It must stink to be on Point Roberts during the pandemic. Already so isolated with the border closed. And now potentially losing their grocery store. I hope they can figure something out.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
G-clown and his fellow New York City residents demonstrate their collective anti-Asian bias
as well as their love for being harassed and even assaulted on the street by the mentally ill.
Last week QoS McHillbilly suggested that the Oregonians still to die from The Wuhan are the white MAGA types who refuse vaccination. Maybe so, seeing as QoS McHillbilly is the first to tell us he’s never wrong. He has self-referred as a “Noble [sic] Prize Winner”, after all.
Still, I found it interesting that NPR did a segment yesterday about a black church in PDX, fewer than 50% of whose members are thought to be vaccinated.
Now, maybe it’s just this church, and every other black group in Oregon is well-vaxxed and ready for the relaxed restrictions to come.
Or maybe, just maybe, QoS McHillbilly is wrong.
QoS McHillbilly is as much a Noble [sic] Prize Winner as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a millionaire.
Although QoS McHillbilly, at least, knows that fleeing felons don’t get shot in the chest.
It’s predicted to be as hot as 107F in Olympia on Sunday.
I certainly hope Antifa has an event planned that day.
Wear Bloc & Be Water.
And sizzle on the pavement, assholes.
It’s certainly preferable to paying people to sit on their asses at home and eat 2 pounds of cherries at one time.
It’s a free market that enables billionaires to pay otherwise unemployable partisan shills to do their bidding, after all.
Speaking of “mentally ill,” this sure looks like mental illness:
“With each passing day away from Washington, former President Donald Trump’s grievances continue unabated. … Sometimes the former President complains for several hours about the ‘stolen’ 2020 election. Other times, his frustrations emerge in fits and starts ….”
Americans are still dying from Covid-19, but nearly all the deaths are among “the unvaccinated.”
That’s progress, I guess, when only 35% of us are at severe risk instead of all of us.
An Oath Keeper takes the pledge, er, I mean plea.
Don’t ever edit your HA posts, libbies. It’s document-tampering. (link @ 8)
@4 “It’s predicted to be as hot as 107F in Olympia on Sunday.”
Acclimatization for where you’re going.
@9 As a practical matter, it won’t matter if you didn’t attack the seat of our government; punch, spear, crush, throw fire extinguishers at, and/or bear-spray police officers; smash doors windows of public buildings; and/or threaten to kill public officials and attempt to carry out same.
The FBI isn’t equally interested in all Facebook accounts.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit maintains @ 6 that because several months after the 2020 election Trump feels it was stolen, he therefore is mentally ill.
I have to wonder what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks about a woman who, four years later, feels an election was stolen from her.
OCTOBER 26, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
Hillary Clinton is still bitter about her presidential election loss in 2016.
Hillary Clinton is mentally ill, according to the rationale espoused by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
What a sad, corrupt piece of shit is Hillary Clinton.
What a sad, dishonest piece of shit is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Maybe Hillary Clinton isn’t mentally ill. Maybe she’s just chronically inebriated.
Absolute numbers still matter.
Ask Steve Bannon. The state you chose as your example of your “thesis” is a mere 2% African American.
You and Louie Gohmert and Josh Hawley could literally round up every single last African American in that state and gas them to death with Zyklon B and it would not make a meaningful change in any part of that state’s politics. Geezus, even Portland is less than 6% African American. Now go find us the report showing Latino/Hispanic voters in the Rio Grande valley not vaccinating.
Then correlate that with Evangelism and “Conservative Xtianity”.
It’s like you and Andy Ngo see “BLM” banners and your Klan radar goes into Dumbfuck alarm mode.
You still suck at math. And that’s just another data point in support of the presumption that you never went to medical school.
13 wins, 2 losses. Not bad.
@ 16
I posted because you posted. I otherwise would not have posted it.
I do have to wonder if church-going black Americans in states that have far greater numbers of black Americans are also undervaxxed. Maybe that crosses a threshold that QoS McHillbilly cannot as easily dismiss.
Black lives matter, after all. I believe I may have read that somewhere.
@ 17
“Now get the fuck off of our lawn.”
