The Seattle P-I reports today that initiative whore Tim Eyman is counting on evangelical churches to gather the 112,440 signatures he needs to put his anti-gay rights referendum on the ballot.
Though early reports indicated a lackluster response to the measure, Eyman is banking on an eleventh-hour surge from as many as 5,400 churches he hopes will participate in “Referendum Sunday.”
“That means that this weekend nearly 500,000 voters are going to hear about and talk about our effort to get a public vote on House Bill 2661,” Eyman wrote in an e-mail sent to the media and supporters. “They’ll be asked to not only sign the petition, but to take petitions home and fill them up and return them next Sunday.”
Hmm. According to the Washington State Department of Revenue, our state’s churches receive about $44 million in property tax exemptions annually — that’s tax burden that is shifted to ordinary citizens like you and me. But one of the prerequisites for maintaining this not-for-profit status is that these churches must refrain from actively engaging in political campaigns.
If tomorrow, on “Referendum Sunday,” these churches distribute petitions and/or canvass for signatures, or parishioners are instructed to do so, I would say that this would constitute a very real violation of the prohibition on electioneering, and would thus provide clear grounds for suing to have their tax exempt status revoked. Sound heavy handed? Well, no more heavy handed than say, the Evergreen Freedom Foundation’s penchant for filing Public Disclosure Commission complaints against school teachers who distribute political literature on school property.
So I strongly urge all my readers to show a little faith, and go to church tomorrow (focus on those evangelical mega-churches if you can,) and bring along a video camera or other recording device, just in case. And God forbid you find any prohibited political campaigning on church property, drop me an email.
If our state’s churches want to play politics, then they better be prepared to play political hardball.
Actually sit though a church service and at a mega church to boot. You have to be kidding. :)
Coopting churches was the single most brilliant Republican tactic of the last quarter century. The Democrats were caught completely flat footed. The above comment illustrates how that’s still the case.
Your foolishness is our reward.
LOL goldstein -you’re libs would spontaneously combust!
I’d take you up on the offer, but I have to work tomorrow. Great idea though.
Well we have our American Taliban attempting to re-enact The Test Act (Amurica-Style) and have adopted many of the practices of The Star Chamber, so violating the separation of Church activities and civil political action cannot be far away.
What many of our current Religious Enthusiasts fail to understand is that if you seek to create an ‘Established Church’, it may not be their flavor of Religion.
While 501(c)3 organizations such as churches are prohibited from participating in candidate races, they *are* allowed to participate in legislative lobbying, including initiative campaigns subject to various limits.
I would recommend focusing on making sure that churches are accurately reporting their contributions to Eyman’s campaign to the PDC.
yipes goldy,
lets outlaws jews too while we’re at it
or make christians wear cloth crosses.
we know you guys wanna make us go away. power of the state to make it happen, eh?
we know you guys wanna make us go away. power of the state to make it happen, eh?
No, we just want you to stay out our bedrooms, our lives, our government
The beauty of this is that the churches don’t have to remind the practicioners on how they should vote. If they are true Christians they will usaully vote conservative 99% of the time. I know of no law prohibiting churches from mentioning a petition exist. I expect that there will be a flyer on my vehicle when I get out of church tomorrow just like there was before the 2004 election. If the commie left wants to make this an issue it bring it on.
Can someone please explain to me why someone should get special privileges from the state just becaue they like the feeling of having a dick up their ass?
Just wondering…
“According to the Washington State Department of Revenue, our state’s churches receive about $44 million in property tax exemptions annually – that’s tax burden that is shifted to ordinary citizens like you and me. But one of the prerequisites for maintaining this not-for-profit status is that these churches must refrain from actively engaging in political campaigns.” […………………………………Goldystein, You mean like Jesse Jackson’s church? Or Al Sharpton’s? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
11, GBS, Leftturn, Bob from Boeing………What say you???
No, we just want you to stay out our bedrooms, our lives, our government
You people are so weird. Goldy says, “Hey, church tax exempt status is based on the separation of church and state
No, we just want you to stay out our bedrooms, our lives, our government
You people are so weird.
Goldy says, in effect, “Hey, church tax exemption is based on the assumed separation of church and state; should the church dedicate a portion of its resources to political campaigning it violates the separation of church and state– therefore ceasing to meet the legal definition of a church and forfeiting its tax-exempt status. Many churches have expressed an intention to dedicate their resources– specifically their untaxed event facilities –to campaigning for Tim Eyman. Let’s make sure they don’t do that– or, if they do, that they don’t get away with it.”
What’s provocative about this idea?
Whoops. Cut-and-paste ghost. (sheepish grin)
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 11,
“Can someone please explain to me why someone should get special privileges from the state just becaue they like the feeling of having a dick up their ass?”
Well…I am not sure why YOU feel you should get special privileges just because you pack fudge on the side. But the short answer is that such special privileges do not exist. Unfortunately, you are to blinded by your ignorance to actually sit down and read and understand the law.
By the way, Mark the Swollen Asshole Redneck, when ARE you going to make good on your bet? I mean, is it your intention to just steal the money from Goldy? Time to turn your pathetic life around and do one thing—just one thing—that is honorable.
Goldy, I can only say AMEN.
10. True followers of the teachings of Christ should be unable to vote for the current philosophy of the Republican Party. The Paulists, Inquisitors, and selective reading fundamentalists are a different bunch of nut jobs.
I do my best to follow the true teachings of Christ and other enlightened teachers. Unlike George and Osama, I don’t need any mysticism to guide my behavior.
Bet W. (Welsher) Bush @ 11:
Honor the wager you challenged Goldy to and LOST if the word honor has any meaning to you.
dj “By the way, Mark (W. Bush), when ARE you going to make good on your bet? I mean, is it your intention to just steal the money from Goldy?”
Of course! He always intended to steal from Goldy if he lost his wager. He is a Republican, he knows nothing else but thievery.
I would take the left more seriously about this issue if I saw more public school teachers getting fired for talking politics in the classroom. The left is just a bunch of hypocrites like always.
I would take RUFUS W. Bush more seriously about any issue if he didn’t continually just make shit up all the time.
I’m totally opposed to Eyman and his referendum, but I’m not sure how far this will go. Churches are allowed (within limits) to lobby for or against legislation and to take sides on political issues. What they cannot do is campaign for or against a particular candidate. While it might be interesting to hear what some of these churches are saying in regards to Eyman’s campaign…I doubt you’ll manage to revoke any of their tax-exempt statuses.
By the way, not all Christian churches are supporting Eyman in this! There are plenty of churches on the other side of the debate, who believe in equality for gay and lesbian people.
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
I come up with a fictitious poll and I get called a liar. Leave it to a donk.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 10:06 pm
You tell em Donna. Don’t let them get away with it.
Courage Donna, courage.
This is one reason why I have really been working my federal reps to abolish tax exept status for churches. The righties are always claiming they want a smaller government but in effect, want government to fund churches. I already had your idea. I will be at one church with a very small camera that is worn on the glasses. My wife will be at another with the same getup. We will be trying to get evidence of IRS taxcode violations to forward to the appropriate officials. I’d love to catch these taliban wannabes breaking the law.
But I won’t see RUFAS, YO or KLAKE they don’t get out of the sex offender unit at McNeil Island on Sundays.
So if we’re going to grant special privileges based on who you fuck, when do I get my turn?
I like to fuck petite young blondes with tight pussies and big tits.
When do I get special privileges? Just wondering…
Left turn. You have it son. The idea of going incognito with an eyeglass cam shows you have the gravitas to make it as a lefty journalist.
Courage LT, courage.
Dan @ 24:
Don’t you have any other material? Or is this the best that you can do?
Don’t you have any other material? Or is this the best that you can do?
