King County’s directive for mask wearing goes into effect on May 18. But if you can, please start wearing masks before that. You can help make the community safer.
As a Downtown resident, I find it somewhat amusing that “outdoors where social distancing is difficult” is district from “outdoors.” There are a lot of people outside regardless.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
20,000 worth of bengazi deaths and the republicans are still silent.
Two special House elections were won by Democrats yesterday.
Oh, wait.
My bad. No, they weren’t.
Outdoors: Green Lake on a Wednesday in January.
Outdoors where social distancing is difficult: Green Lake on a Saturday in August.
Looks like Inslee going draconian on the lockdown…
At timestamp 38:55 in the video of the press conference below, one reporter asked: “When it comes to contact tracing, how are you guys going to handle people or families who want to refuse to test or to self isolate? If they want to leave their home to get groceries I know you’ve said they can’t do that; how will you make sure they don’t?“
“We will have attached to the families a family support person who will check in with them to see what they need on a daily basis… and help them. If they can’t get a friend to do their grocery shopping, we will help get them groceries in some fashion. If they need pharmaceuticals to be picked up, we will make sure they get their pharmaceuticals… That’s going to help encourage them to maintain their isolation too.
Now that you are in the guvnur’s database you are going to be policed.
@ 4
So don’t include yourself in the database. Restaurants are voluntary and all of this is temporary.
Look at the bright side, Puddy: All those years you spent preparing for the end of the world haven’t been in vain. You bought thousands of MREs. Start chowing down on them. Avoid the database.
I do have to wonder how popular the plan would be if it was, say, HIV that we were trying to keep from spreading, instead of the Wuhan.
Don’t worry Bob, the horse will be fine.
The Hump Virus will grow!
“Without clear planning and implementation of the steps that I and other experts have outlined, 2020 will be darkest winter in modern history.”
Just think that’s exactly what they intend… election!
Carry on with your bullshit.
One wonders what gman would be like had the effort to control the spread of HIV been more successful.
Amoebic encephalitis is often a horrible thing to watch. It’s pretty horrible to read, too.
Have pity for gman. He knew the dude was packin’, but he didn’t know the dude was packin’ virions.
@ One of those was a WI district where the last three elections the GOP got 60%, 100% (unaooposed) 60%
Go celebrate it. Donald won WI by less than 1% so a 2.5% drop in a solid GOP district in November…
The other 245,000 votes were cast in the last election, 141,000 have been counted so far. Lots of mail in still being delivered. Less votes have been counted than were cast in the primary so who knows.
Cz-252 is an exceptional pre-election @ 9 commenter.
In 2016 he was spot-on.
You noticed whoever wins CA-25 will hold the seat until January, right?
What are GOP prospects in CA in November with a full slate of candidates including a extraordinarily disliked gasbag running for reelection at the top?
Steve’s day is about to get worse.
Trump spy chief declassifying documents showing CIA Director John Brennan ‘suppressed’ Russia intelligence: Report
So The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 used excessive amounts of Massengill so that she would smell of vinegar, rather than of borscht. And so that Huma would want to be near her.
Remember in the Monday thread BeerPong claimed the Georgia Governor Kemp was a fool for reopening and not listening to Dr. Fauci? Well the downward trend continues except in DUMMOCRETIN run counties.
FACTS, slapping morons like BeerPong silly!
Stupid much? I hear bleach will fix that for you.
Gilead’s Remdesivir is connected to Dr. Fauci and George Soros. Soros is connected to Wuxi AppTec. Wuxi AppTec is connected to Zhicheng Jiang. Zhicheng Jiang is the grandson of ex-CCP chief Zemin Jiang.
“Holding this web together is the fact that Gilead has endorsed and is engaged with a drug purchasing group, UNITAID. UNITAID is an outgrowth of the United Nations, Millennium Declaration of 2000, which is now the U.N. Global Compact.
The large investors in UNITAID include WHO, George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a partnership relationship with the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Both Drs. Fauci and Birx are associated with the Clinton Health Access Initiative.”
Downright amazing! Of course the libtards will snowflake trigger when the see the name Soros
“Downright amazing! Of course the libtards will snowflake trigger when the see the name Soros”
Yes, they don’t George to be mentioned in blog posts.
@ 14
I hear bleach will fix that for you.
Steve, it’s called BleachBit. And it fixed everything for The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 right up until the 2016 election.
Sometimes @ 15 a cigar is just a cigar, Puddy.
This does come at a good time for Gilead. Gilead has a wonder drug for hepatitis. Problem is, it’s so good that it essentially cures the infection. So people don’t need to take it forever, and the revenue stream stops recurring after a year or so.
I made a fair amount of money by repeatedly selling naked puts against Gilead shares. I potentially could have made more had I instead owned the shares themselves.
Did you see Nancy Private Plane Pelosi’s latest Chinese coronavirus DUMMOCRETIN in-bred Congressional relief package? Once again like the ObummerCare plan, you got to pass it before you find out what’s really in it. She puked out a plan that goes beyond the pale.
Illegal aliens get $1200 of US taxpayer money and has a provision that makes sure illegal aliens are no longer deported. Also they get a get out of jail free card because PrivatePlane Pelosi’s bill demands the immediate release on Trump’s signature [not gonna happen] of illegal aliens from every jail, prison or penitentiary as long as a court categorizes them as “non-violent” offenders. To sweeten the pot she also included all local convicts and federal inmates in the same category. Yeah we already saw a murderer murder again and a rapist rape again.
It bails out all DUMMOCRETIN led states like California, New York, New Jersey, & Illinois who have state union pension plans under water. It forces Republican fiscally sound states and their taxpayers to bail them out.
Oh there is more DUMMOCRETIN BULLSH^TTIUM so you can read it yourselves.
P.S. Puddy forgot about Kim Kardashian West getting those 17 prisoners released. Maybe that where Private Plane Pelosi’s got her ideas from.
You gotta hand it to the DUMMOCRETIN. They never let a “crisis go to waste”.
Steve, it’s called BleachBit. And it fixed everything for The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 right up until the 2016 election.
Nice touch godwinha.
You wont be laughing come Winter Flu season. You’ll be lucky if you will be using a computer keypad to type.
You heard it first here!
Try reading some data instead of posting a link and not understanding it
In the week before reopening GA went from 17,432 cases to 22,491. (5,059)
In the week after from 22,491 to 27,496 (5,005)
in the second week after 27,496 to 31,580 (4,084)
In the not yet completed 3rd week since 31,580 to 34,848 (3,268) in five days which suggests about 45-4600 by the end of the week
See the weekly pattern decline (reopen) decline, decline, increase?
Related, despite being the 9th most populous state in the Country GA is 29th in tests per million residents so these numbers are lowballed.
This is what doubling down on stupidity looks like.
84,000 > 15
“Soros french kissed me!” Piddles
Yes it’s true. As a matter of fact, as a matter of great good fortune, and as a matter of hard work and a lifetime of accomplishment, I’m very, very wealthy. Much wealthier than you are or will ever be. Probably much wealthier than anyone you know. And I’m a woman! Isn’t that interesting? R U mad? Don’t be that way.
I actually do own a private aircraft. It’s quite luxurious and reasonably fast, but since becoming Speaker of the United States House of Representatives I do not have occasion to use it (it’s used mostly by family and employees). In keeping with the policy established by The United States House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms (appointed by Speaker Gingrich) and approved by then Speaker Hastert (the pedophile wrestling coach), I am assigned U.S. Air Force transport for all my official travel as well as all travel to and from my district. This policy was adopted and approved following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in which President Bush ignored a series of intelligence reports allowing a large number of al-Quaeda terrorists under the direction of Osama bin Laden to commandeer commercial aircraft and fly them into buildings.
Although you may not realize it, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is second in the line of Presidential succession (yeeah!). So the official policy of the House for most of the last two decades has been to eliminate travel on commercial airline flights for the Speaker to preserve the line of succession if, heaven forbid, anything should happen to the President and Vice President.
Be safe. Stay apart. Stay healthy. But if you refuse to do these simple things to protect yourself, be assured I’ll be here waiting patiently. Ready to board an Air Force jet at a moment’s notice.
Thanks BeerPong@22 for providing to all EXACTLY what Puddy said. Everyone can scour the ‘nets for an opinion from a libtard paper who jockstapped DUMMOCRETINS for president and Stacey Adams for Georgia governor. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
From your own link… “As testing in Georgia has increased the number of confirmed cases has continued to grow – which may reflect an increase in the number of infected but may also be a result of more infected individuals being tested. ”
And where are those “increased” infections being found? DUMMOCRETIN counties still on lockdown ya moron! Puddy put forth the same link offered by the AJC. Instead of providing some left-leaning conjecture on cases etc., Puddy place the actual Georgia link so anyone anywhere can see anything they what.
ANOTHER EPIC FAYLE from BeerPong! Goota hand it to you, you keep trying but another rakeface event.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, you really are an IDIOT!
We are definitely living in a weird timeline as the normally taciturn Justice Clarence Thomas invoked the name of Frodo Baggins of the Shire bearer of the one ring in oral arguments today.
