Some combination of my ancient computer being a problem while I type on public transit and how I’m using jokes for the date instead of actual dates this week, and I seem to have somehow posted this into the Open Thread for Monday, and I’m not quite sure how to undo it. So I’m reposting it here, as an open thread. Um, sorry to people who really wanted whatever ephemera I’d posted there.
– I know that there is a large group of the chattering class that hate Seattle passing resolutions. But I think this opposition to the Hyde Amendment is right the fuck on.
– Sad face for Mars Hill.
– I’m not sure I’m qualified to say anything about Ray Rice that goes outside of just cliche. But holy shit, Fox News, shut the fuck up.
For those interested in participating
Sunday, September 21, 1:00 PM
Westlake Park
People’s Climate March calling for world leaders at the U.N. Climate Summit in New York to take urgent and serious action against to stop climate change.
Of course those dolts work for Fox Snooze. Who else would employ them? It’s either Fox or they don’t work. Even morons have to eat.
“Field Projects”
Canada has announced that they have found the remains of one of the two ships from the ill-fated expedition to find the Northwest Passage, by explorer Sir John Franklin. Seems that they are certain, except whether the ship found is either the HMS EREBUS or HMS TERROR.
Meanwhile those rich DUMMOCRETIN golf courses in Westchester County gave the “REJECTION STAMP” to the golfer in chief! Remember Obummer received 62% of the vote there!
Meanwhile Kentucky Alison’s wheels on the bus need checking?
Paying lower than market rate? You mean she isn’t paying at least $15/hour?
Of course raising all of that out-of-state $millions in campaign donations is A-OK because she’s a DUMMOCRETIN and those actions are overlooked when you are a DUMMOCRETIN. It only counts to HA DUMMOCRETINS if you are Scott Walker and a Republican!
The ends always justifies the means right Worf?
DAYUM, speaking about Scott Walker… This is very interesting…
Seems Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisolm’s wife Colleen, is a fanatical anti-Walker agitator. Partisanship by DUMMOCRETINS? Noooooooooo way!
PuddyCommentary: There is so much good stuff there it’s hard to hijack any two paragraphs! The evil of partisan DUMMOCRETINS!
The ends always justifies the means right Worf?
Remember this DUMMOCRETINS?
He still hasn’t been served YET!
Attack Scott Walker nationally yet this flies right under the radar!
It wasn’t enough that the personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud” got his ass kicked yesterday….
…he’s back for more today.
I think a fun ‘running gag’ on open threads would be a goof on Jeff Foxworthy’s, ‘You know you’re a redneck’ jokes. Only it would be a ‘You know you’re a Republican’ series of jokes.
For instance: You know you’re a Republican when you think that global corporations should be free to do whatever they want but Pat Robertson should be able to tell you what you can and can’t do in your own bedroom.
You always miss FACTS!
Meanwhile from Puddy’s Wisconsin’s friends… Info media libtards try to hide…
You know you are Republican when you shut every Abortion Clinic in the State but then have to send your Daughter on a plane to get one somewhere else.
You know you are a Republican if you spread fear and doom when you really don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. And at the same time can’t fathom that some professional with scientific facts could be right.
Smith County, Mississippi, district attorney Daniel Jones told NBC News that Timothy Jones believed his children were plotting to kill him. The deceased range in age from one to eight years old.
This is horrible.
If only there was a means to help him, some way to treat him. Oh yeah, conservatives won’t fund them.
You know you are a DUMMOCRETIN when you get your news from HuffPo and run with it! The empty tea bag has something up the puffed butt.
YOU MORON, the employer mandate was delayed.
Golly puffed butt you’d think you’d know something before rattling your DUMMOCRETIN Cage!
You know you’re a republican when you call yourself a patriot while simultaneously refusing to pay your taxes, spouting anti-government rhetoric and open carrying in a shopping mall.
You know you’re a republican when you demand that English be the official language of the nation, even though you’re illiterate in English.
You might be a conservative if…
You’ve tried to argue that poverty could be abolished if we got rid of the minimum wage
You’ve ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend”
You’ve ever tried to prove Jesus was a capitalist and opposed to welfare.
You’re a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty.
You don’t let your kids watch Sesame Street because you suspect Bert and Ernie of “sexual deviance.”
You scream “Dit-dit-ditto” while making love.
You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a bear ever attacks your home.
You’ve ever called education a luxury.
You’re afraid of the “liberal media.”
You’ve ever called the National Endowment for the Arts a bunch of pornographers.
You think all artists are gay.
You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch “lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn’t want to contribute to society.”
You’ve ever urged someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when they don’t even have shoes.
Douche Bag @17 – I’ll admit I didn’t even read the article, don’t have time, I only read the Title of the Article. Which indicates that Insurance cost to private employers hasn’t gone up.
Wasn’t the fear from Republicans that the implementation of Obamacare would raise rates on private accounts? Well just because the employer mandate hasn’t been implemented, it appears that what has been implemented hasn’t done what every Republican fear monger has said it would do. Are you suggesting that the reason this hasn’t happened yet is because the fears spread by Republicnas was with respect to just the employer mandate.
