I hope you had a good Christmas if you celebrate it, or a good long weekend if you don’t. Back to the grind.
HA Bible Study: Jeremiah 10:2-4
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) uses big numbers.
Obama: The top 10 things that happened in 2015:
David Pakman: Health care costs rise slowest since 1961 thanks to ObamaCare..
Minute Physics: Why December has the longest days.
Obama wins the War on Christmas™.
Maddow: Debate audiences crush records.
Thom: The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Ludibriously Ugly.
Congressional Hits and Misses: Best of the Rules Committee.
David Pakman: 2015 lies of the year.
White House: West Wing Week.
The 2016 Carnival of Crazy:
- Thom: Republican’s obsession with strong-man leadership is un-American and un-natural
- Sam Seder: Trump says Hillary Clinton Got ‘schlonged’ by Obama in 2008
- Young Turks: Trump jokes about killing reporters.
- Two guys build an asshole wall around Trump Tower
- Sam Seder: Don’t worry…Trump comes out against killing journalists.
- Thom: Trump supporters are building bombs?
- David Pakman: Trump said Hillary got schlonged….
- Young Turks: Trump says Hillary got “schlonged” by Obama in 2008.
- Sam Seder: Donald Trump has no idea with the nuclear triad is.
- Anne Telnaes: GOP hopes for its own Miss Universe disaster.
- Maddow: Crass remarks from Trump are a signature style.
- Sam Seder: Trump suggests that Hillary Clinton is disgusting for going to the bathroom
- David Pakman: Is Ted Cruz surging or is Donald Trump running away with it?
- Steve Kornacki: Ted Cruz will not make overturning gay marriage a priority.
- David Pakman: Does this Ted Cruz rally creep you out?
- Jimmy Dore: Ben Carson explains how to defeat ISIS.
- Jimmy Dore: Ben Carson thinks carpet bombing is like saving kids from cancer
- Sam Seder: Losing is the new winning.
- Jimmy Dore: Jeb Bush ain’t taking shit from no one anymore.
- Sam Seder: Jeb’s! sad, sad closing.
- Young Turks: Down goes Lindsey Graham.
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie takes bold stand for WWIII
Obamas’ Christmas address
Library of Congress highlights the first book printed in America.
Jimmy Dore: Far right kook wonders how he became so liberal:
Young Turks: Senator Cotton suggests that disability benefits lead to heroin abuse.
Maddow: Best campaign ads tell the story of U.S. politics.
White House: A historic agreement to combat climate change.
The Young Turks: Is Chick-fil-A going gay?
Stephen is ready to go to Mars.
Thom: Are the Koch prison reforms only helping executive & white collar crimes?
The FAUX News Chelsea Clinton conspiracy theory.
Twelve rejected political parody videos:
Maddow: NASA to survey belching, toxic gas leak.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Merry (War on) Christmas
Every year I bravely wage the War on Christmas, and yet once again, despite my best efforts, it came just the same. Damn you, Bill O’Reilly!
HA sullies your Christmas
Mental Floss: 25 holiday film facts.
Mark Fiore: The Real War on Christmas.
What does Santa want for Christmas.
Young Turks: Santa Claus field trip causes controversy
The uncensored 12 Days of Christmas:
David Pakman: Some alternative Christmas carols.
A holiday message from Hillary Clinton.
What do Syrian refugees want for Christmas?
Unaired SNL Christmas with fighting siblings.
Thom: Mystery meat for the holidays?
Uncensored office Santa.
Black Santa is very in demand.
The pagan origins of Christmas:
Key of Awesome Christmas Parody Spectacular.
Young Turks: Cheesy politician Christmas cards.
Best Christmas gift ever.
Happy Holidays from Boston Dynamics.
Dear Homeland Security: Why the Fuck Did You Flag My Passport?

Just look at that punim. Does that look like the face of a terrorist to you?
Monday evening, returning to the US from our “vacation of a lifetime” to the Galapagos*, I was detained by Customs and Border Patrol agents at Miami International Airport.
