Ti’s very dispiriting that Washington state has hit 1000 confirmed coronavirus dead. Social distancing and hand washing have slowed down the spread. But still, here we are. It’s better than if it had happened weeks or a month ago.
Anyway wash your hands right now.
Clearly, the IG was doing very necessary work.
Fired State Department watchdog was probing whether Pompeo made staffer walk his dog, pick up laundry
The IG knew he would be fired for inexcusable behavior. The “investigation” was ginned up to make it more difficult to can him.
Someone should investigate the personal services Hanauer requires of Goldy.
There was no IG in place to probe the things Hillary Clinton made Huma Abedin do to earn her keep.
How silly? Revelations of illicit dog-walking are described by NBC News as “Breaking News”.
After Trump announced support for Pompeo, Adam Schiff told MSNBC that Trump’s words constituted an impeachable offense.
So you want some boogaloo, huh, traitor? Fine by me. You will not survive this.
Data scientists have used the anonymized location data of smart phones present at safe-at-home protests held in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Colorado and Florida in late April and early May to determine that the protests are serving as “super-spreader” events.
Devices were tracked for 48 hours following the conclusion of protest events. Large numbers of the devices are shown to disperse quickly to diverse and remote parts of the state and across state lines to areas now showing a statistically significant increase in new COVID-19 infections.
This data shows the importance of these events in implementing our plan to achieve 200 million infections by the end of the year. More people should begin attending, especially people who are feeling “under the weather”. And more of these events should be organized and carried out. Even as states and counties begin to re-open, protest events can still play an important role by discouraging social distancing orders and PPE requirements. But more importantly, and as this data ably demonstrates, by creating much needed “super-spreader” events in spite of the orders.
Grab a neighbor, a friend, a distant relative, and pile into the car together to go gather in a group and yell at the government. It’s the fastest, simplest way to get to “herd immunity” that will enable your leaders of business and industry to resume the lives they deserve.
I know. Silly, right?
You’d think the guy was doing something really seriously bad like selling loose cigarettes or jogging.
“Clearly, the IG was doing very necessary work.”
Yes, he was, traitor.
You would think, Steve @ 8, that NBC and WaPo would have led with that, then.
Nope. They waited until they saw the embarrassing headlines about a guy who used his Senate confirmation to investigate the serious crime of dog-walking by proxy before ginning up something that sounds better.
Still on the front page of the NBC News website @ 9:02a:
Fired watchdog was probing whether Pompeo made staffer walk dog, pick up laundry
Fuck you, traitor.
Too late.
Y’all are losing Democrats in the states that matter, libbies.
Steve continues his descent @ 11 into the tier of YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Like I give a fuck.
That clicking sound you keep hearing @ 14, Steve?
Your clip’s empty. Your last clip.
15 – He’s got you there, Steve.
There’s a video of Biden. Biden with women and girls. He’s on stage and knows he’s on camera, but he can’t help himself.
DJT Jr. tweeted it.
Dems know how bad it looks. They marshaled forces to push back:
I don’t know what’s misleading about Chris Coon’s daughter so creeped out by Biden that she leans away from him while he tries to kiss her.
Hell, even Jon Stewart knows how bad Biden looks. Get used to hearing “The Audacity of Grope“, libbies. Coming to a Fall presidential campaign near you.
It’s over, libbies. The economy’s re-opening.
Police to New Jersey gym that opened in defiance of order: “Have a good day”
That’s a cop that even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can get behind.
Why Steve is having an awful, no good, very bad day.
Progressives thought they’d overtaken the Democratic Party. Now they’re in despair.
There are only so many residents in the 43rd district, libbies.
Now, maybe if a few of them wanna move to the UP, you can leverage their votes a bit more.
The best part about this is that YLB is cheerleading local liberal efforts, the results of which will only further burden YLB’s kids.
Stupidity should be painful, no?
Doing 85 on the freeway isn’t really illegal if there’s not much traffic.
But keep saying it was just about illegally using staff as personal assistants…
@ 20
Doing 85 on the freeway isn’t really illegal if there’s not much traffic.
The record for the Cannonball Run has been repeatedly broken in the past few weeks, because of the limited traffic.
Fox News is live every 30 minutes from a gym that opened against rules in Jersey today like the Berlin Wall is coming down.
But you do you.
@ 22
People are rebelling against demonstrations of authority by people who are abusing it to large extent.
Just think how pissed the NJ governor must be about the behavior of his NY colleague and fellow Democrat party member.
No limit to the financial burden that YLB’s kids will shoulder, either.
Fed chair: “There’s no limit” to coronavirus stimulus response
Barr …
Durham …
Pompeo has been working with Meadows, WH Coms, and Moscow Mitch to push the dog walking bullshit. This was planned, including Pompeo’s role as the “fall guy”. Mitch wants him in Kansas. It’s all pure bullshit.
So of course, The Q Clearance Pussy gobbled it up.
Fast Draw Pete @1:
“The State Department inspector general … had nearly completed an investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s decision to fast-track an $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia … the move drew bipartisan condemnation, with lawmakers decrying the precedent it sets, questioning the administration’s claims of an emergency and raising the issue of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record ….”
Oh, and using federal employees for personal errands also is a problem,* but I wouldn’t expect a president who steers military personnel to his own failing hotel in order to gin up business to understand that; I wouldn’t expect you to understand it, either. You’re both dumbfucks.
* For any low- or mid-level federal or state supervisory employee, it’s not merely a problem, it’s a firing offense.
Weird how a story develops over time.
“You go to war with the Army you have not the Army you hope to have at some time in the future.”
It’s almost like firing the guy tasked with looking into ethics upset people who are ethical and some of them are dropping info to the press.
@1 And the IG’s “inexcusable behavior” was … what?
Trumpalos not only fire honorable public servants, they smear and libel them in the process. (See #1 above.) But this is having the opposite intended effect:
Getting fired by Trump and dissed by dumbfucks is a badge of high honor.
@2 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck quotes a liberal magazine to deride an absurd claim by a convicted liar as alleged grounds to call for an IG investigation of a private citizen to debunk the absurd claim.
He’s gotta be parodying something.
@3 Wherein it’s clear that Doctor Dumbfuck is parodying a different IG’s investigation of whether Mike Pompeo did something that is, in fact, flatly illegal if he did it and also constitutes waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer resources.
So what we have here is two dots on opposite sides of a cliff and a straight line between them that goes straight down, as follows:
And the little blot at the bottom is Doctor Dumbfuck.
Rage Tweeting about the TeeVee you don’t watch instead of working. Own Goal:
So you just admitted you’ve never met Dr. Rick Bright? In the middle of a pandemic you never met the lead scientist at Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) a division of HHS that specifically deals with bioweapons (“China let it out” -Donald, many occasions) and Pandemic response?
Never? Never met or spoke with him?
The incompetence astounds.
“I need all the information on Physics. Get me Secretary Carson and Bill Barr and Jared so we can meet.” Donald
“I have Neil deGrasse Tyson in my phone and can probably get him to come.” Gen. Milley
“Why the fuck meet with him?” Donald
Apparently the house the late Ahmaud Arbery wandered in and out of was a sort of community center.
If the two vigilantes now sitting in jail were watching it for the owner, as they claim in their defense, they didn’t do a very good job of watching it.
@9 “to investigate the serious crime of dog-walking by ”
It’s unethical and against the law, dumbfuck.
