This “southern strategy” is going to backfire on the GOP and Faux news in the worst way. Back in 1968, southern black folk didn’t vote much. Decades of terrorism by white folks such as lynchings, arson, bombings and general social intimidation had been up to that point, pretty successful in keeping black folks from the polling booths all over the south and midwest.
In many states, one could not even attempt to run for public office without an endorsement from the Ku Klux Klan. If your postman was a member, he would hide the voter registration cards, if your local sheriff was a member, he would channel information about your political activities to the local chapter of the KKK and if you got too “uppity”, you’d get a midnight visit, often ending with the man of the house, or one of his children being hanged in front of his family to make sure they stayed home on voting day.
This is the new method. It is the same purpose, and the same people as before. However lynchings, while they do still occur occasionally, are very rare. Counties with majority black populations have elected black sheriffs and councilmen. The intimidation against the black folks still exists, but now the strategy is to intimidate the white folks into believing they are under attack by racist terrorist organizations that largely, do not even exist.
“Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Herman Goering, in conversation with Gustav Gilbert, 1945
This is as true now, as it was then. It is the new method of the “southern strategy”. don’t scare the black folks away from the voting booth, scare the white folks into making sure they go, and vote the way they are told, for the only people that are going to “protect” them. This is how the teabaggers are exposed for what they really are: Racist, fascist, and evil.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
You whites are H I L A R I O U S on this “race war”. If there is a race war it’s gonna be started by DUMMOCRAPTS. It’s amazing how the DeadToad displayed some powerful reasoning skillz for the first time EVER when he discussed the keep them uneducated and they’ll be followers. Now this crap above.
Nary a peep from the whitey house or NAACP Ben Jealous on some group of NBPP saying it’s okay to kill cracka babies. Nary a peep on the voter intimidation done by them. Puddy gave Lee extra examples of 2008 voter intimidation by Odumba thugs and these facts passed by HA Libtardos. Yet this was DUMMOCRAPT on DUMMOCRAPT voter intimidation caught on video tape. Well it doesn’t matter cuz it’s DUMMOCRAPTS.
We saw the evidence of how the leftist whackjob blogs attacked ABC News’ Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos over their questioning of Odumba in 2008 about Jeremiah Wright and his “theologies”. And who funded these leftist whack job blogs? George Soros. The links laid out who leads the blogs and where the funding comes from. Puddy thinks George Soros wants a race war to improve his AMerican investments. Oh BTW, George pays no taxes on his investments, but you don’t care cuz he’s on your side. He gets a pass for possible starting a race war. Puddy placed the links for all to read. Don’t believe Puddy, then ask the arschloch! Y’all know he saves every PuddyPost, trying to figger out how to attack Puddy later. He’s still a failure after almost 5 full years. He has the links saved in his personal home HA database game.
No other libtardo MSM questioned Odumba after the original ABC interview. And now we know why the press coronated Odumba. They feared the leftist blogs. We saw how the leftist blogs dictated to the libtardo MSM to call anyone who objected to Odumba’s policies a racist. Bernie Goldberg had it right. They were slobbering all over Odumba, calling anyone who opposed him a racist.
The biggest local call them racists cheer was from the dumb cinder block rujax. Anytime one of us who thinks right called Odumba on one of his stupid policies there was the old dumb cinder block yelling racism. The arschloch has those comments saved too. The racism chant started immediately, not with Republicans, but with peeps who voted for Hilary Clinton. In PA and WVA and Kentucky where Odumba had his ASS handed to him they were called DUMMOCRAPTIC racists for not voting for Odumba. Need to see the links again? Ask the arschloch loonie leftist. He’ll produce them for ya!
Spencer Ackerman, leftist blogger “urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Mr. Ackerman wrote, ‘Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists.’ “
So if any race war happens, it will be from the leftist blogs formenting hatred.
This is why Steve Steve Steve attacks Puddy. Puddy places fact after fact over the Shirley Sherrod incident.
1) GA NAACP taped her event
2) NAACP preznit Ben Jealous was in attendance. Watch the tape at the 45 second mark. She acknowledges him.
3) Sherrod says “I sent him to his own” regarding a poor white farmer.
4) The audiences chuckles over this and other remarks
5) Jealous, who was there displays fauz outrage over the laughing over the racist comments Sherrod made and claims he’ll start an investigation. Well Ben, you were there in March and you said nary a peep.
6) Sherrod admits she thought all rich peeps were white Republicans until she had an epiphany.
7) She then attacks others in the tapes and afterward.
8) GA NAACP controls the tape. Anyone who wants to view it has to get permission from the GA NAACP.
9) Someone from GA NAACP send two snippets to Breitbart. He plays the snippets unedited.
10) She claims Breitbart wants to send blacks back into slavery with no proof. Alinsky 101 tactics.
11) She readily admits she said all those things on tape.
Now Steve Steve Steve has this as his racist attack meme. Then he tells Puddy “You’d tell any lie to defend your masters”. Who are Puddy’s masters Steve Steve Steve? Tell us all about that special yacht club you belong to. When Puddy gave Steve Steve Steve the FireDogLake link Steve Steve Steve didn’t read it because facts destroy his useless argument.
So if a race war happens it will be from you leftists. Every day we’re reminded Odumba is black. Puddy thought he was white because you inherit your “special position” from your mother right Darryl?
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Can’t edit the links after 1 minute now.
Dude, check your med schedule. I think you missed a couple.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Way to lay it out.
Somehow the rootless Atheist Progressives have convinced themselves they are on the cutting edge of every issue and America loves them.
That they are the saviors of the Black Race. Look at the stats on Black teen unemployment.
Over 50%. Anyone who thinks big government can save people needs to look at the old Soviet Union or Cuba. Table scraps…and no hope of being the best you can be.
Ahhhhhhh, but Americans are not fooled forever– Monday, July 26, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
The number who rate taxes as a Very Important voting issue has jumped ten percentage points to 66%. However, that’s still behind the economy (85%), government ethics and corruption (72%) and health care (70%) on the minds of voters. Most voters (58%) still favor repeal of the health care law passed earlier this year. By a 44%-28% margin, voters believe repeal of the health care law would be good for the economy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Speaking of Bullshittum–
ObaMao is now launching a new program called..
What a bonehead.
Republicans & Tea Partiers will lambast him.
Hope & Change has been officially abandoned!!
It’s now THINGS COULD BE WORSE and let’s blame the Republicans.
@4 “Dude, check your med schedule. I think you missed a couple.”
My thoughts exactly. It’s like the guy woke up to an anxiety attack.
@5 “Mr. Cynical spews: Puddy–
Way to lay it out.”
heh- It figures. HA’s resident racist. Where’s Puddy’s other wingman, manoftruth? Puddy and mot did some big-time bonding yesterday.
Puddy’s support group – one hates blacks and the other hates Jews.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Your whimperings of racism to avoid discussing ObaMao’s failed policies is straight out of the Saul Alinsky book of bullshittum.
It won’t work.
ObaMao is also trying it…telling Americans “It is so bad”!
What happened to Hope & Change?
It’s gone in the Septic Tank steve.
We are watching the systematic self-destruction of the rootless Atheist Progressive Movement. Delightful!
This one I wrote in reply to the hatred spewed toward Shirley Sherrod by Puddy over on the Bible thread, calling her a “Nazi and Fascist and Marxist” is worth repeating as it makes Puddy’s head explode.
Your every comment this week was in defense of the indefensible – Brietbart and the rest of the rancid right-wing smear machine that has so obviously put black America in its crosshairs even as the foul stench of Glenn Beck appropriates MLK Jr. Here’s a clue. Your ideological forebears called MLK Jr. a commie nigger. And if he was alive today, your friends would be calling him a “Nazi and Fascist and Marxist” nigger. My, how you right-wing extremists have grown through the years.
