So I just read in the Seattle Times “Rossi’s final real estate talk canceled,” and what immediately struck me, apart from the obvious, is that the headline is written in the passive voice. Notice how the headline doesn’t employ the preferable active constuction, “Rossi cancels final real estate talk…” because, well, he didn’t. And that’s the real story here.
[Seminar organizer Steven] Marshall would not reveal how much Rossi had been paid for the seminars, citing confidentiality. But he said Rossi could have gotten out of them after declaring his Senate bid.
“If he had called me up and said ‘I want out of this,’ we would have let him out instantly,” Marshall said.
It was Marshall who canceled Rossi’s remaining talk, out of concerns that he might run afoul of campaign finance laws. Rossi apparently never asked to be let out of his contract, instead choosing to conduct seminars advising fellow real estate speculators how to profit off the foreclosure crisis, even while in the midst of a U.S. Senate campaign.
(d’oh! posted on wrong thread before)
So what’s missing from the issue page in Rossi’s “new” web site?
Abortion! Gay rights! and a host of other things where Rossi has very unpopular positions.
(insert chicken sounds here)
I’ve been trying to critique Rossi’s issues page, but it’s slow going as there’s nothing there to critique.
These are platitudes not policy statements!
The technologies rolled out during the Bush years have been shown to be ineffective at controlling the border.
I’m convinced Rossi knows he doesn’t have a chance. His entire campaign seems to be little more than Rossi pay day theater with lots of theatrical stage fog.
@1 From Rossi’s issues page, “the massive debts we’ve run up in the past eighteen months, threaten our long term economic prosperity”
Apparently Rossi views the massive debt run up by Republicans prior to eighteen months ago as posing no threat to our long term economic prosperity.
Rossi’s a lying piece of shit.
Long as we’re picking nits, the modifier “final” is incorrect in the headline as well as incorrect when used in the lead sentence “…canceled the final one this week.”
But this is the ST and when the puppy needs to do its business who cares about the style or correctness of the words the business will be deposited upon.
anyone who thinks they should vote for Rossi because he’ll do more for military personnel and/or veterans that Senator Murray is as pathetically ignorant as you could possibly get.
Nobody has done more for our veterans and military personnel than Senator Murray, and she had the good sense to vote against the authorization for Bush and his chickenhawk PNAC foreign policy architects to use force against Iraq.
Rossi is so far out of his league in this race it would be almost comical, except for the fact that the electorate is so unbelievable uninformed and gullible that he might actually be viable.
Who cares about ethics, there’s profits to be made!
As if we needed any more evidence to prove that the current crop of Big C’s are nasty and brutish and will eat their own young:
Murray will loose, because she will not be able to rally her base. Rossi SingTFU is part of the strategy of making sure her base doesn’t turn out in opposition. This same strategy almost worked for Hutchinson, had she not completely side stepped the question about her party affiliation, and because of her past relationship with a certain employer that got publicity.
@8 Michael on 06/25/2010 at 5:16 pm,
“Epistemic closure” :-)
Don’t cry. Do the tebagger WINGNUT!
@9: Yeah, final tally, Susan Hutchison 40.68%, Dow Constantine 59.04%…
Only 18.36 spread. Dow barely squeeked by with almost 60% of the vote.
Murray will not “loose”.
@9 tpn 06/25/2010 at 5:27 pm,
Don’t give up your day job or you’ll loose whatever means you currently have to financially support yourself.
Yep, almost.
Susan Hutchison 40.68%
Dow Constantine 59.04%
Just think what it would have looked like if it wasn’t almost.
@12) Beat you to it!
For Rossi to win he has to not lose by much in the Puget Sound Basin and win big else where in the state. Murray pulls too many votes outside of the PSB for Rossi to do this.
Thad Allen is a disgrace to the USCG. Obama should can him too.
(Live blogging The News Hour.)
I doubt Patty Murry is in any danger of losing the primary. What if we all voted for Didier in the primary instead? If Didier beat Rossi in the primary, wouldn’t he be destroyed in the general election?
Murray’s in no danger of losing the general regardless of who wins the primary.
I’ll vote for Didier…he’ll be more fun to listen to than the Dino-Sore.
Yeah, Murray’s a sure thing alright.
And remember, the Rasmussen Poll is DEMOCRAT Leaning as evidenced by the Brown/Coakley race where Rasmussen had it a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Perhaps if Murray signs Lee’s pro-Stoner petitioner she will “float” to victory!
The Tea Party members are pissed off at ObaMao and his surrogates like Murray.
Washington is a target state.
Keep dreaming you KLOWNS.
Oh and Goldy–
Define “Real Estate Speculator” for us.
Seems like you are one.
Is anyone with rental properties a “speculator”? You make it sound like anyone who invests has some kind of communicable disease. SPECULATOR! Sounds awful coming from you.
so you approve of and support vote fraud? ok.
@16: that’s what the Greg Nickels supporters thought. Oops.
In America you can vote for whomever you want for whatever reason you want.