@17 I’m going to vote for Biden anyway, because your candidate is so vastly more awful.
I think you know how this goes.
Def counsel is seeding the jury pool and the media with whatever possible “doubt” he can. In the end it won’t matter that there was no preceding “string of break-ins”. It won’t matter that the murder victim was doing the same thing every other curious person in the neighborhood was doing. It won’t matter that the defendants were not threatened or put at risk. And it won’t matter that they hunted the victim down like a dog and shot him for sport.
They’ll get the holdout juror they need.
Every single African American woman will be struck from that jury pool. Every single African American male under 40 will be struck. The two or three white women the prosecution allows to be seated will all be registered gun owners with either no children or grown children who live out of state. The nine other mostly white men will be all over 40, mostly over 60, homeowners, about half of whom are registered WCL.
With jury hung the prosecutor will plead it to man with time.
Because this is Georgia.
@18 Think I care if 10% of its customers are dead and 30% of the rest are on ventilators two months from now? They were warned.
It’s against the law. No need to add that it’s “unethical”.
It’s against the law for a reason.
Even without Pompeo trading arms for resort licensing and campaign support at Trump’s behest, the use of classified civil service employees for private personal errands is illegal and should be illegal.
But if not, then I guess we won’t have to listen or worry about it in 2022 when most of the 2 million federal workforce is deployed to help hold the House and Senate for Democrats.
If this is how The Q Clearance Pussy wants it, well he gets it.
@19 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates the fact his party’s L.D. 43 candidates got 9.5% of the vote for state senator, 8.9% of the vote for position 1, and a whopping 10.6% of the vote for position 2.
Now he’s looking forward to breaking into double digits for the other two positions in 2020.
@23 “People are rebelling against demonstrations of authority by people who are abusing it to large extent.”
I can see why they assigned you to radiology instead of epidemiology and locked up the bleach bottles in the radiology building.
@24 Good job. Now debunk this:
Venice reopens. Tourists don’t come back. Shops and cafes remain empty.
You could argue that market-based solutions not only can accomplish the same thing as government mandates, but do it even better.
All the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. No big deal.
The Pensacola gunman was a Saudi air force officer. No big deal.
The fired watchdog was investigating a squirrely arms deal with Saudi Arabia. But no big deal. The next Saudi attack on Americans will have “Made in USA” stamped on the weapons used. But no big deal.
Welcome to the era of Trump and the GOP’s new way of conducting the public’s business.
Pompeo interview on the firing:
Imagine getting your boss to fire the HR director because they are standing in the way of you just helping yourself to a couple thousand in office furniture and supplies.
Oh and negotiating an illegal multi-billion dollar arms deal to kill more Yemenis.
@44 Trumpism is all about upending the established norms of government. In other words, “we can do as we damn well please.” Well, if they can, so can we — which nullifies every criticism every Republican has ever made of any Democrat.
Dow rockets nearly 4% higher.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still not a millionaire.
In the upside-down world of Trumpism, doctors get vilified for saving lives, and Doctor Dumbfuck champions domestic terrorism and racist lynchings. He figures if he’s gotta be vilified he may as well deserve it.
“Trump says he takes hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection”
Hoo boy.
I’m not sick. Been tested. Healthy as a breeding stud. Taking hydrochloroquine for fun. Feels greatest! I haven’t felt this gooder since that pretty little thing used the gloves.
@ 48
A lot of physicians prescribed it for themselves and their families – remember the articles a couple of weeks ago about shortages at pharmacies because it was being prescribed for people who weren’t sick?
I wouldn’t take it, because my exposure potential is virtually zero, and I don’t have a White House physician checking me for an arrhythmia on a daily basis.
But a lot of physicians prescribed it for themselves and their families.
Name me a drug that does not have side effects, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Look up what Tylenol can do to your liver, for starters.
Nice breadcrumbs @41.
Interesting places you visit senile idiot wabbit!
@godwinha, that’s the senile idiot wabbit for ya!
@50 “my exposure potential is virtually zero”
no shit
At least we can take comfort from knowing Doctor Dumbfuck has no human contact.
@51 Some people say she should be on the Federal Reserve Board. Other people say you should be in a lunatic asylum. If I had to choose, I’d rather be her than you.
@46 “Dow rockets nearly 4% higher.”
How nice. The market overreacts to some news on a fast-track vaccine,* so the S&P 500 and DJIA jump back up to about where they were 10 days ago and also a week before that.
* It’s still on track. We won’t get it sooner; it simply didn’t go off the rails at this stage of development.
Trust a troll.
But only if that troll has a kick-ass tornado shelter, a Camel-Back full of aquarium cleaner, and a Mag-Lite jammed up his ass.
“Trump will pivot to greatness. Mexico will pay for the wall through remittances. GOP gonna sweep the mid-terms because of Beer Tears. Trump will emerge from impeachment with 70% approval. Dow will break 30,000. TrumPlague is just the flu. Tornado is worse than Trump Body Pile. Aquarium cleaner cures it. It will all just go away. TrumPlague will create employment BOOM! He can wait. And of course the all-time classic – It’s not too late!”
Closer….. Closer…..
Judge tosses out Gov. Kate Brown’s coronavirus restrictions in Oregon
Plenty of time for her to have followed procedure and gone to the legislature.
Emergency powers necessarily have limitations to reasonable durations. Otherwise they’re not emergencies.
@57 Wherein a Trump apologist instantly and magically turns into a defender of democratic process. It’s amazing what a little bit of partisan hypocrisy can accomplish.
More police making their community “safer”:
No charges.
Average white Karen would have demanded that store employees carry the purchases to the car and if they failed to make them fit, offer free delivery.
And she’d get it, too.
Derek Gray gets a concussion and his teeth broken out of his face.
You be sure and update us as soon as this has been in front of a judicial authority representing more humans than sheep, okay?
@ 59
Coupla routine questions:
1. What were four cops doing at Sam’s Club in the first place, QoS McHillbilly?
2. The claimants’ attorney provided videos that began once he’s already on the floor and they’re both screaming their heads off. No video of what transpired to result in the two of them finding themselves on the floor?
Yeah. There’s video. We just haven’t seen it yet.
Those things having been said, seems like Mr. Gray had every reason to be pissed at the way he was treated. Before the police showed up, I mean.
I read an article this morning from The Hill by a radiologist with the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank, arguing the lockdowns served their purpose of flattening the curve and continuing them is overkill in that the mortality risk to the general population is actually very low. From other sources, I gleaned that about 1/3 to 1/2 of deaths occurred in long-term care facilities; however, I get the impression from media accounts that Covid-19 can be pretty damned unpleasant even if you survive it. Now, I agree with the principle that experts should advise policymakers, and it’s legitimate for elected officials to balance saving lives against other national interests — after all, that’s what politicians do when they decide to fight a war, although it should be noted in postscript that embarking on military adventures tends to be politically controversial — and that’s where running lockdowns by legislatures comes in. Although that can get a little complicated if the legislature has previously delegated those powers to the executive for use in a public health emergency and the executive’s use of those powers falls within the legislative delegation. This, too, tends to be controversial — an obvious analogy being presidential stretching of war powers acts. The fact is, as to reopening, there’s really no one right answer to the question of how soon is too soon, and different people answer this in different ways depending on whose oxen are being gored. A properly functioning political process arbitrates these disputes, normally through a process of negotiation and compromise. The problem is we have a highly dysfunctional political process and a national leadership unworthy of trust. The end result is morons are free to do as they please. In this situation, we should hoard popcorn and wait for Darwinian selection to prepare us for the next pandemic.
