You mightn’t have noticed, but Goldy has been blogging from the road all this week. Tonight he called from the East Coast to report that his trusty old (ca. 2001) laptop finally bit the dust. It’s OS Nein (or OS #2) for Goldy until he returns.
A moment of silence for the character in the foreground of the photo, please.
What this means for you, loyal readers, is that your rants, raves, cease-and-desist orders, and complaints about the precious comments of yours that I’ve had the unmitigated effrontery to delete will all go unanswered by Goldy for a day or two.
It also means that if you have a great news tip, send it to Lee, Will, Geov, Carl or me until Goldy resurfaces.
Now…I offered to conduct a quick fund-raiser to help Goldy replace his mighty electronic pen. Goldy, demonstrating uncharacteristic modesty, declined my offer. (Still…he’ll need a lot of beer to mourn the loss of a trusty friend over the next few weeks, if you catch my drift….)
But here is an offer that someone just shouldn’t resist. Somewhere out there in the liberal Pacific Northwest there is a reader with a spare late-model, fully-functioning Mac that is mostly doing duty as an expensive night-light in the guest bedroom. If you are that reader, consider how much better it would be utilized fighting the good fight.
I mean, Just imagine the deep sense of pride you will feel each time Goldy posts (making use of your generous contribution) a ground-breaking piece that topples the incompetent head of a federal agency or leads to the defeat of a matricidal political candidate. And when you tune into the David Goldstein show on Saturday and Sunday nights, if you listen very closely, sometimes you will be able to hear the clickity-clack of your former laptop being broadcast into thousands of living rooms and cars….
Here is the offer part: if you do donate your Mac to Goldy and really need that night light, let me know and I’ll donate my spare to you. Really. Think about it.
And…I guess we’ll call this one an open thread.
If you send good stuff to me, I might just post it on EFFu.
Darryl: your grabbing the wheel while Goldy is incapacitated reminds me of Gen. Alexander Haig’s “I’m in control here” when Reagan was shot. do you intend to relingush your command or does Goldy have to have a coup to get back his kingdom?
Sorry to hear about Goldie’s laptop. May it rest in peace. You prolly don’t want my iBook, trust me.
So, all you dirty lib’rls, who do you like for City Council, and why?
-OneMan…seeking opinions
I could donate an ancient Dell that’s still kicking around. It won’t run Mac OS, though. In fact it barely runs Windows 95. Still, it will make me feel good, knowing that I don’t have to have that stupid brick taking up space under my bed any more.
Can I write it off on my taxes?
Who’s the faggy-looking bald dude?
That’s a mirror, dumbass.
Guy With No Car,
Ummm…many thanks, but Goldy is pretty much a Mac guy. And, Win 95 was really a downgrade from Win 3.11. But those old machines are still good for Linux or FreeBSD servers….
Your daddy, that’s who.
Sorry. No.
I’m talking about the effeminate monkey with the queer gloves.
Is “it” a guy or a girl?
It’s STILL a mirror, Squirt.
Hmm …
Given my Macophobia, may I suggest
Maybe it could be treated like the Berlin Wall and people can buy keys as keepsakes! I would buy the apple key!
Or maybe DL would like to frame it and hang it on the wall?
I can see it now
Historic Tavern Torn Down
(SJ News, April 1, 2050)
Seattle’s elite leaders of the NewDems, led by ex Senator Burner, gathered tonite for one last beer at the Montlake.
The tavern is being torn down to erect a new branch of Lee’s Cigars and Reefers.
An auction was held for the historic memorabilia including the “Republican” Street sign, the framed version of NPR’s Goldstein Show original Mac computer, and a boxed set of testicles from Dino Rossi, Tim Eynman, and Jimbo OHale.
Proceeds of the auction will go to pay for the Bronce stature or Golstein with his coblogger Will, Darryl, Lee and Carl gathered around a an old Mac.
Senator Katie Goldstein spoke of her father’s legacy and conveyed his wishes from the Altehacher Home for Retired NewDems, at the Mai Tse Tung Lunar Base.
BlaM @ 3,
“do you intend to relingush your command or does Goldy have to have a coup to get back his kingdom?”
Umm…that information is protected by executive privilege. But, yeah…I’m in control here.
Hell Just ask Sims for one, I’m sure with the money he is pissing away daily one little fully function Mac would be peanuts he would gladly donate.
Just gotta call and Ask!
2050? Ah, SJ, I will be 100 years old that year. I’m looking forward to the scenario.
Me too. I will be 108!
Since this is an open thread, I make the following suggestion based on the info from the Seattle Times and their cheering of Karl Rove.
Since many lefties infest the Seattle Times, why not contact your good Kool-Aid drinking buds at the ST and have them “loan” you a laptop. Since they produce the same BULLSHITTIUM as ASSIE Voice, the laptop will “feel” right at home.
Seattle Times Executive Editor Dave Boardman, acknowledged:
“If we wore our politics on our sleeves in here, I have no doubt that in this and in most other mainstream newsrooms in America, the majority of those sleeves would be of the same color: blue. Survey after survey over the years have demonstrated that most of the people who go into this business tend to vote Democratic, at least in national elections. [Try 86% or more Dave!] That is not particularly surprising, given how people make career decisions and that social service and activism is a primary driver for many journalists.”
So much for the conservative bias reported by ASSIE Voice and his head Pelletmaker and his blogging minions.
So, ASSIE Voice, be a man, ask for a laptop. Give it a good “home”.
Stupidman: Are you related to Larry Hinson of Kansas City, Kansas? Sound like someone from your vertical line family lineage!
With the direct frontal assault by Newsweek and NBC news on global warming deniers, it’s amazing on 22% of Americans think they can so something about global warming. Find the poll Moonbat!s. I did.
Of course most Moonbat!s don’t know the global warming lovers gave 50 Billion to their friends and media to promote global warming while the “evil” oil companies on spent $19 Million.
Of course the ASSIE Voice minions will not tell you these facts.
Here is a funny SeattleJew will like:
“Palestinians Miffed Over Downplaying of Peace Summit”
So why do Congressional Moonbat!s not want peace in the middle east?
Why does the racially biased MSM not give the same coverage to my missing peeps as they give to de white ladiez?;GT1=10323
I thought CEOs were “evil” Republicans? Look at the political contributions:
Another myth blown to smithereens. Why do Moonbat!s characterize som many things illogically?
Page 1 – Moonbat!s 113 Neo-cons 44
Page 2 – Moonbat!s 95 Neo-cons 57
Wow – I see why Pelletman chose his monkier.
Gives to Moonbat!s
Ya know I was wondering why the Mattel Toy China recall hasn’t been played up so much here on ASSWipes or in the librul MSM. So ol’ Puddy decided to search de Internetz to determine why dis is so.
Seem these Mattel peeps are Moonbat! lovers.