Related, despite being the 9th most populous state in the Country GA is 29th in tests per million residents so these numbers are lowballed.
OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!! just wishes to commend Georgia, its leaders, its public health officials, its communities, and its people for all they are doing to speed us toward our ultimate goal of 200 million infected. The suppression of widespread testing is a key element in the plan and Georgia is leading the way.
Georgia, you are recognized! Your service and sacrifices made today will ensure the safety and well being of America’s most important people for generations to come. You will be remembered.
Hey Dot Bombed @25,
Regarding Jay Inslee’s draconian response to the coronavirus, here are your words from yesteryear: YOU OWN THIS!
See ya!
Do tell Instapundent, TheBlaze, Breitbart
Just did a search…
The letters FLYNN appear no where in this thread..
but.. butt.. Judge Sullivan is BLACK!
And thank the stars the Judge is not orange.
@2 Wherein a dumbfuck sees a breakthrough in his party winning back a House seat it held for 26 straight years prior to its wipeout in 2018 when some of its incumbents were more likely to go to prison than be reelected.
“in which President…ignored a series of…”
It’s not only getting to be a habit, the consequences to Americans just gets worse.
84,000 dead
33.4 million unemployed
Better call Putin.
Gilead’s Remdesivir is connected to Dr. Fauci and George Soros.
Heh. Yet another entertaining klownspiracy from out prodigal village idiot
… Butt don’t look at Liberal Larry Ellison the drumpf lover and touter of “game changer” HCQ… What??? Ya don’t hear any talk from Faux Snooze anymore on that? What are they afraid of, lawsuits maybe?
And large double blind studies don’t count for much it would seem.. Did one of those say the earth is older than 6000 years?
ya ought to look that up dumbo.
@4 “Now that you are in the guvnur’s database you are going to be policed.”
Good! One of the most basic and vital functions of government is protecting the community from people who lack the sense to engage in or refrain from behaviors that threaten the health and safety of the community.
It’s not like the governor and his enforcers should allow unmasked armed “reopen” protesters to roam the halls of nursing homes, wiping their noses on the residents’ clothing as they terrorize the residents.
A far-out hypothetical? Not really. There’s not much difference between that scenario and the “reopen” goons who’ve been attacking store workers, pushing a park ranger off a dock into a lake, or spreading their viruses in public buildings.
Ordering your ilk to fuck off or face consequences earns Inslee my vote.
Another reason for mail voting in 2020.
Of course, Republicans who want old people to die will oppose it.
@33 Putin isn’t answering his phone right now. His secretary is in ICU, and you’ve probably heard about the Russian ventilators.
Madame Speaker @ 25
The trolls here are indeed deathly afraid of an 80 year old grandmother.
The thought of you spikes the temp between their ears into the 100’s…
@31 If they can drop the charges against Flynn, they can drop the charges against this guy, too.
If they don’t, a jury likely will do it for them.
Have you licked a handrail today? A pay phone? A drinking fountain? Have you even left the house?
Better get on that!
I like this idea:
“Given the lawlessness, criminality and corruption that seem to have spread so virulently throughout this administration, perhaps the most important choice Biden can make right now is his pick for attorney general. And in this position, there is one name that … would reassure voters throughout the country that we are still a nation of laws … that should evoke praise, even from duty-bound conservative constitutionalists …. And that person is: Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I just don’t think Warren is a good fit for prez or veep, and she’s too old for SCOTUS, but she would be great as AG — the perfect person to clean up Barr’s mess and restore public confidence in federal law enforcement.
As for disbarring Barr, that will be up to his bar association. It probably has a rule about moral turpitude.
Gilead has a wonder drug for hepatitis. Problem is, it’s so good that it essentially cures the infection. So people don’t need to take it forever, and the revenue stream stops recurring after a year or so.
Heh. Who the fuck needs outfits whose business model is to keep people sick and using their expensive, feckless, patented poisons?
Thanks for making a great argument for public r&d and strict regulation of therapeutics..
Cures to scurges don’t line klownservatic pockets. whadayaknow..
“Putin isn’t answering his phone right now.”
Sucks to be the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron.
Have you licked a handrail today? A pay phone? A drinking fountain? Have you even left the house?
Heh.. Just think HCQ and liberal Larry Ellison! That’s the ticket!
@18 ” I potentially could have made more had I instead owned the shares themselves.”
Instead, you bet your chips on VAR and you’re not making anything.
Waytago, dumbfuck. Your investing is no more intelligent than your voting. I can’t speak for how intelligent a doctor you were, because I’m unable to locate any of your former patients who are still alive.
Look at the bright side, Puddy: All those years you spent preparing for the end of the world haven’t been in vain. You bought thousands of MREs. Start chowing down on them. Avoid the database.
Heh.. I love this.. They don’t call it dimfuk for nothing..
Dimfuk, the babblin’ butthole hasn’t spent a freakin’ dime on MRE’s..
However it has spent 10 percent (plus) of all its dimes to a kult that promises glory in the kingdom just for going to church at the right 24 hour stretch during the week.
Take it up on its offer to hang with it at its church and maybe you’ll see the light.. I highly doubt it though..
Poodebutt forgot about Kim Kardashian West getting those 17 prisoners released..
Look who she got to release at least one of those:
smile and say cheeeese..
orange.. with some white around the eyes..
It’s the great puzzle of modern movement klownsurvaturdism.
Going back at least to the Obama inauguration the Rapepublican party has increasingly seen itself defined by an ever narrowing extremist base. Trump revolutionized that by using it to activate and energize a significant number of otherwise disengaged lean Rapepublican voters in key battlegrounds, while simultaneously suppressing engagement among lean Democratic “independents”.
But it has always come at a predictably high cost. Done well, it has the potential to boost Trump and a few red state Senators. But it shrinks the base overall, and it runs a high risk that it will boost opposition turnout.
BEACH WEEK!!! protesters are just the latest iteration. The overwhelming majority of Americans are scared of getting sick and dying in the midst of Trump’s latest banal failure. Faced with a government obviously unable to implement a systematic approach to surveillance, testing, contact tracing, and containment, most Americans are just not interested in trading away their safety for an evening of binge drinking and pull-tabs.
But as we see here, Rapepublicans are increasingly willing to be defined by the tiny minority of BEACH WEEK!!! protesters willing to lick the stripper pole for FREEEDUMB!!!!!! It hardly matters to them how this affects perceptions in places like Maine, Colorado, Arizona or even perhaps North Carolina. And at this point it’s far too late for Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Martha McSally, or Thom Tillis to care, much less do anything about it.
That’s the thing about infectious disease. It just doesn’t give a shit about perception, or tribal affiliation, or demonstrations, or FREEDUMB!!! It’s all very predictable. And it does not rely on polling or “social media effects”. The Trump body pile will continue to grow. And in the absence of vaccine, the more people disregard social distancing, the farther and faster Re will climb above 1.0.
Death, taxes, COVID-19, and Rapepublican self-harm.
These you can count on.
Why is best left to philosophers.
From CNN (“Ha! Libtard, fake news, Obamunists!” Piddles) while noting that Gas is really cheap right now as no one is buying…
How’s that $1200 holding out little people?
it goes on to mention lunch and dinner staples
Chicken +5.8%
Oranges +5.6
Hot Dogs, a favorite of every parent who has a picky eater, 5.7%
Soda 4.5%
heckuva job, Trumpy.
Somebody should ask him in a debate if he knows what a gallon of milk costs at the Piggly Wiggly.
Dumbfuck apparently hasn’t noticed, or is pretending not to, the market is having a very shitty week so far.
29,000 was so February.
Greta Thunberg will be part of a CNN town hall presentation on the Wuhan.
CNN wanted there to be at least one participant with a level of maturity to which YLB can relate.
See 51.
It noticed.
Brian Kemp cheated his way into the Georgia governor’s mansion, and as a result, Georgia voters got exactly what they didn’t want.
Wanna talk about tyranny? This is what tyranny really looks like.
Masks And Social Distancing Are Bunk Dep’t
Church choir held singing practice on March 3 and 10. One of the singers was symptomatic. Subsequently, 87% of the attendees became sick and 2 died.
But closing churches is tyranny! Tyranny, I say!! First Amendment! Right to assemble! Right to worship in crowds! Right to be stupid!*
* I agree Republicans have a constitutional right to be stupid. After all, the GOP couldn’t exist in the absence of such a right. All I’m saying is they have no right to kill other people by their stupidity. Competing for Darwin Awards should be a personal choice and 100% voluntary.
Charges? There are no charges. There will be no charges.
Kentucky police carried out a no-knock on the wrong address and killed a defenseless woman in her bed, while the individual they were seeking was already in their custody.
But though they may plausibly be said to have been unbelievably incompetent, they were also acting in their official capacity under color of authority and thus bear no criminal liability.
And while the people who routinely vote for and support “tough-on-crime” legislation and showering police agencies with vast sums of money for no particular reason beyond random fear of a black planet may not know it, in most cases you and I probably do not enjoy a “clearly established right” not to be randomly shot to death by incompetent lying police in our own homes while we sleep.
And so while there may be a lawsuit, it probably won’t get beyond motions.