You, Puddy, are perversely consumed with hatred. I thought you should know.
The self-loathing Puddy’s response was to attack yet more black people.
I take it back. This site has two resident racists, Puddy and the KLOWN. One white, one black, but they find common ground in their hatred of black Americans.
“steve– Your whimperings of racism”
As though you have any moral standing,
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
You can STFU, KLOWN.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve steve steve-
You are wasting your time.
Here are the issues that matter to real Americans steve.
You never, ever seem to focus on these steve.
Perhaps you are ignorant and can only squeal about racism from your all whitey Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub??
You are a phoney.
Get in that Tollycraft and go to Kuba!
Fidel thinks like you.
You can eat 2 pounds of rice & beans per month and be happy.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The number of U.S. Voters who view the issue of Taxes as Very Important has jumped 10 points from May to its highest level ever in Rasmussen Reports tracking. Still, Taxes rank fourth on a list of 10 issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The economy (85%), government ethics and corruption (72%), and health care (70%) are the top three issues. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of voters view the issue of taxes as Very Important.
Voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on nine out of the 10 key issues. On the issue of taxes, voters trust Republicans over Democrats, 52% to 36%. On the economy, Republicans are also trusted more, 48% to 39%. But voters are not sure which party to trust when it comes to government ethics and corruption.
If steve came up on a seriously injured pedestrian, he would call 9-1-1 and first ask for help with his own hemmorhoids!
A lack of focus steve.
On real issues that matter…you lose.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
They finally caught YLB!!
Bank robber arrested with Klown Pants and fake breasts! Yup, that’s him!
The DOW is up to nearly 10,500 and ObaMao is still in the tank along with his Dem buddies.
Why? The DOW looks ahead.
Investors appear confident the Dems must extend the Bush tax cuts…much to the chagrine of the HA handout bottom-feeders.
And the market also sees the Dems are gonna get smacked in November and in 2012.
Ah yes, the market.
@11:Klynical is right. Klynical is so damn stoopid that you are wasting your time Steve with a total, biased moron who has no ability to understand or analyze anything.
Remember Klynical supported:
The unnecessary Bush war in Iraq.
The Bush fiasco in Afghanistan
Spending over 1 trillion on the unnecessary war.
Bush taking the biggest budget surplus in histropy and turnning it into the largest budget deficit in history – and on top of that causing the biggest economic fall since the great depression.
Deregulation of the mining industry, the oil industry (Klynical posted for drill, baby, drill) and the banking industry. Klynical already forgot what those messes caused.
Obama is simply cleaning up the Bush messes.
Klynical and Puddy either deliberately lie or are too damn stupid to remember what happened recently. Selective memory is a trait of the psychologically impaired.
The only poll that matters is on election day. In the last election, republicans lost in a historical way. Since then, there has not been a single new republican idea. Negative criticism and blocking reforms will only get republicans so far – democrats are now rebounding and the republican lies are being exposed. People are starting to see how the republican lie machine works.
Breitbart, Faux news and their racist supporters like Puddy, Klynical and MOT will eventually be exposed for the lying SOBs that they are.
“Here are the issues that matter to real Americans steve”
Real Americans? Huh? Must be some wingnut code. Oh, I get it, by “Real Americans” you must mean you, Puddy, and the rest of the krazy, hate-filled racist teabaggers.
“Klynical already forgot what those messes caused.”
I do recall how the KLOWN cheered the deaths of American miners, oil platform workers and sea turtles, all sacrificed for the glorious cause of ever-increasing corporate profits and golden parachutes. With this, I reckon their sacrificing some unknown black woman’s career and reputation for their cause shouldn’t be seen as any big deal.
Considering the krazy shit they spew, what else need be said?
@2: Watch Puddy lie, dance and give us the republican lie machine line.
Hahaha – Puddy you fool – what a lot of dancing trying to excuse racists. You sure bend over backwards to lie and excuse racism.
Puddy’s supercilious little points, easily refuted since they are so damn stoopid:
1-7: Huh? Watch the whole tape – it was a story of overcoming racism. Did you not understand that? Are you really that stoopid?
Someone from GA NAACP send two snippets to Breitbart. He plays the snippets unedited
Here is the crux – are real journalist would actually research the story. A real jopurnalist would have contacted Sherrod. A real journalist would have looked at the entire tape before putting it out and a real news network that was unbiased would have checked on the validity before giong public with the tape.
Oh, and Puddy’s other ridiculously laughable points:
The tape was from the NAACP? Hmm, the edited version was already on the internet in March. Liars.
And here is Breitbart lying some more:
KING: When did you come — when did you come into possession of this tape?
BREITBART: In March of this year.
Pretty simple, isn’t it? Question asked; question answered.
Now go to about 2:40 in the video, where John King asks again when he came into possession of the tapes.
KING: If the NAACP is allegedly going to release the entire tape sometime later today, but do you have the entire tape?
BREITBART: We just got it in the mail
Breitbart is lying. Someone he is working with edited the tape to make it look bad. He got caught lyhing again (after the acorn tapes).
Republicans and Faux news ran with the lies claiming false racism. Republicans and Puddy are liars.
@3 “Can’t edit the links after 1 minute now.”
I can see why you would so desperately want to edit that foul load of bile you spewed. Hate black Americans much, Puddy?
Blue Johnspews:
You know puddy, we might take you more seriously if you could spell names correctly. As soon as any post resorts to name calling, the rest of the post gets ignored.
Pudpuller's Wifespews:
Klynical and Puddy either deliberately lie or are too damn stupid to remember what happened recently. Selective memory is a trait of the psychologically impaired.
No, they’re liars. Clumsy, inartful liars. They’re amateur liars, lying on behalf of professional liars. Klynical and Pudpuller are just lying sluts.
Wingnuts have strange values. They give much love to some white guy named Sharansky for scamming the government out of $225,000, and yet would turn and rabidly hate on an unemployed black woman, a hapless victim of their failed ideology, for collecting a $400 unemployment check.
Pudpuller: An Oreo made of synthetic chocolate flavored kookies with gooey kracker filling.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Steve @ 22–
Apparently you don’t believe in Open Government and the rule of Law. Stefan got the money because King Kounty stonewalled him for a legitimate Public Records request.
Pure & simple.
You are soooooo torn up by ObaMao’s downfall, all you have left is to attack those who disagreed with ObaMao. Never put forth a cogent argument on an issue.
Just cry “racist” and other sophomoric sideshows.
But hey, you have your Alderbrooke KK membership with lots of white guys, your Tollycraft and you were Kommadore of the Yacht KLUB. You’ve got yours steve.
Why not give it away if you feel guilty?
I thought so…it’s easier to focus on others than write a check.
@18 “Watch the whole tape – it was a story of overcoming racism. Did you not understand that? Are you really that stoopid?”
A majority of America has moved progressively forward on race because of the quiet courage of people like Shirley Sherrod. Today there are those who would examine her life searching for flaws and imperfections in an effort to judge and destroy her. I side with those who look at this remarkable and courageous woman and find inspiration and hope.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually steve, I believed ObaMao over-reacted without all the facts and should not have fired her.
However, once Shirley hit the talk show circuit, questioning her past actions & statements is fair game. Some folks are interested in her past statements…and they should be viewed in full context. Perhaps she has changed her KKK Byrd did. That’s good.
Racism is a card the Dems are desperately forced to use because the majority of voters disagree with the policies & laws they have passed.
Steve, your always jumping to the hot, sideshow rhetoric to avoid the issues. I know that. The record is clear. I suppose I could go back and post about 5,000 of your most hollow posts…but what purpose would it serve?
