Pacific Northwest Portal is only a few weeks old and has already become one of the most bookmarked websites for regional progressives. Today it launches a revamped home page, expanded Blogs and Websites Directory, and other new features.
This a great way to keep an eye on dozens of progressive blogs; please check it out if you haven’t already.
Goldy, Has General Patton ever slapped you? Don, same question?
“As soon as the upper middle class get rid of their summer home, 3rd SUV, fine scotch and diamond jewelry, they would be able to afford higher taxes to better fund services for all.”
Comment by torridjoe— 2/28/05 @ 4:56 pm Hey, Comrade TorridJoe!! Either you are a communist, or a Democrat “guvment” worker, or both. Atlas has Shrugged, TJ, as the productive have learned to stay far away from people like you!!
Liberalism will destroy this state and country if not stopped. Your all insane. But it is quite entertaining to hear your warped views.
Comment by Chris— 2/28/05 @ 7:41 pm
[Probably the best post of the week. Thank you Chris!]
In reviewing the various Left Wingnut Blogs, I have come to the clear realization that the Lefty’s are actually dead serious about their beliefs. For that, I f***ing salute you!!!!!!!!
However, I disagree with your beliefs…particularly the importance of “government” in our lives. Military, public safety and infrastructure…..STOP!!
Flat Tax–STOP!!
The same Lefty “seriousness” about their beliefs is also their downfall. They have no sense of humor. You can tell by how angry they get whenever someone pokes fun at them. They get wound too tight and KERBOOM!! Look at 30 year State Government Atty. Don…aka The Bottom-Feeder. And how about our fearless leader Goldy-lox (from Ballard right…yah, sure yabetcha!!).
Then we have our pseudo intellectual Lefty’s like torridjoe that try hard to intellectualize their fanatacism for Marxism. The list goes on & on.
So JCH, chardonnay and other “hard-working” Americans who truly love this Country….keep needling these pinheaded pinkos!!!!
Mr.Cynical…….they really are serious about this, and yeah, they get pretty mad. I never realized just how “out there” some people can be….it’s not a political party…it’s a LIFESTYLE.
Mr. Cynical…..I feel your love!!! General Patton would have slapped both DON and Goldy. [Goldy several times!] Democrats: soft Communists, but “all animals are equal, but “guvment” hacks like DON are more equal than others”.
It is a LIFESTYLE for these Left Wingnuts.
Notice how their little chests swell up with pride when you use words like “sustainable” or “eco–anything”? Or if they ride around on a bike with a “Peace-sign” flag attached??
They want us all to be “civil” and “kind” and avoid all “personal attacks”. NOTE:::Any time you call BS on them, it’s a personal attack…notice that?
These pinheads have created an economic disaster in Washington State and what do they want to do??? Make it worse by attacking trade associations that represent tens of thousand of “small businesses”, create more costly regulations and raise taxes (or figure out new ways to disguise tax increases).
Have you noticed that the most vocal bloggers as 30-year State government attorney Bottom-feeder Don and Portland City worker torridjoe??? That pretty much says it all folks!!
Oh and back to it being a LEFT Wingnut LIFESTYLE…..they are the champions for the LIFESTYLE UNEMPLOYED!!!! Enable folks to get by, waste their lives and convince them they are ENTITLED to a free ride (Free only if you vote DEMOCRAT!!).
But you know these pinheads are kind of adorable in a sick way. True believers can fantasize damn near any bogus issue to be earth-shaking. They are cheap entertainment.
King County wouldn’t be in such a snarl….
If Marx had been Groucho…instead of Karl!
Clearly, Goldy needs to clamp down. There’s nothing on this thread but troll comments.
I was hoping some Lefty would stop scheming about ways to get free handouts from us hard-working folks long enough to puff up his little chest and flap his wings a bit.
Kind of a puny effort MOH.
Since the issue here is Left Wingnut Blogs…I’m sure the thought of facing real world people like XmasGhost, JCH and I is a little intimidating on your fragile psychy….You pinheads are much better in self-validation group therapy with incense, chanting shit and other circle-jerking activities. It’s all about “feeling good” ain’t it MOH??! Get a bunch of like-minded (oops, that implies you have minds) LEFT WingNuts together and woooooohooooooo!!!
Seriously… Cynical, JCH… are you asking to be banned? Is that the game your playing? You want to go back over to Sound Politics and say that hypocrit Goldy banned you?
Or are you just intentionally vandalizing this blog? Throwing insults around that have nothing to do with the threads you are commenting on?
Can you please show the tiniest bit of respect for what I am trying to do here… encourage real debate, however angry, between all sides of the political debate? Are you so bent on the destruction of everybody and anybody who disagrees with you, that you’ll eagerly destroy any effort to open a real dialogue?
I am asking you please… to respect this blog and its readers, and stop littering the threads with pointless, off topic attacks.
I don’t shit in the sandbox over at SP, and I’m asking you to show the same respect here.
JCH @ 1
You’re no more subtle than a brick through a living room window, and just as obnoxious.
