Good for AG Ferguson for getting 2 gyms to close during the stay home order. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine a worse place to choose to be than at the gym right now. Can’t wait to share equipment with people who are heavily breathing, indoors, and depending on the layout maybe impossible to social distance. One of the gyms says that it’s taking precautions, but still ick.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Somebody’s lying: Susan Rice or Sally Yates. Puddy’s money is on Susan Rice!
Sally Yates testified under oath only Comey, Obummer and her were in a meeting after everyone else was told to leave by Obummer. Yates mentioned she was blind-sided by Obummer’s total knowledge of the Flynn-Kislyak call. Rice puts forth this cover your azz memo after Obummer’s tenure as preznit [leftist assesHorse DUMMOCRETIN word] was over. It’s that easy!
This is nothing more than a idiotic, lame and very stooooooopid attempt by Rice to create some plausible kiss your azz deniability for Obummer. She was his wingman too. Remember the 5 Benghazi video lies? She placed herself in the same meeting that Yates said was only with Obummer Yates and Comey. Rice from the unredacted memo of 1/20/17 at 12:15 PM puts or pins the tail on the donkey Comey for talking about the Russians. Obummer started the conversation, Yates listened and Comey ended it!
Hillary Clinton is NOT president. – YES!
Piddles, don’t run.
What part was the lie?
The part where the Rapepublican nominee for president proudly boasted of a long history of violent sexual assaults against women?
Or the part the next day when the Rapepublican nominee for president issued a video taped confession admitting everything on the Access Hollywood tape was true?
Is it the fear or is it stupidity that makes you flee?
Oh dot bombed, Puddy answered this in the other thread. Problems with thread reading comprehension?
Yes your honor, dot bombed bombed again!
See ya!
Seems there was a real Ukraine quid pro quo after all.
Watch the translations here
Butt butt butt Obummer told Biden to do it.
Okay then!
Another lie.
Here’s the link:
And the post:
So poorly educated unaccomplished idiot, now tell us what part was false.
The part where the Rapepublican nominee for president bragged laughingly about a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women?
The part the next day when the Rapepublican nominee for president confessed that everything on the tape was true and authentic?
You’re admitting that you voted for an avowed and admitted rapist. Not only that, but you knew that’s what he was when you decided to vote for him. That’s really horrible.
It makes you a very bad person, Piddles.
You could have “changed your mind” like you suggest Australia did. But you voted for him anyway, knowing that he was a rapist.
Maybe it’s because you agree with Trump? It’s okay for “stars” to sexually assault women? You think that way?
Gross, dude.
Shame on you
No wonder you run from these questions.
The Air Force lost another F-35 today. For the week there have been two crashes for that plane. That could get expensive at $90 million apiece!
Keep trying dot bombed. Attempted shaming is your only call to fame. KNOWING he was a rapist? That’s priceless and precious as you jockstrap #believeallwomen Joe BITEME vs. Tara Reade!
Sameful conduct deserves shaming, Puddy.
You have now confessed in a public forum that you knowingly voted for a rapist in 2016. And you are planning to do it again in a few months.
You can’t ever make that right. And having done it even once deprives you of all moral standing.
You can’t pretend to principled ethics or morality once you have demonstrated that you will trade them away, in a moment’s haste or for mere convenience, for any earthly reason, much less for “tribal unity” or for “pwning the Libs”.
You have confessed not only to having committed the acts of the morally depraved, but of intending to persist. You will vote for Trump knowing that he bragged to YOU about being a rapist. You will set aside your moral duty to your Father-God for earthly partisanship.
Because deep down in the part of your heart and soul that you don’t like to look at, you admire the rapist.
You revere the rapist.
You place him ahead of God.
Will SCOTUS rule a President is above the law or will stories bubble up in a minor way through November. Neither is good news for Donald:
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Dep’t, Part I
“[A] donor to Trump and the Republican National Committee received nearly $27 million in government funding via the coronavirus bailout fund for his private jet company.
“Close to $800,000 went to a company whose largest shareholder is the president’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale.
“Almost $3 million went to a data collection company that is working for Trump’s re-election campaign.”
But still digging through Little Rock’s parking ticket records to see if Hillary ever got one.
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Dep’t, Part 2
“It sounded like a great deal: The White House coronavirus task force would buy a defense company’s new cleaning machines to allow critical protective masks to be reused up to 20 times. And at $60 million for 60 machines on April 3, the price was right. But over just a few days, the potential cost to taxpayers exploded …. By May 1, the Pentagon pegged the ceiling at $600 million …. Even worse, … the recycled masks treated by these machines begin to degrade after two or three treatments …. Nurses … are afraid of … using [the] masks …. ‘It’s a fairy tale,’ said one nurse … who works at a hospital [using] the … system. …
“As Trump has pushed to find silver-bullet solutions to the pandemic during an election year, the speedy decision to activate the machines reflects yet again the problematic decision-making of the White House task force. … [I]ts leaders have looked past financial costs, potential harm to the public and the risk of getting ghosted by bidders in order to give Trump” a smokescreen for his miserable leadership failures.
“If you don’t let me cheat….
Vote suppression out in the open is not a good look, eh? And likely not a case SCOTUS will want to take up in 2020.
Just try it Donald.
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Dep’t, Part 3
A”s federal workers file out of the State Department at the end of a Washington workday, an elite group is often just arriving in the marbled, flag-lined lobby: Billionaire CEOs, Supreme Court justices, political heavyweights and ambassadors arrive in evening attire as they’re escorted by private elevator to dinner with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. …
“State Department officials involved in the dinners said they had raised concerns internally that the events were essentially using federal resources to cultivate a donor and supporter base for Pompeo’s political ambitions — complete with extensive contact information that gets sent back to Susan Pompeo’s personal email address. …
“The records show that about 29 percent of the invitees came from the corporate world, while about a quarter of them hailed from the media or entertainment industries, with conservative media members heavily represented …. just 14 percent were diplomats or foreign officials. Every single member of the House or the Senate who has been invited is a Republican.”
Looks like a massive Hatch Act violation to me. It should be investigated. Trouble is, there’s no Inspector General to investigate it.
Go Fuck Yourself Dep’t
“The Justice Department on Tuesday sent a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom expressing concerns about how soon churches will be allowed to resume in-person services and raising Constitutional issues.
“The letter takes issue with state plans to allow the resumption of in-person religious services, which is scheduled to start after manufacturing and officework are allowed to resume.”
There were reports of flushing noises from Gov. Newsom’s office john after he read the letter.
Flynn appeals Sullivan’s ruling before it’s made.
I guess he understands the merits of his motion to dismiss case as well as anyone does.
AAAAAAAAnd, Another one.
firedreplaced the acting IG at DOT who was investigatin Mrs. Moscow-Yertle for the strange ways DOT has been showering contracts on Kentucky.“You’re a donor to my husband? Of course I’ll meet with you and do everything possible to steer that multi-million dollar contract your way.”
GOP spent hundreds of millions to find out the Clinton’s lost money in a land deal in Arkansas.
@6 “The Air Force lost another F-35 today. For the week there have been two crashes for that plane.”
Not true. The other one was an F-22.
@7 “Tara Reade!”
You mean “Professor” Tara Reade? The woman who conflated taking a few courses into a degree she didn’t have, and conflated being a temp administrative assistant into a professor, which she wasn’t?
What else did she exaggerate?
