I hope that the new approach to homeless outreach in Seattle, if it comes to anything, is an improvement. I wish there was more of a solid direction from the mayor’s office. But maybe the relationship is so toxic that it’s better to have surrogates.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Unlike Hunter Biden’s alleged broken laptap, Trump’s secret Chinese bank account is real.
USA isn’t the only country with a rogue cop problem.
WTF is wrong with America’s radiologists?? This dumbfuck thinks he knows more about epidemiology than epidemiologists. .
Trump’s ‘herd immunity’ advisor has been spreading his quackery behind the scenes for quite a while
Of course, we all know HA’s own dumbfuck radiologist thinks he knows more about law than judges and attorneys.
Almost Half a million people tuned in to Twitch to watch AOC live stream the insanely popular online game ‘Among Us’ while urging young people to Vote.
Now some of those are likely under the voting age but still. The moment that has already been meme-ified.
“Out of Gas. If spaceship is so futuristic why have gas?”
How’s the next generation of GOP voters outreach coming along?
No, he’s not talking about Ivanka and and the other worthless spawn.
Trump spokesman slams ‘politicians using taxpayer funded jobs to try and benefit their family’
Of course @ 5 you’re correct, Steve.
Ivanka was having a really, really hard time in life prior to Hillary Clinton’s stunning and oh-so-glorious loss to Trump in 2016.
Donald Trump’s Better Half
Not nearly as worthless, Steve, as “spawn” who gets kicked out of the Navy for drug use, fucks the widow of a beloved dead son, cheats on said widow with stripper whom he impregnates and abandons until forced by the courts to own up to his fatherhood, and leaves striking evidence of family corruption, his father’s betrayal of the trust of a nation, and personal pedophilia with a computer repairman.
Hunter Biden is the future Don of The Biden Crime Family, Steve.
You’re a fucking idiot. And a traitor.
Literally, her line is named Ivanka Trump. “forging a somewhat independent identity in the shadow of one of the most famous men in modern America.”
Too damn funny.
The old saying…born on third, thinks she hit a triple. At least she didn’t blow all of daddy’s money. Only Daddy did that with Grandpa’s.
@ 8
“forging a somewhat independent identity in the shadow of one of the most famous men in modern America.”
Too damn funny.
As funny as Joe Biden cashing in on Barack Obama’s name?
How about Hillary cashing in on Bill’s?
How about Kamala Harris cashing in on George Floyd’s?
@3 In the legal business, it’s called “forum shopping.” I don’t know what you call it when someone shops around for a doctor who’ll say what they want them to. I have a pretty good idea what to call that kind of doctor, though.
Irony alert:
Date Senate scheduled to vote on The Notorious ACB’s nomination: October 26.
The birthday of #CrookedHillary: October 26.
The only thing that would make this better is if October 26 is the date Harry Reid expires. Not that I’m wishing for that, you understand.
@6 So if a self-described billionaire’s daughter profits from her father’s public office, that’s less reprehensible than if a not-wealthy public servant’s son does it, because she’s less needy?
Okay …
To tell the truth, doc, I honestly don’t think many voters give a shit about what Hunter or Ivanka does, or how they get their money. They have their own problems to worry about. Like whether they’re going to get sick and die. How to support their families. Whether they have access to health care. Stuff like that, not the trivia you harp on like a broken record.
“forging a somewhat independent identity in the shadow of one of the most famous men in modern America.”
Ivanka Trump receives 5 trademarks from China amid trade talks
@8 Ivanka is smart enough to realize she’d better make her own pile while the getting’s good, because the old man’s money (if he has any) will run out before his legal expenses and clogged arteries do.
@9 Doesn’t really work. I’m being candid with you — that doesn’t work. It’s like trying to put horseshoes on a cat.
I dunno, Roger. I can’t say that I’ve ever heard a broken record skip thousands of times like the dumbfuck has done here.
Er, that’s not a denial, ol’ Joe.
@11 Date Senate scheduled to vote on relief aid as millions of desperate American voters wait … wait … wait for help: Indefinite, but definitely not before the election.
@ 13
Ivanka Trump receives 5 trademarks from China amid trade talks
Hunter Biden receives $3,500,000 from the wife of the mayor of Moscow.
I can keep this up all day, Steve. Hunter Biden is a criminal.
Yes, I’m aware that McConnell floated a $500 billion that mostly gave money to small business, and gave business legal immunity to secure their cooperation with the GOP’s strategic plan of starving workers back into disease-infested workplaces, but that doesn’t count as “relief” for most people.
Oh, and a promise of $300 weekly unemployment. But many people are still waiting for the last promise of $300 weekly unemployment. So that doesn’t count, either.
In short, Republicans have still offered nothing to the tens of millions of ordinary working-class voters now voting in droves (over 34 million ballots cast as of this morning).
@17 “profited off the family name”
Absent specific illegal acts, that’s not against the law, last I heard. See @12 for additional analysis.
@19 “Hunter Biden receives $3,500,000 from the wife of the mayor of Moscow.”
Unverified. Also, see @12 for analysis of potential election impact.
Biden election strategy:
Save lives with a rational Covid-19 strategy, restore the economy, expand access to health care, repair America’s crumbling infrastructure, bring broadband to rural areas (like mail delivery generations ago), and meet people’s other needs.
Trump election strategy:
Attack Hunter Biden.
You can almost hear the pens scratching as voters mark their ballots.
Morning Consult is reporting that 51% back The Notorious ACB’s confirmation. But that’s not the big news.
This is the big news:
Mazie Hirono wanted to refer to Barrett as a cunt, but Chuck Schumer said no.
@24 “Mazie Hirono wanted to refer to Barrett as a cunt, but Chuck Schumer said no.”
Doctor Dumbfuck wanted to put a horse cock in his mouth, and Mrs. Dumbfuck said yes, for reasons you can surmise.
So, how many steps are we from the actual photo being publicly released?
The Weiner penis photo ended up being shown publicly. But that doesn’t open up an accusation of distributing child pornography.
How do you release a photo of Hunter Biden with a nude 14 year-old girl without committing a child porn-related crime?
And is that quandary the only thing that is preventing the release? Or is it the timing – something first needs to happen at the last debate?
* Yes, it’s OAN News. But if the photo were shown to Rachel Maddow, do you really think she’d discuss it on the air?
Same was true of Hillary Clinton, and look how that turned out for y’all.
There is video. It will be in the movie.
“the former New York mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals while reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat’s daughter.”
as soon as Giuliani starts apparently playing with himself, Cohen’s character bursts into the room and tells him that she’s only 15 years old and thus “too old for you.”
The fucktard is nearly as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck.
Score one for Sasha Baron Cohen.
In 47 years ol’ Joe Biden created one job. It was for his son.
