Wow, 2 old fucks.
Is this the over 70 with receding hairline DL?
red hiney monkeyspews:
I said that I wanted a 10 inch penis, not a pianist.
red hiney monkeyspews:
re 1: Does your wife make you promise to keep your mouth shut at family reunions?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can’t possibly think of a caption for this photo.
3. red hiney monkey spews:
re 1: Does your wife make you promise to keep your mouth shut at family reunions?
Yet another humorless lefty.
Come on man.
Look at those 2 old fuckers.
They both look like shit and one is playin’ with a damn doll.
I suppose they are plotting to bring their little sextoy doll to Chick-Fil-A after getting a little loaded to prove some obscure point.
YLBigot says: US military deaths after 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page newsspews:
“3 years of begging for money on HA and all I can afford to buy is this little fucking doll and a glass of rat piss beer”
@6–Now that’s funny! I don’t care who y’ar.
“Yet another humorless lefty.”
Why don’t you power up your brain cell and show us yours?
“Wow, 2 old fucks.”
Oh, wow, you’re on a fucking roll.
Gawd, you’re a dumbfuck idiot, Ev. I’d bet the house that you fuck goats.
Actually, it appears the fat fucker in the background thinks he’s Santa Claus. He gave Goldy the little sextoy doll..and then Goldy drank & ran..stiffing Santa with the beer.
YLBigot says: US military deaths after 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page newsspews:
who is the creepy Santa Clause impersonator sitting next to Goldy?
Is that a yarmulka on the doll?
YLBigot says: US military deaths after 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page newsspews:
I didnt realize gman was so short…..
My you are angry. Isn’t this supposed to be a fun thread? I mean, come on man! Is your humor gland all dried up and ready to fall off or what.
Ooops, just dawned on…steve is the fat fuck Santa wannabe. No wonder he is so outraged over something so silly.
So how’d you get in the booth steve?? Probably had to squish some of that gut to squeeze in there I’ll bet. After drinkin’ beer all night, I’ll bet you had a hell of a time gettin’ out Steve.
I new I’d make the news on this one, that was actually pretty funny ylb
Can anyone explain why the big party of freedom is willing to deny same sex couples the freedom to marry? I guess the bible is not a book of freedoms. Go cry about the notion that there is an assault on the freedom of religion which doesn’t exist. Bunch of Nazis.
17. The asshat troll “little maxie” sez to latino veterans like Soldier Hard: now go have a taco and shut the fuck up! spews:
@6–Now that’s funny! I don’t care who y’ar.
Figures… He’s a racist..
Wow, you leftists play the race card even when it’s totally irrelevant to the comment.
Amazingly idiotic..but predictable.
When you don’t have anything meaningful to say, just scream racism. It’s the trendy white guy progressive thing to do.
Just like I thought, no one can explain denying same sex couples from marrying. You can’t argue against freedom. Take the bible and stuff it.
Goldy, Relaxing from a “hard day” at work!
Just like I thought, no one can explain denying same sex couples from marrying. You can’t argue against freedom. Take the bible and stuff it.
Uhhh… maybe no one cares what you think?
Yeah that’s the ticket!
Gman is too dumb to even bother studying the Bible. Instead, he prefers to blow like chaff in the wind. No foundation, just his own empty head and angry heart. Go ahead & marry a turtle if it makes you feel better. But I don’t have to recognize it as legal.
Plus Puddy is right..who cares what gman thinks.
I suspect however, gman can find plenty of potential marriage partners at DL..especially the 2 in the pic.
Blue Johnspews:
“It’s not a doll, it’s an Action Figure!”
“The drinking game is if romney says something stupid, we have to drink”
Blue Johnspews:
Go ahead & marry a turtle if it makes you feel better.
A turtle is NOT a consenting human adult.
EV, as a point of fact, it doesn’t matter what you view as legal, and a turtle lacks the capacity to form a legal contract, also FTR rude remarks about someone’s age or appearance make you look ignorant and immature, ask your mom she’ll explain it to you.
By the way, good luck in seventh grade this year.
Blue John & Myself–
Wow, you guys can’t take a little joke either.
Obviously you can’t marry a turtle, but if it floats your boat, go ahead!
Are you guys discriminating against progressive turtle love??
Sorry EV I didn’t understand that your turtle comment was a joke, I thought that you really believed that a turtle could enter into a legal contract, that’s a common mistake adults make when we listen to kids your age, your humor is so unsophisticated that we often miss it.