More police do not make us more safe. More police make us all unsafe.
@48 Does why matter? The ancients didn’t bother with philosophy, beyond attributing antisocial behavior to evil gods or demons. They were practical-minded: Banish lepers, put nonconformists to the sword; tranquility restored and problem solved.
And for the benefit of Western states civil libertarians among us, this is as if the Malheur Count Sheriff falsified a warrant application and then used unmarked cars and without uniforms or any other identifying markings built a killing zone in the highway at 1 am and when “poor” LaVoy Finicum drove into it unaware simply opened fire from cover killing Shawna Cox.
‘Cause that really happens to white people. /s
@55 I was talking about the assault and attempted murder charges they filed against the resident they shot at and missed who then tried to defend himself and his girlfriend against armed intruders who weren’t wearing police uniforms and didn’t identify themselves as cops because they were executing a ‘no-knock” search warrant obtained from an unwitting judge based on dicey information. My guess is those charges ain’t going to a jury.
predictably the local police union are outraged that he was released from their custody after surviving their first attempt on his life in order to await dismissal/acquittal at home.
So “shot while trying to escape” is out.
Meanwhile, a white guy runs through a Florida neighborhood, shirtless and clutching a flat screen TV, and people smile and wave.
” … Bright recounts pushing the Department of Health and Human Services to get a head start on preparing a for a potential coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. early this year, only to be shot down. ‘In January of this year, I pushed for our government to obtain virus samples from China and to secure more funding for BARDA to be able to get started quickly on the development of critical medical countermeasures,’ he says. ‘HHS leadership was dismissive about my dire predictions about what I assumed would be a broader outbreak and the pressing need to act, and were therefore unwilling to act with the urgency that the situation required.’ He will also testify that when he warned throughout the first three months of the year that the U.S. needed to increase ‘production of masks, respirators and other critical supplies, such as medicine, syringes and swabs,’ HHS again dismissed his urgency and cut him out of high-level meetings regarding a COVID-19 response plan.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ben Carson should resign, but he won’t, because in this administration nobody takes responsibility for their mistakes.
Now CNN poll has Biden at 51%
That makes four polling organizations at 50 or greater. Five but one of them is DCCC so I’m not counting that one as real.
Senile idiot wabbit
Alex Azar is the head of HHS.
Dr Ben Carson is the head of HUD!
Rick Bright? Really libtards?
Even Politico has issues with some of his “complaints”. They were looking to replace him in 2019.
Keep trying libtards.
Would Team Donald roll out a new slogan and put it in heavy rotation without buying up likely media properties regarding the new brand?
Nothing on FLynn unmasking on CNN or MSDNC.
@63 If Trump can blame his administration’s botched Covid-19 response on Obama, I can blame it on Carson. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
However, given your insistence on fairness, I’ll amend my comment: Azar should resign, too.
So at this point, if they aren’t literally taking money and other financial inducements from TRUMP2020 (COUGH! – Hannity – COUGH!) then they are “Leftist FAKE media”.
I guess he couldn’t afford the $14.
Tucker Carlson: “We didn’t appoint Fauci dictator during this crisis.”
Roger Rabbit: “We didn’t appoint Tucker Carlson to anything.”
Dr. Fauci is a respected medical expert and high-ranking federal official with significant responsibilities in relation to the federal response to Covid-19.
Tucker Carlson is a blowhard.
Tucker Carlson’s Doctor: You have high blood pressure. You should take medication.
Tucker Carlson: Dictator! Free country! I don’t have to!
Funeral Director: Who’s this?
Medic One Driver: He worked for a TV network. Had a heart attack. Was DOA when we got there.
The Hump is a murderer.
Huh. So weird that GOP RapeHero is so unwilling to respond and defend himself against dozens of credible allegations of sexual assault (something he has previously admitted to) that he wants the New York Court of Appeals to grant him immunity.
I mean, the trolls all believe he’s a saint, sent down from heaven to save them from terrible leftists. So if any of that’s true, how hard would it be for him to establish his innocence.
He could show that there are no contemporaneous accounts or records consistent with his accuser’s claims.
He could show that there are inconsistencies between those contemporaneous accounts and his accuser’s claims.
He could show that there are no records or witnesses available to corroborate the times and dates in his accuser’s claims.
He could show that he was nowhere near his accuser at any time on or around the dates in his accuser’s claims.
He could show that there are no retained personal or business records of his activities that are consistent with his accuser’s claims.
He could show that his accuser’s claims never arose at the time, but only arose much later when he become the Rapepublican nominee.
He could produce records of contemporaneous communications between himself and his accuser that contradict her claims.
Never mind. Yup. Probably he should stand on some pretend lofty Rapepublican principle that says powerful and important white men don’t have to account for themselves when they call their rape victims liars.
Did I mention that the GOP RapeHero has previously confessed to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women? Because as a matter of fact and undisputed public record he has.
The important thing is Joe made me feel uncomfortable.
No wait. Harassed me
No wait. Assualted me
No wait. Pushed me against a wall and penetrated me, I filled a police report.
No wait, I filed a complaint with Congressional oversight
No wait, I told HR.
Wait, i think I told HR but if I did I used the word uncomfortable not assault and DEFINITELY not penetration.
Joe should drop out.
@74 “I want Bernie, so Joe should drop out.”
I seriously doubt they want to talk about Flynn today.
“I see your attempt to drop the case and raise you a contempt and purjury.”
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
785,182Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124More people have died of CORVID 19 in a couple of months than died of Diabetes (83,564) in a year.
The impeached miserable failure doesn’t care if you die.
It’s unbelievable, but it looks like Sullivan is at least considering the option of denying the motion altogether. Which would be interesting.
But it’s consistent with what I expected insofar as Sullivan is entitled to a better explanation of just what the fuck he’s been presiding over for the last two years. So he’s appointed a retired judge to act as amici preparing and arguing in opposition to the motion. And then in doing so he also orders the judge to prepare and argue a case of criminal contempt.
He has ample cause to suspect that somebody has lied to the court. If Powell has evidence of the FBI lying previously, she hasn’t presented it. If Powell has evidence of DOJ lying previously, she hasn’t presented. DOJ did not discover any new evidence. They have the same FBI notes and records they’ve had from the very beginning. So their motion argument that “newly revealed” evidence changed their view of the materiality standard of the offense is raises more than a few questions.
More remarkably, this could leave Flynn in a worse position than the already bad position he put himself in when he walked away from his no-time sentencing agreement.
It actually appears that there is nothing that is so fucked up that Trump can’t fuck it up even more.
And yet another #owngoal
This will break the Repukes hearts, since it will stop them from cheering on the murders in Liberal NY.
It’s coming for you, you fucking Repukes!
@74 but you got a nice pussy to grab Tara. You know you wanted it you whore.
@78 “at least”
And beyond “at least” is … “whether to hold Flynn in criminal contempt for perjury after reneging on his guilty plea for lying to the FBI” and tacking additional time on his sentence.
The impeached miserable fuck of a failure isn’t the only that don’t care.
This guy should of checked to see if the stench was he. I smelt him from here.
There’s been two years worth of speculation about what Sullivan saw in the sealed pre-sentencing briefing memos that compelled him to accuse the def of “selling out his own country”.
Now recall how mere moments ago The Q Clearance Pussy was performing his latest hip-thrusting end-zone dance because Sullivan was the judge who dismissed Ted Stevens.
“Warned he was. Persist he did.”
-Moscow Yoda
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Obamagate Update – Walls Closing In On Most Corrupt Administration In History -
Former Vice President Joe Biden and the directors of the three main U.S. intelligence agencies submitted so-called “unmasking” requests for information about Michael Flynn contained in highly classified intelligence reports, according to documents released Wednesday.
The documents show that an unmasking request was made in Biden’s name on Jan. 12, 2017. Similar requests were made under the names of James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper, the former directors of the FBI, CIA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence, respectively.
Denis McDonough, who served as chief of staff to President Obama, also submitted a request on Jan. 5, 2017, the documents show.
Your new Native American name:
Struggles With Current Events
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Launches Panic Campaign In Support Of Operation Demorats Strangle Economy –
Texas, which began to open its businesses at the beginning of May, has reported more than 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 for five consecutive days as the state struggles to curb the coronavirus pandemic.
According to data from the Texas Department of State Health Services, 1,179 new cases were reported on Tuesday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the Lone Star State to 41,048.
On Tuesday, Anthony Fauci, one of the nation’s top public health officials, appeared before the Senate Health Committee and warned that states who reopen their economies too quickly could see new outbreaks of the disease that could result in “needless suffering and death.”
By Zhang Tengjun Source:Global Times
The US now is still mired in the pangs of a very grave epidemic situation with a total of more than 1.36 million infections and over 82,000 deaths. The Trump administration should bear the main responsibility because of its botched response to the COVID-19 epidemic. If the White House continues to focus on shifting the blame onto China instead of prioritizing its own anti-epidemic work, its behavior will eventually backfire. This will erode the reelection prospects of Trump.
@85, 87 Look on the bright side. Joe Biden will be your president and he will do what Obummer failed to do, throw your treasonous ass into a Covid-infested FEMA camp to die.