It’s about the economy, Afghanistan, Massive Deficit Spending, ObaMao appointees….those are real issues.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, here is how PRO-BUSINESS Gregoire and the Washington Democrat Regime are–
Unemployment insurance cost increasing more than 40 percent in 2011
Representatives of the Employment Security Department (ESD) testified to the State Senate and House Labor Committees last week that the average employer unemployment insurance tax will likely rise from this year’s 2.39 percent to 3.36 percent in 2011. Along with an increase in the taxable wage base, this means an approximately 42 percent increase in unemployment insurance costs for employers.
This ought to really help encourage job-making in the private sector.
The result of years of Union lobbying to create unsustainable benefits in Unemployment, Workers Comp, State Employee Pensions & Benefits is really shining bright for us to see.
“However, once Shirley”
Wingnut reasoning. You smear her. She defends herself. Now a firing-on-all-cylinders wingnut smear campaign is justified. What’s next? Equating Shirley Sherrod to the KKK?
“Perhaps she has changed her KKK”
Clynical @ 13 is not claiming that the rising Dow is a sign of Republican victory.
RIIIIGHT. Using the Dow this way has long been Clynical & his fellow wingnuts method of attacking Obama & Democrats, trying to manipulate numbers to mean anything he wants it to mean. Talk about being a Spin Doctor!!!! Remember that in the fall of 2009 Clynical (and/or his wingnut buddies) were predicting the complete collapse of the stock market as investors cashed out in anticipation of an Obama presidency!
What he wants you to forget is that when Bush left office the DJIA was 8,281.22, after a 27.78% drop in value over the eight years of the Bush administration. This wasn’t a temporary drop, by the way – the DJIA was down 82.13 points at the end of his FIRST term of office.
In contrast, so far in Obama’s term, the DJIA has risen 26.51% (as of 11:45 PDT today), to 10.476.78. So anyone selling their stocks upon Obama’s innaugeration missed out.
Following Cynical’s investment advice has got to be the fastest way to the poor house yet.
@2 ou whites are H I L A R I O U S on this “race war”.
like i said on other threads, its not whites but mostly jews who fan the flame of racism.
The desperation gets greater & greater.
Can you imagine ObaMao carrying a sidearm and saying “Vote for Me”?
It won’t work. The Dems have a long, negative history of comments & positions that are anti-Gun Rights.
It will be fun to watch Patty Murray trying to lift a Browning M2 .50 caliber machine gun?
She’d be crushed.
26. Mr. Cynical spews:
Racism is a card the Dems are desperately forced to use because the majority of voters disagree with the policies & laws they have passed.
And this from the racist who posted a joke about black people being terrified of actually working righ there on HA.
Steve, got Mr. Cynical’s racist joke handy?
Mr. Cynical talking about racisim is like a Klansmen calling the Aryan Nation Brotherhood a bunch of racists.
Precious, aint it?
gbs, if you dont use racism as a tool, then explain to me how its racist to not want people to come here illegaly?
GBS @32 “Steve, got Mr. Cynical’s racist joke handy?”
I got ya covered @10. But it’s always worth repeating.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
steve, you know whats really sad about that joke, you liberals think that racist jokes are worse than murders, rapes, robberies, tax evasion, that is everything. too bad we have a society where words cause such a problem.
“steve, you know whats really sad about that joke, you liberals think that racist jokes are worse than murders, rapes, robberies”
Do I tell you what you think, mot? Klynical’s joke was racist and I repost it whenever he shits his thoughts about race. No, the racist joke he shared is not more important than murder, rape and robberie. Nobody here has expressed that thought in any way but you. But please understand this, I believe racism left unchecked can certainly lead to murders, rapes and robberies. Further, I believe in standing against racism, even if it’s as small a gesture as slamming the KLOWN.
How about you, mot? What do you think?
Doc Daneekaspews:
“Anyone who thinks big government can save people needs to look at…”
the Columbia Basin Project;
the TVA;
the Farm Service Agency price support programs;
the Interstate highway system;
the original GI Bill’s VA home loan guarantees;
But, of course, these “successful” programs almost exclusively favored white people.
@36 Further, I believe in standing against racism, even if it’s as small a gesture as slamming the KLOWN.
How about you, mot? What do you think?
steve, what do i think? i agree with everything you at 36, and i’m not being sarcastic.
the things you left out however is the enormous time, resources and suppresion of free expression (eg employee hires, don imus like issues, henry gates type issues etc).
it just never ends.
“it just never ends.”
Things do get taken to excess, mot. Progressives do that too. And goodness lacking wisdom can certainly result in bad things happening, or at least unintended consequences, in spite of whatever good intentions folks might have had. Say, like the job quotas that evolved out of equal opportunity. I saw quite a bit of abuse of that one. One form of what I call abuse of quotas I would see was where a white non-professional wife would take over the ownership of her white husband’s professional business. She wouldn’t know anything about the firm’s business but her, heh- owning the firm qualified that firm (of white people) for minority status and contracts. Yeah, and so-called progressives were as capable of pulling that shit as were conservatives.
by the way, if you want to see a real potrait of the state of this country, watch repo man, the tv show.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Just got back in and lo and behold incorrectneverbright farts a real large turd
2: Watch Puddy lie, dance and give us the republican lie machine line.
What lie machine line fool. FireDogLake figgered it out.
1) Since when did Glenn Beck shape Odumba internal policy? Maybe Glenn should display some hidden Odumba video so he can get fired. Wait a minute… Joe Biden would be preznit. No thanks.
2) Glenn Beck didn’t show it on TV Monday night.
3) Did you see the smackdown Chris Wallace gave Howard Deaniac?
Butt… don’t take Puddy’s word. Since no one grows a pair to ask the arschloch here’s the Left Wing Mediaite… maybe they can know some sense into neverbrightoright!
BTW dummy almost all 11 points are covered by them too! So they are Republican thought masters too?
Such a moron!
Well he is stupid and does stupid even better.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
20. Blue John spews: You know puddy, we might take you more seriously if you could spell names correctly. As soon as any post resorts to name calling, the rest of the post gets ignored.
That’s nice Blue John. Here’s the deal since you forgot the deal. When Puddybud first arrived on HA Puddybud wrote everyone’s real name down in responses.
Butt, Puddybud was called everything in the book FIRST other than Puddybud. Ask the arschloch. He has every name used by fools like Zotz — headless lucy and his 61 known names now. Now since Puddy has taken renaming too a new level because Puddy is creative, butt you seem to get really dense over HA history. So either you are a kook-aid drinker and reader or you can get educated with many truths placed on this blog by Puddy.
Your call dude!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
I fail to see why we are still talking about FOX’s role in the firing. No serious person has ever claimed that FOX had that role.</blockquoteNo serious peoples butt that doesn't include the HA libtardos. They are not serious!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
I fail to see why we are still talking about FOX’s role in the firing. No serious person has ever claimed that FOX had that role.
No serious peoples butt that doesn’t include the HA libtardos. They are not serious!
“When Puddybud first arrived on HA Puddybud wrote everyone’s real name down in responses.”
Puddy’s mama was telling me just last night that Puddy was actually capable of writing in the first person before she accidently (so she says) dropped him on his head. Very sad, that head drop, don’t you think?
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Steve Steve Steve,
Mama long dead and gone fool. Still going to seances. Trying to talk to the dead. Getting lied to and dismissed as always. What does the Bible say Steve Steve Steve?
Heh. This fiend is too funny. I’ve had a links report working for a few weeks now and now that I’ve tagged 84.5 percent of the comments, I ran the report on our favorite troll – junkshot.
