According to Chris Vance’s backup singers over on (un)Sound Politics, KVI is planning a “Ukraine-themed rally” in Olympia on Tuesday. I suppose that means poisoning the water supply with dioxin. (Which I believe is actually one of the BIAW’s top legislative priorities for the 2005 session.)
Wait a minute… Republicans are trying to stop King County from counting legal votes, and they get to protest? Are we living in a friggin’ Orwell novel?
Well why let the righties have all the fun? I say we organize a protest rally of our own, this Sunday, some place symbolically (and conveniently) located in or near Seattle. I’ll bring the beer and the TV news crews.
So if you’re up for a little fun at Dino Rossi’s expense (or just want to get your ugly mug on TV), let’s start brainstorming and spreading the word. I promise you… this’ll be fun.