Don’t take it to hard kid, you’ll grow up
Blue Johnspews:
One person’s joke is another person’s flawed debate tactic.
Until conservatives stop using the argument that marriage equality should not be allowed because it will mean that a person can marry their dog, or dressage horse, or a turtle, or some equal nonsense, I’m going to clarify that marriage equality is between consenting human adults.
Blue Johnspews:
After all
Being gay is not a choice,
but being a bigot certainly is.
Apparently there can be no effort in defending denying gay people the right to marry. Their is no argument. They don’t have one, just bigotry and a fucking book that smells of the devil.
How many putrid people here are on their second or third marriage? You are a bunch of losers. The putrid smelling book says so. And Chick Fil-A man also says so. Losers.
red hiney monkeyspews:
What surprises me is that a person smart enough to set up a huge chain of sandwich shops isn’t smart enough to know that gay marriage won’t make Jesus mad at America.
@23 Carefull, you don’t want your bigotry to get out of check.
Blue Johnspews:
I am am agnostic christian. I am horrified at the things being justified by cherrypicking the words of the bible by the conservatives, but christanity has much that is good. Love, Compassion, Equality, Tolerance can also be found in the bible. The good of Christianity is a comfort to many and a foundation of our western civ.
Personally, attack the people, not the Faith.
Serial Conservativespews:
The toy looks like it’s pissing. Is that where the beer you guys drink comes out?
Very Severe Conservativespews:
@37. Boy howdy, Serial Conservative that’s a knee slapper. You really zinged them! You are such a card!
36. Blue John spews:
I am am agnostic christian.
That’s a new one to me BJ.
Can you explain what you mean?
Sounds like you are the one who is cherry-picking the Bible.
Are you born again BJ??
Do you know what that means?
You cannot be a Christian unless you are because that’s what being a Christian means.
Haven’t you attacked “Born Again Christians” in the past??
I have to laugh because that’s what any Christian is…born again. It’s fundamental.
But you can always make up your own faith.
That’s allowed…althugh then the question becomes Faith in whom??
Blue Johnspews:
You cannot be a Christian unless you are because that’s what being a Christian means.
Let’s parse your logic:
You cannot BE Something unless you ARE Something because that’s what being a Something means.
You cannot BE a used car dealer unless you ARE a used car dealer because that’s what being a used car dealer means.
You cannot BE a White Guy unless you ARE a White Guy because that’s what being a White Guy means.
You cannot BE A Singing Telegram unless you ARE A Singing Telegram because that’s what being A Singing Telegrammeans.
I would be christian enough if I acted like ev? Should I use his posts here as an example of what Jesus would do?
Born Again? That I have baptized into the Episcopal church doesn’t count? I’m not Christian ENOUGH for you? I don’t come up to your level of religion? Should I become a Mormon, or a Free Mars-er or a Scientologist to get your good graces? You presume to know what God thinks?
Agnostic: a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist). It it unlikely that God looks like Charlton Heston or even a bearded white guy or even a guy. How can there be so many versions of religion, each that are adamant that their version and theirs alone is the only true path and everyone else is going to hell?
Haven’t you attacked “Born Again Christians” in the past??
Yup. I have been critical of so called christian who are also bigots and hypocrites. The kind of person who read that Jesus teaches love and tolerance and compassion and then turns and does the opposite. The kind of KKKristian that hates abortion, and then fights against birth control, and sex ed and education funding and health care for children. The kind of KKKristian that fights against gays wanting to be stable long term partnerships like marriage and fights against domestic partnership laws and yet is on their 4th wife. 200 years ago, many people read the bible and found verses that justified their keeping blacks as slaves. 60 years ago, those same type of people were fighting civil rights and yet they said they were Christians. The kind that cherry pick the bible for the version and words that justify what ever bigoted action they want to take, I have little tolerance for them.
@39 – Stick the bible up your ass. You probably don’t even have one, or you are such a radical that you thump with that bible.
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” Cathy is quoted as saying.
All you divorced people aren’t worthy.
“Born Again? That I have baptized into the Episcopal church doesn’t count? I’m not Christian ENOUGH for you? I don’t come up to your level of religion? Should I become a Mormon, or a Free Mars-er or a Scientologist to get your good graces? You presume to know what God thinks?”
I always took “born again” to describe those pod-like Christians with glassy eyed stares who denounce other Christians as not being Christians.
Frankly, as someone who was baptized as an infant and who has never lost my faith, I view the judgemental “born again” types as psychopaths who have lost touch with reality. Like Ev.