So this is what we’re dealing with so far:
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot -C’
| count |
| 27051 |
1 row in set
So now we run the report on the links left by junkshot and ask ourselves the following pertinent question:
What one domain has junkshot linked to
more than rushlimbaugh?
more than townhall?
more than rassmussenreports?
more than wingnut daily?
more than zombietime?
more than weeklystandard?
more than michellemalkin?
more than heritage?
more than opinionjournal?
more than cnsnews?
more than newsmax?
more than the torygraph?
more than nationalreview?
more than washingtontimes?
more than realclearpolitics?
more than foxnews?
more than nypost???
Yep – you guessed it!
82 links to that lying, race-baiting asshole – the prince of the teabaggers.
Great sources of information there junkshot!
Yep – you guessed it!
Now that’s just too funny.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
So what? Run the same search on yourself. Prove you didn’t link to Daily Kooks more than anything else.
Can you say Research2000?
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Oh arschloch is that the best you can do sitting on your ASS all day and night?
P I T I F U L!
Oh and when Breitbart receives more direct from the NAACP snippets Puddy will watch them to. Just like FireDogLake!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
How many monomaniacals is it now arschloch?
How many ask the arschloch’s is it now arschloch?
Just ask the monomaniacal arschloch… he’ll tell you!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Absolutely nothing redeeming in that mass of protoplasm! Just another useless old progressive who’s seen his better days.
“Oh and when Breitbart receives more direct from the NAACP snippets Puddy will watch them to. Just like FireDogLake!”
You mean this FireDogLake?
“Rachel Maddow performed another fine public service last night by connecting the dots on the various Fox News stories designed to convince white people to be afraid of blacks and minorities.”
Geez, Puddy, the dots are now connected. Why does your favorite news organization want white people to be afraid of black people?
Critics of the blog have called it (and its followers) “Daily Kooks” since at least July 2007.
In 2009, Time magazine listed the Daily Kos in its “Most Overrated Blogs”
Overrated, that assumes you rate on this blog.
Pffffffffft!!!! Still the wondermoron!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Wait a minute wondermoron arschloch…
#47 sez
What one domain has junkshot linked to
more than rushlimbaugh?
more than townhall?
more than rassmussenreports?
more than wingnut daily?
more than zombietime?
more than weeklystandard?
more than michellemalkin?
more than heritage?
more than opinionjournal?
more than cnsnews?
more than newsmax?
more than the torygraph?
more than nationalreview?
more than washingtontimes?
more than realclearpolitics?
more than foxnews?
more than nypost???
Yep – you guessed it!
Then the arschloch writes in #54…
Yeah Breitbart is eighth on the list of domains junkshot links to the most.
As all can see another in the long list of HA “home database search failures” produced by the wondermoron arschloch.
1) Your vaulted programming skillz SUCK
2) Your database has issues
3) You have mental issues
4) Yo’re an EPIC FAIL
5) All of the above
The answer is ………… [5]
Such a moronic twit, can’t get facts correct ever and Steve Steve Steve, as stupid as ever, is playing wondermoron’s “sidekick” now.
Way to go Lib tard doh!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
How will the arschloch pay for li’l arschloch’s trade skuul?
Do you tell Mrs arschloch you’re home “writing code” when you are doing this?
Why do you like to lie to Mrs arschloch?
Mrs Puddy knows what Puddy does. Also Mrs Puddy has met some HA Libtardos. Has Mrs arschloch seen the crowd “you hang with” fool?
60 – Yeah and those right wing bullshit domains are listed in the reverse order of frequency you’ve linked to them – limbaugh being 10 times and Breitbart being 82.
And 57?
I don’t know a website by that name fiend. AFAIK it doesn’t exist.
Try a name I know. Ok I embellished a bit in the list of domains you’ve linked to but it’s OVERWHELMINGLY ACCURATE.
And I’m telling the truth – the domain I’ve linked to THE MOST is tinyurl. The second most is HA and the third is youtube. Reality sucks doesn’t it asshole?
and 55 is too precious..
I’m a DISTANT #3 to your #2 fool. I spend plenty of time with my family. How much time did it take to spew your extra 13 THOUSAND or so comments?
This is your legacy fiend. Thanks again for playing.
@42: The short Puddy crapola:
People called me names (wahwahwah, whining), so then I call everyone else names.
Hmm, and Puddy claims to be a Christian. Wopuld a real Christian act like that, NO.
He sounds and acts like an immature child.
Oh, and you did not refute a single thing I put out there….but that is the usual case. Breitbart and Faux news are liars.
Oh, and Vilsack over-reacted and then fixed it.
Big deal.
The liars are the right wing media machine and Puddy.
And your reading comprehension sucks too fool. Did I ever say Breitbart was first?
I told the truth fool! You link to right wing bullshit. You’ve linked to all those domains I listed and MORE (probably a lot of wingnut blogs under the wordpress domain). You TRY to hide it with links to MSM but you read right wing bullshit and you wallow in it and you bring it here just like all the other zombies.
Long time ago I told you – there’s no need to make shit up. Your record speaks for itself.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Fool aka arschloch. Puddy uses the MSM WAY MORE than you do fool. That’s why YOU WON’T post your Daily Kooks web usage.
1) ha – Goldy should be proud
2) wapo – libtardo MSM
3) youtube – everyman’s stuff
4) nytimes – libtardo msm
It proves how much of a scum sucking kook-iad drinker you are.
Prove Puddy wrong. I DARE YOU fool.
Wait for it… The arschloch don’t take orders… Guess that means Puddy is right AGAIN!
Thanks for playing sucka!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Well the incorrectnotbright ad hominem attack against Puddy demonstrates another weak sauce argument formula!
1) ha – feckless attacks on people you hate
2) wapo – directed there by right wing bs sites
3) youtube – ugly videos to taunt lefties
4) nytimes – see 2
Truly I was SHOCKED that you link to Breitbart more than any other right wing bullshit site.
Over Murdoch/Scaife/Moon/pajamas media and other bullshit like that.
But it makes perfect sense.
Breitbart is the most angry, the most resentful, the most vicious right winger who’ll stop at nothing to destroy what he hates.
You really relate to a guy like that.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Yeah arschloch using tiny URL to hide your Daily Kook-aid links. You couldn’t live 3 days in the don’t use Daily Kooks challenge let alone the + 90 days Puddy didn’t use Free Republic. Puddy noticed FP wasn’t in your list. So much for that argument years ago.
Butt here’s an all time Puddy favorite
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
YLB – Yelling Libby Blatherer – I trust Daily Kos™ AKA
YLB – Yelling Loser Bozo – Media Matters is always right ™ AKA
YLB – I use tinyURL to hide the real links ™ AKA
YLB – M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of One Working Brain Cell ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. ™ AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified ™ AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me ™ AKA
YLB – The Democratic Underground is the mainstream view ™ AKA
YLB – Moving toy making to Asia “Maybe their competitors were doing it?” ™
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Markos Moulitsas is the most angry, the most resentful, the most vicious left winger who’ll stop at nothing to destroy what he hates.
And you drink his kook-aid everyday!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Daily Kooks is the source of left wing bullshit the arschloch has linked to the most.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
1) ha – Goldy should be proud
2) wapo – libtardo MSM
3) youtube – everyman’s stuff
4) nytimes – libtardo msm
1) ha – feckless attacks on people you hate
2) wapo – directed there by right wing bs sites
3) youtube – ugly videos to taunt lefties
4) nytimes – see 2
Yeah, it is a pretty good list. Nice of you to point that out.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Puddy don’t act like a stationary arschloch. Peeps at DL have met Puddy. Even Roger Rabbit said Puddy was a nice guy in person. You are 100% pink haired pasty smiling arschloch.
Just a freaking hemorrhoid online. What is that called???