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
If you ever found yourself wanting concrete examples of Critical Race Theory in action I’d recommend a careful and thorough reading of Ira Katznelson’s When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in 20th Century America.
Relying almost entirely on analysis of government records, Katznelson demonstrates how New Deal through Fair Deal government programs largely responsible for creating a stable middle class supported by quality education and asset appreciation, were almost exclusively reserved for whites only through nothing more than local social practices and “customs”. And in case the fog of Republican bullshit had you confused, that is precisely what CRT describes.
It won’t change the minds of racist idiots. But that’s mostly because without so much as saying so, racist idiots believe that such benefits flow disproportionately to whites naturally. They believe quite fundamentally that the complex systems of customs and social practices that steer benefits, advantages, and preferences to whites are a force of nature, rather than an artifact of racist social norms.
But seeing well documented examples like these makes it much easier for intelligent, open minded individuals to understand and recognize where similar kinds of socially directed racial preferences operate all around us. And seeing their impacts measured and quantified scientifically helps us to understand the importance of addressing those preferences as a problem – which is really the part Republicans object to.
So you’re saying you were completely wrong, you still suck and math, and you fucked up.
But it’s my fault. Mmmkayyy.
Can you do any better than “wonder”?
Apparently not.
Along similar lines we all “wonder” what precisely triggered you to enter into the “cuck” lifestyle. Not to kink-shame you.
We just “wonder”.
In your case that is only true because seeing them die at the hands of police is the only thing left that produces an erection for you.
I’m confident you get these ideas from your girlfriends on 8chan.
But you should know that in the case of federal prosecutors, even the Trump prosecutors largely responsible for these cases, they don’t just make up laws as they go.
So if they had previously charged this defendant (prior to his deal) for altering or deleting statements he had published on his social media accounts, it was probably a violation of law for a couple of reasons.
First, the statements were probably directly criminally related to other ongoing prosecutions. This Florida defendant was involved in coordination and planning activities with Florida Oath Keepers related to the terror attacks of Jan 6. As part of that we know he made certain announcements and other statements online leading up to the attacks.
Second, since we now know he’s getting a deal, he is probably in a cooperation agreement with the FBI. We don’t know exactly how far back that cooperation agreement extends. And we don’t know what criminal violations he has allocuted to as part of preparing his cooperation agreement. But if he admits to criminal violations related to those published statements, and he altered or destroyed records of those statements, that would itself be a criminal violation.
So if we are to rephrase your paranoid, delusional, right-wing crank, terrorist mewling more accurately it might be to say:
Don’t ever edit your HA posts if they contain direct evidence of your criminal activities, libbies. At least not if you ever expect to be caught. And really, why the fuck wouldn’t you expect to be caught, you stupid motherfucker. You just publicly posted the evidence of your own crimes you galactically stupid fuck head.
Don’t do crimes. If you do, then for goodness sakes don’t publish evidence of your crimes where FBI agents can easily find them.
Useful shortcut: don’t be a
fucking idiot“conservative”.Turns out Joe and Jill paid for Hunter’s crack cocaine and prostitutes.
The wrong Biden son died.
Has Tara ever tied any of these tabloid claims to Hunter Biden (much less his father)?
I get that this is all supposed to be “laptop” related.
But so far as I know that remains just a claim from a very peculiar guy named John Paul Mac Issac with an established history of Trump-worship who has since disappeared and so is unavailable to respond to any inquiries.
That’s it as far as I can tell. Nobody has ever produced anything that can definitively tie that data source or any of its contents to any Biden that I’ve seen. Of course Tara wants to believe it. But she also wants desperately to believe that Senator Joe Biden raped her in the middle of a working day in one of the busiest public corridors in North America without anyone seeing anything. She wants desperately to believe that she is a special snowflake instead of just another partisan “conservative” Space Monkey.
Maybe that’s why after all this time this smear still hasn’t gotten anywhere.
@12 Very well, they’re both mentally ill, and let’s throw you in that pot, too, for good measure. There’s certainly very little evidence you’re normal.
@13, 14: And you voted for — ???
@15 Possibly. Doesn’t explain you, though. In your case, congenital cerebral dysfunction coupled with multiple personality disorders seems a better fit.
