Mayor Harrell gave his first State of the City address. Sweeps and hiring more police. Bidness! But also labor.
Anyway,please wash your hands. Right now! And for God’s sake, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet. Get boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Mayor Harrell gave his first State of the City address. Sweeps and hiring more police. Bidness! But also labor.
Anyway,please wash your hands. Right now! And for God’s sake, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet. Get boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Good morning. I am not sure that Inslee’s announcement of easing mask mandates at large outdoor spaces is the right call. Especially if he’s talking about further repealing the indoor mandates. I do want to see that at some point, but we’re still in the middle of it. I am glad he is being more cautious than many other governors, even Democratic governors.
Masks are a slight inconvenience, but people act like the sky is falling. It’s much worse to spread COVID-19. Let alone catch it.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Darryl — ,
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Full Frontal: Power naps—Black America’s struggle to sleep
Parody Project: ♫ Ode to the World’s Worst (Politician) ♬
Amber Ruffin: Police brutality is not new
Roll Call: Congressional hits & misses of the week
The Dotard Трамп and His Fan Club of Traitors, Liars, and Deplorables:
Cracked’s Honest Ads: If NFTs were nonest
Amber Ruffin: Amber’s Black history month lessons (Part 1)
Andres Antunes: ♫ Karen Metal 4! [No Pomegranates] ♬:
AJ+: How a bank robbed former slaves—And got away with it
Robert Reich: These baristas started the wave of unions at Starbucks
This Week in ТрампPlague:
Trae Crowder: Florida’s “Don’t say gay” bill
Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Hitler burger ♬
Amber Ruffin: Systemic racism? No thanks
Jon Stewart and Dr. Mae Jemison: Why billionaires shouldn’t own space travel
Trevor: Highway racism
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
So, Twitter has been dunking on this for a while. But it’s so weird. Councilmember Juarez is arguing that Pike Place Market is unsafe except “Saturday in broad daylight.” Like, I have talked to women who are concerned about being in high crime parts of the city. So I can understand if she said those blocks on 2nd Avenue near Westlake, or 12th and Jackson, or pick whatever park has a lot of tents right now. It might be a bit callous, but I would understand. But Pike Place? The biggest problem is crowding, not crime. I do most of my shopping at Pike Place, and I just don’t understand why she chose that as her example.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated, get vaccinated, if you aren’t boosted, get boosted.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Here in Seattle, our levies passed fairly easily. So good for us. A quick perusal looks like they passed in a lot of other cities. But less so in some exurban and rural areas. Does anyone have a comprehensive list?
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated, please do it. If you aren’t boosted, do that.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Tomorrow is the last day to get your ballot postmarked or dropped off. So get on it. Please if you live in Seattle vote yes on both. And don’t forget about King Conservation District, our most ridiculous election.
And, hey, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated if you haven’t yet, and boosted if you’re eligible.
by Darryl — ,
SNL Weekend Update: President Biden works to prevent Russia/Ukraine war
Samantha Bee: But God didn’t say that—Religious community members talk God and abortion
Black History Month Moments:
The Daily Show: Outrage Court—Are colleges limiting free speech?
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Brownshirts, Blowhards, Bullshitters and Other Disciples of The Dotard Трамп:
Jon Steward and friends: Conspiracy theories we (kind of) believe
New York Times: Meet the people getting paid to kill our planet
This Week in ТрампPlague:
Robert Reich: The deficit double standard
Trevor: Green burials–the sustainable solution
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Congratulations to the Snoqualmie Tribe on their purchase of the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Forest. We shouldn’t throw away whatever skepticism wh have of logging interests when they talk about sustainability. But if any are going to, a tribe that considers the land sacred is a good bet.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated/boosted if you haven’t yet.
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
Good morning. I trust a lot of people pushing for the delay of WA Cares. So I do trust that it’s a temporary thing. But it still stinks that the first bill Inslee signed this session is pushing back implementation of state run long term care.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted. Schedule your appointment today.
by Darryl — ,
Jon Stewart: Is money even real? An economist explains
Stephen: No, Kamala Harris is not headed to the Supreme Court
Robert Reich: How corporate greed drives inflation
Samantha Bee: SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer announces retirement
Vice News: Wildfires are coming to the suburbs
Asshats, Dotards, and Other Deplorables that Make Up the Трамп GOP:
Trevor: Stephen Breyer announces retirement & Joe Rogan questions the word “Black”
Seth Meyers: Biden gets a chance to make history with SCOTUS pick as Breyer retires
Robert Reich: Five ways your company may be exploiting you
Winlar: ♫ Illegal Immigrants! ♬
Chris Hayes: Biden delivered fastest economic growth since Reagan. So why don’t voters feel it?
This Week in ТрампPlague:
SNL Weekend Update: Biden Presidency enters year 2
Stephen: Breyer stepping down from the Supreme Court
Trevor: Congressional stock trading
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Good morning. People in many Washington jurisdictions have received a ballot in the mail. It’s probably a levy or bond issue. Just vote for them. It’s silly that we have to fund schools and other vital services this way. But we do, so vote yes.
Also, if you live in King County you can vote on the King Conservation District. I always feel a little blind voting on that, so if you’re passionate about anyone let me know.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Good morning to everyone except the people selling and using fake vaccine cards. Honestly, what the fuck? Just get the fucking shot, you whiny asssholes. Seriously, I am rooting for them to be heavily fined. Heavily. Seriously, we’re trying to get through a deadly disease and here they are on the side of COVID-19.
And hey, the good news is that you can get a real vaccine card (and a life saving vaccine) for free.
by Darryl — ,
The Daily Show: Happy bad celebration of MLK Day to all who celebrate
Stephen: Biden at 1 year
SNL Weekend Update: Political news of the week
WaPo: How Biden has responded to “four historic crises”
Jon Stewart and friends: The FBI should sit MLK day out
The Deplorable Bunch:
Trevor: Dr. Bernice A. King—Continuing the King family legacy
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
SNL: A message from President Biden
WaPo: Biden’s news conference, in 4 minutes
Stephen: Sen. Elizabeth Warren defends the existence of the U.S. Senate
This Week in ТрампPlague:
The Remix Bros.: ♫ Joe.I.Am’s Count The Vote REMIX ♬
The Daily Show: These people failed Martin Luther King Jr. day
Nicolle Wallace and Rachel Maddow: Cliffnotes from Biden’s marathon press conference
Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Sinema Girl ♬:
Samantha Bee: Biden’s 1st Year as POTUS—The yays and mehs
Stephen: Rich people. They’re just not like us. Us pay taxes.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
This account of getting homeless people isolated after time in crowded shelters during the cold spell is amazing. I don’t know how we prepare for those sorts of events when the people act differently than usual. But clearly if people caught COVID-19, something didn’t work.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And Jesus Christ almighty get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.