Commentby Green Thumb— 5/20/06@ 7:06 pm
Sure I am glad you asked. Do you have a typewriter from 1971? I do my best work on that. Hehe
Exactly, Dan. You’re a one-joke comic. I hope they don’t pay you for such ineffective agitprop.
I hope the secret service doesn’t figure out how many times I got into the White House pretending to be a journalist so I could suck the VPs little dick!
Now,now, Jeff@31, tell the truth. . .you were trysting with cute little turd-blossom KKKarl Rove.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 26
“So if we’re going to grant special privileges based on who you fuck, when do I get my turn? I like to fuck petite young blondes with tight pussies and big tits.”
Oh…so you supposedly swing both ways, huh? Sorry, dipshit, you don’t get special privileges for that, either.
But, thieves do lose privileges in our society. Repent Mark the Thieving Redneck. Pay Goldy the $100 you owe him. If you work really hard, you may even be able to turn your pointless life around and get out of a routine of dishonesty and thievery.
I got paid a lot more for my shtick on CBS. That was until the damn Bush economy forced me into early retirement. The market is all but gone for the lefty propaganda news business.
MarktheRetardedRedNeck@26 You are a slow learner . By your own accounting that sort of behavior cost you five-hundred thousand dollars.
MTR turned into a Kennedy a couple weeks ago. If a broad gets out of line he will just take her for a little drive.
Where is Roger and why is he not posting as usual?
Does Jesse and Al have a church? Are they really REVs?? Did Jesse reallt “counsel” Bill after his blow jobs with Monica? Does Jesse also “counsel” Hillary? Did Al Sharpton “counsel” Tawana Brawley? Are all black Democrats brain dead to follow such dumbass race baiting con men?
Does Jesse and Al have a church? Are they really REVs?? Did Jesse Jackson really “counsel” Bill Clinton after his blow jobs with Monica? Did she swallow? Does GBS swallow? Does Don? Did Jesse Jacksoooooooooooon also “counsel” Hillary? Does Hillary swallow, or is she really a lesbo? Did Al Sharpton “counsel” Tawana Brawley? Are all black Democrats brain dead to follow such dumbass race baiting con men?
Irony Alert!
“Are all black Democrats brain dead to follow such dumbass race baiting con men?
Commentby JCH W. Bush — 5/20/06@ 9:07 pm
I guess your next move is to remove tax exemption for churches who stick to the law on same sex sex. Use the $$ to attack the churches, use some bs like ‘denying rights for all of us’ etc.
you don’t care about the tax money, you just hate what they say.
“I guess your next move is to remove tax exemption for churches who stick to the law on same sex sex.”
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Good for you, Dan @ 34. You’ve got two jokes now. You’re making progress.
Okay, now try for three. Can you give me another one, Dan? This is important — you gotta pay the mortgage now, Dan, right? Gotta PRODUCE!
You know why Kevin Carns added “Kennedy” to his various stage names here? Because he thinks the left actually cares. But see, we don’t want royalty, unlike the right, with the Bush clan. I’m about as liberal as can be (without swinging into JCH’s closet), and why would I care about whether someone named Kennedy was being made fun of or not?
I will be at church tomorrow morning, with my family. And I will oppose any silly referenda which discriminate against folks whose sexual orientation differs from the mainstream.
Let all of you consider, What Would Jesus Do?
Sorry Goldy — your understanding of state law is simply incorrect. RCW 84.36.020 provides a blanket exemption of church property (up to five acres per parcel) from property taxation, and nothing in state law would make a church ineligible for such exemption, no matter how much political activity the church may engage in:
But it is a good idea for your followers to go to church tomorrow — especially to churches where they think Eyman’s petitions might be circulating. It is good for the spirit, and they might learn something :)
Mark, I bet you just bed blonde after blonde with your romantic stylings regarding “tight pussies and big tits.” *
* Any pussy that can be described as tight by someone as pencil-dicked as Mark would be quite something. **
** The great thing about Mark Reddick is that he essentially proves he’s a junior high student in his momma’s basement by bragging about stuff that anyone who actually has accomplished what he claims he has never does: bagging chicks, various and sundry degrees, and wealth. I know lots of guys who actually do well in all of those areas and they never, ever mention them, it’s just part of who they are. But don’t worry, Mark–one day, you’ll have a girl and a job. But you’ll have to put the cheetos down and go outside first.
Here here Anonymous. Well said. I will drink to that. Hey aren’t you the same guy in my weekly alcohol classes.
Hey at least the law is fair. The law also covers cemetaries a democratic stronghold.
And, Rufus, what is the basis for your comment @49. From what I recall the votes cast on behalf of the deceased were cast for Rossi. Oh, that’s right, you are not concerned with facts.
And, Rufus, what is the basis for your comment @49. From what I recall the votes cast on behalf of the deceased were cast for Rossi. Oh, that’s right, you are not concerned with facts.
Commentby K— 5/20/06@ 10:07 pm
Whoa K. Are you saying that they did an audit of the election results in KC? Where are they so everyone else can see.
I am saying, Rufus, that where there were confirmed cases of folks voting on behalf of deceased relatives, those folks voted for Rossi. WHat facts do you have?
Give me some evidence, Rufus. Something a Court of Law might accept. Oh yeah, that didn’t work, did it.
Repeating a lie don’t make it truth. In spite of Karl Rove’s life work.
Well there not many fact to go on in KC, that’s for sure. One is that KC was unable to reconcile voter registrations with ballots cast. Another is that KC found 100 ballots in the second recount but could not identify which ones they were when the second recount was done. Third was the mishandling of provisional ballots cast in many polling places. Wouldn’t you think if these were all honest mistakes that KCRE would request an audit to show good faith? What say you?
Well, Rufus, my recollection is that you got to litigate this question in a venue of your choosing and lost.
I believe that is also a fact.
Were we ever shown proof that the military ballots in KC were mailed out when KC said they mailed them out? Can anyone point me to the answer?
From what I recall the votes cast on behalf of the deceased were cast for Rossi.
But then again, they also said on election day that they were eligible voters. I guess you only believe their story when it benefits you.
Just wondering… if Mooslims at a mosque also come out against special privileges for butt fuckers, will you go after them too? How ’bout if real Jews do also?
Or do you moonbats hate only Christians?
Just wondering…
46, you might be correct about the RCW’s on property, but those churches are also often non-profit corporatins under state and federal law. They might want to check out how much income and B&O tax they might need to pay on the tithing if they dabble in politics .!
So OJ was found not guilty too but everyone think he did it. The same scenario applies to the KCRE debacle. You can say that we lost in court until your blue in the face but the people know better.
Shit YO, if you could actually spell as if you graduated even the 6th grade, you might be taken seriously.
I could have sworn that the NAACP has tax exempt status as well. But I’m pretty sure that they don’t “refrain from actively engaging in political campaigns.”
Hey # 65 there are different classes of non-profits. 501 C-3’s cannot engage in political activity while 501 C-4’s can. Some groups have both status, in this case they can only spend money generated specifically for political activity on political activity.
Good point me. The 501 C-4 scenario doesn’t apply in the NAACP example. There has been numerous articles on the abuse of the NAACPs abuse of its 501 C-3 status going back many years. Nice try though.
“So if we�re going to grant special privileges based on who you fuck, when do I get my turn? I like to fuck petite young blondes with tight pussies and big tits.â€
Propose to her and, if you’ve managed to get her drunk enough, maybe she’ll say yes and you can marry her and spend the rest of your pathetic lives in trailer-park bliss … and then you’ll have more special privileges than every gay person in Washington.
At issue is the type of political activity and the proportion of it to nonpolitical activities. The IRS has recently cracked down on churches that allegedly abused their nonprofit status during the 2004 election cycle, but interestingly enough the focus has been on churches noted for anti-administration activities.