It’s understandable that a babbling fool who takes an Australian telephone survey at face value also swallows Professor Reade’s story whole. After all, critical examination of data requires critical thinking skills, which is not something someone with nothing but mush between their ears will do.
@8 I have to hop in and defend Puddy here. It’s unfair to hold culpable someone who’s too stupid to form a culpable intent.
“Former GOP Texas Lt. governor suffers broken ribs after being assaulted by his girlfriend: police”
I hear that the missing Doctor Dumbfuck is also laid up with some broken ribs. But as he’s never been with a woman, I assume it was the horse that did it to him.
@9 Even if SCOTUS puts civil actions against Trump on hold, it’s hard to see what the legal theory is for extending presidential immunity to his children. As far as I know, we have only one president.
Hollywood actress./producer Tara Reid?
“Kill the Irishman” Good
“American Pie 3” Not good
“Sharknado” So not good it kind of becomes good
@21 “Law enforcement source says former Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst was allegedly assaulted by his 40-year-old girlfriend. Dewhurst, 74, reportedly suffered broken ribs. Leslie Ann Caron is facing criminal charges in Harris County.”
Hmm. Well, at least she isn’t his granddaughter. As far as we know.
She Rand Paul’d him?
@23 Tara Reade’s credibility is disintegrating before our very eyes.
I wonder if she’s received any unusual income recently, like “Jane Roe” did some years back? We know the right pays people to lie (see, e.g., Jamie T. Phillips for another example).
@25 Do you think it was an argument over grass clippings? Do they have grass in Texas? And does this mean they’re not friends anymore?
It will surprise you not at all to learn that Dr. Edwards has appeared on vitamin and supplement huckster Dr. “It’s just the Flu” Oz’s TeeVee show.
It’s unfair to hold culpable someone who’s too stupid to form a culpable intent.
Every single day Puddy forms culpable intent to deny his God, come here to this public forum, and tell multiple, disgraceful, blood lies. On this public forum Puddy has argued that high ranking officials in the Obama administration, influential leaders in the Democratic Party, and important Jewish business leaders are actively engaging in a global conspiracy to traffic in human infants, sell them for sexual gratification, sacrifice them in Satanic rituals, and consume their flesh. That may be the most obnoxious of his many lies. But it certainly does not stand alone.
It’s become casual, albeit pointless, sport for us here to put those lies on display.
Four long weeks passed between the Oct 7th publication of the audio tape in which the Rapepublican nominee for president bragged about violent sexual assaults against women. Four long weeks passed between the publication of the video taped address in which the Rapepublican nominee for president confessed that everything on the Access Hollywood tape was true. In those four weeks there was no sincere effort to explore any of the implications of what Trump confessed to by anyone in the media, much less in the Rapepublican party, and certainly much less by Puddy himself.
His post history here in those four weeks is easy enough to search and explore. There is no indication of anything other than more lying and false denial. He spent those four weeks carefully constructing false and intentionally misleading justifications for ignoring what Trump confessed to having done.
That’s culpable intent, counselor. That history of evasion, conflation, distraction, and falsehood is the mens rea on display.
Guilty as charged.
Another day, another uptick in GA
641 Monday
572 Tuesday
792 today with the 7pm data drop still to come.
Does Piddles need a link or is publicly available information easy to find?
“Come on down to the Waffle House where smothered don’t mean what it used to!”
(EdsNote: would kill for some Waffle House in the greater Puget Sound area.)
“The number of newly reported coronavirus cases worldwide hit a daily record this week with more than 100,000 new cases over the last 24 hours, according to the World Health Organization. Almost two-thirds of the cases were reported in just four countries …. The majority of new confirmed cases are coming from the Americas …. The U.S. reported 45,251 new cases on Tuesday …. There are now close to 5 million global cases and roughly 325,000 deaths ….”
B-b-b-utt … “Give me FREEDUMB, or give me death!!!” Shit, why choose, when you can have both?
@29 I’m not convinced. How can someone as stupid as Puddy possibly have any brains? As far as I can tell, he’s no smarter than a wooden door to a collapsing abandoned chicken coop falling off its hinges and swinging fornlornly in the wind. In other words, unhinged.
@30 Worst day ever, see #31, but this is only a trickle compared to herd infection. P.S., a billionaire who’s not doing so well financially wants you to get sick for the sake of his bottom line.
94,000 > 15
Will Donald move the goalposts for success today or is he safe until tomorrow. Watch this space.
“The people who think children wearing bullet-proof backpacks to schools with metal detectors and armed guards, where they are subjected to active-shooter drills is just “the price of freedom” and the people who call having to wear a mask for 10 minutes inside Walmart “tyranny” are the exact same people.”
Pretty much.
@35 Walmart is a private business. Their stores are private property. The operative word is “private.” It means the First Amendment doesn’t apply there. These dumbfucks couldn’t pass a third-grade civics test.
“I wonder if she’s received any unusual income recently, like “Jane Roe” did some years back?”
Well, she does love Putin, although not nearly as much as does Doctor Dumbfuck.
Amicus brief filed in Flynn, singed by 1,187 former USAs, former fed prosecutors, and DOJ officials with more than 14,300 years of professional experience enforcing federal criminal laws:
45 pages of amici.
All DERP STATE!!! I guess, right?
“Reopen” is already falling apart.
” … thousands of workers at Chicago’s Ford assembly plant … were forced to leave early after someone tested positive for COVID-19 …”
My favorite highlight of the Crespo brief:
“And as numerous courts have observed, the Court’s broad authority to appoint an amicus curiae includes the authority to “allow amici to call their own witnesses and cross examine the witnesses of other parties” at any such hearing.”
Presenting the curious and engaging prospect of the AG, the DAG, and the crim div AAG all resisting subpoenas from the local federal district.
Because “snitches get stitches”.
Calling Doctor Dumbfuck …
“Trump allies are working on an initiative to have pro-Trump doctors publicly support the president and his views, multiple senior Trump campaign official confirmed to CBS News.”
Make yourself useful and call 1-800-LUV-TRUMP now!
Somehow I doubt that will convince the GOP Rapehero to delay or postpone any of the 5000 person shrieking sweaty hanger rallies he has planned for the weeks ahead.
“By April, when it gets a little warmer, it goes away”.
Cool. I can’t wait till April.
Gonna be awesome.
It’s really no worse than the flu:
-With permanent organ damage and a $34,000 hospital bill.
I’m one of the 10 million Americans (of 150 million eligible) still waiting for stimulus money, and now I hear that I may get a plastic debit card instead of a check or direct deposit, even though I have direct deposit of both Social Security and VA benefits.
I don’t think I’ll vote for the clowns running this circus. I want people in charge who can get important jobs done.*
By the way, “stimulus payments” are, in fact, tax credits applicable to this year’s tax returns. This means they do not get reported as taxable income, are not taxable, and also means if you never get your stimulus payment, or get less than you’re entitled to, you can still claim unpaid amounts as tax credits on your 2020 tax return filed next year.
* I don’t need the money; I’m merely greedy and impatient to get my paws on my share of the dole. After all, my taxes pay for it.
@42 He’ll have to hire private security guards in some of these venues. The cities he stiffed in 2016 are broke and the cops who provided the local police services for his rallies back then have been laid off.
Personally, I’d like to see Ivanka directing traffic out front. I’d go to see that.
I heard Trump rented a storage locker for his Seattle rally that can hold up to 6 people.
