The podcast opens with Joel Connelly discussing his new job at the region’s newest media venture called
Seattle has an upcoming mayoral race, and the big news is that Mayor Greg Nickels will actually have some opponents. Michael McGinn announced his candidacy earlier in the day, and then there’s The Stranger’s Dan Savage with his own announcement, and, maybe, Former City Councilman Peter Steinbrueck will do so. Nickels’ insta-spokesperson, Sandeep Kaushik, helps the panel sort through the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.
In what may be the wonkiest half-hour in all of podcasting history, the panel kicks around the problems with and solutions to the $9 billion revenue shortfall in the State budget. Will Goldy save Washington State? Listen and find out.
Goldy was joined by Aisling Kerins of fuse, PubliCola contributor and political spokes-mercenary Sandeep Kaushik, The Other Side’s John Wyble, and’s Joel Connelly.
The show is 54:56, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting]
How freaking desperate are these right wingers?
The S&P 500 has had its biggest monthly advance since 19 freaking 91!
And Mr. Klynical says Obama is insane?
Awww. The poor Mat-Su Barbie..
Last I looked the Alaskan legislature was very Republican.
And this moron has the nerve to call Obama out for doing stuff unrelated to the economy:
Right wing Republicans: biggest hypocrites, liars and losers known to humanity.
If you are “still between jobs” AKA still unemployed after all this time, then your spewings are completely meaningless and irrelevant YLB. You are dismissed.
Another great day for the markets, Democrats, patriots and good Americans – of course that means the Publicans had a baaaaaaad day!
Just cuz you spew it don’t make it so.
BTW..I want Obama’s Socialist Policies to FAIL!
CYNCYN if you could take that big black dick out of your ass maybe you’d take a look at the DOW which you claim to be invested in and tell me – market up? Man your shit is weak.
Did you know that Palin’s kid can see Russia from her crib?
Hey $1.7 BILLION for abstinence got stuffed into the last Bush budget??????
Where was all the outrage from the traitors on the right?
@2 Caribou Barbie: Has all of Chimp’s smirk with only half his (limited) brains and none of his family money and connections.
@9 Yeah, and unwed teen pregnancies are UP. Think how much health care that wasted $1.7 BILLION would have bought for poor kids.
@6 Who cares what you want.
The mess someone stepped in @ 4 says I’m “dismissed”.
LMAO!! Still here… And the eye is still here by the way focused on 4’s worthless right wing bullshit.
See the turd @ 4 will never comprehend that we folk who lean liberal don’t take right wing orders. And who’d want to? Look at the catastrophe they’ve brought to our country.
Man does it suck to be these right wing losers.
’13. YLB :’
Blah, blah, blah. Sticks and stones… You’re still a non-producer and unemployed I see. I’m shocked. Since you do not pay taxes or pay into the commonwealth, you are not in fact a full-citizen; hence your opinion continues to be and is meaningless. And I’ll guess that you get gov’t cheese too. You may go now.
YLB has likely spent most of his years on the outside looking in as a “between jobs” type.
Hey YLB, at least call yourself a writer or an artist…sounds better than angrily unemployed.
Mark1, has YLB exhibited any skill set or problem-solving skills where you would consider hiring him for anything??
I wouldn’t want such a negative bastard in my organization. He’s poison!
Like most loser LEFTISTS, angry, bitter & never, ever grateful for anything.
Hey Mark1,
I’m back again. And I’m staying. It must really burn your silly ass that I DON’T TAKE YOUR ORDERS!
I looked back through the archives and you said:
“Governor Rossi. Get used to it”.
How’d that fucking work out?
The 2005 election contest? I-912? You were here right? How’d that work out?
What a loser you are! I’m laughing AT YOU!
So Mr. Klynical would you hire a prick with such poor judgement?
YLB is perpetually unemployable.
Chest-thumping, business-hating loooooooser who is overflowing with envy & jealousy of those who are participating in the economy and life in general.
Mark1–I’m sure YLB’s harsh words must really keep you awake at night…NOT!
YLB is consumed by anger and positions that create the Nanny system he requires to survive BECAUSE HE IS INCAPABLE OF COMPETING.
Keep screeching into the wilderness YLB.
You are so focused on winning elections…you are missing out on the Gold Nuggets available to all of us will to take educated risks.
17 – I guess the answer is yes Mr. Klynical.
Of course you’d hire Mark1. Mark1 is a losing mean spirited misogynist whose track record here at HA is just as losing as YOURS!
Like attracts like.
And you remain a POOR BASTARD on the outside looking in.
19 – LOL. Oh I’m so hurt… What does the bible say again about a camel and the eye of a needle?
Too sad..
The Bible also talks about envy & jealousy…which has consumed you.
“The Bible also talks about envy & jealousy…which has consumed you.”
So says our resident narcissist, Mr. Klynical.
21 – Envy and jealousy of the likes of Mark1 the misogynist and YOU????
I’m loving your nickname for Mr. Klynical. It sums up so much about him – his rabid projection i.e. the Klown memes..
And of course the fact that he’s clinically insane – lapping up every scrap of right wing lies and propaganda and pasting it here – yet more projection, fear and paranoia stinking to high heaven of desperation.
Sorry Mr. Klynical, reality is contradicting your fantasies – markets say no to the right wing fears!