As Seattle rents start to creep up, hopefully we’ll be able to mitigate it. But given how it went in the years before the pandemic, I have some doubts.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Hygiene theater became unnecessary after November 3, the CDC says.
The Putin Loving traitor @2 became unnecessary after November 3.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
America’s most popular president ever? Discuss.
America’s most cognitively impaired president ever, certainly.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Gillebrand is unserious.
Kirsten Gillibrand
Paid leave is infrastructure.
Child care is infrastructure.
Caregiving is infrastructure.
@5. The greedy racist incel is upset that support might be going to undeserving people, as usual.
“Don’t spend the money I deserve on people who are sick. Don’t spend the money I deserve on other peoples kids. Don’t spend the money I deserve on other people’s elderly.” – Every trumper you know.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The conservative group who organized, recruited, and promoted KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! back in January are throwing a party over the weekend starting tomorrow down at the FailPresident’s Florida golf course.
Women for America First, currently under investigation by the FBI for their role in the Fur Bikini Attack on The Capitol are doing it again with their “Save America Summit”. The show will feature all-expenses-paid guest spots for Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene to rekindle “Stop the Steal”, promote election fraud lies, and perhaps even re-animate the corpse of Hugo Chavez.
But the biggest draw will undoubtedly be Matt Gaetz who will be spotlighted center stage over the weekend as the Keynote speaker.
Gaetz’s talk is slated to include a multimedia presentation on multiple Jumbotrons featuring “exciting photos” of some of the Florida Congressman’s most recent “accomplishments” as well as some awesome swag!
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Wherein Tara argues vehemently that Murican “conservatism” is being systematically thumbed into submission and defeat by a turnip.
As credible as arguing that the same “turnip” went knuckle deep through control top pantyhose in the busiest most crowded corridor in North America in the middle of a workday without a single witness.
If you don’t already know the state the union then you are one dumb idiot. The 24-hour news cycle, tweets, and other social media have rendered that event nearly useless.
Besides, your beloved tyrant Fat Donny basically put an end to it when he urged his followers to march the the Capitol and wage an insurrection.
Why on earth give those traitors another shot with the three branches in one spot? Oh yeah, that is probably what you really, deep down inside, truly desire.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Declining to assemble 535 members of Congress, the full membership of the Supreme Court, 23 of 24 Executive cabinet secretaries, the Vice President, all their staffs, most of the Secret Service protective detail, as well as honored guests gathered together in a single crowded room for a doomsday superspreader event proves that…
Just curious, did your fake “FB friends in CO” get any fake complications from their fake “second shot”?
Sore arm? Something worse perhaps?
It’s just a damn shame you fucked that up. You could have deployed the fake “FB friends in CO” for months. Now you don’t even dare mention them.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Yeah, I fucked that up. I should live in shame forever because of it.
My second shot later this week. Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
What would be priceless is to have Biden have Hillary join his cabinet and make her the “designated survivor.” If Hillary was the DS, that would give them a real dilemma.
Just think, wipe out the leadership and then Hillary becomes the first female POTUS. Get some popcorn and watch Dr. Dumbfuck’s head explode.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I should live in shame forever because of it.
I intend to see to it.
Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.
I’ll pray for a “Manitou”.
Maybe we can get Davey Jones to play at your funeral.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Name Hillary DS and suddenly not only does opposition to funding Capitol Police disappear, but Republicans get behind DC statehood, and sweeping gun control. And Amy Kremer, Ali Alexander, Roger Stone, Don Jr. and every TeaPatriot/FurBikini militia in the US gets locked up.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
In 2012 Colorado and Washington became the first two states to pass laws legalizing recreational cannabis. In July of 2014 Washington State issued its first retail licenses to sell recreational cannabis.
This was once a big “conservative” culture-wars issue. For many “conservatives” it still is, although most prefer not to talk about it. Because two-thirds of voters support legal recreational cannabis. And nearly half of Republican voters support legal recreational cannabis.
