On top of the instrumental benefits of getting the hell around much faster, Sound Transit expansion will be good for the environment. It’s sort of duh, but it’s nice to be able to read some specifics. It’s nice to be able to say it will cut over 360 million vehicle miles per year, save 800,000 tons of annual carbon emissions. Rather than just I assume it must be because driving is still driving.
O Pence Thread
Couldn’t bother to watch live. Reading transcripts later. But sounds to me like Trump campaign got the roles reversed again. Which may certainly benefit Gov. Pence with future endeavors after he helps his party lose in November. The grift goes on…
Yes, interrupting someone else in mid-sentence is rude behavior.
Thanks to Tim Kaine, however, it’s no longer sexist.
Well done.
@ 2
The transcript doesn’t do it.
Here’s a rundown of interruptions by Kaine.
Maybe Monday MSNBC can run a side-by-side with Trump.
It’ll be a rare comparison in which Kaine will come out on top.
Time of possession usually indicates which team won.
Until one looks at the fumbles.
Pence vs. YLB compare and contrast:
1. Both spend time on their knees each day, Pence
Mike Pence’s ‘Spend A Little Time On My Knees’ Comment Unfortunately Set Twitter On Fire
in front of his God, and YLB in front of Goldy.
2. Pence asks his God to forgive his sins. YLB asks Goldy to enable his.
If Republicans were “winning” their butt plugs wouldn’t be spending so much time on defense while their candidate busies himself doubling their workload.
Many busy days ahead of them. No payday in sight.
Boob drips to his knees when Pence whips out #thatmexicanthing
Why would you think we’re racists?
@8: Sloppy Seconds Spooge Breath
What a moron!
When reality frightens them, “conservative” elite cowards seek refuge in make-believe.
Douthat has always struck me as chicken shit. Very smart, very disciplined chicken shit. He comes pretty close (as close as his fears will allow) to admitting that there is no risk of Democrats falling victim to a pimp demagogue like Trump. But he can’t help but indulge in the pretense in order to avoid facing the truth: Trump, abetted by “conservative” elite cowards just like Douthat, has destroyed “conservatism”.
Starting this year, and forever hereafter, a voter’s choice is between White Nationalists, and Democrats.
I had a dismaying train of thought. Assuming the democrats win in the fall, I feel our society needs to reach out to the trump voters and defuse them. Listen to their concerns, and when possible, accommodate the issues that still dovetail with progressive values where they overlap and influence them into less destructive choices. Help them be less angry.
Which is probably going to be interpreted as Liberals forcing god fearing True American Conservatives (TM) into reeducation centers for reprogramming.
Trump reports. You Decide!*
(*Okay. So far as I know Trump never really said this. But the weird thing is: it doesn’t seem at all out of place alongside all the other whacked-out, “conservative” conspiracy theories.)
So now Trump is going to sue Hillary for using an actual recording of his voice in an ad because it is lying and nasty or something.
That’s what the GOP is reduced to, threatening frivolous lawsuits because you have no chance of winning.
Their concerns? Have you been paying attention to what their concerns really are?
I agree they need to be “defused”. But I can’t see “accommodating” hatred, bigotry, and lawlessness. I think the way federal authorities handled these folks during and after the occupation at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge serves as an excellent model for “defusing” the New Republicans.
About $30,000 per person, in the Puget Sound area, before cost overruns. And that’s on top of all the other taxes you’re paying or will pay in the future.
Did you read the part where I said we work on the things that overlap? Jobs, trade, education, security. food safety, fair taxes. There are elements in those where most people can find common ground. Not the racist bigot xenophobic greed parts.
@12 If these short-fused folks could have been defused, it would have happened a long time ago. Obama created 15 million jobs and brought health care to millions, and they hate his guts. You’re not talking about rational or reasonable people. Some people WANT to be mad because they enjoy it.
Trump’s numbers are bad again and he still has two more opportunities to stick his foot in his mouth and his head up his ass in front of an audience of 100 million voters.
Those things only “overlap” when fake “conservative” media pimps are trying to normalize the Republican Nominee.
The Republicans who drove Cheeto Jesus to the convention are only peripherally concerned about “trade” and “jobs”, in that they see those issues as symptomatic of their greatest fear: women and non-whites gaining an equal footing with them.