As such, Rufus can rest assured that if the NAACP has abused its nonprofit status that Bush’s IRS will leave no stone untouched.
Hey # 65 there are different classes of non-profits. 501 C-3’s cannot engage in political activity while 501 C-4’s can
Hey # 66, the NAACP is a 501 C-3.
The Bible is fiction. The odds against matter organizing in such a way as to create a sentient creature like a human is astronomical.
But then I realize that at least 1/3 of my fellow humans listen to and believe the pronouncements of the likes of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and it trivializes the whole human experiment to near zero.
The church today has fallen prey to the heresy of democracy.
R.J. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law (Nutley, NJ: Craig Press, 1973), p. 747.
According to the Public Eye Magazine: “Gary North claims that ‘the ideas of the Reconstructionists have penetrated into Protestant circles that for the most part are unaware of the original source of the theological ideas that are beginning to transform them.’ North describes the ‘three major legs of the Reconstructionist movement [as] the Presbyterian oriented educators, the Baptist school headmasters and pastors, and the charismatic telecommunications system’.”
Remember folks. . . state law isn’t the issue. Federal law is. The IRS specifically prohibits certain political activity at churches. If you see ANYTHING that resembles political activity, don’t be influenced by wannabe lawyers or right wing inbred trolls. Document it and forward it to the IRS. Let them determine if the conduct violates the code. I plan to gather three hours of video footage today at one of the most far right churches I could find. I also plan to do a little debate and disinformation campaign while I’m there just for fun. The battle for America starts by kicking the right wing bible thumpers out of government. Nothing less than our republic is at stake.
Amigos Liberales: This may seem off topic, but actually it’s not. Have you ever noticed on uSP that if you interject a dissenting opinion that interrupts the self-confirming and self congratulatory flow of their conceptual lambe juevos circle jerk , they accuse you of being “off topic”! ( moonbat style).
I think the safety of groupothink and the warm fuzzies they get from within the safety net of the groupothink groupo is what they seek. These are not people who have deep convictions about the moral wrongness of homosexuality. They are merely deeply neurotico weak minded individuals who need a rigid belief system and a charismatic leader to enforce the beliefs.
These people conceive of God as a rule-crazy punishing monster whose only care is to make sure EVERYONE follows the exacto sameo rules.
These lambe huevos just need another rigid belief. They need to fervently believe that God wants them to mind their own stinking business!!
Golly Goldy, I don’t seem to remember reading your spew when John Kerry was visiting churches trying to get votes:
“Not only did he get the pulpit to advance his candidacy, but also several other speakers made a display of partisanship that outflanks the most obvious efforts of the Christian Right. The Rev. Al Sharpton spoke of this next election as a big payback for President Bush. Former Democratic congresswoman Carrie Meek explained that Kerry is fighting against liars and demons. The pastor of the church introduced Senator Kerry as the next president of the United States. So much for the neutrality of the church in partisan politics.”
“Is it me or is it telling that when President Bush goes to church it is to worship and when Senator Kerry goes to church it is to campaign? The Democrats are the ones hollering constantly about separation of church and state and they are the only ones on the national ticket attending church to campaign.”
Or John “Perfect Hair” Edwards do ing the same:
More on or is it Moron donks dishing crap for campaign votes:
Now For the Cluesless will say USA Today is a righty rag.
re 77: Puddo-lambe juevos: Can you point me in the direction of finding the left’s political religious base that they pander to constantly in order to stir the pot and deflect people from serious thought on real issues? I don’t think you can, because that is a tactic reserved exclusively for Republicans, who are the only political party that has a vested interest in keeping people from thinking straight, while they (the Republicans )steal everything in sight
our Rovian tactic of saying that it is, in fact , the Democrats who are using people’s religious convictions to politically motivate is totally a lie and out of line. It’s John McCain who is pandering to the likes of that right wing American cleric, Jerry Falwell, not a Democrat. You need to use the correct facts as they exist in the present , not cherry-picked instances that you search high and low for and then twist to try to get these facts to mean what you want them to
Usted es un lambe juevos muy grande!
Pendejo GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO: “Rev.” Al Sharpton & “Rev.” Jesse Jackson. – Just answered paragraph #1
Cherry picking? “The Democratic National Committee launched a new Internet site called which instructs people to “Share it with your pastor and ask if you can distribute it at your church.” Oddly it is the Democrats, particularly the liberal Democrats who are always screaming about “separation of church and state.” The liberal media is almost constantly complaining about President George W. Bush “pandering” to the Christian right. Yet not a single evening news show has talked about this very blatant illegal activity on the part of Democrats. After receiving numerous complaints the DNC changed the site to tell people to pass out the pro-Kerry material where “large numbers of people gather.” ”
Nuff said!
This is how a republican gets elected. The morons like PuddyButt who doesn’t see the difference between a candidate going to a church and the church promoting the candidate. I guess when you have brother and sister marrying this is the result you can expect.
Gotta go now. I’m off to catch right wing bible thumpers violating the tax code. While I am at it, I’ll probably spot a bunch of the DATELINE CHILD PREDATOR suspects too since most pedophiles are church goers.
Singling out groups for special Legislation because of sexual orientation is a bad idea and quite unnecessary… least according to gays & lesbians I know.
Once again, this is the fringe lunatic left pandering to a perceived “constituency” they deem downtrodden. The vast majority of gays & lesbians simply want to live productive lives. It’s the radical KLOWNS that constantly desire the spotlight.
Frankly, I glad the Dems have choosen to create yet another sideshow. The majority of Washington residents would prefer the roads be fixed, traffic congestion alleviated, lower taxes and a host of other fundamental infrastructure issues be addressed. This issue is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay at the bottom of the vast majority’s pecking (or is it Pecker???) order.
Many Christians will NOT sign this petition. They feel the roll of government should be to focus on infrastructure and do so cost-effectively. However, they WILL remember that it was the Dems that brought yet another farcical mini-drama to Washington State.
Focus on needs of the family and fixing the huge budget fiasco the Dems have created by overspending a temporary surplus in the last session.
Is that too much to ask???
Puddybud, it is absurd to argue that Democrats politicize religion more than the Republicans. Really, why do you even bother trying to argue otherwise?
The only question is whether you are 1) completely nuts, or 2) a damn liar.
I guess it all comes down to whether or not you are a paid troll. If you are a “professional,” your job description reads: “and lies as necessary.” Which for this administration is pretty much all the time.
I am planning “Survivor, Texas Style.” I am currently recruiting both gay and the one or 2 straight LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS from Horsesass.Org to participate. The contestants will start in Dallas, travel through Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston, and down to Brownsville. They will proceed up to Del Rio, on to El Paso, then to Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, and Amarillo. From there, they proceed to Abilene, and on to Ft. Worth and back to Dallas.
Each will be driving a pink Volvo with a bumper sticker that reads, “I’m gay, I voted for Al Gore & John Kerry, and I’m here to confiscate your guns.”
The first one to make it back to Dallas wins.
An Irishman, a Italian and a gay guy named Klueless were doing construction work on the scaffolding of a tall building. They were eating lunch. The Irishman said, “Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I’m going to jump off this building.”
The Italian opened his lunch box and exclaimed, “Pasta again! If I get pasta one more time, I’m going to jump off too.”
The guy opened his lunch and said, “Sprouts & free-range TOFU on multi-grain again. If I get a Sprouts & free-range TOFY on multi-grain sandwich one more time, I’m jumping too.”
Next day the Irishman opens his lunch box, sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death. The Italian opens his lunch, sees pasta and jumps too. Klueless opens his lunch, sees the sprouts & free-range TOFU on multi-grain bread and jumps to his death as well.
