American International Group, the insurer that has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer bailout money from the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve, plans to pay about $165 million in bonuses to executives in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year.
And then there’s north Clark County wingnut outrage.
But the 18th Legislative District’s three Republican lawmakers were spending this particular Saturday afternoon deep in the belly of Southwest Washington conservatism — feeling its bile and talking to its ribs.
They were, in other words, at Battle Ground City Hall.
“There are 15 and a half million illegals in this country that are taking American jobs right now!” boomed Chuck Miller of Camas, a flag pin on his Minutemen Border Patrol baseball cap, to applause and murmured amens.
In the audience, small-business owners and retirees passed around John Birch Society literature and chatted about conservative icons like Michael Savage and Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Well, I do understand the need for the Birchers to do something about the Soviet Union, it’s a real threat. If we don’t win in Vietnam the dominoes will tumble and there will be commies invading through Central America and Mexico any day.
Pass the black helicopters, please.
15 million illegals is nuthin’ compared to 1.5 billion Chinese …
I think we should find out who those small business owners are, then go around to their businesses and count how many illegals they employ.
I mean, it’s not America’s workers who are hiring illegals … 100% of the illegals who take jobs from American citizens are hired by EMPLOYERS.
And those nutcases are the ones who go to the border to ‘patrol’ it and keep those brown peoples from coming in.
The Canadian border.
Clearly dumber than a bag of hammers, these winners of this week’s Fred Phelps Award for Dumbest Humanoids On The Planet.
Ah…the cream of the GOP. These folks are the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
Kinda brings a tear to your eye when you see all this community activism that’s so important in today’s conservative movement.
Almost makes me want to ditch the tie-dye and start wearing overalls and get that lobotomy I’ve been putting off.
@4: We gotta keep those Canadians from busting across our border to take advantage of our wonderful health care.
John Birch Society:
Founded by Robert Welch Jr. in Indianapolis.
Yup, the rich businessman and white supremacists help found this organization.
Other JBS viewpoints:
Yup, these are Puddybuddies.
@5: You can still join them with the tie dye – the lobotomy is the only necessary step.
Either that, or just stop thinking critically and turn on Limbaugh, Savage and the other mindless irritants.
If taxpayers give AIG managers $160 million in bonuses, then taxpayers also should give $160 million of bonuses to state workers, because people shouldn’t be penalized for working for the public good instead of private profit.
You are obviously too young to have seen what the Khmer Rouge did to Cambodia, once the American presence was gone in SE Asia. The dominos did fall, the killing fields were a direct result.
A member of my family got out of Vietnam on a boat, their family spent 5 years in a squalid refugee camp outside Hong Kong before coming to America. It was a terrible thing.
@9: And how did the Khmer Rouge come to power in Cambodia and who helped spread the conflict there….And the dominos that were supposed to fall – the rest of Asia and Europe – well, they never did.
The domino theory and the over-rating of the Russian threat (turns out they were a lot weaker than the Pentagon and the right wing thought all the way up to how they demonized Gorbachev) were all relegated to the dustbin of history – right wingnut theories devoid of historical facts.
it could be argued that the american
presence (bombing the fuck out of
eastern cambodia) in them parts contributed to
the strengthening of pol pot and his
monsters as well.
Oh, and the fall of Vietnam – that was the failure Nixon’s “Vietnamization” and it happened on Ford’s watch. Republican failures….but Vietnam overall, was definitely a Democratic failure (Johnson).
Can we get rid of the H1b Visa workers that are taking good paying jobs from American too?
The “American presence” has seemed to contribute to a number of repressive regimes of all stripes rising throughout the world in our wake.
It’s funny how smart we think we are and how stupid our policies hacve turned out to be–again and again.
Those gawd damn Soviets! Wait, who is it now?? Liberals? Progressives??? Oh that’s right poor Americans, it is all their fault. If they would just hurry up and get sick and die then all things will be better. Bonuses?? Of course, we honor only the rich and those that directly donate themselves to the betterment of the rich. It is, afterall, only about being rich. Then, we can hope to defeat that Soviet regime. OOOoopps sorry, i meant to say China, defeat China; because, you know, China is carrying our rich for a while.
I grew up around the John Birch Society and their fear of the Illuminati and the TriLateralist. They had minute or two long “Alan Stang Report” on the radio every day. It would end with “This is Alan Stang, Think about it.” All I can recall of the rants, was one where he was listing all the ways wood fire places were more dangerous than nuclear power plants. And since we have fireplaces, we should be just as lenient of nuke plants.
