Are you tired? I am. For the last few days, my neighbor’s alarm has been going off at 10:00 PM the last few days. It’s loud enough to keep me up. I knocked on her door over the weekend, but nobody came to the door. I know that she has family in the area, so she’s probably fine. Should I ask the super to check on it?
Anyway, go wash your hands right now.
How California Democrats – this one a state assemblywoman – treat business.
“Should I ask the super to check on it?”
Give it a couple more days, and then if an indescribably foul stench begins seeping into the hallway, have the super do a welfare check.
@1 “Business” has almost nothing to do with it. Elon Musk is only slightly more a “businessman” than Trump is. You’re only slightly more human than a unicorn.
It would look bad if both Clintons endorse Biden before Hillary tries to take him down this summer.
Biden is missing one big endorser: Bill Clinton
@ 2
Why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t attend Drinking Liberally since he started needing to be self-catheterized full-time.
North Carolina again. Armed white vigilantes. Wrong house. Very lucky this didn’t end tragically.
P.S., if the black residents had gunned down those white men, they would’ve been way more justified than the white men who gunned down the black jogger.
@5 That’s only your voodoo doll crapping in your living room. (See #234 of previous thread for details.)
Not a bad comeback for a Republican.
Gonna just leave this here on this thread:
Recovering from a stroke might explain the absence.
Gonzalez district runs south from the edges of San Diego to the Mexican border. Fremont is in the East Bay part of the San Francisco area.
If the Fremont plant closes, which it won’t for at least the foreseeable five years (see backlog of Tesla orders, no other factory ready to make Tesla vehicles) the amount that will weigh on the minds of her voters almost 500 miles away is zero.
Add in the historic SoCal/NorCal rivalries and Lorena Gonzalez could shoot Elon Musk in the Gaslight District and still get reelected.
We’ve always known but Piddles is a stupid person.
Elon is playing a dangerous game:
The state of CA, County of Alameda and City of Fremont wiave quite a bit of taxes for Tesla. (A ‘Thank you” would be nice). $1.4B in construction giveaways, $15m a year for jobs, $98.5m for Model 3 expansion.
All that can be rolled back leaving Tesla damaged as Elon tries to get production started in some other state.
I think you’re going to find the appetite for voters to continue to lavish billions in tax breaks on SOME companies while letting your favorite Taqueria and bougie high end Pet Boutique die is going to be on a diet coming out of lockdown.
Speaking of Bougie…
A bunch of fine people headed out to their vacation homes on Cape Cod. It did not go well.
Open It Up!
One of my best workers quit yesterday at the end of her shift. She stuck it through her shift,” owner Mark Lawrence told CNN affiliate WFXT. “But the words she was called and the language, you wouldn’t even say in a men’s locker room. And to say it to a 17-year-old kid, they should be ashamed of themselves.”
In accordance with reopening guidelines, Lawrence said the shop asked all customers to place their orders at least one hour in advance.
However, many customers ignored the request and showed up without doing so. When the shop got busy, customers took their anger out on the staff, he said.
“Now I open the doors to a whole new world, with gloves and masks and we’re running around like chickens, and people are like where’s my ice cream? I’m not a trauma center, it’s ice cream!” Lawrence told WFXT.
“People have forgotten how to treat other human beings in the six or seven weeks that they’ve been confined to their homes. They have no clue how to respect other human beings.”
81,000 > 15
“I’m immune from EVERYTHING but especially court proceedings. Clinton V. Jones? That was a great fight. We had it at the Taj Mahal before I went bankrupt. That was a beautiful luxury hotel. Oh, not Boxing? Then never heard of it.”
@8 I’d ask Steve Smith if he suck The Humps dick.
@ 13
I’d ask Steve Smith if he suck The Humps dick.
Of course you would. If you’re not sucking dick, you’re thinking about doing it, gman.
@14 I’m only thinking about sucking dick when your not not thinking about it.
By the way – how long has it been since you sucked The Hump’s cock?
Who cares where her district runs but thanks for the info. Puddy will call his niece since she works in that area.
The fact that a state rep will curse out an employer that pays taxes and employs over 10,000 people that pay taxes and owns property that pays taxes proves how privileged Lorena thinks. All states give tax incentives to move and build there. Let Lorena try to take away those tax breaks. Weren’t you the same fools who screamed bloody murder when Locke, Queen Gregoire and Inslee gave tax breaks to companies?
Sux to be you BeerPong!
Remember Eric Swalwell and his impeach Trump screams right up there with Shifty Schiff?
Getting better each day!
More than 100 tweets yesterday from the Leader of the free world. Most of them about how to blame the last guy for everything and how he really could use a crown of thorns since people are so mean to him and maybe some spikes and timber.
A day when he should have been making Melania a Sandwich.
My teen spent less time on her phone on Mother’s Day while she stayed home with Mom.
What a sorry excuse for a man/father/husband.
“A former federal prosecutor who quit the Justice Department in protest over its handling of Republican operative Roger Stone’s criminal case in a scathing article Monday accused the department of a ‘betrayal of the rule of law’ and Attorney General William Barr of ‘egregious’ conduct by intervening in that case and the one of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security advisor.
“The ex-prosecutor, Jonathan Kravis, also warned that the Justice Department’s intervention in the Stone and Flynn cases, ‘to protect an ally of the president … betrays this principle’ of a ‘commitment to equal justice under the law.’
“‘I am convinced that the department’s conduct in the Stone and Flynn cases will do lasting damage to the institution,’ Kravis wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is more evidence that Republicans are un-American and are trying to bring down our system of government.
Shifty Schiff really wanted to hide those documents. This is getting much better for Flynn and Page each day.
Mary McCord is one of the shoe laces that fits all those shoes. And Sidney Powell is the lace puller.
Durham must be getting really close to the core! Ellen Nakashima is the first WaPost idiot who pushed the Steele Dossier in 2017. Her reportage is being shown for the sham it is every day now!
@ 19
So does a meeting on the airport tarmac, in a private plane, between the US Attorney General and the husband of a presidential candidate then under active criminal investigation by the FBI. Particularly when both are members of the same political party.
Thank you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, for providing the opportunity to revisit that event.
@11 “People have forgotten how to treat other human beings …”
No, they haven’t forgotten; they’ve been conditioned to treat other people like shit by the example-setters.
Not wearing a mask is now a political statement. Carrying weapons into a sandwich shop is a thing. Pushing a park ranger into a lake is, too. All of these behaviors are deliberate expressions of belligerence and hostility. And they’re all coming from one ideology, one political party, and one man’s followers.
So if its proven that Seth Rich really gave WikiLeaks the DNC/Podesta emails how will that play into Roger Stone’s court case?
Will libtard federal judge Amy Berman Jackson have to eat some crow too?
This is getting better each day.
@16 “The fact that a state rep will curse out an employer that pays taxes …”
She didn’t curse out an employer who pays taxes.
@18 If he really wants to do the crown-of-thorns and nailed-to-a-wooden-cross thing, his staff should oblige him. But that, like everything else he does, is merely a pose.
@ 23
So if its proven that Seth Rich really gave WikiLeaks the DNC/Podesta emails how will that play into Roger Stone’s court case?
Er, without the server or Rich’s workstation/laptop I don’t think proof is possible. The DNC server is still in the hands of the DNC, assuming it has not been melted down.
What’s been demonstrated is that nobody has proof that Russians offloaded the emails. Comey has said that multiple hostile actors accessed it. Because Hillary served it up for them on an incompetent silver homebrew server platter.
But there’s no proof that Russians got the material from the server.
That’s as far as it goes, Puddy. Console yourself with the knowledge that two conservative Supreme Court justices – and counting – resulted from the awful behavior combined with incompetence that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 demonstrated prior to and during 2016.
@21 Some clandestine conversations are guiltier than others, and you defend the guiltiest, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 28
Some clandestine conversations are guiltier than others…
Tell me about it. Or just read the transcript of the interview of Sally Yates, who recounted her January 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
@23 ” … Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder. It was also contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials and by the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Fact-checking websites like PolitiFact, Snopes, and stated that the theories were false and unfounded. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post wrote that the promotion of these conspiracy theories was an example of fake news.”
None of which slows down the Puddy Bullshit Steamroller.
C’ya, moron.
@27 “The DNC server is still in the hands of the DNC”
No, Ukraine has it. You better get your spiel straight if you don’t want to be kicked out of The Movement.
@29 “Tell me about it.”
Well, that would be a first, because nobody can tell you anything. I’ve met brick walls that aren’t as thick as you are.
Trumpers say “if” as if it were facts. Liberals just post facts.
Where Piddles displays a shocking lack of knowledge about American Elections.
It is even less important what a Republican from Georgia thinks of a CA State House Rep when the people who can actually vote in a house district by 3-1 margin are in favor of what she does and says.
“Im so mad at Lorena Gonzales I’m going to tell my daughter who works in the area but is likely in another district about it. I’m going to shake my fist in Redding and the people in deep SoCal will vote her out. If she runs in my neck of the woods here in Eureka we’ll get her out of government.”