To be honest, following Clinton’s inauguration, the biggest obstacle these idiots will face in obtaining their legitimate best interests will be Republican Congressional majorities and themselves. Congressional Republicans will predictably deny the legitimacy of the election and obstruct progressive reforms for another eight years, while quietly serving bankers, energy giants, and corporate rogues and polluters. And their voters will reliably continue to respond to whatever racist/misogynist/homophobic dog whistles establishment Republican elites dream up to motivate their pent up rage.
It’s ironic, really. Because in turning their broken lives around, these people face very few of the institutional obstacles that have become routine for struggling working class African Americans and Latinos. What keeps Trump’s New Republicans stuck in their death spiral is their enduring belief in white privilege.
Better has a good point.. Here’s a balanced book that just came out.
The author’s role model is Studs Terkel. The Trump voter shouldn’t be stereotyped. This voter is similar in many ways to the progressive voter who had “had enough” of the miserable policies of George Dumbya Bush. Look at the middle finger the Trumpies gave to Jeb and klownservatic zeroes like Ted Khruzz. That hilarious video of a street debate between a Trump supporter and the “born in the provinces of Canada” Khruzz comes to mind.
DR – that article was just about one guy, c’mon… If Hillary’s policies work for the Trump voter than that will do much to “defuse” them.
“Listen to their concerns…”
They seem to have a thing about Democrats shipping them off to FEMA camps. First Obama, now Hillary.
“Trump booster: It’s not a ‘quantum leap’ to believe Hillary will put Christians in reeducation camps”
However, wingnut projection being what it is, this only tells us that it is they who want ship Democrats to FEMA camps! What the hell. I say Hillary should go for it.
Ok “born in the provinces of Canada” is better subbed by:
NOT born in the USA…
NOT born in the USAAAaaa..
NOT born in the USA..
NOT born in the USAAAaaaa..
I absolutely agree that Trump’s average voter (if such a thing can be said to exist) will see greater improvement in their lives under President Clinton than might have been said for Donald Trump.
But take that “one guy”, for instance. Whether Zack Fisher or Jim Cooley, both of these folks are doing pretty well. Both come from fairly comfortable family backgrounds with families that own homes and businesses and with resources to draw upon that the vast teaming hoards of low income Americans can only dream about. Neither has ever worked more than one job at a time. They live in decent stable neighborhoods with at least adequate schools. If the statistics are to be believed at least as much as all the anecdotes, they are highly representative of the people who have chosen to support the Republican Nominee for President. They are not “poor”. They are not “struggling”. And they have enjoyed a host of benefits and privileges that most working class Americans have not. But they are also very obviously scared to death of something. I don’t know what it is that makes them so afraid (I have my suspicions). But I know it isn’t “Mexican rapists” or NAFTA.
There is a danger here in focusing too much on the primary voters whose emergent energy gave Trump a huge advantage over the other Republican contenders. In November more than 60 million Americans will cast a vote for the Republican Nominee. I’m not willing to believe that they are all seething, gun humping, racist losers (just our trolls;-). But more than any other factor, what will unite those 60 million voters will be their attitudes about race, ethnicity, and gender.(.pdf) Face to face interviews with people attending public events rarely illicit the sort of candor Mr. Fisher displayed in his roid-fueled video-taped outburst. Even Mr. Fisher himself, in a more reflective frame of mind, attempted to walk back his violent racism and claimed rather ludicrously to be “at one with all the races”. Riiiight. The data tells us a different story. A very sad story, to be sure. And one I fear cannot be brought to a happy conclusion by lowering tuition at community colleges or demanding more “made in America” labels (you should note Mr. Cooley’s AR is a rather cheap import).
@16 Your talking like a Republican. Your the Capitalist there is a great opportunity here in the Puget. Get your Capitalist buddies to do what Capitalism is supposed to do. Perhaps after the election there maybe a billionaire available to help you. If he loses he will need a hobby. why don’t you help give him one and benefit the Pacific Northwest. After all his capitalist Granddad got start in Seattle. Time to put that old money back to work where it came from, After all you have called him a Dictator and one thing Dictators are good at is making sure the railroads run on time. We will need that in our low carbon utopia. Think of the jobs.
Imagine the elation that Repukes will have if there is a catastrophic earthquake in California before or on Election Day in California that disrupts the voting!
Capitalism – easy to say that it is 100% flawless and the savior of everything from Global warming to poverty.
What does capitalism have to do with same sex marriage?
