Good morning to everyone but the Mossyrock City Council. Imagine gathering together in this difficult time to make sure that your community gets more COVID-19. What a bunch of jackasses.
I hope that they get $0 in relief money. Relief money should go to people who weren’t actively making the pandemic worse. I am sorry for the residents and businesses that are not dipshits.
Anyway, you are not a dipshit or a jackass, so please wash your hands right now.
Martial law. Suspend the Constitution. Because you don’t like the election results.
I say this is treason and that Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of these fucking traitors need to pay for their sins.
Sounds like The Party of Limited Government to The Cat Lady.
So I guess when they say they want to “preserve” Tea Party Freedumb they must literally mean they want to put it into a canning jar, boil it for an hour, stick it on a shelf in the basement by the water heater, and forget about it for a decade or so.
Let’s all try to keep this moment in mind – this one where the GOP FailPresident’s lawyer and his National Security Advisor take out a full page newspaper ad calling for the GOP to implement martial law imposed by the US Army to seize control of the government and execute their political enemies – the next time one of our shitty Trolls4Trump brings us their latest news clipping about an associate professor of ethnic studies from a small private liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere who gave a student a poor grade on a paper praising Nixon.
This shit will soon come to an end.
“It’s having a businessman as president,” McEnany decreed. “It’s the Trump vaccine.”
I wonder what Railfan has to say about this:
This isn’t just simple vandalism, like breaking a Starbucks store window, if your actions might cause a train to derail or a crossing gate to remain open when a train is about to pass through an intersection, right?
Even when one of the perps is part of the WA Democrat party machinery, right?
@1 What do you expect from a fascist neo-Nazi embracing movement? Did you think they would go quietly? Did Hitler? Today’s Republicans are yesterday’s NSDAP.
We’re approaching an inflection point where Doctor Dumbfuck, Poodebutt, Tom J., and the other trolls will have to make a decision.
They’re at a bus stop. Two buses are coming. One has a signboard that says “America.” The other’s says “Treason.” They’ll soon have to decide which destination they prefer, and which bus to get on.
@4 MacEnany is building a resume that ensures she will never get a job again outside the GOP party machinery. CNN won’t take her back. No judicial clerkship or law firm associate position awaits her. Trump won’t be around to appoint her to the federal bench, and no state court system will have her. From now on, that Georgetown and Harvard Law education can only be used in the service of the Tea Party. Her MLB pitcher husband’s career prospects aren’t looking so bright, either. They may want to consider buying a coffee shop in Florida while coffee shop businesses are on sale at Black Friday prices.
@ 1, @ 6
It couldn’t be just one of y’all who chooses to ignore Democrat behavior over the last four years.
If one believes Rasmussen, 47% believe that Biden’s win didn’t occur fairly. Plenty of fodder for those on the right to repeat what those on the left spent the last four years doing to delegitimize the White House occupant.
Biden will be my president. He’ll be weak and he’ll be propped up in an effort to hide it.
Won’t be the first time the country has been led by a weak president. We’ll get through it this time, as well.
@5 They’ve been criminally charged. If convicted, they’re going away for a long time. What else is there to say?
Well, Doctor Dumbfuck wants to shout from the rooftops that they campaigned for the Democrats, but that’s history. Doesn’t look like they will in the future.
Pretty much the same story as Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and other Trumpublican convicted felons, who campaigned for the Republicans, but with one important difference: These women are unlikely to get corrupt pardons.
Because President-to-be Biden, unlike his predecessor, doesn’t traffick in corrupt pardons.
Rain Man recalls the hurt Larry Bird once put on him.
In which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 9 fails to recall that one of Biden’s predecessors is another Democrat, Bill Clinton.
Because President-to-be Biden, unlike his predecessor, doesn’t traffick in corrupt pardons.
@8 “If one believes Rasmussen, 47% believe that Biden’s win didn’t occur fairly.”
Sounds about right, given that’s almost exactly how many Americans voted for a corrupt, lying, incompetent traitor. That figure correlates almost exactly with the percentage of Americans whose IQs are below average.
According to a recent survey, 62% of Americans believe aliens are real,
and millions of Americans believe the moon landings were faked:
The fact a large number of people to believe something doesn’t make it true, doc. We assumed you understood that, but maybe not.
@11 Biden isn’t Bill Clinton, and Bill Clinton isn’t president-elect, so what’s your point? Do you have one? I don’t think so.
Magicians wow audiences by reaching into a hat and pulling out a rabbit.
