If inablitity to spell puts one on the Right, then I’m in trouble. Or maybe not, as I’ve been thinking maybe a vote for Didier in the primary might be the entertaining move for November. But only if Senator Patty is there to enjoy the fun.
@1: Tea-bonics is hil-arious.
Wow, It is frightnening how dumb some of those tea baggers are. Then again, we should have known that from the trolls we have. I mean Klynical is clearly missing a frontal lobe and the other trolls don’t lag far behind in the ignorance department.
We knew that many tea baggers were not the sharpest tools in the shed – but so many absurd misspellings?
How ironic.
I love this one:
English is the only American Lanaguage
I just crack up every time I see that sign.
Clint Didler is an iconic teabagger.
And not being able to correctly spell is a badge of honor that teabagggers wear proudly.
Once we understand and accept that spelling is not important, we can easily get to reading is irrelevant, then it is not too far a leap at all to abolish education.
The teabaggers aren’t stupid. They’re crazy like a breast implanted fox.
RonK, Seattlespews:
MikeBoyScout @ 5 — Iconic, ironic, whatever.
“They’re crazy like a breast implanted fox.”
Speaking of which, I’d say Palin’s breast implants turned out pretty good. Both of them.
@4 This was a good one too, “Respect are country – speak English”.
headless lucyspews:
Well, nobody’s perfetc.
Dikshunary spelling is so librul. You have to spell with your gut.
Turns out Dan Quayle was a teabagging pioneer.
What are you guys talking about. It is spelled correctly.
You can tell the tea baggers went to exclusive private schools.
What do you want from these Jersey Shore Idiots.
What the hell is she doing in the state? Anyone know? Is our surveillance in place?
If they spend much time in a motel room together, then the question tomorrow will be “Clint didher?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
What? Tri-Cities is one word? What?
@14: Good point. To Tea baggers, up (or in this case, northeast) is down.
Since when are the Tri-Cities further south than Vancouver?
Hey brainless Dems – keep up the teabagger slur. I’m sure that really appeals to the vast WA moderate voting base!
What the hell is she doing in the state? Anyone know? Is our surveillance in place?
Wow – revealing of the Dem fascist mentality!
@21 and 22: I’m having trouble understanding you. Please remove the hairy scrotum from your mouth and try again.
Hey brainless Dems – keep up the teabagger slur. I’m sure that really appeals to the vast WA moderate voting base! – @21 Crusader on 06/12/2010 at 8:29 am
“Participants will purchase a tea bag and win a prize if they can successfully throw it through the open mouth of one of three politicians on the game board.”
And the three open-mouthed politicos? Those would be Attorney General and Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin.
Seems the Dems aren’t having nearly as much fun with the teabaggers as the Republicans are.
Why Mary Lane Strow scares Democrats… she’s not a doofus who can’t spell or flies in a sissy Grumman American AA-1 instead of an A-10 or Grumman Wildcat, Hellcat, Tigercat, Bearcat, or oh yes Tomcat!
@21: Typical tea bagger ignoramus. the tea baggers are a small minority of racist ignoramuses.
The simply IS no vast moderate tea bagging population. by definition, tea baggers are a small vocal minorty of fools, racists, libertarian idiots and historical revisionists that have little to do free the real values of our country – but they are too dumb to know that.
Chris Stefanspews:
I wonder if Sarah will pull her endorsement from Didier? After all she’s got a good streak going in picking the winners of republican primaries.
Then again, who knows, maybe Didier will beat Rossi to go up against Murray in November.
I thought I caught a whiff of sulphur…
If inablitity to spell puts one on the Right, then I’m in trouble. Or maybe not, as I’ve been thinking maybe a vote for Didier in the primary might be the entertaining move for November. But only if Senator Patty is there to enjoy the fun.
@1: Tea-bonics is hil-arious.
Wow, It is frightnening how dumb some of those tea baggers are. Then again, we should have known that from the trolls we have. I mean Klynical is clearly missing a frontal lobe and the other trolls don’t lag far behind in the ignorance department.
We knew that many tea baggers were not the sharpest tools in the shed – but so many absurd misspellings?
How ironic.
I love this one:
I just crack up every time I see that sign.
Clint Didler is an iconic teabagger.
And not being able to correctly spell is a badge of honor that teabagggers wear proudly.
Once we understand and accept that spelling is not important, we can easily get to reading is irrelevant, then it is not too far a leap at all to abolish education.
The teabaggers aren’t stupid. They’re crazy like a breast implanted fox.
MikeBoyScout @ 5 — Iconic, ironic, whatever.
“They’re crazy like a breast implanted fox.”
Speaking of which, I’d say Palin’s breast implants turned out pretty good. Both of them.
@4 This was a good one too, “Respect are country – speak English”.
Well, nobody’s perfetc.
Dikshunary spelling is so librul. You have to spell with your gut.
Turns out Dan Quayle was a teabagging pioneer.
What are you guys talking about. It is spelled correctly.
And you don’t go ‘down’ to the Tri’s from Vancouver. It’s clearly ‘over’.
You can tell the tea baggers went to exclusive private schools.
What do you want from these Jersey Shore Idiots.
What the hell is she doing in the state? Anyone know? Is our surveillance in place?
If they spend much time in a motel room together, then the question tomorrow will be “Clint didher?
What? Tri-Cities is one word? What?
@14: Good point. To Tea baggers, up (or in this case, northeast) is down.
Since when are the Tri-Cities further south than Vancouver?
Hey brainless Dems – keep up the teabagger slur. I’m sure that really appeals to the vast WA moderate voting base!
Wow – revealing of the Dem fascist mentality!
@21 and 22: I’m having trouble understanding you. Please remove the hairy scrotum from your mouth and try again.
Your anger seems misplaced.
Gay Republicans to hold Tea Bag Toss
Seems the Dems aren’t having nearly as much fun with the teabaggers as the Republicans are.
Pffffft. Is this Jim Walker or a clone?
Why Mary Lane Strow scares Democrats… she’s not a doofus who can’t spell or flies in a sissy Grumman American AA-1 instead of an A-10 or Grumman Wildcat, Hellcat, Tigercat, Bearcat, or oh yes Tomcat!
@21: Typical tea bagger ignoramus. the tea baggers are a small minority of racist ignoramuses.
The simply IS no vast moderate tea bagging population. by definition, tea baggers are a small vocal minorty of fools, racists, libertarian idiots and historical revisionists that have little to do free the real values of our country – but they are too dumb to know that.
I wonder if Sarah will pull her endorsement from Didier? After all she’s got a good streak going in picking the winners of republican primaries.
Then again, who knows, maybe Didier will beat Rossi to go up against Murray in November.