I don’t get the people who are rushing to reopen. The economy is awful and nobody is happy staying in. But suing to infect more of your constituents is just garbage. Like more death is good for the economy, somehow. Like if your employees all get sick and some die it’s a goo day at work. Like going to a restaurant or a bowling alley now would even be reasonable. Ugh.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
I for one welcome lawsuits against the masters.
Daily Herald (Provo)
“Put my son in law in charge. He’s bright. He turned obscene inherited wealth into wealth. He’s my kind of person and I live vicariously through him with regards to Ivanka. That’s some fine arm candy.”
Stories like this will play through November
I mean what’s the use getting elected if you can’t steer the profits to your friends, right? These people aren’t dying in vain. They’re helping make very good money for some.
Meanwhile, Walla Walla lemmings commit mass suicide.
“I don’t get the people who are rushing to reopen.”
It’s simple, Carl. Look who the victims are: Covid-19 is disproportionately killing off Social Security leeches and black people.
So the new GOP strategy is to stop reporting cases and deaths because the growing body pile is scaring people into staying home? See #295 of previous thread.
Appearing soon on a Rapepublican grave marker near you!
They just can’t help but lick the stripper pole.
Has as much to do with the economic Darwinism of The New Federalism as with politics.
In a recent, comprehensive study in one California municipality, PCR testing was done on a very widespread basis across a very large random sample of residents accompanied by the collection of demographic information. One of the alarming results was that 90% of positive results from the study were individuals whose employment prohibits them from working from home.
90% of infections detected were people who could not work from home, could not otherwise obtain unemployment insurance, and had no other option but to continue working daily in a public facing job role.
These are retail employees, delivery drivers, transportation workers, corrections officers, construction workers, warehouse workers, etc. We all need them to keep working. And thanks to corruption and incompetence from Jared’s Fyre Festival mentioned above @2, we can’t protect them either. And without protection if we remove the public restrictions that 90% will spill over to the rest of us.
So it’s vital that we lie about it. Otherwise eventually enough of these people we all rely upon will catch a clue and Q Clearance Pussy won’t have anyplace to buy bread flour and 18 packs of Old Milwaukee.
@7 The purpose of wartime censorship, of course, is to keep morale up. We allowed the media to report the fact we were losing in Vietnam, and look what happened — we lost! Not only that, but young college men refused to be drafted for the meat grinder. (Some fled to Canada; others, tied down by business, grew bone spurs.) Trump’s handlers understand you can’t fight a war without casualties and they’ve got to stop the reporting of casualties if we are to win this war. The enemy is not the virus, but the shitdowns. And victory is … BEACH WEEK!!!”
@3 If they’re willing to die to “own a lib”, it works for me.
So we’ll all be giving GI Bill, Tri-med, and veterans benefits to every grocery and fast food worker in the US.
Because at this point, if we are to believe the data, we are asking them all to risk their lives so we can pick up Ben and Jerry’s.
@10 Seems fair to me.
P.S., vets don’t get TriCare, that’s for active duty, reserve, national guard, military retirees, MOH recipients, and their dependents. Eligible vets get VA medical care.
The Hump Virus killed many more today.
Good to see that NYC did the right thing. They’ve gotten their daily confirmed cases down, and it continues to go downward. A shining example of what to do right.
Those Red States are fucked and will become breading grounds and super spreaders. Bunch of whores that they are.
The Hump is a murderer. A Pussy Grabbing Raping Murder. And a destroyer of the economy. Bob might have to eat the horse(s).
@12 Don’t you understand that priorities have shifted? The Hump has saved all the lives he can. Now he’s gotta save the malls.
Blue Balls Matter
@13 the fucker is a complete failure. He couldn’t save a lemonade stand.
But he does make a better doctor than Bob. And a better athlete than Bob.
You gotta Grab’em by the Pussy. Someone instruct Bob that that long circular thingy between the mares legs isn’t a popsicle.
@15 Inserting the letter “u” into a single word makes quite a difference, doesn’t it?
Reagan: Morning in America
Trump: Mourning in America
Not that I disagree that the coronavirus parties @ 3 are a bad idea.
I’ll just point out that neither the link, nor the piece it references, indicate that anyone who tested positive as a result of these party exposures died, nor even became sick enough to require hospitalization.
The article reported that some people tested positive after contact at one of the parties. That’s all it says. The intent was to test positive.
The article also doesn’t state the ages of the attendees. I would bet that they are young adults, in low-risk categories. I doubt these were parties held at elderly care facilities.
There’s nothing here other than some people successfully tested positive after being in contact with others who were infected.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was
upper-deckedrecognized by SCOTUS today for his contributions to the legal profession.http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1394745
How about that Stock Market!
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS want to make censorship their cause celebre. https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/495788-the-dangerous-liberal-ideas-for-censorship-in-the-united-states
The most chilling suggestion, however, comes from the politicians and academics who have called for the censorship of social media and the internet. The only thing spreading faster than the coronavirus has been censorship and the loud calls for more restrictions on free speech. The Atlantic recently published an article by Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona law professor Andrew Keane Woods calling for Chinese style censorship of the internet.”
Just think 98% of the BULLSH^T would be censored here if Shifty Schiff has his way!
I guess Bob doesn’t know what a Super Super Duper Spreader is.
But it’s not for the lack of a brain, it’s more for the lack of giving a shit.
“are a bad idea”
You should have stopped while you were ahead. But since you’re a dumbfuck, you didn’t.
@ 22
I guess Bob doesn’t know what a Super Super Duper Spreader is.
Gaetan Dugas.
Pity you did not know him, gman.
How about that Stock Market!
PI was there and he had to go back to the basement afterwards.
Party on the Beach!
Gotta love it. What is Schiff hiding and why is he still hiding it?
Get the popcorn Linda, it’s gonna get interesting.
About time… https://trendingpolitics.com/house-republicans-investigating-chinese-indoctrination-in-american-colleges/?utm_source=economics
@ 27
The transcripts prove him to be a liar about having proof that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Schiff will file suit to prevent the release of the transcripts. He’ll likely be successful. Unless they’re leaked.
Oh really?
Violent criminals are released “because of coronavirus concerns” and free to roam and create more crime and are not sheltering in place while that poor salon person in Texas was arrested and arraigned by an Obummer loving judge because she’s being selfish trying to feed her children.
Meanwhile in the link…
““A community that released all those people, some of whom committed serious crimes, can certainly stand to release one more—a mother whose only crime was operating a small business in an effort to feed her children,” Paxton said in his letter.”
Unless you’re a Prude or a Hump.
So Cuomo’s shelter in place isn’t working eh? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/06/ny-gov-cuomo-says-its-shocking-most-new-coronavirus-hospitalizations-are-people-staying-home.html
“Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.
The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.
It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%. “
@19 Didn’t know about my affair with RBG, didja? Guess I’m really caught now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-WbAJqqs-k
Seems to me, since we’ve all decided that there’s a certain group of our friends and neighbors who have to risk injury and death so we can all have cupcakes and Faygo, these people are all currently on active duty.
At such time as there is a vaccine available we can issue their DD214s and those who qualify can obtain veterans status and those benefits.
@21 “Just think 98% of the BULLSH^T would be censored here if Shifty Schiff has his way!”
I understand your angst. You’d be among the first to go.
CBS denied this:
Then CBS took down the video of its broadcast.
@22 If you follow the link in the article to the county website, you’ll see that 65% of the county’s cases are in Walla Walla, which has just over 50% of the county’s population. Probably only a random coincidence, though.
@24 Covid-19 isn’t primarily spread by fucking someone of your own species and gender in the ass, doc. And so far, there’s no evidence it’s spread by fucking a horse in the ass, but there’s no assurance it isn’t, so I’d watch out if I were you.
@30 I’ll trade Schiff’s transcripts for Trump’s tax returns any day.
@32 Gotta make examples of dumbshits. We do that here every day.
Puddy’s proof BEACH WEEK!!! works and social distancing doesn’t is … (drum roll) … @35.
I remember Bob’s comment or reply to the 2nd comment above. Brainless fuck.
@41 I wouldn’t put O’Keefe or those working for him on the air, either.
Except this one: https://tinyurl.com/ycqsrhz7
I’d put her on the air.
@41 When cops do that, it’s called “entrapment,” and the target walks.
It’s easy to understand the direction Trump is now taking. He’s given up, and has decided to let the virus run its course and take its toll. And if you look at today’s new polls, the American people don’t like the direction of the country, and aren’t inclined to reelect him.
Very Fine credibility.
The Q Clearance Pussy take a momentary break from his normal routine of warnings about Satanic Ritualistic Pizza Cannibals to bring us Admiral Felony of the GOP Dildo Navy.
Well done, Rapepublicans. Don’t just shit your pants. Scoop some out and play with it.
@46. That made me crack up.
Yeah social distancing didn’t work. If you’ll look at a graph you’ll see at the peek there was something like 8000 daily confirmed case and then it drastically dropped to 1200 today. Must be the Mai Tai parties on the East River.
Don’t miss some of these highlights from Admiral Felony’s grand plan (that he was kind enough to fully document no less):
Props included condom jar, bottles of sex lube, dildos, posters and paintings of naked women, fuzzy handcuffs and a blindfold. Included in the equipment inventory were dozens of concealed miniature video cameras intended to capture O’Keefe’s “seduction” of Boudreau. And my favorite: an Alicia Keyes CD, O’Keefe having concluded that Marvin Gaye was “too cliche”.
Image of James O’Keefe:
Image of Abbie Boudreau:
Go ahead and tab those up side by side.
You be the judge. The Q Clearance Pussy has concluded that it makes good sense to tie his credibility to James O’Keefe, a pathetic, pasty, animated zit of a creature. But can anyone on this side of Teh Orange Event Horizon regard him as anything other than delusional? James O’Keefe planned to invite Abbie Boudreau to his boat where he would film his seduction of her and then use it against her. That was his plan. That man believed he could successfully seduce that woman.
And btw, there’s a whole lot more to Boudreau than her head shot. But in this case, it’s probably more than enough.
74,000 > 15
South Korean President Moon Jae-in took a very different approach to Covid-19 than Donald. Almost immediately he decided that lives are more important than Won.
South Korea announced all health care costs would be covered by the government to get tested and treated so there was no incentive for sick people to avoid medical attention. Gatherings and events were cancelled. Contract tracing was put in place.