Red Dawn…..when movies actually entertained. Nice reference.
So was Al Gore’s father.
So was Richard Russell – “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states.”
So was Robert 3 Sheets Grand Klagon Byrd
So was James O. Eastland
So was J. William Fulbright – Clinton’s mentor
None of these were PuddyBuddies. These were NutRightbuddies. These were leftist HAbuddies.
It was Everett Dirksen, Republican, who delivered 27 Republicans to vote yes and it passed. These were the PuddyBuddies! 21 Democratic senators, some outlined above voted no are the NutRootbuddies!
Too bad NutRight is a historical revisionist.
Puddy thinks it’s funny all the Pelletizer rants over Cheap Labor Republicans and how the AFL-CIO in 2007 sued to stop The Bush Administration’s crack down on the bidnesses using illegal alien employment. The unions went to a SF federal judge and she stopped cheap labor Republicans in September 2007 from firing illegals with illegal social security numbers.
So it seems to Puddy the AFL-CIO supported cheap labor Republicans. Google it fools. Puddy thinks it’s interesting all of a sudden the unions cared about big bidness. Hmmm…? Once again Pelletizer just doesn’t know all de facts before ranting incessantly. Why does Puddy remember these things and the Moonbat!s forget them?
But that doesn’t stop the leftist king of diarrhea from posting his crap everywhere.
Hey puttynut! Your rightwing pals down in Texas are pulling over your soul brothers and soul sisters and stripping them of their cars, cash, and valuables! How do you feel about that?
Hey Pelletizer, I don’t live in Texas. I’ll wait for Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton to arrive first and check out the place.
Since you are screaming the most Pelletizer tell us where “Tehana, Texas” is?
No? Well, you belong there. You’d fit right in.
Amazed, you punked out today, just like stillbentover did last year. Why did you punk out meeting Puddy at Othello and MLK Way at 2:30 PM today?
The pink lace panties got all bunched up and cut the blood supply from your little scrote brain?
Hey Pelletizer
Reworded Lee’s stupid rant just for you Pelletizer.
Hey Amazed
Reworded Lee’s stupid rant just for you Amazed.
Hey NutRight
Reworded Lee’s stupid rant just for you NutRight.
I think all of the great HA thinkers should thank puddy. The facts don’t lie, read em and weep.
Hey David Aquarius
Reworded Lee’s stupid rant just for you David Aquarius.
Hey Broadway Joe
Reworded Lee’s stupid rant just for you Broadway Joe.
Looks like Sheriff Joe done went and got himself in a spot of trouble.
Goldy, I’ll make you a deal.
Enumerate all of the sock puppets used by headless lucy and I will not post on HA for a whole month. I count 27 sock puppets so that would be one for each day in the month. Now Puddy could be wrong about a few but after reading Amazed comment #23 it got Puddy thinking. I would easily give up a month of HorsesASS to expose that racist creep. Also I would give up another month if you banned the racial creepy stupidness of stillbentover (byebyegop for the uninformed).
So Goldy the power is yours. Out headless lucy for a month and ban byebyegop forever for another month.
As Captain Planet says The Power is Yours. Oh BTW will you please release my puddybud email address is in your spam filter? I asked Darryl to release it but he hasn’t yet.
@18 Puddy was probably too young or not born yet and didn’t watch nor listen that evening on June 11, 1963 when an American presdent, addressing the entire nation, spoke these words:
“We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution.
The heart of the question is whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities, whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated. If an American, because his skin is dark, cannot eat lunch in a restaurant open to the public, if he cannot send his children to the best public school available, if he cannot vote for the public officials who will represent him, if, in short, he cannot enjoy the full and free life which all of us want, then who among us would be content to have the color of his skin changed and stand in his place? Who among us would then be content with the counsels of patience and delay?
One hundred years of delay have passed since President Lincoln freed the slaves, yet their heirs, their grandsons, are not fully free. They are not yet freed from the bonds of injustice. They are not yet freed from social and economic oppression. And this Nation, for all its hopes and all its boasts, will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.
We preach freedom around the world, and we mean it, and we cherish our freedom here at home, but are we to say to the world, and much more importantly, to each other that this is the land of the free except for the Negroes; that we have no second-class citizens except Negroes; that we have no class or caste system, no ghettoes, no master race except with respect to Negroes?
Now the time has come for this Nation to fulfill its promise.”
