Via Slog, King County Council Chair Larry Phillips has sent a letter to Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng, formally asking him to investigate Lori Sotelo for perjury:
Metropolitan King County Councilmembers have been contacted by challenged voters whose voter registrations are not only correctly registered to their home addresses, but who also have no prior contact or relationship with Ms. Sotelo. Thus, Ms. Sotelo’s basis for “personal knowledge and belief” of falsified voter registrations is highly questionable, and her voter challenges should be investigated for possible perjury.
I urge you to investigate Ms. Sotelo’s possible perjury in this matter; a violation of state law and a constitutional violation of numerous voters’ inherent right to vote in King County.
Here’s the point… challenging a voter’s registration at any time, let alone days before an election, should not be taken lightly. Yet that’s exactly what Sotelo and the Republican Party did.
This is particularly offensive when you consider the basis for their challenges… not that voter fraud has occurred, or that ineligible voters are casting ballots… but that otherwise eligible voters have technical errors in their registration. According to KCRE, many of those who revised their registration on Saturday only needed to swap their street address for their mailing address… they had merely put the wrong address on the wrong line.
And yet, not only is the GOP bragging about their efforts to deny these people the franchise, they also apparently feel it is justified to inconvenience or even disenfranchise hundreds of wrongly challenged voters in the process!
But with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over alleged corruption and incompetence in KCRE, what the Republicans haven’t been able to show us is a single scrap of evidence proving widespread voter fraud. After the most scrutinized election in state history and an unprecedented election contest trial, only seven voters out of nearly one million ballots cast have been prosecuted for casting illegal votes. Seven!
The Republican solution? Disenfranchise tens of thousands of legal voters by purging the rolls, eliminating ballot duplication and enhancement, enacting photo ID and stricter signature matching standards, and yes… falsely challenging hundreds of legally registered voters.
The only fraud in the 2004 gubernatorial election was Dino Rossi’s fraudulent lawsuit contesting it.