All jokes aside, this story is quite important. We have a Supreme Court Justice who lied to get on the Court (his former girlfriend’s memoir will now find a publisher because of his wife’s telephone call to Anita Hill–isn’t that ironic?), now being exposed for what he is. George Bush the First wanted to portray his party as non-racist, so he picked Thomas for the Court. Utterly unqualified, untested, unprepared. For the highest court in the nation. He was picked solely because of his skin color. He is also the most conservative member of the Supreme Court, to the right of even Scalia and Alito. He is of the same constitutional view as our HA friend, lost. Impeachment, perhaps, for lying to Congress?
But Ms. McEwen said she knew a different Clarence Thomas, one whom she recognized in the 1991 testimony of Ms. Hill, who claimed that he had repeatedly made inappropriate sexual comments to her at work, including descriptions of pornographic films.
Yep, that Thomas family is deservedly a teabagging wonder.
“Democrats are not voting at as high rates as they did in 2008, but they are voting at higher rates [than Republicans] in early voting,” said Michael McDonald, a George Mason University associate professor who specializes in voter behavior.
Olbermann should leave the satirical skits to John Stewart & Company.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
How early & often in 1956 did Steve’s RFK vote for Democrats Adlai Stevenson and Tennessee Estes rhp Kefauver?
[A] Once, and rather late, but rather late than never
[B] Once per precinct in several precincts
[C] Early & often in many precincts in several states
Woodrow Wilson is an exile from the hearts of his people. The betrayal of his ideals makes him the most pathetic figure in the world. No man in public life in American history ever retired so thoroughly discredited, so scathinlyh rebuked, so overwhelmingly impeached and repudiated as Woodrow Wilson.
[A] Glenn Beck
[B] Juan Williams
[C] manoftruth
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
Everybody knows that Franklin D. Roosevelt = Rufus T. Firefly. Everybody knows that FDR …
* Lied about Haiti’s constitution in 1920
* Lied about the Marine Massacre in Haiti in 1920
* Lied about the sodomy scandal at Portsmouth
* Lied about coercing 16-year-old sailors at Newport into luring homosexuals into entrapment
* Admitted that he’d cut so many corners and broken so many laws working for Woodrow Wilson that he could have been put away for 999 years
* Loudly asserted that the best candidate for president in 1920 was Herbert Hoover
* Encouraged a Hoover-FDR ticket in 1920 with (ahem) Hoover on top
* Did nothing in 1920 or later to push Democrats away from their pro-lynching politics of personal destruction
* Did nothing in 1920 to discourage the Democrat slime machine that was trying to terrify America into voting against its First Black President, Warren G. Harding
The 2010 Republican congressional platform is BS, and ThinkProgress has yet another specific example in Pennsylvania House GOP candidate Mike Kelly.
MODERATOR: Projections suggest that our national debt is approaching $14 trillion. Recent media reports suggest candidates across the country, from both parties, have been very vague about what they would do about the debt. Let’s break that trend and look at some specifics here. […] Could you please tell us what specific savings; where would you find massive cuts in the federal budget?
KELLY: Sure, I’ll address that, and I’ll address it very specifically. […] Absolutely, there’s stuff to be cut. What is it right now? I can’t tell you.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
scathinlyh rebuked = scathingly rebuked
This same racist teabagger also scathingly said:
I am a Bolshvik, and proud of it. … Comrades of the Russian Soviet and the Bolshevik Republic, we salute and honor you … We pledge you … to strive with all our energy to emulate your inspiring example by abolishing our imperialistic capitalism, driving our plutocratic expoliters and oppressors from power and extablishing the working class republic, the Commonwealth of Comrades.
Tell those cowards to keep well away from the gome of ****** ****** ****. By God! If any of them so much as puts a foot on my property, I will shoot him dead.
This racist teabagger, who was a leftist saint but not a Democrat or a dummy, also said:
“I shall not be disappointed as the people will get what they think they want,” he sneered, “in so far as they think at all.”
But once again, he betrayed contempt for the masses he professed to love so much: “The great body of people do not progress of their own volition. They do not think for themselves, but follow their so-called leaders. They do not move until they are moved by the very conditions created by their own ignorance and stupidity.”
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
gome = home
If you were capable of seeing politicians as the opportunistic salesmen they are in your own party as well, you’re cherry picking might be interesting.
I’m no fonder of many of the R candidates this year than you, though for different reasons. Properly run, this election year could have returned control of both houses of Congress to Republicans. Moderate rational experienced candidates could have used voter backlash at just how far left our country is travelling to put the brakes on Obamas inane policies. Instead, Sharon Angle is making Reid look viable. O’Donnel is making a race out of what should have been a Republican win. In key races across the country safe Republican wins have turned doubtful or toss-ups.
Republicans will likely win back the House and send Ms. Pelosi packing as speaker. I’m glad of that. But the Senate could also have swung if this election cycle had been properly managed by Republicans.
Darn, I thought this thread might have Lost actually apologizing for wishing that FDR had been hung and that he burn in hell for all eternity, rather than his apology for letting his mask of civility slip. My bad.
Hmm, not your best choice, HNMT. As RFK considered Adlai a weak “pointy-headed liberal”, he probably voted just once while holding his nose. And as for Kefauver, RFK might have thought, “That could have been Jack!”
But I forgive you.
Speaking of Jack and Bobby, I wonder if Lost thinks they should have been hung as well. After all, the right-wing extremists of the time called them traitors too.
Good morning Steve,
Nice to see you too.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The more ImamObaMao speaks…the worse it gets (for the Democrats)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
The California and Pennsylvania Senate races are both getting closer. The Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power summary projects Democrats with 48 seats, Republicans with 46, and six Toss-Ups (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Washington). Republicans lead by nine percentage points on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
Self-destruction by ImamObaMao…or self-preservation?? He is killing the Progressive Movement. It’s beyond belief really.
Now Patty Murray has Illegal Aliens running around to get out the vote???
I told you a$$holes once you got in power thru venomous attacks you needed to transition to LEADERS with thick skins.
You have totally blown it in 2 F—ing years.
This is priceless.
I can’t wait for Rossi’s commercial on this one.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
Brother Steve –
Would you believe … that Steve’s RFK considered Adlai a weak “pointy-headed liberal” and voted just once for …
Eisenhower-Dick. That would be the same Dick to whom JFK in 1950 and maybe 1952 hand-delivered campaign contributions.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
I know it’s early for Bible Study, but the secular leftist Bolshevik saint who threatened to blow away anybody coming near his property was … ****** ****** ****, Eugene Victor Debs.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
And what about those New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Goldyburbia Philadelphia, @15?
Knowing Adlai was a lost cause, he might have looked ahead and wrote in his brother’s name. heh- But I’m pretty sure he didn’t think to write in LBJ for Veep.
Of course, the animus wouldn’t come for another few years.
