The election is coming to a close, and it’s kind of depressing. So let’s talk about something nicer:
Syphilis is at a 30 year high in King County. But the good news is you can get tested if you’re in one of the high risk groups. And you can get treated.
3/2/15 NYT reports on the existence of #CrookedHillary’s home-brew server.
3/2/15 Cheryl Mills receives email from John Podesta saying,
“On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails.”
I question the timing.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
No better sign of impending Clinton victory than the prepper supplies ad on Fox News.
No better sign of a need for Obama to pardon #CrookedHillary than the FBI release of all of that Marc Rich data.
’cause nothing says “mandate” like a pardoned President #CrookedHillary unshackled from no fewer than five current FBI investigations into her dealings, amirite?
No, YLB. Closing your eyes at the crucial moment won’t reduce your risk.
“Between December 2014 and March 2015, 12 cases of ocular syphilis were reported from two major cities, San Francisco and Seattle,” reports the CDC. “Subsequent case finding indicated more than 200 cases reported over the past 2 years from 20 states.”
The author forgot “and haven’t already been immunized from prosecution”.
It would take a bombshell for FBI to charge Clinton in email case, experts say
To change the calculus, the FBI would have to find correspondence that clearly demonstrates Clinton or her aides knowingly broke the law, exchanged materials they knew to be classified or attempted to interfere with the investigation by withholding or destroying evidence, according to former federal prosecutors and legal scholars.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Billy Baldwin ✔ @BillyBaldwin
I know Trump since the 80’s thru activism, charity, bizz, social scene, mutual friends etc… in a way voters don’t.
Trust me… he’s a pig.
“Pig” is a pretty broad slur, it seems. At least in the Baldwin family.
Anybody remember when Billy Baldwin’s brother called Billy’s 11 year-old niece a rude and thoughtless pig?
Alec Baldwin apologises for calling daughter, 11, a ‘rude thoughtless pig’
Read more:
I bet Goldy forgot.
Dear Dr. Deplorable,
You and the schizoloon and Penis Inoperative and Phil E. Buster should know that quite a few people who come to this site NEVER read your bullshit! Like turds in the grass we just step over . I can find out the gist of your swill by reading the comments of the few real posters who are brave enough to wallow in your sty.
@ 6
I’m crestfallen over your comments. Really. I am.
I’m so sorry I left out little Bowel Obstruction from my list.
Pretty much all you need to know about the deplorables.
“Accused cop killer waved Confederate flag at football game to protest ‘cop haters’ sitting out anthem”
“The suspect in the “ambush” killings of two Iowa police officers was kicked out of a high school football game last month after clashing with black fans over his Confederate flag.”
“I was offended by the blacks sitting through our anthem,” Greene said. “Thousands more whites fought and died for their freedom. However this is not about the Armed forces, they are cop haters.”
Yes reports are trickling in. And it would appear that the White Pride jaghole upset that blacks hate cops exercised his right to protest cop haters by killing cops.
It was political correctness or something.
@1 Putting this in proper context, it’s nowhere near a good enough reason to put Trump in the White House. In fact, nothing is. Given who the GOP nominee is, I can’t think of anything that would prevent me from voting for Hillary. You and your fellow Republicans built this. You made Hillary president. You left the rest of us with no choice.
@2 You don’t need a pardon if you haven’t committed a crime.
After thirty years of accusing Hillary of everything from murder to drug running, and spending hundreds of tens of taxpayer dollars investigating her, Republicans haven’t even convicted her of a parking ticket.
Move along, folks. Nothing to see here but a gaudy hot air balloon.
@3 If anyone gets syphillis in their eyeballs, you can bet it’ll be a Republican. They fuck each other in the damnedest orifices.
@4 In other words, much ado about nothing. See @12 and @13 above.
@5 If Alec Baldwin apologized for calling Billy Baldwin’s 11-year-old daughter a pig, something I won’t bother to fact-check because it’s not worth my time, that doesn’t mean Trump isn’t a pig.
By the way, the only reason you would ever meet Trump at a charity event is because he’s there for the free food, because Trump gives nothing to charity.