LA Times
If Powell has evidence of the FBI lying previously, she hasn’t presented it.
Easy Answer – The FBI has not produced the original 302. Strzok and Page colluded to modify it. Strzok’s own texts demonstrate this.
If Powell has evidence of DOJ lying previously, she hasn’t presented.
Easy Answer SCO Associate Prosecutor Brandon Von Grack hid evidence while in the SCO office. This is part of the DOJ 20 page document Puddy put forth from SCRIBD that you chose not to read in it’s entirety.
Now we see DUMMOCRETIN Georgetown Constitutional Law Jonathan Turley saying what the judge is doing is wrong.
Look on the bright side – Hillary Clinton is not president!
Remember libtards, this whole impeachment excursion started upon
“there is thus little doubt that the government breached its candor to the court with respect to those applications.”
Carefully read pages 13-19 and see how Boasberg blasted the FBI and hence the DOJ.
At least one of those replies contains a criminal offense on the part of people in the employ of your president RapeHero.
Where’s your AG?
If there is evidence of prosecutorial misconduct within the DOJ, why would the AG argue a motion for dismissal citing only the materiality standard? If some DERP STATE mole for George Soros and the Global Jewish Conspiracy deceived Trump, Barr, Sesh, Whit, etc. AND the court, the AG has a legal obligation to inform the court of that. In fact, that would HAVE to be the basis for his motion to dismiss.
Between Flynn and the DOJ, this has tied up Sullivan for two years. If one of the two parties has been lying, or misleading the court Sullivan is entitled to inquire in order to reveal that, even if “for some strange reason” the government declines to do so. And officers of the court who have direct knowledge of such lying or other misconduct are obligated to inform the court (absent privilege). And there’s no priv for criminal prosecutors.
Poods, what you and most idiot trolls fail to appreciate here, is that the way Barr contrived this (probably the only way he could) leaves you unable to side with both Flynn and the government without sending either Flynn or some Trump administration officials to jail for perjury (maybe even both!).
I’m perfectly willing to assume that Barr is acting in bad faith and moving to dismiss the charges for nakedly corrupt purposes. That makes your president and his AG scumbags. But that way at least nobody has to go to jail. What’s standing in your way?
At least The Q Clearance Pussy has usually been a pragmatist about these things. He’s probably totes cool with Barr moving to dismiss because Trump ordered him to. He’s ultimately comfortable with the dominance, “might is right” politics of these things. What holds you back? Surely not some pretense that you inhabit a higher moral plane? Poods, you voted for a guy who admitted to you that he sexually assaults women for fun.
Elvis has left the building, never to return. Get over yourself. Trump is a scumbag. Barr is a scumbag. And yeah, pretty much so are you. What was that saying again? Oh, right.
You own this. You really do.
@91 Look on the bright side – you’re going to die of coronavirus. In a FEMA camp.
Prediction? In short, he’ll step down. But no sooner than absolutely necessary.
They go to his house in the middle of the evening to serve him a search warrant for his phone (only his cell phone) three months after the trades were executed and six weeks after it become publicly known that Burr was the target of an active criminal SEC/FBI investigation. Federal judges sign those things. To target a US Senator and serve him is a big deal. Evidence has to be substantial. The judge would demand that the warrant was limited and specific to the information in the sworn affidavit. Meaning, whatever it is they are hoping to discover on his phone, they already have it from another source. Seizing the phone allows them to tack on obstruction if Burr destroyed any of the related records contained on the phone, gives Burr an opportunity to lie to them, and begins the pre-heating cycle. Butt’s lawyer will understand right away that they already have evidence tied to his phone. And Burr will begin sweating who narc’d him out to the SEC, and how much else they might have on him. Since there is obviously a cooperating witness (the BIL?), and a lot of time has passed, are there any recordings? Wiring the cooperating witness is pretty standard. Fucking brothers in law. I tell you.
He’s fucked. But he’ll probably hang on and fight the good fight protesting his innocence all the way to a plea deal after November.
Roy Cooper’s re-election contest just heated way the fuck up.
@86, 88 – Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he can’t get anyone to pay him for this.
Puddy is always good for a belly laugh, ya gotta love that about him!
I wonder if Bob could enlighten me on how the advent of Robotics in today’s manufacturing and service industry sectors have helped with keeping the supply chain going uninterrupted with this Pandemic.
I mean there really shouldn’t be any shortages of anything if everything is automated and people aren’t needed (even if it is less, much, much less). Plenty of toilet paper (not that I use it – my boyfriend I usually clean each others ass with our tongues), meats (a 9″ shlong is as good as ground beef) and fast food takeout (nothing faster and full of protein than a load of cum)!
Everything is humming along. A well oiled machine that The Hump was able to make Great Again…in just less than 4 years!
Any day now Elon Musk will be delivering toilet paper with drones and rockets (to Mars).
Jimmy Kimmel nails Doctor Dumbfuck’s raging orange man-baby
Compare and contrast
Senator Burr: Under investigation weeks after signing Senate report finding Trump/Russia collusion
Manafort: Released from prison
Mike Flynn: Charges dropped (attempted)
Rod Blagojevich, released early from his prison stint for trying to sell a Senate seat because he praised Trump.
Senators Loeffler, Perdue, Inhofe etc – not investigating them, they didn’t piss off trump
It’s trump’s pay-back to Burr. Burr’s committee agreed with the Mueller report.
Yet another reason to vote for better people in November. Vote for Democrats. The real Pro-Life party.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s record of acheivement…
85,000 dead
36.5 million unemployed
Better call Putin
I guess the chips are starting to crumble.*
*Am told I have permission to mock Eric because he’s the “not-autistic” one. Having some doubts.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 100
The information provided to the FBI by all of the intelligence sources even before Mueller was appointed to investigate agreed with the Mueller report. We’ve seen that information in the House Intelligence Committee interviews conducted under oath, which were released last week despite Schiff’s prior efforts to keep them from seeing the light of day.
There was nothing there.
You have done much to substantiate your reputation, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
What is the proper way to terminate a coward?
So since the senile idiot wabbit is so seniles that it can’t distinguish between Alex Azar at HHS and Dr. Ben Carson at HUD, here is Jonathan Turley direct from Twitter since you can’t process FACTS from the ever correct Gateway Pundit.
This guy even though he is deep libtard does see the forest and the trees, something ever libtard here can’t seem to do!
See ya!
Employees protected by unions. A reason for unions.
Cz-252 @ 62 threw out a snippet from a CNN poll in which Biden got 51%.
Let’s just set aside for now that it’s a national poll, which means nothing in a presidential election. We saw that national polling results meant nothing, ultimately, in 2016.
As long as we’re going to look at the CNN poll, realize that:
• Trump beat Biden 52-45% in battleground states
• Trump beat Biden in under-50 voters by 18 points in battleground states
• In the battleground states, the non-white demographics gave Trump 57% of the vote.
Again, the upcoming presidential election is NOT a national popular vote. But as long as Cz-252 chooses to aggregate multiple states into a result he likes, he should at least realize that aggregating the more important states ends up creating a result he certainly does not like.
Remember that if California is removed from the 2016 results, Trump wins the national popular vote that year. That’s how badly the partisanship in a single state skews the national vote totals.
Remember that, each and every time some HA liberal fuck dangles a national vote result before you. I am speaking specifically to you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 106
Students whom employees failed to protect were killed.
Deputies Edward Eason, Joshua Stambaugh, Scot Peterson and Miller were all fired months after the shootings. The sheriff’s office internal investigation had found they all failed in their duties. (link @ 104)
That an employee who let them die while cowering behind a police cruiser is still an employee is the result of unions.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wants to reassure all of you liberal cowards that you will always have a home in an employees’ union.
Shocked! Shocked!
The transcript of the HPSCI investigation overseen by Devin Not-A-Cow, that included only the testimony of people who had left the government before the SCO investigation was started in which none of the Trump campaign principals were permitted to testify was inconclusive.
You voted for not just a crook, but an incompetent one.
Who by the way, happily admitted to you that he sexually assaults women for sport. And who now in a mere three months has built a body pile of 100,000 of your neighbors and destroyed 50 million American jobs. But hey, at least he still hasn’t strangled puppies on live television. Right?
From dot bombed above,
At least one of those replies contains a criminal offense on the part of people in the employ of your president RapeHero.
If you mean the DUMMOCRETIN hack SCO Associate Prosecutor Brandon Von Grack, you were right until last week. He was confronted with the FBI lies and the disposal of the 302 by Strzok and Page. Von Grack finally resigned when this evidence saw sunlight. Remember dot bombed, SCO Associate Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack went after LTG Flynn knowing he possessed documents from the FBI 302 exonerating Flynn, decided to threaten his son instead, and withheld evidence from the court; is finally is gone from the Flynn case.
So, the only people guilty of tying up Sullivvan in this case was Von Grack and any of the other merry 13 DUMMOCRETINS on Mueller’s crack team of hateful anti-Trump DUMMOCRETINS.
Barr did this in GREAT faith where he saw ther was no need to go after Flynn because the FISA requests for Carter Page were Bogus. This is why Puddy put forth the March 31stst excoriation of the Comey’s FBI by Chief FISA Judge Boasberg. Puddy bet you didn’t read that also.