If I were a betting man, I’d bet that Oregon’s AG gets a stay on appeal before the end of the week. The basis of the ruling aside, a State Circuit Judge lacks discretion to decline a stay in a case like this without citing specific irreparable harm defined in the statute. Doesn’t include whinging from tavern owners filed in amici briefs. This judge knows that too. So declining the stay pending appeal is nothing but a thumb in the eye to the judges in Salem and to the Governor.
Making him either a colossal dumbfuck, or someone intending to run for a higher office overseeing more sheep.
@63 Judicial process is supposed to be a check on political process and appellate process is supposed to be a check on judicial process but nowadays you wonder if anything works the way it’s supposed to. My can opener doesn’t. Made-in-China crap. Wish they still made them in the USA. Thank God I kept my P-38 for backup.
“The fact is, as to reopening, there’s no real right answer to the question of how soon is too soon, and different people answer this in different ways depending on whose ox is being gored.”
In the case of Oregon, at least, these plaintiffs in rural counties have their answer. Moreover, the county in question has already had its phase one application approved since last week. As you can see it already included limited reopening of all the activities the plaintiffs listed in their suit.
These assholes are not suing for the freedom to resume church picnics. They are suing for the freedom to hold jello wrestling and wet t-shirt contests at the church picnic.
So, do you think that is a sincere effort?
It’s the same old grift.
@ 65
These assholes are not suing for the freedom to resume church picnics. They are suing for the freedom to hold jello wrestling and wet t-shirt contests at the church picnic.
Actually, being residents of rural counties they probably are suing for the ability to be treated differently than Portland.
They probably are suing for something similar to what Inslee has done, which is to provide a means for low-risk geographic areas to begin opening their economies earlier than the higher risk locations in the state.
It’s telling that you dismiss their valid concerns with your typical high-brow bullshit, QoS McHillbilly. You get paid while working from home, after all.
@65 I’m not trying to reason with them. Firefighters can relate to the experience of pulling someone off a bridge or window ledge who then hates them for saving him. These fuckers simply hate their miserable fucking lives and want to pull everyone off the ledge with them. They think a lot like the disgruntled pilot who rerouted a planeload of unwitting passengers to Antarctica. You can’t reason with such people; you have to get them out of the cockpit.
Pussy should have read the state links. Oregon announced the phase 1 guidelines weeks ago. It was already clear at the time that most counties would be able to qualify. The counties all geared up and got the job done quickly and efficiently (even the sheep counties). As a result, these plaintiffs and this judge were caught rather flat footed when the order came last week allowing them to reopen – while continuing to keep Portland closed. By the time Judge Cleetus sobered up enough, the court was closed. So he entered his three page order this morning, 72 hours after it was effectively mooted by the state plan.
Yes that’s right, Cleetus and “Mother” have been able to get a haircut since last week, which pretty much obliterates any claims about “irreparable harms”. But instead of moving on, ambitious climber and his political backers issue an order anyway. Proving that this whole episode is not and has never been about sincere religious or economic interests.
It’s about partisan politics. They are not patriots. They are not “Cival Liburtarians”. They are hypocritical partisan assholes. And so is The Q Clearance Pussy. Either that, or he’s a dupe. As time goes by I’m increasingly persuaded that it’s the latter.
Make that five different pollsters that have Biden over 50% nationally
Harvard-Harris 53%
“1. What were four cops doing at Sam’s Club in the first place, QoS McHillbilly?”
Here’s what I can tell you they were not doing there:
Investigating reports or evidence of any crime being committed by the innocent black man whose teeth they shattered.
No charges filed.
“No video of what transpired to result in the two of them finding themselves on the floor?”
If there is such video, it is not evidence in a criminal case because…
No charges filed.
You aren’t actually this dumb. It isn’t credible to claim that you raise such faulty rhetorical questions because “you just don’t understand how these things work” or “you get all confused”.
It’s because you are a racist.
You really are.
Had the victim here been white you’d see it in a completely different light. And at the very least you’d pause, think it over, and before asking such dumb questions you’d give yourself the time to notice the totality of the circumstances, and realize that the answer was already right there in front of you.
It’s an innate reflex for you that you can’t resist or prevent. It comes with the privilege of being white. But you really should think about stifling it before you start writing a comment like that. Because every time you do you move yourself that much farther away from being a decent human being. Every time you do you dig yourself in that much deeper to the conviction that cops beating the shit out of an innocent black man isn’t a symptom of institutional racism. Because it really is.
Yeah, you and I don’t know what happened to precipitate that gang beating by the police. But what we do know for sure is that in the immediate aftermath, whatever it was, it somehow did not meet the standard to charge the man with a crime.
“Attorney General William Barr said Monday he does not expect the Justice Department to investigate former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden as part of its review of the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.”
Which leaves Durham. Oh wait. Durham is part of DoJ.
Sorry, Doc. Trump and Barr fucked you again.
Hobby Lobby bible museum forfeits stolen artifact.
Every law student is exposed to O’Keeffe v. Snyder, 83 N.J. 478, 416 A.2d 862, 1980 N.J. (1980), which says, “Our decision begins with the principle that, generally speaking, if the paintings were stolen, the thief acquired no title and could not transfer good title to others regardless of their good faith and ignorance of the theft.”
An expensive lesson for Mr. Green of Hobby Lobby.
Airlines have tabled plans to cram more passengers on planes with standing-room-only cabin plans for now.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit does not fly on planes or own airline stocks.)
Has anyone checked to see if Conrad Murray has been in to examine Donald?
Any GP or Orthopedist can tell you stories of patients who seem to have no physical affliction but will have some vague self reported pain that they are sure can be fixed with an Oxy Prescription.
‘Yeah I’d like to take thalidomide. A lot of people are taking it.”
@74 What did his mother take? That might explain some things.
@ 70
That’s not accurate:
Marvia Gray was charged with municipal crimes of interfering with an officer and resisting arrest. Harms said the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office is still reviewing whether to file charges against Derek Gray.
That point having been made, I will acknowledge that I missed the point about the public safety director calling it excessive force the first time I read the piece. I was looking for the reason that the cops showed up.
BTW, I’ve been arrested. No charges were filed, and I was released right after I was booked. Arresting officer’s race was different than mine. I never thought to allege racism. I didn’t think I deserved to be arrested, but I didn’t think he was doing anything wrong, either.
Well I’ve got popcorn and some Highland Park 18 to watch the Twitter Meltdown.
I only got past comment #1 by The Troll. Did anyone inform him of the sales of arms to Saudi Arabia?
For once you think the dude could live up to what being a Doctor really means. The parents were so proud of him.
@76 “I didn’t think I deserved to be arrested, but I didn’t think he was doing anything wrong, either.”
IOW you didn’t think you deserved to be arrested for what you did wrong. That’s what they all say.
The doctor was arrested…..too funny….had to be a horse involved.
Anyone seen PI?
Not as silly as a Troll calling themselves a doctor or a doctor whittled down to being a Troll in life.
Hopefully Christmas comes early by getting the gift of death to the stupid mothers
Nahhh, but I hop they all still get together and take Bob with them. They’ll need someone to laugh at.
Not sure if people know my little secret…. there is no immunity to me. The jokes on them.