You stupid fuck. That can be said about your orange moron. You know, the same orange moron who spilled secrets to Russia in the Oval Office, causing the US to extract a spy from Russia before he touched the wrong doorknob.
Well, “An insufficient number of Senate Democrats voted in support of the GOP Bill” would have been more accurate, but this works:
Senate Democrats block GOP’s $500 billion coronavirus aid bill as Pelosi-Mnuchin talks continue
No matter which bill ultimately passes, it won’t make Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit a millionaire.
This can’t possibly be true.
Can it?
Remember, Joe Biden claimed never to have discussed his son’s foreign business interests.
Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails
And particularly not while his son was using Air Force Two to cash in on the Biden family name.
The Biden Crime Family, outed by Hunter’s stupidity.
Make of this what you will:
161,000 have already voted in person Fulton County. in 2016 the total votes in Fulton were 400,000. Monday (Columbus Day Holiday) and Tuesday voters were about 30% higher than Saturday and 70% higher than Sunday. 88,000 Absentee ballots have been received. So Fulton is already at 50% of 2016 votes cast with 14 days left including today.
In neighboring DeKalb as of Monday 193,000 have voted early in person and absentee. just over 310,000 votes were cast in DeKalb in 2016.
(#s are rounded to the nearest 1000)
Damn, and I just took T-Mobile up on the offer they’ve been bombarding since July for a free year of Quibi…
Kayleigh – “Look we’ve done all this work on health care. Here it is.” Hands Leslie Stall an impossibly large volume either not expecting her to actually take it our look at it.
There may be a *better* metaphor for how obviously empty the President’s promises on health care have been than a book carefully bound with 2500 sheets of blank paper in it (the evidence of which he tweeted out himself)—but I’m really hard-pressed to think of what it could be…
Also noted cyber security Rudi got punked this morning thinking he was texting with Ivanka on a new cell number when it was actually The VP of College Democrats of Indiana.
“I got you your football back. Me! You’re welcome!” Donald
Is MI important in this race?
Re @ 37
I wasn’t surprised at all that Cz-252 took it seriously. He views anything from Michael Wolff as pure gospel.
Also Nick Roberts @ 37, 39, and this time probably not parody:
And now you now why Cz-252 is so enamored with Nick Roberts. Neither of them is ready to come out yet.
We’re in peak silly season. Re @ 37, 39. 40, there’s a reason Cz-252 was duped. He was just following the crowd:
Notably, both Contributing editor at Politico Magazine David Freedlander and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow were duped by the tweet sent out by the college student.
So, it’s like y’all libbies behaved when the Steele dossier’s existence was revealed, only it didn’t take two years, a presidential impeachment and Senate trial, and a shitload of now-terminated FBI officials before y’all found out that it was all over a lie.
Well, libbies, your Giuliani/Borat release has forced Rudy into the closet. Well done!
Or perhaps Hunter Biden is such a huge, steaming pile of human garbage that a compromised Joe Biden because of him is something America cannot risk.
The Delaware AG’s office has turned over the accusations that Hunter Biden stored child pornography on his computer to the FBI.
With all this early voting, political,campaigns are wasting funds sending out, by mail, a bunch of political material. So many people are voting early that it makes the mailing efforts moot.
Well, it can all be recycled.
@39 & 40
Yep. I waited a couple hours before seeing it before mentioning it. Not long enough.
But I see you’re still hyping Rudy. Let me touch the 15 year old’s ass and lie back on the bed to ‘tuck in my shirt’ Rudy. Rudy, Borat set me up because I released this info as payback so they somehow got me to make a total Pedophile of myself months before any of that stuff was known, “It was a hit job”, Projection much?, Rudy.
@ 45
Rudy’s compromise is Rudy’s compromise.
Doesn’t lessen the severity of what Hunter Biden is shown to have done. For one thing, if the girl was 15 we wouldn’t be seeing her on video. For the same reason we’re not seeing the 14 year-old girl Hunter photographed. Feel free to give that some thought.
Senate Democrats will boycott the Judiciary Committee vote. Run and hide is what they do best, after all.
We’re down to one of y’all libbies murdering Amy Coney Barrett in order to prevent her confirmation.
Say, where’s gman?
Trump foreign policy explained in one paragraph:
“A high-ranking State Department official who is close to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo drank alcohol excessively on ‘numerous’ occasions while working, even raising a red flag among foreign counterparts, multiple State Department officials told the agency’s watchdog ….”
Something similar most likely explains a lot of HA posts, too. But ssshhhh … I don’t think we should mention doc’s drinking, even though he brought it up. He’s probably very sensitive about it. We don’t want to hurt his feelings.
I don’t wonder. He knew about Hillary’s server, too. He knew about Crossfire Hurricane, and knew it was bullshit.
He was complicit.
@42 And this will have how much impact on the 37 million people who have already voted, and the millions more who would never vote for Trump under any circumstances?
“Joe Biden’s plans for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income would lift 1.4 million Americans out of poverty in its first year, a new analysis found, along with guaranteeing the payout of full benefits for another five years.
“The former vice president’s plan hinges on imposing the 6.2% Social Security tax on earnings above $400,000. Employees and their employers are taxed on earnings up to $137,000 under current guidelines.
“If enacted next year, Social Security would collect 7% more in revenue in 2021, 12% more in 2040, and 16% more in 2065 than under current law, according to the analysis. That would allow Biden to move forward on a seven-pronged plan to increase benefits for Social Security and SSI recipients.”
Trump’s plan for Social Security would eliminate payroll taxes — and Social Security. Maybe that’s why senior citizens in places like Florida are deserting him in droves. IOW, it’s possible they care more about their Social Security income than Hunter Biden’s alleged emails.
Also, New York Times got played again. Trying to talk to GA Trump voters they profiled run of the mill Atlanta Attorney Jake Evans about how shocking it is that people like him are voting Trump but keeping it on the down low. It was like a southern fried version of the Liberal Coffeehouse in the Village.
A Google search would have turned up that Jake Evans is President of Atlanta Young Republicans so it stands to reason a lot of people he knows are Trump Supporters. Donald did get 27% in Fulton in 2016 after all.
@ 52
Also, New York Times got played again.
You know you got played @ 37 today, right?
Just checking.
“Rory Cooper, a veteran political strategist who was Congressman Eric Cantor’s communications director when he was majority leader, observed, “I don’t think that you can find a Republican in Washington who thinks that President Trump’s going to win reelection right now, even inside the White House — not anybody speaking honestly.
“‘Trump needs to win all solid, likely and lean-R states, all toss-ups, and bring in some lean-Democratic states in order to hit 270 electoral votes,’ Cooper continued. ‘Nobody believes that’s going to happen.'”