“Conservatives” put themselves squarely on the wrong side of the issue. They did so because doing so had solid short-term benefits to them. It pleased cops, prosecutors, and private industrial prison corporations who relied upon cheap and easy cannabis convictions. It pleased evangelical Christian political organizers like Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his lovely wife Becki. But mostly it reassured their aging, declining, increasingly all-white “conservative” base that they could still count on a world in which one in three of all African American males would be sent to prison.
Yet backed by that all-white base, those cops, prosecutors, and jailers, and more than a few suburban white Democrats, “conservatives” were convinced they had it right. They were (and some still are) unshakable in their opposition to recreational cannabis, or even medical cannabis. It was “conservative” orthodoxy they happily shouted from the rooftops.
But the change happened fast and it overwhelmed them. In less than a decade they found themselves completely back-footed on the issue. They can no longer campaign on it. They can no longer raise funds on it. And most have to hope it does not appear on a ballot in their state alongside their own names.
It’s important to keep these kinds of examples in mind whenever you see a “conservative” digging in to any culture-wars issue. They always get this shit wrong, at least in the long run. And anymore, “the long run” is barely more than a single term in the Senate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump denies Gaetz asked him for blanket pardon.”
Which proves he did, because whatever Trump denies is true.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 It’s safe to pick the hairs out of your ass again — something you’ve been doing here all along.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Show me a Republican who’s “serious” and I’ll show you a former Republican.
Today’s GOP is the party of QAnon, Pizzagate, school shooting and global warming denial, Covid-19 denial, election loss denial, violent insurrection, and every conspiracy theory you can think of plus others you’d never have thought possible.
– some guy who lost his majority, flipped three seats, a bunch of states, and continues an unblemished record of always choosing the wrong side “in these big fights”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Perhaps in a 2021 SOTU address, already two months overdue.”
He’s been busy. There was a lot of broken glass and debris to sweep up when he arrived.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “then you are one dumb idiot”
Do you even need to wonder about this? We don’t call him “Doctor Dumbfuck” for no reason. You’re speaking to a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.”
Shows how little you understand the liberal mind. We don’t wish that on anyone. Besides, with Puddy having taken a powder, we can’t afford to lose you, too. What would this blog be without a stupid rightwing troll to harass? It would shrivel and die.
Let’s hear it for the doctor: Long live Doctor Dumbfuck!
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They’ve actually never been a “serious” party.
Here’s one of them from just over a decade ago “seriously” arguing that Mitt Romney’s wealthy Mormon semen will make all the ladies wet:
“The new group is one of several launched in recent weeks by former aides of President Donald Trump. Shunned by corporate big money gigs, they are instead opening their own shops and embracing Trump’s legacy as they seek to capitalize on his continued popularity with the Republican base.”
If you’re unemployable, you can always open a shop selling made-in-China MAGA hats and t-shirts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Republican opposition to stupid people voting doesn’t make any sense. I don’t see how it could be anything but self-defeating.
Very Severely Serious Vaccine Skepticspews:
We don’t mean stupid white people, silly.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Once upon a time, he wanted to be a professional golfer.
Now apparently this kid wants to be the next Governor of New York.
Stand back. Here comes another raging torrent of Dunning-Kruger money!
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Stacey Abrams is directly responsible for costing metro Atlanta $100M in tourism revenues later this year.
Charles Gasparino
sources say owners were blindsided at least by the timing of
‘s decision to pull the All-Star game from Atlanta. Also said his decision came after speaking w
, which is odd since she has now said she’s against the boycott. Story developing
Not quite related but found this, from QoS McHillbilly, worth reading. Then reading again.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
@ 27
I don’t see how it could be anything but self-defeating.
Speaking of self-defeating, anyone heard anything from #CrookedHillary lately?
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
And George Floyd died from a drug overdose, instead of from having his airway crushed by the MPD crowd as previously reported.
The D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office on Wednesday revealed that Roseanne Boyland, one of five people who died amid the Capitol riot, died from accidental “acute amphetamine intoxication”—instead of being crushed by the MAGA crowd as previously reported.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
DC not yet ready to reveal that Brian Sicknick’s death was also due to natural causes. ’cause it’s too early to upend the liberal narrative.
