“The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.”
— US Constitution, 20th Amendment
Publicola: read the text of President Obama’s inaugural speech.
There was a lot of mention of God and faith in the speech, which has become pretty standard fare in modern American politics, but Obama did make a shout out to us “non-believers.” I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing that might be a first for a presidential inauguration speech.
It’s done. Thank you, Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, for delivering us from the grasp of charlatans and shysters to a fresh new dawn of hope for our country and world.
“Worn-Out Dogma”
That’s how President Obama described the Republican Party, and he is sooo right. Robert Frost, if he were here, couldn’t have said it better. Hell, Rudyard Kipling couldn’t have said it better!
In other news, the NTSB says the US Airways plane that crashed in the Hudson River after a double engine failure on takeoff experienced an engine compressor malfunction two days before the accident. The airline flew it with a planeload of passengers anyway. Sounds like US Airways has some ‘splaining to do.
Want to see what Muslims around the world are saying about Obama right now? Check out AlJazeera’s Your Views section. As far as I can tell, the majority of Muslims think he’s just another Bush, but with darker skin.
@4 That’s because they can’t understand plain English — and neither can you.
Let’s recap. We won the White House. We won 59 seats in the Senate. We strengthened our majority in the House. Al Franken won in Minnesota. Chris Gregoire won in Washington. Today, the nation an indeed the entire Free World is cheering and full of joy at the departure of the Republicans.
This is what REPUDIATION looks like, goatfuckers.
Motherfucker @ 4-
Join the asshole Bush in the dustbin of history.
I don’t care for that language, so I won’t repeat that word, but you are calling me a MFer because I provided a link to Al-Jazeera’s comment section to show you what Muslims around the world think of Obama? Why does that anger you?
Troll @8,
No, he’s calling you a motherfucker because of the spirit in which you off the link to Al-Jazeera.
Uhhhh….Troll? Is this the sort of comment you’re referring to:
“Not in my lifetime has my generation ever been so moved by an election. Aside from his policies and what he will or won’t do now that he is about to become the new president, Obama has created a movement in a generation that has more than once been labeled as one of the most apathetic generations in decades.
I hope that in the next few years Obama continues to inspire the young generation to get up and do something about their situation instead of wait for someone else to do it for them.
He has already met one key requirement for greatness – he is a leader at a time of great peril and great challenge. In order to overcome great challenges, you must first be handed the challenge. Obama certainly has that. ”
Or, perhaps this one:
“He should ensure justice before peace. Attempt to eradicate the exploitation of third world countries. Allow self determined democracies throughout the world. Stop arming dictator regimes and illegal states to occupy and oppress others. Allow democracies to develop their own identities, economies, etc. Stop the masacre and holocaust of people for financial gain. Stop the occupation and genocide in the world. Stop controlling the UN. Just a few ideas.”
Or maybe this one:
“In fact millions in the third world have suffered more than enough due to the ill-treated policy of the out going president ‘Bush’, more over Gazans are desperately in need for a big hand of help to heal up their irreparable losses from the Israeli military offensives. What we are all looking forward is that what Obama has in a store for us all, will he take a more positive way than that of Bush?”
Here’s a Web site that just changed for the better:
There’s a report that as Bush boarded the helicopter to leave, the crowd started singing “Na-na-na-naaaah, Na-na-na-naaaah, Hey-hey-heeey, gooood-bye!”
Day #13 of sunshine.
The Dow dropped 150 points after Obama’s speech filled with platitudes and zero meat.
The market was looking for specifics…something Obama is lacking.
In the meantime, I am sitting with no debt, revenue producing real estate and cash equivalent investments.
I am looking at getting back into Wells Fargo…it is down under 16.
Buy KLOWNS, Buy….
Obama has already aged significantly in the past 2 months. His biggest problem ahead?
KLOWNS Like you, Pelosi and Barney Fag
You KLOWNS need to convince rich folks to spend money. Being in Southern California, I can assure you they aren’t. Restaurants are empty and closing. Car dealers…disaster.
Housing Market…disaster.
If you recall, US Air had a rash of plain crashes back in the 90’s. Like 5 or 6 if memory serves, way outside the bands of any probability table for sure. That’s when I decided I would never fly US Air.
Listen butthead at #8
You and your idiotic remarks piss me off not because you have some grand insight or some novel take on the world or some unique access to surprising information but because you are a braindead, tonedeaf, blithering right-wing imbecile.
Every. Mother. Fucking. Thing. That has been poison and acid and in our public discourse and has eaten away at the fabric of the Democracy of the country we hold so dear can be seen in your moronic posts. Every small minded attitude. Every unthought out platitude that has been used to bullshit a significant segment of our populace. Every mealy mouth diatribe and small-minded prejudice.