Yep, I understand that – but if you think about it, its just another form of vote fraud because in essence one is sabotaging the opponents party and their process of choosing a candidate.
It is patently unethical…but to some people, ethics do not matter it would appear.
Some people are willing to trash democracy just so “their guy” can win. That is un-American.
Rasmussen calls the Murray Rossi race a tie. Rassmussen overstated Republican support in Washington races by 3-6 points in 2006 and 2008. I suspect the Republican lean of Rasmussen’s 2010 Washington polls is higher still in part because no cell only voters are included in his universe and the percentage of cell only households in our state has increased markedly in the last few years. Cell only households tend to be more liberal than land line households.
Dig deeper into the issues responses on the current Rasmussen poll and you’ll find the responses indicate a much more conservative slant that either the Elway or Washington poll.
I would guess that Murray has about a 5 point lead on Rossi now and expect that lead to grow when both campaigns begin to advertise heavily.
And remember, the Rasmussen Poll is DEMOCRAT Leaning
No, it does not lean that way, this has been beat to death by Nate Silver, they lean right, they accurately track though, which makes them useful in that way.
Ah yes, Brown/Coakley where the Tea Baggers scored a HUGE VICTORY by getting a pro-stimulus, pro-gay marriage, candidate elected over a pro-stimulus, pro-gay marriage, candidate that didn’t bother campaigning.
This isn’t Brown/Coakley. Murray will run hard, she’ll point out everything she’s ever done for every community in the state and she’ll point out every sleazy deal Rossi’s ever been involved in.
King, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Clark, and Kitsap counties account for a huge proportion of the states population. And Rossi can’t count on a single one of them for a win, let alone the big win in Clark and Spokane that he’d need to unseat Murray. Rossi will probably take Spokane County, but he’s going to have to put up a fight for it and that means time and money (that he doesn’t have) spent outside of the PSB where most of the people are at.
So Rossi’s giving real estate seminars, is he? Well, someone had to fill Wade Cook’s niche.
Oh yeah Puddy can’t wait…
Why should this surprise anyone? Rossi worked for a guy who went to prison for stealing from widows and orphans. And when that dude got out of prison, Rossi was knocking on his front door looking for a job.
This modern-day, ethically-challenged, gang of thieves and liars isn’t Eisenhower’s Republican Party. That party doesn’t exist anymore. Today’s GOP — Rossi’s “prefers GOP party” — is more like the Stalin crowd.
Why would anyone vote for them? I mean, really, why would they? This is an election year. When you cast your mail-in ballot this fall, remember … this isn’t your granddad’s Republican Party. You know what to do.
Mrs. Rabbit just asked me what I’m doing, and I told her I’m posting on Horsesass, and that I compared Dino Rossi to Joseph Stalin. She laconically rejoined, “You’re making Stalin look bad.”
Hey, I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist — I’ve never denied that, in fact I’ve boasted about it for several years now — and I know how to play the commie card, too.
Everyone knows, or if they don’t I’m gonna educate them, that today’s neo-conservative movement has its intellectual roots in the person of University of Chicago professor Leo Strauss, who transformed Trotskyism into a weird kind of semi-Nazism. In other words, today’s conservatives are all Trotskyites. This shouldn’t surprise you, because these people obviously don’t believe in democracy. They believe in stealing elections, and if that doesn’t work, using guns to take power. Really! Haven’t you heard conservatives talking about armed overthrow of our Democratic-controlled government? I sure have. These jerks are absolutists, totalitarians, would-be dictators, in the Stalinist mold. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re planning gulags for us liberals.
Liberals must arm!
Rog @ 30,
When my wife asks me now, late at night, “what are you doing on my laptop?”, the safe answer would probably be, “oh, just cruising some porn.” She knows that when I’m on HA, I’m probably getting worked up. A little, at least. Actually, now, we don’t have any trolls that can even get me worked up. I kind of miss those trolls.
Wow Proud Leftist misses JCH and Marvin Stamn.
Who knew?
Rather odd that someone who is considered the frontrunning GOP candidate for US Senate didn’t quit his day job isn’t it?
BTW polls or no polls I have no doubt that Murray will make mincemeat of Rossi once she starts campaigning in earnest.
Just remember 6 years ago when Rep. Nethercutt thought he had her with the “Osama Mamma” comments and was polling relatively well over the Summer. Then the Murray campaign kicked in after Labor Day and Nethercutt ate her dust.
With neith
With neither campaign doing much the polling is pretty meaningless
Dino likes him that money.
The article is date/time stamped online for Friday at 9:50 a.m. Which means it didn’t make the Friday print edition.
I don’t know whether or not it was included in the Saturday print edition, but it doesn’t really matter – the Saturday paper has the lowest readership of the week, by far. That’s why politicians and businesses who want to dump bad news where it will have the least impact release their stories so they will be Saturday’s news.
Funny, the article claims that the seminars weren’t “advertised or marketed”. Yet there were enough promotional materials being circulated for Goldy and others to get their hands on copies.