– Well, John Boehner resigning is certainly a surprise.
– I’m glad the AG and the monitor think Seattle Police have turned the corner, even as I mostly see the work still ahead.
– How did you spend your bisexual awareness week?
– Kshama Sawant Presents Open Letter to Chinese President Xi
– The US has plenty of room for refugees, and should be taking more, no matter what Donald Trump says.
– The US has plenty of room for refugees, and should be taking more, no matter what Donald Trump says.
And Carl, “genius” of HA, how will you vet them so we don’t have ISIS JV squad members coming into the US? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....s-n2050931 If Obummer had a worthwhile middle east policy this “refugee problem” would not have been an issue!
Don’t worry… Puddy doesn’t expect an answer!
I find it telling that the very people who are always demanding others obey their religion get all freaked out when their own religious leader tells them they are wrong. Cheese and kites, the whole bunch are loony!
@1 pope-hater is batshit insane and spews hate 24/7. Head must be exploding to see a Muslim praying with the Antichrist pope at Ground Zero.
“Jubilant conservatives dance on John Boehner’s political grave before resignation ink has dried”
“Right-wing base already hates Kevin McCarthy as much as they hated John Boehner”
“WATCH: Conservative Values Voter crowd goes bonkers when they learn Boehner is resigning”
Democrats show respect, rabid batshit insane wingnuts spew hate.
Triple S @3 is still an IDIOT. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
No where has Puddy ever said Puddy hates the Pope! No where has Dr. Ben Carson ever said Carson hates the Pope!
“Conservatives Trash The Pope After His Speech To Congress”
Of course they did. They’re wingnuts. Enough said.
“Imma bout to just take my shoe off and throw it at his head.”
“Woman With Southern Drawl Caught By CNN Plotting To Throw Shoe At The Pope’s Head”
“Shoe-Throw is Arab World’s Heartiest Insult”
@4 Is there even a Republican Party left? Aren’t they all RINO’s?
The GOP should be renamed the DOP – “The Dead Old Party”
Best Tweet so far about Boehner’s retirement and replacement.
“Developing: House Republicans create job.”
“The crazies” Looks like Republican Rep. Peter King and I are on the same page on this one. The GOP is becoming the party of batshit crazy loons.
“Rep. Pete King: Boehner Resignation Is ‘Victory For The Crazies’”
If The Repukes don’t like McCarthy, maybe they can select one of these guys for Speaker of the DOP.
Here is what you get from fucking Repukes. More deficits and greed and less for the people.
It’s unfortunate this guy can’t hang around for more than three days. It would be great if he was a Candidate for President, then we would see how religious the Right wing really is.
I just realized that the only thing “being religious” means is being anti-abortion and anti-gay.
And Bob accuses me of being a one trick pony….oh ok, the evangelicals have two tricks, one more than me.
Be affraid. Be very affraid. Be terrified. (Booo0000! Shriek)
Muslims are SCARY!
The pope is irrelevant.
Meanwhile in real news while the Chinese dictator is still visiting America… http://news.yahoo.com/apple-un.....31209.html
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla gets his information from DUmmies…
H I L A R I O U S!
Hmmm…what does this book say about refuge, loving your enemies, aid to the needy….
I hear it sold a lot of copies. How come the poeple who claim to know and love it best seem not to have read it?
Does Fuckwad feel used yet?
Three years and tens of millions invested in The Center for Medical Progress, and what do the Teabagers reap? John Boehner’ pelt. All that phony shirt tearing and couch fainting over baby parts turns out to be cover for a Palace coup. What a bunch of maroons.
Puddy quotes from the Bible all the time dr checkmate! Where does it say welcome your enemies into your tent? Well maybe in your Anton Szandor LaVey books it must.
Deuteronomy 23:14
“Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you.
Psalm 27:6
And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.
Now knowing the train wreck dr checkmate is… 3,477,952 dr checkmate trainwrecks so far…
Romans 12:19-21
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Sure we can feed him and give him something to drink butt we also disarm them too dr checkmate!
Psalm 27:1-14
Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident. One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. …
Does God put His enemies in His tent checkmate? Does God allow His enemies in His temple dr checkmate? Could gentiles enter into the sanctuary dr checkmate?