Looking forward to Evergreen Railfan’s input into this:
Court ruling on Purple Line could set back light-rail construction
A lot of angles, from environmental impact studies not done, to Chevy Chase residents trying to stop light rail from going through rich neighborhoods, to light rail despite bus transit alternatives being cheaper.
@ 11
. Given who the GOP nominee is, I can’t think of anything that would prevent me from voting for Hillary.
Oh, I suspect that a fairly contested Democrat primary might have been enough to do the trick. You’d be voting for Bernie.
The DNC conspired to favor a corrupt woman over an honest man. Successfully so.
@17 How about a decent, honest, and moderate Republican? Of course, that’s a pipedream, because your party purged all of those years ago. Nothing left in the GOP now except racists, child molesters, and thieves.
If only Team #CrookedHillary had made this happen in 2011, when they first learned Weiner was toxic.
EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner has checked into a SEX ADDICTION treatment center after his sexting relationship with a 15-year-old girl triggered FBI investigation of him, wife Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton
Of course, in 2011 #CrookedHillary was busy fleecing Morocco:
Hillary’s Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In $28 Million For Clinton Foundation
Read more:
‘Hillary Clinton Sold Her Soul When They Accepted That Money’
Read more:
Well, whaddya know, all of a sudden Darrell Issa is vulnerable.
@ 6
Dear Dr. Deplorable,
You and the schizoloon and Penis Inoperative and Phil E. Buster should know that quite a few people who come to this site NEVER read your bullshit!
Understood. Hence my emphasis on article titles. They’re harder to miss.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Adam Sternbergh @sternbergh
Everyone: [FREAKING OUT]
Nate Silver: it’s going to be ok
Everyone: it’s going to be ok
Nate Silver: [FREAKING OUT]
Interesting observation. Did you also observe that from the left’s perspective, Silver was correct in 2008 and 2012?
@ 20
If your definition of “vulnerable” is a win by fewer than 10, then, yeah.
Makes one wonder why a tarmac visit to Lynch by Bill was even necessary.
Did Wikileaks just uncover Clinton’s mole within the DOJ?
There you have it. An assistant attorney general gave the campaign chair of a presidential candidate under investigation by the FBI a heads up on next steps related to that investigation.
Only a point separating Feingold and Johnson in WI; Feingold’s lead halved since last month. Well within the 3.5% +/- MOE.
The latest poll results suggest Johnson is beginning to separate himself from fellow Republican Donald Trump — likely a requisite for Johnson to prevail.
After months of polling showed Johnson at or below the level of support for Trump in Wisconsin, the new poll finds Johnson running well ahead of his party’s presidential nominee, who trails Democrat Hillary Clinton in the poll, 46 percent to 40 percent.
As things worsen this week for #CrookedHillary, Johnson may continue to improve, as long as Trump can keep his mouth shut.
Anyway, it sounded credible until that last part.
Who gives a damn about the election? Tonight is Game 7 of the World Series. Go Cubs!
I’m euggee with Russia. Russia’s gonna love me!
I picture a fat old white fart speaking the words spoken @7.
@18 Russia is gonna love me!
Boob will keep that image in its pin head as it is examined by its proctologist on Nov 9.
Oh the pain!
@ 29
Flying back from Atlanta on Election Night. Will be watching the returns at 35,000 feet.
November 9th I’ll probably be the guy you read about who was detained by law enforcement at SeaTac upon landing.
If Hillary wins?
What will the babbling jackass troll DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO??????????
Video posted to YouTube two weeks ago by the Cop-Murdering psychopath who shot those two officers in cold blood for their refusal to allow him to be a Nazi thug in public towards high school students.
Trumps people. Deplorables, indeed. Nothing to like about them whatsoever. Not one good redeeming aspect to these people. Expect more of this, the SubReddits are full of praise for this guy, and are all over the idea of starting the race war they’ve been promoting since the 1950s.
Heh. In a little too much of a hurry to make that appt with its proc…
I love the way ignorant hillbillies for Donald J Thiefperv “think” threatening violence is going to make people vote for their guy. We dealt with their kind in 1861 and they will lose again the same way. They can’t stop the future.
@30 Shouldn’t they detain you before boarding?
@ 35
It’s TSA. Government agency.
