The charitable thing to says is that they are the latest casualties of the right-wing political propaganda mill. But, you know, that kind of explanation needlessly feeds a Culture of Victimhood. They wouldn’t approve.
So let’s just come out and call ’em stupid. “They” are about half of Republican primary voters in Mississippi and Alabama.
Public Policy Polling polled these folks on, among other things, what they think Obama’s religion is, Christian, Muslim, or “unsure.” The result are, um…peculiar (via HuffPo):
Alabama survey of 600 likely GOP primary voters found that only 14 percent placed the president [as a Christian], while 45 percent said he is a Muslim and 41 percent answered that they were not sure.
A similar picture emerged in Mississippi. Of 656 likely GOP primary voters surveyed, 12 percent said Obama was a Christian, 52 percent classified him as a Muslim, and 36 percent fell in the “not sure” category.
It’s pitiful! On the positive side, this should get rid of Obama’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright “problem”.
When I see stupidity of this magnitude, it makes me think that Michele Bachmann’s warnings about Obama’s reeducation camps was really a big ol’ cry for help….
This video explains it all….
The GOP wants the whole country to be just like Mississippi.
Or <a href="http://videocafe.crooksandliar.....y-proChina.
Reeducation assumes there was education in the first place.
Indoctrination, sure. But that’s a lot easier when there’s no education to begin with.
meh, stupid editing thingy
In 1972 (that’s 40 years ago to those of you reading this in the Deep South) Neil Young wrote and sang this in his song entitled Alabama
I’m from a new land
I come to you and
see all this ruin
What are you doing
You got the rest of the union
to help you along
What’s going wrong?
I don’t know about y’all, but I blame cheesy grits and liberal soshuleest musclemen.
Maybe literacy tests weren’t such a bad idea after all.
The only thing hayseeds know how to do is make more hayseeds.
# 42: Yep, but check out the lyrics of “Sweet Home Alabama”, by Lynard Skynard, which was in response:
As the Senator Jim West of Virginia wrote in his book “Born Fighting, the Scots-Irish Experience in America”, some of the characteristics of the Scots-Irish who settled much of the South included:
(a) they actually celebrate the value of a lack of education to the extent it doesn’t change their core beliefs (this was also stated in a more scholarly thesis by David Hacket Fischer in his book “Albion’s Seed”, which I highly recommend); and
(b) they really don’t care what other people think about them – which explains just about every picture of redneck folks at Wal-Mart, Nascar races, etc.
The funny thing is, polling indicates that in most southern states that half of those attending Republican primaries or caucuses have college degrees.
Remember that among the Republican candidates this year, even the crazy ones tend to have college or even advanced degrees. Santorum has a B.A., M.B.A., and J.D.; Gingrich has a PhD, Michele Bachman has a B.A. and a J.D., and Ron Paul has a B.S. and an M.D. Romney has a B.A. and a J.D.
Maybe the rednecks are onto something – that a college degree not necessarily a guarantee of intelligence?
Personally, when I was in graduate school, I came to believe the following:
Logic is a wonderful tool. It allows you to take a set of facts and direct them toward solving a particular problem. It’s a means of helping a person get to a particular goal, whatever that goal may be. But what it can’t do is tell you what goal you need to be pursing, or why – that’s where faith and values come into play.
I doubt Romney’s going to make much of a showing in Alabama and Mississipi. The real race there is between Gingrich and Santorum. Which makes Romney the winner in both those contests anyway, as long as they split the delegates between them so that neither of them gets a significant boost in the total delegate count.
But regardless, Santorum really needs a convincing victory in Alabama and Mississipi. If he wins, he’s got a chance to put Gingrich away for good. There are signs that Gingrich is running out of money, and if he fails to win those states, there’s little likelihood he can continue. That would leave Santorum as the primary “anti-Romney” candidate. (But Gingrich has never been one to act rationally when his ego is involved).