You, sir are a bufoon. Just go the fuck away.
“Our long national nightmare is over”
Took the words right out of my mouth Goldy.
I’ll remember the music and poetry. Damn Itzak Perlman plays a fine fiddle. With backup by Yo Yo Ma you can’t go wrong. The clarinetist was a fine player as well. It’s nice to hear some poetry. We don’t hear enough of it in this culture.
I’ll give Rick Warren his due. There’s part of his speech that verged on rubbing me the wrong way but other parts showed off his preacher skillz to decent effect. If you want to know why he’s effective in his world, this speech showed a little of that.
I’ll have to read Obama’s speech over. I wasn’t all that struck by it, but as usual with Barack, there’s a lot more than meets the eye or ear.
As for you wingnut trolls, comfort yourself with your Limbaugh, the rest of the right wing hate talk crowd, your Matt Sludge, – you and your chimp, his gang has been just about ALL that’s gone wrong with country the last eight years IMHO.
I’d write you idiots completely off for the next eight years but as an old sage once said idiots are too ingenious.
I’ll be back for you.
Our long national nightmare is over
I wouldn’t be so sure of that – the US Treasury can’t seem to plug the holes fast enough in our banking system. Here’s BAC, formerly considered one of the healthier (ex) big banks:
And even if we get this ship righted, immense entitlement fiscal problems are looming.
Rujax @ 16
Troll is honest about himself – he’s a troll.
I try not to feed him. I know it’s hard sometimes but that’s what you gotta do because it’s the attention he’s here for.
Well the greatness of our nation was on full display today. I for one hope President Obama is successful. I believe that the historical nature of the innauguration of the first black president is something that we can all be proud of. Idealogy aside, I am an American first, and I’m grateful that I live in the greatest nation on earth. President Obama is my President, our President.
In my opinion, the greatness of our country lies with we the people, not the President or a party. We the people will, in the end, be the force that drives our great country. This is a great day for all of us..
I thought Obama’s speech was excellent, and I hope everyone heeds the call in it to “put away childish things” going forward. Time to wake up and get to work.
ArtFart @ 11
You certainly can say that again. Obama’s people had a complete new White House website up, probably within minutes after taking the oath of office. Everything new on there already. Let’s hope most everything else in the new administration goes as efficiently.
Mr. C @ 14.
Tell you what. You always brag about your money and you hate taxes. Why don’t you give some money to a business school scholarship fund that benefits young people from modest backgrounds?
I believe such giving may be tax advantaged.
I figured Cynical, who until this fall was still trying to blame Clinton for the financial collapse of 2008, would try to blame Obama for any drop in the stock market before he even made it back to the White House from being sworn in. Rather typical.
Of course, if you were actually watching the market, you would have seen it had been falling all morning as a result of overnight reports indicating that the banking crisis is worse than previosly reported. Thanks, President Bush, for trying to keep that report quiet unitl the very last minute!
Seems that Bush’s hands-off policies towards the financial markets didn’t work. And it seems that his “Plan B”, which is to throw money at the banks and brokerage firms so they can just buy one another (but not the bad debt, that’s left for the taxpayers to absorb) hasn’t worked either.
Oh, well. At least there are some adults in charge now. But it’s going to take a very long time to clean up the mess left behind by the previous tenant.
YLB @ 19…
Of course you’re right.
Right Stuff @ 20
Well-stated. My hat’s off to you for wishing Obama well, though you differ with him ideologically. Too bad some on the right (just look at some of the posts above) are unwilling to even cut him slack on Inauguration Day.
By the way, my colleagues in Tokyo are reporting that (a) the economy there is actually worse than it is here, and (b) they stayed up late to watch the inaugeration, which occured at 1:00 a.m. Tokyo time.
Last night, at a men’s Bible Study group I attend, the normally right-wing Republicans attending agreed that they have a duty to pray for Obama and to not speak ill of him.
OMG. I fully agree with 20.
I need to lay down.
The market is now down 240 AFTER Obama was sworn in. The drop is because his speech, as usal, lacked specifics.
Obama will find out all he can do is be a cheerleader or intervene and make things worse.
I have helped kids with college….beyond our 4 kids. Important to select kids with a buring desire and help them…I agree.
I DO NOT just give money to colleges or bureaucrats.
Interesting the hate-spewing LEFTIST KLOWNS are now crying for civility. That said, I do wish Obama well. Our pastor lead a prayer for him after the election.