If you want to watch live sports I suggest Korean Baseball which is underway with players wearing masks and empty stadiums. Sadly most games on ESPN live start at 2:30am on the West Coast but this is a game that it seems really easy to time shift and not run much of a risk of finding out if Kiwoom Heroes won before you can watch it at your convenience.
Other elements of the country are open now too and people are mostly voluntarily keeping up with mask wearing and social distancing.
255 South Koreans died, just 5 per million population
compare that to 255/million in the U.S.
Maybe wasting 2 months assuring that it can’t happen here -> Not that serious -> Going to be zero soon -> Will disappear in April would have been a good idea.
Shorter Cz-252 @ 59:
South Korea is not in Europe.
So BeerPong@59,
Why has Seoul with a much denser population in 75 less square miles have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fewer deaths than the DUMMOCRETIN pair of Andrew Cuomo/Warren Wilhelm Jr, leading New York City?
Hmmm…? Maybe they took it seriously in South Korea?
Jan 24 Warren Wilhelm Jr, “We urge all New Yorkers to continue to pursue their everyday activities and routines”
Jan 26: New York City’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot “We are encouraging New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives… those “who had recently traveled from Wuhan were not being urged to self-quarantine or avoid large public gatherings.”
Feb 2 NYC health commissioner Bardot “As we gear up to celebrate the Lunar New Year in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of coronavirus.”
Feb 4 China’s consul general in New York, Huang Ping, thanked the Chinese-American community and other concerned Americans on Tuesday for their aid in battling the coronavirus outbreak, and criticized what he described as “an overreaction by the American government in severely restricting travel to and from China.”
Feb 5: New York Times “Who says it’s not safe to travel to China? The coronavirus travel ban is unjust and doesn’t work anyway.” NYC Health Commissioner Barbot on Twitter, “Today our city is celebrating the Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown… I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about coronavirus.”
Feb 6 Bardot: “The important thing for New Yorkers to know is that in the city currently, their risk is low and our city preparedness is high…We’re telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life. . . If it were likely that it could be transmitted casually, we would be seeing a lot more cases.”
Feb 9: Chinatown in New York City held its annual Lunar New Year parade. Surgical masks were nearly absent from this parade. Councilman Mark D. Levine on Twitter, “In powerful show of defiance of coronavirus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYC’s Chinatown for ceremony ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. Chants of ‘Be Strong Wuhan!’ If you are staying away, you are missing out.”
Feb 13: New York City Council speaker Corey Johnson “It is important to support the Chinese community in New York City…There is no need to avoid public spaces. I urge everyone to dine and shop as usual.” Bill de Blasio “This should not stop you from going about your life. It should not stop you from going to Chinatown and going out to eat. I am going to do that today myself.”
March 2 Governor Andrew Cuomo “In this situation, the facts defeat fear, because the reality is reassuring…The woman who has now tested positive, she’s at home, she’s not even in a hospital, so the perspective here is important. And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality, it is reassuring, and we should relax, because that’s what’s dictated by the reality of the situation. I get the emotion, I understand; I understand the anxiety. I’m a native-born New Yorker, we live with anxiety. But the facts don’t back it up here. . . .”
Warren Wilhelm Jr, “What happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”
@ 61
[deleted, missed the de Blasio reference]
“Councilman, when I alleged that you suck the cock of our faggoty pedophile mayor, I did not wish to have my words taken out of context.”
New Jersey Democrat In Hot Water After Calling Gay Mayor A ‘Pedophile’
I’m sure she meant pedophile faggot in the most respectful of ways.
C’mon. She’s Canadian. Go back far enough on her FB page and you’ll probably find a couple of November 2016 posts where she said she’s goin’ back to her home country.
Oh. She’s a sports medicine doc, like UW’s former Dr Feelgood. The coronavirus thing is something she’s doing ’cause the only people allowed to run in NYC right now are Hizzoner and da wife.
You mean Warren Wilhelm Jr? Yes, he’s there.
@18 This is for you, doc:
“Several other doctors shared similar experiences, saying that they regularly had to treat patients who had sought care too late because of conspiracy theories spread on social media ….”
I have to disagree. She’s helping coronavirus patients when she could have been sitting on her ASS. Puddy disagrees with this one and will publicly state so.
And no I don’t need the leftist FOOLS here to comment on what I just said. I didn’t write it for your benefit. I wrote it because it’s the correct thing to say!
@ 66
I would imagine those medical workers experience the same frustration arguing to a disbeliever that COVID-19 is deadly as, say, one might experience arguing that a thug shot multiple times in the chest while bull-rushing a cop isn’t a fleeing felon, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@67 Good for you, Puddy.
Sean Hannity was right again. The Mueller Investigation was based on the phony debunked Steele Dossier and illegal FISA applications!
WOW. Libtard heads are exploding all over America.
These white men are entitled to the presumption of innocence until convicted in a court of law.
And boy are they ever getting it.
So is feeding your children selfish Roger?
Apparently the leftist Dallas Judge thinks so!
What say you?
[Off-topic comment moved to an open thread]
Firstly I’d like to say that I am very much looking forward to beating my opponent Richard Nixon, in the upcoming senate race….also can someone tell me where I am and help me find my keys???
@68 Hmmm. Would you say the case is equally clear-cut when the unarmed black jogger who was minding his own business tries to wrestle the shotgun away from the white guy trying to shoot him?
But … jogging while black in Georgia … what was he thinking?
Should we look in the way back machine to when you last called it the “Chinese Virus?”
[Response to off-topic comment moved to an open thread]
Donald Trump @2: You’re impersonating your opponent? I would, too, if I were you. I’d sure hate to be recognized if I were Donald Trump.
Martha Stewart went away for less, Right Senator Burr?
With Tillis trailing Cunningham in the only non-partisan poll of the state by 7 there is a very real possibility NC will have two Democratic Senators come January.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Ministry Of Truth Special Announcement – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctriMuXYS0
Chairman Xi Jinping Gives Special Thanks To Comrade Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-China) For Supporting General Strike Against Imperialist America; “Comrade Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proves that she correctly understands the revolutionary principle of Chairman Mao, ‘Strike where the enemy is weakest.’” Chairman Xi noted, “China’s glorious virus has severely weakened the imperialist economy and now is the perfect time to strike the death blow.”
The GOP War Room distributed a video on Tuesday of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) promoting workers across the nation to take part in a “general strike” reminiscent of labor strikes in the past as some 30 million Americans are out of work.
“You know there’s a lot of people saying, you know, call for a general strike,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the video. “The majority of Americans don’t know what a general strike is.”
“And so our responsibility is to talk about it, expand consciousness about it, and to actually create the conditions in which working people can generate and really exercise their own power — the power they already have for themselves,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
People Under 60 Don’t Get Coronavirus Dep’t
“Officials said on Wednesday that the number of children who have been hospitalized in New York City with symptoms consistent with a rare disease possibly linked to the coronavirus has nearly quadrupled to 64. Health officials said the illness has features of Kawasaki disease, a serious illness previously noted in children with COVID-19 in the United Kingdom.”
Sweden Is On Top Of This Dep’t
“Sweden is nearing the ‘horrifying’ death toll of 3,000 from coronavirus, with 87 new fatalities, including a child under ten.
“The Scandinavian country, which has taken a softer approach to containing the virus, reported another 87 deaths, compared to 85 fatalities the day before. There were another 702 cases, compared to 495 on Tuesday, taking its total to 23,918.
“‘We are starting to near 3,000 deceased, a horrifyingly large number,’ state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell told a press conference.”
If you volunteered to come to NY as per Cuomo’s request and you work to save lives, Cuomo now wants to tax you. Another real life example of a libtard taxing you for being kind to your fellow human beings.
To Roger, that is sick what those white fools did to that black runner. They should be arrested and placed in the worst jail cells. Doesn’t matter if he was an investigator. It is senseless.
So what say you over the lady trying to feed her children jailed by the Obummer loving judge?
First confirmed case in NYC wasn’t until March 6th.
NYC has done a great job relative to no help from the fuck Humpster. At least the Humpster is a good doctor though, or shall I say better than Bob that is.
Eeewe that’s too close in timing of postings.
The Hump’s virus is killing many . So sad .
Remember when Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program said they will come into your house and grab those children if infected? Well looks like Gavin Newsom has started it early.
Libtards, if they can tax you they will, if they can separate you they will too.
Back to the news. While the senile idiot wabbit demonstrates another senility round of cognitivc dissonance over James O’Keefe (believe all whistleblowers) like he does with Judicial Watch, the truth comes out on the CBS FAKE NEWS report!
From the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit link @ 79
However, if you let your kid become a fat fuck at 8 years old, he’ll likely grow up to be a fat fuck like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, and at that level of obesity all bets are off.
Not only should one not invest like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, one should not consume calories and exercise like he does, either.
Ted Cruz is right… The best bee video ever! https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/michael-van-der-galien/2020/05/06/awesome-video-shows-how-japanese-bees-deal-with-murder-hornets-and-ted-cruz-is-loving-it-n388506
Now now now @88,
You know that the senile idiot wabbit is a headline reader and will read the first one or two paragraphs and then go “oh goodie” and post the article as a by product of old age.
Naaaaah, don’t cut him any slack!
@81 “Cuomo now wants to tax you.”
What Cuomo wants has nothing to do with it. It’s the law:
“New York state law stipulates that if a person works in the state of New York for more than 14 days, they have to pay state income tax.”
There’s nothing unusual about that; all states with an income tax do that:
“Only seven American states do not impose a tax on income. The other 43 generally tax all income earned by their residents, as well as income earned within their borders by non-residents. There is no issue for residents of a non-income tax state who work in a state that taxes income: they must pay non-resident taxes to the state where they earned their income. Likewise, residents of an income tax state that work in a non-tax state must pay resident income taxes to their home state on the income earned out-of-state.”
“Many income tax states have reciprocal arrangements with neighboring income tax states that provide that residents who live in one and work in the other must pay income taxes only to their home states. For instance, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have a reciprocal arrangement that allows their residents to work in the other state and only pay income taxes to their home state.”