I hadn’t flown internationally in 15 years, so I was unfamiliar with the reentry process. As instructed, my daughter and I used the automated kiosks provided for US citizens. We scanned our passports. We answered the questions honestly—”no” to everything that would warrant further inspection—and had our photos taken. (The touch-screen kiosk is actually pretty nifty; it automatically adjusted its height lower to take my daughter’s photo.) Katie’s reentry pass printed out with a slightly goofy surprised smile. Mine printed out with a big X printed across my face, and instructions to go see an agent… who promptly confiscated my passport and called an armed agent to escort me to a holding area. My passport had been “flagged,” I was told.

Only after the fact did I learn I wasn’t allowed to use my phone at CPB. Oops!
“How long will this take?” I asked the agent, mentioning that we had a connecting flight to catch.
“Could be five minutes; could be five hours,” he offered uncooperatively. “Could be five years,” he added with a slightly ominous tone.
While others were escorted into rooms for their interviews, my daughter and I sat and waited, making plans for her to continue to Seattle without me or our luggage if the process dragged out too long. After about 45 minutes, I was called to a counter, handed my passport, and instructed to take a left, head down a hallway, and then go through a gray door. It was only once I opened the door that I realized it was an exit. It would have been useful had they told me they were done with me, considering my daughter was still waiting in the sitting area around the front.
I retrieved my daughter, and after a bit of a search, our luggage (our flight information had scrolled off the monitor, and no airport personnel could tell us on what carousel it had arrived, so we had to sort through thousands of bags). The process leaving the baggage area was routine. At no time during my encounter with CBP was I questioned; at no time was my body or belongings searched. Fortunately, we had a three-hour layover, so we made our connecting flight.
But the question remains: Why the fuck was my passport flagged?
I suppose it could have something to do with this. Or this. Or maybe this, this, or this. But although I’ve been a brash and frequent critic of the security theater that has characterized the Orwellian-named Department of Homeland Security in the post-9/11 era, nothing I’ve said or written could reasonably be interpreted as an actual threat. Still, I’ve always entertained the possibility that my writing could leave me open to some sort of retaliation.
But assuming this incident was intentional rather than due to some weird glitch (and to be clear, there was nothing random or routine about my detainment), I’m guessing it probably had more to do with something like this. Or even more likely, this. And if it was, judging from their actual lack of interest in me or my belongings, I can only characterize this experience as an episode of official harassment.
Okay. Lesson learned: From this point forward I will always speak my mind clearly and forcefully—even recklessly—without any fear of the consequences. I’ll just never, ever book a return to the US again expecting to make a connecting flight.
Suck on that, DHS.
* And yes, it was a vacation of a lifetime.
Open Thread
Our long national thread is open.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Please join us this evening for a holiday edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. And the Burien chapter meets on Wednesday.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Open Thread
Have some chit chat…
HA Bible Study: Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 3:17
So you and your descendants must never eat any fat or any blood, not even in the privacy of your own homes. This law will never change.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Stephen: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power explains the world.
Minute Physics: The physics of car crashes.
The 2016 Krazzzy Klown Kar:
- Red State Update watches the G.O.P. debate.
- Young Turks: Worst line of the CNN debate?
- David Pakman: Which 2016 candidate lies the most?
- Friday hottakes.:
- Jessica Williams give some G.O.P. debate pointers.
- Young Turks: Republican candidates compare childlike ISIS “strategies.”
- Jimmy Dore: GOP debate ignored Christian and Climate terror
- Resolve over fear.
- Totally weak.
- Daily Show: Fact-checking the G.O.P. debate.
- Still not a scientist.
- David Pakman and Ben Dixon: Who bombed and dominated the G.O.P. debate?
- Thom: The G.O.P.’s path to the Dark Side.
- Maddow: Facts a low priority at Republican debate:
- Young Turks: Republicans would target and kill families of terrorists.
- Farron Cousins: GOP insanity is no laughing matter.