According to DeFazio, Roberts hasn’t stood by his own doctrine. He pointed to former Justice John Paul Stevens’s dissent in the case, in which he said the Citizens United case was not properly brought before the Supreme Court. “This procedure is unusual and inadvisable for a court,” Stevens said of the process. “Our colleagues’ suggestion that ‘we are asked to reconsider Austin and, in effect, McConnell,” ante, at 1, would be more accurate if rephrased to state that ‘we have asked ourselves’ to reconsider those cases.”
“Justice Stevens makes the point that Roberts decided a case that wasn’t even before the Court, and invited the issue before the Court,” said DeFazio. “It was the most extraordinary condemnation I’ve ever read of a perverted majority on the Supreme Court, at least in recent years.”
There are a few good Dems out there.
Did I ever tell you how I went to a Black Panther Party party one night in the summer of 1969? Dour dudes, I tell you, although through the years they managed to lighten up a bit. They all agreed that my own black leather jacket was quite stylish. I got to see my old friend, the “Minister of Defense”, at my HS reunion last year. heh- He ended up working in the Seattle court system all these years.
I’m sure this is the kind of Republican a KLOWN would support.
Lisa Allen, the woman who was 14 years old in 1991 when she was assaulted by Flanagan, had this to say about the incident:
“Perry knew what Flanagan did, he had to hear me screaming and crying,” Allen wrote. “Instead of helping me, Jeff Perry denied anything happened.”
Again we have the idiot Psycho-KLOWN and his daily dose of Rasmussen,
“Presidential Approval Index rating of -19”
Indeed, Psycho-KLOWN, we’re all so disappointed that we didn’t get single-payer and Cheney in prison that we’re all gonna vote for Republican pervs this time around. Bank on it.
Savor these words-
Former speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
At least she lives in the state. That’s more than we can say for you, Klown, and your Cayman Islander corporate supporters.
You mean, since this lady has a book to sell on her salacious gossip, she must be acting in complete good faith?
Gee, I thought in this country we got the benefit of a civil or criminal trial before being assumed guilty. Unless the person doesn’t share our politics, apparently.
Blue Johnspews:
Gee, I thought in this country we got the benefit of a civil or criminal trial before being assumed guilty. Unless the person doesn’t share our politics, apparently.
Oh, if only that were true. I know they have not done it for a while, but remember when they used to lynch black people before trial?
How about in Arizona where anyone who is not white, is considered an illegal until they provide their papers?
tits-up with that?spews:
(T)he tea party saved the Republican Party. In a broad sense, the tea party rescued it from being the fat, unhappy, querulous creature it had become, a party that didn’t remember anymore why it existed, or what its historical purpose was. The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself. …
The tea party did something the Republican establishment was incapable of doing: It got the party out from under George W. Bush.
– Peggy Noonan, WSJ today
Rabbitless commentary: HNMT didn’t see this coming. Two years ago the GOP was gone baby gone and smelled dead baby dead. Assumed then that every last elephant was indeed the very last elephant, and that they or it was shuffling off to the tar pits to die. We’re suddenly looking very spry for a corpse.
Goal. Score.
proud leftistspews:
Clarence Thomas is guilty as hell. Any reasonable person watching Anita Hill’s testimony at his confirmation hearing, and observing his angry performance, knew damned well who was telling the truth and who was lying. This woman just confirms what we already knew. Thomas disgraces the robes he wears. His paleolithic jurisprudence, wingnut politics, and profound hypocrisy combine to render him one of the least qualified individuals to ever serve as a federal judge, let alone as a Supreme Court Justice.
tits-up with that?spews:
We need to face facts — our government is broke. Washington is borrowing 37 cents of every dollar it spends from our kids and grandkids. Given that, I think it’s reasonable to ask why Congress is spending taxpayers’ money to support a left-wing radio network—and in the wake of Juan Williams’ firing, it’s clearer than ever that’s what NPR is.
You mean, since this lady has a book to sell on her salacious gossip, she must be acting in complete good faith?
Have any proof she’s lying? Her book will not be the first about Thomas’ behavior. Another well-regarded book came out in nineties written by a couple of WAPO reporters if memory serves.
Gee, I thought in this country we got the benefit of a civil or criminal trial before being assumed guilty. Unless the person doesn’t share our politics, apparently.
I wasn’t aware that being boorish was a crime. Even in the workplace you’re merely subject to dismissal or disciplinary action. Maybe not then in the golden age of Raygun but certainly now.
Now is Thomas guilty of perjuring himself in front of the Senate? I can’t recall if he explicitly denied Anita Hill’s charges or not. His behavior, boorish or not, was not explicitly relevant to his qualifications for the job – beyond calling into question his judgement. If it comes down to he said, she said of course that’s no basis for a prosecution of any sort.
RE 31
Thomas may not be the brightest justice ever. He may not possess the finest legal mind. He may not ever write a great treatise on our law and it’s derivations as Holmes did.
But he is entitled to a fair hearing just like you or I would be. He is entitled to have statements made of him be proveable and accurate, if only out of respect for his position whatever you feel about the man.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
[John] Kennedy also accused the Republicans of creating a missile gap with the Soviets — thus showing that perhaps it was the Republicans who were soft on Communism … His charge turned out to be true; there was a missile gap — the United States had two thousand and the Russians had only sixty-seven …
Kennedy at that point was the most rational of men, carrying on the most irrational of policies. In the late fall of 1961, Kennedy decided to up the ante in the ongoing but still relatively low-key guerrilla war in Vietnam. … His was the most dangerous of moves geopolitiallcy even if at first it was a limited commitment of advisory and support troops …
(T)he Kennedy administration had done something extrememly dangerous when it increased the larger mission to Vietnam; it corrupted the truth to suit its political needs for short-term political profit … the policy never worked. Never. Therefore, to compensate for the failure to produce the desired results in the field, the Kennedy administration soon created something quite extraordinaly — a giant lying machine …
– David Halberstam, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War, 2007
Democrats. Best & brightest. Giant lying machine.
Any questions?
Re 33
Well that’s perfect isn’t it. We aren’t trying to convict the man of anything. So any amount of slander, inuendo and general smear tactics are just fine?
BTW, I didn’t claim to know anything about this latest book or its author. I merely state what is factual. A memoir about a public servant who seems to have had a distinguished career won’t sell books. A memoir which details nasty allegations about a sitting Supreme Court justice? That might just be a recipe for book sales.
Uncle Thomasspews:
Here we go again. Tolerant compassionate libs saying or implying that Clarence Thomas is Scalia’s lawn jockey.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Of course to the goat loving proud leftist farted this story upsets his apple cart. It’s just one of many in the PuddyArchives ready to be unleashed when needed.
And to add more fuel to the fire… When Clarence Thomas speaks, he doesn’t need a TOTUS Teleprompter of the United States to be erected for him to read speeches. Of course Odumba said this…
“I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas. I don’t think that he, I don’t think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation. Setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretation of a lot of the Constitution.”