@34 I’m not shocked anymore. I now take it for granted that Puddy’s motherboard, if he has one, is unplugged.
Anyone the slightest bit interested in avoiding this humiliation would.
The Buttthoooole’s entire premise here has been that Musk can somehow threaten the 80th district. It’s pathetic and bizarre.
But also entirely in keeping with his efforts at trolling.
These are very low quality efforts. Butttthoooole is tossing up massive volumes of garbage he himself hasn’t even bothered to look in to. He isn’t even aware of what he himself is posting. It’s pure copy pasta garbage. The links are mis-formatted. The sources are discredited garbage. And as with this Tweet-fight between Musk and Gonzalez, The Liar Hated by His Own Jesus is not the least bit aware of the issues, the people involved, or the potential consequences. Post and flee. Babble and bolt. Garbage troll. Garbage trolling.
So humiliating. So dirty. So debased. So fallen.
For Trumpalos “ifs” and “butts” are candy and nuts.
Not sure who would hire a British pollster to track this, I have my suspicions but until I see more just passing along….
Likely Voters, U.S.
Biden 52%
Donald 44%
Poll on Th-F so well into “Reade”
That makes three pollsters putting Joementum at 50% or greater.
This is the best they can do.
Rapepublicans are desperate to recover any of the devastating losses they suffered in 2018. And they hope to use massive sums of dark money along with RapeHero’s name on the ballot to do it.
A House seat they’ve targeted is KS-03 flipped in 2018 by Sharice Davids who successfully ousted incumbent Kevin Yoder by repeatedly demonstrating him to be just another appalling Rapepublican con-artist and liar.
The Trumpalo-Barbie they’ve chosen for the job, Sara Hart Weir, spent the last seven years running the National Down Syndrome Society. During that time the NDSS contracted with a private PR firm. The firm now alleges in court that a former employee arranged with Weir, with whom the employee had a romantic acquaintance from their college years, to forge an amended version of the contract which enabled Weir to hire the employee away from the firm and terminate the contract without any of the previously existing financial penalties. In addition, before leaving her role as CEO of NDSS, Weir arranged to be paid as a consultant to NDSS through a contract with the former PR employee and lover’s new company.
So debased. Stealing from children. Children with down syndrome. So fallen. So Rapepublican.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
@ 34
Indeed. It’s how Democrats got Dollar Bill Jefferson.
Candidate Affiliation Support Outcome
Bill Jefferson Democratic 173,510 (79%) Elected
Art Schwertz Republican 46,097 (21%) Defeated
(2004, before the jungle primary system was instituted)
And Corrine Brown.
Florida’s 5th congressional district, 2012:[55]
Corrine Brown (D) – 190,472 (70.8%)
LeAnne Kolb (R) – 70,700 (26.3%)
Eileen Fleming (NPA) – 7,978 (3.0%)
Bruce Ray Riggs (WRI) – 3 (0.0%)
And Jesse Jackson, Jr.
2010[225] Jesse Jackson Jr. 150,666 80.5%
Isaac C. Hayes 25,883 13.8%
Anthony W. Williams (Green) 10,564 5.6%
All the proof you need GOP is pretty sure Biden is going to win
@ 41
All the proof you need GOP is pretty sure Biden is going to win
Here’s all the proof you need that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 was sure she was going to win.
Clinton goes for the kill in Arizona
She had an “absolute lock“.
Isn’t that right. Cz-252.
Pick a better nominee, Democrats.
You are running out of time.
What Democrats cannot afford is for the economy to be improving substantially @ 43 and large numbers of people back to work, with that post-9/11 feel-good sense we all had when that tenor whose day job was a NYPD cop sang “God Bless America” during the playoff games in 2001.
That’s when GWB43’s approval ratings were through the roof.
Democrats need to root for failure for six more months.
“I wanna be
I wanna be like
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit”
Sing it with me, HA libbies.
“his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, contradicted…”
Well wabbit we just learned that Crowdstrike had no proof of Russians hacking the server, no matter what the leftists at wikipedia claim back form 2017. Wired had the same article too. Butt now, you won’t find this on PMSDNC or CNN!
“Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed a sworn affidavit in the Roger Stone case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.””
And it was totally ignored by the self-righteous lame stream media
“Last month, President Donald Trump told us that voting by mail is rife with fraud, tweeting, ‘Mail in ballots substantially increases the risk of crime and VOTER FRAUD!’ But then on Saturday, Trump slammed efforts to make in-person voting easier in advance of Tuesday’s special election for California’s 25th congressional district as a ‘SCAM!’, demanding that ‘These votes must not count.’ Does Trump support any type of voting?”
“Nearly 2,000 former Justice Department employees criticized Attorney General William Barr for moving to drop the charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn last week ….”
Hmm. Do ya think there just might be a teensy bit something wrong with it? Or are all these career professionals wrong?
But you can count on this: All Puddy and Dumbfuck will see here is “Derp State!” because they’re morons.
BeerPong doesn’t show where this Biden leads data comes from. Must be the Vox Journalists
Georgia is back in the top five for new Covid-19 deaths. Back in top 10 for new cases too.
Someone was posting about the Governor spiking the ball on the dropping numbers over the weekend.
“You are running out of time.”
You’ve already run out of time, dumbfuck.
Better call Putin.
@38 And Reade Mo at 0%.
Elon Musk says he’s going to take Tessa out of California and move everything to Nevada or Texas.
Elon, what took you so long to figure out that California is not the place for you or your company?
Leenks I need Leeenks. I can’t use the google though I claim to work in computers.
(Here’s a hint, there is a very well known resource that compiles all known polls. it tends to be a day or so behind but is otherwise pretty good for looking up info. No it is not wikipedia.)
USA Today / Monmouth /
Redfield & Wilton Strategies (british that I spoke of)
@43 And you will place large bets with your own money on Trump at those odds, given your unshakable faith in his reelection prospects.
@44 I hope Covid-19 is conquered and the economy reopens (I have stock investments riding on this) asap, but given that the only doctor around here is sitting on his ass doing nothing except trolling in this cellar, I’m not holding my breath.
@ 47
Do ya think there just might be a teensy bit something wrong with it? Or are all these career professionals wrong?
They’re all Democrats, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
They are not current DOJ staff. Hence, they are free to demonstrate their bias.
Were you similarly supportive when a bunch of women who had worked with Kavanaugh wrote a group letter defending him in 2018? Of course not.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@45 “it was totally ignored” because they have a reputation to protect. You don’t have that problem.
@48 “where this Biden leads data comes from”
Not from one of your “sources”.
Elon, what took you so long to figure out that California is not the place for you or your company?
Nevada’s growing population of unemployed cocktail waitresses, Keno dealers, strippers, and LaVoy Finnicum foster children beckons!
@52 “Elon, what took you so long to figure out that California is not the place for you or your company?”
Getting a former GM-Toyota factory and much of its equipment for pennies on the dollar clouded his thinking.
New poll for Monday, May 11, 2020:
Direction of country
Rasmussen Reports, 5/3 – 5/7, 35-57, -22
Reuters/Ipsos, 5/4 – 5/5, 31-57, -26
Economist/YouGov, 5/3 – 5/5, 32-56, -24
Politico/Morning Consult, 5/2 – 5/3, 35-65, -30
Monmouth, 4/30 – 5/4, 33-60, -27
Yeah, a lot of satisfied constituents out there. Not.
I almost forgot to mention it.
3% Washington (R-Fascists) got booted from Facebook permanently yesterday. Seems like obtaining personal information on Washington Citizens who filed complaints about people and businesses violating “Stay At Home” and social distancing and positing on Facebook for your members to confront them runs against the very clearly stated doxing and anti-harassment policies on the privately owned social media site..
Trump’s hard core support is roughly 42%. These are the people who will vote for him no matter how badly he fucks up. Their numbers probably will diminish as we approach the election as they gradually die off. The number of new voters to replace them that Trump is recruiting from outside his hard core base appears to be zero.
Puddy discounts 99.99999% of what you post here because you throw BULLSH^T from libtard sources and think we will accept it as gospel. Puddy deliver his links UNLESS there are so many that the filter will scrap the post. Then Puddy gives you the key search word, unlike your crap!
Keep screaming about nuthin!
@62 It has to be pretty bad to get kicked off Facebook. That takes work.
Newly declassified evidence undermines James Clapper’s testimony to Congress, raising questions about whether the former Director of National Intelligence misled lawmakers about briefing former President Obama on former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s telephone conversations with a Russian diplomat.
Yes the walls are closing in on Clapper, Brennan and Comey
Seen on FB:
Now this gets even more interesting especially McCabe’s “reasonings”.
“At the time Obama suggested to Yates and Comey—who were to keep their posts under the Trump administration—that the hold-overs consider withholding information from the incoming administration, Obama knew that President Trump had named Flynn to serve as national security advisor. Obama also knew there was an ongoing FBI investigation into Flynn premised on Flynn being a Russian agent.”