Uhhh. Schizophrenic maybe?
So when are you gonna man up, Puddy, and mosey on over to the Westneat thread and explain to the world how your “white nigger” comment was “twisted”? I’ve been waiting for you. heh- We both know why you refuse to go there, don’t we?
This “southern strategy” is going to backfire on the GOP and Faux news in the worst way. Back in 1968, southern black folk didn’t vote much. Decades of terrorism by white folks such as lynchings, arson, bombings and general social intimidation had been up to that point, pretty successful in keeping black folks from the polling booths all over the south and midwest.
In many states, one could not even attempt to run for public office without an endorsement from the Ku Klux Klan. If your postman was a member, he would hide the voter registration cards, if your local sheriff was a member, he would channel information about your political activities to the local chapter of the KKK and if you got too “uppity”, you’d get a midnight visit, often ending with the man of the house, or one of his children being hanged in front of his family to make sure they stayed home on voting day.
This is the new method. It is the same purpose, and the same people as before. However lynchings, while they do still occur occasionally, are very rare. Counties with majority black populations have elected black sheriffs and councilmen. The intimidation against the black folks still exists, but now the strategy is to intimidate the white folks into believing they are under attack by racist terrorist organizations that largely, do not even exist.
This is as true now, as it was then. It is the new method of the “southern strategy”. don’t scare the black folks away from the voting booth, scare the white folks into making sure they go, and vote the way they are told, for the only people that are going to “protect” them. This is how the teabaggers are exposed for what they really are: Racist, fascist, and evil.
You whites are H I L A R I O U S on this “race war”. If there is a race war it’s gonna be started by DUMMOCRAPTS. It’s amazing how the DeadToad displayed some powerful reasoning skillz for the first time EVER when he discussed the keep them uneducated and they’ll be followers. Now this crap above.
Nary a peep from the whitey house or NAACP Ben Jealous on some group of NBPP saying it’s okay to kill cracka babies. Nary a peep on the voter intimidation done by them. Puddy gave Lee extra examples of 2008 voter intimidation by Odumba thugs and these facts passed by HA Libtardos. Yet this was DUMMOCRAPT on DUMMOCRAPT voter intimidation caught on video tape. Well it doesn’t matter cuz it’s DUMMOCRAPTS.
We saw the evidence of how the leftist whackjob blogs attacked ABC News’ Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos over their questioning of Odumba in 2008 about Jeremiah Wright and his “theologies”. And who funded these leftist whack job blogs? George Soros. The links laid out who leads the blogs and where the funding comes from. Puddy thinks George Soros wants a race war to improve his AMerican investments. Oh BTW, George pays no taxes on his investments, but you don’t care cuz he’s on your side. He gets a pass for possible starting a race war. Puddy placed the links for all to read. Don’t believe Puddy, then ask the arschloch! Y’all know he saves every PuddyPost, trying to figger out how to attack Puddy later. He’s still a failure after almost 5 full years. He has the links saved in his personal home HA database game.
No other libtardo MSM questioned Odumba after the original ABC interview. And now we know why the press coronated Odumba. They feared the leftist blogs. We saw how the leftist blogs dictated to the libtardo MSM to call anyone who objected to Odumba’s policies a racist. Bernie Goldberg had it right. They were slobbering all over Odumba, calling anyone who opposed him a racist.
The biggest local call them racists cheer was from the dumb cinder block rujax. Anytime one of us who thinks right called Odumba on one of his stupid policies there was the old dumb cinder block yelling racism. The arschloch has those comments saved too. The racism chant started immediately, not with Republicans, but with peeps who voted for Hilary Clinton. In PA and WVA and Kentucky where Odumba had his ASS handed to him they were called DUMMOCRAPTIC racists for not voting for Odumba. Need to see the links again? Ask the arschloch loonie leftist. He’ll produce them for ya!
So if any race war happens, it will be from the leftist blogs formenting hatred.
This is why Steve Steve Steve attacks Puddy. Puddy places fact after fact over the Shirley Sherrod incident.
1) GA NAACP taped her event
2) NAACP preznit Ben Jealous was in attendance. Watch the tape at the 45 second mark. She acknowledges him.
3) Sherrod says “I sent him to his own” regarding a poor white farmer.
4) The audiences chuckles over this and other remarks
5) Jealous, who was there displays fauz outrage over the laughing over the racist comments Sherrod made and claims he’ll start an investigation. Well Ben, you were there in March and you said nary a peep.
6) Sherrod admits she thought all rich peeps were white Republicans until she had an epiphany.
7) She then attacks others in the tapes and afterward.
8) GA NAACP controls the tape. Anyone who wants to view it has to get permission from the GA NAACP.
9) Someone from GA NAACP send two snippets to Breitbart. He plays the snippets unedited.
10) She claims Breitbart wants to send blacks back into slavery with no proof. Alinsky 101 tactics.
11) She readily admits she said all those things on tape.
Now Steve Steve Steve has this as his racist attack meme. Then he tells Puddy “You’d tell any lie to defend your masters”. Who are Puddy’s masters Steve Steve Steve? Tell us all about that special yacht club you belong to. When Puddy gave Steve Steve Steve the FireDogLake link Steve Steve Steve didn’t read it because facts destroy his useless argument.
So if a race war happens it will be from you leftists. Every day we’re reminded Odumba is black. Puddy thought he was white because you inherit your “special position” from your mother right Darryl?
Can’t edit the links after 1 minute now.
Dude, check your med schedule. I think you missed a couple.
Way to lay it out.
Somehow the rootless Atheist Progressives have convinced themselves they are on the cutting edge of every issue and America loves them.
That they are the saviors of the Black Race. Look at the stats on Black teen unemployment.
Over 50%. Anyone who thinks big government can save people needs to look at the old Soviet Union or Cuba. Table scraps…and no hope of being the best you can be.
Ahhhhhhh, but Americans are not fooled forever–
Monday, July 26, 2010
Speaking of Bullshittum–
ObaMao is now launching a new program called..
What a bonehead.
Republicans & Tea Partiers will lambast him.
Hope & Change has been officially abandoned!!
It’s now THINGS COULD BE WORSE and let’s blame the Republicans.
Our President is INSANE!
@4 “Dude, check your med schedule. I think you missed a couple.”
My thoughts exactly. It’s like the guy woke up to an anxiety attack.
@5 “Mr. Cynical spews: Puddy–
Way to lay it out.”
heh- It figures. HA’s resident racist. Where’s Puddy’s other wingman, manoftruth? Puddy and mot did some big-time bonding yesterday.
Puddy’s support group – one hates blacks and the other hates Jews.
Your whimperings of racism to avoid discussing ObaMao’s failed policies is straight out of the Saul Alinsky book of bullshittum.
It won’t work.
ObaMao is also trying it…telling Americans “It is so bad”!
What happened to Hope & Change?
It’s gone in the Septic Tank steve.
We are watching the systematic self-destruction of the rootless Atheist Progressive Movement. Delightful!
This one I wrote in reply to the hatred spewed toward Shirley Sherrod by Puddy over on the Bible thread, calling her a “Nazi and Fascist and Marxist” is worth repeating as it makes Puddy’s head explode.
The self-loathing Puddy’s response was to attack yet more black people.
I take it back. This site has two resident racists, Puddy and the KLOWN. One white, one black, but they find common ground in their hatred of black Americans.
“steve– Your whimperings of racism”
As though you have any moral standing,
You can STFU, KLOWN.
steve steve steve-
You are wasting your time.
Here are the issues that matter to real Americans steve.
You never, ever seem to focus on these steve.
Perhaps you are ignorant and can only squeal about racism from your all whitey Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub??
You are a phoney.
Get in that Tollycraft and go to Kuba!