That doesn’t mean blindly follow however.
Cynical: “The drop is because his speech, as usal, lacked specifics.”
If you truly believe cause-and-effect in the stock market can be so easily identified, then you are even more naive than I thought.
Accuracy, Cynical.
Civility is something you don’t know much about either.
Cynical @ 20: Can you name one inaugeral address which dealt with specific economic plans? I can’t think of any off the top of my head. Even Lincoln’s second inaugeral address only hinted at his theme for reconstruction being one of forgiveness, and didn’t specify the details of how the Confederate states would be re-incorporated into the Union.
An inaugeral address is supposed to be general, it’s something which will be recorded in history for hundreds of years. Specific economic plans can come be announced in the coming days.
Cynical doesn’t want America to be successful. He wants it fail, just so he can say “Told you so”.
@20 Nicely said, Right Stuff.
Blue John–
Still wetdreaming about that $200,000 Seattle House??? I’d love to see that happen for you.
Keep hope alive.
I do not want Obama to fail.
Allow me to repeat….his biggest problem will be Pelosi and her Merry Band of SF Lunatice KLOWNS (that includes most of y’all).
These are times that require action….by Obama’s own statements. I equate action with SPECIFICS…not rhetoric. Obama says he is gonna hit the ground running…that requires SPECIFICS.
The market is also concerned about Obama’s statement about the watchful eye of government over the markets. What does that mean??
Blue John the Dreamer–
How many kids and grandkids do you have?
I have 4 and 3.
How many nieces & nephews do you have?
I have 25.
Of course I want America to be successful.
I think I have a much bigger stake than you do as to why.
Grow up and Wise up.
These are times that require action….by Obama’s own statements. I equate action with SPECIFICS…not rhetoric. Obama says he is gonna hit the ground running…that requires SPECIFICS.
We should find out soon enough what this amounts to. Obama has stated he will begin addressing the entitlement mess head on in the coming months. We’ll see how serious the specifics are, what people will be asked to give up, and what the political and public response to the proposals are. As David Walker, the former Comptroller General and head of GAO has pointed out forcefully, we have only a few years left to tackle this problem now. That places it squarely in this administration’s lap.
We should find out soon enough what this amounts to. Obama has stated he will begin addressing the entitlement mess head on in the coming months. We’ll see how serious the specifics are, what people will be asked to give up, and what the political and public response to the proposals are. As David Walker, the former Comptroller General and head of GAO has pointed out forcefully, we have only a few years left to tackle this problem now. That places it squarely in this administration’s lap.
Meanwhile, the banks are hitting new lows . . .
A plea to my fellow conservatives….
Be an American first. President Obama has been President for all of 6 hours. He can’t “fix” anything yet.
In my opinion, today of all days, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, religious or non, put aside your partisanship and enjoy the beauty of the moment…..
There will be plenty of days ahead to disagree, but can’t we ALL agree that today it is a great day to be an American?
A plea to my fellow conservatives….
Be an American first. President Obama has been President for all of 6 hours. He can’t “fix” anything yet.
In my opinion, today of all days, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, religious or non, put aside your partisanship and enjoy the beauty of the moment…..
There will be plenty of days ahead to disagree, but can’t we ALL agree that today it is a great day to be an American?
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@42 Sorry if I mistook you for an America-hater, Right Stuff. I see by these posts today that you’re better than that.
@7 No, he’s calling you a MFer because you’re a shill and apologist for a warmonger and torturer.
@13 Yeah, no more hot air currency to prop up stocks with, so Wall Street is coming back to reality and pricing stocks for what they’re actually worth.
@38 “I think I have a much bigger stake than you”
Delusional, as usual. Have you ever heard of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? If you had any friends here we’d be discussing this with you today, intervention style. But you have no friends, Cynical, left or right, so you’re just going to have to suffer through it.
@14 I thought you were in Montana. Why are you in California? Your goats miss you.
@47 Not knowing where he is? That’s the least of Cynical’s problems. Treatment is where he should be, Narcissistic Personality Disorder being a nasty business.
Can’t wait to you sheep see that your Jesus can’t walk on water.
our nightmare is over??? you idiots, its just begun. you have a guy who is most likely not a natural born american, with a sympathy at the very least for foriegn countries, he was put in place so that blacks will go along with any new policies so right away you have a huge portion of the country that will embrace the new socialism. and his gatekeeper in the white house is rahm emanuel,the son of an isralei terrorist who was in the israeli army during the first gulf war , and according to a lot of reports is a mossad agent. so i guess if your name is goldstein, you probably think the nighmare is over. i doubt it however, when they start taken personal property away, i dont think they will be asking “jew, or not a jew”? blacks and jews both are being used by those who wish to invoke a one world government. what was obamas quote the other day, “we cant allow idle hands”. well whaddya think that means?