As Assistant FBI head Andrew McCabe claimed no Steele Dossier, no Carter Page FISA warrants. No Carter Page warrants, no unmasking of LTG Flynn. Again, another FACT you miss connecting the dots. Why are libtards so stupid?
Keep reading Vox, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, listening to CNN and MSDNC. Every post you throw up here proves your inbred lunacy, you continual need to regurgitate left wrong thoughts, and the lack of seeing the forest and the trees.
@108. I don’t disagree. The union hurt the cause of unions. The stupid behavior protecting the coward will continue to make people hate unions. It’s no different than trump Republicans protecting their tribe when they are obviously corrupt, like ignoring the facts and evidence and not impeaching trump. People hate republicans because of it.
108 That a corrupt man is still president is the result of Republicans. 85000 dead so far
Will someone tell The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 112 that Trump was, in fact, impeached?
“He’s been impeached, forever.” There was a whole Senate trial because of it.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you are on fire today.
Let’s visit te waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine again around this shocking revelation of how LTG Flynn’s name was unmasked 39 times of which only 16 were authorized to do so. Remember two days before Obummer was to vacate the presidency on January 18, this comes out
CIA reveals new rules for handling information on Americans – It was a last ditch effort to try and hide their nefarious actions.
This caught Puddy’s eye… “CIA officials acknowledged that the revisions were made without input from civil liberties groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which have pushed for more aggressive measures to protect Americans’ privacy than are envisioned in the updated guidelines.”
Reprehensible actions were identified by Edward Snowden and now we see there were even more reprehensible actions done by Obummer’s gang.
Puddy has many more waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine links just waiting for the right time as more Obummer hijinks are revealed. The leaks to the libtard papers will correspond and coincide with the declassified documents!
The Prosecution has more evidence your honor. It will be presented at the appropriate time!
TFW when you flip a House seat but lose it back before the next biennial election is even held.
It’s liberal morning sickness, that feeling.
Seems poor Dot bombed q conspiracy theory is not much of a theory anymore. More and more facts are coming out to prove this deep state attack on Trump. Remember the unmasking requests on LTG Flynn began November 8th, the exact day Clinton lost the election to Trump. If the conversation with Kislyak was not until the end of December 2016, why was LTG Flynn unmasked then?
Rand Paul, during press conference Q&A, yesterday:
Seems the actions of Judge Sullivan prove his ignorance of recent SCOTUS decisions…
“Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas each penned opinions on Thursday in United States v. Sineneng-Smith bashing the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for an “abuse of discretion.”
The Supreme Court unanimously held that the Ninth Circuit “panel’s drastic departure from the principle of party presentation” in the case of immigration consultant Evelyn Sineneng-Smith “constituted an abuse of discretion.” Ginsburg penned the opinion for the court; Thomas filed a concurring opinion that took things a step further.”
It seems that Judge Sullivan rejected 24 amici requests from Flynn friends and now he grants one to a partisan Obummer hack retired judge. This deep state fix continues.
You know hell froze over for a few minutes when Thomas and Ginsberg agree on something! Seems like Sullivan is one of those activist judges going even more rogue.
More Rand Paul:
Dr. Rand Paul, DUMMOCRETIN basement bunker buster.
@ 119
You know hell froze over for a few minutes when Thomas and Ginsberg agree on something!
Well, Thomas agreed with RBG. However, none of the other eight justices joined Thomas’ concurrence.
There have been a couple of unanimous SCOTUS actions in recent weeks. We might see another one with the faithless electors case argued yesterday.
Doesn’t look like the SBA is going to look too hard at the PPP documentation used by small businesses to have their loans forgiven:
“Catherine Herridge is a partisan, rightwing hack who is a regular conduit for conservative media manipulation ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comment.” Joe BiteMe aide Andrew Bates
Seems this was a recent comment from the official basement bunker “Biden White House, there will be no bullying of the media from the press room podium or by tweet.”
#BLM – RIP after the 2016 election.
#MeToo – RIP after Reade/Biden, that’s for fuckin’ sure.
Using the right pronoun, or else – Still a fight.
Today, during a phone call with about 70 reporters, KDKA Radio talk show host Marty Griffin repeatedly misgendered Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, referring to her as “sir” on multiple occasions. Griffin apologized and corrected himself once to say “ma’am,” but eventually Levine, who is trans, asked Griffin to stop misgendering her.
BTW, this is the dude who was part of a group of officials who stuck Wuhan-infected patients in nursing homes. While doing this, he moved his mom out of a nursing home and into a hotel.
You’re lying again and you know it.
Even if we stipulate to every single one of your unfounded, unsupported, misleading, and in many cases unrelated claims (Carter Page, Kislyak, McCabe), then if William Barr has evidence of prosecutorial misconduct on the part of any current or former DOJ attorney (“and withheld evidence from the court”) he is legally bound under civil and criminal law to launch an investigation, to notify the present court, AND to notify the defense counsel.
He has done none of that.
No investigation. No filing or other notification to the court. No notification to Powell. Nothing like this in the record under review by Sullivan. Nothing.
Instead, and as I’ve already amply explained and pointed out, Barr has moved for dismissal citing completely unrelated grounds.
Believe me Pootster, I am only too happy to continue exploring the depth of Barr’s and Trump’s corruption and potential criminality here for as long as you remain dumb enough to invite it. As for Flynn, it appears to be rather open and shut. As we like to point out at times like these, Al Capone was very aggressively prosecuted for tax evasion. Once they had his accounting records they had him. Remember little guy, in the eyes and words of Judge Sullivan, and based on the volumes of sealed, classified pre-sentencing briefings detailing dozens of communications between Flynn, foreign espionage agents, Flynn’s scumbag business partners, and high ranking Trump campaign officials, Flynn is guilty of criminal treason.
As far as his record and reputation you can’t save him. But in trying you only end upo throwing Barr and Trump under the bus with him, as well as your own stinking, deplorable character and that of your disgraceful and treasonous party. More please. Keep going!
How come NY has seven times more nursing home deaths than Florida?
Oh yeah Republican governors care about the elderly while DUMMOCRETIN governors think they are disposable old people.
“The health official responsible for overseeing nursing homes in Pennsylvania — where nearly 70 percent of the state’s coronavirus-related deaths have occurred — has reportedly moved her elderly mother out of a facility as deaths skyrocketed.”
So we see only the powerful DUMMOCRETINS care about their loved ones while the regular people get F^CKED!
You own this DUMMOCRETINS!
Her dot bombed… You kind of cop hating DUMMOCRETIN
“New York City’s health commissioner blew off an urgent NYPD request for 500,000 surgical masks as the coronavirus crisis mounted — telling a high-ranking police official that “I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops,” The Post has learned.
Dr. Oxiris Barbot made the heartless remark during a brief phone conversation in late March with NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan, sources familiar with the matter said Wednesday.”
The first detective to die was a black man. Remember she was the one who told NYC peeps to go and have fun in February!
This is good. Double down on invisible baby cannibalism.
Does wonders for the GOP.
Shows fearlessness in the face of mocking laughter.
Only if you accept Rand’s framing.
Ask the neighbor.
Well no fucking shit?
@ 126
He has done none of that.
If he’s supposed to do it himself, then why are there all of those other US Attorneys under him?
You could have written, “DOJ has done none of that, yet.” But then your premise for calling Puddy a liar would disappear.
No investigation
Durham. I can wait.
Oh dot bombed, it is you lying. Everything Puddy posted in 111 is from previous links Puddy posted on this blog. Puddy uses his waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine to remind you morons of previous news accounts we now see were leaks from Obummer FOOLS! Post something from a reputable site that corroborates your argument.
William Barr has evidence of prosecutorial misconduct on the part of any current or former DOJ attorney (“and withheld evidence from the court”) he is legally bound under civil and criminal law to launch an investigation, to notify the present court, AND to notify the defense counsel.
Did you read the May 7th document from Von Grack? Puddy posted it. Just ask the crazed databaze buttspigot when it wakes up at noon.
No filing or other notification to the court. No notification to Powell. Nothing like this in the record under review by Sullivan. Nothing.
Again, did you read the May 7th document from Von Grack? Puddy posted it. Just ask the crazed databaze buttspigot when it wakes up at noon.
Silly DUMMOCRETIN, you choose to pick and choose that which your eyes will accept. All of those disclosures from last week destroy your puny response.
See ya!
Welcome to capitalism. You will supply the master with goods for trade and they will pay you in return. Maybe.
Probably not.
It really doesn’t matter if you are successful, you can raid the till as the company goes under.
The photograph in @ 127 is of the dude in @ 125.
And it wasn’t even collusion between Puddy and me.
Or, gman, you could just refrain from blowing the Wuhan-infected stranger in the grimy alley behind the bathhouse that’s supposed to still be closed.
That would be two reasons you wouldn’t need mouthwash.
It’s like those two compete to see who can copy and paste the most propaganda before noon.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron no doubt is hoping @ 106 this asshole’s union comes to his defense and prevents his termination.
