With rumors that Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske is heading to D.C. to have his tax returns scrutinized, the podcast panel spends more than a little time on drugs, meandering around topics from the mean streets of Seattle, to the state’s top cash crop, to national enforcement policy.
Nibbling on some local issues, the podcast turns to mayoral runs, and Goldy extracts answers from his panel, including a Seattle City Council-member. One improbable “yes” emerges.
Back on drugs, the panel takes a swim in the latest pool of Reefer Madness. It seems Tony the Tiger has forsaken his munching minions. And A-Rod hits one out of the park with banned substances. Ironically, it takes a “stimulus package” to close out the podcast drug-free.
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Seattle City Council-member Tim Burgess, Effin’ Unsound’s and Horsesass’s Lee, and founder of Headzup.tv, John Shay.
The show is 40:58, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:http://www.podcastingliberally.com/podcasts/podcasting_liberally_feb_10_2009.mp3][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
boo! i can’t hear whoever the last two people are, and when lee tries to talk about his epic ‘joe biden’s war’ piece, all i hear is somebody – joel connelly? – breathing into the mic.
I guess every issue boils down in the end to the need to legalize pot. Am I the only one on earth whose life doesn’t revolve around ganja?
has anyone noticed that the pi has shrunk this week? it is an inch narrower. will it shrink an inch a week until march and then vanish? and what do i do with my new pi subscription bill that asks me to pay for continued delivery to may, 09?
Republicans Are Greedy Bastards Who Kill People For Money
You’ve heard of the peanut butter scandal, right? Well, it’s as bad as it gets — not only did the company knowingly put salmonella-laced products on the market (which subsequently killed several people and sickened many others), it has a long history of doing the same thing.
Wait, it gets worse! The owner of the company was a federal regulator. That’s right, Bush’s Secretary of Agriculture (who won a U.S. Senate seat in November) appointed Stewart Parnell to the USDA’s board that regulates peanut processors. Where Mr. Parnell used his influence to try to get federal inspectors off his back. According to Wikipedia, “After the company was identified as the source of the outbreak, Parnell sent an e-mail to officials at the FDA pleading with them to allow the company to continue doing business. He wrote that they ‘desperately at least need to turn the raw peanuts on our floor into money.'”
Parnell isn’t exactly a small businessman struggling to make ends meet. According to Wikipedia, he and his wife “live outside Lynchburg, Virginia, with a second home in Nags Head, North Carolina … [he] is a member of the Oakwood Country Club in Lynchburg, and flies his own airplane.” That’s a nice hobby if you can afford it, and he apparently can.
This slimesucker is, unfortunately, typical of the diseased Republican Party. They will literally kill people to make a buck. Nothing matters to them except the almighty dollar.
Well, there’s a New Sheriff In Town(TM) and Parnell’s company is now banned from doing business with the federal government. That should be only the beginning. There will no doubt be a grand jury and let’s hope this killer does serious jail time — e.g., half a dozen life sentences, served consecutively. And I can hardly wait until the class-action lawyers mug this s.o.b. Remember GOP “tort reform”? Republicans’ answer to outrages like this — this case represents out-and-out criminal behavior that resulted in mass deaths — is taking away your right to sue. Remember that the next time a Republican asks you to vote for him.
Real friends don’t let their friends vote for Republicans.
The Times is about the size of my college newspaper lately.
Pot isn’t nearly as bad for you as salmonella-laced peanut butter, and if Republicans spent 1/10th of 1% as much energy and money on regulating crooked peanut processers as they spend trying to suppress medical use of marijuana, a bunch of innocent people would still be alive.
Republicans’ values and priorities are fucked up.
@6: Peanut butter and weed, two food items made for each other.
jerry gargiglio @ 1
“i can’t hear whoever the last two people are, and when lee tries to talk about his epic ‘joe biden’s war’ piece, all i hear is somebody – joel connelly? – breathing into the mic.”
Sounds like you are only getting sound from (or hearing out of) the left channel.
Try turning your headphones around. If you hear Lee and John, your next stop should be an audiologist.