Now Bob is the smartest journalist. Wonder if he ever thought to think maybe The Hump admin first leaked the dog story to cover the illegal arms
YeH because in the times of COVID-19, their first priority is maintaining the website. Tell us what Faux News reported. Or are they still reporting the dog walking… you should stick with the dog walking version of the story.
Oh my Ezra Journolist Klein and a whole bunch of libtards got trolled by Trump/Pence. DAYUM funny.
Don’t let him break you Steve. The guy has nothing better to do in life (like fuck the wife, or heck even a flesh light instead of the horse).
“Anyone can scroll through the internet to find a rabidly conservative brain damaged blog curated by someone who is super duper sure the Japanese should have been locked in Manzanar.” Piddles, well maybe not those EXACT words.
What the fuck Is twitchy?
Blue lives matter. Blue lives matter. You sure you didn’t mean blue balls matter?
Faux News should open their studios to patrons and give them weights…..but no, they are a bunch of pussies like Bob, afraid of the flu.
Gobbled and slurped up the gravy too.
Exactly. End the lockdown!!, even Bob is dumb enough to think the stock market is going to hit 100 quadrillions.
Jc dollars will be up and running in no time. Bob and its friends are going to shop!
Jesus, that’s fucking pathetic. I’d like to say it’s disappointing.
For your sake anyway. Can’t though.
Instead I’ll explain to you how this works.
“Harms said the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office is still reviewing whether to file charges against Derek Gray.”
In that county that means their torts attorney has already assured them they’ll lose at civil trial. And they already know they’ll lose at criminal trial. Their only play is to hold criminal charges back in trade. They’re already looking to settle. Just a question of how much. The county is perfectly free to spend years and millions of tax dollars on a prosecution they can’t possibly win. And they can spend whatever they like appealing the civil jury award. They want Mr. Gray’s attorneys to pay attention and do some accounting.
But if they had any legal reason to arrest Gray they would have charged him by now. It’s a much stronger hand. They’ve already done all the things you and The Federalist are doing. Dug through every social media source, checked for media reports,looked for any record at all and come up empty handed. It’s been two months. About the only thing they have going for them is Trump in the White House and racist assholes like you willing to conjure up imaginary felony pixies if that what it takes to make a helpless black victim into a “credible threat”. A favorite toy car in a child’s hand can always be made to look like a gun if you just want to believe badly enough.
And you always do.
Dow rockets. OMG did he actually hope the cheerleading suit is looking pretty good again. OMG.
Racist, homophobe, they are partners.
Like Bob -a fat pig, faile pro athlete
So if Molly Jong -Fast claims It’s Official: Laura Ingraham Wants Your Grandmother to Die
Laura would be in the pantheon along with those DUMMOCRETIN libtards whose policies caused the old people to die:
Andrew Cuomo – Thousands died
Phil Murphy – Thousands died
Tom Wolf – Hundreds died
– Dr. Rachel Levine has some explaining over taking her mom from a nursing home
Gretchen Whitmer – Hundreds died
@78 That’s nothing, you should see #76. He was busted by the cops, but won’t say for what.
“Sir, have you been drinking tonight?”
“Only Chlorox, officer.”
“Come with me.”
@97 The Dow rocketed up to where it was 10 days ago. It didn’t do so good last week.
Wow all you libtards are fat shaming Trump. Imagine that. If Trump was a libtard you’d be screaming all over Pelosi.
Hypocrite thy name is DUMMOCRETIN!
@88 I wish they’d come here and troll. The trolls here have gotten fat, lazy, and, frankly, boring.
@104 Where’ve you been? We’ve been calling him “Fat Donny” for ages. Oh that’s right, your wife impounded your computer for two years.
@100 Where’s pork sauce? We expected him to be all over this.
Hey BeerPong,
That decline hasn’t happened in those DUMMOCRETIN led counties. Just download the latest ga_covid_data.zip file! Check the time stamp! Look at those counties around Atlanta, Albany and Macon! Dems DUMMOCRETIN!
See ya.
Yes senile idiot wabbit, been fat shaming for a long time!
Triggered, snowflake?
See Rosie O’Donnell.
Stormy “Horseface”
And on and on…
Jake Crapper crying the blues over Trump identifying Joe BiteME being a serial grabber forgot Jon Stewart in 2015 doing the same thing… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uGBRDcJESQ
Changes your perspective on Joe BiteME cuz Jon Stewart identified it back in 2015 Jake Crapper!
Another AOC oops… https://politicalcowboy.com/aoc-knocked-from-union-backed-progressive-party-ballot-line-due-to-lack-of-signatures/
AOC Knocked From Union-Backed Progressive Party Ballot Line Due To Lack Of Signatures
Now that’s an attention grabber!
Regarding Rosie O’Donnell, she went there first.. From the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine BeerPong to refresh your single celled paramecium-like brain cell! CNN nonetheless! Read carefully BeerPong, as that’s not your forte lately!
Remember last month how the assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS attacked SoS Mike Pompeo over his call of China hiding coronavirus facts? Well looks like Pompeo was right about China shenanigans as much as Sean Hannity was right about the spying on the Trump campaign.
Looks like Don Trump Jr. snowflaked the libtard media! https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1261770309008580613
Grope and Change! Gotta love it with Jon Stewart The Audacity of Grope!
P R I C E L E S S ! Looks like Tara Reade has a “point”.
Say it ain’t so AOC… https://nypost.com/2020/05/17/aoc-owes-2000-in-unpaid-taxes-from-failed-business-venture/
Taxes, we elites don’t pay no stinking taxes!
Wouldn’t a good Christian like Donald turn the other cheek on that? Be humble. Something about ‘loving enemies?’
Weird how all you self proclaimed followers of Christ can’t WWJD your lives.
Pompeo claimed repeatedly that the TrumPlague was a bio-weapon engineered in a Chinese military lab.
So not the same as whatever the fuck Piddles is saying here.
IOW yet another shameful lie.
“The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be firmly excluded.” Feb 16
“Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),1 and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens.” Feb Lancet
“We do not believe any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible,” March, Nature Medicine
“The intelligence community concurs with the scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified” IGIC April
Pompeo, repeatedly: WOOOHAN BIOGAS!!!! AYEEEEE!!!!!
Pompeo is corrupt and degenerate. But he’s not insane (although Piddles might be).
It’s Pompeo’s job to spout this crazy shit. Because to admit that the virus came from bats is to admit that the disgracefully incompetent fail-president fucked us all and killed tens of thousands of Americans when he ordered funding cut for the leading American scientists studying emerging pathogens in…
… bats.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Trump the Fat Fuck Murderer by The Hump virus.
Bob the Fat Fuck Troll who disappointed his parents, so now he fucks a horse.
@116. Puddy, your bias is showing.
“But Ocasio-Cortez’s camp says the rep is challenging the $2,088.78 bill because it was issued “in error.”
If you are outraged that Democratic AOC has a $2 grand unpaid bill, then you should be 900x more outraged that the republican impeached miserable failure has $1.8 million in unpaid bills.
I expect you post articles about AOC because right wing media portrays her as a hypocrite but you have to be careful that when you post a “Gotcha” about a Democrat. You risk having trump facts doing the same thing being posted that are way worse. It discredits you. You look like a partisan hypocrite, who only gets upset if a Democratic person does it.
Are you better than that?