It’s gone, doc. Even Hunter Biden can’t save you now. This is like being down 3-0 in the World Series, with 2 outs in the 9th inning of Game 4, a 0-2 count on the batter, nobody on base, and the score 10-0.
More @ 52
What about the other dozen people in Atlanta suburbs with whom the NYT spoke for that piece? Did they have anything to share, Cz-252?
@ 52
The NYT clearly referred to Jake Evans as a Republican operative. Just as it referred clearly to a Democrat operative it quote in the same story.
The only one attempting to make you believe Jake Evans is a run-of-the-mill attorney is…
… Cz-252. Who chose, yet again, not to link to his dishonesty.
“Senator John Cornyn, who is also up for reelection, admitted that he has disagreed with the president on several issues, including COVID-19 stimulus, trade agreements, and deficits, among other things, he told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial board, but those disputes have been private.”
They’ve been very private, because he’s a gutless wonder, which means they don’t exist. But Cornyn doesn’t have much to worry about, while some of his colleagues shop for retirement homes. I wonder if Susan Collins will move to Florida?
There was a time when y’all libbies used to like Glenn Greenwald. Then he started to point out your duplicity.
This is a great idea.
Somebody tried to take down Joe Buck and Troy Aikman.
Two, and most important, they were not caught on a hot mic. This did not take place during a break in the Packers-Bucs game.
This was done before the game, during a rehearsal. That means someone who works at FOX, either in a truck or a broadcast studio, pulled the clip on purpose and then leaked it on purpose to make Buck and Aikman look bad. And the fact that one of their co-workers would leak this clip to make the broadcast duo look bad really sucks.
Oh, the FBI is holding a press conference, right now, on election security.
Seems important in this day and age, right?
It would have been a perfect opportunity to back Twitter’s decision.
I hope she votes to confirm.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has been diagnosed with E. coli infections in both ears.
@55 I’m sure you can find a diehard Republican and Trump supporter willing to say “Democrats are dividing us” if you look hard enough.
But it’s not Democrats who go around driving cars into crowds of people, plotting to kidnap or kill governors, brandishing guns in public buildings, and threatening “cival war.”
That’s your tribe, and only your tribe.
For those of you not yet tired of 45 over 86, I give you all the scatological humor that is Number Two.
After being her own boss, Kamala Harris embraces new role as Biden’s No. 2
@61, 63: What grasping at straws looks like when you’re down by 10 points 13 days before the election.
Remember how the senile idiot wabbit claimed the Proud Boys were “intimidating voters”. Then BeerPong repeated it. So how did all these libtard sites know?
Well, John Effin Kerry and Barack Obummer’s Iranian friends hacked the Proud Boys server and sent the information out.
Amazing how these left wrong sites had this so quick and were ready to nail the Proud Boys and the senile one and the drunk one were soooooooooooooooooooo fast to use it on assesHorse!
@ 54
Even Hunter Biden can’t save you now.
Even Christine Blasey Ford can’t save you now.
Live on teevee a dummocretin in action
Pre-Debate Public Service Announcement For Demorat Loons – “We prepare you for Biden-Einstein unplugged so you don’t stress out and whack it on Zoom.”
Biden-Einstein Unplugged; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwVrg6UtxXQ&feature=youtu.be
Relaxing Music; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_QLzthSkfM
@ 66
…grasping at straws looks like when you’re down by 10 points 13 days before the election.
Down 10 points? Nah. We’re up three SCOTUS justices, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Game’s won by the team with the most runs, not the team with the most hits. You left #CrookedHillary on the mound way, way too long.
Didn’t BeerPong claim that was a lie on Monday from The Atlantic?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
BeerPong, still as stoooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Far more facts confirm Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a fucking asshole.
Another way to put @72…is what the Delaware State Police actually said in a statement.
So you’re saying that even Iran has heard of the Proud Boys while Donald has not?
Remember this, last year Madcow’s lawyers basically called Madcow’s commentary
So when has Madcow ever said anything worthwhile or true? That’s why she fell for the hoax!
No you said that!
Completely understandable Goldy, seeing as you had to give up on getting one as soon as all the Democrat heavy hitters lined up behind ‘ol Joe.
Well it seems dot bombed jumped all over the Delaware State Police as a lie.
Lying, that’s what dot bombed does every day on assesHorse. Then accuses everyone else of lying when his lies continue to pile higher and higher!
Puddy guesses Rudy’s story still has LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG legs!
One trick pony speaks again. Dumber than a dumbfuck.
I got a feeling Bob was abused as a child. Got beat up and never won and argument. He always had to try to prove himself and could never live up to expectations.
The poor horse needs a new partner.
Bob is a petulent child.
@78 Doc’s chalkboard sure makes a lot of noise.
@81 Horses, poor things, have no control over who buys them. If I were Bob’s horse, I’d ask, “How much did I go for?” because I’d want to know if I’m a cheap trick.
@73 Anyone who has to use Jim Jordan as a “source” is desperate.
Ratcliff, a partisan hack, said, “”We have already seen Iran sending spoof emails designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest and damage President (Donald) Trump.”
CNN said, “Ratcliffe did not explain what he meant by his statement that the emails — which were sent to registered voters from ‘info@officialproudboys.com’ and warned recipients to ‘Vote for Trump or else!’ — were intended to damage the President.”
But the House Homeland Security Committee did explain, “”DO NOT listen to Ratcliffe. Partisan hack.”
Campaign speech disguised as press conference. Not very original. Been done before.
McConnell doesn’t want a vote on a coronavirus relief bill before the election because he doesn’t want to lose even more GOP senators than he’s already going to.
In honor of RBG’s demise, a new podcast has been developed:
Y’all HA libbies just gotta grin and Barrett.
Money laundering.
Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe
Oh, and it wasn’t the laptop that started the investigation. The investigation led to a subpoena for the laptop.
Based on the date of the subpoena, an official told Fox News that the case would have been opened prior to Isaac’s subpoena.
Joe Biden might be elected president, but he won’t be president very long.
What did Kamala know, and when did she know it?
@ 89
When Bernie was told he’d have to take one for the team a second time, he didn’t realizehe’d be taking it that far up his ass.
Translation of what is being said – Yeah libbies grin and Barrett becuase I’m a silly ass dumbfuck who sucks horse cock. I’ll forever be your worthless Troll.
The Real Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
Looks like The Conman Hump and his supporters really fucked over this Country for the love of Putin! America fucked forever – mission accomplished!
So long as the fuck Hump is gone, I don’t care if a donkey was running the place. Many Repukes believe the same.
What did Kamala know? Who gives a fuck.
Pudiot, the PIO for the Delaware AG made the statement, very specifically, that neither the AG nor the State Police (who answer to the AG for criminal investigations) were investigating Hunter Biden. Nor had they ever investigated Hunter Biden. It was a very clear, and intentional statement.