Nothing gets done when it’s supposed to in a government agency.
Besides, they’ll be busy cavity checking the 85 year old grandmother in line in front of me.
Well, in a short while, Hillary will win the election, Goldman Sachs will get what it paid for, and James Comey will have to disappear. Wouldn’t be the first time someone who crossed the Clinton Machine has disappeared.
I know you progressives are stuck voting for Hillary, and that’s just too bad. Bernie Sanders would have made a better choice, but then the Democrats, because they were in the tank for Hillary, arranged for Bernie to fall by the side of the road. They didn’t throw him under the bus – they’re saving that fate for Huma and Anthony. Still, their treatment of Bernie was pretty damn deplorable.
Disclaimer: I didn’t vote for Hillary or Donald.
Not that I believe this one little bit, but
Trump now leading over Clinton in Virginia, new HU presidential poll says
@37 Yeah, despite recent developments, the Electoral College looks very uphill for Drumpf. He has to win every tossup state and flip either Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. Hillary still has a 6-point lead in both of those states.
“Well, in a short while, Hillary will win the election, Goldman Sachs will get what it paid for, and James Comey will have to disappear. Wouldn’t be the first time someone who crossed the
CLINTON Machinemajority of voters has disappeared.”ftfy
@37 I don’t know where you get your information, but this progressive is more than happy to vote for Clinton.
@ 40
You sure #CrookedHillary is going to win a majority?
@ 39
He has to win every tossup state and flip either Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. Hillary still has a 6-point lead in both of those states.
You are not accurate.
If NV and CO go red…
Then he doesn’t have to flip WI. PA’s a goner.
He’s currently got the lead in NV, according to RCP. And guess which candidate started running ads in CO for the first time since July? Emerson has #CrookedHillary within the MOE, up only 2.3%.
Uphill? Sure. Better than a couple of days ago? Likely.
Dont give up on your dreams.
The sudden collapse of your lunacy is more entertaining.
Isn’t this interesting…
Shorter Kadzik… “Hey Jon, Don’t worry about the investigations. I’ll let you know what’s up. Hillary will be fine.”
@ 44
The dream is GOP-led Senate, reasonably strong GOP House hold, and an ill, weak, and distrusted #CrookedHillary sworn in to face more active FBI investigations than one can count on one hand.
And a healthy and competent leader in Tim Kaine, waiting in the wings.
Not so much to ask, is it?
What will the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch do if Trump wins?
Will it leave America like some nationally known DUMMOCRETINS claim to do?
@43 PA a goner? Really? RCP has Clinton up +4.9% there. 538 has her up 4.0%. And if Drumpf loses either Florida or Ohio, he’s done.
@ 48
That’s what I meant. It’s gone. Off the map.
@46 “Tim Kaine, waiting in the wings.”
Really? Where is the Asinine Party going to get 67 Senate votes from?
@47 I dunno, but I know what I’ll do. I’ll buy a bunch of cheap stocks. I’ve been stockpiling cash since January.
@49 Fell into the ocean? Hit by a meteor? Carted off by a UFO?
@47 Heh
If the Donild whips up enough HATE to steal this election, I’ll just have to hang out here at HA a bit longer.
Looking forward to yours truly LAUGHING AT the bizarre behavior of the babbling jackass troll on many Sat nights to come.
Heh. And maybe some Friday nights too.
Game time @ 5:00pm. Historic contest!
White Privilege,
Demanding police respond to your confederate flag being taken and killing them if they don’t arrest the darkies who stopped you from being an asshole.
@ 51
I’ve been stockpiling cash since January.
Up to four figures yet?
@ 53
If the Donild whips up enough HATE to steal this election, I’ll just have to hang out here at HA a bit longer.
As if you’d go anywhere. If you left here you’d have to think for yourself and/or pay something out of your own pocket for entertainment.
I guess it’s always possible she could be frog-marched out of her own inauguration ceremony.
FBI’s Clinton Foundation investigation now ‘a very high priority,’ sources say
“There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day,” one source told Fox News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.
FBI agents are “actively and aggressively pursuing this case,” and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, sources said.
