I’m not really a chain-letter type of guy, but since Carla asked so nicely, I suppose I’ll take part in that Book Meme thing that’s been going around. I hope she’s not too disappointed with my answers.
You are stuck inside “Fahrenheit 451.” Which book would you be?
For very pragmatic reasons I think I’ll have to choose Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse. There is a lyrical quality to the prose that should make it easier to memorize (though all those weird Indian names might pose a problem,) and… it’s mercifully short. While Steppenwolf may be the Hesse classic more appropriate to our times, if I’m going to have one book stuck inside my head for the rest of my life, I don’t want anything that’s going to drive me nuts, and the couple times I’ve read Siddhartha, I found the experience rather peaceful.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Every woman I have ever had a crush on was fictional, in the sense that we always imbue the objects of our desire with our own romanticized ideal of “true love.” Is that not the nature of infatuation?
What is the last book you bought?
Um… I’m more of a library person. I just reserved a copy of Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America… does that count? Other than that, I think, maybe, my last personal purchase may have been a paperback of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations.
What are you currently reading?
I’m guessing “these words as I type them” wouldn’t be an original answer, huh?
I’m finally reading Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities as part of my futile, life-long quest to eventually read all of the books I didn’t read in school when I was supposed to. To that end, I also occasionally pick up a copy of Hannah Arendt’s Totalitarianism, but I keep forgetting which parts I’ve read and which parts I haven’t, so I’ll never finish.
Other recent books have been Gary Hart’s The Fourth Power, and Darwin’s Cathedral by David Sloan Wilson. Oh… and as a joint venture, my daughter and I are currently enjoying Lemony Snicket’s The Miserable Mill.
Other than that, it’s the usual array of way-too-many online blogs, newspapers and magazines.
Five books you would take to a deserted island.
Assuming this is a long term, Castaway-like situation, I’m going to cheat and take along some anthologies: The Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll, Plato’s Socratic Dialogues (not illustrated,) The Complete Prose of Woody Allen… and to really pass the time, Will & Ariel Durant’s eleven-volume The Story of Civilization.
Finally, while great literature may feed the soul, it doesn’t fill the belly, so I’m going to throw in a copy of the U.S. Army’s Illustrated Guide to Edible Wild Plants.
Tag, your it…
As I understand it, now I have to pass the curse of the Book Meme on to three fellow bloggers. Hmmm… well how could I not be curious in seeing how The General might answer? And using the term “fellow” loosely, wouldn’t it also be fascinating to see what our friends Stefan and Marsha are reading?