Perhaps that statement differs from your “sources”.
But up to this point your “sources” have been flaming garbage.
None of us have any reason to distrust either the Delaware AG or his media spokesperson. We all have plenty of reason to distrust you, The Q Clearance Cat Lady, Rudy, DiGenova, Trump, and their band of convicted felons and Russian operatives.
I know you think you are somehow braking your slide here (if not gaining ground). But you aren’t. You people are just making asses of yourselves, standing off by yourselves, throwing wet shit into a fan, becoming fully en-robed in it, and cackling because you think there’s some small chance some splatter might get on Joe Biden’s shoes.
Please don’t stop on my account. But don’t say you haven’t been warned either.
Remember Tara?
Remember all the lies you told?
Remember how I warned you two?
This is worse.
My bet is she didn’t have many others takers.
IF you can ever regain control of the Senate, and IF anybody still cares, maybe in a few years Rand Paul can grandstand in a few basement hearing rooms while CSpan dozes quietly in the corner.
If you were to look at a graph of the DJIA over the last 5 years you’ll see that it’s actually under performing.
@ 97
Underperforming what?
You’re a fucking clown, whatever your answer might be.
@89 “Joe Biden might be elected president, but he won’t be president very long.”
Correct. He’ll be impeached by a smaller House minority than your party has now, then removed by, say, 45 senators — give or take a couple.
Because Democratic presidents are held to a higher standard than Republican presidents, for whom no conduct is too corrupt to merit impeachment or removal.
97 – Um, the DJIA is not what investment professionals consider to a representative of the market performance. Most professionals use the Standard and Poor 500 Index as their metric for performance.
You clearly are not a professional investor or even a knowledgeable investor.
@90 Given how long Republicans have been trying to smear Biden through his son Hunter, and how politicized the DoJ has become under Barr, it would be political malpractice if the FBI wasn’t investigating Hunter Biden.
@100 Being the brilliant investor you are, you’ve probably seen this chart or one like it.
Oh dot bombed@94,
Keep spinning, ducking, jiving and weaving. Tee investigation is going and Rudy had the goods and passed them onward. From what Rudy was told, they were given to the Attorney General Kathy Jennings 9d-dummocretin) butt it was a hot potato. Soooooooooooo the latest version of Rudy’s Ukrainian Drug Deal story has even longer legs now!
Fox News has a statement from one of the recipients of an email disclosed by New York Post last week, confirming its validity. This recipient will be testifying before two Senate comittees, and these committees have requested his documents.
This witness confirms involvement of Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and former Vice President Joe “The Big Guy” Biden himself in business deals with the Chinese.
“The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.”
NPR wishes for you to know that the allegations against Joe Biden “don’t amount to much”.
Neither did the ones against Trump, but they were still used to impeach him.
102: The DJIA has 30 stocks and is NOT market cap weighted. The S&P 500 has 500 stocks and IS market cap weighted. Ever heard of the Law of Large Numbers?
In the debate Joe Biden referred to Antifa as “an idea”.
Today in a tweet he referred to America as “an idea”.
One’s as real as the other.
“Nearly 700 economists, including seven Nobel winners, are urgently warning against the reelection of President Donald Trump”
This is really simple, in two parts:
1. If you hate America, vote Trump
2. If you vote Trump, you hate America
@ 106
Ever heard of the Law of Large Numbers?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has never heard of anything beyond Seeking Alpha.
If you really want a laugh, give a read to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s defense of GE in October, 2017. Shortly after he wrote this, GE share prices fell nearly 75% and the dividend was slashed by 95%.
Oh, and don’t just stop with that one post – keep reading the thread, because he just gets increasingly more stupid. By the time he’s done he’s abandoned his defense.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a bloviating, clownish failure of an investor.
@106 True, but …
“Despite the very different makeup of the indices, and the different methodology, they basically get you to the same place. … So rather than slamming the Dow, how about marvel at the fact that with just 30 human selected stocks, using what seems like a blunt measurement technique, the index does an excellent job tracking the market.”
Which I’m sure you know, Peter, being who you are.
Which is close enough, unless you’re a professional trader, or you’re arbitraging the S&P index, or running a giga-gigantic family of mutual funds.
You know that, too, Peter. Unless, of course, you’re not Peter but a 15-year-old imposter playing on the computer in his mom’s basement instead of doing your online home schooling.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment failures are so widely known that one enterprising commenter created an investment method based on what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spews on HA.
The Notadumbfuck Method. Proven, time and time again, but never more definitively than in the thread linked to @ 109.
By the way, Peter, or kid pretending to be Peter, if you want to see what dividend jealousy looks like, take a gander at #109. You might get a laugh from it.
I had lettuce for breakfast, doc. What did you have for breakfast? Bloody Mary?
@111 Except my post the Bickle post you’re referring to has nothing to do with investing. It said:
“Now everyone’s talking about how wrong the talking heads were. Maybe the problem is not that they were wrong but that journalism has become too much talking and not enough reporting. In the old days, they didn’t tell us what to think, they simply told us what was happening.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: However, if we want to get into analysis, then Trump is the candidate the media created, because he wouldn’t have gotten to first base without all the free media publicity he got. For the last year, all the reporting has been about Trump, Trump, Trump, and nothing else. What did they expect? Gilmore would win?”
So, your “source” this time is … drum roll … a long-departed troll who couldn’t even stay on topic, and posted comments that had nothing to do with what he was commenting about.
And you take your investment advice from that guy. Seriously, I’m curious what you’re drinking for breakfast. A friend wants to know. Someone planning an intervention.
40.5 million ballots cast so far. You’re running out of time to win hearts and minds, doc.
Somewhere, right now, Miguel Estrada is smiling.
“Please, please, please someone take me seriously!”
@116 In which a dumbfuck celebrates the nomination of a political judge with no judicial experience to our second highest courts.
Maybe you should start thinking in terms of what’s good for the country, instead of what’s good for your party, doc. This is a slippery slope. If Republicans load up courts with partisan judges possessed of minimal judicial restraint, Democrats will be forced to do the same, and the judiciary will become a political institution instead of one that arbites between the political branches and protects citizens’ rights. At that point, the courts will cease to be respected, will lose their moral suasion authority, and our entire system will be the worse for it.
I can live with ACB if she follows the law instead of her personal beliefs — which is asking a lot, and I’m not sure I trust her in that respect, given her very short judicial track record — and if she’s not a dogmatic, which she very likely is. Based on what I know about her originalist thinking, she’s not someone I would nominate to the federal bench, but one justice isn’t the Supreme Court.