Dr. Francisco Diaz, the chief medical examiner, also announced the causes of death for three others who died during the siege. Army vet Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from a gunshot to the left shoulder after trying to climb through a broken window to enter the House chamber. Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, both died naturally of hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The cause and manner of death for Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick are “pending,” the medical examiner’s office said in a press release. Two men have been charged with spraying bear spray at Sicknick hours before he died—though it is not immediately clear if that caused his death.
(Link @ 32)
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
It’s should be obvious by now that the only people who disapprove of our President are the America-hating, Putin loving, fascist dumbfucks.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Regarding a suggestion @ 1 that First Vegetable Joe Biden might be the most popular evah, Rep. Omar would like a word, Steve:
Ilhan Omar
· 6h
It’s shameful and unacceptable for @POTUS to continue the construction of Trump’s xenophobic and racist wall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “Stacey Abrams is directly responsible” for the Democrats’ Senate majority and Republicans losing control of the prosecution of Park Cannon. (ftfy)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 I heard she’s living comfortably.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 A MAGA rioter high on meth? Who would’ve guessed? Also this:
“Dr. Francisco Diaz, the chief medical examiner, also announced the causes of death for three others who died during the siege. Army vet Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from a gunshot to the left shoulder.”
Which tells me the LE officer who shot at her point-blank range was trying to not kill her.
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Manspews:
The Conservative narrative – hugs and kisses!
Bob is so hell bent on his narrative – I wonder why?
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Manspews:
Steve, God bless you!
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
@ 39
Which tells me the LE officer who shot at her point-blank range was trying to not kill her.
Yes, ’cause that’s how all LE officers are trained.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, given all of the criticism you have leveled against LE, what it should have told you is that he fired at her center mass from a distance of maybe 10 feet, and was about 1.5 feet off the mark.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. One would think that after your moronic Fleeing Felon analysis you wouldn’t be so quick to weigh in again on firearms usage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 IOW you’re accusing the cop of being such a lousy shot he couldn’t hit center-mass from 10 feet away.
Yup. He was only lucky this time. Send him to the firearms instructor for more training.
Barry Zimdarsspews:
Hillary is doing quite well apparently, continuing to live rent free in the heads of numerous RW Bagger Nut Jobs.
BTW – what happened to Kushner?
Bob is so hell bent on his narrative – I wonder why?
Having tried his damnedest to incite the violence we all saw take place on 1/6 at our nation’s capitol, the dumbfuck now tries so very, very hard to whitewash what happened that day. Why? When you attempt to violently overthrow our government and fail, you face severe consequences. The dumbfuck traitor’s attempt to whitewash what happened on 1/6 is horseshit. He needs a lot more than that to save his treasonous ass, but it looks like that’s all he’s got.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“At least one of the Capitol riot defendants has flipped against the Proud Boys, agreeing to provide information that could allow the Justice Department to bring a more severe charge against the group’s leadership, according to an attorney involved in the case.”
WASHINGTON — Sen. Joe Manchin, a pivotal centrist, further closed the door on the prospect that he could support any move to end the filibuster in the Senate, a rule change that would allow his party to pass legislation with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes needed for most bills.
“I have said it before and will say it again to remove any shred of doubt: There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster,” he said in an opinion article posted on the Washington Post website Wednesday evening.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
That was fast. Really.
Most of these pussies have barely seen detention. Many of the arrests didn’t take place until early last month. As quickly as that came together I’d be worried that the cooperating witness isn’t being properly represented. But I’d lay money right now it’s “Spezz”. They caught him with bomb making materials. He had more to gain by diming out his shithead leaders than any of them. That guy, Ryan Samsel, and Jon Schaffer, an Oath Keeper are my top candidates for CW1, CW2, and CW3.
Wait till they give up Roger Stone and Amy Kremer’s daughter.
All hell will break loose.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
A juror needed to flee the courtroom to throw up.
For the defendant this is never a good sign.
Still, it just takes one crazy shithead to hang a jury. And if you haven’t yet figured it out, that’s what defense counsel is going for.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“There is no circumstance in which I will fire Coach Kiffin. He has my complete and total confidence.”