At the funeral, the Irishman’s wife is weeping. She says, “If I’d known how really tired he was of corned beef and cabbage, I never would have given it to him again!”
The Italian’s wife also weeps and says, “I could have given him linguini or mastacholi! I didn’t realize he hated pasta so much.”
Everyone turned and stared at the KLUELESS’ wife, named GBS. “Hey, don’t look at me,” GBS said. “KLUELESS makes his own lunch.”
If only the right wing morons like Ms. Cynical would be so concerned with GOP spending at the federal level. Let’s check the FACTS…
1) Republicans control each and every branch of the federal government
2) Republicans have a sustainable veto on ANY bill
3) Republicans have created the largest federal agency in history
4) Republicans have created the largest federal budget in history
5) Republicans have created the largest federal deficit in history
If we’re to believe Ms. Cynical then the only responsible course of action for Christians to take is to vote the GOP out of office! Oh I get it…it’s okay to attack Dems for spending but the GOP gets a free pass? Washington state’s spending and taxes are per capita MUCH lower than the federal government.
Oops, sorry, I let FACTS get in the way of a Ms. Cynical rant. How foolish of me.
Nice of the PI to write another news release for Tim Eyman, including publishing the web link for the wacky band of nutcase pastors who have helped pull off this media scam.
And then the “gay defenders” help Tim out by fighting with him in print to make the story a better read – all for the thrill of seeing their names in print and making vanity points. Brainless.
Can we please wait until June 6th before fueling Tim Eyman’s media driven campaign again?
This is all really dopey. Beware of more slow news days prior to June 6 – when we actually find out whether a small gang of the state’s most stridently conservative publicity skeeing ministers actually have much pull.
“Oh I get it…it’s okay to attack Dems for spending but the GOP gets a free pass? Washington state’s spending and taxes are per capita MUCH lower than the federal government.
Oops, sorry, I let FACTS get in the way of a Ms. Cynical rant. How foolish of me.
Commentby LeftTurd— 5/21/06@ 8:50 am”
Dear LeftTurd—
First, I’ve never ever said I agree with the spending by Republicans in Washington DC or that I support Bush. The fact is, the spending is shameful.
The problem with LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS like LeftTurd is that you KLOWNS only see things in terms of Black & White. Republican vs. Democrat…..Left vs. Right…..
Either you are for US or for THEM.
A rather shallow focus on alternatives.
The problem I have with LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS is that you KLOWNS have NO SOLUTIONS!!! You have NO PLAN on what you would SPECIFICALLY do differently. All you GEEKS desire is to be in power. Once there, you are KLUELESS!!
Get a fucking plan LeftTurd!!
And to compare State and Federal spending per capita to justify what the Dems are doing in Washington State is somehow good if FUCKING LUDICROUS!!!!!!!
The Feds provide entirely different services….and NEITHER has any right to be proud of how much bang we get for the buck.
The Dems have had 21 years of power to plan and create a TRAFFIC SOLUTION LeftTurd. They have wasted Billions & Billions on planning and ill-advised ideas with very little product. Taxpayers foolishly raise Gas Taxes on themselves without getting true accountability.
Look at the $84 million Hood Canal Bridge Graving Yard debacle. The sanitized report is 6 months or more past due!!!!!!!!!!!
No one has been fired for this disaster!!!!!!
LeftTurd…….your efforts to paint Washington Dems as “fiscally responsible” fall on deaf ears.
Get a plan and some balls Asshole!
DAY 194 of the Traffic Congestion Improvement Gas Tax Increase–
Seattle is trying desperately to hijack more dollars from the rest of the citizens of Washington to pay for an ill-advised Waterfront Beautification Project (aka PhatBoy Nickles Wet-dream!). Recent Geological reports show Seattle’s earthquake situation is much worse than previously thought. Seattle Waterfront Developers have their “boy” Nickles wasting more time and money to feather their nests. What a joke!!
The Democrats fail to recognize that the MONEY METER is running while the keep fucking around studying and re-studying wet-dreams. The Dems are in charge…..and cannot make a decision.
You must be proud LeftTurd!!
Mr. C writes, in part:
“DAY 194 of the Traffic Congestion Improvement Gas Tax Increase–
Don’t like it???
Do us all a favor and leave.
Delirious George–
The truth hurts doesn’t it!!!
The Dems in Washington State and their LEFTIST PALS in King Kounty have been totally incompetent for 21 years. Hence the mess. And Delirious George’s answer is for someone who doesn’t even live in King Kounty to leave????
No wonder you KLOWNS are so inept!
Nixon @ 2
Give me a break…
“Coopting churches was the single most brilliant Republican tactic of the last quarter century…”
Oh, come on. Churches have not given Republicans that much of an edge. The primary source of the current GOP ascendancy is the swing of the South (that is, Republicans picking up the Southern racists that the democrats left behind during the civil rights struggle). The rest is primarily due to increasing control of the media (a project started in Nixon’s time) enabling effective propagandizing and the percived GOP ‘strength’ on national security issues.
For all your self-back-slapping, Democrats are just as religious as Republicans.
Watch out assholes, here we come…
Mr. Cynical criticizes “LEFTIST PINHEAD CLOWNS” for white-black thinking?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Mr. Cynical, if you are so interested in nuanced thinking why don’t you start leading by example.
I bet you can’t.
BIAW’s Dick is back.
Oh Boy.
GREEN, Ore. — Three California youths had their road trip interrupted when a bong fell from their car at the feet of a policeman during a traffic stop.
An Oregon State trooper pulled the car over Thursday near the Douglas County town of Green.
Police said the large drug pipe fell out as 18-year-old GBS, Calif., opened the car door.
The trooper said he found a bag of psilycybin mushrooms and several bags of marijuana.
One occupant, 19-year-old DON of Oakland, Calif., told the officer he had a California medical marijuana card, but the card is not valid in Oregon.
Leftturn and another occupant were cited for alcohol charges and released.
GBS was jailed on drug charges.
First, I’ve never ever said I agree with the spending by Republicans in Washington DC or that I support Bush. The fact is, the spending is shameful.
The problem with LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS like LeftTurd, rujass and Thumb up his Ass is that you KLOWNS only see things in terms of Black & White. Republican vs. Democrat…..Left vs. Right…..
Either you are for US or for THEM.
A rather shallow focus on alternatives.
The problem I have with LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS is that you KLOWNS have NO SOLUTIONS!!! You have NO PLAN on what you would SPECIFICALLY do differently. All you GEEKS desire is to be in power. Once there, you are KLUELESS!!
Get a fucking plan LeftTurd!!
And to compare State and Federal spending per capita to justify what the Dems are doing in Washington State is somehow good if FUCKING LUDICROUS!!!!!!!
The Feds provide entirely different services….and NEITHER has any right to be proud of how much bang we get for the buck.
The Dems have had 21 years of power to plan and create a TRAFFIC SOLUTION LeftTurd, rujass and Thumb up his Ass. They have wasted Billions & Billions on planning and ill-advised ideas with very little product. Taxpayers foolishly raise Gas Taxes on themselves without getting true accountability.
Look at the $84 million Hood Canal Bridge Graving Yard debacle. The sanitized report is 6 months or more past due!!!!!!!!!!!
No one has been fired for this disaster!!!!!!
LeftTurd, rujax & Thumb up his Ass…….your efforts to paint Washington Dems as “fiscally responsible” fall on deaf ears.
Get a plan and some balls Assholes!
Happy “Referendum Sunday (Part One)” to LardAss the Evilfuckingchristianistbitch!
The day when you can honor your Christ, The Prince of Peace, by endorsing a measure that will make hate permissible by law.
Real nice.
You know, LardAss the Evilfuckingchristianistbitch;
Why don’t you worry more about your precious “gender acceptable” marriages?
