You know in the end why Newscorp felt so comfortable giving $1 million to the Republican Governors Association… why it felt such an unprecedented political contribution would have absolutely no impact on the credibility of FOX News? Because it’s never really cared about the credibility of FOX News, and it knows that neither do most of its viewers. And that, above all, is what has freed FOX News to become so successful.
While traditionalists fret about the decline of objective journalism, Rupert Murdoch long ago had the insight that objective journalism never really existed — that it could not exist — and that fairness and balance is not the responsibility of the individual news outlet, but of the entire news media as a whole. So while most of his competitors squeezed their eyes closed real tight and wished and wished for the news industry to be what they hoped it be, Murdoch went out and kicked their ass by producing products designed to exploit the way the industry really is.
I mean, honestly… do you really believe that FOX News executives really believe that their network is “Fair and Balanced,” or did they specifically choose that motto as a playground taunt to their stodgier, holier-than-thou competition?
So laugh or cry or scream or whatever at the blatant hypocrisy of Newscorp’s million dollar contribution to the Republican Party, but as long as we continue to pretend that we can do something about it, Murdoch and his minions will continue to kick our collective ass. For while there is still a place for traditional journalism, it is time to admit that FOX News is not the exception, but the rule. This is the way the game is played, and FOX deserves credit for playing it better than the rest of us.
Bravo, Rupert. And game on.
“Bravo, Rupert. And game on.”
This little light o’ mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
Indeed, the cash is a taunt as well. Contributions in kind make that million seem sad and lonely.
Here’s a potential game changer: Progressives should claim that they are the moderates. Do it long enough, and the ‘New Democrats’ will start drifting left instead of right.
Example: 70% of Americans believe that there should be a public option in health care. And, as a CENTRIST, I tend to agree with the citizens of this country — even the ‘baggertards!
The second largest shareholder of Newscorp is a Saudi Prince. We’re having a national anxiety attack over a Muslim cultural center in lower Manhatten. The discussion of a senate race shifts to whether or not black is evil. Another senate race has brought us to consider the merits of forced worship of the Aqua Buddha. A major American political leader, who will soon be seen camping with Kate + 8 on a reality show, refuses to refudiate her “cackles” tweet.
Of course, there’s nothing strange about any of this.
@4, Steve: It is quite bizaare.
In other stuff we can actually do something about (hopefully):
Were you able to find emails/contact info?
Blame Murdoch? Or Ailes? As Michael Wolff points out, Murdoch HATES to contribute anything to anything, or be squeezed by anyone for anything.
A contribution from Fox, not News Corp.?
One of your most insightful and accurate posts ever…
Sad but true reality of the world
If Goldy, or John Stewart, cared about the entire truth, they would note that NewsCorp previously gave more to Democrats than Republicsns.
From the Washington Post:
“Until now, the News Corp./Fox political action committee had given 54 percent of its donations to Democrats and 46 percent to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics — including $8,000 to Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid’s campaign committee and $5,000 to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s organization. News Corp. also gave $45,000 each to GOP and Democratic campaign committees on Capitol Hill.”
Using your logic, before this big donation to the GOP, NewsCorp was left of center. Yeah, right.
re *: The percentages are interesting. How do the contributions that you mentioned add up to 1 million dollars??
If YOU cared about the truth, you would have prefaced your remarks appropriately.
“including $8,000 to Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid’s campaign committee and $5,000 to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s organization. News Corp. also gave $45,000 each to GOP and Democratic campaign committees on Capitol Hill.””
re 10: Chickenfeed, indeed.
Isn’t it infuriating the way he huffily impugns everyone elses’ honesty while knowingly and cynically equating percentages with amounts.
Better go back to manipulating ‘bagtards, Jack.
Whenever I watch John Stewart or Steven Colbert or Keith Olberman, or whomever, I always am reminded that our guys are simply smarter than theirs, as well as a helluva lot funnier.
By the way, several news organizations are putting out checklists designed to check on how Sarah Palin’s endorsements are working out.
I checked on one, which gave a map with green to each candidate who had won, red to each who had lost, and white indidcated it hadn’t been decided yet. A quick glimpse of the map seems to indicate that her endorsed candidates did a little better than average.
But when you check out the details, you find that her endorsement often came AFTER the primary election, which nonethless gave her a green icon. But that’s being missed by a lot of the media.
“I always am reminded that our guys are simply smarter than theirs, as well as a helluva lot funnier.”
That’s so true of our HA cesspool as well. And while our trolls may draw laughs, that has very seldom been their intent.
I dunno steve, with idiots like uptown, rujaxoff, daddy lover, and ylbleeder running around, your statement may not hold up.
I did appreciate the comment of one of the local GOP candidates:
The 2010 Primary’s Best Campaign Lowlights
@15 heh- I purposely put the qualifier “seldom” in there as a couple of you guys are funny as hell. You know who you are! Heck, I might be the only commie-jihadist in the world laughing along with you! Hmm, I hope I don’t get kicked out of our commie-fascist club for this little admission of mine.
kicked out? probably not…but you will definately have to serve some gulag time…
Yap all ya want. Fox News is killing your slanted news sites. BTW did you all see how the Maureen Dowd and others are asking George Bush to weigh in on the side of Odumba with the NYC Mosque? First they call him a baby killer. Then a war monger. Next a liar. Then Hitler. Now they want his to save Odumba.
Now where did Puddy learn this?
Hey Goldy it’s hot over here!
Why not?
FOX and its local affiliates will expect that money to come back plus some in TV spots during the height of political campaigns. Thus it makes sense for any broadcast corporation to donate to both parties. If FOX donations remain imbalanced, expect the republican TV spots to be the same. Oregon’s republican gubernatorial hopeful Chris Dudley seems like he’s qualified to play basketball and act as a part time spokesperson for other party members who would run state government.
Faux News has given up any pretense of being unbiased.
Look at their lying headlines:
“Obama’s recession” : a total lie – the recession started under Bush – in fact, it was going during his entire last year when the republicans AND Faux news were denying the WAS a recession.
the bigger the lie – the better for Faux News.
@22 Would that be the same last year in which the Republicans had complete control of the Congress?
Oh, wait a minute…. You do understand how government works in this country, don’t you?
@ 23
Would that be the same last year in which the Republicans had complete control of the Congress?
You do understand how government works in this country, don’t you?
There’s no evidence that he doesn’t. He seems to understand that regulatory agencies operate under the direction of the executive branch and not Congress.
Do you understand how government works in this country?