Reporting how strong hurricanes are, is a Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
Back in the midwest…
You say NevAAAAda I say NeVAHda
You say Foundation, I say Slush fund
Fondation, Slush Fund, NevAAAAda, NeVAHda
I’m Trump so fuck you!
@25 that asshole could have done that already with “all the money he says he has”. Why does he have to be a dictator or President? Why hasn’t he already done it? Maybe he doesn’t have the money he says he has? Hmmmm. I have a fraction of a small fraction of his money, and I probably create more jobs than him respectively or proportionally.
“You know nobody calls it that it’s NeVAHda.”
“No Mr. Trump, it’s not.”
“I know Mexicans and It’s NeVAHda, Pal.”
(Jeeers from the Crowd) “NeVAAda, Ne-VAA-Da!, Ne-VAA-Da!”
“Hey how’s your Casino business, fucko!”
(I could do this all day.)
Governor Kate Brown, “It’s WilAAAMet, Damn It!”
Donald Trump, “Nobody calls it that, it’s William-Eeet!”
“Hey, At least I don’t say Nucyouler! When you’re as rich as me you get to decide how to say things! Fuck you if you can’t deal with me being right!”
Top photo.
Does anyone who has not personally met YLB envision him looking any different than this?
Sensual Photos Shatter The Idea That Strong Men Can’t Be Vulnerable
Makes Pajama Boy look buff.
One less yahoo in the world. He probably voted for Dubya, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I just can’t bring myself to oppose the death penalty in all situations. This guy had it coming. Probably before he was born, for something he did in a previous life. This is the trouble with living in rural red counties, where everyone is Republican and has AR-15s, you might get a neighbor like him. Then your relatives have to wait 13 years for the state to euthanize the beast.
Next Trump whopper: Is the IRS actually auditing him? His campaign won’t provide proof he is.
Seriously, you can’t make this shit up:
COPS Office @COPSOffice 17h17 hours ago
Will you be having coffee with a cop this Friday? It’s National #CoffeeWithaCop Day! http://coffeewithacop.com/national-day/ #CommunityPolicing
There’s a web site and everything.
The City of Lakewood’s Coffee with a Cop history wasn’t all that successful, as I recall.
@34 We finally know what you do all day. Stare at images, yes, but not the ones you expect a radiologist to be looking at.
@37 Boob is so much in love with his own snark that he can’t refrain from buttering it on murdered cops.
@28 It has a name, too: Science.
“On top of the instrumental benefits of getting the hell around much faster”
I suppose this means there will be nobody to vote for Bill Bryant.
“FOX is no longer a “conservative” media outlet”
Wait. What?
What happened to “Fair and Balanced”®?
@ 43
Guess #CrookedHillary can relax in that final debate, then.
Nobody is ever gonna ask Chris Christie to prove he was born in New Jersey.
Christie to freeholder: ‘I will f—ing destroy you’
“Who the fuck do you think you are calling me a fat fuck?” Stark testified Christie said. “I’m the fucking governor of this state.”
Christie then told Curley to be at an event in Keansburg the next day or “I will fucking destroy you” with robo calls to tell Republicans not to vote for him, Stark testified. Curley was seeking reelection in 2012.
Clinton is seeking to appeal directly to swing-state voters potentially in the path of Hurricane Matthew and will spend $63,000 to reach Weather Channel viewers there for five days beginning on Thursday, according to a source monitoring TV ad buys.
It’s a risky proposition. The potential human and economic toll of major storms makes for one of the trickiest decisions of all for presidential campaigns: how to derive political benefit from natural disaster — or simply respond at all — without seeming to exploit real suffering.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4MKpm8tb7
Never let a crisis go to waste, taken too far.
Clinton delays Weather Channel ads until after Hurricane Matthew passes
I wonder what her body count threshold for pulling the ads was.
50? 75? 100?
Stay classy, #CrookedHillary.
It’s been about a year, now, since Goldy breathlessly and uncritically parroted the propaganda from Wal-Mart’s CEO:
Goldy @GoldyHA
Walmart CEO on raising wages: “Bottom line — it’s working.” http://civicskunkworks.com/wal…..s-working/ …
(10/19/15 or so)
What do we know, nowadays, about how things are working?
In today’s WSJ, what last year’s bottom line has become is profits depressed “for years”:
Wal-Mart has already invested billions in online efforts, as well as higher wages for store workers—efforts executives have previously said will depress profits for years.
