I hate to make it “Dump on Joel Week,” and I’ve got no big quibbles with the rest of his column, but this is the sort of conventional wisdom that really ticks me off:
A tireless practitioner of town meetings, Baird had a grip on his southwest Washington district, which twice voted for President Bush. The political turf began to move beneath him last summer as tea baggers showed up at once-cordial sessions with voters.
Joel could easily have written that the political turf began to move beneath Baird in 2008 when he angered Democrats by providing political cover for President Bush’s policies in Iraq… but Joel didn’t. Why? Because protests and discontent from the left are generally dismissed by the legacy press, whereas the breadth and impact of right-wing hissy-fits like those from the tea baggers are generally exaggerated.
The implication is that a handful of angry tea baggers played a major role in driving a congressman out of office, while the growing disaffection for Baird from within the base of his own party had absolutely no impact on his decision.
It’s a double standard that distorts the public debate, and… well… just really sticks in my craw.
I think your anger is ineffective.
Anger only serves those not in power.
You Progressives have failed to make the transition of minority status to power status.
Blaming Bush is a mistake.
You need to show learship.
Your flawed leader, Obam-Mao, has taken lots of cheap shots…cast lots of blame for the economy. Yet here is where Obam-mao stands today:
Friday, December 11, 2009
Elections will come down to the Economy. People vote with their pocketbooks. That’s why Obam-Mao and the Democrats are so anxious to continue to Deficit Spend. Borrow money and flood the economy with BORROWED MONEY. They want to prey on folks short-term anxieties. Good strategy to win elections. Horrible long-term for the economy.
Pelosi is ready to increase the Debt limit to $12.1 TRILLION. Another $1.8 TRILLION which will only support the massive Deficit Spending for one more year.
Goldy, here’s a novel idea for you.
Take off you partisan hat and look at what is best for the country.
Are you seriously believing that Massive Deficit Spending is a good thing?
Look at how the Porkulous money was frittered away. $6 MILLION to Hillary’s pal Penn to do what…run ads about the switch from Analog to Digital?????????? C’mon Goldy.
America is reeling.
Why do you KLOWNS Hate America so much??
Is your Progressive Agenda worth these dire consequences??
Or maybe Baird was getting tired of not having any time for himself and his family. Or maybe he was getting bored after having done the same thing for 14 years.
You gotta love how the left uses these sexual references
Tea Baggers, gotta love those gay references.
Goldy, how progressive of you. You “progressives” are soooooo progressive. You see there are more polls than just Rasmussen (most accurate for last 5 years) who are displaying dismaying health care polls to peeps of your ilk. Baird heard it loud and clear.
The analysis is in and you’ll lose your health care. This is what Brian Baird was up against. He was caught between the Moonbats of Olympia and the common folk south.
BTW Goldy how is the Ft Hood Terrorist Attack treating you? First since 9/11.
2. Michael spews:
Baird dumped his wife right after spounting family values and getting elected.
“Legacy” press? Wouldn’t vestigial be more approriate?
And Goldy: It sure sucks to have to walk by the HUGE pile of rotting garbage @1, etc. to get to the spew bucket.
Really shitty storefront, my man!
Could we have an ignore toggle, please?
As with Connelly’s ludicrous column two weeks ago dismissing the impact of the 1999 anti-WTO protests.
@3 Puddy, the right, your own folks, started the whole “tea bag” thing, with the Tea Party themed 4-15-09 demonstrations, apparently unaware of the sexual slang term. To try to foist it off as a gay-bashing attack by the left is really dishonest. I expect better from you.
The double standards go even further than that.
When liberals vigorously protest, they’re “anarchists” or “terrorists” – when the conservatives do it, they’re “patriots!”
Just to be clear:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
So it started being unaware and ended with progressives giggling as they call them tea-baggers. Since we know that progressives are using tea-bagger as an insult, why wouldn’t you consider that gay-bashing.