Seems these Moonbat! peeps just woke up to caring for the little kidz. I was wondering why Headlice was so quiet? Why didn’t ASSIE Voice jump all over dis? Hmmm…
So I did some more digging.
insert Mattel in the text search field. Look it up Moonbat!s
Mattel – Gave most money to Moonbat!s in 2006
Mattel – Gave most money to Moonbat!s in 2004
Yep, those “evil” Mattel Democrats taking away good paying jobs from Americans, sending them overseas to China in the search of big profits being mean to the little guy!
Then having to recall millions of lead paint on toys bound for American chirren.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!
There’s no USB ports and I’m not even sure there’s a CD drive in there. I’ve never managed to figure out how to load Linux onto it, which would certainly be an upgrade over Win95 and very similar to MacOS X under the hood. As if that mattered vis-a-vis the user interface.
Mostly I was just being silly. I bought it from a co worker 6 years ago and it was completely inadequate to any tasks I had in mind for it even then.
@23: Ok, I’ll play.
From the page you reference, CEOs gave slightly more to Rs then Ds (40% – 34%). Ever heard of the term “hedging bets?” No mention of “Moonbats” or “Neo-Cons” anywhere (BTW, do you actually know what the term “neocon” means?).
Other than that, the page was a giant wall of individual contributions starting in 2007 and — shocking — the first two pages showed lots of contributions to Democratic presidential frontrunners.
What that tells me is that the nation’s CEOs are reading the handwriting on the wall and anticipating a Democratic victory in 2008.
Not nearly as exciting as what you imply in your post but hey, whatever.
-OneMan’s opinion
@25: wth are you smoking?
The Mattell recalls have been EVERYWHERE in the news. There is no conspiracy of silence except in your own head.
I am irritated that at least NBC news failed to mention that the magnet issue was a design flaw by the American toy designers, not the fault of the Chinese at all, but that was adequately covered elsewhere.
@21 Not funny at all. There is a huge amount of conflict in thjis event … people who dearly want peace, a Bush admin in fcaretaker hands but still despised by so many, and the fact on the ground that the destruction of Iraq may help the peace process.
Best thing for all is to be sure someone more competent than Bush is leading the negotiations, keep everything as quiet as possible, and if success occurs hopefully politics can be put aside for a time and Bush can (fianly) have gotten something done he can be proud of.
Shouldn’t Stefan contribute to Goldy? It seems that most of Stefan’s popular posts come from Goldy-related comments…
Golly OneMan: Is your brain one celled too?
I exactly know what the term neocon means. You must be kind of new here.
Use Google to search the ASSWipes blog. See how prime-time idiots such as ATJ, headlice loocie, Pellethead, Rudejacks and others called conservatives neocons.
Fer instance Oneman, the first name on the list is the Shaw Group. I posted many times the Shaw Group received no-bid military contracts from DoD, yet all you read from the buttholes of ‘Wipers is Halliburton. Yet the Shaw group like Perini Corp (Dianne Feinstein’s husbands no-bid Milcon contract winning company for the VA Hospital System) gets this same types of contracts too. These companies are run by and heavily Moonbat! political influencers.
You need to study more Oneman!
OneMan: The Mattel toy conflict is in the news, but the spin is missing.
You are a onecell brainiac!
When the Chinese food problem was all over the news the spin in the librul MSM and here on ASSWipers was how the “evil” Republicans are trying to kill us.
But, if you paid close attention, the spinmeisters are wery wery qwiet here and there! All I asked is why? Then I proved why. Mattel is heavily involved in Moonbat!tic politics.
So are you this politically dense Oneman?
So SeattleJew, why is Tom Lantos so vehemently negative and boisterous about it? He’s is vocalizing it so much now it can’t be done quietly. Why did Lantos say this:
“We must not exaggerate any expectations with respect to the meeting that will take place in November. While I understand that some people in the administration would like to see great achievements in the next few months, great achievements will not be forthcoming.”
Do you and Oneman hang out together? This was very obvious from the article why the Palestinians are so upset with Lantos.
I guess these nuanced facts just fly through your eyes and miss the synaptic firings for brain comprehension.
Hey Oneman: See who received many of the Katrina Hurricane no-bid contracts. Look up their politics!
Report back to me!
In blaze of cosmic irony, my laptop died this week, as well. Any surplus charitable donations, hardware or otherwise, will be lovingly accepted. I have an orange hat from Iowa for you if you come up with an actual working laptop!
“In A blaze” was the intended beginning of that sentence, above. I’m not fussy, it doesn’t have to be a mac, a dell would be just fine!
Sigh.. The spamfilter is on the fritz..
Too bad about Goldy’s LT.
“What this means for you, loyal readers, is that your rants, raves, cease-and-desist orders, and complaints about the precious comments of yours that I’ve had the unmitigated effrontery to delete will all go unanswered by Goldy for a day or two.”
Geez, Darryl, this makes you a dictator. Now you know how Monkeyface feels.
Fundraiser for Goldstein.
Here’s a tip….Get a job.
The last “fundraiser” for $$ to help “pay the mortgage and other essential stuff” was actually a vacation fundraiser..
Why not contact the Burner campaign and ask them for a laptop? HA is afterall the “netroot” central for the Burner campaign.
Stuff it, Right:
You’ll only be employed until law enforcement catches you, so why throw rocks?
Exactly how much unemployment insurance has Goldy collected now?
Wow, Puddy. Did the prescription for your meds run out or something? Insults do not advance your arguments.
And I’m not going to do your research for you. You want to make a claim? Make a claim, provide citations (Hint: the less goofy the source, the better). Persuade me.
See, that’s how this debate thing works. Put forth your best arguments, I’ll put forth mine. I can be persuaded. Can you?
I thought he was employed at KIRO. Why the hell can’t he buy his own damned laptop. This is the perfect example of the entitlement/welfare mentality of you liberals: BUY ME SOMETHING.
Unfuckingbelievable… and even more so that in 40+ posts no one called you out on it.
If he can afford to be “blogging from the road” and be on the “East Coast” and send his kid to camp 3000 miles away HE CAN AFFORD HIS OWN DAMNED MAC.
It’s one thing to say “buy me a beer” it’s totally another to say “support me, chump”.
The truth is that the last “fundraiser” for Goldstein was nothing more than a paid vacation. I wouldn’t have a problem with that if the “fundraiser” wasn’t couched as a means to cover essentials like paying the mortgage and bills…But that is a typical Democrat strategy….Play the victim, in need of assistance card, and play off good peoples kindness. I bet the fundraiser would not have paid for that vacation if Goldy had just come out and said ” I need money for a vacation to Florida, please help”
Of course, like the Democrat congress, and Democrats in general, telling the truth about what you want money for is hard for you to do. We always hear about “cutting essential services like fire and police” whenever the Democrats want more tax money.
I point to the latest congressional vote to provide healthcare to “children”….cue the violins for the poor children without healthcare….
Those “children” are to include adults 18-25 years old…. Of course our Democrat friends don’t include this demographic in the child tax credit, or dependent tax credit…in that case they are adults…at 16.
there’s a dup in the filter, aplogize in advance.