- David Pakman and Ben Dixon: Most insane moments of the GOP debate.
- Jimmy Dore: Rand Paul says something sane, but destroys his campaign.
- Mark Fiore: Trumplandia.
- Jimmy Dore: Trump gathers goons for his gestapo.
- The G.O.P. debate summed-up.
- Darth Trump.
- Young Turks: Debate summary.
- Michael Moore’s message for Donald Trump: “We are all Muslim”.
- When someone shows you they are a Fascist….
- Seth Meyers: G.O.P. debate wrap-up.
- Michael Brooks: What are Trump supporters thinking?
- G.O.P. candidates’ technology fayle.
- Stephen totally watched the CNN G.O.P. debate.
- Young Turk: Donald Trump’s YUGELY excellent medical report.
- Liberal Viewer: Donald Trump supports affirmative action?
- David Pakman with Pap: Progressives shouldn’t be afraid to call Trump a fascist.
- Trump wants to be Preznit to finish his bucket list.
- Trumpax: Make your vagina great again!
- Jimmy Dore: Trump = Hitler except for one thing.
- Stephen: Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin explains Trump’s credibility gap.
- Maddow: Donald Trump defies decency for conspiracy fringe.
- Did UK Prime Minister David Cameron call Donald Trump ‘stupid’?
- Young Turks: The worst debate answer ever?
- Sketch: Trump in the family.
- You’re a mean one Mr. Trump:
- Young Turks: Best line of the G.O.P. debate.
- Ann Telnaes: Cruz or Trump, the G.O.P. loses either way.
- Sam Seder: Cruz disgusted by suppression of Islamaphobia and paranoia.
- #CruzYourOwnAdventure: Ted Cruz Genetic Secret Exposed.
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz out-weirds everyone during National Anthem.
- Young Turks: FAUX News savages Ted Cruz over immigration.
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz dog whistles racism using FDR.
- Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz would nuke the Middle East.
- The many faces of Ted Cruz.
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz promises to carpet war crime the Middle East
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz, carpet bomber-in-chief.
- Young Turks: What was Jeb! doing during the debate?
- Jimmy Dore: Jeb! stands up to Donald Trump.
- Mike Huckabee tells youth to get off their butts and fight ISIS.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson’s bizarre analogy between carpet bombing and brain surgery.
- Richard Fowler: Ben Carson hates transgender people.
- Michael Brooks: Ben Carson does a perfect impression of an incoherent Ben Carson.
- Young Turks: Biggest loser of the debate was Rubio.
- Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins: No, Marco Rubio is not surging; stop pretending he’s “a thing”.
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie embraces fear itself.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: 2016 Calendar.
Phillip Chang comedy: It ain’t easy being Asian-American.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about holidays.
Farron Cousins and Howard Nations: Koch brothers attempt to infiltrate progressive organizations.
Young Turks: Judge swears in on Koran to “conservative” outrage.
Climate Summit:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Paris climate change pact.
- Sam Seder with Ben Adler: What the Paris climate deal means.
- Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) celebrates climate deal.
- Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz finds someone dumber than himself to deny climate change.
- David Pakman: Paris climate deal reached with huge non-binding goals.
- Stephen: Whoo! The world will stay hospitable for human life!.
- Thom: What is next for climate activist?
- Pap and Ferron Cousins: Sociopath Karl Rove perfectly exemplifies Republican selfishness.
Stephen: Walk like a Putin.
Maddow: Anti-Muslim attacks in U.S. more than double.
Thom: Time to cure 21st century America of its original sin and prosecute Bush, Cheney, & Co.
Adam Ruins Everything: The reason we thing vitamin supplements are good for us.
Thom: The Good, The Bad & The Very Very Clinquantly Ugly!
Merry War On Christmas:
- Trevor Noah & friends: War on zombie Christmas.
- Kids perform an accurate nativity scene.
- Holiday gifts nobody wants.
- Sam Seder: War on Christmas™ update.
- John Oliver: Regifting.