When you run out of relevant arguments, you reach up your ass and pull out a Clinton, which impresses nobody.
Look on the bright side! Hillary Clinton will never be president! In fact, there’s a good likelihood we can live out our lives without ever seeing a Clinton in any office anywhere. Now, THAT’S something to be thankful for!
@14 Yeah, but the downside is Republicans are growing stupider and more traitorous by the day.
Weak president. Democratic. Slightly progressive. Honest.
Strong president. Fascist. Corrupt.
Got it. Republicans think that to show caring, concern, empathy, thoughtfulness or curiosity is weakness. I have read their posts.
On the very same day that the Tea Party joined by Trump’s top lawyer and his now disgraced DNI called for a Violent Christo-Republican Coup in which all elections and all election results are to be wiped out and Trump/GOP enemies are put to the sword.
Fucktard wants Murica to pay more attention to some rural library commissioner with a (D) after their name stealing postage so the GOP can be left alone to burn down democracy, do some more rapes, and maybe even start another war.
It’s just 24/7 mental diarrhea from this idiot now. No reason, no proportion, no sense of his own humiliation and disgrace. Just copypasta and “blurb, gack, womp womp, pffffffffft, glick, yowp, HAHAHA, (drool), FEARDOM!!!, huhr duhr, dizzzzle, burp, glorp, CLINTON!, duh, bzzzzt, grack, (drool), URINARY CATHETER!”
Moscow Mitch just lost another vote today:
Bye, Martha.
When Chris Christie went to the New Jersey shore to enjoy himself with his family at the expense of other citizens’ desires to visit the beach, he was abusing his office. When a governor goes to a fancy Napa restaurant after ordering others to stay at home, he is abusing his office. When Nancy Pelosi goes to the hairdresser despite the lockdowns, she is abusing her office.
Politicians are always do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do hypocrites. The political party involved is irrelevant.
@18 Martha McSally has never, ever, been elected a U.S. senator. It must really suck to be her.
@19 There’s a certain amount of truth to that. However, Democratic voters don’t put employees of a business in the hospital for asking them to comply with mask rules; that’s a Trumpalo thing.
I wish someone could explain to me how loonies who peddle baseless conspiracy theories get to be 3-star generals.
Flynn did, too, before he bcame a convict.
From previous thread
Does dumbfuck got his pom poms no more?
Are you kidding? Dumbfuck said she would run this time, the next, the next and the next after that. Who the fuck you kidding?
Or is it like trying to turn this Country into a fascist unruly dictatorship?
But I’m not condoning their actions, lilke you condone the take down of this Country, give them a trial and punish them. You, you traitor, should be dealt with too in the same way.
Poor Bob, he has nothing really to cheer about anymore.
Bob, will never post anything of a performance of an unlawful act by some right wing fascist. Because it doesn’t happen! We should have known. Neanderthals don’t commit crimes.
I think to have a child today is neglect. Imagine what your child will have to deal with in the future with pandemics, and dwindling resources such as water.
It’s child abuse.
The FuckHump GOP Virus.
24 Look on the bright side. Fucking Hillary is DONE,DONE, DONE…stick a fork in her ’cause she’s..DONE!
Why not?
Fuck you. GOP, starting from the very top is doing much worse than being self-entitled, hypocritical assholes about public health.
Trump and the entire GOP are calling for an armed military coup overthrowing the election because YOU LOST.
But you, PATHETIC MEWLING COWARD that you are, can’t even mention that Trump is throwing huge Superspreader Parties at the White House or that his entire White House staff is a mobile pandemic hot spot of death.
Because YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN. And that says it all.
It’s true.
You did that.
And all it cost you was…
Rudy has witnesses.
Witness at Rudy’s Michigan hearing “all Chinese look alike”.
What is delicious is that it is some of Doctor Dumbfuck’s own judges who are playing a role in putting a stop to his dream of a fascist coup and the end of American democracy.
Trump and his allies have won zero out at least 26 lawsuits they’ve filed since Election Day
I should sue the fuck out of both of you for eyeroll fatigue.
@25 Don’t expect Boob to admit his criminality, anymore than Trump will admit he was fired by the people.
@31 That’s so yesterday, and so are you.
@32 Pelosi was prescient when she said the White Hosue will have to be fumigated. It may be some time after January 20 before President-elect Biden can move in there.
@34 & 35 Keep in mind these people are Republicans. Anybody with any brains is a Democrat.
Who needs remorse from any of them when we have Trump?