But Musk has assured us that children are essentially immune:
Ah, fuck it. BEACH WEEEK!!!!!!
@49 And Shortbus assures us reopening businesses and schools is okay because people die in car accidents and children die from flu.
Piddles forgot Poland
@51 Those who don’t pay don’t get to play.
I’m pretty sure that’s precisely how Cheney set up 43’s “Grand Coalition” too.
Presumably under the capable leadership of Rapepublicans the US can look forward to settling into a global pandemic response coalition with the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, the Solomon Islands, and Tonga.
Next up, Trump will celebrate his formation of a nookyoolur security partnership with South Sudan.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Good thing he’s not an uppity negro. Then this would be all over the interwebs and the radio and the FoxNews and the Breitbart,
Donald “Baby Doc” Trump “When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total, And that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
Reporter “The authority’s total?”
Donald “Nikita Khrushchev” Trump “It’s total. It’s total, And the governors know that.”
Reporter “You said when someone is President of the United States, their authority is total. That is not true. Who told you that?”
Donald “Sadam Hussein” Trump
“You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to write up papers on this. It’s not going to be necessary. Because the governors need us one way or the other. Because ultimately, it comes with the federal government. That being said, we’re getting along very well with the governors. And I feel very certain that there won’t’ be a problem.”
Reporter “Has any governor agreed that you have the authority to decide when their state opens back up?”
Donald “Idi Amin” Trump “I haven’t asked anybody. You know why? Because I don’t have to,”
Reporter “But who told you that the president has the total authority?”
Donald “Fidel” Trump “ENOUGH!”
dot bombed,
Trump has accusers but there is no judgment. Hillary condemned all those who she knew Bill had abused and paid $200,000 from her trust fund to pay part of Paula Jones’ judgment. Trump had affairs that he through proxies $280,000. These details like the Billy Bush/NBC tape were done to stop Trump. Part of the overall insurance policy.
So keep trying to stir thepot.
Grope and Change/The Audacity of Grope!
946 New cases in Georgia today. The highest one day total since May 1, the day after shelter in place order was lifted at 1232.
Remember Steve your post #128 on Monday about Rebekah Jones?
Looks like her reason for her dismissal is NOT over the data being manipulated even though that’s what she claimed for being fired.
Didn’t read it did you?
Insubordination as in not faking the data when ordered to by her boss?
June 2019, case pending. Still on the job almost a year later but you’re insinuating the arrest is the cause of her dismissal? Nice work, piddles. It even came with dates. Too Damn Funny.
Yes BeerPong, unlike you I did read the whole post as I placed it. Checked the date and time too, unlike you.
Insubordination can be for many things. Let’s find out vs. hanging the department as you and others are doing.
Meanwhile in Georgia some state senator is concerned over the five largest counties data deltas. 946 new cases. Where again? Where did most of those new cases come from again BeerPong?
I’ll wait.
Somebody is going to be fired soon. But if Democrats take the WH and senate and keep the house, there will be a day of reckoning and people will go to prison.
“FEMA under investigation by DHS inspector general over how it has distributed medical supplies: report”
Puddy, Sorry if the Rawstory link causes your head to explode.
Oh piddles. As long as they’re in the right places…very Christian.
Now do “Open up the Beaches or we riot” Orange County CA:
Hey Piddles, now explain why it’s appropriate to wine and dine GOP donors at taxpayer expense. Or you can argue he’s innocent, he didn’t do it, he’s being framed by the Trump-hating IG and MSM …
Puddy, Trump confessed.
To you, and the whole world.
What was it you said? Oh yes:
“…superior in memory person can recall links and facts faster than you can fart!”
I guess you must have been really gobbling extra Beano like a good little SDA back in Oct of 2016, eh?
Judgment follows a finding of guilt. Trump plead guilty, just like Flynn. He plead guilty to being a rapist. And Puddy and 63 million other Rapepublicans judged him to make a very fine president.
“These details like the Billy Bush/NBC tape were done to stop Trump.” Buh, buh, buh butttt Puddy! He told you the tape was the truth. He told the world. It’s authentic. He told you it captured his true words. He even said he regretted being caught.
It wasn’t “done” to him.
It was “done” by him.
To you.
To you and every single other credulous dupe of a Trump voter.
You are merely another mark. A victim, so deeply humiliated by your own victimhood that you have chosen to trade away your patriotism and even your duty to your Savior in order to avoid facing the truth. He conned you. He is still conning you.
And when he is done you will have lost everything to him, including your only chance and immortality.
It’ll take us a while. But we’ll get back the courts, voting rights, immigration rights, and every penny in the billionaire tax cut.
But Puddy will never get back his soul.
Where did Trump confess to rape dot bombed? The Access Hollywood tape? Or a real link not Seth Meyers! What did he “confess”? Even my son the lawyer didn’t call that a “confession that would hold up in a court of law” and he’s not a Trump fan but he is an honest lawyer who upholds the true ideals of being an officer of the court!
If you remember per NPR and NBC “News” in 2018, Mueller was going to use that Access Hollywood tape as a hammer on Trump. Didn’t happen!
Good try but I’ll listen to my son over any crap you deliver or the senile idiot wabbit.
he was telling the truth when he bragged about sexually assaulting women and “getting away with it” because “when you’re a star you can do anything”,
he was not telling the truth when he bragged about sexually assaulting women and “getting away with it” because “when you’re a star you can do anything”.
You’re saying not. Really.
You (and apparently your idiot son, the “barrister”) hope to claim that what he bragged about to Billy Bush and a handful of television producers on that bus wasn’t true.
He made it up.
He made it up?
He made up tales of his prowess as a rapist? He fabricated stories of great sexual conquest over women by forcibly grabbing them by their vaginas? Your defense of him is that he isn’t a rapist, but he wishes he were?
Not exactly helping your client here, Piddles.
Or yourself.
Now, instead of voting for a rapist, you’d have us believe you voted for someone who is mentally ill.
Nice job. Call the elders and get them to pray for you.
Give is the raw Jane Roe tapes.
@67 “Your defense of him is that he isn’t a rapist, but he wishes he were?”
Puddy’s probably onto something there. It’s well known Trump is a cowardly draft dodger. He’s never had the balls to rape anybody. The Access Hollywood tape is just a little boy engaging in locker room bragging. Every thug dictator in the world knows they can push him around. Kim Jong Un laughs at him behind his back. Ivanka has him wrapped around her little finger. Melania treats him like an umbrella stand. Notice how the Marine guards smirk when they salute him? He’s only a clown pretending to be a rapist.
TrumPlague blasts through 5 million worldwide with over 328,000 deaths and cases spike to highest single-day total with “no signs of slowing down” as “some countries begin easing strict social distancing guidelines.”
R.I.P., freeDUMBfucks.
94,000 Americans have died
38.6 million American workers have now filed for unemployment
Not only does Doctor Dumbfuck not care, it’s all his fucking fault.
The Access Hollywood tape is just a little boy engaging in locker room bragging.
Not a boy. A grown man, 58 years old, with daughters.
If the excuse is going to be “locker room talk” then it must be accompanied by the acknowledgment and acceptance that the nominee is mentally ill. Those Rapepublican voters who “chose that adventure” collectively agreed to cast their ballot for a nominee they agreed was mentally ill.