No “security review” this time. It’s being handled by the White
PantsuitCollar Crime division.@58
These are the same as the tens or hundreds of agents who Fox News assured us would resign in protest if Hillary wasn’t indicted?
There’s whole world out there boob, a wider web even – and much of it doesn’t even cost. As you’ve demonstrated yourself by your daily appearances here.
Just think how much wider your own world will be when you can’t “hear” me anymore. But that phantosmia. Have your shrink check that shit out. It’s weird.
Oh by consulting hot air, washington examiner and the gateway idiot for latest in political analysis? Yeah guess I’ll have to stay here a while longer.
But only if the Donild wins.
No wonder the FBI is accelerating.
Foreign hackers got in.
FBI Now 99% Certain at Least 5 Foreign Services Hacked Into Hillary’s Server
This is my shocked face.
@ 60
Just think how much wider your own world will be when you can’t “hear” me anymore.
You are a clown, YLB, a sycophant without anything of your own to contribute to most discussions around here. I’d miss nothing were I never to hear from you again. More than anything else you give Puddy a reason for his continued existence at HA. Give that some thought. You’re Puddy’s chief enabler, and you probably do that better than anything else you do in life.
Although more broadly, I disagree with you. I think about how much narrower my world would be if I stopped reading what people around here with whom I disagree -the people around here unlike you, ‘froggy, ‘bagger, or the Fucking Moron – have to say about things political. I’ve learned a lot. Cannot believe I left Roger Fucking Rabbit off that list.
It’s because I wanted a wider world that I’ve been here this long.
@61 Oh let’s go through the list…
#1 Russia (the Donilld’s favorite)
#2 GGYYYNA (Wal-Mart’s favorite)
#3 Israel????
blah, blah… David BetrayedUS, Condi’s Aides…
How flattering to your fellow troll boob!
I love that.. It will be so sad when you go deaf…
And especially on Friday and Saturday nights.. Not so much on Friday nights anymore I’ve noticed. As it gets closer to the very end, it’s trying to behave itself.
Damn boob. You just admitted to learning so much by venturing outside the klownservatic echo chamber to our little neck of the woods..
Guess I’ll have to hang out some more to celebrate your “blossoming”..
Thank you for your service to your country. Good thing there’s over 7 million more Washingtonians, many of whom can and will vote this election cycle.
Safety in numbers.
4 – 1 Cubs.. Damn!
Still a bit of baseball to play.
Travis Bickle,
Recently Puddy discussed the 1501 initiative and how it was a shady attempt from the SEIU to protect their sorry ASSes. DIPSHITTIUM checkmate actually created a 55% cogent response. 55% cogent because it had the typical DUMMOCRETIN talking points laced throughout.
What did the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch @66 bring to the table? Search HA DUMMOCRETINS on this phrase two weeks or so ago: “which union is it” and view the “mental acuity” of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch on display!
ABSOLUTELY useless to debate that fetid crazed databaze arschloch fool!
@67 You’re asking too much of your fellow troll boob who just finished claiming that yours truly is the reason you are here.
But glad you mentioned that:
you CONVENIENTLY left out that you “cogently” mentioned a wife in that babbling.
Any relation of yours?
The babbling jackass troll will be quick to deny that yours truly is the reason it keeps babbling here.
Denial aka bullshitting is the way it is “allowed” to deal with “the world”.
The true reason is the “direct dial” it has with the man upstairs.
The same kind its beloved karsen kookanut claims. Damn, karsen will save the Donilld’s soul! Deliver it to Saturdays yet!
Yep the man upstairs makes it do it.
Cleveland is battling back.
5-3 Cubs bottom of the fifth.
David Ross in the last game of his career homers in the top of the sixth.
6 -3 Cubs
The babbling jackass troll will be delighted to know that Trump supporters have torched a church in Greenville, MS:
Why would the babbling jackass be delighted? Obvious. That Church is a “false” Church – services are on the wrong day!
But let’s say it’s a kult church – then it’s only a “mistake”.
Game tied 6-6.
Wow.. The Cubs have no set up man and a very tired closer.
Not looking good.
Meanwhile the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch doesn’t know when its ASS has been handed to it.
S M A C K D O W N!