The following year, though that president was now dead of assassin’s bullets, the Civil Rights act was passed. Four years later, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., men who at first mistrusted each other and who eventually came share a common vision, were also dead of assassin’s bullets.
@ 31, Goldy please take this ignoramus Pubbydub up on his deal.
Imagine a month of HA free of Pubbydub’s self loathing posts!
That sounds like a dream come true!
Oh.. and Pubbydub has to promise not to have any of his sock puppets post on HA for the same month!
Oh.. and if Pubbydub does not keep to this deal, he is to be banned for ever.
I had heard once that he left with great fanfare and then came slithering back in abject loneliness. I gather that this is his one activity in life.
Yeah, it is always foolish to strike a deal with a wingnut troll. A deal requires that both parties in the deal have a sense of honor.
A wingnut troll by the mere fact that they are a wingnut troll processes no honor, honesty, or anything that could be seen as a redeemable quality.
the puddybiotch…first round leader for the Golden Goat…
re 18: And that is why Nixon’s southern strategy worked so well! The white southern Democrats who joined the Republican party after the 1964 Civil Rights Act were just so darn proud of Everett Dirksen and his band of 21 Republicans, well, they just had to change to the Republican Party.
How many of the 21 Repoublicans were from the south? Didn’t Dem. Senator Strom Thurmond, the famous civil rights advocate, turn to the Republican Party after 1964.
He too was proud of Everett Dirksen and his brave band of social activist Republicans.
I don’t care what you think, pud. Dumb as a bag of hammers is dumb as a bag of hammers.
Why build a wall or send the National Guard in when we could just hire more Border Patrol agents, and negotiate a deal with the Mexican gov’t to cross-deputize and give them the authority to hunt down the drug smugglers and coyotes (most of whom aren’t even Mexican, it turns out) and wipe them out? Oh waitaminute, Border Patrol agents are gov’t employees, unionized gov’t employees. That’s probably why BushCo wouldn’t do it, because of those durn librul unions. Never mind that the border states are some of the last dead-red-states left, except for California, and that part of Cali is pretty red as well. That was the turf of B-1 Bob and The Duke, y’know…..
Steve, I was alive when that speech was given. Maybe you haven’t been on HA long enough to know we covered JFK and RFK and what they thought of MLK Jr. For the first two years of his presidency, JFK would not meet with MLK. Historians have said he tried to mitigate the problem with executive orders to expand black job opportunities, voting, and public housing access, but he was very insistent about not putting a major civil rights bill before Congress and consistently refused to it. He worried his legislative agenda would be jeopardized by Southern Democratics. We see he was partially right. The Southern Democratics were identified above.
If you are an historian Steve, you’d know he gave that speech after seeing the Democratic response in Birmingham Alabama. You’d also know Medgar Evers was assassinated the next day June 12, 1963.
Broadway Joe, as you this bag of hammers?
Hillary voted against both amendments that would have increased the number of Border Patrol agents and also that would have allowed all the non-Mexican illegal immigrants who are captured crossing the border to be held for deportation.
The major Democratic Party contenders for the 2008 Presidential election all voted against tighter border security.
“Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Democrat, who had made a splash recently with comments about cracking down on illegal immigration, voted against both amendments, as did Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the 2004 Democratic nominee, and Democratic Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, who has said he plans to run.”
Broadway Joe, as you say, you are this bag of hammers!
www . parapundit. com / archives/ 002901.html
Hillary voted against both amendments that would have increased the number of Border Patrol agents and also that would have allowed all the non-Mexican illegal immigrants who are captured crossing the border to be held for deportation.
The major Democratic Party contenders for the 2008 Presidential election all voted against tighter border security.
“Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Democrat, who had made a splash recently with comments about cracking down on illegal immigration, voted against both amendments, as did Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the 2004 Democratic nominee, and Democratic Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, who has said he plans to run.”
www . alipac. us/ article3104. html
AIG is saying they have signed contracts before the financial meltdown stipulating these bonuses be paid.{D69E1883-8A00-4F59-9DED-E701E15D9A59}
Puddy just reports the facts while fools like Pelletizer plays the class warfare game. Surely Pelletizer knows about signed contracts. After all he’s the exalted Donkey lawyer of the HA Democratic.
“We are a country of law. There are contracts. The government cannot just abrogate contracts” – Lawrence Summers
Hey Jon, way to go with another blog thread. Did ya grow those brass marbuls yet?
already made it to the second round of March Madness without a matchup! Think you can make it to the Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 16?