@17 The 6-3 majority (6 conservatives, 3 normal justices) staked out the following position:
Government can still enter private business property to protect the health and welfare of employers and employees.
Union organizing either (a) does not protect the health and welfare of employees, (b) fails to protect the health and welfare of employers as well as that of employees, or (c) conservatives just don’t like unions.
@19 Can I shoot them if they come on my lawn?
By the way, nobody was on their lawn. They stayed in the street, a private street to be sure, but not exclusively theirs.
1 in which the greedy racist incel lets slip he chooses his candidates by their race
But we already knew that
@20 Critical race theory helps explain why a black army soldier wounded by German shrapnel at Normandy waited 77 years to get a Purple Heart. As his daughter explains, “wounds” qualified for PHs, while “injuries” didn’t, and white soldiers were “wounded” while black soldiers fighting the same Germans on the same battlefields in the same war were “injured.”
Republicans are passing laws against telling schoolchildren that black soldiers were discriminated against.
@21 “So you’re saying you were completely wrong, you still suck and math, and you fucked up. But it’s my fault. Mmmkayyy.”
Isn’t this the same dumbfuck who blames Hillary for Trump getting elected, and blames Harry Reid for Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett getting onto the Supreme Court?
If Doctor Dumbfuck tripped and fell down the stairs, he’d blame the carpenter who built the stairs.
@24 you should know about that, your parents had the wrong son kill himself
29, 30,
It’s bad law one way or another.*
Consider that in the same season, back in May the same conservative majority led by Thomas saw fit to constrain the “health and welfare” exception articulated in Cady v. Dumbrovski. And the reasoning is telling. Thomas specifically decried the Court’s history of providing greater 4th Amendment protections to businesses. Then he turns around and does this shit.
And Thomas also made a point of distinguishing between “curtilage” and “attached fields and lanes”. Ooops.
After decades on the Court, and with the passing of his mentor, now that Thomas is stepping into the light and authoring more opinions I fully expect more of this shit. He’s simply not bright enough to be consistent in his reasoning.
*I’m broadly supportive of the reasoning in Cedar Point. Too bad the “conservative” wing of the Court is not.
32. That is an obvious Injustice. I don’t know how we change the past I just hope that we go forward in the future and do it better and do it right. I wish it didn’t feel like Republicans were fighting this tooth and nail.
Since the greedy racist incel lies about everything that would mean that rabbit is an happy and honest outstanding person. Chortle.
I’m sure the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck would rather talk about Hunter, or even what planet the doctor’s on, than talk about his contributions toward inciting the 1/6 insurrection.
“I don’t know what planet these people are on,” the judge said of Clyde and his GOP friends. “I’m especially troubled by the accounts of some members of Congress that January 6 was just a day of tourists walking through the Capitol. I don’t know what planet these people are on.”
“It was not an accident that it turned violent,” Lamberth continued. “It was intended to draw to a halt the very functioning of our government.”
We have voter fraud.
Ohio GOP official hit with felony charges for illegal voting during 2020 presidential election
What’s the ratio of documented voter fraud between conservatives and liberals? I know the imaginary voter fraud is off the charts but I’m talking about the actual proven voter fraud?
He still has no clue as to what my AGI is.
@ 40
What’s the ratio of documented voter fraud between conservatives and liberals?
Well, Steve seems surprised to see one single case @ 39.
Here are four pages of convictions for voter fraud in Ohio, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
If The Heritage Foundation is maintaining the log, it isn’t favorable to liberals.
Oh, and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? Even you might have heard of the ACORN fraud awhile back. In Washington State:
ACORN also committed fraud in Ohio, New Mexico, and Florida.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, this is why Voter ID matters to conservatives. And distracting from it is why Steve feels the need to celebrate when one guy from the GOP casts one fraudulent vote.
Thanks for asking, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, since Steve brought up Ohio, you should be aware that ACORN committed so much fraud in that state that CBS News penned this piece:
Ohio Voter Fraud Could Falsely Skew Election
This was not some pussy-Steve single incident of voter fraud, either .