Did dr checkmate offer his hovel for Katrina victims? dr checkmate is as DUMB as evah!
“The pope is irrelevant.”
As in, irrelevant enough for for you to post comments about him?
Did you see the representatives the world’s major faiths who joined with the irrelevant pope in prayer this morning?
A billion Catholics and and billions of other people see it quite differently than you do.
“The pope is irrelevant.” – to libtards except when he comes to America. Then they fawn all over him until he leaves! Then, once again, he’s their gay marriage and abortion enemy!
Alert! Alert! Head Explosion @20!
The pope’s got me in the mood for prayer.
Oh, Lord God, please, oh please send Baby Jesus floating down on his silver floating cloud and have him take this batshit crazy loon away with him. There’s no maliciousness here, God. No, it’s what he wants. You’ve heard his prayers. You know he prays for it. Please give it to him! I’m sure a handful of my atheists friends here at HA will even offer prayer to give you thanks if you will grant us this one small request.
Thank you, Lord. Amen!
Ahhh poor Triple S. Seems Puddy struck a nerve with Anton Szandor LaVey! Hero worship can’t be interrupted!
““The pope is irrelevant.” – to libtards except when he comes to America. Then they fawn all over him until he leaves! Then he’s their gay marriage and abortion enemy!”
Says the batshit crazy loon who believes that the pope is the Antichrist. Heh. The Antichrist. Take note of this, Jack @15. It goes to show the variations of papal relevancy.
Alert! Alert! Head explosion aftershock @24!
With Boehner stepping down, the patients are about to take control of the insane asylum.
Obummer’s TSA is gonna get the DUMMOCRETINS pizzed… http://www.gopusa.com/news/201.....heir-id-2/
PuddyCommentary: Naaaah, Puddy not going there!
Earlier Triple S claimed Puddy hates the Pope. Make up your mind ya moron.
Wait… there is no mind in Triple S! Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
Wow, when DUMMOCRETINS lead universities stooooooooooopidity abounds… http://www.gopusa.com/news/201.....-in-trees/
That’s all you got? OT and second hand source after the fact interpretation letters?
Silly me. I forgot that what Piddles picks and chooses as relevant quotes and his interpretation of Psalms mean is THE ONE TRUE FAITH.
YEP! Obummer sadministration DUMMOCRETINS could care less! http://www.gopusa.com/commenta.....ld-rape-2/
worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla probably care less. It’s just little boy butts here being molested! No problem!
The cover-up by this sadministration is very impressive the more you read!
Maybe Ben Carson was wrong. Muslim culture matches the progressive libtard monkey don’t see and monkey don’t hear culture of DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
Of course this would never make it to the Friday Night Comix! Buttbusting be dayum’d!
Still no batshit commentary on Congressional Teabagers trading the lives of innocent dead fetal tissue-sample Amerikins for House leadership positions.
So very cynical.
“Earlier Triple S claimed Puddy hates the Pope. Make up your mind”
Must be another aftershock from the head explosion @20. Like I ever wrote that the batshit crazy loon loves the man he believes to be the Antichrist.
Train wreck at 34 from Triple S. Well… It’s the Triple S
show! Butt Triple S must deflect!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
She at least finally figured out which political party shares her bigotry and her disdain for our constitution, courts and the rule of law.
“Kentucky clerk Kim Davis switches to Republican Party”
“My husband and I had talked about it for quite a while and we came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party left us a long time ago, so why were we hanging on?”
She’s right about one thing. Democrats left her kind behind. She belongs with the party which embraces discrimination, the GOP.
Alert! Alert! Another head explosion @35!
Batshit insane wingnuts wildly cheer as Trump promises to force American sales clerks to say “Merry Christmas”.
This batshit insanity is just too damned funny.
@36 they truly do want to be the Dead Old Party.
Where has Boob been lately. Is he laying low with the Pope in town and while the GOOP explodes into oblivion?
Just think Bob, now you got Kim Davis with you and her BillyBob husband.
Who will the big GOP winners be in the latest grand sellout of Team Fetus®? I hear Boehner will be moving into a luxurious corner office on K Street within walking distance of the PP clinic. But who among the salivating ranks of Teahadist Amurkins will be moving up?
“bacha bazi”
Afghans should know better than to behave like Republicans.