@42 – There is a war on Religion and the Republicans are leading it. They’ve hijacked the meaning of being a Christian. Remember the big Party of Freedom – opps they don’t always believe in Freedom.
Wow, 2 old fucks.
Is this the over 70 with receding hairline DL?
I said that I wanted a 10 inch penis, not a pianist.
re 1: Does your wife make you promise to keep your mouth shut at family reunions?
I can’t possibly think of a caption for this photo.
3. red hiney monkey spews:
Yet another humorless lefty.
Come on man.
Look at those 2 old fuckers.
They both look like shit and one is playin’ with a damn doll.
I suppose they are plotting to bring their little sextoy doll to Chick-Fil-A after getting a little loaded to prove some obscure point.
“3 years of begging for money on HA and all I can afford to buy is this little fucking doll and a glass of rat piss beer”
@6–Now that’s funny! I don’t care who y’ar.
“Yet another humorless lefty.”
Why don’t you power up your brain cell and show us yours?
“Wow, 2 old fucks.”
Oh, wow, you’re on a fucking roll.
Gawd, you’re a dumbfuck idiot, Ev. I’d bet the house that you fuck goats.
Actually, it appears the fat fucker in the background thinks he’s Santa Claus. He gave Goldy the little sextoy doll..and then Goldy drank & ran..stiffing Santa with the beer.
who is the creepy Santa Clause impersonator sitting next to Goldy?
Is that a yarmulka on the doll?
I didnt realize gman was so short…..
My you are angry. Isn’t this supposed to be a fun thread? I mean, come on man! Is your humor gland all dried up and ready to fall off or what.
Ooops, just dawned on…steve is the fat fuck Santa wannabe. No wonder he is so outraged over something so silly.
So how’d you get in the booth steve?? Probably had to squish some of that gut to squeeze in there I’ll bet. After drinkin’ beer all night, I’ll bet you had a hell of a time gettin’ out Steve.
I new I’d make the news on this one, that was actually pretty funny ylb
Can anyone explain why the big party of freedom is willing to deny same sex couples the freedom to marry? I guess the bible is not a book of freedoms. Go cry about the notion that there is an assault on the freedom of religion which doesn’t exist. Bunch of Nazis.
I’ve got a winner:
“Goldy gets even, drinks McKenna Bobblehead’s blood”
Figures… He’s a racist..
Thank you sir, I’ll have another…beer
17. The asshat troll “little maxie” sez to latino veterans like Soldier Hard: now go have a taco and shut the fuck up! spews:
Wow, you leftists play the race card even when it’s totally irrelevant to the comment.
Amazingly idiotic..but predictable.
When you don’t have anything meaningful to say, just scream racism. It’s the trendy white guy progressive thing to do.
19 – It’s a fact. He’s a racist and you find a racist funny..
Pretty common on the right.
Once upon a time this was thought funny:
“Hurry up, Sam, the watermelon’s getting warm,”
You still think that’s funny?
Just like I thought, no one can explain denying same sex couples from marrying. You can’t argue against freedom. Take the bible and stuff it.
Goldy, Relaxing from a “hard day” at work!
Uhhh… maybe no one cares what you think?
Yeah that’s the ticket!
Gman is too dumb to even bother studying the Bible. Instead, he prefers to blow like chaff in the wind. No foundation, just his own empty head and angry heart. Go ahead & marry a turtle if it makes you feel better. But I don’t have to recognize it as legal.
Plus Puddy is right..who cares what gman thinks.
I suspect however, gman can find plenty of potential marriage partners at DL..especially the 2 in the pic.
“It’s not a doll, it’s an Action Figure!”
“The drinking game is if romney says something stupid, we have to drink”
Go ahead & marry a turtle if it makes you feel better.
A turtle is NOT a consenting human adult.
EV, as a point of fact, it doesn’t matter what you view as legal, and a turtle lacks the capacity to form a legal contract, also FTR rude remarks about someone’s age or appearance make you look ignorant and immature, ask your mom she’ll explain it to you.
By the way, good luck in seventh grade this year.
Blue John & Myself–
Wow, you guys can’t take a little joke either.
Obviously you can’t marry a turtle, but if it floats your boat, go ahead!
Are you guys discriminating against progressive turtle love??
Sorry EV I didn’t understand that your turtle comment was a joke, I thought that you really believed that a turtle could enter into a legal contract, that’s a common mistake adults make when we listen to kids your age, your humor is so unsophisticated that we often miss it.