That means volunteers from New Jersey and Pennsylvania will not pay tax to New York. And, where there is no reciprocal agreement, the income will be taxed by only one state:
“There are several sets of neighboring income tax states that do not share a reciprocal income tax agreement. Their residents who work in neighboring states must file resident tax returns in their home states and non-resident returns in the states where they work. In general, the jurisdiction where money is earned has first claim on the taxes, and so the non-resident return should be completed first. State resident income tax returns generally allow taxpayers to take credit for taxes paid to other jurisdictions, although there may be limitations to such credits.”
This has been the system for, like, forever. It works this way with sales taxes, too. If you live in Seattle, buy a car in Idaho, and bring it to Seattle, you will pay 6% sales tax to Idaho and 4.1% sales tax to Washington.
The 14-day exemption probably is a de minimis rule, i.e., if you work there less than 14 days, it’s not worth bothering with. This is so the state doesn’t have to process a tax return when the tax owed is less than it costs them to collect it.
This is a nothing burger. Anyone who works out of state is familiar with this system.
@82 “So what say you over the lady trying to feed her children jailed by the Obummer loving judge?”
Let’s start with the proposition that public health laws exist for the safety of all of us. The courts have upheld the constitutionality and enforceability of these laws. Like other laws, obeying them isn’t at her discretion. If you disagree with a law, you get the legislative body to change it. With me so far?
She knew what the law was. She chose to violate it. She was given a warning, then a citation, and defied the law anyway. What do you expect a judge — any judge — to do with someone like that?
Her motive — feeding her children — is a factor the judge can take into mitigation. But a mitigating factor never exempts a person from the law. The law applies to everyone equally. Mitigating circumstances only affect sentencing. Still with me?
Now let’s say you live on a street with a posted speed limit of 25 mph, but one of your neighbors doesn’t believe in speed limits, and routinely drives 50 mph on the street. The first time he’s caught, the cop issues a warning. The second time he’s caught, the cop issues a ticket, which he doesn’t pay. The third time he’s caught, he’s arrested, and the judge gives him 30 days, but offers to suspend the sentence if he agrees to comply with the law from now on. Fair?
Here’s what I would do. It will be legal for her to open her shop on Friday. If she agrees to stay closed until Friday, I’d release her right now. If she still refuses to comply with the closure order, I’d release her on Friday. No sense keeping her in jail past the point at which her conduct is no longer illegal. In the meantime, being in jail is her own doing, and the judge is just doing his job.
Does that answer your question?
@82 As for the guys who shot the runner, I think they should be given an opportunity to explain themselves to an impartial jury of their peers. And they’ve got a lot of explaining to do.
“How do you say “Bay of Pigs” in Venezuelan?”
@86 Quarantine has been around at least since Leviticus 13:4-5.
You’re finally getting around to whining about separating families?
@87 From your own link, stupid:
“CBS released a statement contradicting Blackmon’s story. ‘CBS News did not stage anything at the Cherry Health facility. Any suggestion to the contrary is 100% false. These allegations are alarming. We reached out to Cherry Health to address them immediately. They informed us for the first time that one of their chief officers told at least one staffer to get in the testing line along with real patients. No one from CBS News had any knowledge of this before tonight. They also said that their actions did not prevent any actual patients from being tested. We take the accuracy of our reporting very seriously and we are removing the Cherry Health portion from the piece.'”
From the Washington Post (a far more reliable source than your “sources”):
“CBS News has deleted footage from a Grand Rapids, Mich., health clinic for a report on coronavirus testing after Project Veritas revealed that the clinic packed a line of patients waiting for tests.”
This was entirely the clinic’s doing. CBS had nothing to do with it. Their editors and news crew were victims of the ruse.
@88 Yeah, I’ll tell the parents of those 64 kids (and counting) that you called their children “fat fucks.” But I won’t give them your address.
Now explain why babies get this. Too much mother’s milk?
You’re dumber than dog shit.
@94 Prisoner swap.
How many terrorists will The Hump have to free to get back two American mercenaries?
Last I heard the going rate was 5 terrorists per POW, so by my calculation that’s 10 (2 x 5 = 10).
And if we don’t have any Venezuelan terrorists in our black jails, then think of something else we have that Maduro wants.
“Three workers at an Oklahoma City McDonald’s were injured Wednesday by gunfire and a scuffle that appeared to have started because the restaurant’s dining area was closed for social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic, police said.
“Two of three were injured by gunfire and the third was hurt in a scuffle …. The victims, two females and a male — two of them 17 — were hospitalized …. Two customers, a man and a woman, were in custody.”
More of Trump’s “good people.”
senile idiot wabbit wrote: “Let’s start with the proposition that public health laws exist for the safety of all of us. ”
What “law” was broken? When did the Texas legislature vote and pass this “law”? When did the governor sign this “law”? How does one apologize to a “law” never passed?
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh senile idiot wabbit. Still waiting on your inane commentary regarding how Seoul with a much denser population has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fewer wuhan coronavirus deaths.
Wow senile idiot wabbit, I am shocked to see you went to Glenn Beck’s website since you HATE Beck so much! Butt as always you missed the point as always with that early onset senility!
Cuomo pleaded to Americans to come to NY State and help. Puddy will use the leftist site npr… https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/30/823970536/cuomo-makes-plea-to-medical-workers-nationwide-please-come-help-us-in-new-york
Did Cuomo pay their wages or were they paid by their home institutions? This is why you are such a moron senile idiot wabbit. Cuomo should have said “Well, I will tax you for helping us bend the curve, but please come anyway!” Nothing was mentioned about being taxed. If I was one of those I’d send Cuomo the bill for all my transportation and lodging costs and underline the taxes paid while in NYC and a picture of my hand in a you’re number 1 gesture.
Strange about the Oklahoma McDonalds shooting senile idiot wabbit @99. It was a single woman who did the deed. https://www.koco.com/article/it-helps-me-get-through-gallery-owner-takes-art-collection-outside-for-customers/32400571
“They later determined that the woman was the only suspect involved.”
So once again everyone can see in your “zeal” for your name in pixels on this blog you rush to post. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Since they haven’t released her name and picture Puddy wonders if your initial conjecture is wrong again!
Seems those mercenaries went on their own senile roger idiot wabbit. If you break the laws you get caught! They weren’t tourists on a hike or trying to provide aid and comfort to sick people.
Another attempt at worthlessness ending up making you lore as more stooooooooooooooopid than the crazed buttspigot.
Of course CBS News is in full denial mode senile idiot wabbit @96. Remember senile idiot wabbit it was CBS, News who was caught using footage https://www.waynedupree.com/cbs-news-sky-news-italian-hospital-footage/ from a chaotic Italian emergency room during a coronavirus story about New York City. They used the same footage for two straight days until they were busted by their lamestream media friends who had enough! Using Sky News footage. Hmmm…? I thought the lamestream hated Fox News and their parent corporations!
So these people are lying senile idiot wabbit?
Nick Ross, a corporate cleaning site supervisor at the Cherry Health facility, said “Apparently the news crew wanted more people in the line because they knew it was scheduled.”
Maria Hernandez-Vaquez, a professional registration specialist, told “Cherry Health Director of Quality and Informatics Glenda Walker helped to organize the facility’s workers into the COVID-19 testing line.”
“It’s just annoying cause we could have done other stuff,” said one registered nurse there. “We knew they were coming. We had no clue that we’re going to have to, like, do fake patients.”
Really really sux to be you senile idiot wabbit!
Wait for it
“squid ink” – Something the “in denial” senile idiot wabbit will scream!
Time for the flag lapel pin to become a ‘thing’ again.
Make sure it’s not Liberia though.
Whatever law the judge was enforcing, freak.
@101 “Did Cuomo pay their wages or were they paid by their home institutions?”
New York state income tax applies to “income derived from” work performed there. Who signs the paycheck is irrelevant. Ever work in New York, freak?
Now here’s a pop quiz question for you. Think about this one real hard before answering so you don’t make a big fool of yourself.
How much is the NY state income tax on volunteers who worked without pay?
Right wingers two weeks ago:
“Look at Sweden. They didn’t sacrifice their economy and stayed open. That’s the socialism the left loves but won’t talk about now.”
Today, now that Sweden has cracked the top 10 deaths per million and top 15 in total deaths. “Plandemic was banned! No I didn’t use the serach bar to see that there are 500+ hits for the banned video. My cousin said it was banned on his Facbeook Page and that is FACTS. Jet fuel can’t melt steel.”
Foolish question senile idiot wabbit. Not worth the time to answer since the Seoul/NYC death comparison is too tough for you to answer!
Cuomo pleaded and groveled for their help. Went on national teevee multiple times. Prolly went on little brother’s show saying the same thing. He can easily create a executive decree exempting them. Nope he’s gotta screw them for their help!
This point is still missed by your senility!
@101 “I’d send Cuomo the bill for all my transportation and lodging costs”
“Nurses are being offered up to $100 per hour plus food and lodging to fill over 5,000 openings in hospital intensive care units and emergency rooms, said Michael Fazio, whose company, Prime Staffing, has recruited over 250 workers to New York hospitals in recent weeks.”
But there’s nothing new about you making an ass of yourself, is there? Freak!
@102 “So once again everyone can see in your ‘zeal’ for your name in pixels on this blog you rush to post. HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Where did I comment on who the perp was?
@103 “Seems those mercenaries went on their own senile roger idiot wabbit. If you break the laws you get caught! They weren’t tourists on a hike or trying to provide aid and comfort to sick people.”
I totally agree. Let ’em rot in Venezuela jails. They got paid for this. Don’t you agree?
@104 Fingerpointing. Just like the Trump admin. Except there, all the fingerpointing is in one direction — that way!!! But that’s perfectly okay with you, because you’re a freak.
@110 Didn’t take long to get a squirt of squid ink, did it? All I had to do was squeeze.
It’s the same as in Cuban: both Venezuela and Cuba speak Spanish as the national language.
@110 “Cuomo pleaded and groveled for their help. Went on national teevee multiple times. Prolly went on little brother’s show saying the same thing.”
Yeah, the $100 an hour and free R&B had nothing to do with it. It was all because of Cuomo’s ability to summon an outpouring of human compassion.
You do realize, don’t you, what this makes your Orange Moron look like?
“He can easily create a executive decree exempting them. Nope he’s gotta screw them for their help!”
Cite, please. To the law. Giving. Cuomo. That. Authority.
Also, if your normal pay rate is $20.99/hr., and you go to NYC and a staffing agency pays you $100/hr., and NYS takes 4% of that so you take home $96/hr., you got screwed out of how much?