You punked out yesterday, just like stillbentover did last year. Why did you punk out meeting Puddy at Othello and MLK Way at 2:30 PM today?
The pink lace panties got all bunched up and cut the blood supply from your little scrote brain?
You had an opportunity to be a man, grow some brass marbuls. I have to email GBS later and tell him the HA mouthy ones are now 0-2. Sure is amazing how they hide behind their screens and scream epithets but are skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeered to meet in public.
We don’t have an illegal immigration problem in this country.
We have an illegal employment problem.
It’s the cheap labor right wing greedheads that are exploiting the cheap labor.
Of course fools like Stupes want to cut their taxes.
What is the clueless wonder@46 babbling about this morning? Vacuous pixel wasting… a historical moron. a spreadsheet idiot.
Amazed, you are most amazing in thread stupidity, please translate.
#46 “We have an illegal employment problem.”
What part of #46 doesn’t make sense to the conservatives?
@18: Methinks the Puddy doth protest WAAAAY too much.
Way to stretch things Puddy- Al
Gore’s FATHER???? Fulbright??? How long has he been out of the Senate. Are you still living in the 1950’s?
You have to go to tremendous lengths to justify the racists in the republican party by listing old deceased democrats.
I will concede there were racist democrats over 40 years ago – then the parties switched. Now YOU are hanging with the racists.
‘Splain THAT!
48 – Right wing brains, by definition, are damaged.
Of course they can’t comprehend that illegal labor can’t reside in this country without employers breaking the law.
The right wing is now so degenerate that for the most part they can only manage one task:
repeat the Limbaugh.
@50: there would be no illegal immigration if there were no jobs. To stop illegal immigration, stop hiring illegals.
simple. Republicans want it both ways – they want to keep hiring cheap labor and they want to complain about illegal immigration, too.
See how the right wing lies:
Our trolls eat this shit up!
More republican lies:
The republicans have claimed that closing the loopholes for the rich and reversing the Bush tax cuts would hurt small businesses.
Yup, it would hurt the less than 2% of small businesses that fall into this category and Obama is proposing changes that will helpo all small businesses (including health care reform).
Once again, the republican talking points are mostly BS – yes, a very few rich small business filers would be affected – they can afford to pay their fair share..
oops, Link for the data above, look at the columns over the AMT:
@41 I know all about Bull Connor, firehoses, police dogs, lynchings, church fire bombings, Medgar Evers, JFK’s reluctance, RFK’s insistance, the mistrust between RFK and MLK, and the change that followed, including Dems losing the South and the Republican Southern Strategy.
I was simply reminding you, as though I have to, of why a generation of blacks voted for Democrats. How about your parents? Did they have a framed photograph of JFK on the wall of their home? Just about every black family I knew back then did. It always hung next to the photograph of Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’m not saying that Dem shit smells like roses. I am saying that I do know what went down back in the day. I will not allow you or anybody else here to rewrite the history of those times to score today’s political points.
If you want to paint a picture of a Democratic party consisting solely of the KKK, Byrd and others of their ilk, I’ll paint a different picture – that of an American president, a Democrat, who had the political and personal courage to face the nation and that us that our nation could not be truly free until all it’s citizens are free. And I’ll remind you of the reality of a generation of black Americans who admired that man and his brother.
@43 A bankrupt company doesn’t have to honor its contracts. Didn’t you know that, putz? See, e.g., the long list of corporations that went “bankrupt” under Bush’s “bankruptcy reform” law in order to abrogate their union contracts and pension obligations.
Oh — and one more thing — if a company that received $170 BILLION of bailout money from us taxpayers isn’t bankrupt, then nobody is.
Stock market is up for the 4th straight day, blowing to smithereens wingnut claims that Wall Street has rejected Obama’s economic policies.
Here’s race traitor Puffybutt’s mo…he sets up “meetings” with people and tells them about the meeting 15 minutes AFTER it was supposed to happen so he can claim they didn’t show. He will only meet where he is comfortable and has backup. He won’t leave the hood because he’s afraid to let his brothers see him on the streets. Being an oreo punk, he knows they want to see him dead too. He’s never going to do anything but lie, cheat, steal, and live with the fact that he’s a coward, traitor, punk and bitch. His wife is a big fat aids-infested cow. And when you tell him the truth about the train-pulling bitch – he threatens to sue – like the little 13 year old girl he is.