Which we now know is total BULLSH^T!
Keeps getting better…
@ 69
I saw that. I see no importance other than the leak was being shopped around. So was the dossier – everyone turned it down but Buzzfeed.
Keeps getting better…
Muss Peking für die Pandemie-Schäden zahlen?
Apparently Xi and Tedros met to not tell the world what was going on per Germany’s intel service.
Oh boy!
@68 “Which we now know is total BULLSH^T!”
You’re in no position to judge because you don’t know anything.
BeerPong threw up that Georgia had an increase in Wuhan virus cases. Here’s that data boys and girls.
Seems almost all of them are in counties still being locked down. So is that from people in their homes getting sick like New York State per Cuomo?
Do you think BeerPong is getting his BULLSH^TT^UM for Vox or HuffPo? Yes your honor.
The Prosecution Rests
The number of new voters to replace them that Trump is recruiting
That remains the enduring and as yet unanswered challenge.
Employing a strategy of negative partisanship to try to simultaneously increase turnout among Rapepublican and lean Rapepublican voters while reducing turnout among targeted groups of Democratic and lean Democratic voters has failed to produce any results so far.
Now, it must be said that as a strategy this tends to have greatest effect on infrequent, less engaged voters. And higher percentages of these types of voters are either not sampled in polls, are weighted downward in many polls, or remain uncommitted until the last few weeks of any campaign.
So it’s possible that the attacks on Biden being launched repeatedly by the White House, by Trump, by Trump surrogates, by billionaire Trumpalo supporters, by alt-right media, and by Rapepublicans in general are having the intended effect. But if they are there is no signal so far in any poling data. And since the effort began in earnest and from the highest levels more than twenty four months ago*, even accounting for the under-sampling, if things were working as intended they’d be showing some traction in the data.
It’s a remarkable failure given how much money and effort has gone into it. They are far from done trying. But it’s beginning to look like they’ll need to reload with some new ammo. So far they’ve been firing blanks. A predicament OfDumbcuck is only too familiar with.
*March 2018 Peter Schweizer, Caribou Barbie capo, Breitbart Sr. Editor, and Mercer family minion, publishes book length attack smear targeting Biden family and begins peddling excerpts to the NY Times, who predictably oblige.
Musk: “I am a wealth lord. How dare anyone question me! Peasant, Don’t you know who I am! Your petty rules do not apply to me. “
Silly wabbit @72,
The Hidden Shifty Schiff files are providing all the information Puddy needs to see.
Puddy been posting for years the truth about the Russia Russia Russia FAKE NEWS and y’all drank the CNN MSDNC kookaid.
Now these behind the scenes posts are getting better and better.
Now what did Atkinson say unto Schiff in the bunker
Can anybody make any sense of The Liar Abandoned by His Own Jesus?
It really is not unlike the ravings of those cat-ladies on the 8chan Breadcrumbs boards. It’s almost like a code.
Weird stuff. Very weird.
Here’s what I think I’ve figured out:
Piddles has a bunker.
He hears voices in it.
Notice dot bombed hasn’t refuted any of the just released committee transcripts so all it has left are ad hominem PuddyAttacks.
Sad sad sad!
Er, without the server or Rich’s workstation/laptop I don’t think proof is possible.
Uh.. dumbass trolls? Didn’t your beloved orange dear leader say the server is in Ukraine?
When the Ukranians wouldn’t play ball the ball fell in Rudes’ court.. You know that demented little “man”.. Such a “serious” corruption fighter, rudes..
And Barr is doing the “intake”.. Just have faith trolls.
Shifty Schiff
Yours truly may pointed this out before…
The stereotype of Jews as “shifty,” the suggestion that they are sneaky and manipulative, has a long and ignominious history. Trump — who “often plays on well-worn caricatures about cleverness, deviousness, and physical weakness” when discussing Jews, to quote Peter Beinart — knows what he is doing when he gives Schiff this particular nickname; it is no accident or coincidence.
That from an oft quoted source of a certain troll. And guess what fellow HA HEROES, that same troll, that same HA ZERO, who in the past has claimed jewish heritage for itself, like the typical demented orange zealot has taken to this anti-semitic trope, hook, line, sinker..
Don’t stop following the breadcrumbs, Piddles.
We all need some laughter to escape the horror of Trump’s Forever Growing Body Pile.
Pretty sure in a moment of guilt-stress for having forsaken the Sky-Buddy we saw Piddles go full Global-Jewish-Conspiracy a couple of times.
Hard-wired I guess.
president RapeHero declared the virus defeated today.
“Nana didn’t die ’cause of the COVID, Jethro. Nana died cause she stopped breathing.”
In Act II, president RapeHero will celebrate having created 50 million new jobs.*
*Unpaid internships testing sofas and beer koozies.
Emperor Donald called on the FCC to fire a newsman and revoke NBCs license.
“The first amendment isn’t necessary and besides it’s unconstitutional!”
Meanwhile above the buttspigot arrives. So Puddy asks the buttspigot, has Adam Schiff been deceitful, a proven liar, a leaker, and a fabricator of fake documents?
There you go – the definition of shifty, just like the buttspigot.
Something missed by BeerPong…
Something totally missed by you BeerPong!
Also NBC:
The News vs. The Newsroom: Yes, NBC Did Alter George Zimmerman’s 911 Call
It requires suspension of disbelief to accept an explanation that what NBC did yesterday was not with full purpose.
White House requires staff to wear masks.
So much for bravado.
There’s reason to believe Trump doesn’t follow his own medical advice.
@89 & 90
And that effects Donald’s understanding of the Constitution…
It’s a simple question, can the FCC retaliate against a news program?
the definition of shifty
Nineteenth-century French literature is filled with both pro-Jewish and anti-Jewish images. Some of the anti-Jewish images include stereotypes such as the greedy banker and art collector in Honoré de Balzac’s series La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy).[23][29] Henry H. Weinberg has described the stereotype of the Jewish banker in late nineteenth-century French literature as “shifty, cosmopolitan, cleverly manipulating … single-minded [in his] quest for money.” In George Sand’s drama Les Mississipiens (1866), there is a Jewish capitalist, Samuel Bourset, who has been described as a “Shylock in modern dress”.
Once again the babbling butthole embraces this anti-semitic trope inspired by its dear orange leader drumpf… Doubles down and will continue to double down.
And it’s even french in origin.. Mon Dieu!
And single minded in its pursuit of money? Projecting! These trolls are the greediest fiends who have freely revealed themselves over many years in these comment threads.
RapeHero threw tantrum and walked off from press briefing.
Such domination!
Nice deflection buttspigot. Notice how the buttspigot doesn’t answer the question. Puddy reasks the buttspigot; has Adam Schiff been deceitful, a proven liar, a leaker, and a fabricator of fake documents?
Twattering Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony from a closed door secret session to CNN almost real time is Adam Shifty Schiff. Alfalfa is going down the toilet with all his lies since 2016 with his claim there is ample evidence of collusion.
Puddy thinks is awfully funny is how the buttspigot picked on Dr. Ben Carson since he’s been in the Trump Administration. Made it a cause celebre against Dr Carson. Go back and search all of the nasty buttspigot comments on Dr. Carson everyone.
Sux to be a smelly buttspigot.
Adam Schiff been deceitful, a proven liar, a leaker, and a fabricator of fake documents?
Call him anything you want that ISN’T an anti-semitic or racist trope you miserable dumbass…
But no…
Follow your beloved orange (with white around the eyes) DEAR LEADER! Double down butthole, double down.. For HA HERO entertainment..
Damn you’re a silly fool! #owngoal
No the Communications Act that created the FCC does NOT give them the ability to take NBC off the air. Butt, we have seen time and again how NBC loves to be deceitful, a proven liar in their newscasts and Sunday teevee news shows, a leaker of documents on their web sites, and a fabricator of fake documents.
Later BeerPong!
Meanwhile Obummer seems worried…
The buttspigot says Adam has been truthful. Everyone is still wating for that ample evidence of Russian Collusion. Remember the Nunes Memo? Devin is correct, Shifty Schiff lied big time!
See ya #owngoal!
In suburban Willmington, NC a 15-year-old girl was reported missing late Sunday. So a local Sheriff’s Deputy from New Hanover County, having received a “hot tip” that the girl’s whereabouts were known to an AA teen named “Josiah”, formed an actual armed vigilante mob (all white) to head over to visit the private residences of the only two AA teens in the area (neither of whom were named Josiah). Arriving at the home of Dameon Shephard they ignored his efforts to identify himself, his mother’s pleas for them to leave, and forcibly gained unlawful entry without a warrant or probable cause.
The girl was found perfectly safe this morning in another community nowhere near the Shephard residence.
This is the American Greatness Rapepublicans are talking about.
They love this shit.