Ohhhhh U-ASS ME-Puddy
I told the buttspigot I could go all day with links. Here is one from left wrong mutha jones https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/04/nurses-were-promised-10k-a-week-to-serve-in-ny-hospitals-they-say-it-was-a-classic-bait-and-switch/
“They all describe alarming conditions in the medical facilities where they were assigned. On March 24, Logan arrived at Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Care Center on Roosevelt Island, which had been crisis-fitted to take COVID-19 patients. The conditions were worse than he’d imagined—and much different from what Krucial had assured him would be the case, he contends. Logan alleges that he saw the facility “putting confirmed COVID patients in rooms with patients that (a) had symptoms but were not confirmed; (b) needed hospitalization for other reasons and had no other place to go.” A staffer from the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, which “Krucial acted as agent of,” according to the suit, allegedly told Logan, “Your patients will not have COVID.” The suit alleges that minutes later, Logan was assigned to work with incoming COVID-19 patients, without the protective equipment promised by Krucial.”
Just one paragraph and it ain’t the first two senile idiot wabbit
You see idiot wabbit not all is as it would seem by your putrid presentation. Cuomo asked them to come and after they came wants a piece of their financial hide.
@116 Except Moscow won’t give Maduro nuclear missiles to deter the Yanquis from trying it again, which is a damned good thing because you can readily visualize how a Venezuelan Missile Crisis would end.
But everybody’s missing the point here.
Orange Donnie doesn’t give a shit about the guys who got captured, and won’t pay a penny for their release, not even taxpayer funds.
Neither does their employer.
It’s all about the money. Which Trump buddy is the employer? Who paid him? Which federal slush fund did that money come from? How much got kicked back to the Trump campaign? Follow the money. Nobody gives a shit about Maduro. It’s not like we need Venezuela’s oil or anything.
Now do Mexican.
@118 Wow! $10,000 a week! For 21 days of 12-hour shifts. That’s, uh, $119.04 an hour.
The suit doesn’t claim they weren’t paid the promised amounts, freak. The complaint is twofold: Not supplied with PPE, and assigned work out of their specialties.
There may well have been some promise-breaking there. But not, apparently involving pay.
Lucky for them they weren’t in the Army or Marines. In a combat zone, every soldier is potentially a rifleman, no matter job what they signed up for. That’s why they train cooks and drivers to shoot M-16s. Needs of the service, freak!
.Cite. .Law. .Where. Cuomo. .Had. .The. .Right. .To. .Keep. People. .Out. .Of. .Parks. senile idiot wabbit?
Remember senile idiot wabbit, Puddy’s elder son is a barrister in NYS admitted to NY State bar 6 years ago, Your legal mumbo jumbo is worthless when Puddy can send your BULLSH^T to him and I get REAL answers back.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) [SCOTUS]
“While a local regulation, even if based on the acknowledged police power of a State, must always yield in case of conflict with the exercise by the General Government of any power it possesses under the Constitution, the mode or manner of exercising its police power is wholly within the discretion of the State so long as the Constitution of the United States is not contravened, or any right granted or secured thereby is not infringed, or not exercised in such an arbitrary and oppressive manner as to justify the interference of the courts to prevent wrong and oppression.”
FACTS continue to suck when you are a libtard!
It’s Spanish there, too. Didn’t you know that by the time you were 5? Were you home schooled?
Again you missed the point senile idiot wabbit. Missed the point like you forget what you write in a previous post. Cuomo said come. Nothing about coming and paying NYS taxes.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh senile idiot wabbit!
@123 Now do Chaucerian English.
It was all because of Cuomo’s ability to summon an outpouring of human compassion.
Google Youtube and watch the various captured news accounts of people saying just that senile idiot wabbit! You can create a search on youtube right?
@124 How many “help wanted” ads have you seen that say “$X per hour” and “$Y will be deducted for taxes”?
How many job interviews have you been in where the interviewer said “our offer is “$A per hour and $B per hour will be deducted for taxes”?
Freak! and proud of it.
How many “help wanted” ads – ohhhhh senile putz, he didn’t use help wanted ads, he used CNN among others
DAYUM, you really are getting more senile in the same thread.
Attempt #54 coming up from senile idiot wabbit!
Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-
(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
15 And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.
When in April the sweet showers fall
That pierce March’s drought to the root and all
And bathed every vein in liquor that has power
To generate therein and sire the flower;
5 When Zephyr also has with his sweet breath,
Filled again, in every holt and heath,
The tender shoots and leaves, and the young sun
His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,
And many little birds make melody
10 That sleep through all the night with open eye
(So Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage)
Then folk do long to go on pilgrimage,
And palmers to go seeking out strange strands,
To distant shrines well known in distant lands.
15 And specially from every shire’s end
Of England they to Canterbury went,
The holy blessed martyr there to seek
Who helped them when they lay so ill and weak
Bifil that in that seson, on a day,
20 In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay
Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage
To Caunterbury with ful devout corage,
At nyght was come into that hostelrye
Wel nyne and twenty in a compaignye
25 Of sondry folk, by aventure yfalle
In felaweshipe, and pilgrimes were they alle,
That toward Caunterbury wolden ryde.
The chambres and the stables weren wyde,
And wel we weren esed atte beste;
30 And shortly, whan the sonne was to reste,
So hadde I spoken with hem everichon
That I was of hir felaweshipe anon,
And made forward erly for to ryse
To take our wey, ther as I yow devyse.
It happened that, in that season, on a day
20 In Southwark, at the Tabard, as I lay
Ready to go on pilgrimage and start
To Canterbury, full devout at heart,
There came at nightfall to that hostelry
Some nine and twenty in a company
25 Of sundry persons who had chanced to fall
In fellowship, and pilgrims were they all
That toward Canterbury town would ride.
The rooms and stables spacious were and wide,
And well we there were eased, and of the best.
30 And briefly, when the sun had gone to rest,
So had I spoken with them, every one,
That I was of their fellowship anon,
And made agreement that we’d early rise
To take the road, as I will to you apprise.
35 But nathelees, whil I have tyme and space,
Er that I ferther in this tale pace,
Me thynketh it acordaunt to resoun
To telle yow al the condicioun
Of ech of hem, so as it semed me,
40 And whiche they weren, and of what degree,
And eek in what array that they were inne;
And at a knyght than wol I first bigynne.
35 But none the less, whilst I have time and space,
Before yet further in this tale I pace,
It seems to me in accord with reason
To describe to you the state of every one
Of each of them, as it appeared to me,
40 And who they were, and what was their degree,
And even what clothes they were dressed in;
And with a knight thus will I first begin.
@124 So your argument is that Cuomo should have said, “We need help! Please come to New York! You’ll be paid generously, provided room and board, depending on what arrangement you have with your staffing agency; and you’ll be subject to a 4% state income tax on income earned after 14 days here, unless your home state has a reciprocal agreement with New York, less standard deduction of $3,100 or $16,050 depending on marital status plus $1,000 for each dependent plus all your federal itemized deductions plus up to $5,000 for any contribution to your 529 plan, minus tax credit for tuition paid for in-state college classes and additional tax credits for earned income, household tax credit, child credit, noncustodial income credit, and/or real property tax credit, if applicable.”
I mean if you’re going to be truthful with people about what their state tax liability will be, you should be completely truthful, amirite?
Why don’t Trump and McConnell include an item in the next emergency funding package to reimburse the health workers for their state taxes?
Nothing’s stopping them from requesting it, or Congress from funding it. I doubt any Democrats would vote against it.
@129 Very nice. Now do Castilian Spanish.
“One of President Donald Trump’s personal valets, who works in the West Wing serving the president his meals among other duties, has tested positive for coronavirus ….”
“‘This guy is close’ to the president throughout the day in terms of proximity, said a second source familiar with the matter. A White House official said the president was ‘not happy’ when he was informed of the development … very few aides have been seen wearing masks around the West Wing ….”
I assume he’s still on duty, consistent with Republican policies of prioritizing reopening over containment and sacrificing old people to save jobs. And, of course, still not wearing a mask because Republicans don’t believe in masks. Neither Trump nor Pence wear masks, nor do their staffers.
@125 & 129
If y’all are on Twitter and not following this ðu scolde doth swá lo!
Chaucer Doth Tweet
Saw Æ trendinge and Ich was lyke: hwæt?
Chaucer Doth Tweet
Ich am the passengir
Ich staye undir glasse
Ich looke thrugh my wyndowe so brighte
Ich see the sterres arryve tonighte
Ich see the welkin hollowe and brighte
Ovir the cityes wondrous skye
Ye knowe yt looketh goode thys night
Don’t the speak Nicaraguan?
The troll obsesh with Cuomo puzzles me.
It’s not like Cuomo is on the cusp of vaulting to the Presidency or that Cuomo would ever care to serve in the Senate. And it’s not as if New York is going to be governed by Rapepublicans any time soon.
I get why president RapeHero has a thing for Cuomo. But strategically it seems like a dumb thing to obsess over. Ranking right up there with AOC. Shouldn’t they be more concerned with Jared Polis or Tony Evers or LauraKelly? What good does it do them to go after Cuomo?
Rapepublicans all just seem to fall into whatever cycle of resentment or rage their RapeHero commands, not matter how useless.
Article on Dollar General.
@136 The freak is offended by people he doesn’t know paying taxes to a state he doesn’t live in.
Maybe one of the reasons New York is broke is because they had to pay upwards of $100 an hour plus room and board, plus staffing agency fees, for 86,000 emergency health workers to help deal with the worst public health crisis since the Middle Ages.
Nah, that can’t be it. According to McConnell, it’s because of all the money they squandered on cop, firefighter, and teacher pensions. Better to have no pensions at all. Make ’em work ’til they drop.
Useless twit dot bombed @136,
NOPE you dope. Just pointing out the everyday hypocrisy of libtards!
NY State broke because of failed libtard green new deal projects among other worthless stuff
@122 Now cite the SCOTUS case holding NY’s social distancing edicts unconstitutional. You’re allowed to ask your barrister son for help with this, freak.
@61, 110 Since you asked …
“South Korea is one of the few countries that has prevented a sustained Covid-19 epidemic without steamrolling its economy. Instead of quarantining entire cities like China and shuttering businesses and factories like Europe and the U.S., it implemented the world’s biggest testing and tracing program.”