This “Christian” is the best the GOP has to offer with shows you exactly why America overwhelmingly and completely and utterly rejected the Publican lie on Nov 4.
I really don’t know WHY we’re still bothering to respond to puddy like he’s really got a relevant point of view or anything to say the means anything at all.
He is a twenty-four carat WATB, a garden variety provocatuer and a serial regurgitator of right-wing Republican talking points.
Just ignore him and maybe he’ll go away.
…on the other hand, it’s soooooo entertaining to make fun of him!
Almost as much fun as mocking Myron “Dori” Monson…LOL I love watching right wingers fight amongst themselves.
Obama’s death by a million cuts continues..his popularity is plunging further.
From today’s Rasmussen:
Monday, March 16, 2009
It was +32…now even Democrats are waning!
He is falling like a lead balloon.
I hope all his Socialist Policies FAIL!
Limbaugh his kicked Obama’s arrogant ASS!
He screwed with the wrong guy.
What a fool.
I’m in Wisconsin with my Mom.
She’s doing great.
Looks like the lymphoma is totally contained.
Prayers answered.
She is riding he exer-cycle 2 hours/day.
Not bad for 80!
The lakes are still frozen and it’s nearly 60 degrees today. Went out on a “kick sled” across the lake with a neighbor. It’s like a dogsled only U-powered. Great exercise.
Beautiful day. Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow!
Hope all is well with you and Mrs. Puddy.
She has her hands full with work, 2 brilliant sons….and mainly YOU! Good thing she is smarter than all of us.
I look forward to meeting you in May. Hope it works out. With my mom’s health situation and some travel plans (in Arizona most of April)…I won’t be back until May. We’ll set things up with Puddy…he’s our “event co-ordinator”
My Left Foot–
My Left Foot-
Carl, I never, ever said I wanted you dead. Why would I?? I love trading barbs with you. It’s entertaining….and I’m sure you are a decent guy despite your wrong-headed thing on almost everything.
Here’s to your good health!
LMAO! Here’s something an idiot like Cynical can appreciate:
In case you didn’t know it – Rasmussen is a Faux News/GOP run organization.
Of course – it wouldn’t matter even if true. President Obama is in the White House now – he’s not running for anything.
And that means that each and every day – he gets to stick it to the GOP just like he’s been doing from day one and there’s nothing the right wing America-hating turds can do about it.
We’re closing Gitmo. Deal with it. We opened up fed funding for stem cell research. Deal with it. We lifted AWOL Bush regulations that stopped legal abortions. Deal with it. We reversed several laws signed by AWOL Bush that were harmful to the environment. Deal with it.
The list will continue to grow while child rapists like CYNCYN continue to be less and less relevant. LOL!
More infighting amongst the inbred righties.
This is what happens when you have no leader, no agenda, no core values. You snipe at each other and make it easier for America to see how pathetic you truly are. Man it must suck to be a Publican these days.
It would appear that the Kool-Aid’s wearing off for both Meghan McCain and her father.
NutRight, are you a moron?
What did you do for your mind?
NutRight brings up the 60’s to attack Puddy.
Next NutRight farts:
You are such an idiot NutRight! You actually thing Puddy will sit there and allow you to attack me with the 60’s horsecrap and let it pass without showing you the true historical record? Absolutely not. You brought up the 60’s so deal with the facts.
Not only are you moronic, you are a real idiot! You make noise and Puddy oils the squeaks.
Deal with it.
re 64: You are so full of crap, you wipe yourself with Q-tips.
clueless wonder just made it to the next round too without a match. He blatantly used Kos TV.
What a buffoon.
re 71: You brought up Everett Dirksen from the 60’s to defend Republicans’ record on civil rights. So, let me see if I understand this: When you refer to the 60’s it’s because you are smart, but when someone else does, it’s ‘pitiful’?
re 73: refer to #72
Stupid racist moron@68:
Prove it? Show us the link, not some left wing garbage.
Can HAs clueless wonder provide anything to the discussion without living on leftist moron sites?
Doubt it! He went to Kos for a Christian Science Monitor site.
What a buffoon!
Mr Comical, If it wasn’t for Everett Dirksen, Voting Rights would have died. I brought up Everett Dirksen to discuss the 60s.
I brought up the 60’s to demonstrate NutRIght hasn’t a clue about black history. All he wanted to do is use the 60s for his insipid attack.
It didn’t work. And… if you couldn’t think this through… you are Mr Comical!