This is next level:
Let the Twitter memes commence.
One of the GOP’s star witnesses before the Michigan House. And a reference sample of the affiants Rudy and Powell gathered to serve as “evidence” of fraud.
Years from now, when you find yourself still mind-numbingly confronted by GOP TrumpTards arguing that Biden’s authority is illegitimate, I want you to picture this person.
Trumpers: we cannot defund the police: or America will be so vulnerable, it will completely collapse into chaos
Trumpers: it’s fine to defund the military because Twitter was mean to the impeached danger yam.
Mandate alert.
CFOs Feel Confident Biden Won’t Be Able to Raise the Corporate Tax Rate to 28%: Survey
A tax increase bill probably wouldn’t even get through the House.
Weyerhauser goes ex-dividend today. In late October the company’s board voted to re-establish the dividend at the old rate.
Republicans tell Shrödingers Joke. Whatever they say exists in an “I’m serious/I’m just joking” superposition that only collapses based on the person hearing it.
If we were right wing militia types listening to his comment while using a picture of Obama for target practice, then we’d hear “I’m serious.”
If the listeners instead would take him to task for inciting violence, then it’s “just joking.”
I think it’s time to get our military out of other countries entirely. If they hate our guts anyway, what’s the point of being in their countries?
48 specially which countries did you have in mind?
If the listeners instead would take him to task for inciting violence, then it’s “just joking.”
Back in the day we’d all poke fun at “Ann Coulter humor”…
50. I know you are trolling but the consequences of that would be things like geo political instability, 28 dollar a gallon gas the conservatives are praying for, and letting other nations like china sweep into our vacuum.
Is that what you want?
Pushed out because she’s not dishonest enough?
@48 Good question. Here’s another: Since Palestinians hate Israel, what’s the point of having Israeli settlements in the West Bank? The Israelis should leave, just pull out.
@46 Most of my companies never cut their dividends in the first place, and some raised theirs.
@45 Then don’t complain about deficits.
Georgia authorities found a case of voting fraud!
Along about the end of January, the Republicans are going to start saying they are the party of fiscal responsibility. This is total BS. The Republicans are big spenders if there ever were big spenders in government.
But just wait for a month or so, and those phony SOBs will be right back at it, claiming they are holding the line on spending. Not so. They just want to spend on their pet projects like that useless Afghanistan adventure.
From previous thread
Those old farts have scrotums hanging to the ground. Bunch of Tea baggers.
Speaking of scrotums – Pars.
You vote for that shit. Don’t cry hear, you’re a tea bagger too.
It seems Giuliani’s star witness, Melissa Carone, the world’s latest YouTube sensation, is a computer criminal.
She also claims she wasn’t drunk while testifying.
It should be noted that in this kangaroo hearing staged by Michigan Republicans, witnesses weren’t put under oath, and Democrats weren’t allowed to cross-examine them or call rebuttal witnesses.
Any verdict of a trial conducted that way would instantly be overturned by higher courts. Just sayin’.
When you give them great, the greatest and best, reason to hate you and they do, what the fuck do you expect you fucking moron?
Go, Go, Stock Market! Biden Stock Market.
Fuck Hump Virus.
@59 I’ve been saying for years that Republican borrow and spend, too; they merely spend on different things. Right now, helping their suffering fellow Americans stay in their homes and keep food on the table isn’t one of them.
Ohhhh no she’s not! Just ask Bob the Dumbfuck horse cock sucker.
@61 – No, penis breath, I did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. In fact, in 2020, I voted for Jo.
I hate your guts.
@68 In other words, you abstained, like that coward on the Michigan state elections board.
I think Trump should fire Barr, too …
… because he deserves to be humiliated like all the rest of the bootlicking sycophants who threw themselves at Trump’s feet.
Slip, slip, slipping away…
WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA 11/27 – 11/30 Ossoff +2
WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA 11/27 – 11/30 Warnock +7
@70. Or like Tulsi and voted present.
@68 Jo mamma.
Barr is a bootlicker trying to save face or grace. He’s a traitor that should be tried for treason and hung with the rest, that fuck hunchbacked mohter fucker.
Bob should compare the taste of boot with Barr
Speaking of “Tulsi”, whatever happened to that great big lawsuit?
“With 62% of Iowa’s precincts reporting, Gabbard received only about a dozen votes, which counted as a 0.0% share of the state’s delegates.”
