Conan and Zach Galifianakis talk about shushing the president.
Will humans be obsolete after the new industrial revolution?
Seth Meyers: Late Night Demopublican presidential debate:
Stephen gets a straight answer from Donald Rumsfeld.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about animals.
The microbes of New York.
Trever Noah: Getting personal at the CNN Democratic Town Hall.
Honest political ads: Puppets.
The 2016 Lunatic Asylum Squad:
- Young Turks: The Debate’s biggest loser.
- Young Turks: Worst line of the debate.
- Young Turks: Worst fail of the debate.
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Even without Trump, GOP debate manages to sink even lower
- Francesca Fiorentini: Has the GOP always been this off the rails?
- Michael Brooks: Creepy Ted Cruz video from his high school days.
- Young Ted Cruz outtakes.
- David Pakman: CBS hosts laughs in Ted Cruz’s lying face.
- Michael Brooks: Trump thinks the Ted Cruz Canadian thing is very serious.
- Sam Seder: Bizarre Video of Oregon militia sumo guy to Chris Christie
- Young Turks: Sumo militia person threatens Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie yells at woman, basically calls her a liar.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina sold baby parts.
- Daily Show: Ted or Donald…who is marginally less awful?
- Stephen: GOP edition of “Would You Rather”
- Maddow: Donald Trump vet stunts hurt real veteran outreach
- Seth Meyers with A couple of things: Trump and FAUX.
- Sam Seder: Was Trump justified in skipping the debate?
- Trevor Noah: Kelly v. Trump.
- Young Turks: Trump fans viciously swarm Megyn Kelly.
- Harry Reid is “pulling for” Donald Trump. (I guess that’s better than pulling for Santorum….)
- Inside the mind of a Donald Trump speech writer.
- Stephen moderates an all Trump debate.
- Farron Cousins: Is the GOP really this dumb?
Maddow: Who is to blame for Flint’s water problem?
A different kind of rape control.
Seth Meyers polls some Iowans.
Stephen holds a town hall meeting.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part I.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part II.
Young Turks: Will Obama become a Supreme Court Justice.
Planned Parenthood Surprise:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Planned Parenthood indictments.
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood cleared, two indicted over doctored tapes.
- David Pakman: Carly Fiorina loses it after “baby parts” filmmakers indicted
Stephen: Bernie Sanders promposals.
Farron Cousins: Is Sarah Palin the worst parent EVER???
Stupidest laws in the United States.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: Life hacks tested and debunked.
Malicious Militia:
- Young Turks: Militia member killed by police.
- David Pakman: Unhinged militia lunatic promises bloodbath.
- Arrests and one dead in Oregon standoff.
- Young Turks: What is the right punishment for Oregon militia?
- David Pakman: Oregon militant went for gun twice before being shot.
- Young Turks: Oregon shootout leaves one dead, militia threatens “bloodbath”
Stephen: A Simon & Garfunkel tune for every candidate.
Florida politicians sell out sick babies.
Why does Iowa get to pick first?
Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Obama finally fights back against Republican obstruction.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.