Jimmy Dore: WA-7-CD progressive candidate Pramila Jayapal gets Bernie’s blessing.
Thom: Most disturbing climate change events we have seen yet.
The Devil and Stephen Colbert:
Jimmy Dore: The story (and meta-story) behind the Iran cash drop story.
The Drumpf Implosion:
- Jonathan Mann: Drumpf Remix
- Stephen with the F WERD
- Drumpf, Putin, and Russia
- Our Country
- Jimmy Dore: Fareed Zakaria calls Drumpf a ‘bullshit artist’ on CNN
- Young Turks: “I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged.”
- Sam Seder: Drumpf inexplicably lists his worst campaign gaffes during a rally
- David Pakman: Drumpf suggests US-Russia alliance to fight ISIS (like the one that has existed for a year).
- Young Turks: Drumpf makes up makes up Iran story after watching FAUX News
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf’s ‘I’m about to eat’ face
- Stephen: Obama has a scandal, but Drumpf spoke today.
- Drumpf Ghostwriter Blasts Art of the Deal in hilarious Tweet
- David Pakman: Dangerous or stupid? Drumpf brags about watching “top secret” “Iran” video
- Stephen: Forget what you heard…there’s good news from the Drumpf campaign.
- Young Turks: Is Melania Drumpf an illegal immigrant?
- Liberal Viewer: Scariest Donald Drumpf fact yet?
- Young Turks: Draft dodger Drumpf gets purple heart.
- Sam Seder: Draft dodger Drumpf accepts some poor guy’s Purple Heart
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Melania’s immigration problem.
- Stephen: The returns of the Drumpf bully kid
- Kimmel: Drunk Drumpf on Harrisburg, PA
- Stephen: Cartoon Drumpf might skip debates.
- Sam Seder: Obama states that Drumpf is unfit.
- James Corden and Denis Leary: Drumpf’s an asshole:
- Seth Meyers: Stay out of it, Democrats
- Young Turks: Drumpf plummets in new polls following series of disasters.
- Stephen: How Drumpf eats KFC
- Farron Cousins: GOP racism and oppression didn’t start with Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Lunatic Drumpf spox forced to backtrack…
- Captured
- Sam Seder: Drumpf asked a foreign policy advisor 3 times why we don’t use nuclear weapons
- Maddow: Whatever his faults, the GOP is letting down Mr. Drumpf
- Young Turks: Drumpf asks about using Nukes.
- Jimmy Dore: Prominent GOPer wonders why there aren’t more defectors.
- Thom: Obama says, “Dump Drumpf”
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf is already making excuses for his defeat..
- Sam Seder: Drumpf boots a baby.
- Watch Drumpf supporters make other decisions
- Stephen: For Donald Drumpf, every day is opposite day.
- Young Turks: Crying baby.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s very bad week
- Red State Update: Drumpf Kicks Baby Out! Drumpf Won’t Endorse Paul Ryan! Drumpf Wants Nukes!
- David Pakman: “GOP Nominates Dangerous Insane Person, Now Panic Because He’s Dangerously Insane”
- Drumpf Danger
- Jimmy Kimmel: Donald Drumpf’s remarks are well prepared.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf thinks Rick Scott has zika under control.
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf wants to know why we can’t use nukes.
- Paul Manafort was in a meeting that hasn’t happened yet So he knows Drumpf didn’t ask about nukes
- Mark Fiore: Drumpf’s ultimate sacrifice
- Maddow: Donald Drumpf’s behavior sends GOP into panic
- Stephen: Is there ANYONE Drumpf won’t attack?
- David Pakman: Why won’t Drumpf release his tax returns?
Hillary gets psyched for the Olympics.
Jimmy Dore: Bill-O-the-Clown on the silver lining in slavery.
Stephen: Cartoon Hillary on her disappearance.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Seriously Ugly!
MinutePhysics: How long is a sun day?
Jimmy Dore: Political jokes of the week.
Roy Zimmerman: “Burn, Goody Clinton”:
Young Turks: Kansas proves Republican policies don’t work.
G.O.P. Voter Suppression Laws Get Stuck Down:
- Sam Seder: NC & WI courts strike racist voting laws.
- Farron Cousins: Repressive Republican woting laws are getting decimated in court
Thom: Is Congress stalking Greenpeace with Subpoenas?
Can a third-party candidate ever become President?
Jimmy Kimmel interviews Morgan Freeman narrating a Hillary Clinton campaign video.
Slate: Corey Lewandowski is a complete disaster on CNN.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.