Dot bombed, you need to stop reading Vox and get some right reading materials. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/05/05/pompeo_cant_know_if_coronavirus_is_a_bioweapon_or_lab_accident_because_chinese_communist_party_continues_to_block_access.html
POMPEO: Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point.
POMPEO: You know, I don’t have anything to say about that. I think there’s a lot to know. But I can say this. we’ve done our best to try and answer all of those questions. We tried to get a team in there, the World Health Organization tried to get a team in there, and they have failed. No one’s been allowed to go to this lab or any of the other laboratories. There are many labs inside of China, Martha. This risk remains. This is an ongoing challenge.
You can read what he said vs. what VOX or HuffPo tells you he said!
Ahhh yes tit-for tat time again eh deaddeformed? Yes, everyone should pay their bills. In this case it’s the Secret Service who should pay since they provide security as one can see from the article. Butt, everything is TRUMP’s fault when you are leftists like Newsweek! Who’s at fault for AOC? Hmmm…?
Selectively chose that one because Grope and Change/The Audacity of Grope is REAL and hard to swallow!
Meanwhile it seems a friend of assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS went nutzo.
Wisconsin public health officials are reporting that at least 72 patriotic volunteers who attended Freedom Mucus Sharing rallies in that state at the end of last month have since tested positive for the FREEDOM-2020 virus. As a result, on Saturday the Wisconsin Department of Health Service reported the largest single day increase in FREEDOM-2020 cases ever.
As you all know, Wisconsin is ground zero in our battle toward our goal of 200 million infections and 10 million death to achieve FREEDOM IMMUNITY. These reports yesterday show that our organizing campaign built around developing and encouraging volunteers at Freedom Mucus Sharing events are exceeding all expectations.
The data from Wisconsin is the proof of concept establishing the way forward in our campaign for 200 million FREEDOM PASSPORTS. Once the number of recovered volunteers in Wisconsin surpasses 100,000 our next step will be to use state and federal courts to establish the FREEDOM PASSPORT system providing these lucky patriots unrestricted movement and activities.
The Wisconsin FREEDOM campaign will draw attention to these courageous volunteers by providing them with logo merchandise including branded oxygen tanks and mobility scooters with colorful branded wraps. A series of media opportunities are planned showcasing their exciting lifestyle, dining out on carefully restricted foods, gently paced walking, and attending the funerals of friends, neighbors, and family members.
Stay tuned for more developments!
Orange Moron – 92,000 died
Speaks for itself.
POMPEO: Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point.
Narrator: The best experts don’t say this. Not a single one. Dr. Drew and James Woods and a You Tuber from New Zealand are not the best.
POMPEO: You know, I don’t have anything to say about that. I think there’s a lot to know. But I can say this. we’ve done our best to try and answer all of those questions. We tried to get a team in there, the World Health Organization tried to get a team in there, and they have failed. No one’s been allowed to go to this lab
Narrator: After firing the team in place to get a jump on theses situations, what’s the point of getting a new team into a lab whee the best experts agree this was NOT created?
In short Pompeo is lying to keep the stupid going. “If I keep saying, despite solid evidence by the best experts saying no, that I have secret best experts that say yes some will blame a bioweapon for 100,000 dead Americans not me and my dear leader.”
Wow government censorship, like what Twatter, Facebook and Youtube do to any Doctor who disagrees with the WHO and Dr. Fauci?
Looks like the censorship of data happened right here on assesHorse…
We’ll see if the full content will be placed on the blog.
Reports have John Durham in Italy tracking down the Italian equation to the spying on the Trump campaign by Obummer’s gaggle of merry thieves. Why Italy? Well you need to be chronological, something Puddy has nailed lots of assesHorses DUMMOCRETINS about over the years. Somehow Joseph Mifsud shows up a lot.
Puddy remembered the Nicole Wallace interview of Andrew McCabe and his mentioning of 9 Days in May. Y’all need to google that phrase. There is some connection to a “spy” server in Seattle the day Comey was fired.
Well Puddy went into his waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine of collected links and found this… https://wearethene.ws/notable/83703
If one remembers Nellie Ohr in testimony told Congress about Guilio Occhionero in August 2019.
There are some great links that are being censored right here Steve!
Boo fuckin’ hoo.
Donald: Mostly because of the evidence in the Lancet report I’m suspending WHO funds.
Lancet WTF are you talking about? There is no study we published that suggests your conclusion.
(Eds Note: contemplate that in the context of ‘The best experts’)
This is very interesting too…
Will Shifty Schiff and Jerry Asleep in Testimony Nadler defend this person?
New polls;
Arizona (OH Predictive Insights)
Biden 50% Donald 33%
Kelly 51% McSally 38%
Those Kelly/Trump voters are really going to bake a difference in this one.
The notice that went out to Senate Republican offices about the lunch with Trump notes that the “buffet will open early at noon.”
Leave room on your plate for some of the Rona at the carving station at the end.
Donald 43%
We regret the typo.
GOP Trump/Rona 2020 Launch Party Buffet!
But the state is open?
GA Supreme Court cleared the way to cancel Tuesday’s State Supreme Court election to replace term limited GOP justice. GOP Gov will appoint a two year replacement.
Can’t imagine a move like this in May will reverberate for six months over state politics.
It sure would be ironic if Moscow Mitch lost his majority to The Salmon Mousse!
Gotta love criminal loving California DUMMOCRETINS https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/05/12/six-sex-offenders-whose-early-release-was-criticized-by-orange-county-da-are-arrested-again/
“A half dozen sex offenders whose early release from local lockup for parole violations drew condemnation from Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer are back behind bars after authorities allege they once again broke the terms of their release.
Spitzer in earlier interviews on local and national news outlets and a statement to the public sharply criticized the decision by a court commissioner to release seven “high-risk” sex offenders for time served. The DA’s office now says that six of those seven offenders have already been re-arrested.”
PuddyCommentary: didn’t assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS cheer this type of tyranny, free the criminals while jailing the hard working shop owners? Sure did your honor!
Joe Biden needs to get some good tech geeks to help him out with his campaign. I just saw a mini-disaster of Joe attempting to use modern technology for campaigning, and it was embarrassing to watch.
Atlanta Fed GDPNow estimates for 2020: Q2
Assuming BEACH WEEK!!! doesn’t kill too many and Q3 shows growth from reopening, the Oct 29 number could show +21.6.
Bad news for Rapepublicans is that undecideds don’t read Barrons or receive minute to minute fed alerts on their day trading software. So if the Q3 number is to have any impact it will be up to the Russian bot-farms staffed by pimply Moldovan teens.
Seem like good advice. She is so helpful to the impeached miserable failure.
She cares.
So Americans not so interested in Made in China now. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/americans-are-giving-made-in-china-the-cold-shoulder/ar-BB14cN3P
It’s from Doomberg on MSN so it’s good right assesHorse libtards?
DUMMOCRETINS probably make up the majority of Made in China lovers because anything Trump is against DUMMOCRETINS are naturally for.
As a followup to last nights looks like the libtards at the NY Slimes entered into snowflake mode again by Don Jr. https://twitter.com/jmartNYT/status/1262057295439106053
Using actual C-SPAN and whitey house footage is “illegal” to the DUMMOCRETIN loving libtards.
How Dare You! in my best Greta Thunberg screech!