Without John and Robert Kennedy, Voting Rights would have never happened when it did. How can possibly discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1964 withour even mention of these men? No, you bring up Byrd. No, you credit Republicans. And you dare to call correctnotright a “historical revisionist?
re 78: You clearly want to see things only your way.
Everyone knows that Republicans don’t like black people.
Ask Kanye West — or isn’t he black enough for you?
Puddy should go to the open thread, click on the link I posted for him, and read about our state’s first black Supreme Court Justice. A man who worked in RFK’s Justice Department. A man I know and respect. Maybe you can talk with him someday. He just might take you on a journey beyond the shallowness and distortions of 21st Century Republican talking points and revisionist history.
Here are some unbiased poll results that show PRESIDENT OBAMAs approval ratings are higher than Bush’s were at this time – higher than Clinton’s too.
VERY STEADY is the phrase.
Looks like another Publican lie exposed. Now which is that? Lie number 1,234,455,231 or 1,234,455,232? I’ve lost count.
It looks like the Bush market rally, which is taking place during the Obama recession, is faltering.
Wingnuts. Their heads must hurt. I know mine hurts from just trying to follow their delusional bullshit. Thank God the American people had the good sense to throw them out of power.
Another poll shows Americans realize the Publicans are simple obstructionists with no real ideas.
“People give Obama credit for reaching out to Republicans, but they don’t see Republicans reciprocating,” says pollster Larry Hugick, whose firm conducted the survey. “A surprising number said bipartisanship is more important than getting things done.”
“The biggest problem for the GOP, according to the poll, may be that 58 percent of Americans believe that Republicans who have opposed Obama’s economic-rescue plans have no plan of their own for turning the economy around.”
Oops that’s gonna leave a mark!
84 – Sure they have a plan:
Trust in Limbaugh.
Poor Stupes. Waxes about Dirksen but the buck stopped with the man in the oval office.
A southerner known to use the “n” word occasionally (but not without regret): LBJ.
He didn’t have to sign it but he did. He could have threatened a veto but he didn’t. And it could not become law without his signature.
Just like the Chimp didn’t have to sign TARP.
Why is the obvious so lost on Stupes?
And after Johnson signed it into law, he handed the pen to Bobby Kennedy, the man who convincingly conveyed to his brother the urgency of passing a Voting Rights law.
But Puddy prefers to dwell on Robert Byrd, ignore his transformation, credits Republicans for the Civil Rights Act, and makes no mention whatsoever of the Kennedys and Johnson. The ghosts of Lester Maddox and Bull Connor, haters of the Kennedy brothers, haters of blacks, must be laughing in hell at what has come to pass on this thread this day.
Call me anything you want, pudz. It’s your delusion, after all. You’re still a traitor.
BJ, yes it is a free country. You can keep your traitor mantra up forever. Thank you very much. It’s your delusion too.
87 Puddy assumes that nobody else could possibly learn a thing or to and have the guts to admit the error of their ways, simply because he can’t.
Steve, the clueless wonder doesn’t get it. If Dirksen doesn’t deliver the Republican senators for the VRA and the CRA, Johnson has nuthin to sign. That’s why the clueless wonder is monomaniacal. Single topic moron, porn 7×24.
Byrd’s transformation. Ooooooooh you mean his “white niggers” comment. “They’re much, much better than they’ve ever been in my lifetime… I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us… I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat of an illusion. I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that. There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I’d just as soon quit talking about it so much.”
Doesn’t the slang term nigger mean someone who’s ignorant? So Byrd saw some white ignorant people. Well there are many an ignorant peeps here. So what would that be called?
Maybe Robert Byrd remembers Agatha Christie’s novel And Then There Were None, which originally appeared as “Ten Little Niggers”.
Moving on to today… Puddy has always said there is continual Democratic racism. Look at what Dick Durbin did in the Omnibus bill? He took away the school vouchers from inner WA DC poor peeps to reward the NEA who voted big time for Democratics. What do my people do against this racism? Nuthing
when you all denounce stillbentover and leadless douchy, maybe Puddy will admit sumtin. Until then keep hope alive.
You see Goldy, Jon, clueless wonder, ekim, rujax, busdrivermike, etc will never donounce those two so Puddy is safe…
As Captain Planet said: “The Power is Yours“.
@71: I am not attacking you Puddy – I am just pointing out the facts about the people YOU associate with – the republicans. This post was about the republicans and the John birch society in clark county. I just gave a little historical perspective on the JBS. It was started by racists. The republican party is now the home for most white southern racists. Puddy supports the republican party.