When I read a newspaper, I put it in a hat with special stones in it. The actual news thus becomes translated to reality through an act of God — who is actually a mounted Sioux warrior in full battle regalia.
Bet you didn’t know that!! But I believe what the Angel Moroni tells me. Guess you could say I’m a Moron.
“8. SuperSteve spews:
The double standards go even further than that.
When liberals vigorously protest, they’re “anarchists” or “terrorists” – when the conservatives do it, they’re ,patriots!,”
Or, ‘Moderates’. According to MSNBC, supposedly a Liberal Bastion, Senators Nelson and Lieberman are moderates.
Baird, decided “to spend more time with his family” after seeing a poll that showed in no uncertain terms that he could not hold the seat. The Dem voters were only part of the story though, as most expect that they (the Dems polled as non-supporters) would vote for him in the end. In short, re-election was a crap shoot even with unlimited cash and his cash would be very limited as result of where he has been on key issues for large funders.
Deb Wallace is the front runner for Dems.
Best thing that may come from this is that a flock of office holding R’s may opt for the up or out primary contest.
Will someone please draft Richard Debolt.PLEASE!
The point of my post @2 was to suggest that maybe Baird’s quitting the house wasn’t do to anything political.
Baird has stomped all his Republican rivals into the earth (in 2008 he won 64% to 36%) so I really doubt he was worried about losing to a Republican.
It started as the 9/12 Tea Party. The TEA acronym stood for Taxed Enough Already. It was to remind people of the original American Revolution over taxes in Boston Harbor. Historical facts lost on Moonbat Progresives. Remember Rick Santelli of CNBC? Remember Jon DeVore making an ASS out of himself last February? Santelli mentioned Chicago Tea Party over the proposed government refinancing of bad home mortgages? Remember?
People brought their tea bags to protest taxes and worthless health care reform. Butt those facts are lost on progressives like Goldy and Geov. They’re just tea baggers, sexual connotation implied. If you remember first the libtardo MSM said the crowds were small. Then they kept revising it upwards. Om my it was 25,000… 35,000… 50,000… 80,000… 100,000… 200,000… 300,000… 500,000… 800,000… etc. Poor Another Total jerk placed an APB for anyone who could refute the actual numbers. Don’t believe me… Ask the HA Arschloch, ylb arschloch, to check his tctmgr database of HA. The fool stores all the comments on his home server. Goldy has his free backup server and probably never figgered it out.
It was you progressives who turned it into the sexual connotation, especially fools like Rachel I’m So Stupid Maddow.
Exactly the point headless.
Liberal bias.
Damn right, Goldy. The first big crowd to protest against Baird came from the left, due to his support for the Iraq surge. But left wing protesters don’t matter, apparently.
“re-election was a crapshoot” – If by crap shoot, you mean Baird’s opportunity to extend his streak of 60%-plus victories.
“please draft Richard Debolt” – Hey, we agree on something. Yes, please, bring on Debolt.
@1 and @10
If you believe so strongly in polls, here’s one for you.
“It turns out that a significant minority of about 25 percent of the people who opposed the plan — or about 12 of the overall sample — did so from the left; they thought the plan didn’t go far enough…
One way to look at this: 43 percent of people favor health care reform, whereas 38 percent oppose it (20 percent are undecided). But the actual plan under consideration gets numbers that are more or less the reverse of that — 34 percent in favor, 46 percent opposed — because a significant number of people think the plan doesn’t go far enough.” [All emphasis in original.]
re 16: It wasn’t a protest against taxation. It was a protest against taxation without representation.
Like when oil companies capriciously raise the price of gas (do you think fuel is a commodity akin to pork bellies?).
You have no say in it.
Same with monopolistic health insurance oligopolies. They raise the price — well — because they can.
Your heart’s in the right place — being against abusive power relatioships — but your head remains, as ever, firmly planted up your ass.
re 16: When you were paying four dollars a gallon for gas, the taxes didn’t go up. The only thing that went up was oil company profits.