Well we now see Odumba isn’t a strong enough thinker at all for being the US preznit. China and South Korea have thumbed their noses at Odumba and are doing gang buster business with Iran. So much for letting the UN deal with it huh libtardos?
Butt here is where the rubber meets the road… So let’s see…
Thomas grew up in Georgia and was educated at the College of the Holy Cross and at Yale Law School. In 1974, he was appointed an Assistant Attorney General in Missouri and subsequently practiced law there in the private sector. In 1979, he became a legislative assistant to Missouri Senator John Danforth and in 1981 was appointed Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Thomas Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and he served in that position until 1990, when President George H. W. Bush nominated him for a seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
– From WikiPedia the leftist web encyclopedia!
Yet there’s more
Upon his appointment, Thomas was generally perceived as joining the conservative wing of the Court, voting most frequently with Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice Scalia.[84] Though most Justices, including Marshall, whom he was replacing, immediately welcomed Thomas, law clerks of some liberal justices viewed him with contempt, questioning his qualifications and intellectual heft.[85] Legal reporter Jan Crawford Greenburg says that pundits’ portrayal of Thomas as Antonin Scalia’s understudy was grossly inaccurate – she says that from early on, it was more often Scalia changing his mind to agree with Thomas, rather than the other way around.[86][87] On the other hand, Greenburg suggests that the forcefulness of Thomas’s views pushed Justices Souter, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Anthony Kennedy away.[86]
Just two paragraphs unless of course you are the Bunny, then you can copy everything.
BTW leftist Puddy apologizes, Puddy saw the Proud and thought it was leftist speak… well it was similar in cadence, style and psychobabble. So again Puddy apologizes!
proud leftistspews:
So, Thomas has strong opinions, what’s that supposed to prove? All it tells me is what I already–the man’s thinking is rigid, inflexible, unwavering. In short, he doesn’t listen, he doesn’t grow.
About Vietnam? To escalate the fight against the commies?
The HNMT is condemning this???
Taking the position of Chomsky! Wow! The more things change the more they stay the same with some people!
proud leftistspews:
Hey, fellow HA’ers, we have a special treat for you today. Over the years, members of the Academy have received many requests for background information concerning, and personal insights into, past winners of the Troll of the Week Award (aka the Golden Goat). I guess such requests suggest that HA’ers, like Americans in general, have a ravenous hunger to know all about celebrities. To sate this hunger, the Academy has decided to present an occasional series entitled, “Get to Know Your Golden Goat Winners.” While the series does aim to entertain, we’d also hope that the series helps all of us understand the wingnut mind. Our inaugural feature (this is so much fun!) focuses on a day-in-the-life of one of our most endearing and enduring trolls—two-time Goat winner, Mr. Cynical (aka Klynical, Klown, Cynny, Dicksquat). To help you all get inside his head, below is set forth a typical day for Cynny:
7:42 a.m. – Roll out of bed in Flintstones pajamas and put on bunny slippers.
7:43 a.m. – Grab remote control for bedroom television and turn on Fox News.
7:45 a.m. – Wander to kitchen, grab remote for kitchen television and turn on Fox News.
7:47 a.m. – Brew up some hot cocoa with marshmallows, pour a bowl of Frosted Flakes, drink some prune juice straight out of the bottle, then sit down to eat.
8:04 a.m. – Head to bathroom for morning constitutional, turn on Rush radio, drop trou and conduct exhaustive search for dick. Upon locating said dick, issue weak stream of pee then sit down.
8:32 a.m. – Go back to bedroom, shed pjs and put on Glenn Beck t-shirt and coveralls, stare at television.
8:57 a.m. – Pretend to have wife and loving family.
9:20 a.m. – Go to living room, grab remote and turn on Fox News.
9:22 a.m.. – Turn on computer (screensaver is of a young goat eating a copy of The Nation magazine), head to internet. Click on DailyWingnutTalking Dutifully write down the day’s talking points and put in pocket. Click on photo of Ann Coulter. Click on and copy day’s polling. Click on Type capital-letter gibberish and paste Rasmussen selection.
10:37 a.m. – Upon locating them, scratch balls.
10:39 a.m. – Turn up volume of television as feature entitled “Tea Party Wit and Wisdom” comes on.
11:04 a.m. – Put on socks and sandals.
11:07 a.m. – Go to the shed out back to “feed” the goat. Eww.
12:26 p.m. – Exit shed, buckle up coveralls, go to mailbox. Sort through stack of wingnut fundraising solicitations and—what’s this?—oh, boy! This month’s issue of Contemporary Goat magazine!
12:30 p.m. – Head back inside, flop on couch to watch Juan Williams whine on Fox News.
12:40 p.m. – Go to kitchen for lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Lay’s potato chips, and chocolate milk.
1:12 p.m. – Back to computer. Click on Wingnuttia listserve to inquire what the day’s nickname for Obama is and whether he is to be called a fascist or socialist today. Move to to paste selections from Wingnuttia. Call a few thoughtful people “KLOWNS.”
2:48 p.m. – Go to bedroom with copy of Contemporary Goat, shut door, crawl into bed for nap with stuffed goat, “Billy.”
3:53 p.m. – Wake and head to bathroom. Conduct another exhaustive search for dick, then take another weak leak.
4:06 p.m. – Open medicine cabinet. Wash down blood pressure and anti-anxiety medications with Metamucil, then pop little blue pill.
4:09 p.m. – Plop down on couch to scream at television set as a photo of Obama appears.
4:16 p.m. – Telephone rings! Oh. “Hello, Mr. Cynical, this is Teabag Central. We are confirming that you will again be making a donation of 10% of your disability check to our PAC.”
4:22 p.m. – Pretend to have a wife and loving family.
4:44 p.m. – Pop up and head back outside to “feed” the goat. Ugh.
5:58 p.m. – Go back inside while whistling “Dixie” and buckling up coveralls.
6:02 p.m. – Sit down at computer. Engage in email contest with Puddy to see who can come up with the most nicknames for progressive HA’ers and for Obama, with number of capital letters used to be the tiebreaker.
6:41 p.m. – Click on DailyWingnutTalkingPoints to see if any instructions have changed for the day.
7:01 p.m. – Click on to post some capital letters and exclamation points and to paste what he found on DWTP.
7:14 p.m. – Prepare meal of Kraft macaroni and cheese, canned peas, toasted Wonder bread, milk, and Oreos.
7:30 p.m. – Eat meal while watching Bill O’Reilly.
7:42 p.m. – Telephone rings! Oh. “This is a computer-generated call from Rasmussen polling . . .”
8:02 p.m. – Finish meal, then head outside to “bid adieu” to the goat. Yuk.
8:54 p.m. – Head back inside, leaving coveralls unbuckled. Back on computer. Click on and post the same post he’d posted for 67 straight days. Call some thoughtful people “KLOWNS.”
9:18 p.m. – Turn off computer and televisions. Head to bathroom for bedtime ritual.