Wal-Mart’s push to further online sales will come at the expense of employment.
About two weeks ago I stopped in a Wal-Mart for DEF fluid for our diesel Ram. Best price around and it’s the only reason I shop there – I resupply about once per year. This time, there were self-checkout kiosks, six of them.
They weren’t there last year. They worked really well – shorter line than in the lines staffed by humans, and I bought six items and checked out in a little over a minute. Slick.
Bottom line – it’s working. The way we told you it would work – an increase in wages beyond employees’ worth will hasten the move into aspects of business that require fewer employees.
Wal-Mart stock dropped about 3.3% at the news today.
Heart? Politics is not tiddly winks.
It’s called professionalism. Something Trump and impatient, inattentive radiologists may be unfamiliar with.
Whenever a major event breaks into the news cycle in the last few weeks of a major campaign the managers have some difficult decisions to make. Opportunities for earned media, particularly in local (read battleground) media markets, dry up very quickly. But an overriding objective of the campaigns (at least those not being run by racist egomaniac pimps) is to maintain a minimum rate of periodic impressions throughout those final weeks in battleground markets. Paid media may be the only way to replace earned media impressions lost to the big story.
In the case of a major weather event the dynamics are quite fascinating. There is often lead time with weather and that lead time can initially drive viewership. But if the event is severe enough that evacuations are ordered, viewership will actually drop in the local markets. Ad buys may be positioned in advance and then pulled or re-positioned as events develop. Execution of carefully planned media strategies can seem chaotic to outsiders not privy to the plans and strategies. Hurricane season coincides with a Presidential election every four years. And the seaboard hosts a few battleground markets every cycle. This shit is nothing new. But yet another round of phony pearl-clutching “conservative” outrage is being pushed by one or two Florida establishment Republicans left off the Trumpublican Racist Crazy Train. Clinton’s guys are just moving from earned media to paid media and re-positioning as needed to maintain the periodic impression goals. One element of a very large and complicated campaign plan. Each element of which will have weather emergency contingencies built in.
Though really, we shouldn’t be surprised if a party that puts a twelve-year-old child in charge of a major field office in a battleground state should find themselves shocked by this kind of campaign planning.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
David Rolf @DavidMRolf
What do small businesses say they worry about? Poor sales, not the cost of wages. #fightfor15book #fightfor15
Maybe they would worry more if they faced sudden, stiff increases in their labor costs. Not just threats of these costs at some point in the future. But the actual increases hitting their bottom lines.
Your chart ended in 2012, Goldy.
@ 48
All well and good. Professionalism, it’s called.
But wouldn’t that also entail sticking to your guns in the face of criticism? ’cause professionalism.
If The Notorious RBG were to drop dead tomorrow #CrookedHillary would buy ads for each side of the hearse. Earned media impression.
I will not engage in ad hominem attacks no matter how tempting…gaaaaa!
“But wouldn’t that also entail sticking to your guns in the face of criticism? ’cause professionalism.”
Like I said, impatient and inattentive.
Right now Trump is probably scheduling a fucking hangar rally next to a trailer park in Orlando for tomorrow night. But as you Pearl Clutchers have so eagerly pointed out, the Clinton campaign has re-positioned some ad buys in response to the evacuation orders. Remember Boob, it’s about actual media impressions, not merely about spending other people’s money to enrich the media placement contract of a high ranking party throne sniffer. Actual real life professionals don’t buy ads that nobody is around to see. This has all happened dozens of times before. Just like this fake story about “sensitivity” has happened before. It gets trotted out in Florida and the Carolinas almost every single year. Weather Channel media buys make a ton of sense during hurricane season, particularly when major storms are threatening. And every campaign does ’em. Even Rick Scott and Mr. HOTWife have bought Weather Channel time in the past.
You keep right on fuckin’ that chicken. Enough posts and enough hysteria and you can make this into another BENGHAAAZIII!!!! in no time at all.
Meanwhile, as Republican Boob trolls his latest BENGHAAAAZIII!! conspiracy lunacy about HRC giving Florida a sad by not canceling her campaign out of RESPECT(!!!), another fine “conservative” Republican human being named Matt Drudge has all this to say:
The deplorables are starting to wonder if govt has been lying to them about Hurricane Matthew intensity to make exaggerated point on climate
Hurricane Center has monopoly on data. No way of verifying claims. Nassau ground observations DID NOT match statements! 165mph gusts? WHERE?