The oil companies are not the free market — you dunce.
” Because protests and discontent from the left are generally dismissed by the legacy press, whereas the breadth and impact of right-wing hissy-fits like those from the tea baggers are generally exaggerated.”
should read…
“Because protests and discontent from the right are generally dismissed and chastised by the legacy press, whereas the breadth and impact of left-wing hissy-fits like those from the anti-war and pro-illegal immigrant crowds are generally encouraged and exaggerated.”
Because it’s not being used as an insult against gays, therefore it’s not gay bashing.
We’re laughing out loud at Conservatives who ignorantly named themselves after a practice of one man placing his testicles on the forehead and/or chin of another man.
Basically, were laughing at how stupid tea baggers are figuratively and substantively.
Why did anyone have to explain that to you?
Why do you try to stir up homophobic tensions where none exists?
Finally!! You admit that you and your ilk spouting off about “DEATH CAMPS” and “SOCIALISM” are just your attempts at regaining power because your angry that you’re out of power.
Uh-huh, how long did you guys talk about the “Clinton Recession”!! Oh, God please give us another Clinton Recession — NOW PLEASE!
Taking advice from you about leadership is like asking the Godfather advice on following the law. Thanks, but no thanks.
That’s why you guys were booted from office. What makes you think Americans are soooooo stupid they forgot who created the problem: Reagan Republicans!! Why would they want to put Reagan Republicans back in office? Grow up.
No disagreement with you there; Democrats are anxious to deficit spend and Reagan Republicans are EAGER to deficit spend. Remember when Clinton stopped deficit spending AND paid down the Reagan/Bush 41 national debt? (Learn the difference between “anxious” and “eager.” Dummy.)
Glad to see you finally recognize one of the GREATEST failures of Ronald Reagan and his ideology of governing!!
Had to, George W. Bush gave us a budget to deal with that had $1.2 TRILLION of deficit spending already. And, every single penny of that $11 TRILLION dollar debt we inherited was the fault of Reagan Republicans following Reagan’s ideology.
Where were you on this idea in 2002 when it was obvious George W. Bush and the rest of the Reagan Republicans with their out-of-control spending? You kept VOTING for them and ADVOCATING others do the same — JACK ASS!!
Really?? You’re crying about $6 million when Bush squandered over $11 TRILLION dollars?? Talk about pepper and fly shit!!
A) It’s you that hates America because you’re completely ignorant of how America is supposed to function according to our Founding Father’s ideals, and
B) The Progressive agenda is what has saved America from financial ruin, again caused by Republicans, and it’s what made America great.
re 23: The only pro illegal immigrants are the corporations who hire the illegals. You bow to them like a Medeival oaf (an actual social class which nicely describes you and your cohorts).
Apparently, I have drawn three-of-a-kind adversaries at horsesass.org: The Catholic hater, the tedious anarchist, and the press critic.
Geov, your ineffectual, uninformed rants cost you a voice — at the Seattle Weekly — and now you rant at those who have a voice.
Lee, twice in my life I’ve had to make decisions in hospitals at withdrawal of life support systems, once with counsel from an Episcopal priest and the other time advised by a Catholic priest.
Such are life’s most intimate decisions. It is an unbelievably painful experience, as a loved one is dying, to hear the physician’s prognosis, to agree when asked if life support should be withdrawn, and to answer 58 intimate questions that go with organ donation.
The subject is too important to turn into an anti-religious screech. Most American Catholics do not consider themselves answerable to bishops, but to conscience and to God. When will this fact enter your closed mind?
Goldy, why should I or anybody else pay attention to left protests over Baird’s support of the Iraq “Surge”?
Did the left-peace movement field a candidate against Baird in the 2008 primary? No. Did progressive voters ignore his name on the ballot or cast protest votes? No. Baird was reelected and had no reason to heed the occasional Geov-style rant coming in his direction.