9:36 p.m. – Put on Flintstones pajamas. Get down on knees, bow head, fold hands, and pray that the next two years be a disaster for the United States, with domestic terrorist attacks, a worsened economy, and natural disasters so that Obama will not get reelected.
9:41 p.m. – Crawl into bed and cuddle up with Billy. Leave bedside light on.
9:43 p.m. – Close eyes and ponder why Christine O’Donnell hasn’t responded to his love letters.
Well, there you have it, folks. A day-in-the-life of Cynny. Pretty revealing, if not exciting, I would say.
heh- I’d say I’m only surprised to learn that he ever bothers to change out of his Flintstone pajamas.
Oh, and his full name is Psycho-KLOWN. I call him KLOWN for short.
With this outburst of hate, I’d say that Lost has nailed the goat for the second time in as many months.
FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged.
Reviling FDR as a man and politician is just and appropriate. I regret nothing I said about him or his legacy.
The nanny state on steroids that that traitorous son of a bitch created, and Johnson enlarged, has most likely caused the slow death of this nation, and for that I can’t and won’t forgive the man. May he rest in flames.
He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.
I despise FDR and everything that miserable anti American socialist bastard stood for
And I am completely unashamed of it.
“Nailed the goat” heh- It’s only a figure of speech, KLOWN. No need to go check the barn. I’m sure the goat would rather you didn’t anyway.
proud leftistspews:
Given lost’s level of hatred for FDR, you’d think the man had molested him as a child or something. It is telling how hatred of this nature is such a wingnut ideological building block. GWB took this country to the brink of complete disaster, but I can’t say I hate the man, and I surely would not wish eternal damnation upon him. Hate is truly a Republican value.
proud leftistspews:
I think he sheds the pajamas because he tries to look presentable to the goat.
Bizarro Lostspews:
Clarence Thomas is scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would be hanged.
Reviling Thomas as a man and Judicial Activist is just and appropriate. I regret nothing I say about him or his legacy.
The corporate state on steroids that that traitorous son of a bitch is creating, and that Roberts is enlarging, has most likely caused the slow death of this nation, and for that I can’t and won’t forgive the man. May he rest in flames.
He is a traitor. He is scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.
I despise Thomas and everything that miserable anti American corporatist bastard stands for.
And I am completely unashamed of it.
Sorry, Steve, I shouldn’t have called you a queer while fantasizing about lynching FDR. It lessened my erection, and for that I am sorry.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
proud leftist @ 41–
You should be spending your time calling for Democrats than wasting your time on nonsense.
Once again, you cannot discuss issues (like the Democrats) and resort to stupidity.
You have BLOWN it. The Progressive Movement is D-E-A-D.
Your lunacy is the last gasp.
Puddy–They seem to be taking this ass-kicking as expected (heads blowing up).
Remember 2 years ago how they were going to really give it to us?
They forgot 1 key economic point…
Rich folks have options and do not have to invest in jobs.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Excellent article about what is at stake in this election….and 2012 (when ImamObaMao is up and so are 23 out of 33 Senate seats!)
Steve @ 43 – I think we should create a special award just for lost. We can call it the Golden Dildo Award, and he can go fuck himself with it.
@46 Oh, that’s good.
It really is rather disturbing to realize the high level of hatred seething inside of Lost.
I disliked Bush. Damn, he reminded so much of his coke-dealing cousin who I roomed with in Boulder. But I never called President Bush names and I grew tired of those on the left who called him “Chimp”. It struck me that they were wrong in stooping to the level of a KLOWN, although I understood their frustrations. After all, it was President Bush who, in my opinion, nearly ruined this country. But this hate inside Lost is some hardcore shit. I asked Lost the other day if he believes that President Obama is a traitor, assuming that if he did, that he would want him hung and burning in hell like he did for FDR. Lost avoided the question and never answered, which I found telling. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if hatred for the current president, along with a desire to see him hung for treason and to then burn in hell, is what he thinks and feels.
Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day
By Dave Johnson
October 22, 2010 – 1:07pm ET
There are a number things the public “knows” as we head into the election that are just false. If people elect leaders based on false information, the things those leaders do in office will not be what the public expects or needs.
Here are eight of the biggest myths that are out there:
“You should be spending your time calling for Democrats than wasting your time on nonsense”
Hey, we’ve already voted three times each, as well as having stuffed the ballot box with the votes of dead people and dogs. And you want us to do more?
@51 I suspect Lost has already figured out how to use the Goat in that fashion. Same with the KLOWN, as it it was coated with dried-up shit when he returned it after his second win.
proud leftistspews:
Cynny @ 48
I could be on the telephone or knocking on doors to try to get out the vote, but bashing trolls is my patriotic duty and calling. Moreover, do you honestly believe that you “discuss” issues and do not “resort to stupidity?” Sorry, Cynny.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Proud Leftist… Your words
Utterly unqualified, untested, unprepared. For the highest court in the nation. He was picked solely because of his skin color.
Picked apart and proven wrong.
Also he doesn’t listen to others? Sounds like some leftists on the court. But that’s A-OK cuz they are leftists. Like the Kelo decision eh proud leftist?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Wowo rujax, you almost copied a useful article. Of course Goldy allows moronic libtardos to copy whole articles and Darryl must have pity on you.
The funny thing is the references from your fool’s blog are old links back in March and April. The latest is the Porkulus bill didn’t save jobs. OdumbaCare will cost more than $1.1Trillion, etc. etc. etc.
That’s pretty fucking funny. As I was deleting the copy-n-paste stuff from Rujax above (sorry Rujax!), I thought, “hmmm…I wonder if Puddy will be whine about Rujax’s post.”
I scroll down, and…sure as shit.
Puddy…here’s some advice for you: QUIT YOUR FUCKING WHINING, YA PUSSY!
S’ok…I kinda thot I was on thin ice there but some others (from others) slipped thru when you weren’t lookin I guess.
There are a number things the public “knows” as we head into the election that are just false. If people elect leaders based on false information, the things those leaders do in office will not be what the public expects or needs.
Here are eight of the biggest myths that are out there:
Oh…sorry Darryl, you did a better job editing than I did…LOL.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 57
Many jurists–many of the best of them, actually–have evolved in their jurisprudence while serving on the Supreme Court. Recent examples would include Harry Blackmun, John Paul Stevens, and David Souter. Clarence Thomas, however, has proven to be a brick wall when it comes to his jurisprudence. Nothing penetrates. He asks no questions from the bench and his votes and opinions show no variance. He is a rigid rightwing vote for the same horseshit his wife lobbies for with her Teabag nonprofit. He is a disgrace, a complete disgrace.
Is there an abortion-provider murder conspiracy in the U.S.?
by Gaius Publius on 10/24/2010 03:06:00 PM
As part of the promo for her October 25 special “The Assassination of Dr. Tiller”, Rachel Maddow presented a series of Wanted posters on abortion providers who were subsequently murdered in the early Clinton years. At one point she asks, “Do you want to see the Wanted poster the movement put out for John Britton?” The poster “the movement” put out. Prima facie evidence of a conspiracy?