The increasingly silly and irrelevant Steve wants to do a dance because of a single fraudulent ballot. Gives him the opportunity to crow that “both sides do it”.
Only one side has spent decades screaming that Voter ID is racist. Until last week, when two of the biggest opponents claimed to have never opposed Voter ID.
A substantial majority of Americans polled wants Voter ID, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. But not Steve. Steve relies on the ability to cheat.
@ 41
He still has no clue as to what my AGI is.
G-clown, not only do I have a very accurate idea of what your AGI is, I also have a very accurate idea of what your CD4 lymph count is.
Both should worry you, Gaëtan.
In Indiana, ACORN faked 2,000 voter registration forms.
In Pennsylvania, 20% of a quarter-million voter registration forms were rejected. Most of those rejected were submitted by ACORN.
Desantis vows to defund colleges that are too liberal. What is too liberal? What ever the Republican apartheid thought police say it is.
How is this different than iran?
@ 47
Desantis vows to defund colleges that are too liberal.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, DeSantis did not say that.
46 they are just now processing form from an organization thst closed 11 year ago.
ACORN announced it was closing its remaining state chapters and disbanding. On November 2, 2010, its U.S. offices filed for Chapter 7 liquidation effectively closing the organization.
The greedy racist incel set the rules. Anything thats more than a few years old doest count
Unless it’s January 6th, 2021, in which case some zip ties and no-nonsense grandmothers will be enough to attempt a coup against the government.
I’ll leave it to someone else to explain to the dumbfuck traitor that invalid voter registration done to game an employer is not the same as voter fraud being committed by that employer.
The dumbfuck traitor tells us not to believe our lying eyes, Rather, we should believe him when he tells us that 1/6 was nothing but grandmothers with zip-ties.
Perhaps the traitor’s executioner will lend a more sympathetic ear.
When lucid, Joe Biden is a coward.
Biden admin asks Trump-appointed Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott to step down
Biden fucks up the border and fires the guy for not being a miracle-worker.
Put them all in Walmart FEMA camps and nuke them from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
That’s how Biden stole the ‘lekshun from Daddy Twump and won.
He borrowed Doctor Dumbfuck’s Time Musheen and went back to 2008 to Git Sum!
Trust the plan! Trump to be sworn in this October according to Moroccan maritime law!
“With each passing day away from Washington, former “President Donald Trump’s grievances continue unabated. … Sometimes the former President complains for several hours about the ‘stolen’ 2020 election. Other times, his frustrations emerge in fits and starts ….”
All progressions from a higher to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and a residue of nameless rage. —CORMAC MCCARTHY, Blood Merdian
Having been run out of health care, Doctor Dumbfuck has nothing better to do than troll HA.
DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students, professors to register political views with state
Universities may lose funding if staff and students’ beliefs do not satisfy Florida’s GOP-run legislature
“I am applying to be a public school teacher in Florida”
“Ok. You scored great I just need to call up the new Forida Social Credit Score. Humm. It shows you registered as a Progressive when you were in college. The state has blacklisted you. Please leave.”
This ties into the articles being posted about the younger generation turning away from the alt right evangelical churches.
Same topic, from a media source with a stronger point of view.
Florida students & faculty will have to declare political views to prevent liberal “indoctrination”.
The law also allows students to record lectures without consent so they can sue the professor or school for “discriminating” against conservative “thoughts.”
Conservatives love their safe spaces, since their ideas can not hold up in a debate and their feelings get hurt. They absolutely could not handle it if laws were passed preventing “conservative” indoctrination.
So a student gets an F in class and sues claiming the teacher is a liberal? Turn in your liberal teacher for an automatic A!
Conservative students will tape teachers secretly in an effort to prove they have liberal views.
That reminds me of the Chinese cultural revolution. Republicans are really liking what the ruling party of China and Russia are doing and are copying it.
59, 60, 61,
Don’t you understand? Governor Ron is Tara’s new Mitt Romney.
You’re gonna break her heart if you keep this up.
Even God herself offered them an out.
They could have President Mike Pence right now. Probably would have held the Senate too. All it would have take was just a few hours of bureaucratic delay and one or two fewer panicked phone calls. It’s just amazing. After all the damage that man has done to them and their party. And considering how much more damage he continues to do.