Tell me #50 is a professional comedian…
@51 I wish I could.
The nightmare for the GOP has only begin. We’re going to spend all the money we want helping young girls get abortions. We’re going to make abortion legal under any circumstance. We’re going to stop your bullshit war. We’re going to make porn legal everywhere. We’re going to make fun of Bush all day long.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Get used to it.
We’re going to spend all the money we want helping young girls get abortions
well thats weird, cause when sarah palins daughter was pregnant, after reading the msm, i kinda thought she was the only teen girl who ever got pregnant. hmmmmm.
by the way, i hope you’re white, christian, male and heterosexual. and i hope you have male children. because then you’re going to find out the following. your male offspring will watch tv that has judges potrayed as only as either black, female or latino, he won’t realize he can be a judge. he’ll have to give up points in a civil service test to less qualified minorities. if he gets divorced, the wife gets the kids and the house and he’ll have to live in your basement while he pays child support. he’ll work his ass off and cut out grocery coupons and then go to the supermarket and have someone who doesnt speak english pay for a shopping cart full of food with food stamps paid for by his tax dollars.
he’ll go to work where hey have the black engnieers society, gay and lesbain group, latino support group, and he can sit there with his thumb up his ass. he’ll look at his sons school calendar and see chunaka , qwnaza, yom kipper but no christmas. his sons school principal will cancel a trip to miracle on 34th street because its not inclusive.
oh yeah, he’s gonna have a great future. together they can.
@55 woman of falsehood
Thanks for revealing your racist and intolerant views. It is not everyday that a troll admits they are scared of females, blacks, latinos, Jews, Muslims and anyone that is different from white male Protestant (mainline).
Yup – it the really insecure, incompetent, pathetically ignorant and racist right wingers that DO have the most to fear.
However, it is not what you think. Corporate america is shipping your job overseas. That is what all REAL Americans should be worried about. And we are all in this together – I would work to protect even your sorry ass from the republicans who want to give our jobs away.
correcttoright, well i actually agree with a lot that you said. other than the fact that, one, i am not a racist by a logical defintion. the definition which you use is the defintion that is commonly used so that we can lable people racists to shut them up. for example if someone is against illegal imigration for econmomic reasons, we can call him a racist and shut him up. secondly, as i always say, if we dont want god in the public square, then who or what is the moral authority to say i have to like certain people. (i’m not saying i feel that way, just that i would have a right to do so if i choose). you are right about outsourcing, but the point you are missing, is that the people who are working towards that type of thing are not just republicans. they are using a “good cop, bad cop” type of senario to deflect the argument. it is anybody, dem or gop, that is looking to redistribute wealth from the usa to overseas. didnt clinton sign nafta? i’m tellin ya, they are using cultural differences, so, for example, my neighbor can be pissed off because his sons class couldnt see “miracle on 34th street”, and that pits us against one another.
i am only saying, you’re fighing the wrong fight.
You are, quite clearly, antisemitic, MOT.
Look who’s using his real name again @53. re-run’s leetle moronic brother.
I want America to succeed, which means Obama has to succeed. If he screws up in dealing with the loony lefties who think mamby pamby like Rujax! oh well…
Moron @ 59
You’re a liar. If American succeeds under Obama’s watch then it means my people were right all along and your ilk was wrong. You can never accept that.
The only loonies Obama will have to deal with are those of your ilk.
And it won’t take him long to write your stupid crowd off.
re-run@60: If Obama succeeds I get richer you fool. If he doesn’t well…
I don’t have to agree with his policies.
BTW I thought the Gitmo closure document was being signed yesterday? Oh well…
Byebyegoober, well at least you went back to your original name. I’m happy to see your side in charge. I lost much in stocks yesterday…
Goldy, You censor Bloomberg links?
Wow it looks like the nightmare is continuing.
Check the archives and see if Puddy didn’t call it. Yet the naysayers led by rhp6033, incorrectnotbright and re-run said I was wrong…
“GM official says cash could run out by March 31”
Well I can buy a GM car cheep. I’m now an owner!
Yes Puddy I – like you – post here under different names – according to my mood.
And my mood is excellent these days. As I watch the poor, stupid, idiotic, lunatic fringe that you represent get bent over and fucked in the ass.
You got what you deserved – the whole world is laughing at you and your impotent little bitch George Bush.
