WaPo: Remembering the LAST government shutdown.
Harry Reid thanks (self-certified ophthalmologist) Sen. Rand Paul for eye injury advice.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very Very Lethiferously Ugly.
David Pakman: TX Senate approves concealed campus carry gun bill.
Chris Hayes: Seattle revolts against Big Oil Arctic Drilling by Shell.
Sam Seder: This is the Republican base and the GOP presidential hopefuls who created them:
Maddow: Oregon’s top women makes voting EASIER.
Mental Floss: 51 astounding facts about animals.
PsychoSuperMom: Religious freedom (Doesn’t mean the freedom to discriminate).
Sam Seder: Alabama is desperately trying to retard it’s own progress.
Jon: Netanyahu is stealing our election strategies.
David Pakman: Snoop Dog asks fans to divest from gun industry.
Vsauce: The science of awkwardness.
Maher goes after college fraternities.
Republicans Take Another Hostage:
- Dem. Sen.: Lynch is being asked to sit at the back of the bus.
- Sen. Reid: Hard to understand holding up Lynch nomination.
- Richard Fowler: Republicans snuck anti-abortion language into anti-trafficking bill
Thom: Climate scientists are fighting back against the fossil fuel industry’s propaganda campaign.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon: FAUX News and its Benghazi “Rage-gasm”.
Obama fact-checks his critics:
The NRA plan to push guns on campus.
Mental Floss: Why do mosquitoes prefer biting some people to others?
David Pakman: Obama mentions mandatory voting…Republicans’ heads explode.
Peloci is concerned that it isn’t about email.
Sam Seder: FAUX News pundit stuns colleagues by not being a moron.
Thom: How ALEC’s actions are harming our planet.
Maddow: Hillary admits she wants Americans in “camps” (and other crazy things).
Schock and Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww:
- The spectacular fall of Rep. Aaron Schock (Follow the Money)
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The bizarre implosion of Aaron Schock
- Jon: Aaron Schock
- Maddow: Republican star quits under onslaught of money questions
Michelle Obama’s message to her younger self.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about psychology.
Farron Cousins: Inside the secret campaign to destroy workers’ rights.
Thom: The brutal winter that wasn’t.
Sam Seder: As the climate crisis worsens, Republicans want CIA to stop studying it’s threat to security.
Mark Fiore: Shoot-em-up Charlie loves cop killers.
Maddow: Chemical lobbyist exposed as author of new bill to regulate industry:
Race in America:
- Young Turks: Why Stephen A. Smith wants all Black people to vote Republican
- Farron Cousins: Ferguson P.D. is a horde of racists
- Young Turks: Dick Cheney claims Obama is using race card to avoid criticism
- Larry Wilmore: Not impressed with Starbucks racetogether campaign (and other topics).
- Young Turks: “Boy wonder” James O’Keefe wants protesters to murder police
- Young Turks: White supremacist terrorist plot to kill Obama thwarted
Chris Hayes: Tesla wins fight to sell cars directly in New Jersey.
Thom and Pap: Email gate…Jeb Bush busted using private email for security issues.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.