You at 43,
“I thought he was employed at KIRO.”
He is…but, it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that he typically works 24 hours a month at KIRO. (Sometimes he fills in, but other times the Seahawks preempt). So, do the math, squirt.
“This is the perfect example of the entitlement/welfare mentality of you liberals: BUY ME SOMETHING.”
Really? If you read the post carefully, you will see that the “offer” was from me…not Goldy. But in any case, why would it be bad for Goldy to ask for donations on HIS OWN BLOG? Is somebody holding a gun to your head and making you come here?
“It’s one thing to say “buy me a beer” it’s totally another to say “support me, chump”. “
But, of course, Goldy didn’t say this…dumb fuck!
OneMan: I already did it on ASSWipers. AT LEAST Three TIMES I proved how many companies are Donk Controlled who received no-bid contracts from the Federal Government. My best work was the Perini Group and how they took money from Milcon with Dianne Feinstein as lead Donk Senator and DID NOT FIX WALTER REED HOSPITAL! Where was the MSM to tell us Richard C. Blum’s (Feinstein’s husband) company was supposed to fix Walter Reed Army Hospital? They never did.
Yet ASSIE Voice and his minions posted it was GWB’s fault until I dug up the truth. Then Dianne Feinstien mysteriously quits the Milcon committee once these truths become known Oneman.
You really need to read more!
Yet all these Moonbat!s bring up is Halliburton.
I need not prove anything AGAIN! But I can help your single cell cranium along: Google “Shaw Group Katrina No-bid contracts”. You’ll learn something!
Oh… Pellethead better read you the rules for posting on ASSWipes. Clean insults are my motto!
Ta ta!
Right Stuff: Wasn’t there a bar graph post displaying pledges to date and a link to pay pal?
This is little more than the virtual equivalent of the bum panhandling at the end of an exit ramp…. of course many of them then walk right on over to their semi-tractor or great big camper and laugh at the self hatred and guilt of the idiots that hand them dollars all the way to their next stop where they get to “meet” more self-hating and guilty liberal idiots.
Panhandling is panhandling whether for yourself or “on behalf” of some other phony cause.
How many liberal Tuesday beers has he guzzled that would have paid for his laptop?
You do understand that adults PLAN for emergencies… even laptop emergencies.
This guy is ostensibly well invested in his little blog and therefore depends upon his computer. Shouldn’t he, as an adult, have had a back-up plan for the eventuality that it would fail? Or is the panhandling the back-up plan? It seems to me last year around this time his computer bit the dust too. How utterly inconvenient. LOL!
I guess for some greed and the gimmies are more important than self respect.
Give a man a fish….
Right Stuff;
Liberal Kaiser Family Foundation estimates 8.8 to 13.2 Million in the US without healthcare. But Wipers like headlice loocie continue to spout the DNC kool-aid laced talking point of 46 Million.
They’ll never change because they need the kool-aid assist in their goose-strpping energy needs!
50: And how many healthy young adults early in their careers CHOOSE to be without, or are simply without during the waiting period with a new job?
@48 yes there was.
Here is the original post dated 1/24/07.
I particularly like the part about the potential “lights out” due to city light bill being past due….
“Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do, and given the choice I’d do it all over again. (’Cause… I’m crazy.) And I certainly plan to continue almost-full-time blogging as long as I can keep the lights on. But the City Light bill is past due, so who knows how much longer that might be?
The point is, I need cash, and so I’ve decided to do what I first should have done a couple years ago, and hold an online fundraiser. That’s right, I’m asking you, my loyal readers, to help me continue my hard work, by forking over a little or your hard earned cash.
Consider this to be’s first official pledge drive. From now through the end of the month I’ll be shamelessly begging you for money… you know, just like politicians, NPR, PBS, teenage children and… well… beggars. My goal: a modest $3500 — about enough to pay my bills for a month. Barely.
I won’t be spending the money on fancy computer equipment (though I’d love a new MacBook if anybody has one to spare)… just the mortgage, health insurance, maybe a trip to the dentist and stuff like that. Just the nuts and bolts of getting by.”
Then on 2/17/07 Goldy, newly flush with cash, announces his departure to Florida.
“I’m heading off to Florida for a week to take my daughter to visit her grandma. Expect light posting from me, but maybe Darryl, Will and Geov will pick up some of the slack.”
Goldy was planning his trip all along and decided to play on the kindness of the HA crowd with BS instead of the truth.
“Liberal Kaiser Family Foundation estimates 8.8 to 13.2 Million in the US without healthcare. But Wipers like headlice loocie continue to spout the DNC kool-aid laced talking point of 46 Million.”
And all of the 8.8-13.2 can walk into any ER and receive “free” healthcare…
That’s another fact never mentioned by our Democrat friends…
@52: Kindness of his goose-stepping NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Moby Troll minions. I saw through his “request” and didn’t send a dime.
The nasty little secret is that the “polls” about healthcare is that they DO NOT DELINEATE between those permanently without hope of healthcare and those BETWEEN healthcare plans, or those that CHOOSE to be without and those that cannot get healthcare.
Those are fairly big distictions to simply (and conveniently) ignore.
It’s like smacking a beehive, taking a picture of the swarm then hysterically claiming the earth is being overtaken by bees…. or screaming global warming… in Arizona… in August.
Wow, Nurse Ratchet must have opened up the facility library for free net access today.
Is this what you’re talking about? It’s well reported by the (ooh, boogieman!) mainstream media, known for a long time. Yawn.
Don’t get me wrong…if they did something wrong (and I’ll grant they probably did at least take advantage of their contacts in the Louisiana government) they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Don’t you think, however, that the Republican controlled Just-us department would go after them if they could? Wouldn’t you in Alberto’s position?
Perini corp, same story. All the cited stories I could find come from (gasp!) the mainstream media. Please also remember that up until Nov. 2006 THE SENATE WAS CONTROLLED BY THE REPUBLICANS. Gee, if they had a whiff of a problem with the senior senator from Cali, ya think they’d have sat on it or maybe made a big deal of it?
So once again, tell me why I should be all aflutter.
Better yet, don’t. Let’s just agree not to engage because I can see that it will get us (meaning me) nowhere.
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Looks like the CEO of Mattel has great friends at ABC News.
Abc News Correspondent Chris Cuomo (pronounced Cumo – Jesse Jackson) asked “But fundamentally it comes down to where you’re having the toys made. They’re being made in China, you don’t have oversight, there’s tremendous pressure for them to cut corners and keep costs down, because that’s how you make money. So allow me to ask you sir, how much money are you saving having these toys made in China?
Answer: As much as possible. Any good Donk worth his weight is a Cheap Labor Liberal, ensuring the toys are made cheaply overseas where no US job costs are needed
This is good too: http://www.businessandmedia.or.....51547.aspx
Bet ya didn’t know who was first official political entry?
1991 to a California Moonbat! And he has continued his Moonbat giving ways through 2006!
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
I know it pisses y’all off when Puddy is right again. I smelled something fishy and it wasn’t a unkempt librul woman!