Puddy thinks is awfully funny is how the HA HERO YLB picked on Dr. Ben Carson since he’s been in the Trump Administration. Made it a cause celebre against Dr Carson. Go back and search all of the nasty buttspigot comments on Dr. Carson everyone
Oooh. Triggered the snowflake.
Roll tape..
That’s your beloved orange DEAR LEADER making fun of your kook koo ben karsen who told tall tales for money..
Roll tape again..
That’s sleepy ben ON SATURDAY BEFORE SUNSET spewing orange pablum.. Not ONCE does it preach “the truth” as you say your kult allows you. Repent! Repent!
That fool is an even bigger joke than you.
Snowflakes are libtards you idiot.
@103 ooooh.. nice avoidance of the truth about your beloved hero koo koo bird karsen and your orange anti-semite dear leader drumpf..
double down dumbass.. double down…
“Rainbows are God curtains”
@98 Your antipathy toward deceitful liars seems selective to me. If you want to castigate deceit and lying, you should be equal-opportunity about it.
Wanna know how the TrumPlague “goes away without a vaccine”?
Herd immunity. Meaning a high enough percentage of the population has acquired immunity through prior infection that the effective reproduction ratio (Re) of the virus drops below 1.0. The percentage of the population that must be immune when that Re number can be expected to drop below 1.0 will depend on the basic reproduction number (R0) of the virus. Average R0 values for SARS-CoV-2 are calculated to be about 2.65. At an R0 of 2.65 about 75% of the population must become immune for Re to fall below 1.0.
But the super duper good news is that does not mean that 240 million Americans have to become infected for the GOP plan to be complete. Remember, this virus also kills! That’s the good news. As it works its way through our communities according to the Rapepublican plan, many of us will die, and our population will decline. See? Another Rapepublican silver lining!
The ten million of us who will die in order for Trump’s “virus goes away” plan to be realized are like a magical force multiplier for our herd immunity! It means that maybe only as few as 200 million of us have to actually get incredibly sick and suffer permanent organ damage (and some death) in order to protect the other 140 million.
According to the Rapepublican plan only about a third of us get to come out of this thing unscathed. The other two thirds have to get sick and a bunch of them have to die. Do any of you really expect that sorting to be random?
I’m fully expecting any day now to start seeing Tucker Carlson calling for volunteers. But with or without volunteers, Rapepublicans are already drafting people. Only most of the draftees haven’t figured it out yet.
Have you?
@101 At least that former sheriff’s deputy is now in jail facing criminal charges for that home incursion. That’s progress, I guess.
@103 “Snowflakes are libtards you idiot.”
A talent for melting on contact isn’t limited by ideology. Neither is idiocy, as you yourself constantly demonstrate.
Parrots are notable for sounding like humans.
HA trolls are notable for sounding like parrots.
@107 Best analysis I’ve seen so far of the future trajectory of this thing, far more incisive than anything coming from the White House.
Donald just did the equivalent of writing a page long book report and ending with “I’m not going to say any more because you should read it and I don’t want to spoil it for you.”
Q. What is the specific crime you’re accusing (Obama) of?
A: You know it. Everybody knows it. All you have to do is read the newspapers except yours.
Oh that as before telling the Asian lady reporter To “go ask China” and stormed off not taking any further questions.
He doesn’t need a crime. No, really. Just ask the treasonous Doctor Dumbfuck and his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
101. Maybe the racists are trying to cram in as much lynching as they can before the better Democratic leaders get into office.
I’d agree except Justice Alito has assured me on many occasions that racism is a thing of the past. So that can’t be it.
I’m thinking of calling the Rapepublican plan…
Whadda you think?
Snowflake is, as snowflake does.
Case in point. For saying truths, the racist incel consistently wants rabbit to be murdered. Its the racist incel who would kill for a safe space, not us liberals. Puddy.
@118 See #234 of previous thread.
Saw my first yard sign: “Any Functioning Adult 2020”
I’m guessing not a Trumper. Probably not even a Republican, because this doesn’t describe any Republican I’m aware of.
Still, The Hump’s a better doctor than Bob, so there’s that!
@220 saw the same Bumper sticker yesterday in CT.
I think even a stuffed animal might even be just as good an alternative.
“Coronavirus infection rates are spiking to new highs in several metropolitan areas and smaller communities across the country, according to undisclosed data the White House’s pandemic task force is using to track rates of infection, which was obtained by NBC News. The data contained in a May 7 coronavirus task force report are at odds with President Donald Trump’s Monday declaration that ‘all throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly.’ The top 10 areas saw surges of 72.4 percent or greater over a seven-day period compared to the prior week, according to a set of tables produced for the task force by its Data and Analytics unit. They include Nashville, Tennessee; Des Moines, Iowa; Amarillo, Texas; and — atop the list with a 650 percent increase — Central City, Kentucky. On a separate list of ‘locations to watch,’ which didn’t meet the precise criteria for the first set: Charlotte, North Carolina; Kansas City, Missouri; Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Montgomery, Alabama; Columbus, Ohio; and Phoenix, Arizona. The rate of new cases in Charlotte and Kansas City represented an increase of more than 200 percent over the prior week, and other tables included in the data show clusters in neighboring counties that don’t form a geographic area on their own, like Wisconsin’s Kenosha and Racine counties, which neighbor each other between Chicago and Milwaukee.”
Report is dated May 7, today is May 11, so WH sat on this for 4 days and it’s still not officially released. It didn’t take a report, though, to know this would happen. Anyone with common sense could foresee it.
Obama, Democrat, Ebola, US Deaths: 1
Trump, Rapepublican, COVID-19, US Deaths: 81,000 and still counting…
Rapepublicans are really just not cut out for this work.
The Hump continues to kill and murder Americans. Wonder how long the Doctor can stay safe?
This doctor works with poo. Bob is poo.
As long as Jill is there to wipe the oatmeal from his chin.
“The ten million of us who will die in order for Trump’s “virus goes away” plan to be realized are like a magical force multiplier for our herd immunity!”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Operation Demorats Strangle Economy Continues As Demorat-China Axis Demands Extended Lockdown.
By Li Qingqing Source:Global Times
Because of the US’ mistakes, even those working in the White House have been infected, and there are still some 20,000 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US every day. This being the case, the Trump administration is still calling for the resumption of production and restarting the economy, regardless of the risk that more people will be infected in the near future. For example, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie said on May 4 that the US should reopen its economy because “there are going to be deaths no matter what,” claiming that it is a “sacrifice” Americans must make for their way of life.
This sounds absurd, really absurd. Why should people’s lives be “sacrificed” when there are safer ways to restore consumer confidence, such as the government’s effective protection for public safety? How many American people are willing to “sacrifice” their lives for the country’s economy? What has happened to democracy and human rights?
Illinois residents may not be seeing an end in sight any time soon for coronavirus orders in their state.
Governor J. B. Pritzker [D-China] doubled down on the lockdown orders in his state, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday that Illinois residents could see weeks of social distancing and wearing masks until he feels the coronavirus is “eradicated.”
@127 This is what a dumbfuck running scared and grasping at straws looks like.
@129 Would you volunteer to be one of the casualties?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorats Will Always Take Time For Racebaiting –
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms [D-China] said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that rhetoric from the White House gave “permission” to people who are “prone to being racist” and contributed to the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man killed by two white men, in February.
@132 I’ll take a race-baiting party over a racist party every time.
Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on the political left, who is easily offended or felt they needed a “safe space” away from the harsh realities of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject.
Comedians have a hard time performing on college campuses anymore because of all the little snowflakes running around that get offended by just about anything they say.
See ya snowflakes!
Obummer, DUMMOCRETIN, H1N1, US Deaths: 12,469
Well it looks like Dumpf’s fellow Republicans in the Senate aren’t jumping on the Obamagate bandwagon.
What’s a dotard to do? Blubberboy Billie Barr’s hands are full trying to get General Michael Flynn off.
129, 132,
It’s your Operation Yellow Elephant 2.0.
Fifteen years ago you shit the warrior bed and chickened out.
This is your last chance to make good on the checks your fat slobbering mouth writes for your gamer body. Only this time you don’t need to be fit for service. You just need to be fit for BEACH WEEK!!!
Get out there, lick the stripper pole, and get us one dead body closer to the ten million we need to make the Trump grandchildren safe. IT”S YOUR DUTY!
OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!!! has begun soldier. Drop that mask in the nearest trash can and get your fat ass to the beach and LICK THAT STRIPPER POLE of FREEEEEDUUUUMB!!!!!!!
@135 “Comedians have a hard time performing on college campuses anymore because of all the little snowflakes running around that get offended by just about anything they say.”
I agree that Milo Yiannopoulos is a comedian.
Triggered Snowflake!
Must! Make! Numbers! SAFE!
So, what you’re saying is I am at least ten times better at Presidenting than your guy.
No. Wait. Your guy is a one-termer. So that means you’re saying I’m twenty times better.
Keep going!