– Al Davis
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
@ 52
Takes one juror to find reasonable doubt that murder or manslaughter was committed when Floyd died without evidence of neck trauma and with a fatal level of fentanyl in his bloodstream.
It was 12 jurors, not one, who found for Zimmerman. That case was supposed to be a lock, too.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
Impeached and convicted former judge Alcee Hastings has assumed room temperature.
How did I miss that news?
Roger Rabbitspews:
#55 You took a break from reading obituaries, your favorite section of the newspaper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Must’ve been a slow-acting fatal dose of fentanyl, then, because he looked pretty lively in the videos until Killer Kop sat on his neck. Also, Floyd’s repeated cries of “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” until he stopped breathing might influence the jury’s conclusions on the issue of causation.
In any case, it doesn’t matter if he would’ve died anyway, if asphyxia was the proximate cause of death. We’re all going to die anyway, but that doesn’t give Derek Chauvin or anyone else a license to make it sooner rather than later.
Floyd was a convicted criminal, a drug user, was caught passing a counterfeit $20 bill, and above all was black. I realize that you think that justifies summary-execution-by-cop-without-trial. But that’s not the law in this country.
If all 12 jurors apply the law, Chauvin is fucked. What you need is a rogue juror — someone who doesn’t believe in the rule of law. Your chances are pretty good because this country is full of people like that.
And you’re one of ’em.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Derek Chauvin is totally acquitted he might get to be a cop again in someplace like, oh, Republic, Washington. Anybody can be a cop there.
39)On that one, it looked like a situation where lethal force was appropriate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Sure did. Doctor Dumbfuck’s approach is an M60 machinegun. I wouldn’t go that far. Unless absolutely necessary.
Lawmakers wanted to know about missteps in cases like the one involving Circle of Hope Girls Ranch, where the state knew about abuse reports for many years before girls were removed and charges filed. Boyd and Stephanie Householder, who owned Circle of Hope have been charged with 102 crimes — all but one are felonies — that include statutory rape, sodomy and physical abuse.
“How does this happen?” asked Rep. Dottie Bailey, R-Eureka, […] “I’m thinking about kids — the kids. Now we have kids being allegedly raped, allegedly sodomized, allegedly abused, allegedly neglected, allegedly all these things…”
DSS has said a nearly 40-year-old law that exempts faith-based boarding schools from state oversight, has limited the agency’s ability to take action.
And who is responsible for enacting, amending, or repealing the law? Those very same “upstanding Christian” Republicans who are professing themselves “Shocked, Shocked that kids are being abused at “faith-based” “schools” in Missouri. Most tragically, no one is surprised.”
Your religious freedom at work.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, did you hear of this mass murder of five black people, including two children, by a white former NFL player?
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearmspews:
First! Woman! President! Jill Biden, as part of the enticement package offered to Iran, has also promised to bring Soleimani back to life.
Sure. Possible. Maybe it’ll be 11-1 against the Phantom Puker.
Still hung.
If Defense “wins” a mistrial through jury nullification you can be sure both sides will move to poll. And we’ll all find out then.
If in the end the jury hangs, I’m willing to bet it will a lone holdout.
Probably calls her/himself an “EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE”.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trust me. Troll read your post about as far as the magic phrase “Girls Ranch” and totally lost the plot recalling bygone days of early 70s 16mm Arriflex grindhouse exploitation thrillers and hours of self abuse below the dash at the drive-in.
did you hear of this mass murder of five black people, including two children, by a white former NFL player?
A black man kills some white people. Dumbfuck’s racism is therefore justified.
But that’s not why you believe all black men deserve to die. You want them all dead because black kids kicked your ass after school every day. They did that to you because even then you were a whiny, POS racist bitch.
Now you’re a treasonous, whiny, POS racist bitch.
Dumbfuck doesn’t like Asian-Americans much, either. Wants them dead, too.
Be careful which girl you pick on, Doctor. That is, unless you want your ass kicked in public by a girl. You see, this girl happens to be the gold medal winner in karate at the 2019 Pan American Games.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’m willing to bet it never happened once.