Doesn’t it look like the Max/Klown/Puddybiotch “Axis of Evil” is back in action?
One of the more cogent comparisons of the false dichotomy between right wing populist anger and the frustraion of the left I have read recently. Please feel free to repost to a new open therad when one opens up.
The anger on the left is focused. There are specific reasons. To give one obvious example, many on the populist left are frustrated that a Democratic administration continues to rationalize denying basic rights to the LGBT community. On the other hand, many on the populist right have paranoid delusions about ostensible losses of rights, none of which are actually taking place. But does anyone seriously question the reaction if those on the right were, as is the LGBT community, actually denied the same basic rights that everyone else enjoys? They brought guns to rallies opposing a very limited expansion in the government’s role in providing access to health care. Imagine if they were denied the right to marry or serve in the military. And some want to equate the behavior of the angry left to that of the angry right? Other examples of anger on the left include issues of war and peace and international human rights or the disastrously inadequate response to what the science tells us about the rapidly developing climate crisis. And these are in some way similar to people freaking out about death panels or socialism or the ostensible family values by which even their heroes don’t abide?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Another of those “Daily Kos” special deliveries.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Google admits that its Street View cars DID take emails and passwords from computers
And who does Google jockstap? DUMBOCRATS! And they move their money to reduce their US taxes.
“Google’s government influence also reaches into the White House. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt was one of the first and biggest supporters of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, appearing in a 30-minute campaign advertisement and donating $25,000 out of his own pocket for inauguration ceremonies. Obama appointed Schmidt to the administration’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.”
re 68
Translation without the paranoic partisanship-
If anyone I agree with is angry at the direction the country is headed, they are righteously angry.
If anyone I disagree with is angry at the direction the country is headed, they are violent and dangerous.
Were you ever capable of intellectual honesty, Worf? I mean, back when you first read Howard Zen and the other historical revisionists from the left, was there ever a moment when you tried for some balanced view of politics? No? Ah well. Your self imposed punishment is to spend a lot of emotional energy hating over half your fellow Americans. Sucks to be you.
proud leftistspews:
Precisely. Anger on the left is justified. On the right? Not so much. Ask a Teabagger what he or she is angry about and the answer will make you wonder what planet the ‘bagger is from.
RE 72
Believe whatever self delusion makes you sleep better at night, Proud.
Just think of these words while doing so, though. Former Speaker of the House Pelosi. That sounds so good!
Poor dumb sheep Libtards….another fine example of the Progressive Bowel movement swirling in the bowl….
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend as well, Worf.
Maybe, someday, you’ll grow up. For your sake I hope so, remote as the possibility may be.
proud leftistspews:
lost @ 75
Really? You’re hung up on Randian illusions that most thoughtful 17 year-olds see through, and you want to suggest that Worf has some growing up to do? Live in the world for awhile, dumbfuck, then you might understand that Worf has far more understanding of the world than you do.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Oh my… WikiLeaks explodes some whackjob HA leftist myths…
Oh yeah that worthless Lancet death report… KABLAMMO
Puddy told you fools this crap was wrong yet the progressives loved to listen to Daily Kos for their boo boos.
Puddy, “Oh my… WikiLeaks explodes some whackjob HA leftist myths…”
“Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained.”
We all knew that. Didn’t you?
And if you Republicans hadn’t been so dumb as to arm Saddam, he wouldn’t have even had that.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Hey Steve, no comment on the “Lancet Study” enhancing the Iraqi death toll by 600%?
proud leftistspews:
You must have some inkling that you’re an idiot, don’t you? That’s why you’re always on offense, right? It’s deflection and projection, anything to keep the view off what you are saying.
All jokes aside, this story is quite important. We have a Supreme Court Justice who lied to get on the Court (his former girlfriend’s memoir will now find a publisher because of his wife’s telephone call to Anita Hill–isn’t that ironic?), now being exposed for what he is. George Bush the First wanted to portray his party as non-racist, so he picked Thomas for the Court. Utterly unqualified, untested, unprepared. For the highest court in the nation. He was picked solely because of his skin color. He is also the most conservative member of the Supreme Court, to the right of even Scalia and Alito. He is of the same constitutional view as our HA friend, lost. Impeachment, perhaps, for lying to Congress?
Ex-Companion Details ‘Real’ Thomas
Yep, that Thomas family is deservedly a teabagging wonder.
Something to read with your cup of tea this morning:
“Democrats are not voting at as high rates as they did in 2008, but they are voting at higher rates [than Republicans] in early voting,” said Michael McDonald, a George Mason University associate professor who specializes in voter behavior.
Olbermann should leave the satirical skits to John Stewart & Company.
How early & often in 1956 did Steve’s RFK vote for Democrats Adlai Stevenson and Tennessee Estes rhp Kefauver?
[A] Once, and rather late, but rather late than never
[B] Once per precinct in several precincts
[C] Early & often in many precincts in several states
More racist Woodrow @14 …
What right-wing teabagger said:
[A] Glenn Beck
[B] Juan Williams
[C] manoftruth
Everybody knows that Franklin D. Roosevelt = Rufus T. Firefly. Everybody knows that FDR …
* Lied about Haiti’s constitution in 1920
* Lied about the Marine Massacre in Haiti in 1920
* Lied about the sodomy scandal at Portsmouth
* Lied about coercing 16-year-old sailors at Newport into luring homosexuals into entrapment
* Admitted that he’d cut so many corners and broken so many laws working for Woodrow Wilson that he could have been put away for 999 years
* Loudly asserted that the best candidate for president in 1920 was Herbert Hoover
* Encouraged a Hoover-FDR ticket in 1920 with (ahem) Hoover on top
* Did nothing in 1920 or later to push Democrats away from their pro-lynching politics of personal destruction
* Did nothing in 1920 to discourage the Democrat slime machine that was trying to terrify America into voting against its First Black President, Warren G. Harding
The 2010 Republican congressional platform is BS, and ThinkProgress has yet another specific example in Pennsylvania House GOP candidate Mike Kelly.
scathinlyh rebuked = scathingly rebuked
This same racist teabagger also scathingly said:
This racist teabagger, who was a leftist saint but not a Democrat or a dummy, also said:
gome = home
If you were capable of seeing politicians as the opportunistic salesmen they are in your own party as well, you’re cherry picking might be interesting.
I’m no fonder of many of the R candidates this year than you, though for different reasons. Properly run, this election year could have returned control of both houses of Congress to Republicans. Moderate rational experienced candidates could have used voter backlash at just how far left our country is travelling to put the brakes on Obamas inane policies. Instead, Sharon Angle is making Reid look viable. O’Donnel is making a race out of what should have been a Republican win. In key races across the country safe Republican wins have turned doubtful or toss-ups.
Republicans will likely win back the House and send Ms. Pelosi packing as speaker. I’m glad of that. But the Senate could also have swung if this election cycle had been properly managed by Republicans.