Throughout our history, the Supreme Court has maintained its standing with the public by not getting too far out of sync with the public. The gap between public sentiment and the Supreme Court majority’s ideological leanings is wider now than at any time in the last 70 years, and that’s a yellow flag. For example, two-thirds of the public supports Roe v. Wade; do you think the public would accept a decision overturning it? More likely it would provoke a fierce public backlash against the Court, especially among women.
The Democrats would be doing the Court a favor by pulling it back toward the center. The justices would do themselves a bigger favor by pulling its back toward the center. We’re already seeing that with Roberts, who’s smarter than you. With luck one or two of the other “conservative” justices will follow his lead. That would head off the argument for packing the court. If the justices don’t do that, then you have to expect the Democrats to do it for them. Don’t doubt for a moment the 8 sitting justices understand that. You’re stupid, but they’re not.
Another 1,100 Americans died of Covid yesterday.
“Hunter Biden, tonight of Fox News. Laura will do 15 minutes, Sean 35, the Tucker with an expert panel takes the full hour because LITERALLY this is the only thing voters should care about. Fair and Balanced. Also Rudy Guiliani will come on to give fashion tips and that neat crisp tucked in look.”
@105 How much attention do you think the 40 million people who have already voted are paying to this?
Women don’t give a shit about this. Black and Hispanic and Asian voters don’t, either.
Besides, Giuliani and a Trump flag-waving computer shop owner are the last people anyone is going to believe. This is where an endless river of lies has gotten you: Boy who cried wolf.
It simply doesn’t matter whether there’s a wolf when no one believes you anymore.
Can’t say it wasn’t earned.
@ 118
@116 In which a dumbfuck celebrates the nomination of a political judge with no judicial experience to our second highest courts.
In which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit fails to recall that Elena Kagan was clearly political, as Solicitor General, had no prior judicial experience, and was not just nominated, but confirmed with numerous GOP votes, to our highest court.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a bloviating, slovenly, incontinent, impotent clown of a former attorney.
@107 Some ideas are better than others.
For example, Republican fiscal austerity amid a depression was a bad idea in 1932, a bad idea in 2010, and is still a bad idea today.
Electing a profoundly dishonest amateur with no governing or management skills to the nation’s highest office was a bad idea, too.
Republicans never run out of bad ideas. The GOP is an endless fount of bad ideas. That’s why voting for them is a bad idea.
You do it anyway, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 120
I have to wonder how many times you wrote pretty much the same about Hillary’s emails. I know that YLB has written dozens of times about BENGHAZIIIII!!!!!!!!
How’d all of that work out for y’all? That ACB missile about to be fired up your collective asses gonna leave a bit of a mark, ya think?
Whether Biden is taken down before, or after, the election matters little in the context of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and The Notorious ACB. The right got what it wanted out of Trump, and in fewer than four years.
What a relief to learn that even Hunter Biden has standards.
Which means, of course, that for a sufficiently large cut, Hunter will gladly take it in the ass.
In the nine days since the New York Post reported on Hunter Biden, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has gone from disputing the report’s validity to claiming @ 120, now, that not enough people will care about his traitorous behavior to affect the election.
Imagine a badly damaged President Joe Biden trying to pack the courts, all while defending the good name of his federally indicted son.
We’re sorry, but your high school yearbook is being recalled. Please turn in your copy, and you will be sent a new copy after the manufacturing defect is fixed. Meanwhile, do not use the defective copy.
Another potentially problematical police shooting.
“As the administration’s systemic separating of families returns to the forefront of the American consciousness, Trump will have to contend with the re-emergence of images of horrified parents pleading to know the whereabouts of their children, the sounds of crying children as they are mocked by an agent, children caged in pens of chain-link fencing and stories of young children who died while in custody.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s really nothing new about this, and it’s not nearly as awful as past American genocides of Native Americans, slavery, Japanese internments, etc., although it’s sufficiently awful and we shouldn’t lose sight of that.
Some people claim it’s unpatriotic to say America wasn’t always great, or to point out the things about America that aren’t so great and could use improvement (e.g., racist police).
I don’t vote for people who think like that. But Doctor Dumbfuck does, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@125 Newsflash, I’m still disputing its validity and I’m also saying nobody cares, especially people who’ve already voted. Is there some reason why I can’t do both? Oh yeah, I forgot, you can process only one data byte at a time, because you’re a dumbfuck. I confused you. Sorry.
Darryl’s got Trump down 7 points in Minnesota.
Apparently there’s a disconnect between what’s happening in the prez race there and what’s happening in the Senate race:
Poll: Race for U.S. Senate seat a dead heat
WDIO is an ABC affiliate. SurveyUSA polled the state earlier in the month and had Biden up 7 over Trump.
It’s only one poll, but shouldn’t an incumbent be polling higher than 43% if (s)he is to be successful in retaining the seat? IT’s a poll of RV, not LV. LV would trend more toward the GOP candidate, so even worse news for Smith.
Now see MI Senate and Trafalgar’s results.
“Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is denying a new report claiming he is ‘openly plotting the ouster’ of FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn over his alleged insistence on strict COVID-19 vaccine safety guidelines.
“‘Commissioner Hahn and I speak almost every day. We have a very close, productive relationship,’ Azar said on ‘CBS This Morning’ Thursday.
“According to a report published Thursday in Politico, Azar had expressed his frustration with Hahn to several allies within his department, and even went so far as to discuss the ‘prospect of seeking White House permission to remove him.’
“Hahn’s reported insistence on stricter-than-normal safety standards for a coronavirus vaccine would likely make President Trump’s repeated promise to deliver a vaccine before the November 3 election impossible.”
Of course Azar, who has zero qualifications to assess the safety and efficacy of a vaccine, but would never jam through an unready vaccine on Trump’s orders, isn’t plotting to oust Hahn, a physician, because Azar denies it and denials are 100% plausible and should be believed except when Joe Biden denies a thoroughly implausible story floated by people with a long history of lying.
Boy who cried wolf, doc. 22,000 lies. Nobody’s listening anymore.
More on MN Senate @ 130:
Darryl’s September polls had Smith up 7-15 points over the GOP challenger.
Apparently the poll @ 130 is branded in different ways, with another ABC affiliate describing it as a KSTP/SurveyUSA poll.
Dumbfuck sure obsesses over polls. I don’t pay much attention to polls. Even if they’re accurate, polls don’t tell you how many eligible voters will be prevented from voting, how many legitimate ballots will be challenged or not counted, and in the end only the votes of Republican legislators and partisan judges will count anyway.
At least, that’s the autocracy Republicans want to create, and the only question is how successful they’ll be at creating it. I don’t know the answer to that.
Meanwhile, Trump probably is glued to TV reports of Nigerian troops shooting protesters against police corruption, rubbing his hands together, and thinking “I want to do that, too.”
Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Goldy gonna stop whining about inequities if a buncha state legislatures flip to blue just as the results of the census are available for re-apportionment and Congressional districts will then be redrawn?
Donnie Trump Jr. actually isn’t very smart.
@134 Not a bad idea. Might make our unrepresentative autocracy into something better resembling a representative democracy.
One of the more surprising things about this election cycle is that Republicans came right out into the open about what they tried to hide in the past (but is obvious to anyone paying attention):
They firmly oppose the majority principle.
They don’t believe in democracy.
They want minority rule.
They don’t want voters to have a say.
Mike Lee spoke for all Republicans when he said, “The objective isn’t majority rule. The objective is what we want,” or words to that effect.
And, characteristically, his description of what they want, i.e. “liberty, peace, and prospefity,” is a complete mischaracterization of what they really want, which is to tell other people how to live their lives, endless war, and prosperity only for themselves and the working classes be damned.
The world has seen this movie before, and they have to lie about what’s in it, or they wouldn’t be able to sell any tickets.
By black kids…..and a horse. Explains a lot, huh?
The trend is not Lindsey’s friend.
Morning Consult Harrison 47 Graham 45
WTF would a epidemiologist know about a pandemic response? STFU, We have a roid’ ragin’ man-baby and two dumbfuck radiologists leading us, thank you. We’ll listen to them, cough, cough!
‘Worst case of public health malpractice ever’: Epidemiologist delivers brutal epitaph to Trump’s COVID response
@140 Trump’s policy doesn’t require medical expertise. He prioritized the economy over health from start. He probably didn’t go out of his way to sacrifice lives, but he didn’t lift a finger to save them, either. He’s the kind of guy who, if a protester lays down in front of his car, will drive over the protester. Same with his Covid-19 policy: Anyone who gets in the economy’s way has to go.
My Gawd, this thread is such a shit-show! We might very well be witnessing Peak Dumbfuck.
Hey what do you know, Remdesivir is approved to treat COVID, like HIV. It’s a twofer.
Too bad a dumbfuck Doctor was to stupid to think possible.
@142 I’ve witnessed peak dumbfuck from the dumbfuck many moons ago.
A Repuke prioritizes money over the well being or the just of any issue. It’s all that matters, no mater how short sighted and whether it costs more inthe long term.
invented by Obummer’s sadministration!
NBC now giving free donations to the BiteME!~ campaign?
Who knew?
Speaking of frightened little toddlers imprisoned in Republican rape cages…
Trump must answer tonight for 545 children
The Detroit News endorsed GOP candidate for US Senate John James.
Detroit Free Press has significantly greater circulation and endorsed Democrat incumbent Gary Peters.
Drumpf just said if Joe wins the stock market will crash…
Damn! I’m glad I voted for Joe.. That means more entertainment for HA HEROES when dimfuk is triggered.
That shit is priceless!
So, fracking on federal land is something to oppose, but fracking on land not owned the federal government is OK…
… why, exactly?
Is federal gas bad and privately owned gas is good?
That moderator sorta rocked.
Pennsylvania, have you watched what has happened to West Virginia as coal has been phased out?
’cause ol’ Joe from hardscrabble Scranton just made it crystal clear that you’re next.
Audubon piece from March, 2016:
Will Wind Turbines Ever Be Safe For Birds?
Sure, it’s green energy—but it also results in hundreds of thousands of bird deaths each year.
Might not have been the wisest idea for ol’ Joe to dare Trump to show the tape of him saying he’ll end fracking.
Jus’ sayin’.
And our former vice president seems to think that no American in the Rust Belt has a job linked in some way to the oil or gas industry.
Comments during the debate. Enjoy.
Trump “I take responsibility. It’s all China’s fault.”
“we need to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time…”
“Joe, you’re dealing with someone that needs two hands to drink water and can’t handle small ramps”
“This needs to be fact checked in real time and done VH1 pop up video style.” God I would pay money for that!
“Biden has a plan, trump just rambles about how awesome he is”
If you can’t pay your employees a living wage without going under, your business plan sucks.
“You got 525 children that don’t know where they’re gonna be and lost their parents.
Trump: “Good.”
House cats kill extremely higher amounts of birds per year than windmills do.
“what do you say to the sick families?”
“They make a lot of money, so they should shut up.”
“Trump’s increasing use of personal attacks throughout the night really evidenced his increasing fear and anger. He knows he has no substance. He knows he lost the night. This was his last chance to swing back the undecided voters. He blew it and now he’s scared.”
Joe Banning Fracking? Well let’s roll the videotape Puddy!
But knowing he stepped in it with his Bernie Sanders debate statements, so last July while in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania he told ABC’s WNEP
Sooooooooooooooo what is it Joe?
Soooooooooo to separate the BiteME! potential flip-flop, there is no conflict with Kamala Harris on fracking.
Quick fact-check on Rick Santorum, who said on CNN that Medicare premiums have gone down 30%: My Medicare premiums have gone up 37.8% since 2016.
Xenophobia anyone?
senility issues do call for more money wabbit!
@ 159
My Medicare premiums have gone up 37.8% since 2016.
Yabbut the volume of your prostate has quintupled, just in the last six months. So measured by dollars per unit prostate volume, your costs have gone way, way down.
Of course, your wife’s alcohol consumption is what’s really killing you at home, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@148 “The Detroit News endorsed GOP candidate for US Senate John James.”
It would be shocking if they didn’t:
“Editorially, The News is considered more conservative than the Free Press. However, it considers itself libertarian. In an editorial statement printed in 1958, The News described itself as consistently conservative on economic issues and consistently liberal on civil liberties issues. It has never endorsed a Democrat for president, and has only failed to endorse a Republican presidential candidate four times: twice during the Franklin D. Roosevelt era; in 2004, when it refused to endorse George W. Bush for re-election; and in 2016, when it endorsed Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson rather than Republican nominee Donald Trump.”
@150 Because Biden respects private property rights.
@152 Really? (foghorn … )
If you want more shutdowns against the WHO recommendations, vote BiteME! IF you want the economy to tank from closures vote BiteME!
@153 And unregulated pesticides don’t.
I missed this. Vodkapundit didn’t.
@154, 157 CNN just ran that 2019 tape, and what Biden actually said is he would end subsidies for oil and fracking.
The issue of what Biden said is discussed here:
Joe BiteME sez:
PolitiFact, no Trump lover at all, called that their “Lie of the Year” for 2013. for
So which is it Joe………?
Which one? The Puddy entry gave the full cornucopia of BiteME! comments! CNN gave their selective one because, as everyone knows, CNN is in the dummocretin tank for BiteME!
Neither candidate sucked. For Trump, it probably mattered more.
