For those of you who read HA, maybe comment from time to time, this blogging thing may look simple. Write up a few posts, and then go on with your day. Certainly, some of us (er, me) just post somewhat rarely, and expect to stay at our day jobs.
Goldy expects to actually make a living from writing here, and as a fan of the blog who wants to see the quality stay high, I certainly appreciate that. As a friend of Goldy’s, I think it’s nuts: Someone with his skills in technology and knowledge in politics should by rights make a lot more money than he does.
But Goldy keeps on chugging here. For a lot less than a decent political operative makes, he’s helped more than just about anyone locally outside of the Burner campaign push the Responsible Plan into the public discourse. He has stood up to the Chinese importers of tainted pet food, David Irons, and the shameless Republican hacks pushing their lies after the 2004 election. He’s done it all with well researched, informative, and most importantly, fun posts.
Writing a compelling blog, even one with modest readership compared to many of the large national blogs, requires a lot of work. Even for Goldy, who has one of the most tolerant comment policies, there is a good deal of moderation. The new look that you see is the result of a lot of late night coding. The research that goes into his posts takes a lot of time.
So, please, Goldy only has one fundraiser per year. If you care about a quality alternative to the mainstream local media (or just if you enjoy his critiques) give some scratch. If you care about the stories he’s helped push, please give a bit. If you’ve enjoyed discussions in the comment threads (and surely someone has) consider giving a few bucks.
Also, for the long term, advertising may be a better way to go, especially if you’ve got a company or a cause you’d like to promote.
I gave most of my money to Eyman, who without,
Goldy would not have acheived rock star status.
It seems rather un-democratic to contribute one’s own money to such a cause. Shouldn’t there be a tax to support such ventures? On the other hand – “Day by Day” raised over $10k in less than 24 hours.
@1: funny Mark.
Rock star status for Eyeman? Maybe among those people with little ability to think for themselves. For people who are actuallly paying attention – Eyeman is a proven liar who, after denying getting paid for his initiatives, admitted to taking money from (among others) big business such as the BIAW for his initatives. So much for the man of the people and the people’s initiatives. Eyeman has been bought and has lied about being a shill – if that makes him a rock star in Mark’s book – well that reflects on the ability of Mark to actually use what is left of his tiny brain.
Good point on advertising. I’ve done that in the past for PNW Topic Hotlist. Goldy gets his dollars and you get your exposure.
I actually believe Eyeman should get paid. Why should he have to sacrifice his standard of living to give what obviously most people want (lower taxes). If that takes a couple of 100k so be it. And yes he can still have the honor too. roof roof.
So nice to have a dog brain chime in for a proven liar – it really says something about the quality of the trolls on here that they love a proven liar and shill for big business. Principles and truth don’t matter to these people – as long as the taxes stay low – they would put up with a dictator or liar =- h yeah, they also support Bush – another proven liar who – it turns out – paid generals to provide insight into the Iraq war – from the Pentagons point of view. Yup – corruption runs rampant in the once grand old party – now the pparty of liars and thieves. I know that I won’t go there anymore.
Dog- is it also OK for him to violate the law?
“By a vote of 5-0, the Commission found that there are apparent multiple violations of
RCW 42.17 by Permanent Offense PAC….”
This blog has gotten worse than Public Television with interminable ads asking for money interspersed with short intervals of a few good shows.
At least he came out and said he was taking
a salary. Hillary calls it misspoke because I
was “tired.” I’m tired too but it doesn’t make
me lie. Eyman is ten times the man any of you
tards are. At least he knows right from wrong.
@9 Don’t make me laugh! I’ll spit liquid on my laptop and you’ll owe me. Tim Eyman has proven nothing if not that he has the moral compass of a pedophile priest.
Mark @9,
Eyman lied about taking money. He denied it and denied it and denied it, and only admitted it after he was caught red handed. He’s and admitted liar. He admitted to lying. That’s a fact.
As for me, I could be making a pretty penny right now if that’s what I chose to do, but for the moment I choose to dedicate myself toward trying to make a difference. I know that’s hard for some people on the right to understand.
Cmon, Goldster, lay off the martyrdom. You do this because you love the attention paid (not the money paid) to your wisdom, intellect and getting to write the word “fuck” whenever you want about whatever you want.
And there is nothing, not a thing, wrong with that.
Oh pulease… you are LAZY… give up your Tuesday night whine fest, get off your fat ass and go get a fucking job…what the hell kind of example are you setting for your she-brat… whine with your fucking hand out then run to Florida.