Ohhhh stupid Oneman:
Bzzzzzzzt! Wrong again! I didn’t use WikiPedia. Check the ASSWipes logs. You’ll find my articles.
Who controlled the senate from July 2001 though December 2002? Does Jumpin Jim Jeffords ring a bell? And she helped steer contracts her way as payola for allowing sumtin going another way from 2003 through early 2007!
Do you need remedial Internet searching skillz. Check with cluelessman. He’s getting better.
See Cluelessman (YLB)? I can give you a compliment when it’s deserved.
Now lookie here. NYTimes IP addresses used to edit conservative wiki pages
And View the DNC IP attack on Rush Limbaugh!
Again, I request:
If there’s anything our hosts can do about bringing in a better class of trolls, please avail yourselves of the opportunity. The ones we’ve got now are stuck on stupid.
Thank you.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa
Sergeant of Arms Congress, edits this page on Dianne Feinstein
“Feinstein is married to wealthy [[financier]] [[Richard C. Blum]]. The couple have a net worth ranging from $26 million to $50 million.”
“Feinstein is married to [[Richard C. Blum]]. They have 4 children.”
Amazing what Donk will do to cover their tracks!
ATJ: You upset about the NY Times being busted?
The same NY Times that leaks National Security information for it’s benefit?
You can’t even think of something original. Stuck on Stupid is how WE described you and your ilk!
Ewe @ 49
“This is little more than the virtual equivalent of the bum panhandling at the end of an exit ramp….”
Nope…panhandling is asking for money for nothing in return.
Goldy, on the other hand, provids both a service (blog with comment threads) and original intellectual property (posts).
Unless someone is holding a gun to your head, you, like other readers & commentors , are consumers of Goldy’s efforts. Nobody HAS to come here and read what Goldy writes…people choose to, apparently because they find intellectual and/or entertainment value. It’s a product.
So, why is it unreasonable for him to request donations for his product? NPR does it, and it is a very successful business model for them.
If people feel they get value from this blog, they will contribute. If not, they won’t. The market will decide…isn’t that part of your Wingnut mantra?
“How many liberal Tuesday beers has he guzzled that would have paid for his laptop?”
Why is this in any way relevant? Is it your contention that Goldy cannot socialize or enjoy a beer because he writes a blog?!? What would the rationale for that be?
“You do understand that adults PLAN for emergencies… even laptop emergencies….Shouldn’t he, as an adult, have had a back-up plan for the eventuality that it would fail?”
What the fuck? Now you are apparently just making up shit in your own little “Fantasies with Goldy” world. I mean, really…do you have any idea whether Goldy considers this an emergency or not, or whether or not he has any contingency plan? Goldy has said nothing publically.
Typical Wingnuts…you are just making up shit.
“Give a man a fish….”
Well…um…it sure looks like you’ve gotten hooked on coming here! Ya just can’t help yourself, can you, Squirt?
Now lookie here. NYTimes IP addresses used to edit conservative wiki pages
Caught you Puddybud. You were on contract there?
I can’t imagine you turning down even the NY Times’ money especially when you can help the “cause”.
ACLU Wikipedia Edits
Originating IP: Date: 19 APR 2005 (19:29)
Article: Pope Benedict XVI added the words, “…such as molesting young boys and degrading women.”
Total Sentence: “Benedict was considered to be Pope John Paul II’s “right hand man” and also one of his closest friends, and during the Pope’s final illness, he carried out many of the Pope’s functions as leader of the Catholic Church, such as molesting young boys and degrading women.”
Right Stuff @ 52,
I don’t understand your point. Do you dispute any of the statements Goldy made about his financial situation? Or are you just inventing shit?
Also, why is Goldy not allowed to take his daughter to visit her grandmother? Apparently you are just another anti-family Republican.
I thought you were good with the Google. Is this not true? You say it so often, I thought it must be accurate. Please tell me you weren’t deceiving me.
You changed your name for what reason?
Caught doing what Cluelessman? I’m surely not raping babies like Stupidman PedoFile.
Go back and read post #18. Take your time and digest what David said!
I realize you dwell on randomization. Did your random number seed get reset this morning to a previously used value? Or, did the normalization attempt fail again?
Random Comment#68:
ATJ what are you scribbling here?
You’ve said many times that you’re very good at employing Google. I’m just trying to find out if you stand by that or if you’ve been trying to deceive us.
Darryl says:
Right Stuff @ 52,
I don’t understand your point. Do you dispute any of the statements Goldy made about his financial situation? Or are you just inventing shit?
Also, why is Goldy not allowed to take his daughter to visit her grandmother? Apparently you are just another anti-family Republican.
08/16/2007 at 2:29 pm
I have no problem with anybody going anywhere Darryl. I do have a problem with blatant lying about the circumstances neccesitating a fundraiser. I donated becuase I respected Goldy for his passion, open format, and becuase, as a father of a young daughter, I wanted to help with $$$ to keep the lights on and mortgage current. I would not have dontated to his vacation fund. I won’t donate again.
As far as making s*&t up? No, Goldy said he was having trouble making his bills… I don’t know anyone who can’t afford their mortgage, that go clear accross the country on vacation. To me, that kind of irresponsibility falls right along the lines of not paying child support, and going on vacation.
And to your point of anti-family? I dontated specifically becuase I respect families and wanted to help Goldy out.
Now I just have the sage advice…
Right Stuff:
I bet Darryl is anti family.
Darryl do you support donkoinfanticide? You know Moonat!s aborting unborn babies, not wanting to start families.
Careful now how you answer Darryl.
Did you know over 5.4 million babies have been aborted since the start of the Iraq war?
it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that he typically works 24 hours a month at KIRO. (Sometimes he fills in, but other times the Seahawks preempt). So, do the math, squirt.
Nope it doesn’t, nor does it take an Einstein to figure out that one does not support himself, his mortgage, his daughter and his hobbies on a mere 24 hours a month. An adult would realize that he needed a JOB, a full time JOB (you know: 40 hours A WEEK) to pay for little luxuries like fancy camps, vacations and laptop computers. This guy wants to have his cake and eat it too. He can’t play blogger all day and expect others to support him. Well, actually he can and certainly does… it falls smack in the center of his (and your) worldview.
Those of us not living in make-believe land know that when we want something we work for it.
Those of us not living in make-believe land call that personal responsibility.
Those of us not living in make-believe land know that sometimes we have to make the sacrifice of something really really fun that we like to do in order to fulfill our obligations (or laptop wishes/emergencies).
Those of us not living in make-believe land would rather get our hands dirty than ask for a hand out. We call it self-respect. We teach it to our children.
We call your onerous type of begging tacky.
Right Stuff @ 72
“I do have a problem with blatant lying about the circumstances neccesitating a fundraiser.”
There you go again making shit up. Nothing Goldy said was a lie or even misleading.
