing like facts get in the way of a PINHEADED Agenda.
This one is funny. “Biden credits stimulus for fire station funded under Bush”
More BAAAAAAD news for the America-hating right. Markets are up, up, up!
Too bad you cowards can’t do anything right. Even your ability to hate America sucks! HE HE!
Did you see the picture of Obama bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, while all the others are standing erect? So Obama is a subject of Saudi Arabia now? Is he saying the US is now subservient to Saudi Arabia? Obama is a moron when it comes to official protocol.
Gives the queen an iPOD. Wow that’s a real gift. Obama is a moron when it comes to official protocol.
Yes stillbentover, Obama is out of the country and Wall Street can breathe.
Such a racist fool you are.
Dow past 8000 now?
The right wing is crying.. Stupes… Mr. Klynical… The Fool…
Especially The Fool who calls the President, Loser boy.
Gee a lot of smiles on world leaders’ faces.
An adult is finally in charge of America. Someone who knows how to keep his hands to himself around women folk who are not his wife.;gbv=2
clueless wonder, I’m glad the stock market is going up. Unlike George Soros who bet on the market losing Puddy is glad Soros is getting screwed. The more the reaming, the better.
When Merkel was asked whether she expected more massages from Bush’s successor, “That’s not really up to me,” she joked. “But I wouldn’t resist.”
So much for your latest EPIC FAIL fool
Everywhere the right turns they’re being laughed at and rejected. PRESIDENT OBAMA is still at historic high approval ratings. The Publicans have nothing going for them. They don’t even have a leader – either it’s Lush Flimbaugh, the fat, divorced, impotent, racist, drug – addict or it’s Joe the NOT REALLY a Plumber and failure at being a country music star, author and war correspondent! LOL!
By the way Puffybutt, I know some genuine African Americans. I show them your shit and they say point blank you wouldn’t dare show your Oreo ass in their neighborhood. I think the phrase they used to describe you was “Self-loathing, Uncle Tom type.”
14 – Still paranoid about Soros. Like I could give a flying f about any bad bets he’s made or the suckers who took the other side of his winning trades.
Not a peep from you about swiftboater Sam Wyly’s tax cheating who makes any Dem in the news these days look like a total piker.
Sam Wyly? He was put to bed long ago clueless wonder. We’re talking about Obama’s administration. When did Wyly join fool?
19 – We were talking about billionaires fool.
Yeah, Soros helps our side out. How many billionaires help your side?
A lot more I think and a few of those like Wyly have some prominent warts. Where’s your outrage fool?
stillbentover, GBS and Puddy tried to get your sorry ASS into the Rainier valley. GBS drove one of his Porsche’s there. We ate at a Mexican truck. Food was pretty good. Unfortunately or fortunately your sorry ASS was a no show.
stillbentover, I’ll show up in any minority location fool. But would you. We already have the data. Yous a chicken bwaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaak
Hey Stupes,
Next time you see your buddy “The Fool”, you might send him here for schooling on that ipod gift non-issue:
There’s just no ending to the bullshit from the right.
5 – Limbaugh wants Obama to fail and Mr. Klynical too.
The numbers say the overwhelming majority of people want the opposite.
Awwwww. The poor right wing. This rejection couldn’t have happened to a nicer crowd.
Puffybutt’s been fucked by his fat ugly wife in the ass so often he’s gone crazy. Every time he invents one of these so-called meetups he does it 15 minutes before it’s supposed to happen.
Just like all the other chickenshit Publicans, Puffybutt is all hat and no cattle. And he’s afraid of REAL black people.