It’s been one helluva year for The Cat Lady. And Putin.
meanwhile the Fuckhump and the rest of the GOP Fuckhumps and their libertarian and independeze friends have fucked up this country with spreading germs, running deficits, and bringing back the KKK. They all should be hung by their balls.
Start with Pars first, so Bob knows what it looks like first.
Knives out time in Trumpland:
This is what you get with Republicans:
These are your “conservatives” today. Been that way for quite a while, actually. Today the WaPo is forwarding to every single member of Congress a simple list of three questions:
1. Who won the 2020 presidential election?
2. Do you support or oppose Donald Trump’s continuing efforts to claim victory?
3. If Joe Biden wins a majority of the electoral college, will you accept him as the legitimately elected president of the United States?
Face it. We already know the Republican answers. They’ll do whatever the voices in their heads tell them.
Breitbart and Gateway Pundit are at war.
Will the Pudiot be able to survive?
Well, this was predictable.
@80 Dunno, but let’s pass out grenades among the combatants.
@78 I loved the ending of the movie of that name — the old man cut his quarreling family out of his will and gave everything to the maid. The real-life 1% should do that more often.
This movie is likely to have an entertaining ending, too.
@81 it’s sad the scrutiny is different when the guy with a legal gun is black
Republicans promised a “cival war,” and by gum, they’re gonna deliver! Let’s hand out grenades …
Dude, you’re dilussional – Just ask Dumbfuck.
Hey Look on the Fuckside – stick a fork in Rudy’s ass. Nut job is ready for the looney Russian bin, you fucking traitors.
damn! That Dow is doing great!
Break out the Pom Poms Bob…………oh wait, you put them away……we know you still like to try the skirt on though, it looks nice on you, you bald headed failed pro athlete traitor.
@87 Speaking of loonies, remember Scott O’Grady, the F-16 pilot who was shot down Clinton’s Bosnia intervention, and later wrote a book about it? All-American hero? Well, Trump’s trying to put him in a top Pentagon job, and he’s going around saying Trump won by a “landslide” and should declare “martial law” because Biden is trying to stage a “coup.” I’m thinking he must’ve hit his head on the canopy while ejecting because he’s not quite right in the head now.
– 86
We will see.
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron lose. Again.
Michigan appeals court delivers latest defeat against Trump campaign lawsuit
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron need more judges.
Federal judge reinstates DACA, orders Homeland Security to quickly accept new applicants
Look on the bright side. Doctor Dumbfuck will never be our nation’s Surgeon General. He lost out to a black man. Sad!
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
7285,480Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124US Deaths on Dec 3, 2020 were 2,857
Rudy Giuliani’s witness says ‘all Chinese look alike’ during Michigan voter fraud trial — ‘How would you tell?’
But then it quickly got racist, like 0-to-100 racist, and with the casualness of a sip of coffee.
“…some Chow…”
Given what republicans post here, this is how they think.
@95 The fact Republicans are a pack of racists is the least of our worries. They’re trying to overthrow our government and install a dictator.
The assholes are blocking the President-Elect’s Pentagon intel briefings. North Korea could be fixing to nuke Seattle and Biden wouldn’t know until it happens because the outgoing guy is having a hissy fit over losing.
Who would’ve guessed Trump is an incompetent campaigner, too?
“The campaign of President Donald Trump was so focused on not overspending that it turned down a $3 million request to help get out the vote in Georgia, and it appears to have headed into election night with tens of millions of dollars left unspent in the bank.
“‘rying not to win, I guess,’ said one top Republican fundraiser who spoke to HuffPost on condition of anonymity. The fundraiser added that campaign manager Bill Stepien turned down spending extra money in Georgia, believing Trump would win there comfortably, and seemed overly concerned about the budget. ‘Bill was hellbent to not wind up in debt, but what the fuck?'”
Looks like a handful of them are finally beginning to grow up. Better late than never, I guess.
Trump election lawyer Jenna Ellis seems to have padded her resume a tad bit; her actual work experience is:
” … only worked as a prosecutor in Weld County, Colorado, for six months in 2012 where she handled traffic cases and other misdemeanors, … was fired from that job and then worked as a criminal-defense attorney in Colorado in several small local practices.”
And can’t even “practice law in federal court in Colorado because she didn’t pay a fee the court assesses to lawyers practicing there.”
But there’s no proficiency standards for teevee lawyers, amirite?
98. Do you think the impeached danger yam thought he got keep what he did not spend?
They lost so badly they can’t even bring themselves to talk about it.
In the absence of any other election story left to tell, this will be the story now.