“I donated becuase I respected Goldy for his passion, open format, and becuase, as a father of a young daughter, I wanted to help with $$$ to keep the lights on and mortgage current. I would not have dontated to his vacation fund. I won’t donate again.”
There you go, yet again, making shit up. Do you know how their trip to Florida was funded? Or even how much it cost? So why make up bullshit about what the funds Goldy raised whet to fund?
“As far as making s*&t up? No, Goldy said he was having trouble making his bills…”
And do you doubt that? The observation is certainly consistent with his status as being regularly employed part-time.
“I don’t know anyone who can’t afford their mortgage, that go clear accross the country on vacation.”
What the fuck? It typically doesn’t cost much to fly from here to even Florida. But, once again, you are making up your own fiction about the purpose of the trip and how it was funded.
“To me, that kind of irresponsibility falls right along the lines of not paying child support, and going on vacation.”
Of course, when you live in the land of fiction, you can pretty much paint any act as irresponsible.
“Now I just have the sage advice… GET A JOB”
Oh…so now you make up shit about MY employment status? What a fucking dolt!
Ewe @ 74
“…nor does it take an Einstein to figure out that one does not support himself, his mortgage, his daughter and his hobbies on a mere 24 hours a month. An adult would realize that he needed a JOB, a full time JOB (you know: 40 hours A WEEK) to pay for little luxuries like fancy camps, vacations and laptop computers.”
Apparently you are incorrect, since Goldy has stated that he would quit blogging should his lights go out (not counting a windstorm, of course).
But…more importantly, Goldy is CERTAINLY NOT going to take advice from a moron like you about how to conduct his life either in the short run or the long run!
I find it amusing that you disagree with what Goldy is doing, but you just cannot resist his product. You read his blog, you comment on his blog with your worthless advice. So…who is the hypocrite here?
“He can’t play blogger all day and expect others to support him.”
Wrong. That is an empirical question. So far, there is enough demand for his products that he has been able to swing it. The real question is whether his short-term fiscal sacrifices will turn out to be a long term investment. I suspect so.
“Well, actually he can and certainly does… it falls smack in the center of his (and your) worldview.”
I don’t think you know Goldy well enough, or understand what he is trying to accomplish, to have anything useful to say about that, Squirt.
[The rest of your prattling deleted]
Yeah, I figured Darryl was an empty suit when confronted with a family question.
[The rest of your prattling deleted]
Of course it was.
The truth hurts…
Oh and by the way, WHO THE FUCK is the speech nazi here, darryl?
Oh yea, YOU.
That sage advice was for Goldy.
You already have a job indoctrinating a captive audience.
As for Goldy being poor or how he paid for his vacation?
I’ll only say this.
If I were struggling (self imposed) to make ends meet, and received a gift of money, the last thing I would do is take a vacation. As a matter of fact, I would take the gift and make it stretch as far as possible so as not to have to ask again. Going on vacation is a luxury, and no matter how much you try to couch my comments as “making s*^t up”, I’m not the one who put his hand out under the premise of “keeping the lights on and paying the mortgage”.
That is my opinion.
Ewe @ 78,
“Oh and by the way, WHO THE FUCK is the speech nazi here, darryl? Oh yea, YOU.”
What the fuck? I didn’t delete anything from YOUR COMMENT, ya fucking dope! Editing out irrelevant filler from my response to your comment hardly qualifies as being a “speech nazi.” Get a grip, you demented moron.
Right Stuff @ 79,
“If I were struggling (self imposed) to make ends meet, and received a gift of money, the last thing I would do is take a vacation.”
Who gives a bloody fuck what you would do in an imagined fantasy you have concocted about Goldy? You don’t know what you are talking about.
“As a matter of fact, I would take the gift and make it stretch as far as possible so as not to have to ask again.”
Why shouldn’t Goldy ask again? He produces a product nearly every day (and holds a fundraiser less that once a year). Apparently, his product is appealing enough that even a piece of shit like you cannot resist stopping by. What makes Goldy any less entitled to ask for compensation for his services and intellectual property than anyone else?
“Going on vacation is a luxury, and no matter how much you try to couch my comments as “making s*^t up””
But, you still don’t know anything at all about how Goldy’s trip to Florida was funded. All you’ve done is exercise your imagination and gotten pissed-off about your fiction. That’s just plain stupid!
“I’m not the one who put his hand out under the premise of “keeping the lights on and paying the mortgage”.”
Yet, you seem to not disagree with the notion that Goldy really did NEED the money. Why is it so difficult for you to resolve that he really did USE the money to pay a month of bills?
The fact is, Right Stuff, I DO KNOW more about Goldy’s situation at the time than you do, and you are absolutely wrong. You would be embarrassed over your ignorant claims if you knew the facts.
He produces a product
Well, ok let’s say he does… he does NOT offer it for SALE… he chooses to offer it up for free hoping to gain RECOGNITION.
If he needs something a bit more concrete, oh like say MONEY, then he should
– make it a pay per view site;
– find and charge advertisers;
– give it up or keep it as a hobby and get a JOB.
Just because He produces a product and he chooses to offer it up for NOTHING is no ones problem but HIS. You smarmily complain that we cannot resist stopping by but that does not equate or entitle him to compensation. Every single time he has opened his mouth in public, be it on KIRO, other stations that invited him on or interviewed him, he’s shilled his website. Not once did he even imply that it was a source of income in any way shape or form, or that anyone owed him anything. And no, I am not implying you are saying we do. But he PUT himself in this time consuming non-profitable venture. No one is forcing him to sit in front of his screen. He does this for FUN. He is certainly welcome and one assumes able (even if not inclined) to pick his butt up and go get a real, full time paying job. I’m sure we will all wish him well and miss this little blog for all of a day and a half before finding other entertainment.
Also, you seem to have conveniently forgotten he began this little unprofitable venture as a means to insult someone he despises. That it took off is as much the result of his opposing commenters as it is anything he’s done.
If you and he are so sure this little site is so appealing that not one of us can manage a week, a day, an hour without visiting then you are BOTH fools for keeping it a free site. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, but don’t bitch at us because we freely accept that which you offered up freely and don’t whine on anyones behalf because you and they CHOOSE to give away your wares then resent doing so.
Even a prostiture knows the value of her pruduct.
“Well, ok let’s say he does… he does NOT offer it for SALE… he chooses to offer it up for free hoping to gain RECOGNITION.”
But he also offers it for free hoping that he will receive donations. He has always done that at a low level.
“If he needs something a bit more concrete, oh like say MONEY, then he should
– make it a pay per view site;
– find and charge advertisers;
– give it up or keep it as a hobby and get a JOB.”
Or…you know, ASK CONSUMERS OF HIS WORK FOR SUPPORT. This is not a novel business model. NPR has done it very successfully for years.
“You smarmily complain that we cannot resist stopping by but that does not equate or entitle him to compensation.”
Sure. You can be a freeloader if you wish. But, just because you are a leach, doesn’t mean Goldy cannot ask for donations. This may shock you, but asking for donations in the media (blogs and radio, particularly) it is a very common thing to do.