The Administration’s Press… Gotta Trust it.
@74 Yawwwwwnnnn….
It babbles about a union to which its salt mining buddy might pay dues while voting for a shameless xenophobe, liar, groper, misogynist, birther and sex addict.
Rain delay. What an ordeal for a fan!
Gamed tied 6-6.
Both teams are cursed but one has to win this.
Awwww pooor little salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Chicago Wins World Series!!!
The 108 year curse is broken.
The Chicago Cubs win the 2016 World Series.
Sweet Home Chicago..
HA trolls suck.
You know Barack H. Obama was a community organizer for two years in Chicago..
He returned to Chicago after law school to marry, raise a family and begin a political career.
He will serve TWO TERMS as President of the United States.
The babbling hate-filled jackass of a troll sucks.
What a schmuck!
Good night!
@83 Community organizer! Law professor! State senator! U.S. Senator! TWO-TERM PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! Suck on it!!!
You know Mike Montgomery who had some success with the Seattle Mariners threw the last pitch for the Cubs victory.
The Seattle Mariners are tied with the 1906 Cubs for the most games won in a season.
Maybe that and today’s victory portends good things for the Mariners? Is it the Mariner’s turn?
No things don’t usually work that way, almost never work that way, but one can dream.
Imagine a World Series at Safeco Field. Imagine the bars in Pioneer Square teeming with joyful fans. That’s baseball!
Good riddance to a piece of human garbage.
@ 86
Another martyr for the Second Amendment. Tsk tsk. Such sacrifices we must make for preserving our freedom.
On another note: “The Trump Organization does not own the building. It licensed its name and has a contract to manage the property, complete with such services as Trump Pets and a Trump Experience outing. Its management is expected to continue after ownership is thrashed out.”
So, Trump doesn’t “own” the property, his partner in Russia does. Trump just launders the money from it for him. No wonder he’s broke.
I wonder if this whole charade has been a means of just getting the American taxpayers to foot the bill for his personal security while he figures out how to get out of this pickle? Not to mention the fact that releasing his tax returns would reveal the nature of his overseas stockholdings and assets to everyone especially the people he owes money to. Sure, Mr. Shnaider technically owns the tower, but Trump is probably a large stakeholder in Mr. Shnaider’s company and would still have made a very tidy profit from that company’s shares, especially if the dividends were a specially negotiated rate.
If his promises to the man had followed through.
I wonder how much The Don is really in the hole here? Couple of $Billion? More?
These Russian Oligarchs are guys that own fucking Armies for chrissake. Real ones, as well equipped and trained as that of any other Nation. In Russia, as well as much of the old Soviet Eastern Europe, they are the “State Actors”. These are guys that you just don’t fuck.
Yeah about Chicago
November to Date
Shot & Killed: 11
Shot & Wounded: 37
Total Shot: 48
Total Homicides: 11
Final October Totals
Shot & Killed: 74
Shot & Wounded: 347
Total Shot: 421
Total Homicides: 80
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 594
Shot & Wounded: 3137
Total Shot: 3731
Total Homicides: 663
all hick towns to DUMMOCRETINS
Fake folksiness!
What happens if Careless Crooked Heilary loses to a bunch of deplorables and irredeemables!
Yes DUMMOCRETINS vote January 20, 2017.
Per Careless Crooked Heilary in Raleigh, NC!
What a suck up…
Another useless DUMMOCRETIN libtard msm reporter kissing her ASS!
Reminds Puddy of some suck ups on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Seems Donald Trump lives free in Obummer’s head.
Like Puddy PWN’ING some of these fools above!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd a Huma sighting since last week
“The truth is that Trump has a real, viable path to 270 electoral votes.” – Robby Mook
Remember Mook is a close friend of Creamer, the one who pays homeless peeps $1500 to start fights at Trump rallies.
Some guy said some shit to some other guy!
Holy shit snacks, fellow hippies! Looks like the seething hoards of aging racist cheats are winning!
If we all go look in the mirror and say the name “Saul Alinsky” three times we can summon his ghost to save us!
Rupert Murdoch’s folks confirm, still more Trump campaign sexual assault victims emerging.
This indeed is who they are.