Indianapolis cop allegedly beat wife so bad, her eye came ‘out of its socket’
“Employees protected by unions. A reason for unions.”
Texas spends $45 million on 300,000 coronavirus tests
About $150 a test, including processing.
The price tag agreed to by the state for the prison tests is roughly three times as high as the cost of COVID-19 tests listed on a pricing bulletin distributed by Medicare in mid-March.
Richard Burr.
All aboard the resignations express, destination the Martha Stewart minimum security suite.
You were smarter when you were staying away from this, Pussy.
Barr is the principal officer of an executive branch department defined by law to be legally responsible for the department.
Your premise has been that Barr’s (DOJ’s) basis for a motion to dismiss criminal charges is that he (the department) possesses evidence of criminal misconduct on the part of department attorney. There’s no gray area. He is legally bound to share that evidence with both the defense counsel and the court. Period. Full stop. Intentionally withholding such evidence is a criminal violation.
So somebody currently inside the Trump DOJ is intentionally withholding evidence of a criminal conspiracy against a defendant and the court? And Barr is unaware, but you, Poots, Rand Paul, and 8chan are aware? Incroyable!
So Pussy, all you’ve managed to do is enlarge the circle of the ongoing criminal conspiracy. Now you have to allege that current DOJ attorneys are continuing to conspire against the civil rights of the defendant and the interests of justice as represented in the person of the court. And only you and the breadcrumbs know about it. Sure Jan.
Time to abandon the bailey for the safe space of the motte, Pussy.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 139
Was the reason you mentioned March because it’s no longer a current reimbursement figure?
Texas has a problem not of its creation. It spent more money than Medicare will reimburse because it needs the greater capacity and faster results.
Recall if you will, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that the first Wuhan test the CDC put out was a failure. The test produced by government employees didn’t work, which is how all of the outsourcing got started in the first place. At least all of those government employees are still receiving a paycheck, in addition to the stimulus dollars.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you think the private sector ever charges fees for medical care that are higher than insurance companies will reimburse? Same thing is happening here.
Keep building that reputation as HA’s biggest moron. Dude, you are earning it today.
That’s what Qanon does to the adherents.
When you look at where they flock online, it is very much like a rapid fire competition among the regular followers and participants to dig up “the breadcrumbs” and share them among the community for acknowledgment, praise, and triumphant acclamation.
And all anyone looking on can do is laugh in pity.
These are very empty lives. And fear and hatred abhor a vacuum.
@ 141
Your premise has been that Barr’s (DOJ’s) basis for a motion to dismiss criminal charges is that he (the department) possesses evidence of criminal misconduct on the part of department attorney.
Barr’s basis is that there is evidence of misconduct. Whether it’s criminal has not yet been determined, as far as I can tell. It’s certainly being debated.
Recall that when Comey declined to charge The Chardonnay Lady 2.0, it was not because she had not committed a crime. That she had done so is clear, because intent was not part of the statute she violated. He declined to charge her because he determined that no prosecutor would bring charges.
If Barr is still in the process of making a determination whether charges against the prosecutors are warranted, and if Durham’s investigation is part of that process of determination, then Barr’s work is not yet complete.
Things are looking good in Georgia:
Biggest loser: Stacey Abrams.
I can’t help but notice that the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck is becoming increasingly angry, almost unhinged. I wonder why?
85,000 dead
36.5 million unemployed
Better call Putin.
Biggest loser: Stacey Abrams.
Second biggest loser: BeerPong of assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Using Puddy near back machine let’s visit Wa Post FACTS… When Barr took over the DoJ what did the DUMMOCRETIN senators tell Barr in his confirmationa hearing… Let Mueller’s investigation finish.
So dot bombed, who was running the DoJ when Barr was being confirmed? Some guy named Rod Rosenstein. Now who’s name is on some of the FISA Court identified illegal FISA warrants? You know those illegal Carter Page FISA warrants? Rod Rosenstein. How come Rosenstein wasn’t curious about what Brandon Von Grack was doing to LTG Flynn? Maybe he was part of the cabal. Remember it was reported that Rosenstein volunteered to wear a wire so they could 25th Amendment attack President Trump then lied about that. We are learning more and more how Rosenstein gave biased charging orders to Mueller for the Special Council. Those orders were recently released. Did you forget to read them too?
So how can you hold Barr for something already done under Rosenstein hidden from Barr until last week? Only if you are a lazy DUMMOCRETIN who can’t process FACTS!
See ya!
The offspring of a famous drug abuser, conceived through sperm donation, dies of opiod addiction.
Melissa Etheridge reveals son Beckett Cypher died from opioid addiction
Every time I see a photo of aging, drug-addled, slovenly David Crosby, I think of Steve. I can’t help it. It’s like Dan Ackroyd’s character envisioning the Pillsbury Dough Boy in Ghostbusters.
If David Crosby was a better parent he would have taught his son how to lose a liver instead of a life.
Seems this was happening last month missed by dot bombed and friends… “More gravely, they said that CIA Director Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts.”
Wow dot bombed. This is getting better each minute.
Martha more popcorn!
Steve, my mindless crack addled friend.
When this breaks and we can go back to restaurants, we need to meet in West Seattle on California Ave and chew on a good sandwich and slug some coffee. I will even treat you!
It’s not just Joe Biden who has election worries stemming from a strong family tie to China.
Gabby Gifford’s hubby has some ‘splainin’ to do, too.
Mark Kelly Silent on Firm’s Windfall From Chinese Tech Giant
If only there was a way to get rich from your relationships with the Chinese without having it become, you know, a thing at a bad time.
C’mon, man.
Clapper and Brennan are two very corrupt people.
How to make sure that YLB shows up uninvited to a social event.
@ 150, 153
You can add Schiff to the list. Especially when the Horowitz transcript finally sees the light of day. I’m guessing that will drop some time in October.
Looks like John Brennan’s head exploded after being outed for the LTG Flynn exposé…
BRENNAN: President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide.
Some of the comments are hilarious. Sometimes it pays to visit Twatter.
Prolly right!
By the way, in a zero-inflation environment, we’re about to boost state salaries 3%.
Governor should reopen state employee contracts to cancel 3% pay raises due July 1
I really do not like this chick.
That having been said, credit where credit is due.
86,000 > 15
“Lame stream media is WRONG! We have a great plan. Who is that limp writes guy saying we don’t have any kind of plan. We have a beautiful plan. First all you lady reporters need to put on gloves. Fauci? Never heard of him. I’ve never met this Feces guy. Doesn’t matter what he says. He’s no where near right. Nobody know more about this than me.”
Holy BattleGround Polls Batman…
“A poll conducted by SSRS of 15 battleground states found former Vice President Joe Biden trailing President Trump.
The same poll, conducted for CNN, found Biden ahead of Trump nationally, but losing in the 15 states that might decide the vote in the Electoral College.”
Well well well
You’ve crippled yourself enough, why not go full quad, eh?
Lying about the case filings and the disposition before the court will not cure your collective humiliation and disgrace. If Barr or any other government prosecutor even suspects prosecutorial misconduct they are legally bound to inform the def and the court. You’ve gone well beyond that claim already. Good to see you recognize the wisdom of retreating into the motte. Sorry to say you and Tucker and 8chan are a few days, dozens of propaganda reports, and hundreds of tweets too late for that now.
“If Barr is still in the process of making a determination whether charges against the prosecutors are warranted, and if Durham’s investigation is part of that process of determination, then Barr’s work is not yet complete.”
Any “debate” within DOJ has nothing to do with Flynn or his case before Sullivan’s court. Absent his sworn plea of guilty, Flynn is entitled to a presumption of innocence and due process. So now your attempt to cure your humiliating fraud will be to argue that Barr and DOJ are collectively conspiring to violate a criminal defendant’s constitutional rights? Rule of holes, Pussy. Rule of holes.
Everything Barr has is right there in the only sworn public filing you can reference, the motion. And the motion argues materiality only. And in point of fact, it argues materiality incorrectly. The standard is set forth in the statute. Flynn’s lies to investigators probing Russian efforts to influence the election and the Trump campaign do not need to material to that investigation in the way Barr argues. But in fact, they are. Which is probably why you have Sullivan appointing a retired judge to argue that case. Barr bluffed. Now his bluff is being called. And his hand is garbage, just like Flynn and his RapeHero president.
You will wait. Because there is nothing else you can do.
But as my old Grandpappy Erasmus SFA McDotcom used to say:
“Wait in one hand and shit in the other. Then tell me which one fills up first.”
Remember Richard Burr is a NeverTrumper…
DailyBeast, Buzzfeed, & Heavy are all champeens of Burr.
Weird. Conservative think tank thinks slashing budgets and decreasing consumer spending power and a big corporate tax cut are the way forward.
Must be strange being the WA policy center and knowing that every position you advocate is dead on arrival in Olympia.
Remember Richard Burr is a Rapepublican Senator from a leans Democratic state with a Democratic Governor who leads by double digits.
Womp, womp.
@ 162
And the motion argues materiality only.
The motion states that the ability of Flynn’s purported dishonesty to be proved is in question.
Do you need me to find that part for you?