Now emulate South Korea here. I’m all for it. What are you waiting for?
@141 Yeah sure, and you saw little green men walking around on Mars through your binoculars, too.
Still no comment from the babblin’ butthole on kookoo ben karsen spewing orange pablum on Saturday before sunset..
Shouldn’t the fool at least read from Mark 1:14-15 before the orange vomit?
Babblin’ butthole.. An orange prophet declares the end of klownservaticism:
Orangeness is the new whiteness (with white cirlces around the eyes).. All the klownservatics here at HA (save for pos rapey mcdimfuk) have dumped on Bush..
You can still be orange.. drumpf said the invasion of iraq was a disaster. drumpf hates the bushies. the bushies are now producing lincoln project ads on tv!
You’re almost there. Hate the empty suit, denounce the endless wars and go full orange. You’re already hawking the orange snake oil, hydroxychloroquine.
war is bad for the orange bidness in Turkey, in Indonesia, in whereever…
Herd Immunity Dep’t
Attending a coronavirus party disqualifies you from serving in the U.S. military.
Too bad they didn’t have this during Vietnam. Would’ve saved Donny the trouble of faking bone spurs.
This is
howwhy you will get more Trump.Earlier, Judge Sullivan told Flynn he sold his country out.
@148 You’re a dumbfuck….
…and a traitor.
Man, the FBI/DOJ has really covered itself in glory in the effort to remove Trump.
Steve, you fucked up. You trusted Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Priestap, Rosenstein, Mueller.
Worse, dude, you trusted Schiff, the fucking pencilneck.
Now, it’s all unraveling.
You’ll still have Putin, Steve. You will always have Vladimir. Vlad to you.
Thinks this is good for his side. (Now do Central Park Five)
Trump’s justice department got a conviction.
New AG Barr takes extraordinary steps to defame and discredit Law enforcement officers and US Attorney’s associated with case.
Corrupt AG Barr moves to drop the case.
Guilty plea and conviction are still in place as of now.
Maybe one of the lawyers can weigh in on if the judge is required to vacate a verdict because a corrupt Justice Department now wants to please the King or if he can reach a sentence based on pleadings already before him.
two parts, Attorney for the defendent, judge
“He was framed”
“He plead guilty to one charge in exchange for not being charged at all on the otherr.”
“We have new evidence”
“Does that evidence prove that he didn’t willfully sign this confession?”
“It just shows that the police wanted to get a conviction.”
“Don’t police always want a criminal convicted”
“Well we represented him in a crappy way.”
“Maybe you should have advised him NOT to voluntarily enter a guilty plea and go to trail?”
“We could have won at trail”
“The time to make that argument was when you entered a guilty plea.”
“We quit.”
“I still have a guilty plea. This is the sentencing phase which you’re right, you’re shitty lawyer.”
Maybe, and I’m just sptiballing here,
A career Federal prosecutor who is in possession of a guilty verdict AND all the evidence is sick of being told to “throw” multiple cases.
75,000 > 15
“Can we PLEASE get back to talking about Russia?”
Tonight on Fox News.
“This poor pretty White lady just wanted to cut hair and feed her family. No one could disagree with that. It doesn’t matter that her actions can kill people. Freedom is for EVERYBODY”
Unless you’re a young black man who jogs because then video of two white guys hunting him down, lying to investigators about it and having the Local DA who is an associate of one of white guys not only not recuse but decline to prosecute.
When the White people hunt black people Fox news airs….. zero minutes of coverage on all of Fox’s Prime Time shows.
All lives matter?
They didn’t imagine another driver would have a recording of the jogger doing totally normal jogger activity and a gun shot BEFORE any attempt to disarm an unidentified assailant.
@ 152
Is US Attorney Jensen corrupt, too?
Do tell, Cz-252.
Cz-252, how long do you think you’ll still be able to claim this? Do you think it strengthens your hand, any? If so, why?
Now do Central Park Five
Funny how much you support the police. Until you don’t.
“Well if they weren’t guilty why did they confess?”
Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Priestap, Rosenstein, Mueller.
Heh. What about Bruce Ohr?
And wasn’t Priestap the guy that Horowitz couldn’t find any evidence of political bias after going through all his correspondence and interviewing witnesses?
And who was Horowitz? Ooops “painful” memories there..
76,000 > 15
“Why isn’t everyone focusing on the REAL problems like haircuts. And the FBI and those delicious pea shoots that should be in your salad right now. Fresh and yummo!”
So far today CA is reporting 130 new cases
WA 0
OR 73
“Open it up”:
Florida 826
Gerogia 700
New evidence emerges that suggests Covid-19 potentially could jump from Republicans to farm animals.
@ 157
Now do Central Park Five
What, a full-page newpaper ad taken out by a guy who got suckered by misinformation?
How does that compare with a DOJ whose upper-echelon team members conspired to manufacture misinformation, used it to entrap a government official and threaten his family, and then used it as part of the basis to spend two years investigating the president?
Cz-252, is one of these really like the other?
Weak sauce, silly boy.
@148 Yeah, that’s going to change tens of thousands of votes in key battleground states for sure. And Trump’s “I’m not responsible” response to Covid-19 won’t change any.
“Now, it’s all unraveling.”
Unraveling? Indeed it is. For you.
Over 33,000,000 Americans unemployed
Over 75,000 Americans dead
Unravel much, Dumbfuck?
It’s all your fucking fault, traitor.
@151 “… Rosenstein, Mueller” are your guys, so maybe we shouldn’t have trusted them.
Just like Dino Rossi shouldn’t have trusted the handpicked Republican judge in a forum-shopped Republican county.
Bottom line: Never trust any Republican.
“open for bidness, Faux Snooze approved” Sweden pop 10 million: 3040 dead, 99 new cases today
people’s republic of California pop 40 million 2464 dead, 10 new cases today
But keep looking at that black guy Tedros and WHO! Chicoms!
@161 “What, a full-page newpaper ad taken out by a guy who got suckered by misinformation?”
Yeah, it takes work to get suckered by misinformation, especially when you yourself propagated the misinformation.
By the way, women hate you and your orange moron, 56% – 36%.
@167 He’s not doing so great in Massachusetts, either.
By the way @ 167
1. A plurality think that Biden finger-banged Reade without her consent.
2. An Amash candidacy hurts Biden more than it hurts Trump.
Steve, you’re backing a candidate who more voters think committed sexual assault than voters who think he didn’t.
Good luck with that.
The babblin’ butthole sure babbled on about that Stefan Halper..
derp state “spy”…
Big time repuke who did dirty work for Bonzo Raygun and the Bushies..
Damn butthole, you’re getting oranger by the second..
About Flynn being a liar:
The preceding is from the DOJ filing in Sullivan’s court, today.
37% say it is probably true… and 31% have no opinion.
Too many seemed not to care that drumpf had a record of serial sexual assaults of women and other general sex predatory behavior..
Well maybe except a plurality of 2016 voters and hell of a lot of 2018 voters.
2020? We shall see!
Looks like Labron James doesn’t like you much, either, Dumbfuck. You and your treasonous ilk.
A very weird Motion by AG Barr to assuage the Emperor
They don’t need to prove at trial. There is no trial. He signed a confession and plead guilty. This is the sentencing. The judge already ruled Flynn is not entitled to a new trail.
Barr just told U.S. Attorneys he thinks they are incompetent. “Despite having a signed voluntary confession from the defendant admitting in painstaking detail how he lied to investigators and knowingly told those lies……
We don’t think we could prove he knowingly lied at trail.”
Well at least Dumbfuck and Piddles are lapping up this yarn.
“37% say it is probably true”
Good grief. That’s a whopping 1% more than the 36% of women who are dumbfuck fascist supporters your orange moron. There’s 63% who either don’t believe it or gave no opinion.
Your point is what? Oh, that you’re fucking stupid. Okay.
Over 33,000,000 Americans unemployed
Over 75,000 Americans dead
Suck on that, Dumbfuck. After all, it’s all your fucking fault.
Just a reminder that Steve’s blog is still in business.
@169 What percent of the 37% will vote for him anyway because your candidate is so fucking awful?
“32% of those who think that the allegation is true still support Biden.”
That leaves, uh, 25% who believe Tara Reade and support Trump.
Quite a base your candidate has there, dumbfuck.
Half of them will be dead by Election Day.
@176 Thanks. I bookmarked it this time.
Rule 48(a) of fed crim proc:
a) By the Government. The government may, with leave of court, dismiss an indictment, information, or complaint. The government may not dismiss the prosecution during trial without the defendant’s consent.
It’s Sullivan’s call. Not Barr’s. Not RapeHero’s.
Sullivan can (and should) inquire of the government extensively as part of consideration of the motion. Part of that consideration, motivated by the highest obligation of the court, would be to determine if at any point the government engaged in any corrupt practice before the court, either in the course of bringing the prosecution or in bringing the motion to dismiss. If the court were to conclude that the motion to dismiss arises from a corrupt motive then it may not grant it.
Cz-252 @ 174
So, Flynn’s truly guilty, because he confessed and pled guilty, then?
Didn’t you bring up the Central Park Five? In this thread? More than once?
They confessed, Cz-252. Pled guilty, too. All five of them.
Very well done, Cz-252. I could not have showcased your hypocrisy better than you did, yourself.
What else did the Central Park Five and Michael Flynn have in common?
Neither was represented by counsel during questioning. Cz-252 has no problem with that, apparently.
They confessed, Cz-252. Pled guilty, too. All five of them.
NYPD hot boxing 14 year olds for eighteen hours whom they had already placed under arrest without a Miranda warning and or access to counsel is EXACTLY THE SAME as FBI not offering Gen. Flynn a foot massage while he was voluntarily giving them an interview in which he lied.
That time Flynn sobbed and begged to be allowed to go home to his mother. Who could possibly forget that?
@180 If the police plant a wallet on a park bench, and you walk away with it, and the judge dismisses the charges on grounds of entrapment, that makes you an honest man, amirite?
Flynn won’t be the first criminal to get off because of government misconduct. That doesn’t make him innocent.
Someone is grasping at straws in polling.
The same number of people, given a fluctuating percentage point or two daily who tell Rasmussen they “Strongly Approve” of Donald say they believe the allegations against Biden.