(From the US Cencus Bureau, 2003)
About 50% of first marriages for men under age 45 may end in
divorce, and between 44 and 52% of women’s first marriages
may end in divorce for these age groups.
Now this here…it looks about like what I’d expect it to look, given the general unhingement (like THAT “new word, Evilfuckingchristianistbitch?) of the christianist religious reich:
Divorce rates among Christian groups:
The slogan: “The family that prays together, stays together” is well known. There has been much anecdotal evidence that has led to “unsubstantiated claims that the divorce rate for Christians who attended church regularly, pray together or who meet other conditions is only 1 or 2 percent”. 8 [Emphasis ours]. Dr. Tom Ellis, chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Council on the Family said that for “…born-again Christian couples who marry…in the church after having received premarital counseling…and attend church regularly and pray daily together…” experience only 1 divorce out of nearly 39,000 marriages — or 0.00256 percent. 9
A recent study by the Barna Research Group throws extreme doubt on these estimates. Barna released the results of their poll about divorce on 1999-DEC-21. 1 They had interviewed 3,854 adults from the 48 contiguous states. The margin of error is within 2 percentage points. The survey found:
11% of the adult population is currently divorced.
25% of adults have had at least one divorce during their lifetime.
Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significently higher than for other faith groups, and for Atheists and Agnostics.
George Barna, president and founder of Barna Research Group, commented: “While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time. Even more disturbing, perhaps, is that when those individuals experience a divorce many of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support and healing. But the research also raises questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families. The ultimate responsibility for a marriage belongs to the husband and wife, but the high incidence of divorce within the Christian community challenges the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriages.”
According to the Dallas Morning News, a Dallas TX newspaper, the national study “raised eyebrows, sowed confusion, [and] even brought on a little holy anger.” This caused George Barna to write a letter to his supporters, saying that he is standing by his data, even though it is upsetting. He said that “We rarely find substantial differences” between the moral behavior of Christians and non-Christians. Barna Project Director Meg Flammang said: “We would love to be able to report that Christians are living very distinct lives and impacting the community, but … in the area of divorce rates they continue to be the same.” Both statements seem to be projecting the belief that conservative Christians, liberal Christians have the same divorce rate. This disagrees with their own data.
The survey has come under some criticism:
David Popenoe, co-director of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University has said that the survey doesn’t make sense. He based this belief on his assessment that Christians follow biblical models of the family, making a bond that “the secular world doesn’t have…It just stands to reason that the bond of religion is protective of marriage, and I believe it is.”
Tom Ellis of the Southern Baptist Convention suggests that the Barna poll is inaccurate because the people contacted may have called themselves born-again Christians, without having previously made a real commitment to God. He said: “We believe that there is something more to being a Christian…Just saying you are Christian is not going to guarantee that your marriage is going to stay together.” 9
Some researchers have suggested that religion may have little or no effect on divorce rates. The apparently higher rate among born-again Christians, and lower rate among Atheists and Agnostics may be due to the influence of financial and/or educational factors.
One reason for the discrepancy of beliefs about divorce rates among born-again Christians may be that their churches are unaware of the true number of divorcing couples in their midst.
Many couples would find it difficult to continue attending services in the same congregation after their marital separation; meeting at church would be awkward. So, they drop out.
Many probably find that the climate in their church is very negative towards divorcing couples. So, they move to other congregations that are either more accepting of divorce, or are unaware of their marital status.
Who knew?
More fun with LardAss the Evilfuckingchristianistbitch and her wonderful “gender acceptable” marriages:
Variation in divorce rates among Christian faith groups:
Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate) % who have been divorced:
Non-denominational (small conservative groups; independents) 34%
Baptists 29%
Mainline Protestants 25%
Mormons 24%
Catholics 21%
Lutherans 21%
Barna’s results verified findings of earlier polls: that conservative Protestant Christians, on average, have the highest divorce rate, while mainline Christians have a much lower rate. They found some new information as well: that atheists and agnostics have the lowest divorce rate of all. George Barna commented that the results raise “questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families.” The data challenge “the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriage.”
Donald Hughes, author of The Divorce Reality, said: “In the churches, people have a superstitious view that Christianity will keep them from divorce, but they are subject to the same problems as everyone else, and they include a lack of relationship skills. …Just being born again is not a rabbit’s foot.” Hughes claim that 90% of divorces among born-again couples occur after they have been “saved.”
Being “Born Again” is NOT A RABBIT’S FOOT????
Good catch there. It’s just one more example of what a lie organized religion often is – especially organized conservative churches.
They should all be taxed as the for-profit enterprises they really are.
“The beauty of this is that the churches don’t have to remind the practicioners on how they should vote. If they are true Christians they will usaully vote conservative 99% of the time.”
I suppose that would be true if “the churches” were “the churches of satanism.” Such churches support: war, bigotry, hate-mongering, anti-stewardship of the planet … So often their words and actions are diammetrically opposed to Jesus’ teachings. Yet they are gaining in numbers. Ruf, you better read yourself some Revelations.
100, Playin Possum, Perhaps you could comment on Jesse Jacksoooooooooooon and Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton’s church?? hehe, JCH Kennedy
@80 The morons like PuddyButt who doesn’t see the difference between a candidate going to a church and the church promoting the candidate.
So John Edwards, who isn’t even a minister, taking to the pulpit to preach his political agenda is just “a candidate going to church”?
La, La, La, La, Evilfuckingchristianistbitch, the “HITS” just keep on coming:
Bible Belt Leads U.S. In Divorce
Aside from the quickie-divorce Mecca of Nevada, no region of the United States has a higher divorce rate than the Bible Belt. Nearly half of all marriages break up, but the divorce rates in these southern states are roughly 50 percent above the national average.
According to federal figures:
• Nationally, there were about 4.2 divorces for every thousand people in 1998.
• The rate was 8.5 per thousand in Nevada, 6.4 in Tennessee, 6.1 in Arkansas, 6.0 in Alabama and Oklahoma.
• Of southeastern states, only South Carolina’s rate of 3.8 was below the national average.
• By contrast, the divorce rate is less than 3.0 in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York.
Why so many divorces in the Bible Belt?
Experts cite low household incomes (Oklahoma ranks 46th and Arkansas 47th), and a tendency for couples to marry at a younger age than in many other states.
Religion may play a role, since some of the lowest divorce rates are in northeastern states with relatively high household incomes and large numbers of Roman Catholics whose church doesn’t recognize divorce.
Bible Belt states, in contrast, are dominated by fundamentalist Protestant denominations that proclaim the sanctity of marriage but generally do not want to estrange churchgoers who do divorce.
No state has been more embarrassed by the divorce problem than Oklahoma. Over the past few months, Gov. Frank Keating has enlisted clergymen, academics, lawyers and psychologists in a campaign to reduce the divorce rate by a third within 10 years. In neighboring Arkansas, state officials hope to halve the divorce rate by 2010.
And How’s That All Workin’ Out Fer The “Sooner State”?????
“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-KLAHOMA where divorce rates climb up to the skyyyyyyyy!”
Excerpts from: “Divorce rate stays steady, study shows”
By Bobby Ross Jr. 02/10/2002 The Daily Oklahoman
“Three years after Gov. Frank Keating declared war on the state’s
No. 2-in-the-nation divorce rate, … Oklahoma’s number of failed marriages – about 20,000 a year –
has remained fairly steady, state records show. … For every 100 marriage licenses issued in 2001, the state granted 76 divorce petitions.
[Comment by Diane Sollee — the Oklahoma PLANNING
grant was funded only 1 year ago; the the first money to train trainers
became available only 6 months ago; that the baseline study was just
completed this week; and the the first marriage education classes for
couples were begun in Jan and Feb 2002. So, of course, the “divorce rate
stays steady”! The researchers predict that measurable change will take 3 –
5 years. It takes time to shift a culture. But it’s interesting that
everyone WANTS change – and WANTS it NOW.]