Doesn’t that make Trump a Snowflake for putting the FCC after NBC for saying things that gave him a butt-hurt? For pulling the press creds of any reporter that didn’t kiss the ring? For losing his shit and storming out of press briefings?
Coming soon to a Proud Boy near you: Hail Snowflake!
Trading in their Fred Perry polos for crying towels.
So very proud.
Ever see anyone go full petty?
See @135
Probably a soy boy.
I’ve seen Buttery males handle more heat.
Looks like Metro is going to require masks to be worn. For the most part, drivers are already, if not provided by Metro, the union is. As an essential janitor at my workplace, I applaud this decision by Metro. Just need the fare enforcement people, who are checking ORCA Cards right now, to enforce it with the riders.
I meant to say, “Who are NOT Checking ORCA cards right now”
@144 Unfortunately, what ought to be straightforward public health measures to save lives are being turned into symbols of oppression and “tyranny” by the Crazy Right. We’re probably going to see a lot more of this:
“The owners of C&C Coffee and Kitchen, a breakfast cafe in Castle Rock, Colo., opened its doors to patrons on Sunday in defiance of Colorado’s public health order that limits restaurants statewide to takeout and delivery services. Crowds packed the restaurant, located about 25 miles south of Denver.”
I suspect some of those people will be dead a few weeks from now, and as this kind of defiance continues to metastasize and spread, as seems very likely, our society will pay an awful price.
We’re probably going to have bus drivers getting shot for telling riders to wear masks. This whole “reopen” movement has a feel to it of legitimizing violence. It’s gone way beyond just venting frustration with the social restrictions and financial hardships. Those things are understandable; the hatred and violence is something else altogether.
146)It has gotten out of hand. One of the reasons I wouldn’t mind seeing driver shields. Down in Davis, CA a few of their Double Deckers have protected cabs for the driver. They have two types of Double Deckers,,Modern and Authentic. The latter are ex-London Transport RT’s. It would be the conductor bearing the brunt of troll anger. I bet the RT’s are parked though.
Two Female Reporters Refused to Let Trump Bully Them Into Silence, So He Ran Away
“When danger reared its ugly head, the donald bravely turned his tail and fled.”
Weird way for a president to demonstrate his strength, by turning into the worlds most emotionally vulnerable snowflake at every single press conference.
MarkS provided a politico link. Since you can onlyyank two paragraphs is you think right…
““Given all we know now about the fake foundation of the inquiry, it’s time we ask: What did Obama and Biden know and when did they know it?” Grassley said Monday on the Senate floor.”
“But Grassley, too, stopped short of saying the Senate should use its powerful committees to investigate the former president, or that the Justice Department should go after Obama. Rather, he and other Senate Republicans simply agreed that Trump’s fury was justified, and deferred to Durham.”
Yes the Senate Republicans are deferring to Durham, which is not clear from MarkS’ post above, being a typical libtard!
This is really an unfortunate misunderstanding and a wasteful distraction from the important work that must be done to promote OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!!!
Dozens of the President’s advisers and surrogates and their social media followers have been pulled away from the important work of encouraging more Americans to get infected. An entire day of this effort has been lost as they have turned toward attacking the lamestream FAKE media.
We have only just begun this fight and we cannot afford these distractions right now. Presently we are not even at 1% of our ultimate goal of 10,000,000 dead Americans needed to create herd immunity to ensure the safety of the people who really count.
Back to work, people! Get to the beach! Get to the mall! Go buy some ice cream! Go hug a neighbor! And encourage everyone you know and love to do likewise. It is your right and your solemn duty to do this to get America “back to normal”.
So it seems Strzok and Page destroyed the original Flynn interview evidence – a crime waiting for Durham. The FBI can not find the original 302 which exonerated Flynn from lying.
Next we see in Sally Yates’ testimony [hidden by Shifty Schiff in the House bunker] how she is confused by Obummer knowing so much about the Flynn investigation Jan 5, 2017.
These transcripts KABLAMMMO the public narrative that Obummer was not involved and he did everything by the book.
These transcripts KABLAMMMO the public narrative that Brennan had evidence Trump was a traitor.
These transcripts KABLAMMMO the public narrative that Clapper had eveidence of Trump – Putin collusion
These transcripts KABLAMMMO the public narrative that Adam Shifty Schiff had any evidence at all.
Now we can see how Trump wants Obummer and Biden investigated. Go Durham go!
Remember assesHorse libtards, you put all your chips in the Mueller investigation when Mueller knew they was no There, there. Here we see there is much more THERE there before Durham began his investigation.
Remember assesHorse libtards, Senator Shaheen ask AG Barr if spying occurred. He mentioned he would need to see the predicate. Well we are seeing the predicate and it wasn’t justified. Even the friend of assesHorse fools, he NY SLimes claimed there was spying onthe Trump campaign; domestic and foreign spying.
See ya!
That is a fine example of the kind of community leadership that is needed for the administration to get OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!! off to a successful start. They deserve our support and encouragement.
This afternoon I will be meeting with The President to discuss options for how we will be supporting Ms. Arellano, the owner of the cafe. I have already dispatched a team to assist with imaging and social media cleanup. Ms Arellano’s and her husband’s social media history will be scrubbed of any impolitic or racist commentary and a GoFundMe is being launched.
We anticipate that legal representation for the Arellanos will be facilitated through a third party funding source in order to avoid a direct legal confrontation with the state of Colorado and its taxpayers. But we expect to be able to support the Arellanos in proceedings both civil and criminal going forward. While criminal charges are unlikely we are prepared for that event in the belief and hope that vigorously fighting any such criminal charges can be a crucial factor in elevating attention toward our civil rights litigation.
We hope the state of Colorado can become a bellwether in this movement to accelerate the spread of COVID-19 toward our herd immunity goal of 200 million infections in the United States. But we are also hoping to use these examples as a template for efforts in other more populous states and cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles.
It is important that the next rise of infections be seen as coming from these Democrat controlled liberal cities. This will not only support out political goals, but will also encourage our base to continue to ignore state guidelines that are roadblocks on our journey toward ten million noble dead.
When Kanye has stopped taking your calls,
@153 Don’t forget to recruit a MAGA kid who needs a Maserati to attend college* to sue CNN.
* and get laid in college, so he won’t grow up to be an incel like Doctor Dumbfuck.
“An autopsy report released late Monday shows Ahmaud Arbery was shot three times, including twice in the chest, according to multiple media reports.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The first time was allegedly in self-defense. The second and third times were for good measure.
While Piddles is whacking off to what The Blaze tells him things mean The Atlantic nails what is on most Voters’ minds.
@157 Meanwhile, 81% of Republicans think the government is “doing enough,”
… which by strange coincidence exactly matches the number of Republicans who have their heads permanently stuck inside their rectums.
For Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and the others who think that Tara Reade has been a nothingburger to Biden’s chances, check out the Morning Consult poll released yesterday afternoon.
Maybe concentrate on the graph with this title:
Biden’s Popularity Declines Amid Tara Reade News Cycle
Finger-banging a woman without her consent cost Biden 6 points among women voters.
Finger-banging a woman without her consent has been the entirety of Steve’s heterosexual encounters in the last decade.
@ 156
Oh, look!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit finally acknowledges that getting shot multiple times in the chest doesn’t make one a “fleeing felon“.
@159 For a dumbfuck, there’s no difference between “allegedly finger-banging a woman without her consent” and “finger-banging a woman without her consent.” But what I can’t figure out is why a dumbfuck who doesn’t need proof of anything even needs Durham.
@160 Next up: The unarmed black jogger was shot while “bullrushing” the armed white vigilantes making a “citizens’ arrest.”
We have a plan.
But for what should be obvious reasons it must not be widely shared outside of the core group of key leaders of government and industry, their extended families, domestic servants, and personal trainers whom it is intended to serve.
Those of you who do not fit that description have a role to play as well. And play it you shall. You will have no other choice. Because that is how The Founders intended for things to be.
Now stop your disloyal complaining and go lick a handrail you pathetic leftist implement. The sooner you get it over with, the better. Either you will get sick and recover, or you will get sick and die. There will be no third option for you.
You don’t qualify.
Another development in the black jogger case: The prosecutor who refused to file charges against his killers pursued felony “voting fraud” charges against a black grandma for doing the following:
” … a 21-year-old Black woman named Diewanna Robinson asked Pearson for assistance with the electronic voting machine. Pearson says she told Robinson where to insert her card into the machine, and instructed her to follow the prompts. Pearson then walked away before Robinson began filling out her ballot.”
Barnhill, the prosecutor who claims the McMichaels were “justified” in killing Arbery, threatened Pearson with 15 years in prison and brought her to trial twice. Pearson was acquitted twice.
Should we call Barnhill a racist fuck now, or wait, and give him a fair trial first? Asking for some friends.
@163 I don’t have to lick a handrail. That’s too much work. I’ll just stand here and wait for a “reopen” vigilante to spit on me.