“Every single time he has opened his mouth in public, be it on KIRO, other stations that invited him on or interviewed him, he’s shilled his website.”
So? His web site is: (1) the reason he is occasionally interviewed by the media, and (2) part of the reason he got a gig on KIRO. It’s his brand. Of course he shills his web site, you dope!
“Not once did he even imply that it was a source of income in any way shape or form, or that anyone owed him anything. And no, I am not implying you are saying we do.”
Bullshit. The very act of asking for money (which he has done with a sidebar tool for a very long time) very strongly implies that he derives income. Furthermore HE SELLS ADS ON HIS SITE, dumb shit! Why do you feel it is even necessary? When authors go on book tours and are interviewed on the radio, they rarely talk about the financial end of things–they talk about their product. Yet, they certainly gain income.
“But he PUT himself in this time consuming non-profitable venture. No one is forcing him to sit in front of his screen. He does this for FUN.”
No…he does not do it for fun. He stumbled into blogging through his activism. You are confusing the fact that he has fun doing it with doing it for fun.
“Also, you seem to have conveniently forgotten he began this little unprofitable venture as a means to insult someone he despises. That it took off is as much the result of his opposing commenters as it is anything he’s done.”
He started it as a form of political activism with the Horsesass initiative.
“If you and he are so sure this little site is so appealing that not one of us can manage a week, a day, an hour without visiting then you are BOTH fools for keeping it a free site.”
What the fuck?!?! Who the fuck are you to tell Goldy how to produce, market and gain benefit from his own product?
“Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, but don’t bitch at us because we freely accept that which you offered up freely and don’t whine on anyones behalf because you and they CHOOSE to give away your wares then resent doing so.”
You’ve descended into meaningless babbling. That you cannot understand his business model is irrelevant. It is Goldy’s blog and he will write, whine, complain, bitch, celebrate, beg, prod, and ask WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS. It is utterly irrelevant whether or not you like it (and, again, I notice that you keep coming back!).
Your silence provides the answer I expected. Thanks.
“If I were struggling (self imposed) to make ends meet, and received a gift of money, the last thing I would do is take a vacation.”
Who gives a bloody fuck what you would do in an imagined fantasy you have concocted about Goldy? You don’t know what you are talking about.
What is “imagined fantasy” about my statement. It is a direct result of Goldy stating “The point is, I need cash” and “the City Light bill is past due” and “I won’t be spending the money on fancy computer equipment (though I’d love a new MacBook if anybody has one to spare)… just the mortgage, health insurance, maybe a trip to the dentist and stuff like that. Just the nuts and bolts of getting by.” All of those statements are about struggling to make ends meet. Goldy has decided to be part time employed, ie: self imposed. So, given that Goldy positions his fundraiser as a means to cover the “nuts and bolts of getting by” and “keeping the lights on” Please tell me where I’m going wrong by wondering out loud how it is 3 weeks later he is going on vacation? As I said, HIS premise was that he needed cash.
Why shouldn’t Goldy ask again? He produces a product nearly every day (and holds a fundraiser less that once a year). Apparently, his product is appealing enough that even a piece of shit like you cannot resist stopping by. What makes Goldy any less entitled to ask for compensation for his services and intellectual property than anyone else?
Darryl………..I never said he shouldn’t hold fundraising drives.. In fact, just the opposite. If Goldy thinks this is a full time job and valuable intellectual property, make this a pay site. Charge for content. Goldy can do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants, do whatever he wants…it’s none of my business, I don’t care. Your response and personal attacks say volumes about you however…One would expect more from a PHD, UW staffer…. Maybe not.
Darryl………..I never said he shouldn’t hold fundraising drives.. In fact, just the opposite. If Goldy thinks this is a full time job and valuable intellectual property, make this a pay site. Charge for content.
This bullshit of oh pity poor Goldy he does it because he loves it and aren’t you little people just so lucky he does because clearly can’t stay away so buy him a beer and a laptop, pay his mortgage and light bills just makes me want to vomit.
Clearly what the dope is doing is NOT WORKING if he can’t afford a few measly bux for a laptop. Clearly working 24 hours A MONTH isn’t enough to support his beer habit let alone his kid and his dog (and how the hell is it the unemployed/barely employed always seem to manage to afford pets, cigarettes and alcohol?). Clearly the fun he claims to be having is more important than doing the responsible adult thing. I would love to bake cookies all day long. People love eating them but NEWSFLASH: just because people like eating FREE cookies, my giving them away all day won’t support my hobby of making the damned things. How dumb do you have to be not to understand that simple concept?
If you and he feel the content is so compelling that folks can’t and won’t live without it, have the link lead to Paypal, sell MORE ads, get investors. That it doesn’t and that you continue to whine speaks volumes as to how little confidence you have in your “product”.
Just be fucking honest about it.
A word of advice regarding your resentment of those of us who find our cheap entertainment here: “Why buy the cow when you get the milk free?” It was appropriate when your mother warned you and your sister about giving away sex and it’s equally, if not more appropriate here.
Right Stuff,
“What is “imagined fantasy” about my statement.”
Almost everything.
“Please tell me where I’m going wrong by wondering out loud how it is 3 weeks later he is going on vacation? As I said, HIS premise was that he needed cash.”
Here are some of your unverified assumptions:
1. You assume that Goldy used the FR money for his trip to Florida.
2. You assume that that trip even cost Goldy significant funds (there are numerous scenarios where that would not be true).
3. You assume that Goldy did NOT use the fundraiser money for “the basics.”
4. You assume that Goldy did not need cash for “the basics” when he said he did.
5. You assume that the vacation was not paid for months prior to (or many months subsequent to) the fundraiser.
6. Likewise you assume that Goldy even knew he was going to Florida when he launched the fundraiser.
7. You assume the trip was a optional luxury that could have easily been avoided.
In short, you have concocted a whole scenario without any substantive evidence, and got pissed off about it. That’s just plain ignorant!
“If Goldy thinks this is a full time job and valuable intellectual property, make this a pay site. Charge for content.”
Apparently you know almost nothing about deriving income from blogging, let alone what Goldy is trying to do through blogging. Your suggestion is naive.
“Goldy can do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants, do whatever he wants…it’s none of my business”
Oh…thanks…I’m sure he’ll be delighted to know that.
“Charge for content. EXACTLY.”
It is exceedingly naive of you to believe a subscription-based business model works for blogs.
“This bullshit of oh pity poor Goldy he does it because he loves it and aren’t you little people just so lucky he does because clearly can’t stay away so buy him a beer and a laptop, pay his mortgage and light bills just makes me want to vomit.”
Well…that’s not surprising…it is sort of an inherent state for a wingnut, now, isn’t it?
“Clearly what the dope is doing is NOT WORKING if he can’t afford a few measly bux for a laptop. Clearly working 24 hours A MONTH isn’t enough to support his beer habit let alone his kid and his dog (and how the hell is it the unemployed/barely employed always seem to manage to afford pets, cigarettes and alcohol?).”