…- About 750 clergy members statewide have signed the Oklahoma
Marriage Covenant, agreeing to require a four- to six-month
preparation period
– About 200 people from state government, the religious
community, private counseling agencies and other sectors have
trained to teach the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement
Program, or PREP. An additional 100 to 300 people are expected
to be trained by year’s end.
Oklahoma State University’s Bureau of Social Research has
finished surveying 2,000 Oklahoma adults in an effort to explain
the state’s divorce rate and build a foundation for assessing
the marriage initiative’s long-term impact. 1000 adults
also were questioned in Texas, Kansas and Arkansas to form a
comparison group.
Ninety percent of those surveyed said many couples rush into
marriage, and 82% described a statewide initiative to
promote marriage and reduce divorce as a good or very good idea.
69% called divorce a very serious national
33% of the respondents had been divorced at
least once. Of the divorcees, 86%cited a lack of commitment
as a major contributing factor.
Experts cite the state’s low per-capita income – …
43rd in the nation – and a tendency of Bible Belt couples to
marry young as reasons many marriages fail.
“So when I saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,
You’re doin’ fine OKLAHOMA….
(wild applause…ovation…bows…etc.)
Shame on you for failing to take into account the many break-ups of “gay marriages” that plague the Left Coast!!!!
LeftTurd: You of the Goldy Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats agree with your fearful leader about conservatives using the church to sway the congregation. When I IDENTIFY how the left used the churches to TELL their parishoners to VOTE for John Effin Kerry in 2004, with “Rev.” Al Sharpton & “Rev.” Jesse Jackson leading the way, you all claim “lies damn lies” Well why would the LA Times and USA Today write long articles on it? Oh yes For the Cluesless would say, they are wingnut righty rags. NOT!
For Green Thumb, your fearful leader of the Goldy Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats issued the challenge with this thread. All I do is identify the lunacy of his entries with the lack of candor when his glorious presidential candidate did it “Rev.” Al Sharpton & “Rev.” Jesse Jackson leading the way! If that bother’s you then call the DNC and complain about this: “The Democratic National Committee launched a new Internet site called which instructs people to “Share it with your pastor and ask if you can distribute it at your church.” Oddly it is the Democrats, particularly the liberal Democrats who are always screaming about “separation of church and state.” The liberal media is almost constantly complaining about President George W. Bush “pandering” to the Christian right. Yet not a single evening news show has talked about this very blatant illegal activity on the part of Democrats. After receiving numerous complaints the DNC changed the site to tell people to pass out the pro-Kerry material where “large numbers of people gather.” ”
When you tell me about your complaint, MAYBE I’ll listen to you!!!!!!
@ 102:
Tax all the churches. I suggested no distinctions. For that matter, I would be perfectly comfortable with elimination of all tax-exempt statuses – The Sierra Club, the ACLU… Everyone.
I do however, recognise that true to the nature of the evil monkey man every time a political faction gains a margin of control they use it to abuse – and a favorite tool is the IRS. Since the shrub stole the 2000 election there has been case after case where liberal churches have been rousted over purported “electioneering.”
If libs tried the stunt Eyman is trying, the government would be all over them…
Which is the best argument for total revocation. It takes a tool away from the party in power.
And as for Eyman… Never mind… The fact a pig like him has the opportunity to pull a stunt like this is just one more proof there is no god… A just God would blast him to atoms as he tried to enter a church with his evil request… Any church…
What I’m hearing you say, Puddybud, is that you are a professional troll who cannot deviate from the talking points of the day.
I hope they pay you well to spread another big lie.
What you cannot change is the judgment of history. George W. Bush will go down in the books as the president who placed an unprecedented emphasis on politicizing religion. Nothing the Democrats have ever done (even under Carter) comes anywhere close to this administration’s systematic effort to turn churches into an important arm of their political machine.
You KNOW that. You refuse to tell the truth. May God have mercy on your tortured soul.
Pee-Dookie is WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too stupid to get paid.
Even the RNC’s not that dumb.
What? Did Rudejacks say something worthwhile? Oh he farted? Nope didn’t think so!
Green Thumb: What lie am I spreading? Please tell me the Citation. You mean me using the LA Times and USA Today to point out Goldy Hypocrisy #134? Your wonderful DNC using their website to further religion and politics? Jesse and Al using the pulpit? Tell me how GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT used religion to further his goals? No talking points GT, just facts! And don’t use the Faith Based Initiative!!!
Rujax, you don’t have to be smart to be on the Republican payroll. Look at Brownie.
Puddybud is too smooth to be an amateur. He uses the same techniques as the White House’s press operations: Repeat the same simple talking point over and over, regardless of the question. If an inconvenient fact contradicts one’s talking point, denigrate (or, if necessary, destroy) the messenger. And then switch back to the talking point. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
It looks stupid because adults with normal social skills and intelligence would never talk like that. However, it does represent effective propaganda dissemination.
@110… 9-11 was a faith-based initiative…
And like hell faith-based initiatives are off the table. Careful perusal of the groups that have received govbucks and the crap they espouse with the govbucks proves that lie. It’s all garbage out of the right-wing, middle American evangelical compost heap. From abstinence-oriented pro-life “education” to anti-drug programs ran by the shrub’s cronies that force religion on their victims, the story is the same.
Which is just fine with the right-wing taliban that has temporarily usurped the government…
Actually, what Puddybud was saying was:
I agree with you to a degree GT, but the Dookie is just SOOOOOOO god-damn stupid, and he makes no sense AT ALL.
I do concede your point, however.
One phenomenon that deserves much greater attention is how the Republican machine has used mental illness as a key element of its organizing efforts.
Look at the trolls here at HA: Almost all of them display some type of mental illness. This is not at all surprising, because their effectiveness as trolls is rooted in illnesses such as multiple personality disorder. Healthy people would be too embarrassed to engage in the behaviors that the likes of JCH, Mr. Cynical, Rufus, or Puddybud consider “normal.”
Some of these folks are downright psychotic, to the point where they undoubtedly have trouble navigating regular life. Yet they have effectively hijacked this blog because there are no limits to their behaviors (unlike on the job, in a public hearing, or even in a store).
The downside of relying so heavily on mentally ill advocates is that eventually the electorate’s moderate middle will take a step back and ask: Are these guys nuts, or what? At that point, the effectiveness of the nut brigade starts to decline.
The irony is that a movement built upon delusion may fail to recognize when its memes no longer work. That seems to be happening right now.
PudButter, which U’s quotas are your ‘chimps off the old block’ filling?
As such, Rufus can rest assured that if the NAACP has abused its nonprofit status that Bush’s IRS will leave no stone untouched.
Commentby Green Thumb— 5/20/06@ 11:41 pm
Yeah right. I can imagine the white lefty race baiters and the MSM if Bush ever did.
The beauty of this is that the churches don’t have to remind the practicioners on how they should vote. If they are true Christians they will usaully vote conservative 99% of the time.”
I suppose that would be true if “the churches” were “the churches of satanism.” Such churches support: war, bigotry, hate-mongering, anti-stewardship of the planet … So often their words and actions are diammetrically opposed to Jesus’ teachings. Yet they are gaining in numbers. Ruf, you better read yourself some Revelations.
Commentby antidote— 5/21/06@ 10:35 am
Wow, thanks Lucifer.
Rufie @ 117, don’t you have confidence in Faux News and those of you who are members of the Nutcase Keyboard Battalion?
It’s a poor craftsman who blames his tools!
No, too may in the MSM. Once CNN and the alphabet channels are reduced to the ratings of PBS than we can move.
It will take another 7-10 years.