Fidel thinks like you.
You can eat 2 pounds of rice & beans per month and be happy.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
If steve came up on a seriously injured pedestrian, he would call 9-1-1 and first ask for help with his own hemmorhoids!
A lack of focus steve.
On real issues that matter…you lose.
They finally caught YLB!!
Bank robber arrested with Klown Pants and fake breasts! Yup, that’s him!
Too Damn Funny.
The DOW is up to nearly 10,500 and ObaMao is still in the tank along with his Dem buddies.
Why? The DOW looks ahead.
Investors appear confident the Dems must extend the Bush tax cuts…much to the chagrine of the HA handout bottom-feeders.
And the market also sees the Dems are gonna get smacked in November and in 2012.
Ah yes, the market.
@11:Klynical is right. Klynical is so damn stoopid that you are wasting your time Steve with a total, biased moron who has no ability to understand or analyze anything.
Remember Klynical supported:
The unnecessary Bush war in Iraq.
The Bush fiasco in Afghanistan
Spending over 1 trillion on the unnecessary war.
Bush taking the biggest budget surplus in histropy and turnning it into the largest budget deficit in history – and on top of that causing the biggest economic fall since the great depression.
Deregulation of the mining industry, the oil industry (Klynical posted for drill, baby, drill) and the banking industry. Klynical already forgot what those messes caused.
Obama is simply cleaning up the Bush messes.
Klynical and Puddy either deliberately lie or are too damn stupid to remember what happened recently. Selective memory is a trait of the psychologically impaired.
The only poll that matters is on election day. In the last election, republicans lost in a historical way. Since then, there has not been a single new republican idea. Negative criticism and blocking reforms will only get republicans so far – democrats are now rebounding and the republican lies are being exposed. People are starting to see how the republican lie machine works.
Breitbart, Faux news and their racist supporters like Puddy, Klynical and MOT will eventually be exposed for the lying SOBs that they are.
“Here are the issues that matter to real Americans steve”
Real Americans? Huh? Must be some wingnut code. Oh, I get it, by “Real Americans” you must mean you, Puddy, and the rest of the krazy, hate-filled racist teabaggers.
“Klynical already forgot what those messes caused.”
I do recall how the KLOWN cheered the deaths of American miners, oil platform workers and sea turtles, all sacrificed for the glorious cause of ever-increasing corporate profits and golden parachutes. With this, I reckon their sacrificing some unknown black woman’s career and reputation for their cause shouldn’t be seen as any big deal.
Considering the krazy shit they spew, what else need be said?
@2: Watch Puddy lie, dance and give us the republican lie machine line.
Hahaha – Puddy you fool – what a lot of dancing trying to excuse racists. You sure bend over backwards to lie and excuse racism.
Puddy’s supercilious little points, easily refuted since they are so damn stoopid:
1-7: Huh? Watch the whole tape – it was a story of overcoming racism. Did you not understand that? Are you really that stoopid?
Here is the crux – are real journalist would actually research the story. A real jopurnalist would have contacted Sherrod. A real journalist would have looked at the entire tape before putting it out and a real news network that was unbiased would have checked on the validity before giong public with the tape.
Oh, and Puddy’s other ridiculously laughable points:
The tape was from the NAACP? Hmm, the edited version was already on the internet in March. Liars.
And here is Breitbart lying some more:
Breitbart is lying. Someone he is working with edited the tape to make it look bad. He got caught lyhing again (after the acorn tapes).
Republicans and Faux news ran with the lies claiming false racism. Republicans and Puddy are liars.
@3 “Can’t edit the links after 1 minute now.”
I can see why you would so desperately want to edit that foul load of bile you spewed. Hate black Americans much, Puddy?
You know puddy, we might take you more seriously if you could spell names correctly. As soon as any post resorts to name calling, the rest of the post gets ignored.
No, they’re liars. Clumsy, inartful liars. They’re amateur liars, lying on behalf of professional liars. Klynical and Pudpuller are just lying sluts.
Wingnuts have strange values. They give much love to some white guy named Sharansky for scamming the government out of $225,000, and yet would turn and rabidly hate on an unemployed black woman, a hapless victim of their failed ideology, for collecting a $400 unemployment check.
Pudpuller: An Oreo made of synthetic chocolate flavored kookies with gooey kracker filling.
Steve @ 22–
Apparently you don’t believe in Open Government and the rule of Law. Stefan got the money because King Kounty stonewalled him for a legitimate Public Records request.
Pure & simple.
You are soooooo torn up by ObaMao’s downfall, all you have left is to attack those who disagreed with ObaMao. Never put forth a cogent argument on an issue.
Just cry “racist” and other sophomoric sideshows.
But hey, you have your Alderbrooke KK membership with lots of white guys, your Tollycraft and you were Kommadore of the Yacht KLUB. You’ve got yours steve.
Why not give it away if you feel guilty?
I thought so…it’s easier to focus on others than write a check.
@18 “Watch the whole tape – it was a story of overcoming racism. Did you not understand that? Are you really that stoopid?”
A majority of America has moved progressively forward on race because of the quiet courage of people like Shirley Sherrod. Today there are those who would examine her life searching for flaws and imperfections in an effort to judge and destroy her. I side with those who look at this remarkable and courageous woman and find inspiration and hope.
Actually steve, I believed ObaMao over-reacted without all the facts and should not have fired her.
However, once Shirley hit the talk show circuit, questioning her past actions & statements is fair game. Some folks are interested in her past statements…and they should be viewed in full context. Perhaps she has changed her KKK Byrd did. That’s good.
Racism is a card the Dems are desperately forced to use because the majority of voters disagree with the policies & laws they have passed.
Steve, your always jumping to the hot, sideshow rhetoric to avoid the issues. I know that. The record is clear. I suppose I could go back and post about 5,000 of your most hollow posts…but what purpose would it serve?
It’s about the economy, Afghanistan, Massive Deficit Spending, ObaMao appointees….those are real issues.
Hey, here is how PRO-BUSINESS Gregoire and the Washington Democrat Regime are–
Unemployment insurance cost increasing more than 40 percent in 2011
This ought to really help encourage job-making in the private sector.
The result of years of Union lobbying to create unsustainable benefits in Unemployment, Workers Comp, State Employee Pensions & Benefits is really shining bright for us to see.
“However, once Shirley”
Wingnut reasoning. You smear her. She defends herself. Now a firing-on-all-cylinders wingnut smear campaign is justified. What’s next? Equating Shirley Sherrod to the KKK?
“Perhaps she has changed her KKK”
Clynical @ 13 is not claiming that the rising Dow is a sign of Republican victory.
RIIIIGHT. Using the Dow this way has long been Clynical & his fellow wingnuts method of attacking Obama & Democrats, trying to manipulate numbers to mean anything he wants it to mean. Talk about being a Spin Doctor!!!! Remember that in the fall of 2009 Clynical (and/or his wingnut buddies) were predicting the complete collapse of the stock market as investors cashed out in anticipation of an Obama presidency!
What he wants you to forget is that when Bush left office the DJIA was 8,281.22, after a 27.78% drop in value over the eight years of the Bush administration. This wasn’t a temporary drop, by the way – the DJIA was down 82.13 points at the end of his FIRST term of office.
In contrast, so far in Obama’s term, the DJIA has risen 26.51% (as of 11:45 PDT today), to 10.476.78. So anyone selling their stocks upon Obama’s innaugeration missed out.
Following Cynical’s investment advice has got to be the fastest way to the poor house yet.
ou whites are H I L A R I O U S on this “race war”.
like i said on other threads, its not whites but mostly jews who fan the flame of racism.
Now the desperate Dems are trying to court Gun Rights groups. Hysterical!