Darn, I thought this thread might have Lost actually apologizing for wishing that FDR had been hung and that he burn in hell for all eternity, rather than his apology for letting his mask of civility slip. My bad.
Hmm, not your best choice, HNMT. As RFK considered Adlai a weak “pointy-headed liberal”, he probably voted just once while holding his nose. And as for Kefauver, RFK might have thought, “That could have been Jack!”
But I forgive you.
Speaking of Jack and Bobby, I wonder if Lost thinks they should have been hung as well. After all, the right-wing extremists of the time called them traitors too.
Good morning Steve,
Nice to see you too.
The more ImamObaMao speaks…the worse it gets (for the Democrats)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Self-destruction by ImamObaMao…or self-preservation?? He is killing the Progressive Movement. It’s beyond belief really.
Now Patty Murray has Illegal Aliens running around to get out the vote???
I told you a$$holes once you got in power thru venomous attacks you needed to transition to LEADERS with thick skins.
You have totally blown it in 2 F—ing years.
This is why I call you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS!
Here is the article from todays Times–
This is priceless.
I can’t wait for Rossi’s commercial on this one.
Brother Steve –
Would you believe … that Steve’s RFK considered Adlai a weak “pointy-headed liberal” and voted just once for …
Eisenhower-Dick. That would be the same Dick to whom JFK in 1950 and maybe 1952 hand-delivered campaign contributions.
I know it’s early for Bible Study, but the secular leftist Bolshevik saint who threatened to blow away anybody coming near his property was … ****** ****** ****, Eugene Victor Debs.
And what about those New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Goldyburbia Philadelphia, @15?
Knowing Adlai was a lost cause, he might have looked ahead and wrote in his brother’s name. heh- But I’m pretty sure he didn’t think to write in LBJ for Veep.
Of course, the animus wouldn’t come for another few years.
Pete DeFazio, (D), OR, contemplates articles of impeachment … against Chief Justice Roberts.
There are a few good Dems out there.
Did I ever tell you how I went to a Black Panther Party party one night in the summer of 1969? Dour dudes, I tell you, although through the years they managed to lighten up a bit. They all agreed that my own black leather jacket was quite stylish. I got to see my old friend, the “Minister of Defense”, at my HS reunion last year. heh- He ended up working in the Seattle court system all these years.
I’m sure this is the kind of Republican a KLOWN would support.
Again we have the idiot Psycho-KLOWN and his daily dose of Rasmussen,
“Presidential Approval Index rating of -19”
Indeed, Psycho-KLOWN, we’re all so disappointed that we didn’t get single-payer and Cheney in prison that we’re all gonna vote for Republican pervs this time around. Bank on it.
Savor these words-
Former speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
At least she lives in the state. That’s more than we can say for you, Klown, and your Cayman Islander corporate supporters.
Does anyone doubt it anymore???
You mean, since this lady has a book to sell on her salacious gossip, she must be acting in complete good faith?
Gee, I thought in this country we got the benefit of a civil or criminal trial before being assumed guilty. Unless the person doesn’t share our politics, apparently.
Gee, I thought in this country we got the benefit of a civil or criminal trial before being assumed guilty. Unless the person doesn’t share our politics, apparently.
Oh, if only that were true. I know they have not done it for a while, but remember when they used to lynch black people before trial?
How about in Arizona where anyone who is not white, is considered an illegal until they provide their papers?
– Peggy Noonan, WSJ today
Rabbitless commentary: HNMT didn’t see this coming. Two years ago the GOP was gone baby gone and smelled dead baby dead. Assumed then that every last elephant was indeed the very last elephant, and that they or it was shuffling off to the tar pits to die. We’re suddenly looking very spry for a corpse.
Goal. Score.
Clarence Thomas is guilty as hell. Any reasonable person watching Anita Hill’s testimony at his confirmation hearing, and observing his angry performance, knew damned well who was telling the truth and who was lying. This woman just confirms what we already knew. Thomas disgraces the robes he wears. His paleolithic jurisprudence, wingnut politics, and profound hypocrisy combine to render him one of the least qualified individuals to ever serve as a federal judge, let alone as a Supreme Court Justice.
– House Speaker John “Coppertone” Boehner, c/o George Hamilton Cocoa Butter Open
Have any proof she’s lying? Her book will not be the first about Thomas’ behavior. Another well-regarded book came out in nineties written by a couple of WAPO reporters if memory serves.
I wasn’t aware that being boorish was a crime. Even in the workplace you’re merely subject to dismissal or disciplinary action. Maybe not then in the golden age of Raygun but certainly now.
Now is Thomas guilty of perjuring himself in front of the Senate? I can’t recall if he explicitly denied Anita Hill’s charges or not. His behavior, boorish or not, was not explicitly relevant to his qualifications for the job – beyond calling into question his judgement. If it comes down to he said, she said of course that’s no basis for a prosecution of any sort.
RE 31
Thomas may not be the brightest justice ever. He may not possess the finest legal mind. He may not ever write a great treatise on our law and it’s derivations as Holmes did.
But he is entitled to a fair hearing just like you or I would be. He is entitled to have statements made of him be proveable and accurate, if only out of respect for his position whatever you feel about the man.
– David Halberstam, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War, 2007
Democrats. Best & brightest. Giant lying machine.
Any questions?
Re 33
Well that’s perfect isn’t it. We aren’t trying to convict the man of anything. So any amount of slander, inuendo and general smear tactics are just fine?
BTW, I didn’t claim to know anything about this latest book or its author. I merely state what is factual. A memoir about a public servant who seems to have had a distinguished career won’t sell books. A memoir which details nasty allegations about a sitting Supreme Court justice? That might just be a recipe for book sales.
Here we go again. Tolerant compassionate libs saying or implying that Clarence Thomas is Scalia’s lawn jockey.
Good thing Jan Crawford (Greenburg) set the twisted little bitches straight, so to speak.
Of course to the goat loving proud leftist farted this story upsets his apple cart. It’s just one of many in the PuddyArchives ready to be unleashed when needed.
And to add more fuel to the fire… When Clarence Thomas speaks, he doesn’t need a TOTUS Teleprompter of the United States to be erected for him to read speeches. Of course Odumba said this…
Well we now see Odumba isn’t a strong enough thinker at all for being the US preznit. China and South Korea have thumbed their noses at Odumba and are doing gang buster business with Iran. So much for letting the UN deal with it huh libtardos?
Butt here is where the rubber meets the road… So let’s see…
– From WikiPedia the leftist web encyclopedia!
Yet there’s more
Just two paragraphs unless of course you are the Bunny, then you can copy everything.
BTW leftist Puddy apologizes, Puddy saw the Proud and thought it was leftist speak… well it was similar in cadence, style and psychobabble. So again Puddy apologizes!
So, Thomas has strong opinions, what’s that supposed to prove? All it tells me is what I already–the man’s thinking is rigid, inflexible, unwavering. In short, he doesn’t listen, he doesn’t grow.