Puddy knew Bezos was left wrong along with Amazon, and this continues to prove it. https://nationalcenter.org/advocacy/petition-short/
SPLC mistakenly called many people haters! Of course you morons forgot the SPLC oopsie on https://www.splcenter.org/news/2018/06/18/splc-statement-regarding-maajid-nawaz-and-quilliam-foundation.
Gotta love the libtard. Throw money at it to make it go away!
Looks like CVS likes health care rationing, the kind Cuomo Whitmer, Wolf and Murphy enacted earlier this year!
Looks like Walgreens and Bartells for the Puddy family!
@146. You are indulging in magical telepathy. You have no way of knowing what most democrats think about Chinese products. The use of “Probably” means you have no idea if you are telling the true.
What’s the ratio of republican voting for legislation supporting outsourcing vs Democrats voting for outsourcing?
Jul 30, 2014 Senate Republicans block bill to end tax breaks for outsourcing
Nov 8, 2017 – Republicans Defeat the ‘Stop Outsourcing of American Jobs’ Amendment
December 1, 2017 Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before
Jul 10, 2018 The GOP tax bill rewards offshoring
So Puddy searched on SPLC and found out they have $120 million stashed in overseas accounts. https://www.wsj.com/articles/we-were-smeared-by-the-splc-11554332764
Now much more overseas… https://freebeacon.com/democrats/southern-poverty-law-center-now-has-162-million-stashed-in-offshore-accounts/
Hey BeerPong,
It seems Australia, Italy, Germany and others agree with Trump on the WHO decision! https://citizengo.org/it/ot/179244-tagliamo-i-fondi-allorganizzazione-mondiale-della-sanita
“In fact, in addition to having demonstrated that it supports and disseminates the false and incomplete information about the seriousness of COVID19 issued by Communist China and in addition to the fact that the internal decision-making and management processes of the WHO are not subject to direct control by taxpayers , we are aware that during the peak of spread of Coronavirus the WHO continues to use the contributions paid with public funds for:”
Lock down, lock down
Donald J Trump collection clothing
Mar-A-Lago logo wear
Turnburry Logo wear
Ivanka Trump fashion (RIP)
Ivanka Trump handbags
All Made in China. To be fair some of Ivanka’s products are made in Indonesia.
No wonder DeadDeformed@!50 didn’t want to show the links
PoliticusUSA? Really? The Breitbart of the left!
Here’s a laugh…
Do you ever have a point?
May 18, LA Times
@124 And here we have Piddles citing Pompeo to validate Pompeo’s claims … i.e., what Pompeo says must be true because Pompeo said it!
@129 The real reason she was sacked is because Florida’s Covid-19 deaths climbed above 2,000 and they needed to blame somebody.
But, but, but SHE REGRETTED IT!
More important is the plain fact that what Pompeo said is paranoid lunacy.
Rapepublican base voters believe it because it is a tribal duty.
Which places them all about an inch away from torching cell towers and convening witch trials.
Meanwhile one long term devoted troll wishes to inform us that if Democrats will only nominate just the right bowl of warm porridge he may consider voting for him/her/it. But only if he isn’t too busy gathering wood for the burnings.
@145 No one is more concerned about Trump’s and Pence’s health than Pelosi. She obviously doesn’t want to be president. Too much shit to mop up.
@146 Where’ve you been? I’ve shunned Chinese products for years. They’re all crap. See, e.g., http://handbill.us/2019/09/22/.....er-crisis/ Plus, they take our jobs, and use our money to build weapons to use against us.* You’re late to the party, Piddles.
* However, this isn’t much to worry about if their weapons are of the same quality as their can openers.
I grew up on a Virginia farm, Mr. President—our potatoes are fine. And as the only medical doctor among our nation’s governors, I suggest you stop taking hydroxychloroquine.
Let’s all get back to work.
Where Piddles links to a ‘go fund me’ page to infer that entire nations agree with his Hero, the Orange ‘Good Christian’ Messiah.
“Look, this change.org petition says “Violets are Blue and I love you. The whole world loves me. FACTS!”
Potato rustling is only a problem in OUR Washington.
No really, it was 2018, Cardi B was burning up the charts and I was in Wenatchee when this guy in a facemask came up to me and said, “Give me that potato.” I had another potato at home, that being the style at the time and I was fixin’ to make some Latkes, which were fashionable among foodies but since I only eat Latkes at passover I gave him my potato. It was traumatic.
“As the debate over the effectiveness of wearing masks during a pandemic continues, a new study gives weight to arguments by medical professionals and government leaders that wearing a mask does indeed reduce virus transmission — and dramatically so. Experiments by a team in Hong Kong found that the coronavirus’ transmission rate via respiratory droplets or airborne particles dropped by as much as 75% when surgical masks were used. ‘The findings implied to the world and the public is that the effectiveness of mask-wearing against the coronavirus pandemic is huge,’ Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung, a leading microbiologist from Hong Kong University who helped discover the SARS virus in 2003, said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nevertheless, reopen vigilantes have a constitutional right to be stupid, and making a political statement by refusing to wear a mask is FREEDUMB. Just stay the hell away from me if you don’t want a rabbit fart in your kisser.
DJIA loses nearly 400 points as vaccine euphoria deflates.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s pet stock went pffft, too.
Some people want to minimize the seriousness of Covid-19 for ulterior reasons. They argue, “It’s just the flu. People die of flu every year.”
Except Covid-19 deaths are in addition to flu deaths. And the Covid-19 deaths have exceeded the typical number of flu deaths by multiples — currently 2 to 4 times the estimates of last winter’s seasonal flu deaths. Plus, flu vaccines are available.
No, Covid-19 isn’t “just the flu.”
You shouldn’t leave out permanent damage to multiple organs arsing from the “cytokine storm” syndrome.
It appears that if BEACH WEEK!!! protesters are successful in their efforts to ensure that more people become infected, then even with the miraculous benefits of aquarium cleaner we may be burdened with vast numbers of Americans with greatly diminished life expectancies and complicated and costly health futures.
Oregon State Supreme Court apparently has 24 hr Martinizing service and drive through:
Not even overnight. Same fucking day delivery. Presiding got it filed and in the system before midnight.
No drone required.
So if on 1/13/17 Obummer’s sadministration put out there in public Flynn talking to Kislyak then why the subterfuge later?
extracted from https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1262820374548447238v
Because Susan 5 Times a Liar Rice had to put out the final cover your ASS email after Trump became president.
BeerPong@156, the point is one you ALWAYS miss.
“The May 17 Order requires that most people continue sheltering in their place of residence.”
Butt later one sees:
Under the May 17 Order, outdoor museums, outdoor historical sites, and public gardens (e.g., the Botanical Gardens) may operate, subject to certain conditions, and people are allowed to travel to visit them.
So if most people are still required to shelter in place how does get to these outdoor museums, etc.
Most people can add 1+1 and get two. Even the senile idiot wabbit does on fifth Tuesdays of a month. This is why BeerPong you are a well below average moron. You take what the left wrong sez and you say “Yep, that works for me”.
Herridge deleted that tweet after CBS released the unredacted email earlier today in which FBI Dir explains that he is proceeding “by the book” but shared concerns that Flynn might be passing sensitive intelligence to Kislyak, prompting the President to request that he be kept informed of any changes.
So far Ms. Herridge has been unavailable to comment about the redactions.
Piddles should really be taking stock right about now of the hundreds of times he promoted the giant, corrupt, McCovey propaganda campaign. But instead he’s too busy posting links to deleted tweets containing damning omissions intended to prop up treason.