I believe the record shows both are true. Trump is guilty of multiple offenses of sexual battery. He’s committed other crimes. But clearly he wasn’t lying when he proudly boasted to Billy Bush and his producers that, at least back in the 2000s when he was starring in a reality television program on NBC, he routinely violated CA 243.4 PC. Given his history, his position with respect to his victims, and corroborating reports, I believe he could have been prosecuted for a felony under that statute.
But I also believe he is mentally ill. And were he to offer a defense to his crimes based on his mental illness he would of course bear the full burden of advancing that as an affirmative defense. All of his history of deviant sexual behavior, use of assorted prescription and non-prescription drugs, instances of his aberrant and anti-social behavior from his youth, episodes of treatment and counseling, reports from his family, ex-wives, and colleagues would all need to be entered into the record for the court to weigh in evidence before deciding.
For that reason I don’t think it’s likely that he would ever offer such a defense to his crimes. Which would be his choice and his right. But that would then bring us right back to where we started, with 63 million Rapepublican voters choosing to cast their votes for a nominee they knew at the time was a rapist.
Sure, there is no corruption with mail in ballot harvesting…
A whole lot of allegations. Any proof?
Also matter of scale do you want to disenfranchise the entire country from being able to vote by mail because of Patterson? Well you’re Republican yes you do.
Washington and Oregon and the US military have shown that vote-by-mail work copy them
Allegations of electoral fraud, but not voter fraud.
And who are the historic perpetrators of electoral fraud in the US?
Twenty years of empty claims of voter fraud used to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of registered voters. Now suddenly in the midst of slaughtering a hundred thousand of us with their BEACH WEEK!!! plague, they develop in interest in electoral fraud for the first time in history.
It’s in a libtard town being covered by a libtard teevee station. If it wasn’t real do you REALLY think this would be getting headlines? The governor’s attorney general admitting he’s purposefully slow in reacting?
DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS! Cheaters can’t change their spots.
The military is a captured audience. Has anyone really studied WA or OR actual ballots? I have heard people in WA news claim their out of state college attending children get ballots for them at their home in WA state. Also we know these same students register in their university state but don’t cancel their home state address even if “urged” to do it..
New Hampshire tried to do it by having students prove they live in NH to vote. Of course libtards and the ACLU went nuts over it.
Gotta love it. Trump going to Michigan today to Ford plant over Whitless’ objections! Of course they are putting a positive spin on it.
Each day Susan Rice has a new story.
Now there are two more
– The date and time stamp on the declassified email to self are wrong
– The Obummer white house lawyer told me to write the email to self.
— Missing are the tapes from the lawyer so she can go in all five teevee shows and say seeeeeee!
I hear republicans love the courage of their convictions.
OR Challenger to Rep Jeff Merkley:
Wednesday night:
Thursday morning
You gladly touted those 946 new Georgia Wuhan virus cases. Puddy asked how many were found in the major metropolitan DUMMOCRETIN counties with their stay at home orders?
Still waiting on your courage of convictions!
GA is still heading the wrong direction.
356 new cases in the first of three data drops today.
“But, but, but Atlanta!”
So Whitless won’t let you go to your vacation home butt she is at hers.
Just like Pritzker of Illinois said no unnecessary travel butt his wife and kids were later spotted vacationing in Florida. Then he has the nerve to yell at the reporter asking the question!
DUMMOCRETINS, do as I say not as I do! My edicts do not apply to me; just to you little people! Vote RED in November!
Yes BeerPong@82,
Seems most of the new cases are from DUMMOCRETIN led counties.
Butt keep on trucking dude!
Defy the DUMMOCRETIN guvmint, you will pay…
Gym does not have paper towels yet sewage has paper towels in it. How did that happen?
S A B O T A G E!
August 15, 2016 – Page and Strzok discuss the insurance policy to stop Trump from getting elected.
August 16, 2016 FBI Agent Joe Pientka [first spy] starts attending Trump’s presidential briefings
All coming together from this letter… … and from the released Shifty Schiff transcripts ODNI Grenell forced him to release. Shifty Schiff knew this and wanted them hidden among the other documents because his “We have ample evidence Trump colluded with the Russians” lie would be forever exposed and Devin Nunes would be proven correct!
Of course DUMMOCRETINS tooooooo stooooooooooooopid to put it all together.
This is why Jim Jordan wants Pientka to testify under oath in front of Congress. Of course Shifty Schiff don’t want that to happen!
And it’s becoming clearer each day the fake Ukraine whistle blower is “Charlie”!
Q broke into the gym and stuffed the toilets.
Lou Dobbs….
Her posting history, on social and on other sites, leaves no room for misunderstanding.
She’s Q.
She’s not “Q curious”. She’s 100% Q, just like Piddles.
She very sincerely believes that there is a global conspiracy directed by Jewish bankers and Democrats to “traffic” infant and pre-adolescent children, sexually abuse them, and consume their flesh in Satanic rituals. And yes, that means she’s mentally ill.
However, what we Democrats should be noticing is that in a competitive field for the Republican nomination the primary was overwhelmingly won by an unqualified lunatic.
Trump is turning out his base. Yes, the incumbent Democrat earned twice as many votes as all the Republican (and EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE) votes combined. But what should stand out here is that so far, in many of these partisan primaries, the people turning out to nominate the Republican candidates are the disengaged, racist, deeply “aggrieved”, mentally ill, Mountain Dew guzzling, conspiracy theorists that Trump has been cultivating for the last four years. They are with him. And they are energized and activated to turn out this year.
That means that in critical battleground states the difference between winning and losing for Trump will come down to the decisions of more moderate, more traditional Rapepublican voters. Trump’s chances for re-election will depend on the willingness of these voters to continue to support the direction he is taking this country and their party.
It’s not going to be a whole lot different than 2016 was.
If any sizable segment of Democratic and lean Democratic voters in battlegrounds decide to blow it off,
if sizable numbers of more moderate and traditional conservatives decide to go along with bleach injections and conspiracy theories,
then Trump wins re-election.
That’s the signal in this Q Clearance, butt-flashlight, Obamagate noise. The whole campaign is predicated on 63 million Rapepublican voters, including Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and every so-called “Rockefeller Republican” being perfectly willing to cast their votes for a candidate who they know is a mentally ill rapist.
A: just like you know there’s a ping pong dungeon in a DC pizza parlor.
B: Not a problem unless you can show people voted in both. Which is super duper easy to check and if it were happening you bet GOP vote fraud hucksters would be tearing their hair out with the evidence, demanding prosecutions…
Anecdotes and theories are not evidence.
Side note: Federal judge in Texas agrees all voters are eligible for mail ballots. One prong of lawsuit, Texas says all 65 + can request mail in for any reason at all and that amounts to age discrimination. Why should only the old (read conservative leanings) population get special privileges? You’d think they were asking to have a gay wedding or something.
DUMMOCRETINS hate church so much they will burn it down…
“Bet you stay home now you hypokrites.”
Typical DUMMOCRETIN spelling!
Today in Trolling Donald:
We’ve had national days of mourning for many occasions, rally round the flag and ‘Never Forget’ and Donald in his public statements can’t be bothered to deal with the death toll. Just the great job he’s doing to keep it at
1530,00045,00095,000@72 I don’t dispute that Trump is mentally ill — that’s obvious — but he’s coherent enough to know mentally ill voters when he sees them, and focused enough to exploit their mental illness. Hey, Dumbfuck and Pussybutt, I’m talking about you.