You can draw whatever conclusion you want from that. Bringing up the democratic party from 50 years ago or more shows how desperate you are – you have no reply except to go on about the democrats in the early 60’s – well, those people are now in the republican party. Live with it – those are your racist buddies.
re 92: When you denounce Rush Limbaugh (the leader of the Republican Party) for saying that James Earl Ray should be given the Medal of Honor for murdering MLK, I will consider your request.
’til then you are just pissin’ in the wind.
Ahhhh headless actually appeared.
Puddy asked you to place the full Rush Limbaugh quote from Rush’s site. Until then you are “dismissed”.
Placing quotes from whack-job left wing sites is like you-a phony soldier.
Rush ain’t the head of the Republican party. Notice Robert Gibbs ain’t saying it now…
Besides you love conspiracy theories headless…
James Earl Ray didn’t do it. Hoover planted the evidence. Google it.
NutRight, You are a late bloomer here. Puddy told everyone here when I left the Donkeycrats. I was a Jesse Jackson jockstrap in the 80s.
I left when I realized the continual using of blacks by Democratics with no results. Inner city schools with buildings in disrepair, inner city schools with poor equipment,inner city schools with out of date books, inner city schools with teachers who should be fired, crime and drugs, falling down tenements, etc.
So, I have to do the research to prove something that you choose not to believe. You are one lazy … uhhhh…dude.
Pea brain,
Democrats on the other hand open their arms to illegal immigration. They see it a a vote even though Illegal obama through acorn will get them on the rolls.
We have a sheriff in Az. doing a fantastic job of arresting them that our new AG wants to investigate the good ol sheriff for doing such a good job. blink blink
How can anyone over who loves this country be a democrat
You have so many issues you need a subscription to sort them out.
After all those years you democrats still have your foot on their heads keeping then down so you can control their lives.
re 100: Is that so?
With that, I present to you the top 10 list of racist comments made by Rush Limbaugh:
1. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”
2. “You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.”
3. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
4. “Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.”
5. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
6. “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”
7. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”
8. “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).”
9. “I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.”
10. Refers to Barack Obama as “Halfrican American”
Normally I do Top 5 lists, but Rush Limbaugh’s racist comments could not be limited by such a small number. Now that he has reared his ugly once again in saying that Colin Powell is endorsing Barack Obama because he is black, it’s time to ask ourselves why is Sarah Palin appearing on the show with such an astounding racist. Is she pallin around with bigots?
Our Military is great !!!
That end’s the good news.
“It’s funny how smart we think we are and how stupid our policies hacve turned out to be–again and again.”
Your correct and this is the same Government you want to try a fix the economy and bring us socialist health care.
With that, I present to you the top 10 list of racist comments made by Rush Limbaugh:
1. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”
2. “You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.”
3. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
4. “Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.”
5. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
6. “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”
7. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”
8. “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).”
9. “I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.”
10. Refers to Barack Obama as “Halfrican American”
Normally I do Top 5 lists, but Rush Limbaugh’s racist comments could not be limited by such a small number. Now that he has reared his ugly once again in saying that Colin Powell is endorsing Barack Obama because he is black, it’s time to ask ourselves why is Sarah Palin appearing on the show with such an astounding racist. Is she pallin around with bigots?
I’m waiting for your denunciation of Limbaugh …. but I’m not holding my breath.
Wax’x, you are one mentally twisted person. I feel sorry for you.
If you want to be credible give us the link to Rushes transcripts that shows these comments Anything else is fairytale dribble.
Puddy asked you to place the full Rush Limbaugh quote from Rush’s site. Until then you are “dismissed”.
Goldy, the offer still stands…
4. “Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.” – Already discussed earlier fool
Proof democrats could not survive in a world of democrats
Free Market Meltdown? Economists Fret Over Return to Price Controls
State officials across the country are proposing price controls to help fix the economy, riling economists who warn they can harm the economy and even destroy cities.
Something more for clueless wonder…
Puddy usually finds what he wants…
““We have only two things to say about Tim Geithner, who we do not know: A.I.G. and Lehman Brothers,” said Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk Analytics. “Throw in the Bear Stearns/Maiden Lane fiasco for good measure,” he said.”
“Behind the scenes, Mr. Geithner was the point person for weeks of sleep-deprived Bailout Weekends. It was Mr. Geithner, not Mr. Paulson, for example, who put together the original rescue plan for the American International Group.”