And put Amash in the mix because….having an incumbent President with only 40% of the electorate saying they will re-elect is RIGHT where we want to be because it drops the Challenger an extra 2% off what the incumbent loses! Victory is at hand.
For recent reelect perspective, No 2012 poll in May had Obama below 43%. 7 of the 16 polls in May had a Romney lead. Donald sits at 41% in a two way race and 40% in a three way race. No poll in May has Donald leading and only one of the three has Donald within the MOE. Not good. Probably more toubling for team Orange is there isn’t a single poll he’s led since February. Polls in May of 2016 had Clinton in the low 40s while Joe is in the high 40s or even as high as 50.
Can he turn it around? Even in good times it would be hard. What’s it going to be like when we cross 100k dead from the thing that was going to disappear in April? How about when the second wave starts to hit in the fall. Fall…that seems like an important time of the election calendar.
Go Justin! Pull it out for us.
Flynn was not under arrest. He was not under arrest. He was not under arrest. BZZZZZZZZZT
Do you understand that this is technically a meaningful legal distinction arising not merely from semantics but in fact from actual circumstance?
Flynn was appearing to be interviewed voluntarily. He was under no obligation to be present or to answer any questions. And he signed documents attesting that he knew this.
This is just awful.
I mean, $500,000 Gofundme paydays should go to victims.
Like Andrew McCabe, for instance.
@181 What don’t the Central Park Five and Flynn have in common?
Trump didn’t run a full-page ad in the New York newspapers saying he should be executed for a crime he didn’t commit.
@184 Don’t forget to factor in the relative attrition rates of Trump and Biden supporters.
Just to be clear, and I’m not defending the status quo with FBI procedures, but there was absolutely nothing corrupt about the way the FBI invited Flynn to voluntarily lie to them and then let him do it without taking action to prevent it.
They do this all day, every day. It is procedure. They encourage people to lie to them if they believe those people posses material information relevant to a major criminal investigation.
@186 That should be enough to get her a good lawyer who can spring her from jail by pleading guilty and promising to comply with the law from now on.
You didn’t get the point.
Flynn was an adult and knew his rights. Flynn could have asserted his right to an attorney at any time. He did not.
You have celebrated the police putting innocent people in the grave on this board
Add those two things together and…..
adds up to Dumbfuck.
@189 Why do Republicans never exercise their constitutional rights when cops want them to spill the beans? I guess they used them up defending BEACH WEEK!!!
I can remember when Republicans thought young men who refused to report for the Vietnam draft deserved 5 years in a federal prison.
But they don’t believe someone who refuses to obey reasonable health regulations deserves 7 days in jail.
Here’s YLB, at 12:49 p.m. today:
Nearly 40 million people, YLB, and you somehow believe that there are only 10 new infections there today? Really?
YLB, on Tuesday there were more than 2,500 new infections in California.
YLB The Unserious, 10 new infections in a state of 40 million residents would mean that the state should have been opened a couple of weeks ago.
Do you even think of the shit you post before hitting the button, YLB?
@ 193
But they don’t believe someone who refuses to obey reasonable health regulations deserves 7 days in jail.
The Texas governor and AG thought this was overreach.
The Texas supreme court just ordered her release.
Looking forward to your allegation that Governor Abbott didn’t serve in the military because he’s a coward, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“serious” rape fantasist @ 194
I typed too quickly…
10 (it’s bumped up to 52) new deaths in the people’s republic of california.
vs 99 in laura ingraham approved, “open for bidness” sweden..
Perhaps you can visit soon? The world will be a better place for it I’m sure.
“You have celebrated the police putting innocent black men in the grave on this board”
Clarified this one a wee bit. For Doctor Dumbfuck, the only good black male is a dead black male. And, yes, this even applies to black male children.
Attempt #55 coming soon!
Steve barfed,
Over 33,000,000 Americans unemployed
Over 75,000 Americans dead
All because Trump listened to Dr Fauci, Dr Hahn, Dr Redfield and Dr Birx. When you fathom that FACTIOD through the Stooooooooooooooopid Solution Stupor maybe we can have a decent conversation about pandemics and how rear view mirroring isn’t the greatest thing to do when doctors are involved? Eh?
Do you even think of the shit you post before hitting the button, YLB?
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, the buttspigot just runs like a diarrhea attack. The BULLSH^T just oozes out!
Seems the buttspigot @196 has a fetish looking at the Swedish data. Must be he likes looking at the Swedish kvinna when he’s not glued to the assesHorse blog calling itself a “hero”. That’s why it recommends its own blog. Look at me look at me.
Kinda reminds Puddy of how Gary Payton used to call himself “The Glove”, except Payton brought it every night while the buttspigot spills it every night and still misses the toilet!
@195 “The Texas governor … thought this was overreach.”
No doubt that explains this:
“Up until Abbott’s announcement Thursday, Texans who didn’t obey the governor’s executive orders related to the virus could have faced up to 180 days in jail.”
The judge gave her only 7 days.
@195 “Looking forward to your allegation that Governor Abbott didn’t serve in the military because he’s a coward, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I didn’t say that, just as you didn’t say he couldn’t have served because a falling tree made him a paraplegic. Because neither is true.
Btw, he made out pretty well under the tort system, wouldn’t you say?
Golly BeerPong you really are stooooooooooooooopid.. Flynn could have asserted his right to an attorney at any time. He did not.
Rod Rosenstein calls and says we just have a few questions for you, nothing to worry about. You don’t need a lawyer or to alert the whitey house.
The FBI already said there was no deal between Trump and the white house before Trump became president. So no Logan act violation occured.
Holy Smelly SH^T Batman
Obuumer knew all the time. Just as Sean Hannity predicted years ago. DAYUM and you libtards keep watching CNN and MSDNC!
FBI not offering Gen. Flynn a foot massage while he was voluntarily giving them an interview in which he lied.
Wrong again dot bombed. They originally didn’t think he lied so it is surmised that Strzok modified the original 302 based on his emails to his FBI lover Page.
You must read the right materials dot bombed!
@199 Translated into Republican (as long as we’re doing languages): These numbers are unbalanced. They should be closer together.
@200 Do you?
So you’re saying a 4th rate intellect didn’t surround himself with “the smartest, bestest, most world class people?”
The buck stops somewhere else. Ultimately the decision was made for me by others.
The quarterback sucked and threw 12 interceptions, leading rusher had 327 yards for the season, Offense averaged 7.8 points a game, defense gave up 35 plays of 30+ yards and opponents averaged 24 points per game, kicker went 11 of 15 on PATs and 17 of 23 on field goals 0/3 beyond 45 yards.
Head Coach and GM get fired. Some fans will claim it wasn’t their fault and it all comes down to making plays.
@201 “Seems the buttspigot @196 has a fetish looking at the Swedish data.”
He’s not the one who brought up Sweden.
Now do Walla Walla.
@204 “Rod Rosenstein calls and says we just have a few questions for you, nothing to worry about. You don’t need a lawyer or to alert the whitey house.”
And he swallowed it whole.
He’s too stupid to be in prison.
@205 Yeah, the President of the United States has no damn business wondering what an ex-3 star general who was fired from his last military job is doing talking to the Russian ambassador on the Q.T.
And the Deputy Attorney General of the United States has no damn business wondering if somebody is violating the Logan Act and undermining the foreign policy of the United States.
The Department of Justice doesn’t investigate spies and traitors or anything like that.
Ahhh Shifty Schiff releases the 57 transcripts he agreed to release in 2018. Acting DNI Grenell is doing a bang up job!
Commie News Network has it richeer… https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/07/politics/house-transcript-russia-interview/index.html
Deflect. When asked by the FBI to answer questions one should always bring a lawyer no matter if the investigating agents says “It’s no big deal.”
News flash, investigators would prefer you to think it’s no big deal. They are even constitutionally (SCOTUS) allowed to lie to the interviewee about evidence they have already gathered to see what they can shake loose.
At any time during the interview Flynn could have
1 Answered Truthfully
2 Refused to answer
3 Asked for representation
(Go back to @1)
Any or all of the above and he couldn’t be charged. He chose of his own free will to lie. Then he signed the sworn statement that he lied, did so knowingly and agreed to be sentenced for the crime of lying to the FBI.
“I’m not sure if I can answer that question until I check with my Attorney that that isn’t classified or privileged. Interview ends, no crime.”
Flynn went with, “I’ll go ahead and answer but I’m not going to be truthful.”
Pick a better nominee.
Exclusive: 1996 court document confirms Tara Reade shared Biden harassment allegation
You are running out of time.
Small wonder Biden doesn’t want his Senate papers rifled through by anyone but his own staff.
@206 “They originally didn’t think he lied”
“Flynn exhibited a loose relationship with the truth, leading his subordinates to refer to Flynn’s repeated dubious assertions as ‘Flynn facts’.”
Everybody thought he lied. All. The. Time.
Except you.
77,000 > 15
“guys, c’mon. We need to focus on the real issue here. Flynn!”
@213 Now let’s do Bolton.
I’m imagining the scene from Chappaquiddick in which Teddy’s advisors all pick him to shreds about what a dumbfuck he was. Biden’s probably getting the same treatment right now, and that’s just from Jill.
@215 Dumbfuck’s big catch. @216 The fine print.
Everyone believed the FBI until the latest developments came out today dot bombed.
If even half the evidence of Biden’s guilt existed against Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh would never have even been nominated.
@220 Poor dumbfuck. He wants to be a Democratic national delegate sooo bad. But he missed his chance because he was out in the barn fucking the horse when they picked the delegates.
53 House transcripts have been released. ’cause it’s Friday and Washington is closed for the weekend now.
Each and every one of them proves that I have Vladimir Putin’s personal cell phone number and that he instructs me what to write in my HA posts.
They also each claim that Steve is both heterosexual and hung.
“All because Trump listened to Dr Fauci, Dr Hahn, Dr Redfield and Dr Birx.”
Uh-oh! Please tell me you’re not drinking bleach, Puddy. It’s not like the warning label on the bottle is a commie plot, you know?
And pull that UV flashlight out of your ass! You may think it feels good, but you look absolutely ridiculous.
“Each and every one of them proves that I have Vladimir Putin’s personal cell phone number and that he instructs me what to write in my HA posts.”
Says Putin’s loyal, dumbfuck footsoldier.
So you and your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags don’t like being called out for being the traitor you are, huh? Sucks to be you. And just think. You have only yourself to blame for it.