Direct eyewall hit for Freeport in next hour. Will ground observations match the Hurricane Center’s claimed 140 mph sustained winds?
It’s very sad, but true. This is what happens when you build support for your “movement” on horrible lies. To keep up the momentum you have no choice but to surpass the previous lies. Until the day finally comes when you actually start killing yourselves with the lies. That day is here.
The more conservative sites had this last week. Now it’s “mainstream”, since AP can’t ignore it any longer, apparently. I should point out that this has been ‘leaked’. The report was completed in May, and Team Barry has been sitting on it. For months. I wonder why?
The report found that 54 percent of people who entered illegally between border crossings got caught in the 2015 fiscal year. That’s much lower than the 81 percent success rate that Homeland Security cited publicly using a different counting method.
If you have your thumb up your ass it affects your counting accuracy, I guess.
The report says there were 140,000 asylum seekers on the Mexican border last year and 170,000 in 2014, compared to about 20,000 a year a decade ago. Homeland Security’s practice of counting those as captures goes a long way toward explaining why its success rate was so much higher.
My bad. Apparently Homeland Security prefers to insinuate that asylum-seekers are bad guys by counting them as “caught” when they present themselves.
#CrookedHillary’s on record as wanting 65,000 refugees
from Syria. For all we know they might have already arrived.
I got an email from Robert Reich. He says Gary Johnson is hurting Hillary Clinton because young people may vote for him instead of Hillary.
@ 55
Four days ago I got an email from Gary Johnson. He says
What a Bunch of Bull!
Is anyone else tired of the “a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump” or “a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary” nonsense?
If either of them gets elected, we know the polarization in Washington will just get worse.
He also wrote that Robert Reich is a pathetic little fuck whose only role in the Bill Clinton administration was to make Little George look tall. Curiously, I can’t find that exact quote, so I paraphrased.
Fight is for the Senate. Trump is performing behind Romney with white voters. He’s dying with women. We may presume that younger voters indicating a preference for Johnson in the polls will not be excited about voting for Mark Kirk or Todd Young. They’ll come to feel ashamed of themselves once they learn the truth about Johnson. The window for Cheeto Jesus has closed. He hasn’t mounted the field operation needed to register enough low-information whites in battleground states to move the dial. Johnson is a distraction.
What is the truth about Johnson?
Boob’s GHWB “scanner” moment.. What Safeway or QFC or whatever doesn’t have self-checkout??? For like freaking years???
Life must tough for a hopelessly out of touch Ronzo Raygun worshipping klownservatic radiologist in Whidbey
So…….what is it? 2 or 3 cops killed in the last few days…
Where is the #outrage??? Minimal media coverage….gee I wonder why…..
@Sloppy Travis……nah, a true YLB photo would have a lot of camel toe in it, ala Jame Gumb….
Heh. A little HA thread porn for boob and its “new” old sidekick little maxwipe..
Little maxwipe into pre-op trans? Figures..
@53- If there was any reason to pay any attention to Drudge, this puts a nail it it. What a piece of work. Any any who cite him are citing to a liar
@ 62
Oh, YLB:
Scroll down two spews from your link and you come to this:
Yet another instance of your gender being questioned.
That keeps happening, YLB. Pheromonal, I’d think, except not across the ‘net.
Why do so many HA types figure you for a double X?
Your headline du jour:
Voter registration
Indiana State Police expand vote fraud probe to 57 counties
And, of course, the response is to play the race card:
The announcement came about an hour after Patriot Majority USA, a group that runs the Indiana Voter Registration Project that is under investigation in the nine counties named Tuesday, said it asked the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to look into whether the investigation is an attempt to suppress black votes.
Staties: “We see problems in 9 counties.”
Pat Maj USA: “That’s racist.”
Staties: “Make it 57, then.”
oh Boob
Wrong again… That thread is just always wrong wing trolls aka klownservatics doing what they do best..
Spinning sick sex fantasies about their adversaries.. And in the cited case – it was a RAPE fantasy. Heh. You approve huh?
Yours truly would expect nothing better.
The fantasies take many forms.. Here’s another one:
The troll is not confused about gender like you and little maxwipe.. Imagine that – the babbling jackass at that time had a ways to go to sink to your level!
What a legacy. That’s some mouldering retirement you’ve got in store for yourself toonerville buddy..
Thanks for the entertainment. Keep it up..