Still not gonna vote for him.
@161 That’s lame even for you.
Would you like to explain how the Washington D.C. bureaucrats who decide how much my Medicare premiums will be know what my mental functioning is?
That’s something you should wish for, because you’d be rolling in dough if the government handed out money for being stupid.
McConnell’s hands.
@162 Same question I asked Puddy: How does Medicare know what my “prostate volume” is, and if that’s factored in, why do I pay the same Medicare premiums everyone else does?
In Chicago-ish:
@169 For most of the years of Tesla’s existence, its cars have been priced north of $60k. Not exactly how to “own” the EV market. The luxury market, maybe, but most people don’t drive $60k cars.
@173 Yeah, he probably captured some of the 1% of voters who are undecided Republicans by not having a total meltdown on the stage like he did last time.
Reading assesHorse comments from you. The FBI & the NSA know everyone’s IP Address from a certain defector whom went to Russia, you know his name right senile idiot wabbit? Something about Snow as part of his name.
Thanks Joe!
@ 175
McConnell’s hands.
My guess is a heavy anticoagulant therapeutic burden and probably some outpatient procedure(s) in the last several days for which he had veins catheterized.
Triple-bypass was for occlusions. So he’s gotta be on more than just a baby aspirin per day. My guess is warfarin or something stronger.
I love fuckin’ with y’all.
@173 Trump sucked.
@177 Nine potentially fraudulent applications out of 644,000 registered voters. None of which resulted in a ballot being issued or cast. Is there a pony somewhere in that straw?
Trump released the full 60 minute interview with Leslie Stahl.
Compare to the cut and paste job on Sunday!
The chief deputy whip of the Georgia state House doesn’t know what a coyote is.
@181 I see. Washington D.C. administrators have nothing better to do than read HA.
How much is your SSI? Asking for a Republican friend who’s not as crazy as you.
Was it Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit who brought up Frank Luntz earlier this week? I do think it might have been Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@182 What does it cost us in taxes and higher premiums to provide medical care to uninsured people?
Especially the stupid ones who don’t social distance or wear masks, and go to bars and pool parties?
Kinda sad that Dem higher-ups looking the other way has resulted in a disastrous party nominee two elections in a row.
OK. TBH it’s kinda funny as well. Didn’t I tell y’all to Think On Your Sins?
Looks like those RINOs at the Lincoln Project tried to delete their tweet on FAKE “The Proud Boys Voter Intimidation” and failed! Seems Rachel Madcow, CNN and other morons run with some strange “bedfellows”!!!!
@187 In violation of his agreement, making it the last interview he’s going to have with Lesley Stahl.
@ 191
@182 What does it cost us in taxes and higher premiums to provide medical care to uninsured people?
All of ’em, or just the ones s’posed to be here, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Coz it’s two very different answers.
Seems CNN and MSDNC were not interested in dealing with the truth from one of BiteME’s previous associates.
@190 I did bring up GOP pollster Frank Luntz earlier this week, whom your tribe now calls a “washed up, no good pollster”
for predicting his party will get their asses handed to them next month.
@192 “disastrous party nominee two elections in a row”
2016 and 2020 makes two in a row for you, too.
It’s a good night for the GOP when ol’ Joe goes Godwin.
No wars, Joe. And Soleimani still dead.
@193 Sez the squid who swallows whole every piece of disinformation put out by Putin’s agents.
Yeah, no one reads the Wall Street Journal anymore.
Wow the “Chinese Bank Account” was closed in 2015. That bombshell story was as explosive as a dot bombed sh^tshow on assesHorse.
A real dud!
It is sure amazing the worthless commentary you dummocretins rabidly copy from left wrong web sites!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit election result spoiler alert @ 198
Still using your racist dog whistle senile idiot wabbit!
Go for it!
“as soon as the audit is finished…”
That line from the debate is as hysterically funny as “facts” from teh babblin’ butthole or any bleat about misogyny from rapey mcdimfuk…
@195 From a 2018 Forbes article:
“Current federal policy is to prohibit federal tax funding of health care to unauthorized immigrants through either Medicaid or Obamacare. Nevertheless, rough estimates suggest that the nation’s 3.9 million uninsured immigrants who are unauthorized likely receive about $4.6 billion in health services paid for by federal taxes, $2.8 billion in health services financed by state and local taxpayers, another $3.0 bankrolled through “cost-shifting” i.e., higher payments by insured patients to cover hospital uncompensated care losses, and roughly $1.5 billion in physician charity care. In addition to these amounts, unauthorized immigrants likely benefit from at least $0.9 billion in implicit federal subsidies due to the tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals and another $5.7 billion in tax expenditures from the employer tax exclusion.”
So, the answer seems to be about $7.4 billion a year in federal, state, and local taxes, and $3 billion a year in premium cost-shifting, or $10.4 billion a year in direct costs to taxpayers and premium payers. In return for which they furnish cheap labor and subsidize Social Security by paying billions of dollars in taxes for benefits they will never receive:
Seems like a fair trade to me. By the way, where will you get labor force growth — and economic growth — without immigrants?
You can read the Tony Bobulinski statement here
Butt, of course it’s Russian disinformation from a decorated Navy veteran!
@192 Poor, poor Doctor Dumbfuck is reduced to quoting Donny Junior.
Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I don’t have to get my material from Donny Trump Junior.
Being you sucks, doc. Being me is so much better, you should grow ears and try it sometime.
@201 “In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Kimberley Strassel suggested teachers could be equipped with stun grenades to protect their students.”
Is this another one of her stun grenades?
Number of 44 million voters who have already voted who give a shit about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, please raise your hands …
Puddy wonders after tonight’s Biden sh^tshow debate commentary will any of the early swing state voters now realize that BiteME! will kill their long term job prospects with his debate commentary tonight?
Pack the Court
Kill Fracking
Biden Care Costs
Windmills don’t kill birds
Kill the Oil Industry
Repeal Trump Tax Cuts
just a quick mention of THE BIG SIX
Hey BeerPong, Puddy didn’t visit any web site for that list. Just like Puddy wrote after the dummocretin convention how BiteME! didn’t condemn the riots. Common sense and a brain!
“No wars, Joe.”
Warmonger Bolton wore out its Faux Snooze babblehead welcome.. Waremonger Pompeo is biding its time taking full advantage of its BENGHAAAAAZIIII!!!! teahad against Hillary.
Drumpf apparently believes war is bad for its silly businesses.. The Apprentice show started in 2004 just in time to save drumpf’s ass, keep the freak afloat – right through the Bush depression..
Another bad for drumpf’s business time.
Summary of 2020 campaign:
Joe Biden is offering rational policies on Covid-19, health care, the economy, foreign relations, climate change, jobs, immigration, and ending the hate and division in our politics.