- David Pakman: It’s “Merry Christmas” so fuck off.
- 360 holiday tour of the White House.
- PsychoSuperMom: Jew-In-A-Gentile-World-Blues.
Young Turks: Congressman pranked by C-SPAN Caller.
Jimmy Dore: Your fear is being used against you.
Stephen: Creepy advertisements.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sydney Robinson: Baby boomers brought us this Republican creep show.
David Pakman: The disastrous impact of income & wealth inequality.
Non-Shutdown Accomplished:
- Young Turks: Bipartisan budget agreement gives more to the rich.
- Some thing in the new spending bill.
Thom: The Good, The Bad and The Very, Very Orecticly Ugly!.
Songify the News: The Fish Awakens:
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Maddow: New clues about mysterious buyer of Nevada’s largest newspaper.
Adam Ruins Everything: Why orange juice is so unnatural.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
And Another Open Thread
Open Thread?……..?
Donald Trump for President…
For months now, pundits have been trying to explain Donald Trump.
“He’s not serious,” we heard in the early days of the campaign.
“He’s a Clinton plant,” some right-wing insiders have declared.
Following his “ban Muslims from entering the U.S.” statement, some have claimed Trump is trying to stir up feelings of oppression among one fifth of the world’s population in order to catalyze world-wide Islamic jihad.
The Truth is out there…and Jeb!™ knows the truth. During last night’s G.O.P. debate, he made a startling revelation:
So Donald, you know, is great at the one-liners, but he’s a KAOS candidate, and he’d be a KAOS President.
That explains it! It all makes sense now: totally serious, not a Clinton plant, not a jihad-enabler.
Trump is running for President of KAOS. It all makes sense now.
Donald Trump for President…of KAOS!
Mr. Trump would totally be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency of KAOS.
G.O.P. Debate Open Thread
The debate should start at 5:30. I’ll be at Drinking Liberally and live-blogging the event (internet bandwidth permitting).
To get this thread started, here is an interesting video that was released today:
Does this provide any insights about one particular G.O.P. candidate’s (1) truthfulness, (2) great memory, (3) campaign substance?
5:10: The kiddie debate is over. Caught the closing statements. Sen. Man-on-dog wins just because he had such an upbeat way of talking about death.
Oh lord. That was the kiddie debate. What fresh hell is the grown-up freak show going to bring?
— digby (@digby56) December 16, 2015
Santorum, a Catholic, outraged that children are coming to US in desperation.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) December 16, 2015
5:25: What the fuck, CNN? “Trump arrives at debate” isn’t fucking news.
5:33: Someone named “Rinse Prius” or something is giving some bullshit talk. He sounds like a used car salesman.
5:36: Is Donald Trump holding up the show? Holy fuck…start without him!
Jeb Bush is trying to smile like a human being backstage. This could be his night!
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
5:43: Rand Paul has morphed into Ron Paul: Unelectable oddball.
5:44: Red ties are in.
5:46: Again?!? Seriously? The national anthem? This debate better involve some sort of physical test of skill!
5:48: Did Paul just say the Constitution is wrong?
5:52: Hey, Chris Christie, those LA father’s are probably thankful they aren’t crossing a bridge in NJ!
5:55: Jeb Bush: “I’ll keep our country safe, secure, and free”…just like my Brother did.
5:58: Carson pauses for a moment of silence. Don’t be fooled…he just REALLY needed to close his eyes.
6:02: Jeb: “Trump would be a Kaos president.” Get Smart!
6:05: Cruz is a one issue candidate tonight: “Obama won’t say ‘radical Islamic Terrorism’, so vote for me.
6:08: Is Christie wearing a “junk” pin on his lapel?
#ChrisChristie is looking into the camera to try to make us believe him. #NotWorking #GOPDebate
— GottaLaff (@GottaLaff) December 16, 2015
Pretty sure Cruz taking that sip of water was a Rubio taunt. #GOPDebate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) December 16, 2015
.@MarcoRubio voted for unconstitutional mass surveillance of innocent Americans, which hasn't identified a single tangible threat #GOPDebate
— TimKarr (@TimKarr) December 16, 2015
6:20: Christie needs to make an executive decision to straighten his tie.