Awkward and perhaps a bit bookish, I’ll wager the incel troll moved quietly through the school hallways staying close to the lockers and avoided eye-contact with the San Fernando Chads and Stacies. Tara’s contact with non-whites would have restricted to away games with metropolitan LA teams from communities to the south. Later on, her parents would have watched in horror as their suburban neighborhoods like Van Nuys or Canoga Park shifted from being nearly all-white, to becoming “majority-minority”. But that shift would have been barely in its infancy when the incel was still in public schools there.
The fear and resentment is all in her head. Just like the made-up “FB friends from CO”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Not to be overlooked is the fact this adulterer denied and lied and even called his mistress a “stalker” — until she produced the tape recordings.
I doubt that has anything to do with him pulling out of the Senate scramble. This behavior doesn’t make a Republican unelectable anywhere. More likely his wife is putting him on restriction and he can’t leave the house.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “exempts faith-based”
These 3 words license a lot of sins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember, half the people in this country have below-average IQs. That’s why there will always be Republicans, and we can’t do anything about it. Education simply doesn’t work in that situation.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’ll feel a lot safer when half of all Republicans no longer have IQs below that of an incel troll so helplessly driven to count coup on a “First Vegetable”, “FemiNazi in a Pantsuit”, or “Radical Community Organizer Trained in a Madrassa”, that he has to fabricate “Whitey Tapes”, “Aneurysms”, and “LaptopFingerBang” just to make it through another day of failure.
“FB friends from CO”
Funny thing for me is that I really do have FB friends from CO. But I lived in Boulder, Denver and Lyons for a few years, so that explains why I have friends there.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Are you sure “we can’t do anything about it”?
Ever checked out the “Q” universe on Parler or 8chan? About half the “Q conspiracy” volume consists of “Q-patriots” sharing child porn with each other “in order to document the conspiracy”. It goes largely under the radar because us “normies” encounter that shit and we instinctively recoil in horror, shut the tab and delete the browser cache.
But of course, they don’t.
Folks like Bob, and MTG, and the Chewbacca Bikini guy, and the Proud Boys just “force themselves” to look at it I guess. Because it’s “their duty”? Apparently it is also “their duty” to repost and keep sharing widely. To “save the children”, etc.
You get the picture? (no pun)
Qanon is a front.
Has been from the beginning.
Not all the loony lies are so very harmless. It’s getting less so every day. Murican “conservatives” are gradually becoming a weird-beard cult devoted to sharing child-porn and tearing down democracy. It has to be stopped.
First Vegetable Joe Biden
Your commentary is as stupid as your screen name.
Today’s presidential lucidity is such a refreshing change from the incoherent insanity of the raging orange man-baby you foisted on our nation.
It has to be stopped.
I’ve been saying it for several years…put them all in FEMA camps deep in the swamps of Louisiana while at the same time publicly executing, by firing squad or hanging, the worst of them, the outright traitors like our dumbfuck radiologist.
To “save the children”
I’ve wondered how it escaped Q’s notice that literally hundreds of Republican politicians and officials have been arrested for being pedophiles over the last 20 years or so. And that’s only those who were busted. That means there’s an awful lot more of them out there.
Odds are, the dumbfuck is one of them. The advice I give still stands. Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
That means there’s an awful lot more of them out there.
Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
After a string of very bad days, Matt Gaetz is now having himself a very, very bad day. I reckon it doesn’t comfort him much to realize that far worse days than today are now locked into his future.
I’d bet even money* he takes the coward’s way out and is dead in a matter of weeks, a couple of months at most.
“Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia told CNN on Thursday that the deadly attack on January 6 at the US Capitol changed him, saying, ‘You can’t have this many people split to where they want to go to war with each other’ as he calls for Democrats and Republicans to work together on top legislative priorities in a divided Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s all well and good if the other side acts like adults. I’m not against giving them another opportunity, but they’ve already failed so many times I have to ask what’s the use?
The situation is not we “want to go to war with each other.” The situation is they want to make war on us. We don’t want a civil war; they say they do, and talk about it all the time.