Who launched the Mueller investigation again?
Yeah. That’s right. Republicans did that. To themselves.
Who did the Perfect Phone Call? Top Republicans did that too. Set the whole thing in motion and then stood by to reap the failure and humiliation.
Who did the Jan 6 Terror Attack? Republicans. They planned the gathering, promoted it, set the stage, and urged the attackers to storm The Capitol.
“Conservatives” continue to be their own worst enemies.
A bit surprised to learn that the Gaetz pedophilia investigation was already well underway last summer:
And from the looks of what Wingman’s attorney has been spilling to the media, Wingman kept copies of encrypted messages from all his co-conspirators detailing their efforts from that summer forward to obstruct and delay the investigation. Messages that also include admissions of knowledge about the minor status of some of Gaetz’s victims.
So this means that some fairly high ranking Trump DOJ officials approved the investigation and its focus.
It only counts if people are convicted for wrongdoing. Otherwise its just Republican bragging rights at the country club.
Oh indeed. A really top quality “leader”:
Now try to imagine Teh Dumbfuck flying to the defense of a public school superintendent who presided over a Facebook group that mocked the deaths of students, referred to elected lawmakers and “hoes”, and freely shared Photoshopped memes of violent rape of the same lawmakers.
This guys a fuckup. And he presides over an agency of fuckups.
Senate Democrats immediately signaled approval of the compromise “bipartisan” infrastructure “framework” hammered out last night between a small handful Republican Senators and President Biden. Senate Majority Leader Schumer immediately released a statement saying “we support the concepts that we heard about” but deferred further comment while he immediately set to work rounding up votes for passage last night.
Meanwhile the Senate Minority Leader has sealed the hatch on the Dildo Navy sub until he can meet with coms advisors to come up with a new way of saying “FUCK YOU” to America.
A statement of unified Republican opposition is eagerly anticipated for later on today. Because the purpose here isn’t to get a better bill. The purpose is to do everything in their power to “make Joe Biden a one-term President”. And the purpose of the “bipartisan” negotiations is simply to provide cover for that.
Michigan Republicans Debunk Voter Fraud Claims in Unsparing Report — the report, produced by a G.O.P.-led committee in the State Senate, exposes false claims made about the 2020 election by Trump allies in Michigan and other states
We told trumpers again and again it was a free and fair election. Facts dont matter to them.
This is why they object to it.
OAN Goes Full Fascist, Calls for Mass Executions Over ‘Election Fraud’
This guy Preston Sharp, says that executions are the only way to fight the stealing of an election and that thousands need to be hanged for robbing Trump of re-election, without giving any evidence this happened.
This is not normal. This is not both sides say things like this. There is no whataboutism. This is Republicans calling for people to be murdered if they don’t vote for republicans.
Are you ok with this?
Rudy suspended from the practice of law.
Which means he loses pretty much all of his income at the very moment he is paying out huge sums in legal fees for his own criminal defense.
#owngoal Of course.
Trump is his buddy. Trump is rich and will cover for him. Amirite?
From now on, whenever you hear a railing shit stain like Teh Dumbfuck Racist Incel Troll complaining endlessly about “public school teacher’s unions” wasting too much of his money, just quietly chant under your breath:
These 9 school board members lost a prelim hearing seeking an injunction. Then they lost at trial on the merits. Then they lost on appeal to the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Then yesterday they lost 8-1 at the U.S. Supreme Court. With Lisa Blatt representing them.
She’s the chair of Williams & Connolly’s SCOTUS practice. Yup. They’re big enough to have a SCOTUS practice group. $2,000/hr would be their discounted rate. Preparing an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is thousands of hours.
All in we are talking tens of millions of tax dollars blown away here.
Over “Fuck cheer“.
Go look for yourself. This is a relatively poor school district.
But they needed to make a point.
Point made.
@53 He was fired because he was an at-will employee and new presidents pick their own agency heads.
@68 Don’t you understand we live in Belarus now? See #69 for details.
It’s just a matter of time before DeSantis hijacks a jet flying in Florida airspace to arrest Stacey Abrams.