By contrast, the tea baggers have been drawing a bead on him. The guy was not assured reelection, and would have enjoyed no private life or parenthood over the coming year.
How would you know this headless? You call them teabaggers like the rest of the HA Libtardos. Changing your name daily doesn’t change your stripes.
This is another reason Puddy knows you are headless the racist. You still rant over oil being a zero sum game.
Did you forget the taxes paid by the consumer per gallon bought were more at $4 vs $3/gallon? Naaaaah you a stupid little man! When the gas price went up the US treasury got more tax $$$.
That’s because peeps like you GBS and your ilk think of carrying a tea bag to protest T.E.A.(being taxed enough) is a gay sexual term. That’s the big diff between your ilk and conservatives. Conservatives think of the tea bag as a symbol of being over-taxed, while you and your ilk think of it as someone placing their testicles on another.
Of course, this difference is lost on your type!
Joel Connelly lost his argument with conservatives with this screed
Puddy sees you are just like them Joel (Geov, Lee and Goldy), so why are you crying a river now?
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Please let your character know that “teabagging” in the sex-sense is not a “gay sex” term. It is just a “sex” term.
The sex-sense of the word likely entered popular culture in an episode of “Sex in the City” called A Woman’s Right to Shoes first aired in 2003:
Your character will look less foolish if he knows that.
The verb “teabag” in the political sense was first used by the very people who are now commonly refer to as “teabaggers.” In other words, that was a self-inflicted wound:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
re 28: The original Tea Party activists, at great risk to life and limb, tossed boatloads of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the fact that they were being taxed without political representation — NOT the tax. How boneheaded can you be?
Some snippy little prune-wizened faced Medicare recipient waving a teabag at a camera for a cause he does not understand,and doesn’t WANT to understand is in no way analogous.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@13…..hey Jackie, when does Logjammin 2 start filming?
Joel @27,
Dems lose when Dems don’t turn out, and with his support for the surge and against health care reform, Baird wasn’t doing much to inspire the base. Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t gonna get the tea bagger vote, regardless.
Is that loser over at the Stranger on this “town halls killed Baird” FoxNFriends bandwagon yet? Prob will be soon. Does the press ever tire of retyping right wing talking points? Do I have to ask?
@27 “Goldy, why should I or anybody else pay attention to left protests over Baird’s support of the Iraq “Surge”?”
Because war is a matter of life and death for soldiers and innocent civilians alike?
@ Joel
The “closed mind” question should be pointed toward your bishops. Geov ranting is a symptom, not the problem, Joel.
I have less trust in those hospitals, no matter what your anecdotal evidence says, because of the views that influence their policy.
@ Goldy, the teabag protests were unusual in that they just have not done that much protesting in the past, not like that, not to that degree. If they had been doing that for 30 years then they would get as much attention as liberals protesting wars.
Change your methods or style, as the teabaggers did and that change is news, and then the news carries your message.
joel @ 27–
Some of your best work.
The majority of these Atheist Progressives not only reject God…they hate Him.
For whatever reason. And when you mention Christ, they constantly belittle & spew hatred without ever trying to understand.
Sadly, they have hijacked the Democrat Party.
Here it is for me….and most Christians:
Ephesians 2
Made Alive in Christ
The HA Atheist Progressives deny God…but fail to acknowledge EVERYONE worships someone.
They choose to worship their own knowledge.
They’ll never admit it…but it’s obvious.
Submitted to a God eats at their core…but someday EVERY knee will bow and tongue confess.
Know what I mean??
Thanks for trying Joel.
There is one Lefty here at HA who, by his words and self-control, seems to know Christ as his Savior.
Christ was not a Liberal or Conservative…Republican or Democrat…..
He was the Savior…born, died & resurrected to bridge the gap between Sinful Man and God.
His word is to guide us…He is a Living God.
Open your heart.
It’s hard to imagine that all the anger & Jealousy/Envy on this Blog is healthy…or the best path.