6:22: Carson bails on a question…and looks really bad doing it. Wow.
To Carson: Who was right on last debate question? Carson: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) December 16, 2015
6:26: Fiorina throws around “CEO” as if Americans have a positive association with the term.
Trump has a Ted Stevens-level grasp of the internet
/p>— Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) December 16, 2015
It would have been awesome if Trump has called it the intertube
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) December 16, 2015
6:36: Aaaaaaahhhh…a Muslimey looking questioner! Everyone duck under your podiums!!! (podia?)
6:39: Actually, Donald, Bush seems a little more energetic than you do this evening….
Jeb Bush: "Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency." Boom!
— Jim Brunner (@Jim_Brunner) December 16, 2015
Bush's "attack Trump" policy is four months out of date.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
Carson: “Death by a thousand pricks” – sounds like a description of this debate
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) December 16, 2015
Anyone who lets Ben Carson perform brain surgery on them after this debacle is crazy.
— Murtaza Hussain (@MazMHussain) December 16, 2015
7:08: This debate has become exceptionally empty and repetitive.
7:11: “Punch Russia in ‘The Nose'” Nikolai Gogol smiled.
7:12: Earth to Fiorina: The withdrawal from Iraq was Bush’s doing.
In a fairly deep level of hell, you hear GOP presidential candidates swaggering around talking & acting tough on an infinite loop.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) December 16, 2015
By my count, so far nothing Carly F has said is true.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) December 16, 2015
7:19: Trump hurt himself with his juvenile “tough guy” insults to Jeb and then talking poll numbers. He should save that crap for campaign events.
"We do need more fencing" will be a great line for Jeb Bush's Home Depot ad after he drops out of the race in February.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
7:32: Donald Trump. A totally low energy debater. Low ENERGY. Am I right?
7:37: Kasich says stuff that doesn’t sound extreme. But doesn’t really say anything at all.
7:45: As President, Dr. Carson could do brain surgery on “unstable” Kim Jong Un
7:45: Carson memorized a bunch of military stuff!
#Zing! RT @SarahWoodwriter Fiorina knows a thing or two about China, after all, that's where she sent all the HP jobs. #GOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) December 16, 2015
7:47: Ummm…Jeb Bush used a private email server while Gubernator of FL.
Ted Cruz has a strategy for propagating tautologies by saying he would definitively do what he says he intends to do. #GOPDebate
— Greg Greene (@ggreeneva) December 16, 2015
7:55: At this point Carson seems almost incapable of speaking…
One of you being elected is the biggest threat to our national security. #GOPDebate
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) December 16, 2015
.@tedcruz wants to keep our children safe. Who kept the children of #SandyHook safe? #GOPDebate
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) December 16, 2015
8:03: Jeb bush stumbles his way through his closing comments. He was doing okish until then.
8:04: Rubio: “Now millions of Americans feel left behind”…like most Muslim Americans?
8:05: Carson’s “exceptionalism” closing statement makes him sound like he munched on lead paint chips as a lad.
Wrap-up. Another retched debate. My complaints is that WAAAAYYYYYY too much time was spent on security and terrorism. Fact is…foreign terrorism is a pretty minor threat in the U.S. Domestic terrorism is a much bigger threat, but no real discussion of that. That’s because IT DOESN’T SCARE VOTERS enough. I missed a chunk of the debate, but I didn’t hear anything about climate change, the environment, air polution, the economy, health care, domestic infrastructure, gun safety, white collar & Wall Street crime, higher education, primary education, mass transit & reducing traffic congestion, tax relief for the poor, reducing income inequality, energy independence, credit card fraud, etc., etc. These are issues that affect Americans every single day. And there was nothing.
These guys are in a political campaign bubble, and completely out of touch with the real America. But they got that fear thing going….
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