From Z-man’s blog:
“If you take time to read up on the Flynn case or the much larger plot around it, you see a large cast of people with one thing in common. They all live together as a social class and social relationships transcend the formal positions and titles of the people. Once a ruling class becomes a ruling community, reform is no longer possible. The only way to change the system is to decapitate it. The lesson of the Soviet system is that technology can perpetuate the community until it exhausts itself. The low quality of the people involved in the FBI shenanigans suggests they are reaching the same point as the Soviets in the 1980’s.”
Let’s review, once again, how Georgia small-town good ol’ boy justice works:
Scenario #1: Black grandma tells black voter how to use a voting machine = 15 years in prison.
Scenario #2: White vigilantes shoot black jogger three times = self-defense, justified homicide, “they’re innocent,” no charges.
Some people claim this “is who we are, and all we’ve ever been,”; but they’re wrong, this is who they are, and all they have ever been, “they” being the southern white racist fucks who today make up the core of the Republican Party.
Now I’ll wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to side with the black jogger’s killers because he “bullrushed” them, because that’s the lens through which dumbfucks see these incidents.
They all live together… in an invisible basement under a pizza parlor in Chevy Chase.
We already knew that. No need to study anything. You’ve been gun hugging that bizarre myth for more than four years. Including the empty threats about armed insurrection.
Shouldn’t you be toting a replica M72 into a Cold Stone Creamery right about now?
@168 “Shouldn’t you be toting a replica M72 into a Cold Stone Creamery right about now?”
No, he needs one of these:
It has come to our attention that many Americans have placed enormous hopes for surviving the COVID-19 pandemic in the prospect of an effective vaccine.
We wish to make it very clear that for most of you, opportunity for inoculation with an effective vaccine will not become available until long after almost all of you will have become infected. This is a regrettable, but unfortunately necessary part of the current government response plan.
As soon as an effective vaccine becomes available the government plans to encourage private industry to begin safe manufacturing as fast as reasonably possible, keeping in mind that resources devoted to this production effort will be sunken costs with no hope of recoup once the virus is eliminated. So we anticipate that the commitment of private resources to the production effort will be limited to only that investment which can be recouped. This means that initially, other than those stocks set aside for government and key industry stockpile, market availability will be limited and prices will naturally be very high. Very, very high. Since these vaccine products will be new, and essentially experimental, they certainly will not be covered by your employer’s insurance, assuming you are lucky enough to still have your job.
And for those of you who have saved and invested wisely and may be able to afford the exceptionally high cost, the vaccine may still be unavailable, since the response plan anticipates reserving most of the initial market phase production of vaccine for essential first responders, government leaders, key leaders of industry, and our most important and beloved entertainers and their families.
We expect that vaccine supplies and prices will not be within reach for most of you until more than two to three years after initial production is begun. Since development, animal trials, and successful human trials are expected to take at least a year in an absolute best case scenario, that puts initial availability to the general public three to four years into the future.
Unfortunately, epidemiological modeling of the virus assures us that by that point in time you will all have become infected, one way or another. We regret this. It’s really a shame. But at this point, without adequate PPE, testing, or contacting tracing capability, there is really no other outcome. Sorry about that. We feel bad. But there’s really no point in looking backward now, is there?
So moving forward, obviously almost none of you will be getting vaccinated. There’s is really no benefit for any of you to “shelter at home” or take other meaningless and essentially useless steps to avoid infection. Doing so will only delay the inevitable and harm you financially and socially. For that reason you are now encouraged to embrace your fate, and go out there and just get infected.
There will be no vaccine for you. And you simply cannot afford to “stay safe at home” for as long as it will take. We will see to that. We already have. It’s why your employers did not receive any government assistance. It’s why those that did are reserving the money to pay executive senior leadership salaries. You are not among those who are intended to be safe. Sorry. But somebody has to make that sacrifice. And that somebody certainly isn’t going to be us. It will be you. Get on with it.
Wonder if Dumbfuck has anything to say about Salon “I have to feed my family” Lady receiving $18,000 in PPP funds.
Refusing to close while applying for funds because you’ve closed is
welfare queenfraud.BeerPong,
Wrong again. You better buy another keg with your “knowledge”. It was not Breitbart. It’s after reading Molly Hemmingway’s truthful article from all the review of leftist under oath comments vs. their CNN and MSDNC lying propaganda. Just read The Federalist like Puddy did and where Puddy came to his own conclusions. Learn something for once BeerPong!
Seems the snowflake BeerPong got spun up with the vacuum of the BULLSH^T being sucked out of the room.
Seems George Steponallofus got Joe BiteME to admit he knew of the LtG Flynn illegal investigation on Good Mourning America. Mourning because GMA jockstraps Joe BiteME.
Meanwhile Adam DAYUM Shifty Schiff has something to “say”.
@171 Shorter vaccine plan: The government will spend $50 billion developing an effective Covid-19 vaccine. After the vaccine is proven safe and effective, one dose will be produced, because only one person is essential. The rest of you are expendable.
@172 “Molly Hemmingway’s truthful article”
171, to 172,???
Is The Liar Hated by His Own Jesus now reading in tongues, as well as speaking in them?
I can’t figure out where he gets Breitbarf and Molly Hatchetface, MSNBC and CNN from 171.
His frontal lobes must have simply melted from trying to keep all the conspiracy theories straight.
I like this…
This Browser Act is needed to stop libtard led commie technology companies over the problem of conservative censorship. These same commie technology censor anything and everything the CCP asks for everyday.
See ya!
Dot Bombed @177,
Apparently you have issues following a thread. It wasn’t a response to 171.
DAYUM stoooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Remember this one:
Turns out they aren’t.
And as the list continues to grow, more of those signing the letter are either Republicans (former) or independents (also former).
For Trumpalos like The Q Clearance Pussy if you aren’t MAGA, you are part of the DERP STATE!!!
Hey senile idiot wabbit here you go again,
Defy public health authorities, lose your license.
Good God, what’s next, getting pulled over by cops for drunk driving?
@178 You don’t look very censored to me. Your butthole babbling can be heard from here to Kingdom Come.
@181 A better question is why did Trump hide his activities from the FBI, Robert Mueller, and congressional oversight committees?
Why did the police NOT tell the prime suspect they considered him for murder?
Why did Mom NOT tell us she knew about our stash of candy before asking us to confess?
If you had just TOLD me you suspected me of illegal activity I would have stopped before you had proof.
Don’t fall for it.
181 is motte and bailey again.
The headline does not describe the text. Aside from ordering the principals to “go strictly by the book” The President also reminded his team to take due care in protecting classified information when dealing with transition team cut-outs.
And you’ll need to recall that cut-outs is indeed what they were. In the vast majority of cases the people presented to the Obama administration for transition briefing were not cleared, had not even completed background paperwork, and of course were not yet, and in many cases would never be government employees. None of the senior Trump organization people were made available (they continued to remain in NY) and many of the campaign people were still in limbo (Trump needed assurance of their loyalty). By the time of the Jan. 5th meeting the failure of the Trump team to assemble transition and having fired Gov. Christie the White House had come to accept that the incoming administration would be on their own to play catch up.
In other words, this is yet another #owngoal
And The Liar Who Forsakes His Only Savior knows this. That’s why he pull the motte and bailey crap every fucking time. He throws up bad Federalist headline editing prepared to hide behind slightly less bad copy editing.
Shorter 186:
181 is basically a tiresome replay of the claim that Clinton’s people stole the “w” keys from all the “typewriters”.
They know it’s a lie.
New York’s # of daily confirmed positive cases has drastically dropped (+657), which is the first time below 1000 since its ascent on approximately March 18th from approximately 1000 to +7000 daily confirmed cases.
Social distancing did in fact work. And the only way to keep this fucking Hump Virus in check. Snuff it out like fire needs oxygen.
Fuck the Protesters – let them all fucking mingle and tingle and die!
Doctor Dumbfuck’s idea of a “justified stop”:
First Voice: Halt!
Second Voice: Oh my God, I’m shot!
First Voice: Don’t resist!
Second Voice: I’m not resisting!
First Voice: STOP RESISTING!!!
(deathly silence)
(Ed. note – This comment is a work of fiction. The events and characters depicted herein are fictitious. “Doctor Dumbfuck” is not a real person; that’s the screen alias a radiologist of uncertain etiology* who lives somewhere on Whidbey Island. – * While the identity and origins of “Doctor Dumbfuck” are unknown, it is fairly certain that at least one of his parents is a unicorn, and he may have sired some or all of the 40 original My Little Ponies.)
No Justice No Fucking Peace!
The Hump intends for many to die. He has no respect for human life.
He is killing many, and will kill many more.
@191 Dow dropped 457 points today. The fact people are still dropping dead despite GOP states sounding “all clear” may have something to do with it. Corpses make lousy customers.
Cable network CNN has joined the effort and is doing its part to promote the advancement of OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!!.