Sorry, Squirt, you simply have no idea what Goldy does with his non-public time, not to mention what his long term plans are. Making up your own little fantasies about it only amounts to a pile of fictions.
“Clearly the fun he claims to be having is more important than doing the responsible adult thing.”
Oh, bullshit. You simply don’t understand what Goldy is doing and his business model. That ignorance hardly qualifies you to judge much about Goldy’s conduct.
“I would love to bake cookies all day long. People love eating them but NEWSFLASH: just because people like eating FREE cookies, my giving them away all day won’t support my hobby of making the damned things. How dumb do you have to be not to understand that simple concept?”
Apparently, you have to be stuck in a business model that isn’t appropriate for the types of products that Goldy is offering and developing. Once again, your ignorance limits you from making any substantive critique.
“If you and he feel the content is so compelling that folks can’t and won’t live without it, have the link lead to Paypal, sell MORE ads, get investors. That it doesn’t and that you continue to whine speaks volumes as to how little confidence you have in your “product”.”
Yeah…you can offer your “sage” advice to Goldy, but I suspect he has his own plans and agenda for his blog and life.
‘A word of advice regarding your resentment of those of us who find our cheap entertainment here: “Why buy the cow when you get the milk free?”’
You misunderstand. My comments weren’t resentment. I love seeing the readership figures even knowing that most people don’t contribute to Goldy’s blog. I was simply pointing out your hypocrisy. Goldy’s lifestyle, business model, and probably even his post content can, apparently bring you to the point of vomiting! Yet, here you are reading his blog. Now…I won’t claim that this is a sign of mental illness. But, you know…sort of keep an eye on it.
And regarding your advice: Um…there are many business models that this adage does not account for (e.g. NPR Radio model). In particular, it would be simply naive to believe that blog-based income can be derived by the traditional subscription model. Finally, Goldy is doing what he thinks is best for developing his product(s). You likely have no idea what he has in the works.
Ewe are right (and trite and pathetically petty) I have no idea what his plans are… but hey guess what…nor do I care.
You whined that his computer broke.
You whined that he spends sooo much time with the onerous job of blogging for all us ungrateful readers who dare to do so without contributing.
You whined someone should give him a computer.
You “asserted” that no one knows what he does with his non-public time but guess what chuckie, we can sure as hell assume that if he couldn’t pay his fucking bills in the past and that if he can’t buy his own fucking computer to do FREE work we can pretty damned well assume he ain’t working for a paycheck.
And speaking of not paying his fucking bills in the past, I don’t give a rats ass what kind of prior plans you made or who paid for your fucking tickets, if you can’t pay your fucking mortgage stay home and get a 2nd job or a 3rd job. SELL the damned tickets, pay your own bills and put your fucking hand back in your own pocket instead of asking and assuming others will overlook your massive irresponsibility.
Go ask the fucking darcy campaign to underwrite this shit. God knows he’s wasted enough words on her and God knows he’s bloviated often enough about her Microsoft background. Have her sell 10 shares of stock, pick up a fucking Mac, wrap a ribbon around it with a fucking thank you card that says FOR ALL YOU DO (as useless as it was.
Furthermore, there are many many sites that charge a nominal fee, that actively seek PAYING advertising, that are subsidized by sponsors or that SELL off public content for subscribers only. That you refuse to entertain those options speaks volumes about how sold you are on your own product. YOU believe so much in goldstein, get your fucking ass UP OUT OF YOUR CHAIR and go find some sponsors and advertisers. Oh, but that might mean effort and we all know how much fucking easier it is to cry pity poor me and put your hand out.
GROW UP chuckie, you may want to live in the wonderful fucking world of hempfest and handouts but you occupy the REAL world.
Sorry, Squirt, you simply have no idea what Goldy does with his non-public time, not to mention what his long term plans are. Making up your own little fantasies about it only amounts to a pile of fictions.
Oh, bullshit. You simply don’t understand what Goldy is doing and his business model.
I suspect he has his own plans and agenda for his blog and life.
You likely have no idea what he has in the works.
Feeling just a tad bit defensive there, chuckie?
Is that your “business model”? LMAO
I made a mistake.
I admit it.
I should never have referred to you as ‘chuckie’.
I do believe you are more in the mold of an Elizabeth Edwards kinda guy. Get out there and fight for your man Lizzzie.
“You whined that his computer broke.”
No…in fact I did not whine that his computer broke.
“You whined that he spends sooo much time with the onerous job of blogging for all us ungrateful readers who dare to do so without contributing.”
Nope…didn’t do that either. And I’ve never referred “ungrateful readers” or implied that readers had to contribute. That is just another product of your overactive imagination.
“You whined someone should give him a computer.”
Nope…no reasonable person would construe my post as whining. Your fantasy world again, Squirt!
“You “asserted” that no one knows what he does with his non-public time”
No…wrong again. I only asserted that you and Right Stuff don’t know such things.
“but guess what chuckie, we can sure as hell assume that if he couldn’t pay his fucking bills in the past and that if he can’t buy his own fucking computer to do FREE work we can pretty damned well assume he ain’t working for a paycheck.”
But again, this is all based on a bullshit fiction created in your imagination.
“And speaking of not paying his fucking bills in the past, I don’t give a rats ass what kind of prior plans you made or who paid for your fucking tickets, if you can’t pay your fucking mortgage stay home and get a 2nd job or a 3rd job. SELL the damned tickets, pay your own bills and put your fucking hand back in your own pocket instead of asking and assuming others will overlook your massive irresponsibility.”
Sorry, but you are unqualified to offer that as a realistic strategy. Again…you need to try to tease out reality from your constructed world.
“Go ask the fucking darcy campaign….
I’ll decline your advice…it seems like nonsense. But, feel free to offer it to Goldy.
“Furthermore, there are many many sites that charge a nominal fee”
Political blogs? I don’t think so, Squirt.
“that actively seek PAYING advertising, that are subsidized by sponsors”
Did you notice the advertisements on the right bar, dipshit?
“or that SELL off public content for subscribers only.”
How do you know that Goldy DOESN’T have a “subscriber only” service?
“That you refuse to entertain those options speaks volumes about how sold you are on your own product.”
I believe it speaks more about your ignorance of Goldy’s products and business model. You make numerous assumptions that are just not warranted.
“YOU believe so much in goldstein”
Believe in him? Hell…I’ve actually SEEN him!
“get your fucking ass UP OUT OF YOUR CHAIR and go find some sponsors and advertisers.”
But…now you are making new assumptions. Are you so sure that I haven’t? What do you think…will Goldy will be blogging from a donated Mac laptop soon?
“Oh, but that might mean effort and we all know how much fucking easier it is to cry pity poor me and put your hand out.”
My, my…you are a terribly deluded and bitter person. Good luck with that, Squirt.
Believe in him? Hell…I’ve actually SEEN him!
That’s nothin’. I’ve seen God in an eggplant.
