Bush served as Florida governor for two terms and since leaving office in 2006 has been vocal about the Republican Party’s need to reach out to minorities. He’s also been critical of the Republican Party’s failure to embrace comprehensive immigration reform and made education policy a key priority during his time leading Florida.
Bush was one of the nation’s first governors to push through comprehensive education reform. Florida’s plan has since been modeled by 36 states.
Drug addiction, not addition. Although I suppose the sentence could work either way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Having suffered a drubbing at the ballot box last November, the geniuses at GOP Strategy Central have decided to change their image, not their policies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do Republicans hate workers so much? And why are rich people such mean bastards?
@9 Issa might be almost right, in that it might be worth considering cutting retiree health care benefits for USPS employees who don’t exist, and never will. Of course, he’s thinking more of an excuse to screw all the ones who do exist, lazy, thieving, corrupt union scum that they are.
10. ArtFart spews:
@9 Issa might be almost right, in that it might be worth considering cutting retiree health care benefits for USPS employees who don’t exist, and never will. Of course, he’s thinking more of an excuse to screw all the ones who do exist, lazy, thieving, corrupt union scum that they are.
Well, guess what….I have been trying for over a year to discontinue my Federal Blue Cross health insurance for which I pay 186 bucks a month and the US Gov pays the balance, because it does me NO good living in Asia, it being the policy of the Federal Government not to pay Medicare to people living outside the US, and evidently encourage the insurance companies to do likewise. Nope. No response.
Every month they deduct 186 bucks from my pension, and I get nothing for it.
@11 Oh, lovely…and depending on what country you’re living in, you probably don’t need either one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 When wingnuts and their apologists run out of arguments they always trot out the shopworn line, “Democrats and Republicans are the same.” Not by a country mile. Republicans are in a (low) class
by themselves.
Is that an honest quote, Darryl, or just something you wish you’d heard? I like it, in either event.
Trouble is, either major political party can claim the “stupid party” title.
The Democrats and Republicans are just different wings of the Big government Party.
proud leftist,
Real quote!
It was preceded by a discussion of the fact that Bobby Jindal’s statement was a tacit admission that he is a member of the stupid party.
Whereas you can be a proud anarchist idiot.
What adjectival title do you claim?
Bush served as Florida governor for two terms and since leaving office in 2006 has been vocal about the Republican Party’s need to reach out to minorities. He’s also been critical of the Republican Party’s failure to embrace comprehensive immigration reform and made education policy a key priority during his time leading Florida.
Bush was one of the nation’s first governors to push through comprehensive education reform. Florida’s plan has since been modeled by 36 states.
He might have a few things to say about how drug addition affects families, as well.
One possible approach to fixing ‘stupid’,
@ 5
Drug addiction, not addition. Although I suppose the sentence could work either way.
Having suffered a drubbing at the ballot box last November, the geniuses at GOP Strategy Central have decided to change their image, not their policies.
Republicans – standing up for every fetus to be born with low birth weight.
Rep. Darrell Issa, the richest man in Congress, has a “solution” for the Post Office’s financial woes: Cut $7 billion from retirees’ health benefits.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do Republicans hate workers so much? And why are rich people such mean bastards?
@9 Issa might be almost right, in that it might be worth considering cutting retiree health care benefits for USPS employees who don’t exist, and never will. Of course, he’s thinking more of an excuse to screw all the ones who do exist, lazy, thieving, corrupt union scum that they are.
Well, guess what….I have been trying for over a year to discontinue my Federal Blue Cross health insurance for which I pay 186 bucks a month and the US Gov pays the balance, because it does me NO good living in Asia, it being the policy of the Federal Government not to pay Medicare to people living outside the US, and evidently encourage the insurance companies to do likewise. Nope. No response.
Every month they deduct 186 bucks from my pension, and I get nothing for it.
@11 Oh, lovely…and depending on what country you’re living in, you probably don’t need either one.
@2 When wingnuts and their apologists run out of arguments they always trot out the shopworn line, “Democrats and Republicans are the same.” Not by a country mile. Republicans are in a (low) class
by themselves.