You lost punk. You lost BIG. And I’m still here – as I promised I would be – to rub it in your chest.
Now prove you are the traitor we all know you to be and continue to pray for America’s failure. What else can you do? Your entire platform and all the fools who represent it have been utterly REJECTED.
Deal with it bitch.
Oh – and have a nice day :)
BREAKING – Gitmo trials delayed by President Obama. The first step to closing the place. Right wingers in anguish and agony. Life is good.
Oh yeah –
PRESIDENT OBAMA did that. PRESIDENT OBAMA. Suck on that right wing trolls!
@64: Yup – the nightmare is now that we have the incredible MESS the republicans left behind to CLEAN up. The adults are back in charge and the STENCH from the illegal wiretappings, the illegal politicization of the Justice department, the illegal torture, the illegal Gitmo detentions and the plain old imcompetency will take some time to clean up.
Luckily the racist republicans are gone.
Who said this?
Hint: He was a leading advisor to Reagan.
60 years ago obamessiahs father couldn’t have been served in any diner in this country, but he didn’t say a word about his kansas momma, she could eat anywhere she wanted, because she was a WHITE AMERICAN CITIZEN.Is there any proof that his daddy wanted to eat in this country anyway?
This election wasn’t race based, my foot.
His inaugurational speech was just more,I am a black man ,and more rhetoric on how black he is.Please!
And the rest I aint gonna do nuthin but you all must,His we is US. Please.
Those poor people that stood in the cold for that.
As time goes on we will see the true nightmare,it started at the swearing in,It was never even audibly fulfilled.
Talk about Bushisms,Lets see, could this possibly Be his first obamassiahism.
And we all fall down.
BREAKING! This just in. Joe the fake plumber didn’t even vote! I love it when a GOP stunt blows up in the face of the right wing cowards!
dMQf7X hi! its a nice site!
@68: Moron
thanks for showing us what a pathetic fool you are. In the real news, Obama kept a campaign promise and:
Put new stricter rules on lobbying than ever before.
Froze the salaries of top WH aides.
Put in new rules for transparency in government.
Day one: Light years beyond the corrupt Bush administration.
Right wingnuts – blowing in the wind as usual with NO SUBSTANCE.
” Rev.Joseph Lowery”
Then he ended his prayer with, “Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest,
and in the joy of a new beginning,
we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back,
1.This had never happened in my lifetime!
when brown can stick around,
2.Insinuating,mexicans are all deported.
when yellow will be mellow,
3.Are asians really that aggresive?
when the red man can get ahead, man,
4.Insinuating all indians are poor and neglected.
and when white will embrace what is right.”
5.As if we haven’t already:
Do we have to live with slavery condemnation for eternity,Excuse me but blacks reds and yellow and browns have the same exact rights as whites if not more.
Obama reacted to the benediction with a smile.
I like this myself.
Racism right from the pulpit.
This is change we can believe in.
Maybe he is just a toned down old Rev. wright.
Who gives a rats crack about Joe the plumber, This is still America he doesn’t have to vote if he doesn’t want to.JUST BECAUSE HE IS WHITE, DOESN’T MEAN HE DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT.
I am white and proud of it.I have never looked at any other race and considered my self better because of my color, It is rediculous to have to walk around this mountain over and over.
It is insanity to think we can keep doing and talking about the same old thing and get different results.
I really don’t think this is funny.
I beleive this to be a very serious remark and a slap in the face of all the different races that voted for obama.
Who gives a good golly fuck what a right wing turd like WatchFOOL says or thinks or wants?
We’ll do any motherfucking thing we want from anywhere we want and there isn’t shit you and your phony plumber can do about it.
America listened to this chickenshit from you idiots and you were —– REJECTED.
Deal with it.
We’re laughing at you!
Oh its just you mr.bent Over spewing again, not impressed.You are nothing to your obamessiah.He doesn’t know you nor would he want too.
I am laughing at you,If you think for one minute that you count.
If you keep your omamma of the street corners there would alot less fucking your omomma.
you idiots, the jew gietner doesnt pay his taxes, employs and illegal alien, but the genious, who is going to get us out of this mess, didnt know about paying taxes as a contractor. kind of remonds me when the jew sany berger stuffed secret documnets down his pants and didnt do two minutes in jail. jeez yuo think maybe david frost could say, “they should pay for the crimes” or some such shit from the new movie that keeps grinding away at the jew hating boogyman nixon.
@ 75 So true manoftruth: The new begining of nightmare on Constitution avenue.
You guys are still posting on this old thread? And WMOTW agrees with MOT’s anti-semetic rants @ 75????
No wonder you guys lost the election.