The GOP is offering manufactured dirt on Hunter Biden.
Biden Care Costs
HAHAHA.. Yours truly fondly remembers teh babbling butthole “sky is falling!” gas emissions in Nov 2012..
It was priceless! Sure sucked to be teh babbling butthole..
@212 “No wars” was Trump’s motto in 1968, too, when he faced the draft. Not for him, anyway.
Who is “O” regarding
Oh wait Jim Biden is Russian disinformation!!!
Only with the help of the crazed databaze. Puddy don’t need a crazed databaze. Your vile bile is always cached in the PuddyDataBanks monomaniacal one!
@217.. snowflake.. triggered… thanks for playing..
@ 215
“No wars” was Trump’s motto in 1968, too, when he faced the draft. Not for him, anyway.
Trump had 4 student deferments and a draft exemption.
Biden had 5 student deferments and a draft exemption.
Neither one served.
You are an incredibly weak debater, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Until tonight I had never thought about Biden’s draft status.
Biden has so many other flaws I just never thought about his military past. Now I know Biden’s history eliminates that stain on Trump’s.
Well done, serial failure in everything you attempt.
“Pssssst. Biden weaseled out of military service more times than Trump did. Pass it on.”
Remember how bad it looked when GHWB41 checked his watch during a debate?
Guess who checked his watch tonite?
Lindsey Graham wants to regulate small campaign donations because his opponent is raising more money than he is from “shadowy forces.”
Hopefully Graham won’t be a senator long enough to crack down on people who donate $5 to candidates while looking the other way at the $100 million that Sheldon Adelson is pouring into GOP campaigns, including probably Graham’s.
I wonder why Republicans don’t just come right out and say the obvious: They want to make it illegal to be a Democrat.
@219, 220 Unlike Trump’s bone spurs, Biden’s asthma was real.
The luckiest black person I ever met was a kid from Detroit who was drafted, sent to infantry school, shipped to Vietnam, and within a week was aboard a Navy hospital ship where he was diagnosed with asthma, and given a medical discharge with full veteran’s benefits. He deserved it. He did, after all, report for duty.
The military will not accept people with asthma for military service, or allow them to serve, even in wartime when conscription is in effect. There was no way Biden could have gotten into the military even if he wanted to. So he didn’t “weasel out of” military service.
One of my bunkmates aboard the Navy hospital ship was another black kid in the infantry whose unit was charging a treeline full of Vietcong who were shooting at them. He fired a grenade launcher, hit a tree in front of him, and had hundreds of wood splinters in his face, neck, and upper body. He was lucky in a way, too — i.e., lucky he didn’t lose his eyesight. He, too, is a veteran deserving of benefits.
Kirsten Welker didn’t have to use her mute button during the debate, which proves that deterrence works.
“One of the Trump campaign’s latest Facebook ads … depicted an American flag and … a scene of … a tranquil field …. The voiceover of the ad says, ‘In a face of a trial unlike any other, America is doing what we always do,’ as the clip continues into the scene of the field …. It goes on to say, ‘We are rising to the occasion. Thanks to the bold actions of President Trump, we are on the verge of producing a Covid-19 vaccine faster than anyone thought possible.’ As the ad says, ‘Together we will beat this virus,’ a woman who appears to be a doctor pops up on screen.”
CNBC did a little digging into the origins of that ad and here’s what they found:
“The clip of that field is, in fact, from Slovenia …. CNBC reached out to the photographer … and was told ‘it was shot in Slovenia and I am from Slovenia’ … [and] the woman posing as a doctor in the clip was ‘an actress, filmed in Russia in a studio.’”
Their Delaware laptops are foreign fakes, too.
Trump doesn’t take money from Russia, he sends money to Russia, assuming the actress got paid. However, that seems questionable, considering the American cities where Trump held his first rallies are still waiting to get paid 4 years later.
The next Kyle Rittenhouse?
Michigan thugs are going to court for the right to menace voters with guns in polling places.
@ 227
The next Kyle Rittenhouse?
Dude had child pornography and a half-million dollars that he clearly did not earn when he was arrested.
Sounds more like the next Hunter Biden to me.
The Pudiot’s latest campaign promise:
everyone gets a Communist Chinese bank account and a Communist Chinese tax bill.
At his age, chances are what Rudy was doing with his hands down his pants was furiously pumping away at his ED implant.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady doesn’t have to.
Nurse does it for him.
House and Senate GOPers are now addding Mnuchin to the list of Trump’s “Made Men” they want to see dumped in a New Jersey wetland, along with Christopher Wray, every Press Sec., Bolton, Conway, Kelly, Priebus, Mulvaney, Bannon, Flynn, Gorka, McMaster, Spicer, Hicks, Schlapp, Sanders, Dowd, Jackson, and The Mooch.
Blame “The Best People”.
Here lies the intellectual hallmark of a “true” EEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
Diligently seeking flaws in the candidate or side of the issue he has already predetermined to oppose. Celebrating when he finds one.
This has always been the point, I’m afraid. A strain of American political ideology that is fundamentally oppositional, and that is specifically directed at ideals that are central to the Democratic Party. They will never support any Democratic candidate unless they agree in advance to abandon those central ideals.
I was never particularly enthusiastic about Joe Biden for all kinds of reasons. The biggest being his history of support for federal “anti-crime” bills that created the US carceral state that destroyed communities. And in that sense, his nomination should have been welcomed by a “tough on urban crime” racist asshole like The Q Clearance Cat Lady. I have little hope of seeing either Biden or Harris advance progress in reforming US law enforcement.
But Democrats were never going to “persuade” such people as this. I’m fine with reassuring “the olds”, especially now that they have something that is real to fear for a change. But however badly we kick Rapepublican’s asses a week from this Tuesday, Democrats should never back down from those core ideals. There’s nothing to be gained.
You mean like those on the left that did the same in Philadelphia in 2008 and 2012 senile idiot wabbit?
Dog whistle for our attempts to make Joe BiteME! the winner by ballot stuffing or dead people voting will be watched and we can’t have that. You see the senile one conveniently forgets Michigan 2016 facts while Puddy DOES NOT
Nuff said sucka!
Golly dot bombed, you’ve diligently seeking flaws in the candidate or side of the issue he has already predetermined to oppose for the last four years!!!1!!!.
– Remember your BENGHAZI!!1!! attacks?
– Remember your Clinton email attacks?
– Remember your Russia Russia Russia attacks?
You conveniently forget how many times you and your assesHorse dummocretins brought up how Beau Biden was a combat veteran and Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump didn’t serve. You conveniently brought up how Donald Trump Sr. didn’t serve. So when godwinha finds a FACT your puny mind can’t deal with you rant and rave with irrelevant commentary as usual.