@80 The Republican Party has disintegrated in Washington state. Sounds like it’s crumbling in Oregon, too.
@83 “So Whitless won’t let you go to your vacation home butt she is at hers.”
Full of shit as always.
More trolling of the Donald:
“In my state, I’ll bet 90 percent of us vote by mail. It works very, very well and it’s a very Republican state,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill Wednesday, according to ABC News.
@95 We all know Trump doesn’t object to people voting by mail; he objects to people voting. He knows how unpopular he is.
@85 Let me guess … the customers brought their own, used them to wipe down the equipment, then flushed them down the john? Ya gotta remember this is probably a GOP crowd in this gym.
@86 Well I guess if you’re investigating foreign interference in our elections you have to find out who on our side was conspiring with the foreign government, don’t you? I mean, that’s sort of their job.
@87 (snaps claws, slaps paw to forehead) How the hell did I overlook that??
Kobach/Trump commish already spent years and millions to come up empty handed on that Grail quest.
They could not confirm one single example.
Kobach promised The Rapist that he could find the 2.5 million votes. Kobach and Hugh Hewitt and Lou Dobbs convinced The Rapist that he had won the popular vote (and certainly many, many more of the swing state EVs). But that his true “historic victory” had been stolen away by Durty Meskins and Weed Smoking College Snowflakes. All they had to do was dig into the state and county records to find the cheating.
They found nothing. Not one single vote.
But they used the data. Oh yes indeed. With Presidential authority to dig into the registration records and returns they had everything they needed to build a data map showing precisely where to cancel registrations and close polling places for Rapepublican advantage. And in state after degenerate Rapepublican controlled state that’s precisely what they did.
@88 She also has a rap sheet and a fugitive son.
Come back when there is an arrest in the church fire. It could have been by the pastor setting fire to his own church for the insurance money we don’t know
I’m watching one of those cooking shows on PBS, and the subject is polenta. If they package it in nice, colorful packages, it’s called polenta. If someone from the South sees it, he or she will call it grits. They don’t need to have fancy packaging for their grits, and they don’t need to pretend it’s polenta when all it is in reality is just grits.
University students register to vote in two states – it’s anecdotal
800 ballots strangely have votes – it’s anecdotal
The reports over the years of snowbird actually voting in two states – it’s anecdotal
Anything that disagrees with DUMMOCRETIN game theory is anecdotal.
Robots to the rescue! I’m sure Bob thinks so.
If robots can do everything and put everyone out of work what is wrong with a lockdown, with respect to a functioning economy? Had to stipulate that because we don’t want to get the Freedumb mother fuckers a heart attack.
You would think that we would learn a lesson from this Pandemic, not that the near future of the next one will be the same or so kind, by knowing that cheap labor is the problem.
The Band-Aid I put on today was made in China….you mean a robot in this Country couldn’t have done that? No, my point is not to praise the robots it’s to show that the Robots even have competition with cheap labor.
@103 maybe that’s why they substitute blue tarps for asphalt shingles too.
Do us, or me, a favor, tell us all about your last magnificent vacation destination, fine wine and cheese sampling too. Wait a minute, I forgot you’re drinking Schlitz beer.
Let’s face it, them Southerners are just dumb fuckers – you can’t put lipstick on a pig.
Although I’m sure Bob puts lipstick on the horse’s ass at the break of dawn.
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa ahh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha
The senile idiot wabbit fool uses “…….
When the Facebook link proudly displays
“Two (2) vehicles at her 2nd “UpNorth Cottage” in Antrim County, this afternoon (Wednesday, 5-20-20) after no vehicles there all Spring!!!”
Another chronological moron spotted among the assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS
BeerPong and senile idiot wabbit are bookends!
So senile idiot wabbit you need to look in the mirror, do that idiot paw shake, and slap paw ‘side yo’ head and repeat 100 times your latest mantra
I also picture a paw shake after the snap and before the slap
Piddles and links
Piddles and links
Kibbles and kibbles and kibbles and bits.
Doubt it.
Puddy just acting like the senile idiot wabbit when the McDonalds in Oklahoma was shot up by two people [it was only one] and the perp was a Trump supporter upset [ it was a DUMMOCRETIN black woman]. Just calling them early like the senile idiot wabbit.
See ya!
Links are the only way to see what DUMMOCRETINS think!
How to commit a slow, lingering, painful suicide in three easy steps:
Step 1: Be a Republican
Step 2: Believe conspiracy theories
Step 3: Conclude vaccines are the work of the devil
@106 – So, you recently paid $6 for a 12-ounce package of polenta at Whole Foods only to discover you bought a package of grits that you could have purchased for $1.59 at Safeway. Enjoy your “redneck” food, idiot!
@112 You can find out what we think by reading HA comments.
Among other things, we think you’re a lunatic.
No paper towels in a gym? Every gym I’ve been in has paper towels.
That’s for one thing. Second, surely they have a security camera or some type of check-in of knowing who was in their gym, or are they just two dumb mother fuckers causing an issue because as they opened up nobody was even going to the gym. How many people were in the gym at the time of this mysterious event.
Great investigative reporting – you mean Faux New (or Reporter) couldn’t gain access inside to see the “no Paper Towels”?
You mean your toilet backs up and you go full Conspiracy Theory.
If anyone buys this shit your are the shit in the toilet.
Third was the reasoning for the shut down the sewer back-up, that wasn’t really clear. Was it a coincidence that the health department shut them down for being a health hazard in the time of a health hazardous situation and had nothing to do with the overflow of the toilet that happens in gyms all across America everyday?
My god the stupidity of it when many died today.
These guys had no customers (or few) and realized they need a lawsuit to be A Hump Businessman.
@104 “The reports over the years”
Ask your lawyer son what this is worth in any court.
So senile idiot wabbit you don’t believe in Revelation Chapters 12-19?
Are you like most assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS and don’t believe in the Bible at all? After all, God does give even DUMMOCRETINS free will and choice.
Do tell!
not having paper towels in your gym is a health hazard in itself.
Meanwhile you and BeerPong prove to all you are chronological morons!
guys were cleaning up in the gym, but no video of the mess…..hmmm, doesn’t the media love to show the train wreck….unless there was no train wreck.
That little clipped proved it all!
The other day I submitted 600 ballots
The paper towels were removed from their bathrooms to prevent covid19 Wuhan virus from spreading in the gym. That’s how they were being safe. We’ll see
“When the Facebook link proudly displays
“Two (2) vehicles at her 2nd “UpNorth Cottage” in Antrim County, this afternoon (Wednesday, 5-20-20) after no vehicles there all Spring!!!””
Posted on Facebook on April 13. Governor’s executive order took effect on April 9. Date of license tags not visible in photo, which could have been taken last summer for all we know.
and the towels weren’t removed? Because linen towels are safer than disposal paper towels. I missed that part in the video.
Well if paper towels aren’t safe – then how can the gym be safe?
No safe gym – gym health hazard – gym closed.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Plus gym had no paper towels? This is really one for a Faux New Sleuth.
@118 “you don’t believe in Revelation Chapters 12-19?”
Hump Virus a health hazard. People in gym with Hump Virus are a health hazard, make gym health hazard.
Gym closey down because Hump Virus.
those two NJ gym owners look like to be as smart as any one of or even all of the Jersey Shore cast members combined.
Maybe even one of the Giudice Family members.
I heard if you drink Bleach it turns you white.
Puff – he’s gone!