“I suppose that would be true if “the churches” were “the churches of satanism.” Such churches support: war, bigotry, hate-mongering, anti-stewardship of the planet”
Damn… You just described the 700 club in only 25 words!
Or Focus on the family… Or the entire Baptist population of Texas…
@104 Nationally, there were about 4.2 divorces for every thousand people in 1998…
You are comparing apples and oranges. The only logical conclusion that can be made from all your stats is that people in the Bible Belt are more likely to get married than other people. You really should be comparing divorces for every thousand marriages, not divorces for every thousand people. Then you will get a very different picture.
Sen. John Kerry joined most of his Democratic colleagues last week in voting to build a wall along 370 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
But he now says that after the wall is built it should be taken down as soon as possible.
“I voted for it,” Kerry acknowledged Friday while speaking to the New England Council breakfast.
But in quotes picked up by the Boston Herald, the Massachusetts Democrat added: “If I were making the long-term decision, I’d announce, you know, hopefully it’s a temporary measure, and we can take it down.” [………………………………………………………………..This is great!!! John Fucking Kerry voted for the fence after he voter against it, or, is it he voted against the fence before he voted for it??]
Rujax206 @ 98, 99
Your statistics are misleading in the extreme. You were simply using the percentage of adult population in various groups who had been divorced. Certainly fewer atheists and agnostics have been DIVORCED — but relatively few in that group ever gotten MARRIED in the first place. If you took gays and lesbians, the percentage of them who have been divorced would be almost zero, since same-sex marriage is a very recent phenomenon that is presently available in only one state. Or using your same methodology, the divorce percentage among college students would be small, since this is a younger population, and much higher among people in their fifties.
RPope: You make a critical incorrect assumption. Rudejacks can’t think. He spews the party line.
I suppose that would be true if “the churches” were “the churches of satanism.” Such churches support: war, bigotry, hate-mongering, anti-stewardship of the planet”
Damn… You just described the 700 club in only 25 words!
Or Focus on the family… Or the entire Baptist population of Texas…
Commentby Playin Possum— 5/21/06@ 12:53 pm
This is why we have freedom of religion. It is not so much to protect lefty religions from the right but rather to protect the religous right from the left.
Okay I am back and I got the goods. I documented 18 violations at just the two churches my wife and I covered today. I was able to personally talk about 20 people out of helping Timmy earn another few bucks. I saw shameless promotion of GOP candidates and positions in direct violation of IRS codes and I got it all on tape. You can tell the church is worried about that because they were actually confiscating camcorders from people. Fortunately I was under cover. Man it’s just sickening. I hope they burn in hell but before they go there, I’m going to try to cost em some money!
That the government shall make no establishment of religion must necessisarily imply that religion shall make no establishment of politics.
It’s funny that the only place Chrisitanity is growing is in places where the populace is too ignorant to know better and/or easily manipulated.
Speaking of “caught on tape”
Democrat Congressman caught on tape taking $100,000 bribe from undercover FBI informant
Let’s see, one Dem gets 100k, and we’re up to about 25 GIO officials since the Bush regime took over and Deke baby alone got eight million all by himself. Looks like the Dems have a LONG way to go before they catch up.
By the way, Lush Flimbaugh had to pee in a cup in fornt of his probation officer today. Another shining example of right wing failure.
By the way, Lush Flimbaugh had to pee in a cup in fornt of his probation officer today. Another shining example of right wing failure.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/21/06@ 7:55 pm
Really LeftTurd? I thought he was golfing! Maybe he peed on the course! Oh yes LeftTurd nothing else to report?
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/21/06@ 6:45 pm
Well, at least the Referendum Sunday thing wasn’t just a bunch of hot air? Some pastors actually did something.
Did you bother to attend the actual worship services? What was the sermon about? What did you think of the style and content of the service?
And if you didn’t like the particular church, maybe you should try finding a church you do like. There are lots of them in King County, most of which didn’t make any effort to gather signatures today.
Oh Fuck Off Poop.
Go look at Barna’s stats yourself…you arrogant jerk.
hey dad, your oldfrt son and I are going to honeymoon in Boston…can you help pay for the ‘bridal suite’? (as he is the bottom)
Pope-A-Dope let me make one thing perfectly clear. If Heaven is full of right wing Christians I am PRAYING TO GO TO HELL!
I went to church today to catch republicans cheating. I don’t give a good golly fuck about the sermon the pastor or your God. Fuck you and him both!
IMMHO – Left Turn is so full of himself that he does not understand either God’s or Man’s law. His comments and replies to everyone on this blog also indicate a serious lack of trying to understand his peers.
I hear you left turn we need to stop the cheating like this for
Felons turn up on city’s list of Nov. 7 voters
Spot check shows at least 2 appear ineligible for ballots
of the Journal Sentinel staff
Last Updated: Nov. 28, 2000
Election 2000
Nemencio Rivas and Rodney Marshall, both felons on probation, are not supposed to vote.
But on Nov. 7, Rivas and Marshall both walked into Ward 327 at the Highland Park Housing Complex, filled out new registrant cards and cast votes for Al Gore.
Felons who are still serving their sentences – including probation and parole – may not vote, under state law. If they do, they are committing a felony that is punishable by up to four years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
The votes of Rivas, 20, and Marshall, 28, were uncovered during a spot check by the Journal Sentinel of the more than 750 people who registered to vote on election day at Ward 327, on the city’s west side.
Or like this:
No Dateline—Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, FL Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to [Mike Reagan] by Robert Cook, PE, a nuclear engineer, with an MS in statistical quality control, a software testing specialist and QA manager, who has a track record for analyzing and correcting trends, errors, and mistakes in heavy construction projects (ships, power plants, nuclear reactors, military and aerospace vehicles, etc. for more than twenty years. Robert Cook presents here a remarkable statistical analysis of the Palm Beach presidential ballot controversy that deserves serious investigation. He says that the controversial 19,120 Presidential race ballots at issue there were destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a ‘second punch’ for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) “It uses simplified but wide-ranging statistical comparisons to establish beyond doubt that democratic operatives “stole” by double-punching ballots approximately 15,000 Bush votes in Palm Beach County; and approximately 3,400 additional Buchanan votes.”
Wow with 15,000 votes stolen from Bush in one county alone sure makes you question wether Bush lost the popular vote in 2000.
Holy Diebold batman!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2000—Missing Voting Mechanism Recovered: Police Say Florida Democrat Had a “Votamatic” in His Car Several days after presidential votes were tallied in what has become the hotbed of Florida’s post-election confusion, police in Palm Beach County confiscated a ballot-box mechanism from the car of a well-known local Democrat. The mechanism, called a ” Votamatic,” did not contain any ballots. It’s a device used on some types of ballot boxes to punch votes through ballot cards, which are then tallied by computers….Slosberg, a 53-year-old resident of nearby Boca Raton who owns a handbag company, recently won a seat in the state Legislature amid allegations he tried to buy his election….Elected After a Recount Slosberg won his new seat during a heated and extremely close election….In the primary election, Slosberg had barely squeaked past Levine. He reportedly had 50.5 percent of the votes to Levine’s 49.5 percent. Slosberg was declared the winner after a recount of the votes
Caution: Voting for democrats can be hazardous to your health
WISN Channel 12, Milwaukee “Campaign volunteers for the Democratic Presidential campaign were discovered distributing cigarettes to homeless voters after the volunteers had recruited the homeless specifically for their vote Saturday. …a Milwaukee Rescue Mission employee said that he had to ask democratic campaign volunteers to leave the property after he caught them trying to bribe potential voters with packs of cigarettes. Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote
November 4, 2000—Chicanery Roils Election 2000 There were some irregularities in St. Louis, when a state judge—who is a former staffer for House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt—ordered the polls to remain open an additional three hours, but that was quickly overturned when an appeals judge closed them down less than an hour later. The same official explained, however, that “because it appears that the late votes put [the late Gov. Mel] Carnahan ahead of [Republican Sen. John] Ashcroft, the Republicans retained lawyers to look into possible fraud in the [gubernatorial] contest.” Chicanery Roils Election 2000 [Note: There are many anecdotal reports indicating that polls were open much later than the “extended” hours specified by the former-Gephardt-staffer judge.]