We’re not the ones who signed on for crazy conspiracy theories, voted for an authoritarian with no respect for rule of law, or violently attacked our government if we lose an election. That’s them.
I really don’t know what Joe Manchin is thinking.
Bad Hombrespews:
All criminal roads lead to Trump Tower
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 “Ever checked out the ‘Q’ universe on Parler or 8chan?”
No. Never been on Parler of 8chan. Only read about them. That’s stink enough for my sensitive bunny nose.
Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.
ahhh.. that certain day… It comes for pos rapey fux too.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
If the Weiselberg family, for whatever peculiar reason, have intentionally perpetrated fraud upon the taxpayers and financial investors of New York state, they’ll just have to pay for it one way or another.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angelspews:
I think all white heterosexual men who cheat on their wives should be castrated.
If you read hard enough in the Bible, it’s there.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angelspews:
Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
Bob is willing to adopt the molesters and his farm an animals, right after assaulting cops
Prick Scottspews:
I hope my name doesn’t come up as a sex trafficer.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
It really must hurt not to be able to put your skirt on…..unless you really didn’t care about the cheer to begin with
Steve spews:
God bless our nation’s beloved President Joe Biden.
IBD/TIPP Approve 59% Disapprove 34%
America’s most popular president ever? Discuss.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Hygiene theater became unnecessary after November 3, the CDC says.
Steve spews:
The Putin Loving traitor @2 became unnecessary after November 3.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
America’s most popular president ever? Discuss.
America’s most cognitively impaired president ever, certainly.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Gillebrand is unserious.
RedReformed spews:
@5. The greedy racist incel is upset that support might be going to undeserving people, as usual.
“Don’t spend the money I deserve on people who are sick. Don’t spend the money I deserve on other peoples kids. Don’t spend the money I deserve on other people’s elderly.” – Every trumper you know.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
The conservative group who organized, recruited, and promoted KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! back in January are throwing a party over the weekend starting tomorrow down at the FailPresident’s Florida golf course.
Women for America First, currently under investigation by the FBI for their role in the Fur Bikini Attack on The Capitol are doing it again with their “Save America Summit”. The show will feature all-expenses-paid guest spots for Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene to rekindle “Stop the Steal”, promote election fraud lies, and perhaps even re-animate the corpse of Hugo Chavez.
But the biggest draw will undoubtedly be Matt Gaetz who will be spotlighted center stage over the weekend as the Keynote speaker.
Gaetz’s talk is slated to include a multimedia presentation on multiple Jumbotrons featuring “exciting photos” of some of the Florida Congressman’s most recent “accomplishments” as well as some awesome swag!
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Wherein Tara argues vehemently that Murican “conservatism” is being systematically thumbed into submission and defeat by a turnip.
As credible as arguing that the same “turnip” went knuckle deep through control top pantyhose in the busiest most crowded corridor in North America in the middle of a workday without a single witness.
“Glass. George Glass.”
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
@ 8
Feel free to have the First Vegetable argue otherwise.
Perhaps in a 2021 SOTU address, already two months overdue.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
If you don’t already know the state the union then you are one dumb idiot. The 24-hour news cycle, tweets, and other social media have rendered that event nearly useless.
Besides, your beloved tyrant Fat Donny basically put an end to it when he urged his followers to march the the Capitol and wage an insurrection.
Why on earth give those traitors another shot with the three branches in one spot? Oh yeah, that is probably what you really, deep down inside, truly desire.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Declining to assemble 535 members of Congress, the full membership of the Supreme Court, 23 of 24 Executive cabinet secretaries, the Vice President, all their staffs, most of the Secret Service protective detail, as well as honored guests gathered together in a single crowded room for a doomsday superspreader event proves that…
…Jan really does have a boyfriend.
Don’t stop now, Tara. You’re on a roll!
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Follow up for Tara:
Just curious, did your fake “FB friends in CO” get any fake complications from their fake “second shot”?
Sore arm?
Something worse perhaps?
It’s just a damn shame you fucked that up. You could have deployed the fake “FB friends in CO” for months. Now you don’t even dare mention them.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Yeah, I fucked that up. I should live in shame forever because of it.