@104 I’m definitely in favor of letting cowards hide wherever they like. Real soldiers don’t want them in our foxholes.
@109 “The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wants to reassure all of you liberal cowards that you will always have a home in an employees’ union.”
Now do Cadet Bone Spurs.
To the biggest fucking moron of all @114: Impeached in the House by adults and protected in the Senate by cowards.
@116 Wherein dumbfuck brags about winning back a House seat his party held for 26 straight years and gets to defend again 6 months from now.
@122 “Well, Thomas agreed with RBG. However, none of the other eight justices joined Thomas’ concurrence.”
There are ten justices now?
@130 Rand Paul? Isn’t he the guy who wants to kill schoolchildren?
@ 171
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there are nine justices, and no other justice joined Thomas’ concurring opinion, which is why I wrote that none of the other eight justices joined his concurrence.
Yes, you are a dumbfuck. Now and forever.
@132 “Durham. I can wait.”
The Doctor Dumbfuck adaptation of Waiting for Godot.
302 adults, weighted to represent their proper share of the adult population, from Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin with an MOE of 5.3%
302 random adults with an MOE of 5.3% is a bad poll. But maybe typical for a media poll conducted by a marketing research company. Large media companies have vested interest in broadening the field and engaging as many places, and pop demographics as possible. So even if the data is good, correctly weighted, and the design is sound, the state selection criteria is random from an election analysis standpoint and the cross tabs tell us nothing at all about individual state results. And with such a large MOE against such a small sample, there’s tremendous risk in drawing conclusions. Not even going to look at the tables.
I’ll await results with a sample size closer to 1000, an MOE below 4%, and either some breakout of the state by state, or a more rational criteria for state selection that truly reflects the electoral college effects and the incredibly narrow margins we may see in some states. That’s precisely where a lot of polls failed four years ago. Not interested in repeating that.
@149 Every time someone dies, Doctor Dumbfuck is whooping and hollering and dancing on the grave before the flowers have wilted. Cemeteries need stronger gates.
Vice President Biden, without your teleprompter in front of you, what can you say in response to Senator Cotton’s allegations of your dishonesty and/or senility?
@158 Now do Trump’s proposed 2021 military pay raise.
@159 “I really do not like this chick.”
Good for her. Give her a medal.
@161 As I’ve said all along, there may well be enough stupid people in this country to reelect the corrupt and incompetent manbaby, and you’re one of of ’em.
@173 You might want to check your math. If Thomas “agreed with RBG” that leaves 7 other justices. If Thomas wrote a solitary concurring opinion, then no other justices agreed with him.
It sure looks to me like Doctor Dumbfuck couldn’t count the justices on his fingers even after losing one to a table saw.
Any conclusion that the content of the calls between Kislyak and Flynn are factually incapable of supporting (proving) the argued standard for materiality would require release of the transcripts.
In responding to the order to produce the transcripts Barr argued at that time that the government was not relying on the transcripts or the content of the calls that they recorded as part of sentencing, pointing out that Flynn had admitted and provided evidence that he lied.
So which is it? The content of the calls are not relevant to the question of defendant’s criminal guilt? Or the content of the calls does not meet the materiality standard being argued by the government? And if it’s the latter, why no transcript?
Gadzooks! Foiled again, 8chan!
@ 175
No, it’s a small multi-state subgroup of a nationwide poll, and the sample size is compensated for by a larger MOE. In this case the MOE is 5.3%.
The battleground state aggregate results, 52% Trump and 45% Biden, were still outside the margin of error. That’s not my statistics, that’s CNN’s.
One of the Michigan polls used by Darryl last week had only 330 respondents. and a Wisconsin poll he used had only 301. On a per-state basis they each have 15 times as many respondents but they are still small polls. Still, they made Darryl’s cut and I’m just fine with them. It’s early and there isn’t a whole lot to go on so far.
I would agree that the CNN/SSRS poll does not very convincingly reflect the views of the residents of the listed 15 states. That’s only 20 people polled per state. But in 50 states only 1122 people were polled. That’s 22 people per state, which is really no better.
If you are going to criticize the battleground component of the poll due to small sample size, QoS McHillbilly, you need to criticize the sample size of the entire poll.
Again: National presidential polls are irrelevant to the final result, which was clearly evident last time around. I’m just fine if none of y’all assholes bring them up in the future.
And as long as y’all do, I’m free to point out that 57% of non-white poll respondents in battleground states in the CNN/SSRS poll were Trump supporters @ 107. More than anything else that should suggest to y’all that the poll result is probably an outlier.
And senile too. Still can’t figger out who is the head of HHS vs. HUD!
Another Elmer Fudd in our midst maybe? Where is that wascally wabbit?
@ 181
It sure looks to me like Doctor Dumbfuck couldn’t count the justices on his fingers even after losing one to a table saw.
There were two opinions, one written by Ginsburg (the majority opinion) and the Thomas concurrence.
Thomas agreed with Ginsburg’s opinion. Ginsburg did not agree with Thomas’ concurring opinion.
It sure looks to me like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit came to HA without first pulling his head out of his ass again today.
dot bombed is morally dishonest
This whole fiasco came about because the 7th floor of the FBI was upset that Flynn talked to Kislyak and David Ignatius published the call transcript in the Wa Post. Go back and read what Strzok wrote to his illicit lover about the sisters leaking ya moron! This is old news and yet you either chose to ignore it or you are as senile as the senile idiot wabbit. Did you miss that dot bombed? It’s on the ‘nets as BeerPong would say.
The new issue now is which of the unmaskers leaked it to Ignatius. This is one of the items John Durham is investigating because leaking intelligence is illegal, a federal crime. Remember Obummer prosecuted many peeps over this. His favorite General Cartwright was caught by the FBI.
Now the rest of your BULLSH^TTIUM…
Puddy already answered the transcript. Regarding the call content, there was no predication to investigate Flynn. Fruit of the poisonous tree. Did you miss that argument last week dot bombed? I used it on the senile idiot wabbit. With my son as a barrister, I can run the putrid assesHorsesh^t past him regarding the rear ended spew from the senile idiot wabbit. Because the Carter Page FISA warrants were illegally gotten, Barr wrote there was no reason to investigate Flynn and the leakage of the transcript to Ignatius was an illegal act.
DAYUM you are a moron dot bombed.
@151 “Deal?”
Puddy, my old friend…Deal! But you have to wear a mask! No, not that kind of mask. One that will cover your whole face so I don’t have to look at it while I’m eating!!
I’m so glad you’re back.
@184 Where did I say “Yes, you are a dumbfuck. Now and forever.”?
Poor confused Puddy can’t keep his posters straight.
@185 In addition to being unable to count to nine on ten fingers, it appears to me you don’t know what a “concurring” opinion is.
While dot bombed and buds gleefully write about Richard Burr, we find this about Dianne Feinstein…
At least CNN’s manure spreader Manu Raju did tweet about it.
Obligating the government to release the call content to support a motion making that claim before the court.
Sullivan is probably going to be dogged about this. At least until such time that Barr amends the motion removing this argument that you and The Q Clearance Pussy have now pinned all your credibility on. Or until such time as Barr withdraws the motion entirely in the wake of a deeply corrupt pardon from Flynn’s chief unindicted co-conspirator.
If the content of the transcript supports the motion it is beyond peculiar that the transcript is still being withheld.
Are you sure you want your entire identity to be so intimately wedded to the secret conversations between a mentally unbalanced lying traitor and a Russian spy? Of course you do. More Bread Crumbs!
Why should that stop him?
He’s a Doctor, Dammit!
Did you mean to say counselor at law? Or does you son actually practice in a crown jurisdiction?
Or is it on Venus?
Georgia On My Mind
Democrat governor in a blue state:
Full disclosure – state’s sorta purplish-blue.
@ 193
Wouldn’t one most appropriately capitalize ‘crown’ in that sentence?
I’m not sure but this might resonate.
One-Quarter of American Restaurants Won’t Reopen, OpenTable Says
I await the racist incel to bleat that it’s because the employees are paid too much.
dot bombed is morally dishonest
One remembers the grooming of young male flesh by the repukelican Foley being excused by the babblin’ butthole as within the bounds of the law.
Oh and one time the babblin’ butthole babbled:
“my word is my bond…” And then left HA supposedly never to return.. HAH!
And Flynn signed what?? TWICE? IOKIYAR!
If the content of the transcript supports the motion it is beyond peculiar that the transcript is still being withheld.
Transcript already in the public domain. You and your Q crap is another distraction from what happened to Flynn. Remember Boll Priestap’s own handwriting said
hangs in the air like a smelly senile idiot wabbit fart on this blog. The perjury trap.
Judge Sullivan asked SCO Prostitutor Brandon Van Grack to turn over all government evidence. He did not and was caught red handed. Especially when the notes had SCO stamped on them. He hid them before the Sullivan request. Puddy already posted the
which said…
Von Grack did not tell Judge Sullivan or Sidney Powell by the rules of evidence this was unearthed. We then learned your buddy Peter Strzok stopped because as he said
Puddy posted the love notes between Strzok and Page where he admits to modifying the original 302 which you can review from the crazed databaze buttspigot. The original FBI 302 is still missing.