You fucked up, Doctor. Big time.
@226 “It’s not like the warning label on the bottle is a commie plot”
It is a commie plot. He’s worth more to them alive.
looking at the Swedish data
LMAO!! Sweden is “open for bidness” babbling poophole!
Isn’t that the orange ideal for the repuke states?
They even played Sweden on Faux Snooze.. Do visit Sweden ASAP babbling butthole.. You said here you appreciate the women! Bet when you were there, you strutted like a rooster at the local kult kolony…
calling itself a “hero”.
Been here longer than you by a few months babblin’ poophole. It takes a hero to put up with a zero like you and the rape addled “doctor”. And you’ve put HA HEROES FIRST many many times!
We’re not going anywhere fool!
What else:
Rod Rosenstein calls and says we just have a few questions for you, nothing to worry about.
OOOOPS! Chronological error! Rosenstein wasn’t confirmed by Senate until April 25, 2017..
FBI interviewed Flynn Jan 24, 2017.
You suck at this poophole.. You’re in your “putting HA HEROES first after sunset on Friday zone” now. You’re so freaking STOOPID!
More later.
I can see why Doctor Dumbfuck would believe Tara Reade. She writes love letters to Putin, too.
“You fucked up, Doctor.”
Probably in more ways than one. That’s why he has so much time on his hands while the country is in desperate need of doctors.
“If even half the evidence of Biden’s guilt existed against Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh would never have even been nominated.”
So stupid.
The Bridgegate people got unanimously vindicated by the SCOTUS.
General Flynn’s charges are dropped.
Shit, I look like a fucking idiot. This going to,hurt my precious political career.
Flynn is a total joke. An ignorant man who was way out of his depth in politics and especially as head of DIA.
Chris Christie flays the idiot alive in his book and quotes Laura Ingraham as wondering out loud “Why is he [Flynn] in the room?”.
Train wreck.
When you’re losing CNN…
@ 234
So, YLB, I guess your point is that he deserved to get set up by the FBI.
Flynn’s not the only total joke, YLB. You’ve been carrying that banner for more than a decade.
Maybe Biden should question Reade’s motivations. It’s not like she doesn’t have an agenda.
DiFi today:
DiFi in 2018:
That was totally different because shut up.
@ 237
Maybe Biden should question Reade’s motivations. It’s not like she doesn’t have an agenda.
Uh huh. In 1993 she had an agenda. So did her mother.
he deserved to get set up by the FBI.
Awwwww.. pos rapey mcdimfuk feels compassion for train wreck michael flynn… flynn’ waiving counsel is a sign of his “seriousness” about the interview.
your misogyny and rape fantasies here are too “funny”. What a victim’s advocate you’ve become.
Even Georgia’s slimy Republican governor can’t stomach the shooting of the black jogger.
Meanwhile, there are signs of a dodgy investigation by the local cops and prosecutor. Some are calling it “corrupt.”
Schiff imposter @233 “The Bridgegate people got unanimously vindicated by the SCOTUS.”
“As Kelly’s own lawyer acknowledged, this case involves an ‘abuse of power.’ Tr. of Oral Arg. 19. For no reason other than political payback, Baroni and Kelly used deception to reduce Fort Lee’s access lanes to the George Washington Bridge—and thereby jeopardized the safety of the town’s residents. But not every corrupt act by state or local officials is a federal crime,” the Supreme Court’s opinion, written by Keegan, reads. “Because the scheme here did not aim to obtain money or property, Baroni and Kelly could not have violated the federal-program fraud or wire fraud laws. We therefore reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”
Yup, vindicated. Being called “corrupt” by the highest court in the land renders them as pure and innocent as Snow White.
You’re so stupid it’s understandable that you don’t want to use your real screen name.
“So, YLB, I guess your point is that he deserved to get set up by the FBI.”
And that’s a bad thing? Why? Because Flynn loves him some Putin? I can see how you could believe that makes him a sympathethic character. At least, to a fellow Putin-loving traitor such as yourself.
@ 240
train wreck michael flynn… flynn’ waiving counsel is a sign of his “seriousness” about the interview.
The incoming national security advisor to the president was set up by the upper levels of the judicial branch of government, YLB.
When I refer to you as unserious, this is why.
You really know how to fuck up, Doctor. Big time.
Over 33,000,000 Americans unemployed
Over 75,000 Americans dead
And it’s all your fault. You and your orange moron.
The incoming national security advisor to the president was set up by the upper levels of the judicial branch of government, YLB.
As “serious” an allegation as your rape fantasies, your odor hallucinations and your epithets like “pos” hurled at victims of trauma.
Anyone serious would not be ignorant of FBI investigator tactics and would seek counsel. You hand wave that away.
Republicans like Christie had no respect for Flynn. Flynn’s record speaks for itself. This corrupt act by Barr still has to go through a Judge.
Whatevs.. You bore me rapey doc. Newly minted victim’s advocate.. Serious indeed.
Steve Still Swilling Stupid Solution,
Wrong again Steve. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2020/04/08/fauci-trump-does-listen-to-him-and-his-coronavirus-advisors/#f9e393e3eee3
Fauci: Trump ‘Does Listen’ To Him And White House Coronavirus Advisors
Fauci commentary – https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/03/flashback-fauci-coronavirus-us-threat-trump/
How many did The Hump and Hump Virus kill today?
@248 total deaths almost up to 77,000
@ 248, 249
Another one butts the dust.
Brian May Hospitalized After Tearing Butt Muscle To Shreds While Gardening
@248 It’s disturbing that like 20,000 plus of those deaths are in nursing homes.
We should be on the receiving end of another “We’re # 1!” tweet from The Chardonnay Lady 3.0 any moment now.
Keep America Great, victim’s advocate…
i.e. orange…
I betcha that’s exactly how a 13-year-old Katie Johnson described it that time the GOP RapeHero forced her to glove up and jerk him off in the corner at Epstein’s party.
A problem.
Keep lickin’ that stripper pole.
None of this matters, because Steve knows the truth.
It’s important that Steve be able to cling to something. Because otherwise the fact remains that he supported a truly awful candidate in 2016, and he’s about to be forced to do the same thing again this year.
Just as Bill Clinton did not understand that unloading in an intern’s mouth was sexual relations, Joe Biden did not understand that finger-banging an unwilling staff member was sexual assault.
Both of them have learned so much since the decade of the ’90s.
Based on their maturity through life experience, both of them desire your continuing support. Hey, they’re mistakes any red-blooded, hetero male with a wife who won’t take it in the ass or swallow might have made.
QoS McHillbilly @ 253 makes a full-throated defense of Joe Biden.
On October 6th, The Q Clearance Pussy listened carefully along with the rest of America as he heard his party’s nominee proudly describing in vulgar detail his lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women. The next day he listened again as that same nominee addressed the nation to confess that everything they had heard on the tape was true.
Then less than four weeks later the imbecile voted to make that nominee president.
There is no projection, no equivocation, and no verbal jujutsu that can ever change that or make it go away.
Justice for Katie.
After state authorities took over the black jogger case, it took less than 24 hours to arrest the white men and charge them with murder and aggravated assault.
@ 259
After state authorities took over the black jogger case, it took less than 24 hours to arrest the white men and charge them with murder and aggravated assault.
After Barr assigned a US Attorney to review the Flynn case, it still took several months before the suspected wrongdoing by Justice was fully exposed, and charges against Flynn dropped.
’cause Jensen didn’t have video.
@260 Yeah, should’ve worn a body cam. Your horse probably has one. It’s an insurance policy.
Bet those white assholes didn’t know they were on Candid Camera.*
* All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But be advised that if you take up position directly behind the horse, there’s no due process, only steel horseshoes.
Rule 48(a). Too late. Like that time OfDumbfuck broke her bull’s condom.
I’ll admit, it would be weird for Sullivan to deny the motion. But not any weirder really than the DOJ handling of this since Barr became AG. Since pleading guilty the defendant has run through a revolving cast of defense lawyers, Nearly every single prosecutor has tried at one time or another to quit this thing since Barr started inserting himself into it. And Sullivan has had to step in there as well.
Normally I would say it was unthinkable for a federal judge to deny a government motion for dismissal (unless the defense objected). Nothing about this is normal. Sullivan denial is thinkable. At the very least, and I won’t be a bit surprised, I’d expect him to roast DOJ for this. To bring a case this far, over this span of time, with this amount of work effort and resource, only to move to dismiss demands a pretty thorough explanation to avoid a display of contempt toward the court.
The Bridgegate reversal in not my main problem. My problem is the Flynn shit is gonna make me look bad.
BTW, your screen name comes from a forgettable movie that no one remembers any more. Your a phony piece of shit and stupid to boot.
Hey y’all remember earlier @99 when the senile idiot wabbit wrote about TWO people shooting at McDonald workers in Oklahoma?
The last word of that inane post was More of Trump’s “good people.”
Then Puddy wrote how the senile idiot wabbit looks at the headline maybe scans a paragraph or two and enters Oh Goody mode? Puddy also said there were things missing in the discussion. Y’all know… where’s the picture of the captured subject. If it was whitey, that picture would be front and center. If it’s a minority then it has to be ACLU’d first!
Well… https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2020/05/07/mcdonalds-workers-shot-dining-room-closed-coronavirus/
She may have voted for Trump, maybe?
Once again you look really stoooooooooooooooopid senile idiot wabbit!
Troll @263: “BTW, your screen name comes from a forgettable movie that no one remembers any more.”
Wrong again. But then, you’ve probably never been right about anything in your entire life.
My screen name has nothing to do with a movie. The name “Roger” was a random pick that I settled on after going through several others (e.g. “Alan”). “Rabbit” was chosen because (a) it’s alliterative with “Roger” and (b) is a forest animal. I wanted a forest animal persona that alliterates with “Roger,” simple as that. Couldn’t really see myself as a deer (“Donny Deer”) or elk (“Eddie Elk”). Having long ears and a bushy cottontail is more fun. Also, I can scurry into my burrow when falcons show up. In short, my screen persona is not a movie star, and does not have a girlfriend named Jessica. Different Roger Rabbit.
What you did:
@263 “The Bridgegate reversal in not my main problem.”
True. Your comment about it merely makes you look like a dumbass, which is the least of your problems. And it doesn’t take Bridgegate to do that; you manage it quite well on your own.
the Flynn shit is gonna make me look bad.