Santorum is rapidly running out of time to deprive Romney of the delegates he needs in the remaining primaries to win a first ballot at the convention. Santorum can do that only if Gingrich bows out AND pledges his support to Santorum. It’s kind of scary what Gingrich might demand in return for such an endorsement. Vice President? Secretary of State? Secretary of the Treasury? President of the Moon?
Of course, not all college degrees are equal. When I was in college, I knew quite a few students who’s parents owned businesses and they were sent to the college business school. They also disproportionately populated the college fraternities, and didn’t seem to spend that much time studying.
@8 I used to believe you had to be smart to get through law school, but I’ve been a lawyer long enough to know better. See e.g., Rick Santorum.
@11 “They also disproportionately populated the college fraternities, and didn’t seem to spend that much time studying.”
As far as I could tell, they didn’t spend any time studying.
@10 I’ll give him President of the Moon if he promises to go there and not come back.
@8 Yeah, it’s distressing how many of those loonies have J.D.s. They could give lawyers a bad name.
I think it important to remember that Southern Evangelicals don’t think anyone is a Christian except Southern Evangelicals, and they are uncertain of the Christianity of many of them.
It isn’t enough to be a Christian. In the South one must be a good Christian to be a true Christian. This encompasses much.
Well lets be fair now…here is just one of the many rocket scientists from the inner city who voted for Obama…
Conclusion: there are lots of idiots out there, and they vote both R and D.
by the way, I wonder if Obama ever came through for her and paid for her gas and mortgage….
17 – Lemme guess – you’re an idiot who votes “L”..
Hold on a sec.. I thought money is the fountain of wisdom for morons like you..
There’s a gaggle of billionaires behind Romney
There’s a billionaire behind Santorum (Friess).
There’s a billionaire behind Gingrich (Adelson)
There’s even a freaking billionaire backing up Paul (Peter Thiel)..
Guess those moneybags know something about R’s that the dumb stump @ 17 doesn’t.
Pitifully stupid indeed.
you guessed wrong…but I am sure you are used to that.
the only thing pitifully stupid around here is you….not to mention jealous as a mofo.
Did obama pay for your gas and mortgage? lol
19 – LMAO! As right as u.s imports of iranian oil..
As right as the ethnicity of my father.
As right as the car I drive..
You’re an ignorant, racist piece of dog shit. You love being wrong.
I’ve heard it said that a liar knows what the truth is but a bullshitter doesn’t freaking care.
Guess which one you are.
awwww, poor ylbleeder is getting all worked up.
someone steel your rims last night?
must suck to think that you are so damn smart, and still cant make any success of your life.
happy trails, little man….
These are the idiots of America. I hate to say it, but it’s true. Look for everyone with a 120 IQ there is someone with an 80 IQ…and this is that group. They believe the Earth is 6,500 years old, evolution is fake, global warming is a Democratic conspiracy, probably that man never went to the moon, etc. This is why Google, Apple and Amazon are not based in these states. These power idiots will never advance our nation or create the next great anything. These are the dangerous mouth breathers that are the shame of our country and holding back America. Those EVIL liberal gay friendly private for-profit companies like Boeing, Apple and IBM will build our future, these idiots will be dragged along the entire time complaining about gays and how bigfoot broke into their campers.
P.S. Alabama DOES have a high-tech industry, an entire missile command and development…but that’s entirely GOVERNMENT jobs (which are all evil I’m told) and only there because there’s a military base (more government jobs) based there and so they just “put” it there. Same as Eastern Washington, you take away all the military, prison, police, and other “public” funded local/county/state jobs, and there’s almost nothing left.
Heh victimhood, Owebamma’s justice dept going after Texas election laws because they require ID be shown. Well Hell NO, you don’t need ID to be president, why would you need it to vote.
Teach a man to fish, and lose two democratic votes
@ 23
23 – Walker! er.. Birfer!
err.. Both!
This is getting kinda old.
Hawaii is not a foreign country, fer crying out loud.
By now they likely wish they were.
@22PS And Viking stoves come from Mississippi (or at least used to). Lots of imponderables here.
I think the South is doing harm to itself, but that’s the way people running things down there like it.
Oh come on you cannot possibly tell me that a photocopy of a Birth certificate would have 9 photoshopped layers.