The amount of taxpayers money wasted. It could have been spend education or at least football. How was that a priority?
Hope thay all get fired
76. Good one. You are not wrong.
I believe there are those who deserve to hang for what happened on 1/6.
I’m also an advocate for all MAGAs being rounded up and put in Walmart FEMA camps, then nuke them from orbit. Heh. It’s the only way to be sure.
Even Fox News can’t deny the truth. America loves President Joe Biden!
Fox News 56% Approve 43% Disapprove
God bless America and our beloved president. And please continue to bless Gman. Blessing him with great Yankees seats was a start, God, but this America-loving patriot is deserving of so much more from you.
Heh. Exploding heads.
Fox News host disputes Lara Trump on Biden’s ‘glowing’ approval rate: ‘Fox News stands by the poll’
@80 She’s telling the truth when she says she doesn’t believe Biden’s approval rating. After all, she doesn’t believe the poll of American voters taken on Nov. 3, 2020, either.
I hope she runs for office someday in a state with honest elections so she can find out how popular she is.
Anyone care to opine about the
Yakima City Council voting to use their
cities portion of the American Rescue Plan Act
to purchase 57 new police vehicles.
I have read where some cities have jused a
portion of that funding to increase their
police force to pre-covid rates.
@82 I once got pulled over in Yakima for a “dirty license plate” but the cop let me go on my way when she saw I wasn’t a Hispanic.
More than a few police departments fund themselves by shaking down minorities and “dirty hippies” in this manner.
All things considered, it’s probably better to pay for cop cars with federal ARPA grants than “alternative” funding sources.
Republican legislators passing “voting integrity” laws hope to bring Ron DeSantis building code enforcement to a condo near you soon.
@ 76
It’s just a matter of time before DeSantis hijacks a jet flying in Florida airspace to arrest Stacey Abrams.
It’s just a matter of time before Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit slips again, uses a racial slur to describe Abrams, and then tries to claim he didn’t know what the slur meant.
It won’t just be Neera Tanden.
Tester has had two very close Senate elections. He won’t win another one if he votes for a gun-grabber.
@84 – What the fuck do YOU know about building codes in
Florida? You’re just another failed fucking lawyer, you lying cocksucker. Eat shit, you dishonest piece of shit!
@ 73
All in we are talking tens of millions of tax dollars blown away here.
Over “Fuck cheer“.
Go look for yourself. This is a relatively poor school district.
But they needed to make a point.
Point made.
I did look for myself, QoS McHillbilly. Found something you won’t like.
For some reason, QoS McHillbilly, it was a point that the Biden administration felt was worth supporting.
The brief was submitted in March by Biden’s acting SG.
It is the opinion of the Biden administration that we can’t let the Indians stray too far off the reservation.
“Do it in the name of Biden you can justify it in the end.”
@ 87, 84
You’re just another failed fucking lawyer, you lying cocksucker. Eat shit, you dishonest piece of shit!
Indeed. That Miami building was built in 1981. Between 1971 and 1987, Florida was governed by Democrats.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a lying, shit-eating, dishonest cocksucker. He proves that every day of his existence.
Heh. The racist incel troll @ 85 voted for a vietnam vet (and pow) who used the slur “gook” while asking people for their vote. The troll in a white panic over the black guy happily voted for that vietnam vet.
Now it slams another vietnam vet with a tortured stretch over “eggplant”.. Yawwwwwwnnnnnn….
Support the troops!
The Unserious Twat @ 90 defends Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s use of a racial slur against black people because another man, imprisoned and tortured for several years by Vietnamese captors, used the word “gooks” to describe them.
Are just now figuring out that government officials generally support the idea of discouraging criticism of government officials wherever they can get away with it?
The Solicitor General can afford legal stunt signaling in support of established DOJ policy and doctrine. It costs you and I essentially nothing for him to sign on in amicus – even to the dumbest waste of money ever. It still leaves that shitty little school district over a financial barrel. Because frat-paddle school boards are the ones who really waste your precious money, you fool.
Telling that you went with “Billy Jack” reference.
Nothing is more unserious or more fucking pathetic than the fascist racist twat dumbfuck traitor @91 who wants all blacks dead accusing others here of being racist.