The desperation gets greater & greater.
Can you imagine ObaMao carrying a sidearm and saying “Vote for Me”?
It won’t work. The Dems have a long, negative history of comments & positions that are anti-Gun Rights.
It will be fun to watch Patty Murray trying to lift a Browning M2 .50 caliber machine gun?
She’d be crushed.
And this from the racist who posted a joke about black people being terrified of actually working righ there on HA.
Steve, got Mr. Cynical’s racist joke handy?
Mr. Cynical talking about racisim is like a Klansmen calling the Aryan Nation Brotherhood a bunch of racists.
Precious, aint it?
gbs, if you dont use racism as a tool, then explain to me how its racist to not want people to come here illegaly?
GBS @32 “Steve, got Mr. Cynical’s racist joke handy?”
I got ya covered @10. But it’s always worth repeating.
steve, you know whats really sad about that joke, you liberals think that racist jokes are worse than murders, rapes, robberies, tax evasion, that is everything. too bad we have a society where words cause such a problem.
“steve, you know whats really sad about that joke, you liberals think that racist jokes are worse than murders, rapes, robberies”
Do I tell you what you think, mot? Klynical’s joke was racist and I repost it whenever he shits his thoughts about race. No, the racist joke he shared is not more important than murder, rape and robberie. Nobody here has expressed that thought in any way but you. But please understand this, I believe racism left unchecked can certainly lead to murders, rapes and robberies. Further, I believe in standing against racism, even if it’s as small a gesture as slamming the KLOWN.
How about you, mot? What do you think?
the Columbia Basin Project;
the TVA;
the Farm Service Agency price support programs;
the Interstate highway system;
the original GI Bill’s VA home loan guarantees;
But, of course, these “successful” programs almost exclusively favored white people.
Further, I believe in standing against racism, even if it’s as small a gesture as slamming the KLOWN.
How about you, mot? What do you think?
steve, what do i think? i agree with everything you at 36, and i’m not being sarcastic.
the things you left out however is the enormous time, resources and suppresion of free expression (eg employee hires, don imus like issues, henry gates type issues etc).
it just never ends.
“it just never ends.”
Things do get taken to excess, mot. Progressives do that too. And goodness lacking wisdom can certainly result in bad things happening, or at least unintended consequences, in spite of whatever good intentions folks might have had. Say, like the job quotas that evolved out of equal opportunity. I saw quite a bit of abuse of that one. One form of what I call abuse of quotas I would see was where a white non-professional wife would take over the ownership of her white husband’s professional business. She wouldn’t know anything about the firm’s business but her, heh- owning the firm qualified that firm (of white people) for minority status and contracts. Yeah, and so-called progressives were as capable of pulling that shit as were conservatives.
by the way, if you want to see a real potrait of the state of this country, watch repo man, the tv show.
Just got back in and lo and behold incorrectneverbright farts a real large turd
What lie machine line fool. FireDogLake figgered it out.
1) Since when did Glenn Beck shape Odumba internal policy? Maybe Glenn should display some hidden Odumba video so he can get fired. Wait a minute… Joe Biden would be preznit. No thanks.
2) Glenn Beck didn’t show it on TV Monday night.
3) Did you see the smackdown Chris Wallace gave Howard Deaniac?
Butt… don’t take Puddy’s word. Since no one grows a pair to ask the arschloch here’s the Left Wing Mediaite… maybe they can know some sense into neverbrightoright!
BTW dummy almost all 11 points are covered by them too! So they are Republican thought masters too?
Such a moron!
Well he is stupid and does stupid even better.
That’s nice Blue John. Here’s the deal since you forgot the deal. When Puddybud first arrived on HA Puddybud wrote everyone’s real name down in responses.
Butt, Puddybud was called everything in the book FIRST other than Puddybud. Ask the arschloch. He has every name used by fools like Zotz — headless lucy and his 61 known names now. Now since Puddy has taken renaming too a new level because Puddy is creative, butt you seem to get really dense over HA history. So either you are a kook-aid drinker and reader or you can get educated with many truths placed on this blog by Puddy.
Your call dude!
No serious peoples butt that doesn’t include the HA libtardos. They are not serious!
“When Puddybud first arrived on HA Puddybud wrote everyone’s real name down in responses.”
Puddy’s mama was telling me just last night that Puddy was actually capable of writing in the first person before she accidently (so she says) dropped him on his head. Very sad, that head drop, don’t you think?
Steve Steve Steve,
Mama long dead and gone fool. Still going to seances. Trying to talk to the dead. Getting lied to and dismissed as always. What does the Bible say Steve Steve Steve?
Heh. This fiend is too funny. I’ve had a links report working for a few weeks now and now that I’ve tagged 84.5 percent of the comments, I ran the report on our favorite troll – junkshot.
So this is what we’re dealing with so far:
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot -C’
| count |
| 27051 |
1 row in set
So now we run the report on the links left by junkshot and ask ourselves the following pertinent question:
What one domain has junkshot linked to
more than rushlimbaugh?
more than townhall?
more than rassmussenreports?
more than wingnut daily?
more than zombietime?
more than weeklystandard?
more than michellemalkin?
more than heritage?
more than opinionjournal?
more than cnsnews?
more than newsmax?
more than the torygraph?
more than nationalreview?
more than washingtontimes?
more than realclearpolitics?
more than foxnews?
more than nypost???
Yep – you guessed it!
82 links to that lying, race-baiting asshole – the prince of the teabaggers.
Great sources of information there junkshot!
Now that’s just too funny.
So what? Run the same search on yourself. Prove you didn’t link to Daily Kooks more than anything else.
Can you say Research2000?
Oh arschloch is that the best you can do sitting on your ASS all day and night?
P I T I F U L!
Oh and when Breitbart receives more direct from the NAACP snippets Puddy will watch them to. Just like FireDogLake!
How many monomaniacals is it now arschloch?
How many ask the arschloch’s is it now arschloch?
Just ask the monomaniacal arschloch… he’ll tell you!
Absolutely nothing redeeming in that mass of protoplasm! Just another useless old progressive who’s seen his better days.
“Oh and when Breitbart receives more direct from the NAACP snippets Puddy will watch them to. Just like FireDogLake!”
You mean this FireDogLake?
“Rachel Maddow performed another fine public service last night by connecting the dots on the various Fox News stories designed to convince white people to be afraid of blacks and minorities.”
Geez, Puddy, the dots are now connected. Why does your favorite news organization want white people to be afraid of black people?
Yeah Breitbart is eighth on the list of domains junkshot links to the most.
What’s 1-7?
1) ha
2) wapo
3) youtube
4) nytimes
5) blogspot (lots of wingnut blogs)
6) google (shit like this)
7) yahoo
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~ylb -C’
| count |
| 14756 |
1 row in set
Yeah that’s the best I can do – Mr 27K (at least).
Uhhh. Junkshot I’ve never linked to that.
Take your meds fiend. Your delusions are getting the better of you.
The domain I’ve linked to the most is tinyurl.
Stuff like this:
You never linked to Daily Kooks? Here’s your response when called on that…
Urban Dictionary arschloch…
Daily Kooks
Critics of the blog have called it (and its followers) “Daily Kooks” since at least July 2007.
In 2009, Time magazine listed the Daily Kos in its “Most Overrated Blogs”
Overrated, that assumes you rate on this blog.
Pffffffffft!!!! Still the wondermoron!
Wait a minute wondermoron arschloch…
#47 sez
Then the arschloch writes in #54…
As all can see another in the long list of HA “home database search failures” produced by the wondermoron arschloch.