CNN reports on Fauci’s Senate testimony, encouraging millions of healthy, resilient young college students to prepare to return to campus this fall to become infected. Reinforcing Fauci’s testimony OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!! senior team member, Dr. Brett Giroir lays out our strategy for closely monitoring the effectiveness of the infectious spread using a “surveillance strategy”. Overall, if infectious spread among the target population falls below our goals, we are developing a number of unique tactical responses to accelerate infection including a general loosening of alcohol restrictions on campuses, branded Jello™ wrestling events. and national guard distribution of beer bongs.
Meanwhile CNN also is promoting our media effort to raise fears and concerns about “fraudulent testing” in order to reduce demand for testing supplies in order to keep stocks available for senior government leaders, key industry groups, and preferred areas of popular entertainment.
Media partners like CNN will play an invaluable role in the deployment and success of OPERATION BEACH WEEK!!! as we work toward our goal of 200 million infections in the US by this time next year.
Aside from ordering the principals to “go strictly by the book” The President also reminded his team to take due care in protecting classified information when dealing with transition team cut-outs.
Written after Obummer was no longer president.
More EPIC FAYLE by this libtard fool! The lunacy is strong in this one! This is a cover your assesHorse memo, written by an outgoing NSA lady Susan Rice [ Benghazi videos]. She has to write something in the 13th hour to tell everyone why there were multiple lies delivered to President Trump and all of his cabinet.
“Nationwide, we’ve had a relatively benign course for this virus.” — Sen. Rand Paul
Dr. Fauci (paraphrased): I’m not that cavalier about the safety of our children.
Now we know why Comey could lie to Trumps’s face and tell him he’s not the target of that bogus ongoing Russia investigation behind everyone’s back.
FACTS sux!
Two more Trumpers off the streets.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ll be safer when they’re all off the streets.
@196 et al.: You wouldn’t know what a “fact” is even if one bit your face. I’m not encouraging that; I’m merely suggesting you keep distancing yourself from facts for your own good. Facts can bite!
83,000 > 15
“Why are these bitches allowed at my press conferences? Women don’t belong at these things. Keep them in the dressing room and I’ll go when I want to. Hopefully they’ll be undressing that little slant eyed one is nasty if you get what I mean. BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR FROM A LADY ABOUT NEWS!”
“According to a Yahoo Finance analysis of the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) coronavirus death toll model, states with Republican governors are projected to have greater death increases than those with Democratic governors. … [T]he analysis found that Republicans govern roughly 70% of the states in the country with the highest increases in death projections. … Of the top 10 states with the greatest death toll increases, 8 are states with Republican governors.”
Don’t worry, Puddy. You’re in a blue state. You’re safe here.
outgoing NSA lady Susan Rice
An african-american lady btw..
How come the babblin’ butthole don’t bellyache about the lack of people of color in the orange drumpf dysadministration?
The freak did it all the time when POTUS was a dem.
hmmm.. the babblin’ butthole all the time was a white supremacist! what a phony!
Babblin’ butthole…
go to them.. go to them…
they’re YOUR kind of people..
too bad you go suddenly deaf when your back is turned.
The owner of the house under construction that the black jogger apparently entered just before being shot now says he and his family will never live there because they’ve been receiving death threats since the killers were arrested.
They have some sick puppies down there in small-town Georgia.
Just took a gander at an always wrong wing website..
They’re hanging Trey “who?” Gowdy in effigy callin’ him a derp state stooge… On Sean’s Insanity show even…
All you BEEEEENNNNNNNGHHHAAAAZIIII!!!!1!!!! fools – you now believe you were taken for chumps!
Well.. one eeensy teensy step on the road to recovery.. maybe I’m being too optimistic there..
@204 Yes, too optimistic.
An african-american lady btw..
Wow buttspigot you really hate black people. Well you are a moron!
Kayleigh McEnany: “For 3 years the American people were dragged through the mud and told their choice for the President of the United States might have been a Russian asset, based on no evidence at all. This president was exonerated by the Mueller Report. There’s some real questions for some of these individuals who were saying one thing publicly and another thing privately. Thank you so much! “
Happy now girlie? You’ve been listened to.
Now sit down, shut up, and show us a bit of cleavage.
@ 192
Corpses make lousy customers.
So do people who lie about being millionaires. They’re the worst tippers, and they leave catheter trails that extend from the toilet seats at least back to the booth. Yuck.
you really hate black people.
I’m askin’: why no people of color close to drumpf?
you, babblin’ butthole, used to ask this all the time of Obama and Clinton..
Now you are quiet! It’s easy dumbass: you actually like things that way – when it’s a white, I mean orange, klownservatic in the “whitey house”..
You’re a white supremacist! You’re a big phony baloney!
Kayleigh McEnany:
“To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don’t like what Donald Trump said,… Donald Trump, if we’re going to be honest, is a progressive. He supports eminent domain. He supported tax increases before. He’s donated 300,000 to Democratic candidates. So, the fact that the Republican Party is now having to claim him, is both unfortunate, and to me, inauthentic. Because this is not a true Republican candidate.”
Another phony baloney.. KABLLAMO!
There’s a previously unexplained gmail address which was forwarded every email on The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s homebrew server except for four of them.
Today is the last day that Google has to comply with the subpoena to provide the owner of that gmail account. Google coughed up.
The owner is Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
Why is a Chinese company receiving each and every email (except for 4) that goes to and from that server in the Clinton household?
Recall that Comey’s draft of his eventual July 2016 statement included that it was reasonably likely that hostile actors gained access to her emails.
None of what you wrote there after the misformatted .pdf link is true.
It’s all a lie. Rice testified about a meeting on Jan 5th.
Trump was still in New York raping adolescent girls and stealing from fraudulent self-dealing charities. Nobody withheld anything.
And you know this. You know that these things you are writing here are falsehoods in His eyes. Repeatedly you forsake Him. For what? For lulz? To “trigger” libs? For partisanship?
How Trump has disgraced you. He has stolen you from Your Only Lord and Savior. You are damned forever until you repent these sins and you know it.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?” But for Trump,
WillPuddy? For Trump?Google has until tomorrow to produce some even juicier information that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 figured would never, ever see the light of day.
Not to go all Piddles but that’s really something you’re going to need to provide some documentation since not even Judicial Watch, famously publicity shy Judicial Watch (guffaw), the Plaintiff in the suit I presume you’re talking about is saying anything about this.
I agree with QoS McHillbilly @ 213 about the email to herself written by Rice @ 194.
It was to memorialize in writing that one meeting attendee recorded that Obama had said he wanted things done “by the book”.
IOW all of those lies were contrary to his orders. The buck stops below him.
The Q Clearance Pussy’s source is the Falun Gong.
Is that not perfect?
Maxine Waters’ sister caught the Wuhan.
Didn’t live to tell the tale.
It was to memorialize in writing that one meeting attendee recorded that based upon careful observation and first hand knowledge and attendance at high level meetings the incoming administration was about to fuck itself in the ear with a broken beer bottle.
And turns out she was 100% correct.
Cz-252 @ 215
It was in the news last summer.
It’s been out there for awhile. All of the many thousands of the emails sent or received through The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s homebrew server, with the exception of four of them, were forwarded to a Chinese company’s gmail account.
If you haven’t heard this previously, you need to ask CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, WaPo, NYT, and NPR why they chose not to mention it to you.
In Re 212 and The Q Clearance Pussy’s careful study of Falun Gong:
Now find myself preoccupied with thoughts of The Q Clearance Pussy trying to walk through walls.
Maybe it’s not the neighbor’s alarm that’s keeping Carl awake at night.
Geezus Pussy. Gohmert’s post is copypasta from the Falun Gong too.
You used to be a little bit better than this. Gohmert is the House version of that kid in the back eating paste. You don’t want to find yourself relying on him this much.
God that’s embarassing.
The Q Clearance Pussy’s source is the Falun Gong.
That’s hysterical! For some shit reason I get those ads from the Epoch Times when browsing Youtube..
They’re too f’ing funny.. Another krazed kult… The entertainment value wears off a little too fast just as the stomach turns..
Nice job pos rapey mcdimfuk falling for Falun Gong horseshit. Oh well, all the trolls here had a lot of practice starting with the moonie times.
I’m actually a little bit convinced he believes it. Not just that he fell into a poorly set internet newz trap. But that he actually is one of the yellow jacket cult. That’s pretty shocking decline if you ask me. But here we are in 2020 with a pile of 100,000 dead on the White House lawn. I really can’t be shocked.
@207 “Kayleigh McEnany: … ”
You’re quoting that airhead?
Justice Thomas asked more questions today. The House’s counsel apparently did not perform well.
Even Breyer gave Letter a hard time about the House’s overly broad demands. It’s an interesting read.
@209 That trail of TP from the bathroom is yours. It’s stuck to your ass.
Yabutt you lost Roberts.
@212 If, as you claim, “hostile actors” were cc’d CL 2.0’s emails, then why didn’t you get them? Nobody is more hostile to CL 2.0 than you.