I know – the reporter was afraid to go into the gym because IT WAS A HEALTH HAZARD!
Piddles could check where Governor Witmer was yesterday through reported news items. In addition to the ‘Rona there’s flooding in MI.
Could also see where she was, dressed and made-up and camera ready at 9am this morning.
But that would require links. Much better to take a random Facebook user’s photo alleged to be from yesterday alleged to be the Governor’s cabin at a lake 2.5 hours drive from where she was and 3.5 hours drive from Lansing.
Supporting The Troops Dep’t
“Under current federal orders, tens of thousands of National Guard troops battling the novel coronavirus pandemic would have their deployments end one day short of qualifying for retirement and education benefits.
“The order from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, first reported Tuesday by Politico, calls for a ‘hard stop’ to the deployments on June 24, one day shy of the 90 days needed for the benefits to accrue for most of the more than 40,000 called up during the pandemic.
“In a statement confirming the June 24 cutoff, a National Guard Bureau spokesman said … ‘FEMA makes the final decisions regarding the length of time National Guard members are activated under federal orders, while the soldiers and airmen remain under the operational control of the governors,’ the spokesman said.”
Let’s see, which Democratic governor are they going to blame this on?
“… [A]t 7:58 a.m. on Sunday, May 17, … Arenac County Central Dispatch received a call from 70-year-old Jesse T. McFadden, who said he was going to come shoot up staff there and ‘to quarantine them,’ …. McFadden also said he was going to a Standish hospital to shoot out the power and demand keys to ambulances …. McFadden went on to say he was going to the U.S. Coast Guard Station … to get a helicopter or a boat, Wedding said. … Dispatchers also told police McFadden may have been a former Michigan Militia member who could have machine guns or an M-16 with him …. At 10:37 a.m., McFadden arrived at the Coast Guard station …. and tried punching in a code at their locked gate. Unable to gain entry, McFadden had a conversation through a speaker with personnel inside and threatened to ram the gate …. McFadden eventually drove away from the military base.”
When the cops located him in a convenience store, with his car’s engine running outside, they found a loaded shotgun in the front seat of his vehicle and he punched a cop while they were arresting him. One of Trump’s “fine people.”
@134 Blue Balls Matter!
@132 You don’t expect Puddinghead to fact-check anything, do you?
Fake Christian cites Bible.
114 desperately neeeeeeeds for us to ignore Rapepublican vote fraud, sanctioned murder, lunatic conspiracy theories, anti-Vaxer TROOF, and his president’s acknowledged history of violent sexual assaults against women, and instead debate Cream of Wheat.
Forgets that if only it had recognized the benefits of fluoridation and adequate oral hygiene, it would not be forced to spend its “Golden Years” preoccupied with soft foods.
Republican Hypocrisy Dep’t
1. Michigan GOPers refuse to extend stay-at-home orders
2. GOPers everywhere criticize cars* at Michigan guv’s lake cottage
* undated photo
This is an old bit spread by the McHillbilly’s to laugh at the elites.
Quaker Quick Grits: $1.99 16oz
Golden Pheasant Polenta $2.89 24oz.
Roughly the same.
Now if you want you could also buy organic Grandma Ellie Mae’s Kissin’ Cousin gourmet grits at you local ‘foodie’ store for $6-7 pound just as you can overpay for a ‘artisan’ label of anything.
Don’t get me started on industrial ‘craft’ beer. Lookin’ at you Blue Moon. I see you lurking there Golden Road.
I like my polenta with a big spoonful of soft Gorgonzola or Stilton and some toasted pine nuts. Or day old, pan fried drizzled with honey.
One other thought for “Freeeeeeedom lovin’ photographer.
Given the armed thugs threatening armed resistance of the Governor, the ones who caused the legislature to adjourn for safety, does he really want us to believe that he just rolled up to the a Cabin where the Governor or her immediate family were and started taking photos WITHOUT being politely questioned by a State Police officer or any kind of security?
‘Really. That could happen. Pinkie swear and cross my heart.’
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,
Have you been paying attention to this story at all? Apparently not. The gym owners described on Monday what they do, how they separate the clients and how much they clean during the day. Some assesHorse libtards commented on how Fox was making reports every hour. Don’t you pay attention to libtard post? You are just like the senile idiot wabbit, commenting without understanding!
See ya!
senile idiot wabbit,
The April 13th post was taken down by Facebook.
This one is yesterday May 20th. Good try and hell of an effort with that innate senility you demonstrate every day on assesHorse.
If you follow highway 70 from the Ralleigh-Durham toward the coast, about halfway you pass through a small town called Kinston. Chef Howard will be happy to sell you an 8oz serving of the best damn cheese grits you’ve ever had for $9. Grits are sourced from Barkley’s Mill in Weaverville, grown from heirloom corn seed, Appalachian certified, stone-burr milled on the farm. Two pounds or grits from the mill will set you back $18 plus shipping. But right now you’ll have to wait until after this year’s harvest. Everything from last year sold out months ago.
Those elitist bastards!
You see assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS, as dot bombed would say, just follow the breadcrumbs… So adding to post #86
So the FBI admitted the Steele trash was unverified and could not be verified; yet they hired him to spy on Michael Flynn? And that Stefan Halper guy continues to show up!
P R E C I O U S !
Now and then Puddy like to go back to his undergrad roots.
“The study, forthcoming in the journal New Media & Society, was written by Seo, Matthew Blomberg and Darcey Altschwager, graduate students, and Hong Tien Vu, assistant professor of journalism and mass communications, all at KU. The researchers presented an article on vaccinations containing misinformation to a group of low-income, older African American residents, an especially vulnerable population with lower levels of digital access and use, then conducted surveys and interviews on how they analyzed the information. The majority of respondents’ highest level of education was high school, but that alone didn’t predict who among them best analyzed the information.”
@140 “Roughly the same.”
No it isn’t. The polenta is 4.77% cheaper. Right now, Doctor Dumbfuck would love to make that much on VAR.
“The other day I submitted 600 ballots”
Since I don’t have to it in Washington anymore due the demise of the GOP here, this year I’ve registered to vote 100 times in each swing state, including over 200 in Arizona!
@143 “This one is yesterday May 20th.”
By “one” you mean the post is yesterday. We don’t know when the photo was taken, because there’s no date on the photo. Alos, there’s no Gov. Whitmer in the photo. However, it’s alleged by your source’s source that that’s not her car, to wit: “The vehicle belongs to a Marc Mallory from Lansing, Michigan, and he is married to Gretchen Whitmer.”
Meanwhile, here’s a typical r/w blog comment about the whole business:
“Whitmer’s cars parked outside her vacation home in Birch Lake. Peasants must stay locked up, but Gretch can do whatever the hell she wants. She ignored dilapidated dams & destroyed a city, now she’s guzzling boxed wine on the deck of her lake pad practicing for her VP audition.”