Unlike you, I served on the ground in a shooting war, not on a peacetime ship. Sorry you were born too late (or too soon, depending on one’s perspective) and didn’t get to realize your childhood combat fantasies. Maybe you didn’t want to, after all, enlisting in the Navy pretty much guarantees you won’t see ground combat if the balloon goes up.
And before you go off half-cocked again, no I wasn’t in a clerical battalion, my unit won a Presidential Unit Citation and had a Medal of Honor winner while I was there.
“Oh and back to it being a LEFT Wingnut LIFESTYLE…..they are the champions for the LIFESTYLE UNEMPLOYED!!!! Enable folks to get by, waste their lives and convince them they are ENTITLED to a free ride (Free only if you vote DEMOCRAT!!).”…..Goldy, even you must appreciate the “truism” that Mr. Cynical writes. Perhaps, like Nazi [that’s National SOCIALIST] Hitler, you could have a book [post] burning for those posts that “disagree” with your “progressive” [COMMUNIST] viewpoint.
Lemme guess, I’ll bet JCH made his pile selling Dale Carnegie courses door to door.
JCH @ 2
What the fuck did you ever produce besides a surfeit of hot air and bullshit?
Cynical @ 4
Does this mean you support a flat-rate state income tax so we can get rid of the B & O tax and cut the sales tax rate?
11.Don….”Maybe you didn’t want to, after all, enlisting in the Navy pretty much guarantees you won’t see ground combat if the balloon goes up”. Now I know you are full of BS. Officers [and you already know I was a LT, USN] do NOT enlist. A vet would know. A pretend vet wouldn’t. You, Don, failed the test. Now I’m sure you had just as much service as Goldy, which is none. Goldy, like you, prefered that someone else protect his freedoms. Goldy prefers to help run the ROTC off campus at U of W. [He knows the recruiters are not allowed to fight back.]
13, Don …JCH @ 2
“What the fuck did you ever produce besides a surfeit of hot air and bullshit?”
Don, How about tax revenue at about 40% [FED, STATE, PROPERTY,SALES, DIRECT, INDIRECT Taxes] to help pay for “guvment” hacks. Does that count, or are those idiots would work in the private sector and pay taxes just hosts for parasites like you?
Goldy @ 10
Don’t ASK these amoebas for anything. They interpret asking as weakness. They aren’t baby seals, so feel free to club them.
Clearly, neither JCH nor Cynical are getting any sex tonight. They probably haven’t for a long time. Most likely they will be do this all night because they have nothing else going on in their shiftless lives, until they weary of it and turn their attention to kiddie porn sites.
Now, how’s that for a creative insult? Nasty enough for ya? Or do you three-legged trolls from the septic tank want some more?
Goldy, #13…..Perhaps “guvment hack” DON should refrain from hateful language. Maybe a “time out” for DON??
“Seriously… Cynical, JCH… are you asking to be banned? Is that the game your playing? You want to go back over to Sound Politics and say that hypocrit Goldy banned you?
Or are you just intentionally vandalizing this blog? Throwing insults around that have nothing to do with the threads you are commenting on?
Can you please show the tiniest bit of respect for what I am trying to do here… encourage real debate, however angry, between all sides of the political debate? Are you so bent on the destruction of everybody and anybody who disagrees with you, that you’ll eagerly destroy any effort to open a real dialogue?
I am asking you please… to respect this blog and its readers, and stop littering the threads with pointless, off topic attacks.
I don’t shit in the sandbox over at SP, and I’m asking you to show the same respect here. -Comment by Goldy— 2/28/05 @ 10:13 pm
I reference you to Dons posts #’s 11, 12, and 13 (among a vast number of others) Goldy
Are you going to give the same ‘good for the goose/good for the gander’ lecture to your ideological pal Don? Or is it only reserved for those who aren’t of that shared ideology?
Goldy @ 13
Face it Goldy, pointing all of us wing nuts towards NW Portal was like waving a red sheet in front of a bull.
Ahhh, JCH is online, I see. This is almost as much fun as making anonymous obscene phone calls, which I’m sure JCH has some experience with. There’s only two ways to get into the military, dumbass. You either enlist, or you get drafted. And nobody gets drafted to be an officer, you have to volunteer for that. Our genuine United States Navy 2nd looey, JCH himself, not only secured himself a soft berth on a peacetime ship but also became an officer so he wouldn’t have to swap decks, clean latrines, or peel spuds. What a man!!! My bunkmate’s great uncle didn’t have much use for your kind — his name was Patton, his granddad was the great general’s brother, and no I’m not making this up.
JCH @ 16
Do you mean to tell us you paid 40% on the last thirty bucks of your annual income? No!!! You should do a Perot and express gratitude for making it into the 40-percent bracket, although I don’t expect that because you’re less gracious than Perot, who isn’t gracious at all. You still haven’t said what you produced besides hot air and bullshit.
Goldy @ 10
Oh, let ’em play for a while. This is fun.
JCH @ 17
You started it. What’s the matter, is getting your face rubbed in the same kind of shit you right-wing pondscum spew without a second thought a new experience for you? Does it taste good? Yum-yum.