Friday, November 17, 2000. Hundreds of Overseas Ballots Rejected More than 1,000 overseas absentee ballots were thrown out Friday as Republicans complained of a coordinated challenge by Democrats, particularly against ballots from military personnel. In some counties, half or nearly all of the ballots were rejected, many of them military ballots that apparently didn’t have postmarks. Orange County, for example, rejected 117 of its 147 overseas ballots. “The party of the man who wants to be the next commander-in-chief is trying to throw out the votes of the men and women he will be commanding,” charged Jim Post, a Republican lawyer in Duval County, where 107 ballots were rejected….Earlier this week, Mark Herron, a Tallahassee lawyer helping shepherd Democratic presidential election lawsuits through the local courts, sent a five-page letter to Democratic attorneys throughout Florida giving them tips on how to lodge protests against overseas ballots.
If All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena can have their tax exempt status challenged by the IRS because they mentioned the Iraq war during a sermon then these churches deserve to have their tax exempt status taken away for doing what Eyman is asking them to do!
We all know that Eyman doesn’t know a thing about the law. He is a initiative pushing hoar who always gets the law wrong. That is why so many of his initiatives have been thrown out.
These conservative evangelical churhes better think twice before they try to rewrite laws to make descrimination legal. The Bible is not a good source for labeling homosexuality as sin.
These churches are the same immoral people who supported war and the bring on Armageddon President. These churches should be held accountable for their political actions that violate their 501C3 status and their tax exemption should be revoked!
Lets gather the evidence and demand the IRS take action against these Christ hating heathens!!!
It seems to me that when religion works to divide people, those religions no longer follow the path of their maker. That is the risk of the runaway religious right. Gay rights today, other beliefs tomorrow. All men are created equal, no matter who or what they believe.
Keep in mind, Hilter also used his church to divide the people of Germany. He was able to reduce the rights of a number of ethic groups, and we all know what happen after that.
Do not beleive that you know the mind of your maker. You have not the understanding to know his plan. Instead of propogating your beliefs, take some time to understand others. If you sincerely take the time to understand others, you will find that you do not have all the answers.
RudeJacksOff @ 98, 99 and 100
Actually, I did look at Barna’s statistics myself. And YOU are the one who has been misrepresenting them. You claim that atheists and agnostics have a lower divorce rate than any of the various Christian groups.
In fact, Barna’s survey showed that 35% of born-again Christians had been divorced, as compared with 37% of atheists and agnostics. Barna’s survey also showed that a higher percentage of born-again Christians have been married, as compared with atheists and agnostics. Therefore, the marriage failure rate among atheists and agnostics is much higher than that among born-again Christians.
Goody, goody gumdrops, Poop.
You must feel like the smartest boy in the room.
I REALLY don’t giva a good god damn about ANY fucking stats.
It’s REAL SIMPLE here:
Human beings fall in love with each other. Man/ Woman, Man /Man, Woman / Woman…and it’s nobody’s business what they want to do about it.
Now leave people the fuck alone and get on to “Moer Important Things”.
Like ohhhh…Infant Mortality in the U.S.
The so-called conservatives want to keep the government out of our business? I guess they employ situational ethics. Now there’s a shock.
Richard Pope,
You lie about the very source you cite.
From the page you cite:
“George Barna noted that one reason why the divorce statistic among non-Born again adults is not higher is that a larger proportion of that group cohabits, effectively side-stepping marriage – and divorce – altogether. “Among born again adults, 80% have been married, compared to just 69% among the non-born again segment. If the non-born again population were to marry at the same rate as the born again group, it is likely that their divorce statistic would be roughly 38% – marginally higher than that among the born again group, but still surprisingly similar in magnitude.” ”
Your claim about said source:
“Therefore, the marriage failure rate among atheists and agnostics is much higher than that among born-again Christians.”
So how, aside from abject dishonesty, does one get “much higher” when the very source you cite calls the same comparison “marginally higher” and suprisingly similar in magnitude”?
I spent a little time on Westlaw. Here is the relevant section of 28 USC 503
(3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.
the prohibition on campaigning for a candidate is complete. There can be none.
However the prohibition on advocating for legislation is not so cut and dry. Legislations is defined elsewhere as “action by the Congress, by any State legislature, by any local council or similar governing body, or by the public in a referendum, initiative, constitutional amendment, or similar procedure.” The statue also indicates that organizations attempt to influence legislations when they
“(a) Contacts, or urges the public to contact, members of a legislative body for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation; or
(b) Advocates the adoption or rejection of legislation.”
Clearly asking people to collect signatures of an initiative is an attempt to influence legislation as initiatives are legislation and the church is asking people to support that legislation. However the sticking point is the notion of substantial. In order to not qualify for exemption the advocacy must be substantial.
It would likely be difficult to get substantial for asking people to get signatures. Courts seem reluctant to deny exempt status when the organization is advocating for issues relevant to its mission, unless it appears that that advocacy is a substantial purpose of the organization.
Issues of free-speech are somewhat secondary as the issue is not whether the organization can do what it wants but whether it gets tax exempt status.
All this being said beyond the legal difficult of getting such a case before a court,(given the standing issues discussed above), it would likely be tactically unwise. Going after churches for advocating their beliefs may make us look alike anti-free speech anti-religion types, regardless of the fact that that is not true.
I REALLY don’t giva a good god damn about ANY fucking stats.
It’s REAL SIMPLE here:
Human beings fall in love with each other. Man/ Woman, Man /Man, Woman / Woman…and it’s nobody’s business what they want to do about it.
Now leave people the fuck alone and get on to “Moer Important Things”.
Like ohhhh…Infant Mortality in the U.S. -Commentby rujax206— 5/22/06@ 7:29 am
I love watching the intellectually impotent devolve into tantrums and rambling! Rug-idiot always comes through!
I spent a little time on Westlaw. Here is the relevant section of 28 USC 503
Commentby Giffy— 5/22/06@ 12:41 pm
Try spending a little more time on Westlaw. You might notice that the relevant section is actually 26 USC 503.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Referendum 65: Pass the petition
Churches played a key role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, delivering a message from the pulpits denouncing discrimination. This past weekend’s attempt to enlist some of the state’s churches to roll back civil rights legislation was woefully out of character with that tradition.
We don’t know just how many congregations took part in “Referendum Sunday,” part of a drive to gather signatures for Referendum 65. If enough signatures are garnered, voters would be asked in November if they want to throw out a law the Legislature passed earlier this year making it illegal to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation in housing, employment and lending.
Not two weeks earlier, clergy led prayer services in eight Washington cities in support of the new gay rights law, thanking God for creating and loving all people “just as we are.”
Hmmm. Which would Jesus attend?
The pulpit is a legitimate political stage. The unavoidable duality of spiritual human beings is reconciling the teachings of their faith with the realities of life around them. Churches, synagogues and mosques are natural forums for contemplation and discussion of ways to achieve that reconciliation. Part of the First Amendment tradition is a community of faithful people free to express and practice as their beliefs guide them.
So Richard,
Where were these ‘prayer services’ held? Did the anti-discrimination religious leaders use their tax-exempt churches to propagate their message as the pro-discrimination leaders did? Did they request signatures for a political measure inside their churches(again pro-discrimination pastors did)?