To BeerPong@165,
Again you have no memory in that single celled paramecium-like brain cell! You totally forgot what Puddy delivered about Australia. Here it is again ya moron!
AS more and more people investigate the WHO and their Chinese led “mistakes” one is also seeing a pattern of China sez, WHO repeates.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh dense as sepnt urarium!
“A federal judge on Monday allowed a federal lawsuit accusing President Donald Trump, his three eldest children and his company of collaborating with a fraudulent marketing scheme to prey on investors to proceed. … The lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of … ‘enrich[ing] themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream.'”
All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Besides, this is only a civil fraud case. Maybe the first of many to come. It’s not like this family are honest business people.
Puddy puts stuff up that flies across the twatter transom dot bombed. Puddy agrees with you as there was no Trump treason. Thanks for admitting that!
Here’s another
Meanwhile the latest coronavirus timeline.
Much more in-depth.
See ya!
@172 Still defending Flynn? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Mikey Flynn and Ollie North will have side-by-side rocking chairs in an old folks’ home, if there are any old folks after GOPlague blows over.
Offered tweets of a Vegas Shooting Truther and Pizzagate promoter.
[Studies timeline for fifteen seconds]
@175 PH Media again! WHAAAHARHAR HAR HAR HAR HAR !!!!
Texass. Trumpublicans. BEACH WEEK!!!
“A raucous Texas beach event known as ‘Go Topless Jeep Weekend’ ended with two people [shot] and nearly 200 others arrested for various crimes.”
Relaxing in a public park while black. What was he thinking? He could have been shot! In fact he would’ve been tased if the taser hadn’t malfunctioned. Lucky for him these were only cops; if they’d been white vigilantes, he would’ve died three years sooner.
Relaxing in a public park while black. What was he thinking? He could have been shot! In fact he would’ve been tased if the taser hadn’t malfunctioned. Lucky for him these were only cops; if they’d been white vigilantes, he would’ve died three years sooner.
Teh Orange Event Horizon is now so smeared with jizz, lube, and dried Diet Coke that they don’t even know when they’re having a really terrible day.
Flynn filed a jailbird petition with the DC Circuit for leave to sue Sullivan.
The “by the book” conspiracy has collapsed.
The Oregon FREEDUMB LOLSuit has been shut down.
Trump’s numbers have slid a few more points.
The 90 Day Wonder Vaccine has shit the data bed.
Unemployment is knocking on 25%.
The FREEDUMB!!! protests are confirmed as “super-spreader” events.
Trump got caught trading arms for resort deals.
The entire Right-to-Life movement collapsed under the weight of three decades of paying for lying.
America’s leading FREEDUMB!!! protester is in an ICU and his wife is dying on a ventilator.
The Senate GOP caucus held a brunch buffet with extra Rona.
And Trump started shoving potatoes up his butt instead of flashlights.
And this is a what now passes for a normal news cycle for Rapepublicans.
What day was May 17th? That was the first of two day with no new deaths as you link cites….since March.
How many days with no new cases? (0)
No new deaths is great but only part of the story.
If the new case numbers continue to drop (196 Sun. 99mon.) SF will be able to move to the next stage, totally consonant with CA and Local ordinances.
Moral for normal people: Aggressive action by Governor and enforcement by local governments is working.
Moral for Piddles: None of this was necessary and everyone needs to open NOW!
Why else would Piddles bring it up?.
Law-abiding black parent to law abiding son: “I looked him in the eyes and said, ‘Son, the police are not your friends.’ … I wanted him to fully understand what it means to walk out of the safety of his home into a world that would see him as a suspect just because he was walking down the street. This admonishment also included being cautious and suspicious of those of other cultures, many of whom now seem emboldened to take matters into their own hands. … There is a sector of whites, police and otherwise, who feel they have a license to question (black males) and, if they feel like it, use deadly force.”
Puddy probably knows all about this. His wife keeps him locked in the house. He’s only allowed out for Saturday church services.
185, 188,
In short, white people have been trying to kill him for most of his young life. This year, after many previous attempts, they finally did it.
And we’re supposed to believe this shit is “random”, and “singular”.
Of course it’s not.
It’s systemic. It’s pervasive. And the only thing this country can do to fix it, given our current system of laws, is to vastly reduce the numbers of police in our communities.
50,000 pink, sweaty, slightly drunk, older white people packed into an NBA arena in North Carolina in the late August heat for four 12 hour days of maskless yelling, and singing, and clapping, and bro-hugs, under the masterful planning and watchful guidance of a small college placement officer from Orange County with no major event experience.
WCGW? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Personal anecdote, my SO is a major public event planner/operations and logistics manager (think more bowl game half-time and less backyard wedding). Nobody in her industry knows what any of this means. That is, they have absolutely no idea how anyone can possibly put on any kind of mass public event and provide for adequate public safety right now. Everything (everything) is canceled right now because they can’t even speculate about the risk, much less plan on ways to manage or mitigate it.
Many, many zoom conferences and lots of blue skying. But truly nothing approaching a playbook for this shit. The consensus has been more or less in line with what the multiple state health authorities have been saying. We have to build slowly and carefully to allow public health officials to learn by trial and error, see what works and what doesn’t, and build back from that data.
RNC in three months is going to provide one massive 50,000 patient “challenge” trial. And in all likelihood result in an even greater error. Unless they plan on issuing Tyvek bunny suits and SCBA gear to every attendee, a whole lot of Trumpalos fixin’ to return home from Charlotte to your home town and git mighty mighty sick in mid September right when your kids are headin’ back to school. This scares me actually.
@190 It’ll be the experience of their lives, alright. Some will never have another like it.
Where let Taiwan in to WHO and have WHO investigate China re: Covid means:
Australia agrees about defunding WHO:
and in an interview LAST THURSDAY (so piddles is still talking about Australia agreeing on defunding today…)
‘Hard stop’: States could lose National Guard virus workers
The Trump administration’s order ends deployments on June 24, just one day before thousands would qualify for education and retirement benefits.
Hope they remember that when they vote in November.
@193 Of course. Cheap labor conservatives.
“I can’t blame it on the Jeep clubs,” the sheriff said.
More than 100 people were also arrested at last year’s event.
So 2x more arrested? So what senile idiot wabbit? You thought it was about topless “people”.
Right back at’cha Donnie…
The two things that you teach a child to handle a bully. 1. Make sure they know, even if you’re faking it, that they aren’t bothering you. 2. Punch them in the mouth and if they don’t fall down, punch them again.*
(*EdsNote, while not condoning violence it is occasionally the best last option.)
BeerPong sez
Did BeerPong read the pdf notice? NOPE!
Did BeerPong actually understand the pdf notice? NOPE!
Does BeerPong comprehend facts? NOPE!
So let’s try again as BeerPong asserted something not even close to what Puddy offered.
How can someone required to stay at home with the travel ban visit an open park without breaking the stay at home travel ban?
It has absolutely nothing with any movement to any stage. That’s your standard deflection crap or better known as the “czechsaaz train wreck”. That’s what is being demanded by county officials right now!
You really are so stoooooooooooooopid that it jumps out at anyone who reads your BULLSH^TTIUM!
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa
BeerPong put out a link from Daily Mail. BeerPong didn’t look closely at the byline. Here are the WORDS from the link. Notice the data and the updated date at the bottom!!!!!