Grow the fuck up. If you can’t afford to live the way you want, get a job of CHANGE. You are a perfect example of a blood sucking lazy leech. I hopw the woman smart enough to leave you yanks the she-brat away from you for failure to support her properly in you hopeless quest for your 15 min of fame.
Hatemonger @13,
So the question is… why are you here? If I’m so awful and despicable, why are you reading my crap? And why are you so eager for me to give up blogging?
You’ll never understand what motivates me. Never.
@ 13
It is impossible to fathom the wingnut mind. Other than to assume they want everything for free, and actually believe they are entitled to it!
You obviously use this blog, whether for entertainment, or just to spew your hatred and moronic ideology.
This blog provides a service. And you use this service. So goddammit, put some money behind your:
A. Entertainment
B. Misguided propaganda
use of the service.
But then, you are a wingnut. Why the hell should you actually pay for anything?
Fucking typical wingnut leech.
@11 Maybe he was tired from the gunfire and he
misspoke is all. I don’t hear you knocking
clinton. Eyman just thought noone would want
to support him if they knew he was taking a
salary. A HUGE difference in character, but
you’ll never understand what motivates Tim.
Never. Ever. Never.
Lay off, Goldy. You’re just encouraging the idiots. And we already know they don’t understand quite a few things.
@15 Blatantly Oblivious Holy fuck do you
have it backwards. What union are you in? Employment Security run out? I have to know.
Go ahead and explain it to me, Mark.
WTF are you talking about? Employment security?
Never mind, don’t explain anything to me. It is obvious you haven’t the first clue about anything.
@ 19
You have to remember, Republicans would gladly pay more money to support Tim Eyman than all of the taxes that Eyman’s initiatives have actually saved them over the years.
@ 20 True, add to that the reality that they forget to include the degradation of infrastructure that irresponsible “LOWER TAXES NOW” menatility burdens themselves and their children with.
On a National level, that same mental retardation dooms their children and grandchildren to ever increased taxes to pay for their “free ride” (deficit) mentality.
Republicans are the most irresponsible and loathsome creatures that ever existed.
And that includes all the major biological parasites.
I’m still curious how you plan to treat the proceeds of your “Fund-Raiser” for TAX purposes??
The biggest bite will be the 15.4% Self-Employment Tax and the 1.5% State B&O Tax. Not sure what tax bracket you are in…probably zero.
The way you have marketed this Goldy it is certainly income to you. You are not a Non-Profit and are providing a service for those who “contribute”. Just because you call it a “donation” doesn’t make it so.
I really hope you go thru the tax exercise and see how little of your “donations” end up in your pocket.
Perhaps then you will have a greater appreciation for Self-employed folks who create jobs for others.
I guess you can always cheat….waking up every night in a cold sweat knowing the IRS is lurking outside your window.
PS–I would never rat you out.
Goldy you bring out the wingnuts with these pledge drives and for that reason alone I love them.
You have all these pathetic idiots on the right hanging around here telling you how bad your blog is. This is too fucking funny that these nuts don’t even see how fucking utterly stoooopid they look. You don’t see me at UnSound Politics. That’s a place for cowards, traitors, chickenhawks and inbred morons.
Why would a right winger WANT to hang out here? Only a looooser would take the position that you suck AND want to hang around.
And then there Cynical who seems obsessed with your income. I think we should assume he’s a tax cheat of the highest order since he seems to be painfully aware of the IRS rules – usually the person spewing the most bs about taxes is a cheat. Did you pay your taxes last year Cynical or are you like most right wingers and you expected someone else to pay them for you? Just like you expect someone else to fight the war in Iraq for you!
Just remember, it was the Bush administration’s response to Katrina which really caused most of the public to recognize just what a load of B.S. the Bush administration had been feeding them over the previous four years, and for the media to be willing to stand up and question Bush and his fellow Republicans over how they were handling the affairs of the country. And Goldy had a valuable hand in it, revealing that the Katrina disaster wasn’t just a hurricane, but the predictable combined affect of cronyism and intentional dismemberment of an important part of the federal government.
So thanks, Goldy.
More fun from today’s news:
A Republican legislater in Colorado calls Mexican immigrants “illiterate peasants”.
And Wiley gives an insight into the future which lies ahead for the Republican party, their leaders and financial supporters, after this year’s elections:
Hey, don’t forget, we have an opportunity to really stick it in the face of Stern & Bennett, by supporting the Seattle Storm and it’s new local owners.
It would be fun to sell out the Key Arena and have the Storm break a profit in a place that Stern and Bennett dissed.