About Vietnam? To escalate the fight against the commies?
The HNMT is condemning this???
Taking the position of Chomsky! Wow! The more things change the more they stay the same with some people!
Hey, fellow HA’ers, we have a special treat for you today. Over the years, members of the Academy have received many requests for background information concerning, and personal insights into, past winners of the Troll of the Week Award (aka the Golden Goat). I guess such requests suggest that HA’ers, like Americans in general, have a ravenous hunger to know all about celebrities. To sate this hunger, the Academy has decided to present an occasional series entitled, “Get to Know Your Golden Goat Winners.” While the series does aim to entertain, we’d also hope that the series helps all of us understand the wingnut mind. Our inaugural feature (this is so much fun!) focuses on a day-in-the-life of one of our most endearing and enduring trolls—two-time Goat winner, Mr. Cynical (aka Klynical, Klown, Cynny, Dicksquat). To help you all get inside his head, below is set forth a typical day for Cynny:
7:42 a.m. – Roll out of bed in Flintstones pajamas and put on bunny slippers.
7:43 a.m. – Grab remote control for bedroom television and turn on Fox News.
7:45 a.m. – Wander to kitchen, grab remote for kitchen television and turn on Fox News.
7:47 a.m. – Brew up some hot cocoa with marshmallows, pour a bowl of Frosted Flakes, drink some prune juice straight out of the bottle, then sit down to eat.
8:04 a.m. – Head to bathroom for morning constitutional, turn on Rush radio, drop trou and conduct exhaustive search for dick. Upon locating said dick, issue weak stream of pee then sit down.
8:32 a.m. – Go back to bedroom, shed pjs and put on Glenn Beck t-shirt and coveralls, stare at television.
8:57 a.m. – Pretend to have wife and loving family.
9:20 a.m. – Go to living room, grab remote and turn on Fox News.
9:22 a.m.. – Turn on computer (screensaver is of a young goat eating a copy of The Nation magazine), head to internet. Click on DailyWingnutTalking Dutifully write down the day’s talking points and put in pocket. Click on photo of Ann Coulter. Click on and copy day’s polling. Click on Type capital-letter gibberish and paste Rasmussen selection.
10:37 a.m. – Upon locating them, scratch balls.
10:39 a.m. – Turn up volume of television as feature entitled “Tea Party Wit and Wisdom” comes on.
11:04 a.m. – Put on socks and sandals.
11:07 a.m. – Go to the shed out back to “feed” the goat. Eww.
12:26 p.m. – Exit shed, buckle up coveralls, go to mailbox. Sort through stack of wingnut fundraising solicitations and—what’s this?—oh, boy! This month’s issue of Contemporary Goat magazine!
12:30 p.m. – Head back inside, flop on couch to watch Juan Williams whine on Fox News.
12:40 p.m. – Go to kitchen for lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Lay’s potato chips, and chocolate milk.
1:12 p.m. – Back to computer. Click on Wingnuttia listserve to inquire what the day’s nickname for Obama is and whether he is to be called a fascist or socialist today. Move to to paste selections from Wingnuttia. Call a few thoughtful people “KLOWNS.”
2:48 p.m. – Go to bedroom with copy of Contemporary Goat, shut door, crawl into bed for nap with stuffed goat, “Billy.”
3:53 p.m. – Wake and head to bathroom. Conduct another exhaustive search for dick, then take another weak leak.
4:06 p.m. – Open medicine cabinet. Wash down blood pressure and anti-anxiety medications with Metamucil, then pop little blue pill.
4:09 p.m. – Plop down on couch to scream at television set as a photo of Obama appears.
4:16 p.m. – Telephone rings! Oh. “Hello, Mr. Cynical, this is Teabag Central. We are confirming that you will again be making a donation of 10% of your disability check to our PAC.”
4:22 p.m. – Pretend to have a wife and loving family.
4:44 p.m. – Pop up and head back outside to “feed” the goat. Ugh.
5:58 p.m. – Go back inside while whistling “Dixie” and buckling up coveralls.
6:02 p.m. – Sit down at computer. Engage in email contest with Puddy to see who can come up with the most nicknames for progressive HA’ers and for Obama, with number of capital letters used to be the tiebreaker.
6:41 p.m. – Click on DailyWingnutTalkingPoints to see if any instructions have changed for the day.
7:01 p.m. – Click on to post some capital letters and exclamation points and to paste what he found on DWTP.
7:14 p.m. – Prepare meal of Kraft macaroni and cheese, canned peas, toasted Wonder bread, milk, and Oreos.
7:30 p.m. – Eat meal while watching Bill O’Reilly.
7:42 p.m. – Telephone rings! Oh. “This is a computer-generated call from Rasmussen polling . . .”
8:02 p.m. – Finish meal, then head outside to “bid adieu” to the goat. Yuk.
8:54 p.m. – Head back inside, leaving coveralls unbuckled. Back on computer. Click on and post the same post he’d posted for 67 straight days. Call some thoughtful people “KLOWNS.”
9:18 p.m. – Turn off computer and televisions. Head to bathroom for bedtime ritual.
9:36 p.m. – Put on Flintstones pajamas. Get down on knees, bow head, fold hands, and pray that the next two years be a disaster for the United States, with domestic terrorist attacks, a worsened economy, and natural disasters so that Obama will not get reelected.
9:41 p.m. – Crawl into bed and cuddle up with Billy. Leave bedside light on.
9:43 p.m. – Close eyes and ponder why Christine O’Donnell hasn’t responded to his love letters.
Well, there you have it, folks. A day-in-the-life of Cynny. Pretty revealing, if not exciting, I would say.
heh- I’d say I’m only surprised to learn that he ever bothers to change out of his Flintstone pajamas.
Oh, and his full name is Psycho-KLOWN. I call him KLOWN for short.
With this outburst of hate, I’d say that Lost has nailed the goat for the second time in as many months.
“Nailed the goat” heh- It’s only a figure of speech, KLOWN. No need to go check the barn. I’m sure the goat would rather you didn’t anyway.
Given lost’s level of hatred for FDR, you’d think the man had molested him as a child or something. It is telling how hatred of this nature is such a wingnut ideological building block. GWB took this country to the brink of complete disaster, but I can’t say I hate the man, and I surely would not wish eternal damnation upon him. Hate is truly a Republican value.
I think he sheds the pajamas because he tries to look presentable to the goat.
Clarence Thomas is scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would be hanged.
Reviling Thomas as a man and Judicial Activist is just and appropriate. I regret nothing I say about him or his legacy.
The corporate state on steroids that that traitorous son of a bitch is creating, and that Roberts is enlarging, has most likely caused the slow death of this nation, and for that I can’t and won’t forgive the man. May he rest in flames.
He is a traitor. He is scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.
I despise Thomas and everything that miserable anti American corporatist bastard stands for.
And I am completely unashamed of it.