1. You assume that Goldy used the FR money for his trip to Florida.
I only asume that someone who is has self imposed financial issues, such that he needs to ask for donations for mortgage, health care, power bill etc, doesn’t have the means to vacation.
2. You assume that that trip even cost Goldy significant funds (there are numerous scenarios where that would not be true).
Of course this is true, especially when visiting family. You still miss the point. Maybe you just don’t get it.
In the real world, when you have obligations like a child, mortgage, etc. the last thing you do when you are strapped for cash is take time off….Just the opposite….This is especially true when you PURPOSELY don’t work.
3. You assume that Goldy did NOT use the fundraiser money for “the basics.”
Sure, based on his posts. on 1/24 he is cash poor. on 1/30 he has a cash windfall, 2/17 announces it’s vacation time.
4. You assume that Goldy did not need cash for “the basics” when he said he did.
see #2
5. You assume that the vacation was not paid for months prior to (or many months subsequent to) the fundraiser.
Who cares? Once again, when you have an obligation like a mortgage, childcare, etc. and youi find yourself in a self imposed financial shortfall, you don’t take time off, you get a job.
6. Likewise you assume that Goldy even knew he was going to Florida when he launched the fundraiser.
See #2 and #5.
7. You assume the trip was a optional luxury that could have easily been avoided.
You must be kidding. Any trip for someone who is (self imposed) part time employed, who has trouble making ends meet, is easily avoided. Full Time JOB
As to your comments about being naive…
Maybe you can pull that nonesense on your young captive audience students…But not with me.
You D, bring up the points of intellectual property and time spent pursuing the endevor. Now, you tell me who is naive in thinking their posts or blog will ever derrive a revenue stream…..
Wait I already know your answer…
” F*&k you as#$%^e, etc etc etc…”
Right Stuff,
“I only asume that someone who is has self imposed financial issues, such that he needs to ask for donations for mortgage, health care, power bill etc, doesn’t have the means to vacation.”
Yes…and my point was that you made that assumption without the facts.
“Of course this is true, especially when visiting family. You still miss the point. Maybe you just don’t get it. In the real world, when you have obligations like a child, mortgage, etc. the last thing you do when you are strapped for cash is take time off….Just the opposite….This is especially true when you PURPOSELY don’t work.”
Ahhh, but therein lies even more assumptions about what obligations Goldy has or has not met, and the potential fiscal impact of the vacation. Without understanding more about Goldy, his child-care responsibilities, his family obligations, his sources of income, his month-to-month expenses, the goals he is working toward, and his revenue model for achieving and sustaining these goals, you have only made a statement in ignorance. As I said…that is your private fiction about Goldy’s life, not reality.
“Sure, based on his posts. on 1/24 he is cash poor. on 1/30 he has a cash windfall, 2/17 announces it’s vacation time.”
I am not sure what you meant by him having a “windfall.” He asked for and received donations while he was cash strapped. Furthermore, he promised to use the donated money for specific classes of expenses–and he did.
But, without actually knowing anything about his finances (especially those for the vacation), you simply make up shit.
“Who cares? Once again, when you have an obligation like a mortgage, childcare, etc. and youi find yourself in a self imposed financial shortfall, you don’t take time off, you get a job.”
You have offered one general solution. It is obviously not one that fits in with Goldy’s goals and ongoing projects. Since you have such little information about what Goldy is attempting to do long-term, such “advice” appears to be terribly naive.
“You must be kidding. Any trip for someone who is (self imposed) part time employed, who has trouble making ends meet, is easily avoided. Full Time JOB”
Again…”full time job” doesn’t fit every situation. For example, high-school students have the choice of (1) dropping out and entering the employment sector, (2) completing HS and entering the employment sector, (3) completing HS, and going to college before entering the employment sector. Clearly, (1) can be useful for short-term fiscal gain, but usually leads relatively poor long-term outcomes. In order to advise a HS student on the best path to follow, one would need information on goals, aptitudes, and willingness to sacrifice short-term income for long-term gain, etc.
“As to your comments about being naive…
Maybe you can pull that nonesense on your young captive audience students…But not with me. You D, bring up the points of intellectual property and time spent pursuing the endevor. Now, you tell me who is naive in thinking their posts or blog will ever derrive a revenue stream…..”
You are naive because you don’t know the basic information to even discuss the topic of what is best for Goldy–you know, things like what Goldy’s goals are, his business plan and model, his short- and long-term sources of income, etc.
Your advice is analogous to telling a young person to go get a full time job NOW without even ascertaining whether or not he has completed high school (not to mention goals, etc.).
Can blogging directly raise revenue? Of course it can and does (donations and ad revenue are two obvious examples). I even know a Seattle-based blogger who gets paid full time for blogging.
But blogging potentially opens up other opportunities, as well. I know more even more bloggers derive income indirectly from what started out as blogging. One example: over two years ago Goldy posted that he intended to acquire a position as a radio talk show host–with no experience whatsoever in Radio. He systematically pursued that goal, including things like adding a (free) weekly podcast to his other products. A year and two months ago, he achieved that. You also know that Goldy has occasionally written (and gotten paid for) pieces for publication (most recently in The Nation. Both of these opportunities have arisen through his blogging at Horsesass. What you don’t know (but I do know) are some of the projects Goldy is systematically pursuing that, in the long run, will allow him achieve the goals he has set for himself. Hence your statements are just plain uninformed (i.e. naive).
I hope that clears it up for ya.
So many words to defend such a small subject.
My, my, how very curious.
One would think that rather than pick an open and festering pus-filled sore, one would leave it be and move on.
Alas, not our Lizzzie.
Yeah, Darryl, why won’t you just let them libel Goldy in peace?
Ugh, these people really are stuck on stupid.
Ewe @ 97,
“So many words to defend such a small subject.”
That’s it? That’s all ya got? ROTFLOL!
Well, sorry ’bout that…I realize all those words make it really, really hard for you, but this is, after all, a fucking BLOG you moron!
Yes, as compared to an
unemployedbarely employed guy who can’t make his mortgage payments, wants YOU to give him a Mac, whines for donations and beer then runs off to play at the beach.Seriously guppie, learn what obligations are, learn the meaning of ‘work first play later’, learn that a hobby is such and few are lucky if they get paid to play at them.
Do you even know the definition of libel and the threshhold you need to prove it?
Grow up, guppie.
Seriously, I can understand why a bald failed playwrite from Philthydelphia would be come addicted to the adoration of his handful of groupies and guppies. I can understand why he’d want to continue to play in that sandbox instead of getting his hands dirty out in the real world. Guppies are far less likely to put cash into an outstretched begging dirty hand. The real world would be far less adoring of his far left bullshit, far less willing to accept his filthy mouth and far less tolerant of his lame excuses for begging.
The real world would be far less adoring of his far left bullshit, far less willing to accept his filthy mouth
Stuck. On. Stupid.
poor dumb tj… you got conned into “donating” to his vacation fund, didn’t you, guppie?
What a dope.
Wow, you’re stupid.