The podcast goes mostly national this week, beginning with a discussion of approval. Specifically…the public’s high opinion of Obama and his programs, and its low opinion of congressional Republicans (and their leader de profundis, Rush). Along the way some potshots are taken at “bipartisanship”. The conversation meanders through several foreign policy issues where we learn that Americans really do like Hillary, too. Returning from overseas, the panel takes a look at our 1997 economy, bank bailouts, stocks buys, taxes on the wealthy, and the future of reporting and the media.
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, DailyKos uber-blogger mcjoan, co-founder of John Shay, and Donkeylicious’ Nicholas Beaudrot.
The show is 41:51, and is available here as an MP3:
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Roger Rabbit is on vacation and won’t be posting for a few days. Even a lazy rabbit like me — who does no work and produces nothing because our unfair GOP Tax Code taxes the shit out of the producing class while giving the owning class a free ride — deserves a vacation now and then. Hey wingnut traitors! I’ll see you when I see you, unless they hang you first.
1 – Enjoy your time off Roger!
Let’s see, Obama promised to change tone of politics in DC.
Yet his Chief of Staff Rahmie the Commie is directly involved in the planning of the Limbaugh = Republicans plot with henchmen Begala and Carville. How petty and how telling about the West Wing.
Business worse than usual.
Now Obama has his henchmen running around trying to convince us that the Budget is “old business” and despite the fact it has over 8,000 earmarks (which Obama promised to end), Obama will sign it because it’s not his bill???
This guy Obama is suffering from Bastard Child Syndrome (BCS). He has been given a free ride by the MSM and thinks he can say whatever and do the opposite with no consequences.
He needed his daddy growing up.
@3 Obama’s approval ratings are up, GOP’s ratings are down, you lose but thanks for playing.
“Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though.” – Barak Obama “Dreams From My Father”
Pelletizer, no Obama’s ratings are down…
Indeed it has changed. Obama extended the hand, the Republicans bit it and any rational person would think after that:
Ok, I tried. So who needs you anyway?
Fuck you!
…Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
Why dose Chucky Schumer name all ways pop up with money? same for fannie and freedie he owned shares before it went bankrupt.
Fox 5 News has uncovered the whopping amount of money that disgraced financier Bernie Madoff, his sons, brother and wife donated to members of Congress. Madoff is facing accusations of masterminding the largest investment fraud in history and could go to prison for life if tried and convicted.
Watch Charles Leaf’s report (video, left).
There is no evidence of any wrongdoing or quid pro quo, but the revelation of the donations raises questions about what influence in Congress may or may not buy. At least one former SEC accountant says that members of Congress have in the past pressured the commission to be a “kinder, gentler cop” with its inspections of Wall Street broker-dealers.
Nobody received more campaign contributions from the Madoff’s than New York’s senior senator, Charles Schumer. He tops the Madoff donor list at $29,300. His office Told Fox 5 it recently donated $8,000 of that to police and fire endowments.
Here is list of donations Charles Leaf uncovered:
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.: $29,300
Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J: $11,600
Sen. Hillary Clinton: Nearly $9,000 (Senate and presidential campaigns; Clinton is now U.S. sectretary of state)
Rep. Vito Fossella, R-N.Y.: $3,000
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y.: $3,000
Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J.: $2,000 (during his Senate tenure; Corzine is now N.J. governor)
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.: $2,000
Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.: $1,800
(Excerpt) Read more at …
Yeah right knuckle dragger. Obama pretends he puts out his hand. Pelosi slaps his hand back.
You, the famous HA knuckle dragger told Puddy Obama had the most partisan record of any Democratic Senator. Remember clueless village idiot?
“Obama’s Middle-Class Task Force Has No Middle Class” another funny story of how to waste taxpayers money.
No, puddinghead, Obama’s ratings are up and your party’s ratings are down:
“Poll: Obama’s rating at all-time high
“WASHINGTON – After Barack Obama’s first six weeks as president, the American public’s attitudes about the two political parties couldn’t be more different, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.
“Despite the country’s struggling economy and vocal opposition to some of his policies, President Obama’s favorability rating is at an all-time high. …
“By comparison, the Republican Party … finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington ….”
You lose again, but thanks for playing again!
@8 Needless to say Fox, the GOP’s propaganda organ, didn’t report this:
“Several Republican campaigns also accepted contributions from Madoff, including the former chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Alfonse D’Amato (R-N.Y), who got $1,000 while he was running against Democrat Charles Schumer in 1998.
“In 1996, Ruth Madoff also donated $5,000 to the New Republican Majority Fund, which was the political action committee of then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.).”