Sorry, Steve, I shouldn’t have called you a queer while fantasizing about lynching FDR. It lessened my erection, and for that I am sorry.
proud leftist @ 41–
You should be spending your time calling for Democrats than wasting your time on nonsense.
Once again, you cannot discuss issues (like the Democrats) and resort to stupidity.
You have BLOWN it. The Progressive Movement is D-E-A-D.
Your lunacy is the last gasp.
Puddy–They seem to be taking this ass-kicking as expected (heads blowing up).
Remember 2 years ago how they were going to really give it to us?
They forgot 1 key economic point…
Rich folks have options and do not have to invest in jobs.
Excellent article about what is at stake in this election….and 2012 (when ImamObaMao is up and so are 23 out of 33 Senate seats!)
PL…you are the best best best.
Steve @ 43 – I think we should create a special award just for lost. We can call it the Golden Dildo Award, and he can go fuck himself with it.
@46 Oh, that’s good.
It really is rather disturbing to realize the high level of hatred seething inside of Lost.
I disliked Bush. Damn, he reminded so much of his coke-dealing cousin who I roomed with in Boulder. But I never called President Bush names and I grew tired of those on the left who called him “Chimp”. It struck me that they were wrong in stooping to the level of a KLOWN, although I understood their frustrations. After all, it was President Bush who, in my opinion, nearly ruined this country. But this hate inside Lost is some hardcore shit. I asked Lost the other day if he believes that President Obama is a traitor, assuming that if he did, that he would want him hung and burning in hell like he did for FDR. Lost avoided the question and never answered, which I found telling. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if hatred for the current president, along with a desire to see him hung for treason and to then burn in hell, is what he thinks and feels.
Here’s some ammo to use till election day, gang…
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
“You should be spending your time calling for Democrats than wasting your time on nonsense”
Hey, we’ve already voted three times each, as well as having stuffed the ballot box with the votes of dead people and dogs. And you want us to do more?
@51 I suspect Lost has already figured out how to use the Goat in that fashion. Same with the KLOWN, as it it was coated with dried-up shit when he returned it after his second win.
Cynny @ 48
I could be on the telephone or knocking on doors to try to get out the vote, but bashing trolls is my patriotic duty and calling. Moreover, do you honestly believe that you “discuss” issues and do not “resort to stupidity?” Sorry, Cynny.
Proud Leftist… Your words
Picked apart and proven wrong.
Also he doesn’t listen to others? Sounds like some leftists on the court. But that’s A-OK cuz they are leftists. Like the Kelo decision eh proud leftist?
Wowo rujax, you almost copied a useful article. Of course Goldy allows moronic libtardos to copy whole articles and Darryl must have pity on you.
The funny thing is the references from your fool’s blog are old links back in March and April. The latest is the Porkulus bill didn’t save jobs. OdumbaCare will cost more than $1.1Trillion, etc. etc. etc.
Puddy says good try!
Puddy @ 58,
That’s pretty fucking funny. As I was deleting the copy-n-paste stuff from Rujax above (sorry Rujax!), I thought, “hmmm…I wonder if Puddy will be whine about Rujax’s post.”
I scroll down, and…sure as shit.
Puddy…here’s some advice for you: QUIT YOUR FUCKING WHINING, YA PUSSY!
S’ok…I kinda thot I was on thin ice there but some others (from others) slipped thru when you weren’t lookin I guess.
It was good stuff too. Here’s the link:
Oh…sorry Darryl, you did a better job editing than I did…LOL.
Puddy @ 57
Many jurists–many of the best of them, actually–have evolved in their jurisprudence while serving on the Supreme Court. Recent examples would include Harry Blackmun, John Paul Stevens, and David Souter. Clarence Thomas, however, has proven to be a brick wall when it comes to his jurisprudence. Nothing penetrates. He asks no questions from the bench and his votes and opinions show no variance. He is a rigid rightwing vote for the same horseshit his wife lobbies for with her Teabag nonprofit. He is a disgrace, a complete disgrace.
Haven’t in many a year before 2009.
All that housebuilding since 2002? That was building CDO’s..
proud leftist, Puddy answered your charge in post #1. When facts appear to destroy your argument you change your tune.
Tsk tsk tsk
Why Darryl, it seems to get your “goat”!
Why is Clarence Thomas such a lying sack of shit?
Doesn’t it look like the Max/Klown/Puddybiotch “Axis of Evil” is back in action?
One of the more cogent comparisons of the false dichotomy between right wing populist anger and the frustraion of the left I have read recently. Please feel free to repost to a new open therad when one opens up.
Another of those “Daily Kos” special deliveries.
Oh look DUMBOCRAT jockstraps in action…
Google admits that its Street View cars DID take emails and passwords from computers
And who does Google jockstap? DUMBOCRATS! And they move their money to reduce their US taxes.
“Google’s government influence also reaches into the White House. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt was one of the first and biggest supporters of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, appearing in a 30-minute campaign advertisement and donating $25,000 out of his own pocket for inauguration ceremonies. Obama appointed Schmidt to the administration’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.”
re 68
Translation without the paranoic partisanship-
If anyone I agree with is angry at the direction the country is headed, they are righteously angry.
If anyone I disagree with is angry at the direction the country is headed, they are violent and dangerous.
Were you ever capable of intellectual honesty, Worf? I mean, back when you first read Howard Zen and the other historical revisionists from the left, was there ever a moment when you tried for some balanced view of politics? No? Ah well. Your self imposed punishment is to spend a lot of emotional energy hating over half your fellow Americans. Sucks to be you.
Precisely. Anger on the left is justified. On the right? Not so much. Ask a Teabagger what he or she is angry about and the answer will make you wonder what planet the ‘bagger is from.
RE 72
Believe whatever self delusion makes you sleep better at night, Proud.
Just think of these words while doing so, though. Former Speaker of the House Pelosi. That sounds so good!
Poor dumb sheep Libtards….another fine example of the Progressive Bowel movement swirling in the bowl….
re 51
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend as well, Worf.
Maybe, someday, you’ll grow up. For your sake I hope so, remote as the possibility may be.
lost @ 75
Really? You’re hung up on Randian illusions that most thoughtful 17 year-olds see through, and you want to suggest that Worf has some growing up to do? Live in the world for awhile, dumbfuck, then you might understand that Worf has far more understanding of the world than you do.
Oh my… WikiLeaks explodes some whackjob HA leftist myths…
Oh yeah that worthless Lancet death report… KABLAMMO
Puddy told you fools this crap was wrong yet the progressives loved to listen to Daily Kos for their boo boos.
Puddy, “Oh my… WikiLeaks explodes some whackjob HA leftist myths…”
“Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained.”
We all knew that. Didn’t you?
And if you Republicans hadn’t been so dumb as to arm Saddam, he wouldn’t have even had that.
Hey Steve, no comment on the “Lancet Study” enhancing the Iraqi death toll by 600%?
You must have some inkling that you’re an idiot, don’t you? That’s why you’re always on offense, right? It’s deflection and projection, anything to keep the view off what you are saying.