“Pedophile GOP senate candidate arrested, indicted on 113 counts”
“Eric Bodenweiser, 53, a rabid anti-gay activist and member of the Delaware Family Policy Council was a near lock to win election to a seat in Delaware’s state senate before he abruptly dropped out of the race for reasons that at the time were unknown, but are now plain for all to understand.”
The pope is irrelevant because his church is irrelevant. I can say that as someone who abandoned Catholicism decades ago. If you still believe in it, then that’s your problem.
“The pope is irrelevant because his church is irrelevant. I can say that as someone who abandoned Catholicism decades ago.”
Irrelevant? Then why are talking about him?
A church with over a billion members, a zillion dollars and a charismatic, hugely popular pope is relevant. This week the leader of China is visiting America and he is being largely ignored as the nation is glued to the tube with it’s wall-to-wall coverage of every irrelevant little thing the Pope does. That’s relevancy defined.
“If you still believe in it, then that’s your problem.”
I’m not a Catholic and the bitterness you feel towards your former faith is your problem. Did a priest bugger you or something? They can be like Republicans that way.
@43 pretty good Steve.
I don’t know Jack that well – Not sure of his political leaning. But assuming he is a liberal, which is probably the case otherwise he wouldn’t feel religion is irrelevant. But I kind of got the same feeling, that he was disenfranchised with religion, not necessairly because I think a priest may have buggered him, as you say, but because something obviously turned him off.
And I and I can understand – because I think the right wing has hijacked what religion is, turning everyone against it, including myself. I may disagree with the Catholic church, or any other religion that may be so conservative minded with respect to social issues. Or as is the case of radicalized muslims.
But to me, even though I can spew negative shit about religion myself, religion to me is a spirtual thing, and something to guide you through life with hope in spirtit, not something that needs to be followed by every verse in the bibile. To me religion is about compassion and caring for other people – I’ll equate it to Mother Terrasa charactheristics. Now I don’t know what the beliefs of Mother Terressa were with respect to social issues like gay marriage or abortion or divorce or premarital hetero or homo sex, but the message she brought and is remembered by is the caring and compassion. Mother Terressa wasn’t going to hold up a sign that says “God Hates Fags”. The people holding up those signs are not religious or doing it in the name of relgion….and they give religion a bad name, and the people that really care about what religion is should speak out about it to protect religion. If religion is under attack it is because of people like the WBC – they are the cause for people turning away from religion, as people should if that is what relgion is all about.
The Republican think that’s what it is all about, the social values, the family values, they don’t get the other part. They’ve hijacked it. I think the Pope said it best, that you don’t have to pray for him if you are unable to pray, but he wanted at least you to wish him good.
This Pope may not be rellevant if the Republicans and bigots and radicals get there way, they sure are trying, the need to push the social values down peoples throats. The only way they succeed is for someone like this Pope to be irrelevant.
This Pope is relevant. But relevance is not eternal. This Pope knows that he can only make an effort to make the world a better place.
Not sure what Jack’s beef is. But maybe he took religion a bit too serious and it has let him down?
I understand that my understanding of what religion is, as stated in @44, may not really be religion. But if I can believe in what this Pope says, and he is what Religion is, then that to me is my religion.
That seems to be the problem, some people want religion a particular religion to come from the same mold every time. To each his own, so long as you don’t interfere with my life, and I don’t interfere with your life.
As a gay person, maybe I think divorce shouldn’t be expected, so should I go around holding signs condemning the divorced? Why bother, it doesn’t really effect my life. I wouldn’t be afraid that someones divorce is going to ruin my relationship with another being, why would it? Radical religious people are perverted religious people.
It must really sting for the true believers of Team Fetus® like our little buddy The Fuckwad to know that yet again, for the trillionth time, their chosen elites are selling them out for money. Once again the poor hapless suckers are duped. But isn’t that to be expected when you make heroes out of sleazy televangelists, hustlers and con artists.
Hey Fuckwad! Tithe harder, brother! That’ll fix it fer sure!
Marco Rubio: “Women get pregnant just so they can sell their fetuses to Planned Parenthood.”
Wowsers! Piddles had better get his checkbook out fast!
Sigh… Totally misleading headline… Of course the vomit producer would be pouncing…
Whatamoron vomit producer is!