“And, of course, Mr. Geithner also helped oversee and regulate an entire industry whose decline has delivered a further blow to an already weakened American economy. Under his watch, some of the biggest institutions that were the responsibility of the New York Fed — Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and most recently, Citigroup — faltered. While he was one of the first regulators to smartly articulate the potential for an impending disaster, a number of observers question whether he went far enough to stop the calamity.”
clueless wonder… it’s in the NY Times, not Fox News.
Puddy still dwells on Byrd with still not one word crediting the Kennedys or Johnson. Puddy cannot bring himself to do so. Limbaugh would be displeased. So Puddy credits the Republicans for his voting and civil rights. Puddy forgets. Puddy distracts. Puddy deflects. Puddy ignores.
As someone who was called a “white nigger” countless times, perhaps Puddy might at least concede that I’ve long understood the meaning of the term. When used against me, it had nothing whatsofuckingever to do with my ignorance. But it spoke volumes of the ignorance of those who spit those words out with both vile and hate.
I can openly discuss Democratic “racism”. I’m well acquainted with the failures of the Great Society. But why should I discuss this with someone can only spew right-wing talking points learned at the feet of the Great White Bloated Bloviator? Why should I bother discussing this with someone who apparently cannot bring himself to say the words “Kennedy”, “Johnson” and “civil rights” in the same sentence? Why should I discuss this with someone who’s only response to any discussion of this subject is the same old tired Byrd poop?
I asked you, in which room did your parents display the framed photos of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.? In the black households I knew so well, I usually saw them in the living room, there for all to see, including this old white nigger.
re 109: I credit Everett Dirksen for his service in the cause of civil rights, but, like you, I do not believe Dirkson was instrumental in that particular battle.
@110 We know where Goldwater stood. He was against it. If not for the relection of Johnson, civil rights and voting rights likely would not have happened in the 1960’s.
It really is sad that Puddy can’t bring himself to mention the names Kennedy and Johnson in relation to 1960’s civil rights and voting rights. Dirkson was an admirable man, as were many Republicans of the day. I wonder what he would think of today’s Republican party and how they’ve mainstreamed the racism, bigotry and hate that was once the stuff of the political wilderness and society’s backwaters. Sadly, most of that change, as rank and foul as American political change can be, occurred during Puddy’s time as a Republican. On his watch! Perhaps he simply wasn’t paying attention.
Steve, Puddy discussed Kennedy above. Go back and look at what Puddy wrote. That’s all I have to do. As Puddy told the clueless wonder, without Dirksen, Johnson signs nuthin because there would be no bill with Dirksen. He delivered enough votes to break Byrd’s Filibuster. So either you agree or not. History says it was Humphrey who got as many Democratic senators as he did.
My parents weren’t into the black liberation theology of Jeremiah Wright. My father was a shop steward stressed education and a clean life. My mother stressed Fear God and give glory to Him. We had a picture of Jesus in our house. Momma and Daddy said you worship The One who made heaven and earth, not men. Both were union label wearers. When I graduated university my starting salary was 3x what my momma made in the factory.
So sorry if that blows your bubble Steve. Send me a phone nummber at my email address and I’ll hook you up with two of my brothers and they can corroborate this. We didn’t have a picture of MLK, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, or any other person except family pictures in our house.
Steve, yes there are Republicans who are racist today just as Democratics.
I modified for correct consumption that which some HA Donkey once said:
But we know from the Omnibus spending bill last week nary a peep from the Democratics who killed that great DC Opportunity Scholarship voucher program. Democrats in Congress crushed education choice for 1,700 poor kids in the WA DC and HA Democratics could care less. Democratics chose to kiss the NEAs ASS vs. supporting poor inner-city minority kids. And you wonder why Puddy left the reservation? This happens year after year after year.
For Democratics, it’s always the politics of the party first over the people in the party. When Puddy identifies this behavior you and others clam up. Why is that Steve?
RE 112: So, by the same logic, do you credit the two Republican senators who voted for the stimulus bill as the creators of it. Without them it would have been impossible?
If they didn’t vote for it, chances are they would not be reelected. That is where Dirksen got his Republican votes.
You deliberately fool yourself so you can believe in this moralistic, fingerpointing hypocrisy that is the Republican Party.
If it makes you feel better, fine. But don’t try to fool yourself that you are using reason to arrive at your conclusions. Because you are not.
Neither Everett Dirksen nor Barry Goldwater would accord any of the current crop of so-called “conservatives” the sweat off his balls.