But hey, God gave us Free Will to make the choice. Hating God & Christians…where will that get you in the long run?????
Ummmm. the Christian Lefty I was referring to (besides joel) is rhp.
Has there been an actual poll that showed Baird to be vulnerable? I live in his district and sense he would have won re-election. That said, the campaign would have been pretty unpleasant. The gun-waving nutcases are out in force in rural parts of his district.
Who knows what’s really up with Baird. Maybe his retirement did reflect personal considerations of a benign nature. Or maybe he’s got some brewing scandal.
If Baird has eyes on, say, US Senate, maybe he figured that it might actually work to his advantage to be out of office for a while so he could enter a political rehab program.
The ironic thing about Baird is that, as frustrating as he’s been to the Democrats, his voting record isn’t all that bad of a match with his swing district. I hope progressives remember that winning the party’s nomination is no guarantee of a general-election victory.
@41, I got nothin against your god, it is you I hate, dumbass.
Went to Salon… Instaputz is a left-wing libtardo site. Instaputz’s reference to Instapundit’s web site has no “tea bag” reference on it…
And Wonkette – “Wonkette won the Best Liberal Blog category in the 2008 Weblog Awards and is nominated in the humor, politics and group-blog categories in the 2009 Bloggies.” – WikiPedia.
And the MSNBC video opens with real tea bags Darryl.
Hell of an effort butt EPIC FAIL dude.
So the “lazy” almost teaching professor imitating a really useful teaching professor needs better materials.
To the Person Playing Puddy @ 46,
(Preface: I am not sure if your character is pretending to be this ignorant (i.e. lying) or whether he simply don’t have a clue what he is talking about. Check that out, will ya?)
Yes…it is. Mr. Koppelman was explicitly pointing out the first use of the terms and the original inspiration (this photo).
“Instaputz’s reference to Instapundit’s web site has no “tea bag” reference on it…”
Alex Koppelman did not link to, nor mention Instapundit. He linked to Instaputz, and that blog’s first use of the term.
“IT’S COLD AND RAINY, but the Tea Party pictures are coming in via cellphone already.”
This statement seems to be based on one of of your character’s surreal foray into Puddyworld. From a reality-based perspective, it appears to be entirely irrelevant.
“And Wonkette – “Wonkette won the Best Liberal Blog category in the 2008 Weblog Awards and is nominated in the humor, politics and group-blog categories in the 2009 Bloggies.” – WikiPedia.”
And, again, Koppelmann was intentionally pointing out the first use of the terms, as inspired by this photo.
Your character seems to have severe comprehension issues with the article.
“And the MSNBC video opens with real tea bags Darryl.”
I have no idea why this is at all relevant to the discussion of the origin of the use of the verb teabag in the political sense.
“Hell of an effort butt EPIC FAIL dude.”
Given your character’s comprehension “issues”, I’m guessing his ability to diagnose a “fail” (not to mention an “epic fail”) is severely compromised. You character is embarrassing you again (or are you willfully making him this moronic?).
This is, apparently, another of your character’s PuddyWorld™ nonsensical statements.
There was no statement or suggestion of any sort that I was performing professorial duties (instructional, useful, or otherwise) in my previous comment; rather, I was simply giving you a clarification of your character’s misunderstanding of the original inspiration behind the verb “teabag”. There is a huge difference between the two.
You should consider teaching your character the difference!!
Darryl, you didn’t give anyone any “inspiration” over the original use of the word tea bag. The original commentary was using tea bags to protest taxes. You continue to imply something that the left started ranting over.
The poster they are referring to is this from Free Republic Operation Teabag ( Send a tea bag to your representative!) Again Darryl, since you need a deep explanation… The TEA acronym stood for Taxed Enough Already. It was to remind people of the original American Revolution over taxes in Boston Harbor. The Tea Bag represented the protest over more taxes. Tea Bags were sent to Congressmen and Senators in a parody of tea bagging them before they increased taxes on the common peeps. It was your ilk who when on the air and made the gay sexual references.