Don’t take it to hard kid, you’ll grow up
One person’s joke is another person’s flawed debate tactic.
Until conservatives stop using the argument that marriage equality should not be allowed because it will mean that a person can marry their dog, or dressage horse, or a turtle, or some equal nonsense, I’m going to clarify that marriage equality is between consenting human adults.
After all
Being gay is not a choice,
but being a bigot certainly is.
Apparently there can be no effort in defending denying gay people the right to marry. Their is no argument. They don’t have one, just bigotry and a fucking book that smells of the devil.
How many putrid people here are on their second or third marriage? You are a bunch of losers. The putrid smelling book says so. And Chick Fil-A man also says so. Losers.
What surprises me is that a person smart enough to set up a huge chain of sandwich shops isn’t smart enough to know that gay marriage won’t make Jesus mad at America.
@23 Carefull, you don’t want your bigotry to get out of check.
I am am agnostic christian. I am horrified at the things being justified by cherrypicking the words of the bible by the conservatives, but christanity has much that is good. Love, Compassion, Equality, Tolerance can also be found in the bible. The good of Christianity is a comfort to many and a foundation of our western civ.
Personally, attack the people, not the Faith.
The toy looks like it’s pissing. Is that where the beer you guys drink comes out?
@37. Boy howdy, Serial Conservative that’s a knee slapper. You really zinged them! You are such a card!
36. Blue John spews:
I am am agnostic christian.
That’s a new one to me BJ.
Can you explain what you mean?
Sounds like you are the one who is cherry-picking the Bible.
Are you born again BJ??
Do you know what that means?
You cannot be a Christian unless you are because that’s what being a Christian means.
Haven’t you attacked “Born Again Christians” in the past??
I have to laugh because that’s what any Christian is…born again. It’s fundamental.
But you can always make up your own faith.
That’s allowed…althugh then the question becomes Faith in whom??
You cannot be a Christian unless you are because that’s what being a Christian means.
Let’s parse your logic:
You cannot BE Something unless you ARE Something because that’s what being a Something means.
You cannot BE a used car dealer unless you ARE a used car dealer because that’s what being a used car dealer means.
You cannot BE a White Guy unless you ARE a White Guy because that’s what being a White Guy means.
You cannot BE A Singing Telegram unless you ARE A Singing Telegram because that’s what being A Singing Telegrammeans.
I would be christian enough if I acted like ev? Should I use his posts here as an example of what Jesus would do?
Born Again? That I have baptized into the Episcopal church doesn’t count? I’m not Christian ENOUGH for you? I don’t come up to your level of religion? Should I become a Mormon, or a Free Mars-er or a Scientologist to get your good graces? You presume to know what God thinks?
Agnostic: a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist). It it unlikely that God looks like Charlton Heston or even a bearded white guy or even a guy. How can there be so many versions of religion, each that are adamant that their version and theirs alone is the only true path and everyone else is going to hell?
Haven’t you attacked “Born Again Christians” in the past??
Yup. I have been critical of so called christian who are also bigots and hypocrites. The kind of person who read that Jesus teaches love and tolerance and compassion and then turns and does the opposite. The kind of KKKristian that hates abortion, and then fights against birth control, and sex ed and education funding and health care for children. The kind of KKKristian that fights against gays wanting to be stable long term partnerships like marriage and fights against domestic partnership laws and yet is on their 4th wife. 200 years ago, many people read the bible and found verses that justified their keeping blacks as slaves. 60 years ago, those same type of people were fighting civil rights and yet they said they were Christians. The kind that cherry pick the bible for the version and words that justify what ever bigoted action they want to take, I have little tolerance for them.
@39 – Stick the bible up your ass. You probably don’t even have one, or you are such a radical that you thump with that bible.
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” Cathy is quoted as saying.
All you divorced people aren’t worthy.
“Born Again? That I have baptized into the Episcopal church doesn’t count? I’m not Christian ENOUGH for you? I don’t come up to your level of religion? Should I become a Mormon, or a Free Mars-er or a Scientologist to get your good graces? You presume to know what God thinks?”
I always took “born again” to describe those pod-like Christians with glassy eyed stares who denounce other Christians as not being Christians.
Frankly, as someone who was baptized as an infant and who has never lost my faith, I view the judgemental “born again” types as psychopaths who have lost touch with reality. Like Ev.
@42 – There is a war on Religion and the Republicans are leading it. They’ve hijacked the meaning of being a Christian. Remember the big Party of Freedom – opps they don’t always believe in Freedom.