Peter Dutton confirms that Australia WON’T withdraw its funding from the World Health Organisation despite widespread criticism of their handling of the coronavirus crisis
PUBLISHED: 23:15 EDT, 15 April 2020 | UPDATED: 03:00 EDT, 16 April 2020
On EVERY calendar May 1st is two weeks later than April 15th, butt maybe not on BeerPong’s calendar. He’s weird like that!
Puddy has already proven multiple times BeerPong is a chronological idiot. That post above cemented his chronological idiotness! Google a response, see some data, post!
@195 “‘I can’t blame it on the Jeep clubs,’ the sheriff said.”
Then who? Little green men from Mars?
“‘It is now crystal clear that mental health needs must be treated as a core element of our response to and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic,’ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), said …. ‘A failure to take people’s emotional well-being seriously will lead to long-term social and economic costs to society.'”
Puddy is already a mental health emergency. Multiply that a couple million times and you’ve got a crisis worse than nuclear war.
“Reade told CNN that she received a bachelor of arts degree from Antioch University in Seattle under the auspices of a ‘protected program,’ personally working with the former president of the school to ensure her identity was protected while she obtained credits for her degree. She also said that she was a visiting professor at the school, on and off for five years.
Presented with this, Karen Hamilton, an Antioch University spokesperson, told CNN that ‘[Reade] attended but did not graduate from Antioch University. She was never a faculty member. She did provide several hours of administrative work.’
An Antioch University official told CNN that such a ‘protected program’ does not exist and never has.”
“Savage worked in Biden’s office from 1993 to 1996 as a computer systems administrator. His desk was next to Reade’s and the two had a positive working relationship, he said. Savage described Reade as a kind person who sometimes shared details of her personal life with him. Savage recently reached out to reporters at media outlets, including CNN, after Reade alleged she was assaulted by Biden. The accusation left him in ‘disbelief and shock,’ Savage said. And Reade’s claim now that she was fired in 1993 as retaliation for complaining about sexual harassment is not what he witnessed, he said. Reade was overwhelmed by some of her duties at work, which included helping to sort and respond to constituent mail, Savage said. He recalled that some of Reade’s tasks were taken away from her, and said his understanding at the time was that she was terminated because of performance issues.”
“Reade’s own writings offer yet other reasons for why she left Biden’s office — and ultimately Washington. In one deleted Medium post, she said she ‘resigned’ to pursue acting and writing, and also because she was tired of the US government’s ‘deception and xenophobia.’ In another since deleted post, Reade wrote that she left Washington and returned to the Midwest so her then-boyfriend could manage a congressman’s campaign. Asked about these conflicting accounts, Reade said she had written some ‘stupid blog posts’ while working on a novel, and that she wrote conflicting accounts at a time when she ‘wasn’t ready to talk about Biden.’ She said she did not remember writing about the US government’s xenophobia.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t know if Biden sexually assaulted Reade. She deserves a fair hearing, but if I were on the jury, I would have problems with her credibility and wouldn’t be able to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And I feel sure she will never, ever be vice president.
So you think saying that the entire nation of Australia agrees with defunding WHO based on an online petition while the foreign minister said unequivocally that’s not happening almost a month ago instead of five days is a win?
OK. This morning you asserted a FACT that normal Australians and anyone with a dial-up connection would have known wasn’t true for a month. Were you stupid for not knowing what you claimed about Australia getting on the Trump Train to defund the WHO was false and from a ‘change.org’esque petition or we’re you lying intentionally? Jesus is watching.
Where we see puddles is like the team that gets a run top 9th to make it 11-2 and dances around the dugout in celebration.
People/country leaders change their minds when more facts become available. You searched high and low looking for a timed Australian rebuttal and was chronologically busted. Now you deliver some useless swill like Evan Journolist Klein when he and the libtard press were played by Trump/Pence 2020. Puddy love how you end your missives after being asskicked with Jesus is watching. Yes Jesus watched me deliver another truth while you swallowed bile.
See ya!
senile idiot wabbit,
So it seems you and others don’t #believeallwomen like you tried with the “accusers” of Associate Justice Brent Kavanaugh. Look for anything to support Grope and Change/The Audacity of Grope.
So where were you when Joe BiteME plagiarized Neil Kinnock? Or when BiteME embellished his law School grades and standing?
Maybe Tara Reade felt she could be just like BiteME.
Not Rapepublicans.
On October 7th of 2016 Every Rapepublican You Know watched and listened intently as they heard their party’s nominee for president describe in lurid detail his lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women. Less than 24 hours later they listened again as their candidate admitted to them that every word of what they heard was true.
Then less than a month later Every Rapepublican You Know voted to make him President of the United States.
Oh dot bombed, how silly of you to bring up 10/7/16 as tit-for-tat evidence of Grope and Change/The Audacity of Grope. Since you can’t seem to remember anything in the past please allow Puddy to refresh your puny amoeba brain. The timing and release of the tape was determined to try and hurt Trump by the FAKE NEWS media. Even though people were appalled by Trump’s words, the timing and the leakage was worse. Only the sanctimonious ran from Trump and he remember them later.
It is all there for anyone with a ounce of sense to figger it out. NBC’s Trump Hater Noah Oppenheim was great buds with Washington Post Trump hater David Fahrenthold all the way back to their Harvard University days. If you remember [does dot bombed ever remember anything pertinent] TMZ and People reported that Access Hollywood people were deciding how to reply to Fahrenthold’s call when Trump haters WA Post and Fahrenthold released the tape. It is surmised by peeps on the left and right that Oppenheim gave it to Fahrenthold on the Qt. TMZ went further. They claimed NBC wanted to hold onto it for the Friday Night Surprise.
Google Andy Lack, Noah Oppenheim, Ronan Farrow, Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein and how NBC demurred in treating leftist sexually harassing libtards but was sooooooooooooooooo quick to pike and burn Trump.
And there you have it. Puddy could align all the links in chronological order butt Carl would kill the post like he did regarding the Perfect Puddy Post placed in #132 because that original one had damning link evidence on DUMMOCRETINS.
See ya!
So poorly educated unaccomplished idiot, now tell us what part was false.
The part where the Rapepublican nominee for president bragged laughingly about a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women?
The part the next day when the Rapepublican nominee for president confessed that everything on the tape was true and authentic?
False? This so called poorly educated but superior in memory person can recall links and facts faster than you can fart!
You never answer why any of Puddy’s links were false above. In fact it’s ad hominem invective all the time! Now you are acting so holier than thou on Trump? What about my Grope and Change/The Audacity of Grope?
Where did Puddy offer your commentariat at all? Puddy said the timing was the reason people rejected the tripe and voted for Trump and their hatred for Crooked Hillary.
So where is your acceptance of Tara Reade’s testimony? MIA!
Can’t answer it.
It’s a very simple, binary, yes/no.
And no Rapepublican can answer it.
They voted for a person who admitted to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women. Confessed it to them.
Twice. Without ambiguity.
And they voted for him anyway.
On a hot microphone Trump bragged proudly about sexually assaulting women. He got caught. The tape was leaked.
Trapped by the evidence, the Rapepublican nominee confessed that it was all true.
And instead of “changing their minds”, Every Rapepublican You Know wittingly voted for the rapist.
Puddy just confessed it too. Puddy knowingly voted for a criminal rapist.
Pride is a sin, Piddles.
Have you even read your Bible?
Pride BeerPong? Stating facts has no pride in it.
See ya!