Flynn lied to the FBI on Jan 24, 2017.. Drumpf fired Flynn for repeating these lies to Pence and others in the drumpf disadministration. These lies were broadcast to the national media. It was an embarrassment. One of a multitude to come.
Republicans ran the Intelligence committee back then and Schiff was the ranking MINORITY member, i.e.
Schiff had nothing to do with Flynn’s short train wreck of a tenure as National Security Adviser.
You’re full of shit.
Dot bombed @262,
We learned that the “special” Flynn hidden evidence shown last week and earlier this week was hidden by Comey and Weissman’s buddies Director Wray and FBI Legal Council Boente, until forced to release it. Too bad these FACTS have been in the public eye for a few days now butt you live on left wrong sites. In fact someone was thrown under the bus last weekend and you missed that too.
Now that Von Grack was shown to have known about this and didn’t expose it to his lawyers. The docs had SCO stamped all over them. Like Puddy wrote last week to the buttspigot, Puddy has links all day long. Just review the BULLSH^T from The Atlantic. Flynn knew he did nothing wrong dot bombed. He fell on the sword to protect his son. Judge Emmit Sullivan didn’t have these memos either and that’s why he repeated Rachel Madcow’s words in court almost verbatim in December 2018. Now we know it was a perjury trap. Priestap’s notes demonstrate that front and center. Need to see them again?
So when the House calls Barr in to explain what happened it will be fun!
See ya
Flynn lied to the FBI on Jan 24, 2017..
NOPE. Try again! “‘Federal Bureau of Investigation agents did not detect any deception during Flynn’s interview,’ another one line among the 44 findings of fact in the 253-page, partially classified report released on Friday.
‘No physical indications of deception’: James Comey testified that he didn’t believe Mike Flynn lied about talks with Russia’s ambassador
Babblin’ poopyhead is so quiet after that Rosenstein chronological f up..
Rosenstein was the puppetmaster of Strzok, babbling poopyhole?
Moron @ 269
Read the statement of offense moron:
Paragraph 3 moron read it.
Flynn plead guilty. TWICE! Drumpf fired Flynn for lying to Pence. You’re a miserable fool!
Wow so Flynn played Strzok and it took Mueller to look over the interview and the 302s to detect the deception..
Guess Strzok isn’t such a bad guy after all. A bad guy to always wrong wing liars.
Who knew?
And Mueller even convinced Flynn’s high powered lawyers so Flynn had no choice but to plead guilty..
He fell on the sword to protect his son.
And what did Flynn’s son do? Do tell freako.. Chris Christie didn’t have very flattering things to say about that son.
Oh clueless buttsspigot @271, you need to write the senile idiot wabbit regarding the term “fruit of the poisonous tree”.
“Obama officials asked the FBI if a quid pro quo had been discussed on the call, and the answer came back no, according to one of the officials, who like others asked not to be named discussing delicate communications. The topic of sanctions came up, they were told, but there was no deal.”
So what does that highlighted statement mean clueless cretin buttspigot @272? It means the NY Times and WA Post were illegally given government transcripts because there was a FISA on Kislyak butt no one can find the FISA on LTG Flynn.
So what is the clueless cretin buttspigot screaming over? There was no such quid pro quo discussion, just a small mentioning of Obummer Sadministration sanctions on Russia, prompting LTG Flynn’s response: Don’t escalate or retaliate. Releasing these to the Simes and Post were and still are felonies. Durham is investigating this per preleaks of grand jury activities by the same NY Slimes https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/us/politics/john-durham-ignatius-column.html – Puddy says good!
Now from the just released Sally Yates materials by slimeball Shifty Schiff prove that Obummer was directing this first hand. Obummer told her and Comey to stay back after that January 2017 whitey house oval orifice meeting so they could discuss Flynn. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/7/president-obama-discussed-flynn-probe-comey-white-/
The bottom line is that Obummer’s hatred of Flynn caused the illegal release of a transcript on Kislyak – Flynn conversation to the WA Post proving there was a FISA warrant on him and not Flynn which caused the perjury trap. How the Mueller Special Council’s Office created the warrant, the indictment and got the guilty plea is that fruit of the poisonous tree. Puddy so glad to have a practicing lawyer son who can explain this in real detail. You on the other hand have the senile idiot wabbit! The transcript was fully printed and there was no law breaking.
Flynn lied to FBI agents in voluntary interviews on two occasions. And Barr himself admits this. Flynn certainly has.
These people may dispute whether or not these lies were “wrong” (whatever the fuck that means) but it is not in dispute that these lies amounted to criminal violations of 18 U.S.C. sec. 1001. The statute does not require materiality to a separate criminal or civil investigation. It doesn’t even require intent in the sense of a willful intention to deceive. All of which is entirely mooted by the fact that Flynn made these same lies repeatedly outside of the FBI interviews to senior officers within the administration.
Whether or not some exculpating Brady material exists or has been produced to justify the government motion to dismiss is a question for the court. I haven’t seen it yet. But I’m willing to wager that Sullivan will be demanding it soon. The federal standard for Brady violations is fairly narrow here. Communications among investigators or prosecutors discussing strategy and tactics, even if those tactics involve deliberate deception of the defendant do not meet the standard.
In federal criminal prosecutions the government is not, even under Brady analysis, legally obligated to turn over “everything” during disco. There are lots of reasons, having everything to do with preserving the interests of justice, why some information can be withheld by the government. The defense does not get to learn the names, and ages of minor children of a witness testifying against the leader of a drug cartel, etc. The point is a fairly obvious one. Federal investigators and prosecutors compile massive files of information in the course of even fairly mundane investigations. What gets turned over in disco is often formal reports summarizing the contents of field notes and communications between investigators and prosecutors.
A hand written not saying “Let’s manufacture evidence and plant it at the subject’s place of work” is the kind of Brady material that gets you a motion to dismiss. Notes and texts saying “I don’t think he’s lying” or “Let’s trick him into lying” are not. Sorry. And Sullivan has already seen all of that. So what’s the point?
This is a political move by the GOP RapeHero the purpose of which is to discredit a Special Prosecutor that he himself hand picked. In that sense it is just more of the long, drawn out episode of political house keeping that has preoccupied these incompetent dipshits from day one. Their refusal to engage in transition planning, their refusal to exercise due diligence in vetting their team, their refusal to abide the warnings of the professional intelligence community, and their welcoming of the interference into the election by foreign state espionage agents produced this chaos. And it is still with them to this day. They did all this to themselves. They took the meetings. They made the appointments. They ignored the reports. They fired the transition planners. They blew off the transition meetings. They fired their FBI director. They announced the investigation into themselves. They appointed the Special Prosecutor. They shut the investigation down. etc. etc. And that doesn’t even include Ukraine and the failed Biden smear.
They did all this shit to themselves. And Flynn is certainly no exception to that.
Oh and clueless cretin butt spigot, continuing on from the previous post after I had to take out the ylb because it’s ylb day in our neighborhood and they pickup everyone’s ylb every Friday; https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/01/new-evidence-suggests-prosecutors-pressured-michael-flynn-to-lie/
Also when the next set of lawyers took over Judge Sullivan did this… https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/18/judge-orders-ethics-training-michael-flynns-former-lawyers/. BTW Covington and Burling still have not complied with Judge Sullivan’s release all documents order by May 4th, 2020.
When Brandon Von Grack and Jessie Liu changed their attitudes on LTG Flynn that’s when Sidney Powell realized something was smelly and started her legal documentation search which brings us to today.
You see clueless cretin buttspigot, Sidney Powell is doing her work pro bono. She smelled a rat and this rat is becoming anaconda sized. Here are two other things you missed reading left wrong BULLSH^T.
1) General Flynn’s first set of attorneys were from the firm Covington and Burling. The DOJ’s Trisha Anderson went to work for Flynn’s attorney law firm Covington and Burling while they were representing LTG Flynn. Did Covington and Burling tell LTG Flynn about hiring one of the individuals at the DOJ involved in the Russia collusion sham? https://www.theepochtimes.com/exclusive-testimony-by-fbi-lawyer-trisha-anderson-reveals-extensive-role-in-trump-clinton-investigations_2806982.html
2) Covington made Eric Holder a partner. Holder admitted to being Obummer’s wing man. Google “Holder is Obamas wingman” since I can only post three links per entry. There is a sunshine order on Covington to produce conversations Holder had with Flynn’s legal team and Covington didn’t produce on May 4th either.
See ya
dot bombed @275 blah blah blah,
Where is anything from the ‘nets to back up what you “claim”? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/must-read-dismissal-general-flynn-indictment-no-interview-general-flynn-required-flynns-statements-not-material-investigation/
All worthless words on your part!
It’s the law. Read the code. Start with rule 48(a).
I’m trained to keep an open mind. So let’s try this.
Can any troll produce any reference to Brady material that could be cited in support of the government’s motion to dismiss?
The DERP STATE narratives make for fine copy to fill up the pages of Mercer family supported con artists and their drooling audience of trailerbillies. But any actual evidence?
If I were Sullivan I’d have some concerns, all the shifting narratives notwithstanding. Was it the “Obummer” administration FBI that created this fraud on the court? Then I’d probably want to know why the court hasn’t heard from Director Wray for the last three years. Was it the SCO appointed by the Trump administration that sought to defraud the court? Then I’d probably need to hear from the AG (method acting) overseeing the SCO as well as the Special Prosecutor himself. Was it Dep. AG Rosenstein who directed the conspiracy free of oversight from a recused AG Sessions? Then I’d probably want to have a chat with Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Barr about what’s been going on for the past year and a half while the court has been kept busy moving forward with the case.
You see, the law is made of words. Words no different than the words a troll depends upon to prop up their credibility while shrieking about SATAN and BABY CANNIBALS and BENGHAZI and SETH RICH and CRISIS ACTORS and STOLEN SERVERS and BREAD CRUMBS. With one big exception. That being that unlike all of the far right conspiracy peddling, the law is relevant, at least to Judge Sullivan. Which brings us back to rule 48(a) and the need for Brady evidence.
Media claiming Pence caught on hot mic yesterday arranging to carry empty boxes into a hospital so it would appear that PPE supplies are being delivered.
What they fail to report is that the boxes were filled with prayers to cure dying patients by exorcising Satan’s lung demons.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.