How to win an election.
I doubt I’ll be a fan, but that’s impressive.
Rabbit’s use of a racial slur against black people
Yours truly sees no evidence of that..
Yours truly just sees an obsessed hater who is frustrated at every turn by a political adversary who served in Vietnam. And will then stretch the truth at every turn.
And then turn around and cheer for “LE” killing yet another unarmed person of color.
“Seriously” deranged the racist incel troll is. “Serious” derangement.
another man, imprisoned and tortured for several years by Vietnamese captors, used the word “gooks”
Why didn’t he just call them “Vietnamese captors”?
You voted for that slur user. You support the use of racial slurs.
When you gave that slur-using vet your vote, you showed how “serious” you were.
@ 95
Rabbit’s use of a racial slur against black people
Yours truly sees no evidence of that..
YLB, you’d also claim to see no evidence of racism in
To you, YLB, that would merely be a hard-working educator attempting to inject some levity into an exam question. Nothing to see, so move along.
Here at HA we’ve seen a lot of “Roger Rabbit Derangement Syndrome” from trolls over the years.
It’s great entertainment. Way to go Roger Rabbit.
@97 LOL! Changing the subject.. Yawwwwwwnnnn. We’ve gone from one tortured stretch about a use of eggplant to some other guy (not Roger) using watermelon.
Desperate.. and “serious” in its derangement. I’m bored.
• Towelhead
• Gook
• Eggplant
The above are racial slurs used by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit in his posts on HA.
YLB @ 98 calls them “great entertainment”.
@100 Wah wah wah. The greed racist incel has a sad the liberals won’t listen to his out of context lies and propaganda.
Matthew 7:3 Amplified Bible
Why do you look at the [insignificant] speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice and acknowledge the [egregious] log that is in your own eye?
@85. I see the problem here. Rabbit doesn’t talk in coded racial slurs like the greedy racist incel does all the time, so rabbit did not know eggplant was an obscure racial slur.
Face it, greedy racist incel is just being an ass, and he know it, trying to invent a controversy where none exists. It is funny watching him sputter and wail when we don’t believe him.
Fascinating woman
“Walton, 38, was leading Brown by a significant margin late Tuesday, even scoring a majority of votes cast on primary day and in early voting. Her victory followed a left-leaning campaign that built surprising strength in finances and organization in its closing days. While Brown, 62, aired soft TV ads that seemed to reflect strength and confidence, Walton jabbed the mayor as out of touch with average voters, under investigation by a federal grand jury, and a pawn of “billionaire” donors unwilling to relinquish his 16-year grip on City Hall.
Speaking with reporters late Tuesday, Walton was asked if she considers herself to be a socialist. Her response: “Oh, absolutely. The entire intent of this campaign is to draw down power and resources to the ground level and into the hands of the people.””
Should be an interesting time.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Thursday, 6/17/21 at 5:56 pm
It just drives the greedy racist incel to distraction that rabbit is better than the greedy racist incel
Wanna know who else gets to claim that upset?
Martin Gugino,
And maybe even George Floyd.
Only one of them may have been loaded with Fentanyl.
19,000 calls. 700 cops on the Buffalo PD.
That’s fewer than thirty phone calls per cop, had they even bothered. Which they did not. Too busy shooting family pets, fapping to cuck porn and beating up their girlfriends. Right?
So what?
Roger doesn’t want blacks being senselessly murdered by cops. You relish those deaths. You endlessly repeat “the Wuhan” at a time when you know damn well that assaults on Asian-Americans are soaring. Roger doesn’t do that.
Can you guess which of the two of you comes off as being a racist who wants blacks and Asians dead?
Hint: It isn’t Roger.
Financial research provider CFRA:
JPM did particularly well. I’d expect a nice pop out of WFC, which has been shackled more than the other big banks.
Dividend increases, buybacks, and share price increases coming, y’all.
WAMU finally gonna pay off for Teh Dumbfuck.
YLB @ 98 calls them “great entertainment”.
“them” being “seriously” deranged trolls who love unarmed people of color killed by “le”…
Ya gotta laugh at the deranged ways they justify and revel in their murderous lust.