So the rest of your swill is BULLSH^TTIUM and you can take two FUKITOLS and sleep on it.
@190 Let the chips fall where they will. If she did something wrong, we won’t defend the wrongdoing. That’s the difference between our tribe and your tribe.
from the crazed databaze
Heh. Only been one in the history of this website..
Right here..
All always wrong wing kooks create one.. Nixon is only one of multitudes.
Here at OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!! CENTRAL COMMAND we laud these efforts to drive us toward our goal of achieving “herd immunity” by motivating a controlled but rapid advancement toward 10 million brave Americans sacrificed for the greater good.
It is very important to discourage and discredit notions of controlling the virus by reducing it’s effective reproductive number (Re) below 1.0 through social limitations, use of PPE, and an effective system of surveillance, testing, contact tracing, and isolation. That will take too long.
To be blunt, your leaders in government and industry, their extended families, their personal chefs, private pilots, au pairs, aestheticians, and Pilates instructors can’t wait that long. We have things to do, places to go, and gala events to attend. It may interest you to learn that it has now been nearly nine weeks since Donald Trump, Jr. last shot and killed a large herbivore. This is an intolerable deprivation that can not stand!
We call upon all good Americans to stand up for the American way and do their part to build the body pile!
@199 Puddyidiot’s keyboard still doesn’t have a quote marks “” key. Maybe it’s time for him to get a new keyboard.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 197
Do you even read your linked piece before posting it? One of the problems facing restaurants is that their employees are paid too much right now. They’re being paid double unemployment to sit around and do nothing. $1200 a week is the figure given in your link.
Why go back to work when you’re taking in the equivalent of 50 grand while sitting on your ass at home?
Today is a new record for you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Poots, shall we begin keeping count of your falsehoods for you?
Because you know Your Heavenly Father is.
Lies are bad. People who tell them over and over again are bad people who certainly should not be trusted or believed. And it really doesn’t matter why you tell a lie. Just ask the traitor Flynn.
@ 203
Puddyidiot’s keyboard still doesn’t have a quote marks “” key.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still is not a millionaire.
Some help for dot bombed:
My son focuses on white collar crime and most of these revelations are right in his wheelhouse.
Barrister is the correct terminology dot bombed.
Retired cop who was making a “citizen’s arrest” had his arrest authority suspended while still a cop.
Now his lawyer gets to argue to a jury that he had more authority as a private citizen to arrest the black jogger than he had as a cop.
How to make sure that YLB shows up uninvited to a social event.
Heh.. Sorry pos rapey mcdimfuk, already turned down a similar invitation from the babblin’ butthole for a bleat and feed at the fool’s kult..
way before your time.. yours truly said FFFFFFF no… (in a polite way). A distance stretching from the the northern border of Seattle to any point in Everett is the closest yours truly ever wants to be to something so insane and repellent.
I highly suggest you take it up on it though.. The only thing you have to lose is … maybe 10 percent (plus) of your modest retirement income..
@206 I’m still a millionaire and can count on fingers better than you can. And rabbits don’t even have fingers.
My son focuses on white collar crime
well whadayaknow.. all the world needs is yet another defense attorney springing krooked kultists..
Nice day outside.. Shame to waste it on trolls.
Those communications he {Flynn] had with the Russian ambassador were subsequently leaked to the press.[140]- Wikipedia, run by leftists!
Puddy rests
The term “barrister” has no appropriate application in the legal profession in the United States. Nor does it have any application as an honorific. It has no meaning at all. Because while most lawyers specialize, there are no legal restrictions or limitations requiring such specialization. Anyone who is admitted to the bar in any Unites States jurisdiction, has full legal right to practice every aspect of the law within that jurisdiction.
They might be spectacularly bad at it. And there are plenty of examples of that. But anyone admitted to the bar in a jurisdiction is legally entitled to pursue any area of practice they like and all at the same time if that suits them.
Puddy’s son is more likely to be a rainbow unicorn pony than he is to be a “barrister” practicing in one of the fifty US states.
senile idiot wabbit,
what does the blockquote function do?
Puddy previously posted those links senile idiot wabbit. So there references were previously cited.
Stay senile and stooooooooooooopid, it’s what you do perfectly!
Hey buttspigot, you can rail on my son all you want. Just remember he makes at least 3 to 4 times what you make if you work at all.
@213 “Wikipedia, run by leftists!”
It seems facts are toxic to Puddysquid. I wonder if Wikipedia works on a mutant coronavirus, too?
Motte meet bailey.
You lied to your Father God when you claimed that the transcripts of the recordings had been released.
The shame must be overwhelming right now.
This is going very badly for you.
At least The Q Clearance Pussy had the good sense to drop it.
You can’t, though. Hee hee.
Goodness this dot bombed is dense
Specifically, barristers are lawyers who speciali(s/z)e in advocacy. I already covered what he does above. That’s his specialty!
Even Quora says lawyers is a catch all term.
transcripts of the recordings had been released.
No Puddy said they were ILLEGALLY released to WA Post Ignatius!
They were debated in the W Post editorial room so many people saw them. WA Post said that in recent tweets.
DAYUM you are dense!
Everyone flee! Fall back to the safety of the keep!
he makes at least 3 to 4 times what you make
None of our household income goes to an apokalyptik kult.
@221 I dunno. In general, fixed fortifications aren’t a good bet in the age of precision-guided missiles. Otoh, Puddy couldn’t hit a barn door with a tractor, so this may be an exception.
I was paraphrasing the desperate little fella.
Although it’s not like the whole Qanon cult prophesy will ever truly find safe harbor. Like Heaven’s Gate, they’ll just keep revising the prophecies until time runs out and they all wind up in a rotting pile of Nikes in a quiet house outside San Diego.
Boy was I wrong!
Man, oh man. I feel just terrible.
Turns out the Q anon guys were totes right after all.
According to the most up to the minute Bread Crumbs, the Flynn-Kislyak transcript IS in “the public domain” but it is hiding in the shadow of comet Hale-Bopp. So we will all learn the TRUTH about THE DERP STATE!!! in late spring of the year 4385.
The Q Clearance Pussy has his Nikes and a handful of pills.
He can wait.
I heard in the grapevine Nick S. has a skateboard with a Maserati decal.
So crazed databaze buttspigot you admit that my son making $1 makes more that you personally.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaa
you admit that my son making $1 makes more that you personally.
None of our household income funds an apokalyptik kult.
You’ll put HA HEROES first tomorrow at 8:41 pm? No? Why not? You’ve done that before.
How it’s done kids:
-Monday on the trail for Trump2020, dutifully parroting the nonsense, Moscow Mitch says, “The Obama administration did not leave to this administration any kind of game plan for a pandemic.”
-Wednesday night Trump’s FBI serves warrant on Senate never-Trumper Burr, imperiling Moscow Mitch’s majority.
-Thursday mid day Burr steps down from Senate Intelligence Chair.
-Thursday afternoon Press Barbie bombarded with demands about the 69 page Obama pandemic preparedness plan says, “Obama-Biden plan that has been referenced was insufficient,”
-Thursday evening Moscow Mitch goes FOX News to say, “I was wrong. They did leave behind a plan. So, I clearly made a mistake in that regard.”
-Later press Barbie, “The Obama-Biden paper packet was superseded by a President Trump-style pandemic preparedness response plan,“
-Later still Mitch, “As to whether or not the plan was followed and who is the critic and all the rest, I don’t have any observation about that because I don’t know enough about the details of that, Bret, to comment on it in any detail.”
-Later still press Barbie, “We’ll have a full update for you guys tomorrow at the briefing, line by line, of how prepared we were for this pandemic.”
Can’t wait.
But The Q Clearance Pussy can.
Piddles trying so hard to find equivalence and fails miserably.
Barr is accused of using information from an Intelligence committee briefing not available to the general public to dump stock. That’s against the law.
Feinstein is also on the Committee.
Sounds straightforward.
Except the briefing according to press reports and FBI sources was on Feb. 4.
Do you see the problem Piddles? January 31.
Not only did Barr sell shortlY AFTER the briefing not before but he also assured the public in interviews that all was fine while getting caught on tape privately telling friends the opposite and recommend they make moves with their holdings.
Based on his insider information? Which would be illegal.
Now if Feinstein did something we don’t yet know about fine, what you have now is nothing , take her down. I’m all for replacing an 86 year old leans right Democrat with a much younger progressive. In a state where the GOP doesn’t stand a chance in a statewide general Feinstein and her corporate loyalties are the best you can hope for.
Lt. Gov Eleni Kounalakis is 54
Rep Cisneros is 49
Gavin Newsome is 52
@229 Would you like something to go with that crow, Mitch?
“Eastern Washington Rep. Matt Shea has been fined $4,761 by the state for pouring … olive oil on the steps of the Legislative Building during a counter-protest on March 9 … to a Satanist demonstration.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems to me he should be arrested and charged with assault if his intent was to cause the Satanist demonstrators to slip and fall.
Only two states barely meet loose criteria for reopening…
Covid outbreak II coming in 2-3 weeks.. Thanks drumpfies..