Once again Darryl, while you try to be high and mighty sometimes you are just high and not too mighty. And if you did some checking instead of being lazy with InstaPutz and Salon you would have found this info. Instead you are this…
You are the lazy professor. There was nothing in my comment discussing what you “do” at UW. You were being the lazy professor relying on useless materials above!
To the Person Playing Puddy @ 48,
“Darryl, you didn’t give anyone any “inspiration” over the original use of the word tea bag.”
I have no idea what your character is getting at with this statement.
“The original commentary was using tea bags to protest taxes.”
So? How is this in any way relevant?
“You continue to imply something that the left started ranting over.”
I don’t know what this sentence means.
“The poster they are referring to is this from Free Republic Operation Teabag ( Send a tea bag to your representative!)”
So? Again…why is this relevant?
“Again Darryl, since you need a deep explanation… The TEA acronym stood for Taxed Enough Already.”
And again…your character is off on some PuddyWorld™ tangent. That TEA was used as an acronym isn’t at all relevant. There is no dispute that the protesters were using tea and tea bags as a symbol in their protests. The issue under discussion is the origin of the verb “to teabag” which lead to “teabagging”, “teabaggers”, etc.
[More irrelevant drivel deleted]
“It was your ilk who when on the air and made the gay sexual references.”
It is correct that “my ilk” picked up on “your ilk’s” use of the verb Tea Bag. That infamous sign “Tea bag the liberal Dems before they tea bag you” led to much amusement and ridicule of those in the tea bag movement.
Oh…and please remind your character again that “Teabagging” isn’t a specific reference to gay sex. It does require one male partner, but the sex of the other partner can be male or female. And, as I pointed out above, the term likely entered popular culture in 2003 on a TV comedy program in the context of teabagging discussed in a heterosexual context.
“Once again Darryl, while you try to be high and mighty….”
Trying to be “high and mighty” by posting in the comment thread of a blog????? That is fucking hilarious, Person Playing Puddy!
“And if you did some checking instead of being lazy with InstaPutz and Salon you would have found this info.”
What info would I have found? The widely known fact that tea bags played a symbolic role in the protests? The factoids you have offered are not germane to the issue of who first used “teabag” as a verb in the political sense. Koppelman believes he has traced it back to a particular sign held by a protester, photographed, and then disseminated by blogs.
In order for you to make the claim that Koppelman is wrong (and, hence, I haven’t done due diligence in research), you would need to show that the teabaggers were being mocked as such PRIOR to their first use of “Tea Bag” as a verb in the political sense by the teabaggers. You’ve not done that.
“You are the lazy professor. There was nothing in my comment discussing what you “do” at UW.”
In fact, there was. You explicitly invoked the teaching role that most professors have. And since we both know that I teach at the UW, your comment can only be taken to refer to my role at the UW.
“You were being the lazy professor relying on useless materials above!”
This is incorrect, because (1) you have utterly failed to demonstrate that the sources I cited are incorrect, and (2) my use of the materials was in the context of a political blog that is entirely unrelated to my profession.
Likewise, it would be an unsupported assertion for me to refer to you as, say, an incompetent sysadmin based on your (or your character’s) political commentary. (And just to be clear, I am NOT suggesting you are an incompetent sysadmin—I’ve no evidence either way, and commentary on a political blog is irrelevant to the issue.)
So you are a moron. You brought up the stupid Salon article. They introduced their tea bagg name calling friends. Now playing dumb again? You do that so well at times.
So why did you post the Salon article? It refers to them. Great acting.
Because you appear at times on HA Libtardos acting like a “teaching” professor instead of an antagonist blogger.
– That’s irrelevant is one of your favorite lines.
No Puddy doesn’t. Scream on that all you want. All Puddy has to prove was your side using it to attack them. Your Salon article proved that for Puddy and the rest of the world. Tea baggers is a term used by the left against Tea Party people. Thanks for providing Salon for Puddy’s use.