@218 Another grave dance from Doctor Quack.
@220 Looks like dumbfuck is reduced to sourcing his arguments from Gohmert’s website. That’s desperate even by dumbfuck standards.
Gohmert, known as “the world’s dumbest congressman,” is mostly just laughable, but this one was for Puddy:
East Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert cast one of just four no votes Wednesday as the U.S. House approved historic legislation to make lynching a federal hate crime. The vote was 410-4.
You and Puddy are still gonna be friends, aren’t you?
Republican. Groper.
Groper. Republican.
They kinda go together, don’t they?
“More than 6 in 10 Americans do not trust the information about the coronavirus that they get from President Donald Trump, according to a new CNN national poll.”
Judge Sullivan invites “friend of court” briefs on DoJ’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.
Thinking about the economy, I think we are going to find out if it’s really supply side or demand side. If shoppers do not have cash, they can’t buy things regardless of how many factories of running. Who is going to buy new cars or take flights if they are short of food or can’t pay rent.
The nation’s unemployment rate for April was 15.5 percent.
Steeply progressive income taxes worked during the Great Depression. Just say’n.
That’s um… actually quite weird for a motion pleading. Even for a motion to dismiss. Actually, especially for a motion to dismiss when that motion is from the prosecution.
I’m inclined to assume that Sullivan is already leaning toward a dismissal without prej. and he’d like to build the record in support of that and also in support of refiling later on.
There’s got to be a reason why this guy is an ex-pastor. Probably because he realized what bullshit he use to peddle.
It’s actually pretty shocking in a way.
In a criminal trial for the court to request amici would strongly imply that the court believes one of the two advocating parties has abandoned the legal and ethical duties.
I’m not sure there is any precedent.
It could form the basis for an appeal, assuming that Flynn were ever actually sentenced.
It very clearly reflects an incredibly unprecedented rebuke to the Attorney General. But I’m sure Barr doesn’t give a fuck. Which is its own rebuke to the federal judiciary.
The House council didn’t do well today because of Obamagate. There was a chinese gmail account because of Obama gate. The prosecutor took two months to charge the urban hunters because of Obamagate. Flynn was dismissed because of Obamagate. More than 6 in 10 Americans do not trust the information about the coronavirus that they get from President Donald Trump because of Obamagate. Republicans grope because of Obamagate. Lynching is a hate crime because of Obamagate. Falun Gong is because of Obamagate. Buttery Males is because of Obamagate .Chuck Schumers is because of Obamagate.
Triggered the gutter dwelling snowflake
Heh. No response yet on kook karsen putting orange daddy before sky daddy on Saturday before sunset..
false idols!
“Butt as you are” @ 240 no guts to answer!
DAYUM the dot bombed fool has no memory…
“General Cartwright left government in 2011. The leak investigation that ensnared him began in June 2012, when David E. Sanger, a reporter for The New York Times, published a book, “Confront and Conceal,” and an article in The Times that described Operation Olympic Games, an American-Israeli covert effort to sabotage Iranian nuclear centrifuges with a computer virus. F.B.I. agents came to believe that General Cartwright had also been a source for a February 2012 Newsweek article that discussed cyberattacks against Iran.
But when F.B.I. agents interviewed the retired general about the book and articles, he initially lied about his discussions with the journalists, according to a government sentencing memo.
The memo said the agents showed the general emails that contradicted his account, and he passed out and was hospitalized. Several days later, when the interview resumed, he changed his account of the discussions.”
Puddy got links as the day is long.
Could be T. Emmet Sullivan wants to know if any other plea included a perjury trap. Remember Obummer’s FBI set up a perjury trap for him.
BTW buttspigot, Judge Sullivan is black! What do you have to say now jackASS?
@ 228
Yabutt you lost Roberts.
If Trump loses in November the microscope-up-the-ass will be done to a Democrat. Or two.
Losing Roberts and gaining Breyer, see preceding sentences, is still 5-4 in Trump’s favor.
@239 You left out UFOs. Why did you leave out UFOs? Alien invaders are because of Obamagate. Puddy isn’t because of Obamagate, though. Puddy is because of a squid egg.
@243 Justice Obama has a nice ring to it. Chief Justice Obama sounds even nicer.
@243 However, I think President Biden should appoint Hillary to the Supreme Court just to clang your gong.
Yeah Gohmert is your source?
Even JW press releases say that that ‘Chinese company email’ was created by a Platte River Network employee. We can have a conversation on if using gmail as a means to ‘back up’ the SoS’s email is a reasonable or responsible thing to do (“It’s not” my opinion) but it reflects not at all in Hillary except for hiring a company that seems to be not up to the job. That would be reasonable criticism.
That Gohmert doesn’t know everything before the @ in an email can be anything not yet taken is unsurprising.
As long as it’s not already taken I can register and and
None of that means I have a 14” dick, am a racist or Fucked a President and the public figures associated with that name are not the recipients of the emails.
Judge Sullivan is black!
So is Reggie Walton… And who appointed him?
the unmentionable huh? remember 2008? butt that empty suit was white not orange…
Butt as you are snowflake @ 242 still no guts to answer about koo koo karsen and drumpf not allowing people of color in its dysadministration.
Nobody took me serious…. I can see why now, it much intelligence amongst the living.
Judge to Barr,
“Slow your role there sonny. You might need to provide some evidence that the case I’ve been overseeing for years shouldn’t have been brought. “My word is my bond” isn’t a legal concept.”
Where Piddles fails to understand the legal system.
Donald is well within his rights to Pardon Flynn and deal with whatever political fallout or lack thereof.
He can do it pre or post sentencing.
What’s unclear is if he can order the AG (Not his lawyer) to drop a case between conviction and sentencing. It’s even less clear, at least to Judge Sullivan, if withdrawing from the case post conviction means the conviction is invalid which is essentially what Barr put in the petition to the court.
Reasonable arguments:
Obama should not have pardoned Gen. Cartwright
Obama pardoned Cartwright so Donald should pardon Flynn.
Unreasonable arguments:
Obama pardoned Cartwright so Flynn should never have been charged.
Donald pardoned Dinesh so anyone confessing to Campaign Finance fraud should not be charged.
Nice of you to not understand the difference.
Almost – If you are a large law firm Thornton Law using straw donors funneling money to DUMMOCRETINS then the Boston Globe sez that’s okay Campaign Finance Fraud!
Keep trying BeerPong!
Meanwhile in Puddy’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back machine, here’s a goodie…
This is why Puddy has this link… “It’s unlikely many on-air guests will suffer repercussion for their inaccuracies or sometimes purposeful deceptions. Former Director of Intelligence James Clapper, despite perjuring himself during congressional testimony and misleading NBC’s Chuck Todd on-air, continues to be a guest on Meet the Press. On Wednesday, CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed former Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters who opined that “I may be utterly wrong. I may be influenced by my background as an intelligence officer. But again, I go back to what so far has not been addressed: the Steele dossier. And it’s been pooh-poohed and mocked. But that is the way the Russians do business. Given Trump’s behavioral profile, he was a perfect target, and if you want various explanations, the Steele dossier is one viable one.” Treating the Steele dossier, a raw document that over the course of almost three years has been repeatedly debunked as factually inaccurate, as a legitimate resource makes Peters a non-credible source.”
Ralph Peters used to be on Fox, went COMMIE and had his ASS handed to him in 2019 and again last week!
Nice try. Maybe Donald should nominate ANYONE to the FEC so it won’t be deadlocked 2-2 with three empty seats so charges can be filed.
But still apples to Nintendos.
Maybe a law firm can defend itself or enter a guilty plea and either accept sentencing or seek a pardon. Presumption of innocence and all that legal mumbo jumbo..
Doubtful a law firm could sign a confession, plead guilty in court and say ‘Kidding, your honor’ at sentencing. The inability of the Commission to engage in meaningful oversight lies solidly at the feet of Donald who seems perfectly comfortable with not bringing charges against Thornton Law in exchange for the FEC not being able to look at voter suppression.
OpEds are not legally binding.
Sometimes you go to war with the FEC you have not the FEC you’d like to have some time in the future.
It has nothing to do with OpEds you moron! It’s the rule of law. As long as you jockstrap DUMMOCRETINS with straw donors no one will call for their prosecution. Fauxcohantas received close to $150,000 from them since 2007. Even the Center for Responsive Politics railed on them. Once again you missed the point because of the lack of brain cells.
Oranges to beef ribs.
You got your panties in a wad over BoGlobe writing printing an OpEd you disagree with, vis a vis charges should have been filed against a law firm.
Then to , Elizabeth Warren (still going with the racist shit?) got a donation.
Which in the legal system has absolutely nothing to do with Flynn being a convict.
“Yeah but OJ walked and Steven Wynn fired so THERE” Piddles, or words to that effect.
“Flynn was convicted.” Me
“I have a gumball so you’re wrong” Piddles, or words to that effect.