Reality check:
“The dam was privately owned and operated by Boyce Hydro Power, a company based in Edenville …. In a rarely used federal power, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) terminated Boyce Hydro Power’s license in 2018, because of its ‘inability to pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)’, as well as seven other failures. The federal government was concerned that ‘the dam may not have the ability to pass enough water, if a severe flood were to hit, among other issues and violations.’ Following the federal government’s 2018 license revocation, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) took oversight of the dam, which involved temporarily lowering the lake by 7 feet. EGLE determined that the dam was structurally sound. Edenville and the other former Boyce dams were taken over in 2019 by the Four Lakes Task Force, a county delegated authority, with title to transfer in early 2022. The State of Michigan appropriated $5 million for the purchase. The Four Lakes Task Force operates under the Four Lakes Assessment District in the State of Michigan, created in May 2019 by Judge Stephen Carras. In 2019, Michigan’s 42nd Circuit Court was involved in determining if only the lakefront owners or all area residents would pay tax to the Four Lakes Assessment District. In December 2019, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a permit to investigate expanding the hydropower plant with a second powerhouse containing one 1.2 MW turbine-generator unit for a total of 6 MW. In April 2020, Michigan’s EGLE sued Boyce, alleging it had lowered the water level without permission in 2018 and 2019, killing thousands of freshwater mussels. On May 19, 2020, 5:46 p.m., due to flooding on the Tittabawassee River, the eastern side of the dam collapsed, prompting immediate evacuations in the town of Edenville and the city of Midland. The Sanford Dam, about 10 miles (16 km) downstream of the Edenville Dam and six miles (9.7 km) upstream of the city of Midland, subsequently overflowed. Governor Gretchen Whitmer declared a state of emergency. Governor Whitmer maintained that an investigation will be made into the operators of the dams, as they may face legal actions.”
What we have here is an irresponsible private owner whose dams were delicensed by a federal regulatory agency and then taken over by a county-based authority and then it rained like hell and it’s all Gov. Whitmer’s fault. And the most Puddy has is a car allegedly belonging to Gov. Whitmer’s husband parked in front of Gov. Whitmer’s alleged lake cabin on an unknown date with no indication of the whereabouts of either Gov. Whitmer or her husband or other family members. Now go ask your lawyer son what this proves, dumbass.
But let’s suppose Gov. Whitmer’s husband was at her lake cabin yesterday. Let’s suppose further he was there in defiance of Gov. Whitmer’s stay-at-home order. According to Puddy Logic, it follows that Covid-19 containment measures serve no useful purposes and people can ignore them at will.
Hey Spud, you don’t by chance have a daughter who’s a doctor, do you? I want to ask her if the Whitmers visiting their cabin makes Covid all good and Michiganders can reopen now. It’s not entirely clear to me how that works.
I also want to know how she made it rain so damn hard, if you happen to know any weather experts.
What we have here is a bunch of rightwing idiots.
TRUMP/GOP2020 stuffing in boxes with bulk reminders to registered Rapepublicans to hurry the fuck up and request a mail-in ballot while simultaneously telling them that mail-in ballots are SATAN
Fits perfectly with the invisible baby pizza cannibalism.
I’ve now registered to vote over 1000 ballots in Michigan!
There’s never been anything like it before! It’s really incredible what I’ve done so much and so positive a thing that they held a huge event and they gave me an award. It’s the biggest award they’ve got in Michigan. Man of the Year. I’ve got it up in the trophy case in one of my houses. Man of the Year, right next to my Noble Prize for Journalism, and all my Super Bowl rings.
Personally I think I’d rather see Abrahams than Klubfoot.
I think Klubfoot is a homophobe but who knows?
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed State Department officials to find a way to justify the emergency declaration that he had already decided to implement in order to fast-track the $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia last year — stunning career diplomats, four sources have told CNN.
“‘They seemed to have a game plan and it had to be justified,’ said a State Department official who told CNN they had communicated what happened to the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General during an interview late last year, as part of the watchdog’s investigation into Pompeo’s move to fast track the sale. ‘The attitude was very Trumpian,’ the official added.”
Instead of “Trumpian” he could have said “illegal” or “unethical” or “corrupt,” because it’s all of those. Using a federal employee to walk your dog and pick up your laundry is illegal, too. So is wining and dining campaign donors on the taxpayers’ dime.
Refusing to have boundaries doesn’t make his actions legal or right; that makes him corrupt.
Woman probably shouldn’t be Vice Presidents then either.
@155 Or fly fighter jets.
96,000 > 95,000 > 15
862 new cases in Georgia which Piddles will display no empathy or compassion towards because every single one of them is a Democrat and he’s a good Christian who knows nothing of Samaritans or forgiveness or grace or humility or
That’s right senile idiot wabbit, now attack the picture because you can’t attack the date. Keep trying like BeerPong did!
Chronologically challenged.
Once again everyone can see how BeerPong@157 is projecting. BeerPong@157 can not explain how most of the daily cases are in LOCKED DOWN COUNTIES! It’s the same argument that Andrew Cuomo could not explain either, besides his stooooooooooooooooopid decision to kill all of those old people!
Please, find someone smarter than this idiot. Someone who’s more serious, and not only when she’s talking about Daddy or Grandpa in some saw mill somewhere. She has the smarts of Bob, not too smart.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Obamagate Update -More Evidence Points To Obama’s Personal Participation In Illegal Spying.
Then-FBI Director James Comey and President Barack Obama discussed intercepted calls between incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador during a meeting at the White House on Jan. 5, 2017, according to a newly declassified email written by one of the meeting’s attendants, national security adviser Susan Rice. Rice’s email had previously been released, but a portion pertaining to the conversation about Flynn remained redacted until May 19.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Thanks Again Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid, Making Demorat Attempts To Kill Jobs Obvious Is A Brilliant Strategy.
Pennsylvania cannot fully return to normal until a “foolproof” vaccine is available, Gov. Tom Wolf (D) said on Wednesday.
When asked if the return of large events are contingent on a vaccination, Wolf said Pennsylvanians need to be confident that the novel coronavirus is under control and treatable. He said he believes it will take a vaccine or “some assurance that they’re not going to get sick” to attend big events, go shopping, and return to school.
“Ultimately I think what it’s going to take for everybody to feel safe going to a Penn State game or a basketball game is that they have some confidence that they’re not going to get sick by being in close contact with somebody else,” Wolf said, noting that the state is focusing on testing and contact tracing.
“I think that’s what it’s going to take to really get our economy back to normal, and I really think that can’t happen fully, 100 percent until we have a vaccine that is foolproof,” Wolf said. “That’s my own stance.”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Ministry Of Truth Special Announcement –
Chairman Xi Jinping Honors Comrade Kamala Harris (D-China) With Honorary Chinese Citizenship For Defending China Against Racist American Name-Calling. Chairman Xi noted, “China greatly appreciates Ms. Kamala and her Demorat comrades for bravely standing with China against Racist Imperialist Americans.”
Senate Democrats, led by Kamala Harris (CA), are pushing a resolution that condemns calling COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus,” “Wuhan virus,” or “Kung-flu” as racism perpetuating “anti-Asian stigma.”
Singers onto the resolution include Sens. Tammy Duckworth (IL), Mazie Hirono (HI), Maria Cantwell (WA), Ed Markey (MA), Tina Smith (MN), Dick Durbin (IL), Catherine Cortez Masto (NV), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Patty Murray (WA), Mark Warner (VA), Ben Cardin (MD), Diane Feinstein (CA), Tom Carper (DE), Bernie Sanders (VT), and Cory Booker (NJ).
The resolution calls for the condemnation of “all manifestations or expressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious in4 tolerance” along with pushing for law enforcement across the county to collect data and keep track of anti-Asian hate crimes.
Now this is very interesting… Universities are hiding their China pay masters connections
17 months of investigating millions of dollars spent because Donald was insistent of rampant voter fraud and Gov. Rick Scott wanted to play “Stepen Fetchit” In the reboot.