20.[DON]..2nd LT?? No such rank in the Navy! Ensign, LTJG, then LT. Again, another mistake. You clearly were not military. [BTW, USAF, Marines, and Army: “gold bar”: 2nd LT……..NOT NAVY, DON!!]
Cheryl @ 18
Cheryl, my advice to you is stay out of this. JCH started this, and I’m going to finish it. If you get caught in the cross-fire, that’s your problem.
JCH @ 24
Yada yada, an ensign latrine has the same rank and pay grade as a two-ell-tee latrine, I don’t know about the Navy but in the Army that latrine rank/pay grade is considered lower than a corporal. You had a paperwork job in the Navy, didn’t you? The only thing they give a lieutenant, junior grade, command of is a pen and a bunch of rubber stamps. Did they even let you on a ship? Or were you a shore sailor? How come you served only 6 years, whatsa matter, you quit because they wouldn’t put you in a command of the dinghy?
Goldy and Don……[last post of the night] Off topic, but do you remember when Hillary has over 1000 FBI files on “hostiles” [Republicans]?? I think we know “Who hired Craig Livingston?”, the Democrat hack who worked for Hillary. My question: Goldy refers to Nazis often, and I wonder if Hillary having access to raw FBI files reminds you of the Nazis having police files on political opponents. Nazis: National Socialists…….Hillary: Democrat Socialist. Both abused power, and both kept “secret files” to use for political power. Goldy, what do you think? Is your 2008 Clinton Democrat dirty? Good night, all!!!
Hmmm, JCH has disappeared. Now where did he go? Did he cut and run? I think we need Gen. Patton now.
26.Don……three WestPac…….one Indian Ocean tour [1980, Don, in “Gonzo Station” off Iran. Something about an American Embassy and hostages, DON. ” ……………..I’m going to finish it.” [#25, Don]……Really, Don, I was an 0-3, WEPS and OPS on two naval combatants. And after almost 3 and one half years deployed in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, 6 years active was enough. [BTW, DON, it would appropiate to end your posts directed at me with “very respectfully”, just as I would do the same to a superior.
Stand down, DON. You are a “guvment hack” fake, and you’re in over your head.
“JCH @ 17
You started it. What’s the matter, is getting your face rubbed in the same kind of shit you right-wing pondscum spew without a second thought a new experience for you? Does it taste good? Yum-yum.
Comment by Don— 2/28/05 @ 10:51 pm”………..Er, Goldy, Is this in the good taste and classy spirit that you insist from the others?
JCH: You are such a manly man. Stop it with the TLAs, you’re giving me a boner!
“JCH @ 2
What the fuck did you ever produce besides a surfeit of hot air and bullshit?
Comment by Don— 2/28/05 @ 10:26 pm”………..Er, Goldy, Are “all animals equal here, or are some “guvment hack” liberals just a little more equal than others”?
Nice web page Goldie, but where is the part where all of the libs gather round the fire and sing kumbiya? It is the only thing missing on this libby page you pointed out….
Chuck….Classic!! “Kumbyya”!!! Just classic!!
JCH @ 28 et seq. with particular reference to #32
Good God, you’re still here? How can a crybaby who runs to Momma (a.k.a. Goldy) cuz he got his nose bloodied be my superior? Watch closely now, because I’m going to drop my drawers and moon you. There, how do you like that? That’s the respect you deserve.
Chuck @ 33
This ain’t no campfire, it’s a mosh pit, in case you haven’t noticed.
Goldy @ 10
Yeah, you’re right Goldy. I am a real asshole sometimes. Perhaps I’ve been BUI (blogging under the influence) a little too much lately. I’ll try to do better. Shit! I am such an ASSHOLE!
DON……I understand you “drop your drawers” often at the workplace. Perhaps I should warn your co workers to be careful in the Men’s Room.
JCH @ 37
No, only for you, I figured you’d get a thrill from it. Cynical admits he’s an asshole, why don’t you admit what you are?
41……Commie Lib Democrat DON “why don’t you admit what you are?”………I admit……..I’m tired of dealing with “guvment lib parasite union hack”. So, pull your pants back up, DON. Mr. Cynical…..Thank you, friend and fellow member of the VRWC, and Chuck, the “Kubiya” comment was classic!! Like Romie Von Smack, “I’m OUT!!!!!!!!!”
JCH @ 42
When they start calling you a commie, it’s a sure sign they’re out of ammo and desperate. Looks like the Army wins again! :D
Zip @21,
First off, congratulations for being the first person to actual comment on the subject of this blog entry… 21 comments into the thread. Second, this is a “liberal” blog. I keep my threads open to all comers… but I’m not going to pander to the right by changing my editorial slant.
But the point is, JCH and Cynical looked at this empty thread as a blank wall, and decided to verbally graffiti it.
I think we need to just copy all of JC Haters Posts and drop them into SP. they should know what kinda wacko is leading their intelligent debate on a Liberal Blog. I think they come here, cause they are tired of the Circle jerk going on over there.
I am closing the comment thread on this post.
In the future, I am asking my regular readers (that goes for you too Don) to please ignore off-topic posts from people like JCH. This is beginning to make the comment threads unreadable.