1) Your vaulted programming skillz SUCK
2) Your database has issues
3) You have mental issues
4) Yo’re an EPIC FAIL
5) All of the above
The answer is ………… [5]
Such a moronic twit, can’t get facts correct ever and Steve Steve Steve, as stupid as ever, is playing wondermoron’s “sidekick” now.
Way to go Lib tard doh!
How will the arschloch pay for li’l arschloch’s trade skuul?
Do you tell Mrs arschloch you’re home “writing code” when you are doing this?
Why do you like to lie to Mrs arschloch?
Mrs Puddy knows what Puddy does. Also Mrs Puddy has met some HA Libtardos. Has Mrs arschloch seen the crowd “you hang with” fool?
Heh… What a reaction.
I’d say “Dr Pavlov thanks you” but that’d be too cliche.
Thanks for playing is good enough.
60 – Yeah and those right wing bullshit domains are listed in the reverse order of frequency you’ve linked to them – limbaugh being 10 times and Breitbart being 82.
And 57?
I don’t know a website by that name fiend. AFAIK it doesn’t exist.
Try a name I know. Ok I embellished a bit in the list of domains you’ve linked to but it’s OVERWHELMINGLY ACCURATE.
And I’m telling the truth – the domain I’ve linked to THE MOST is tinyurl. The second most is HA and the third is youtube. Reality sucks doesn’t it asshole?
and 55 is too precious..
I’m a DISTANT #3 to your #2 fool. I spend plenty of time with my family. How much time did it take to spew your extra 13 THOUSAND or so comments?
This is your legacy fiend. Thanks again for playing.
@42: The short Puddy crapola:
People called me names (wahwahwah, whining), so then I call everyone else names.
Hmm, and Puddy claims to be a Christian. Wopuld a real Christian act like that, NO.
He sounds and acts like an immature child.
Oh, and you did not refute a single thing I put out there….but that is the usual case. Breitbart and Faux news are liars.
Oh, and Vilsack over-reacted and then fixed it.
Big deal.
The liars are the right wing media machine and Puddy.
Bottom line:
Breitbart is the source of right wing bullshit junkshot has linked to the most.
Like attracts like. Miserable, angry right wing tool attracts the same.
Oh my! How could I have missed sludgereport and newsbusters (Brent ‘hozell’s site)? That should have been listed right after limbaugh.
Must have been late.
And your reading comprehension sucks too fool. Did I ever say Breitbart was first?
I told the truth fool! You link to right wing bullshit. You’ve linked to all those domains I listed and MORE (probably a lot of wingnut blogs under the wordpress domain). You TRY to hide it with links to MSM but you read right wing bullshit and you wallow in it and you bring it here just like all the other zombies.
Long time ago I told you – there’s no need to make shit up. Your record speaks for itself.
Fool aka arschloch. Puddy uses the MSM WAY MORE than you do fool. That’s why YOU WON’T post your Daily Kooks web usage.
1) ha – Goldy should be proud
2) wapo – libtardo MSM
3) youtube – everyman’s stuff
4) nytimes – libtardo msm
It proves how much of a scum sucking kook-iad drinker you are.
Prove Puddy wrong. I DARE YOU fool.
Wait for it… The arschloch don’t take orders… Guess that means Puddy is right AGAIN!
Thanks for playing sucka!
Well the incorrectnotbright ad hominem attack against Puddy demonstrates another weak sauce argument formula!
1) ha – feckless attacks on people you hate
2) wapo – directed there by right wing bs sites
3) youtube – ugly videos to taunt lefties
4) nytimes – see 2
Hey junkshot,
Truly I was SHOCKED that you link to Breitbart more than any other right wing bullshit site.
Over Murdoch/Scaife/Moon/pajamas media and other bullshit like that.
But it makes perfect sense.
Breitbart is the most angry, the most resentful, the most vicious right winger who’ll stop at nothing to destroy what he hates.
You really relate to a guy like that.
Yeah arschloch using tiny URL to hide your Daily Kook-aid links. You couldn’t live 3 days in the don’t use Daily Kooks challenge let alone the + 90 days Puddy didn’t use Free Republic. Puddy noticed FP wasn’t in your list. So much for that argument years ago.
Butt here’s an all time Puddy favorite
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
YLB – Yelling Libby Blatherer – I trust Daily Kos™ AKA
YLB – Yelling Loser Bozo – Media Matters is always right ™ AKA
YLB – I use tinyURL to hide the real links ™ AKA
YLB – M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of One Working Brain Cell ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. ™ AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified ™ AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me ™ AKA
YLB – The Democratic Underground is the mainstream view ™ AKA
YLB – Moving toy making to Asia “Maybe their competitors were doing it?” ™
Markos Moulitsas is the most angry, the most resentful, the most vicious left winger who’ll stop at nothing to destroy what he hates.
And you drink his kook-aid everyday!
1) ha – Goldy should be proud
2) wapo – libtardo MSM
3) youtube – everyman’s stuff
4) nytimes – libtardo msm
Good try. It was your list MOE-RON!
Yawnn. You’ve posted like 13 THOUSAND more comments than I have
I would think you’ve posted more links of many types.
Especially right wing bullshit..
What a tiresome dumbass..
You posted 7 links to there. My threshold was 10. I figured Limbaugh would be a good starting point.
Want the whole list?
1) ha – feckless attacks on people you hate
2) wapo – directed there by right wing bs sites
3) youtube – ugly videos to taunt lefties
4) nytimes – see 2
Yeah, it is a pretty good list. Nice of you to point that out.
Never heard of that website. Just like maybe you’ve never heard of birther news daily or the torygraph.
I’ll correct myself on that score.
You’ve linked to wnd and telegraph well over 10 times respectively!
like you’re a stranger to that..
You’ve done that 72 times.
Is a guy who appears on national tv shows with establishment right wingers like George Will.
He’s nothing like a hateful scumbag like Breitbart.
Breitbart can only dream of having a website as successful and well-read as the one Markos has built.
Shit even Goldy used it to get that empty-suited schmuck Brownie fired.
Is Puddy getting his freak on?
Breitbart can only dream of having a website as successful and well-read as the one Markos has built.
Yeah Right arschloch…
See ya FOOL!
80 – Yeah he freaked out when found out his favorite right wing bullshit websites, his goto sites, are the ones Breitbart runs.
It was hilarious. Couldn’t have been more well-timed.
BTW arschloch Time is left wing.
See ya, as Puddy will NEVER want to be ya!
81 – Any mention of Breitbart?
Of course the traditional media knocks blogs any chance they get. They’re a threat!
How dumb are you?
Freaked out by the two HA freak shows?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Anything to the left of Breitbart is left-wing to you.
Yep. Stay away a bit longer why don’t you?
Why? I have a great laugh at your baby picture every time I see it. Keep posting so I can keep laughing!
Yep went to first person personal on purpose!
Yawn.. Projecting.. It’s a picture of a baby troll.
Like you.
“I have a great laugh at your baby picture every time I see it.”
So whatever happened to your little brown bowling ball avatar? Did you get tired of people laughing at it?
Nope Puddy doesn’t look like that at all arschloch. It’s you all over!
Sure.. You just act like it.
Puddy don’t act like a stationary arschloch. Peeps at DL have met Puddy. Even Roger Rabbit said Puddy was a nice guy in person. You are 100% pink haired pasty smiling arschloch.
He don’t surf either.
Oh! You’re a nice guy in person!
Just a freaking hemorrhoid online. What is that called???
Uhhh. Schizophrenic maybe?
So when are you gonna man up, Puddy, and mosey on over to the Westneat thread and explain to the world how your “white nigger” comment was “twisted”? I’ve been waiting for you. heh- We both know why you refuse to go there, don’t we?
Yawnnn.. Gotta go…
Wow Steve Steve Steve,
Puddy writing right now, be right there fool!