Zero cases of voting fraud could be found.
Too Damn Funny
OOOOOOOOOh Noooooooooooooooo,
Sanjay Gupta’s head will explode
Yeah BeerPong@165, about that voter fraud…
Naaaaah this is anecdotal!
Of course BeerPong forgot all these ten anecdotal accounts
Puddy pretty sure I placed this on the assesHorse blog.
AAAAhhh yes, more anectodal evidence per BeerPong@165.
Puddy pretty sure I put this on the blog too.
And yes BeerPong,
Puddy say Four DUMMOCRETIN, 1 Republican, 1 Libertarian & four non-affiliated voters caught.
Butt this caught Puddy’s eye and why the ACLU was so against the New Hampshire law…
Memory loss at 18. Amazing!
This is a new one Puddy hadn’t seen.
And BeerPong here’s anecdotal eveidence of one of your heroines…
Amazing anecdotal eveidence that never happened per BeerPong@165.
Nooooo Puddy thought dead people could always vote for DUMMOCRETINS. I’m shocked…
Links an “Opinion” piece from Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post.
Penned by Deroy Murdoch who Piddles must love. He’s a black conservative. Lots of money in that eh, Diamond and Silk. Has written against gay marriage and claimed that there was evidence Saddam Hussein was behind the 9-11 attacks. (Narrator: That was bullshit…Saddam Hussein was not behind the 9-11 attacks.)
Did he say iron-clad proof about Saddam because he claims bulletproof of voter fraud. In that column from 2017, something something dates. Before Florida got going investigating Donald’s claim of fraud. The investigation that just wrapped and found……
And a link from 2016….from even longer before the investigation that spent millions of Taxpayer dollars to stroke Donald’s ego while finding…..
Good sluething there Piddles.
Another day….More polls. I’m not putting stock in the online only poll by Change Research that got a lot of Twitter coverage today. Six days to get responses online is pretty far from a Silver standard.
Wisconsin (Redfield & Wilton) Biden 48-38
Wisconsin (Hodas & Associates, GOP Paid poll) Biden 51-42 (Ouch, that one’s gotta hurt)
Pennsylvania (Redfield & Wilton) Biden 48-39
Pennsylvania (Hodas & Associates, GOP Paid poll) Donald 50-48
Florida (Redfield & Wilton) Biden 45-43
North Carolina (Redfiled & Wilton) 45-43
Arizona (Redfiled & Wilton) Biden 45-41
Michigan (PPP) Biden 48-40
Michigan (Redfield & Wilton) Biden 47-39
Michigan (Hodas & Associates, GOP paid poll) Biden 50-42 (oooooh…that one probably hurts more)
Wow BeerPong, that’s the only one you could pick upon.
Quick get one more in before Sundown.
do ballot harvesting in North Carolina which is as relevant to the now wrapped investigation in Florida that spent millions of taxpayer dollars in a two year quest and found…..
Not a single illegal vote.
Not one dirty poll worker.
Not one non-citizen voting.
Focus Piddles. Florida. Focus.
RapeHero broke down and began wearing a mask today.
Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buttt aquarium cleaner?
By Sunday he’s on a ventilator.
Yeah….that happened.
Almost like he was describing a known Nazi sympathizer as being somehow pure blood. Or a master race.
Speaking of blood… 100k by Monday could happen. Alabama?
@158 “you can’t attack the date”
I don’t have to. You can’t verify a date.
@160 “Please, find someone smarter than this idiot.:”
I’ve been begging for better trolls for 16 years. What’ve we got? Doctor Dumbfuck, Puddy, and pork sauce. Sorry, that’s the best I can do. I tried. The barrel is empty.
@167 He got caught. The system worked. This guy got caught, too:
So did this guy:
The system worked those times, too.
Florida Anecdotal.
North Carolina – A Republican acting DUMMOCRETIN: Anecdotal
Got another?
We on think right can play the same game!
senile idiot wabbit @179,
The date is on the FaceBook post. Reading comprehension problems? Facebook hired some of the most virulent leftists to be their face checkers. SPLC, Professor Pamela Karlan, Danielle E. Anderson, Flora Teoh, among others. If it was untrue like the April 13 post it would have come down really fast.
FACTS continue to suck when you old and senile.
Miracle Aquarium Cleaner News!
Global study of 96,000 patients hospitalized for treatment of TrumPlague showed those treated with GOP Q CLEANER suffered massively higher rates of death and dangerously irregular heart rhythms.
Wow. Such amazing and unexpected medical news.
The Q Clearance Pussy, a “very smart doctor” is completely wrong about a medical thing yet again. #TornadoShelter
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
No wonder trumpers are fighting vote by mail so hard.
‘You can’t hack paper’: How Oregon fights election meddling
“Throw them on the scrap pile.” Oregon officials of both parties say voting machines are inferior to their vote-by-mail system.
It’s a system that consistently produces some of the highest voter participation rates in the country. In 2016, 68 percent of the state’s registered voters voted, eight percent above the national average. The Oregon way is also endorsed across party lines.
“You can’t hack paper,” said Richardson.
But what about security? You can’t hack paper, but you can steal ballots. Couldn’t someone swipe a ballot from a neighbor’s mailbox, or from someone who has moved or died?
Keisling acknowledges this could happen, but says it would be “one of the stupidest ways to try to steal an election.”
“They’d be committing a felony, vote by vote.”
“A clerk once asked me to think about this,” recalled Keisling, “He said, ‘Phil, have you wondered why crooks don’t counterfeit pennies? They go for the twenties and the hundreds if they’re going to risk the jail time.”
“Go back to paper ballots,” he said. “Then think hard … You ought to be looking at abolishing the polling place and moving to a system that puts the voter first.”
Secret University Professor Tara Reade’s lawyer quit this morning.
So that’s another thing The Q Clearance Pussy and Every Rapepublican You Know have welded themselves to that’s going really well.
These people want us to leave them in charge of stuff.
These Invisible Baby Cannibal, Aquarium Cleaner, Secret University Professor Rape Victim, $20,000 credenza, Noble Prize/Man of the Year Winning, DERP STATE, 50 million unemployed, 100,000 dead, Yacht/Cocaine/Hookers people want America to look at their record and decide to keep them in charge for another four years.
Joe Biden sniffed hair once.
“Facebook hired some of the most virulent leftists to be their face checkers.”
Damned checkers require things to be true. How DARE they! Facts don’t fit the conservative agenda.
Looking at his list of honorable and competent people and groups he is outraged by, it’s clear he’s living in the Upside Down.
And DeadDeformed asked for better people whom think right.
DeadDeformed. how can you have BALANCED fact checkers on FACE if there are no conservative fact checkers, hence ipso facto.
Another rake face!
See ya1
Because DUMMOCRETINS will add more votes to machines for their favrit candidates and then certify those same machines as correct and valid. See links above.
See ya!
About a dozen of the criminal cases in which Secret University Professor Reade (alias McCabe – irony right?) gave “expert” testimony are now under review in the 6DCA of California. Line is forming at the elevator lobby on the 2nd floor, reaching around the block. Social distancing is being enforced.
This is for our trolls. You are a disgrace. To yourselves.
@189. Shorter Trumper. If we don’t win, the democrats cheated.
!88. Keep crying those lying tears. You won’t be happy until the only fact checkers are trumpers.