Hell I was able to get a Certified birth certificate from Canada of my mother who was born in 1919 in a homestead.
And Owebamma can only produce this POS.
Except some really old, really good, private colleges, a polysilicon plant, all sorts of Boeing shit, IBM used to be in Spokane but they might not be anymore, more wineries than you can shake a stick at, a bunch of rail road stuff, the worlds largest maker of allergy testing serums- I forget their name), Demand Energy,,,, and the list could go on and on.
And take a
And take a look around you at Seattle. Cheap timber and cheap power from the Gov’mnt helped get it going. Gov’mnt contracts to Boeing and the shipyards helped keep it going as did a commercial fishing industry that’s subsidized. Seattle’s really no different than Eastern WA, except that people complain a little more about the government over there.
As someone that does a lot of traveling around the state I can tell you that people in Seattle’s idea of eastern WA is far more distorted than people in Eastern WA’s view of Seattle. Most folks over there actually like Seattle. It’s time Seattle stopped hating. Most people in Seattle have never been east of Cle Elum any way so how would they know?
I can also tell you that Seattle’s place as leader of the state in everything except economic power is slipping and maybe that economic powerhouse might start slipping soon to. Tacoma just scored a few shipping lines from the port of Seattle. Leadership in WA is going to go to Tacoma and Spokane in the very near future.
Birfer @ 28 – What happened to Sherrif Joe’s “bombshell” press conference?
Made a kook like your’s day I’m sure.. Did you buy the ebook?
Passed like gas in a wind tunnel for everyone else.
That exactly what Pravda in Russia was asking, where was the American Media. I guess even they saw the fraud in a Russian country. Amazing that you technical wizards can’t see that a copy machine does not produce a 9 layer photoshopped Birth Certificate. Pravda did!
31 – A sad lost cause…
Your sanity that is..
Funny that Photoshop crap – that came from Corsi – next to Orly Taitz, the most crazy..
@28 – I swear. You have to be dumber than a fucking block of cheddar to be a birfer. That a black man raised by a middle class academic could perpetrate a 50 year conspiracy to gain entry to the WH in order to put into place (apparently without the help of the, you know, fucking legislative branch of government) a secret socialist muslim agenda has GOT to be the fucking stupidest conspiracy theory on the face of the earth.
Good lord, you people are dense.
@17 “Conclusion: there are lots of idiots out there, and they vote both R and D.”
Sure, there are some Democratic voters who are stupid; but there aren’t any Republican voters who aren’t stupid.
@28 I can pull a toilet chain better than that.
Illinois apparently has a well-intentioned privacy law similar to Washington’s that forbids recording private conversations without the consent of the parties. Chicago’s cops took this to a whole new level when they charged a street artist with a felony for tape recording the police arresting him for selling his art without a permit. A judge has decided the police interpretation of the law is unconstitutional.
Uh…all you “everything-the-gubmint-does-is-bad” wingfucks here in the lovely Northwest might give due consideration to the fact (if you even understand the word) that very, very few of us would even fucking be here if Uncle Sam hadn’t given a gigantic handout of bazillions of acres of land to the railroad companies to get them to to lay track all the way to this Godforsaken wilderness.
re 38: Yeah, but the moment the gubmint gave the land away, it became PRIVATE, which endowed it with magical economic faculties.
It did produce a railroad, didn’t it?
The trouble with communism is that the same type of psychopaths who run large corporations are the ones who run the government — unlike Amerika — where the psychopaths run the corporations AND the Republikan Party.
# 37: Yep, Washington law only covers only the recording of “private conversations” where there is an expectation of privacy:
It doesn’t cover public conversations, where there is no expectation of privacy either because it’s broadcast speech (soapbox speaches, etc.) or where it might be overheard by any passer-by.
That’s where the police in Illinoise (and McKenna here, by the way) gets it wrong.
Actually Mr # 38, my family used boats in this neighborhood long before the bloody RR barons laid track to exploit the resources.
That is a fact that you can put where the sun don’t shine.