See Post 15 you big Ape.
@17 – just took the time to read the article.
Now I know you are even dumber then dumb, responding the way you did. Article has nothing to do with the Employee Mandate. Unless your smartness can forecast that the Employee Mandate is what truly is going to raise the cost of healthcare for everyone else. More doom and gloom.
Have another Banana.
@21 “Wasn’t the fear from Republicans that the implementation of Obamacare would raise rates on private accounts?”
Not really. What really gave Republicans nightmares was that Obamacare might be successful and people might like it.
@7 And we suppose the juries that convicted half a dozen of his associates were all bribed by the corrupt district attorney’s wife?
My wife just asked me if Puddy gets paid for his posting. I told her Puddy is too stupid to get paid for this. She responded, “True, he doesn’t act like an operative. He behaves like someone who craves attention.”
@23 yes, true, that was their internal fear, kind of like being homophobes. I was refering to their projection of fears on the American people, especially the dumb ones.
So what is the troll screaming about? The 6 percent of employers playing skinflint with their employees?
Wow what a champion of the working class our idiot troll. Who knew?
What is the monomaniacal crazed cretin spouting now? Puddy has no idea!
So the empty tea bag admits reading is not the puffed butt forte, just see a headline and throw it up!
Well touche puffed butt. Glad that corn cob is working well. Race tracks anyone?
Klownservatives haven’t thrown in the towel on the ACA but it’s only a matter of time.
When the Turtle in the Senate, McConnell says Kentuckians should keep their exchange bought health insurance, you know you’ve lost.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy will NOT put forth what Mrs Puddy thinks of most of y’all here! It’s appropriate language for explaining DUMMOCRETINS!
BTW, it’s one of the words Puddy calls you that’s capitalized!
Everyone here knows you’re too much of an idiot to figure it out.
Worf poor little worf…
Puddy writes in EBONICS on HA DUMMOCRETINS because Oakland School District promoted it back in the 1990s. When Puddy writes technical manuals, guides and other public publications for Puddy’s job Puddy uses the King’s English. Don’t like it… suck it as they say on WWE!
Sux to be you worf!
A “hero” in it’s own mind @32!
Tooooooooooooo laughable monomaniacal crazed cretin!
Named monomaniacal by another libtard over the crazed databaze!!!!
Even when Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit corrects the puffed butt, the stonesless one still disagrees!
So puffed butt,
– Why did all those health care letters go out with raised rates for 2014?
– Why did Obummer delay the healthcare mandate for employers with over 50 employees until 2015; after the 2014 erections?
– Why is Kay Hagan in so much trouble in North Carolina over her “Golly I didn’t know” stoooooooopidity regarding those raised rates letters?
– Why is Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor trying to change the debate over his opponent’s military record and not over Pryor’s jack boot goose step yes votes on Obummercare?
– Why are you so ignorant of many things puffed butt with no stones in the tea bag?
Stooooooooooopid like the typical DUMMOCRETIN interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel demonstrating low information voters like you puffed butt!!! Butt they will step in fetch it and vote DUMMOCRETIN because they know eventually they can get free or lower cost marijuana or other free things from the government. Just like that Florida voter who claimed Obummer was gonna give her free gas! That was priceless!
Meanwhile Google accounts were hacked.
Google, friends of DUMMOCRETINS!
What would would that liberal name someone who said this?
A toddler playing with his own poo perhaps?
Oh no! This guy said that excuse me!
Houdini Suicides
There’s a new trend among young black men of committing suicide by shooting themselves while sitting handcuffed in police cars.
38 comments, 15 by the personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud.”
39% fact-free obfuscation.
@29 is that all you got out of my comments….you are King Ape.
Thanks for all the ‘You know you’re a Republican’ jokes. I’m going to put them all on my Facebook page to ‘piddly-widdly’ off all of my conservative relatives.
re 17 — As a part of your ‘humor recovery’ program, I’m prescribing a daily listen to Alice Cooper’s, ‘Hey Stoopid!’ for the next 20 days.
Hmmm does Obummer have a soft spot for the Taliban?
Ohhh ruPRiCK…
Why do you hate inner city black children?
YEP, Nuthin but vacuous gaseous excretions!
Puddy, from your postings on funding and politics, you don’t care about inner city black children. Why don’t you care about gay parents and gay teens?
Puddy would rather have an M1A2-Abrams Tank… 60 MPH with a turret.
46 comments, 19 by the personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud.”
41% fact-free obfuscation.
Conservatives thrive on fear.
More confirmation of what we already knew.
Course being conservatives, they won’t believe the science.
Still batting 1.000 in stoooooooooopidity. Does Puddy support the NEA or AFT? Nope YOU DOPE! Puddy came from the inner city. Puddy knows what it’s like!
Puddy is for school vouchers and charter schools. ruPRICK likes the status quo. ruPRICK likes the NEA and AFT running inner city schools for their benefit not the inner city school child.