Another country that hates us it only took 6 weeks.
President Barack Obama just plain rude to Britain. Don’t call us in future.
Needless to say Pelletizer you are wrong wrong wrong. Even Proud Leftist gave it up when presented with the facts. What data did the article use?
ABC, CNN – competitors or NBC check it out fool!
Uh, Puddy, I don’t recall giving up anything. Sorry, man, I’d like to play, but I can’t.
puttybutt @14 asks, “What data did the article use?”
The answer is, “the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll”
Say, isn’t the Wall Street Journal a rightwing newspaper owned by rightwing media mogul Ruport Murdoch? Yes, it is!!! So, when even Murdoch’s rightwing rag says Obama is kicking GOP butt, pudpacker is WRONG!!!
Give it up, puttbutt! Even Murdoch is against you.
Thanks for admitting it Pelletizer
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 02/26 – 03/01 1007 A 60 26 +34
Yep that’s an all time high fool!
You walked right into that one fool! Enjoy your foolish vacation fool!
Proud Leftist, you gave up on the facts slappin yo silly face. See post#17 again… 60% ain’t even close to 76% starting approval…
See ha leftist
Too bad it’s our tax money paying for obama’s screw ups. Let see how many do you have 5 or 6
Foreign ties of nominee questioned (say it’s not true omama ) can we get a grown up in the wh
AFL-CIO Union Execs Hold Winter Meeting at Luxury Miami Resort.
While millions of union Americans lose their job’s everyday the union bosses are having a grand old time with your money. Where is the outrage from congress? Lou on CNN asked the same question.
the puddybiotch has turned into a screeching screaming harpie.
dude’s tripped out, man.
7. YLB spews:
Obama is playing the old game of claiming to extend the hand while doing nothing bi-partisan in his actions…then squealing when no Republican’s support his pork-laden bills.
Obama is suffering from BCS (Bastard Child Syndrome) which allows him to do & say things in direct conflict and justify them because his daddy abandoned him…and so did his mommy for years.
Obama’s mental illness is becoming more & more obvious. His poll numbers, while down since the Inauguration, are still up simply because Americans want government help and Obama is pretending to be Santa Klaus.
Obama is still a drug addict…his drug of choice is OPM (Other People’s Money).
22 – The stimulus package is 42 percent tax cuts.
Mental illness? Read your Bible again. Something about the log in your own eye?
Obama is implementing policies that are KNOWN to work. Now he’s paying for it by cutting Chimp administration waste and raising taxes on those who can clearly afford it. Going where the money is.
He’s not going after me. I’ve been tapped out by 30 years of bad right wing policies.
Cynical, this how stupid HAs knuckle dragger is and forever will be… ever heard of hedge-fund and private-equity partners fool?
From specific analyses of specific hedge-fund donations; they were better than 2-to-1 Democratic in the 2006 election. Who are these hedge fund peeps? Rich mofos! So I applaud more Democratics finally paying higher taxes.
Looking for the 2008 analyses.
And by the way, Obama is giving our family a little break come April. Not much but we’ll take it.
And when this gets going (it’s already started):
Citizens of our state will breathe a bit easier, coming back to work building things that will fuel economic growth.
Suck on it right wing losers.
but not Republicans.. typical.. You guys are the ultimate freeloaders.
Foolish village clueless idiot knuckledragging on HA. Your side is making sure conservatives pay their fair share. It’s the class warfare y’all have been proposing. So why does Puddy need to pile on fool!
What a dunce. Scurry along your dunce cap is waiting in the corner.
Oh and Puddy will be screwed next year by Obama.
Sigh…. I’m reminded of Bill Clinton raising taxes on the rich. That evil tax hike, that class warfare, that shit-headed right wingers said would tank the economy.
So evil, that when Bubba left office the government’s books were in surplus, the country was at full employment, we were at peace and the rich were WAY richer – at least those rich who were smart enough to cash out early.
The Limbaugh-lovers were wrong then and they’re wrong now. Too bad the stupid will always be with us. That twenty-five percent number is stubborn.
@25 And by the way, Obama is giving our family a little break come April.
Well, it looks like the stock market is giving you an even bigger break right now. You’ve probably lost more just today than what you’re getting back in April! Somehow, the markets aren’t finding much to cheer about.
30 – Who said I have anything in the stock market?
Some people see it as a buying opportunity. Maybe it is.
The financial markets always overreact.
Pubbydub puts his fingers to the keyboard, tells some lies, gets slapped back with reality, and makes a fool of himself.
Just another day.