Ahhh but the data is in. JSA publicly thanked Puddy for sysadmin tips. Puddy gave correct SQL sysadmin commentary and commands to Goldy for his database questions. Online UW evaluations have shown what students’ think of your “teaching style”.
Person Playing Puddybud 50,
“You brought up the stupid Salon article.”
I did. It was in support of my claim that the labeling of teabaggers as teabaggers was a “self-inflicted wound” (see comment 37 above).
“They introduced their tea bagg name calling friends.”
This sentence doesn’t really make sense. I think you are trying to say that Salon was an early disseminator of the “teabagger” meme. But this isn’t relevant to the point I made, which was about the origin of the meme.
My point is that it was the use of “tea bag” as a verb by actual protestors that led to the meme.
“Now playing dumb again? You do that so well at times.”
“So why did you post the Salon article?”
I didn’t “post” the article, but I linked to the article and copied a small excerpt because it traced the origin of the mockery to the photo of a “Tea bag the liberal Dems before they tea bag you !!” poster.
“It refers to them. Great acting.”
“Because you appear at times on HA Libtardos acting like a “teaching” professor instead of an antagonist blogger.”
This would seem to reveal more about your character’s ignorance of “teaching” more than anything else. My participation in these comment threads is quite dissimilar to any teaching method I employ (or even heard of) and is substantively highly dissimilar.
“No Puddy doesn’t. Scream on that all you want. All Puddy has to prove was your side using it to attack them.”
No…that liberals have used “teabaggers”, etc. to mock the tea party protesters isn’t a point of contention. We both agree on that, and I have a difficult time imagining anyone disputing that.
The point of mine that you responded to is my claim that the origin of the meme can directly be traced to the protesters themselves using “tea bag” as a verb.
“Tea baggers is a term used by the left against Tea Party people.”
Right…nobody has claimed otherwise.
“Thanks for providing Salon for Puddy’s use.”
You’re quite welcome.
Now maybe you can get up to speed on the argument here.
Do you, or do you not, dispute my claim that the verb “to tea bag” was first used by protestors, and THEN picked up in a mocking way by blogs, and finally the MSM?
If you do dispute this, please trace the meme and its use prior to the “Tea bag the liberal Dems before they tea bag you !!” sign.
“Ahhh but the data is in. JSA publicly thanked Puddy for sysadmin tips. Puddy gave correct SQL sysadmin commentary and commands to Goldy for his database questions.”
To the extent that two anecdotes can help an argument, they are data. However, the fact that you were unemployed for a period of time (and are, apparently, underemployed now), might be used by some as much stronger evidence….
“Online UW evaluations have shown what students’ think of your “teaching style”.”
Umm….No they haven’t. This statement genuinely does lead me to question your “computer saavy!”
you all seem obsessed by the scrotum.
who really gives a damn what they call themselves….its what they represent that is more important – whether you agree with them or not.
Lebowski @ 52,
“you all seem obsessed by the scrotum.”
I don’t think anyone on either side of the argument has a scrotal obsession, and nothing being discussed suggests otherwise.
“who really gives a damn what they call themselves….”
I don’t think they really call “themselves” teabaggers. That is a name they acquired and is used as a mild pejorative.
“its what they represent that is more important – whether you agree with them or not.”
True enough. But this discussion is a disagreement over the origin of the name. If you are uninterested, simply ignore it.
I don’t think they really call “themselves” teabaggers.
Not anymore, they don’t. :-)
I’ve been a mad liberal for 20 plus years now,so now I’ll be a mad progressive.I made these window decals 18 months ago to piss off right wing conservatives and have rotated them every couple of months. no conservatives have responded to me, probably because I look really F*)#$ing MAD.WE need to get a bigger set of kahunas than the right wing tea bagging conservative A HOLES.Do you have any guts?SCREW THE GOP