You are still a moron and stoooooooooooopid as ever. Still batting 1.000 in stoooooooooopidity.
ruPRICK still batting .995 with nuthin to say again! Empty vacuous commentary from the ruPRICK!
A gay player in the NFL is a distraction. . You have to love what they are going thru now, big scandal!
51 comments, 21 by the personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud.”
42% fact-free “black squid ink” (how fucking stupid is that?) obfuscation.
Apparently the schizophrenic bag lady of the Internet thinks she’s speaking Ebonics. What a racist bag lady.
I know an Army recruiter who would love to discuss that option with you. Should I set up the two of you for a meet over coffee?
Contractors: ‘He Had His Hands Up’
“Two men, shocked at what they saw, describe an unarmed teenager with his hands up in the air as he’s gunned down by a police officer. They were contractors doing construction work in Ferguson, Missouri, on the day Michael Brown was shot dead. …
“‘He had his f**n hands up,’ one of the men says in the video. … ‘The cop didn’t say get on the ground. He just kept shooting,’ the man said. … The other contractor told CNN he saw Brown running away from a police car. Brown ‘put his hands up,’ the construction worker said, and ‘the officer was chasing him.’
“The contractor says he saw Wilson fire a shot at Brown while his back was turned. The construction workers said they don’t live in Ferguson and don’t know the Brown family, but their account squares with accounts from several other witnesses ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds damning. If these witnesses are being truthful the cop committed murder.
Yes, I saw that report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Quite damning.
Surprising? Not at all.
Here is something from the NY Times that’s very shocking…
Puddy been saying this for years. Politics. Optics. Legacy!
Remember when libtard DUMMOCRETINS charged President GW Bush with “overstating” the case for War in Iraq? Obummer claims he was erected to end wars. So Obummer pulls out prematurely from Iraq over the Pentagon generals objections!
Remember when libtard DUMMOCRETINS charged President GW Bush with “overstating” the threat of terrorism? Remember the monomaniacal freakazoid crazed cretin and other moronic libtards, screamed terraists, terraists? Well we just saw Obummer back track tonight! More troops in Iraq?
This is probably poll driven. Watch how often Obummer talks about this in the future!
George Bush speech on Iraq July 12, 2007! At least Bush listened to his military advisers while Obummer ignores them.
Remember Joe BiteME claimed Iraq would be one of Obummer’s greatest achievements! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! The great prediction starts at 9:00! It came true in 2013!
Wow another admission…
@ 58, 59
Parroting a standard issue lie does not lend that falsehood any greater level of plausibility.
I think you know this, but you really don’t care.
You humans are doomed. But perhaps a few small furry species will adapt and survive by living underground where it’s cooler.
@60 I state it as, “Endlessly repeating a lie doesn’t make it true.”
@57 “Remember when libtard DUMMOCRETINS charged President GW Bush with ‘overstating’ the threat of terrorism?”
As I recall it was the other way around:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on [terrorism] for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team …. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke … gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism. Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser … submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. … But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. … They never asked me to do anything. … They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. … The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting … no decision was made.” — Sidney Blumenthal, “The Clinton Wars” (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
63 comments, 24 by the personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud.”
The personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud” is slipping. Get him riled up again, guys. he looks more like an unhinged moron at 40+%.
Sorry, dumbass, but the whole world knows Bush and his underlings dropped the ball on terrorism until it was too late, and all the goat petting in the world can’t make that fact go away.
@64 What will happen if I poke him with a stick? Will he get angry and buzz around in circles flaunting his tiny little stinger?
Bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz…….
We all must remember what Darryl said:
You [Puddyidiot] are just too fucking stupid..
and.. we must remember what puddysilly said:
I know you [Darryl] are a smart man
@67 He’s pretty fast, though. That’s why he’s still buzzing around. You can’t quite draw a good enough bead on him to get in a swat that finishes him off for good. Squid ink saves his ass.
Partly squid ink, partly the nature of the internet.
We have something of a community here, but not like in real life…in actual, in person, human interaction, anyone as persistently obnoxious and wrong and abusive would feel all sorts of forms of social shunning. He would eventually take himself away, or the group would behave in ways that precluded his presence.
That, alas, is not possible here.
While there are all sorts of criticism leveled at the rantings of the character ‘puddy’ clearly the person behind the character is getting some form of jollies writing what he writes, and provoking the response he gets. It may be a form of masochism, one his religiosity doesn’t allow him to fulfill in other, um, venues, or one he feels he atones for by hewing concretely to a shrieking right wing agenda while getting off on the abuse. And he gets to do it anonymously, sitting at home in his underwear, or in a latex suit, in a dark room….
Getting another system up remotely and the whackjobs are out in force. It really sucks to see your vaulted leader who laid out a plan then the next day not really!
So let’s be real DUMMOCRETINS… Bush was right… Obummer leaves Iraq and ISIS moves in. Now Obummer today is relying on the AUMF documents Obummer was against in May 2013.
Sux to be you!