My second shot later this week. Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
What would be priceless is to have Biden have Hillary join his cabinet and make her the “designated survivor.” If Hillary was the DS, that would give them a real dilemma.
Just think, wipe out the leadership and then Hillary becomes the first female POTUS. Get some popcorn and watch Dr. Dumbfuck’s head explode.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I intend to see to it.
I’ll pray for a “Manitou”.
Maybe we can get Davey Jones to play at your funeral.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Name Hillary DS and suddenly not only does opposition to funding Capitol Police disappear, but Republicans get behind DC statehood, and sweeping gun control. And Amy Kremer, Ali Alexander, Roger Stone, Don Jr. and every TeaPatriot/FurBikini militia in the US gets locked up.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
In 2012 Colorado and Washington became the first two states to pass laws legalizing recreational cannabis. In July of 2014 Washington State issued its first retail licenses to sell recreational cannabis.
Today, just six and a half years later more than 40% of Americans live in a state where recreational cannabis is legal.
This was once a big “conservative” culture-wars issue. For many “conservatives” it still is, although most prefer not to talk about it. Because two-thirds of voters support legal recreational cannabis. And nearly half of Republican voters support legal recreational cannabis.
“Conservatives” put themselves squarely on the wrong side of the issue. They did so because doing so had solid short-term benefits to them. It pleased cops, prosecutors, and private industrial prison corporations who relied upon cheap and easy cannabis convictions. It pleased evangelical Christian political organizers like Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his lovely wife Becki. But mostly it reassured their aging, declining, increasingly all-white “conservative” base that they could still count on a world in which one in three of all African American males would be sent to prison.
Yet backed by that all-white base, those cops, prosecutors, and jailers, and more than a few suburban white Democrats, “conservatives” were convinced they had it right. They were (and some still are) unshakable in their opposition to recreational cannabis, or even medical cannabis. It was “conservative” orthodoxy they happily shouted from the rooftops.
But the change happened fast and it overwhelmed them. In less than a decade they found themselves completely back-footed on the issue. They can no longer campaign on it. They can no longer raise funds on it. And most have to hope it does not appear on a ballot in their state alongside their own names.
It’s important to keep these kinds of examples in mind whenever you see a “conservative” digging in to any culture-wars issue. They always get this shit wrong, at least in the long run. And anymore, “the long run” is barely more than a single term in the Senate.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Trump denies Gaetz asked him for blanket pardon.”
Which proves he did, because whatever Trump denies is true.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@2 It’s safe to pick the hairs out of your ass again — something you’ve been doing here all along.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@5 Show me a Republican who’s “serious” and I’ll show you a former Republican.
Today’s GOP is the party of QAnon, Pizzagate, school shooting and global warming denial, Covid-19 denial, election loss denial, violent insurrection, and every conspiracy theory you can think of plus others you’d never have thought possible.
An unserious party.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
– some guy who lost his majority, flipped three seats, a bunch of states, and continues an unblemished record of always choosing the wrong side “in these big fights”.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 “Perhaps in a 2021 SOTU address, already two months overdue.”
He’s been busy. There was a lot of broken glass and debris to sweep up when he arrived.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@10 “then you are one dumb idiot”
Do you even need to wonder about this? We don’t call him “Doctor Dumbfuck” for no reason. You’re speaking to a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@13 “Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.”
Shows how little you understand the liberal mind. We don’t wish that on anyone. Besides, with Puddy having taken a powder, we can’t afford to lose you, too. What would this blog be without a stupid rightwing troll to harass? It would shrivel and die.
Let’s hear it for the doctor: Long live Doctor Dumbfuck!
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
They’ve actually never been a “serious” party.
Here’s one of them from just over a decade ago “seriously” arguing that Mitt Romney’s wealthy Mormon semen will make all the ladies wet:
Same Republican today “seriously” thinks too many of “the wrong people” vote:
Sound familiar? Here’s why:
“Problems arise when everyone, even stupid people, are allowed to vote.”
Get just the right amount of Sour Mash or cheap beer into one of them and “stupid” becomes “black” in no time.
Put simply, they are the Dunning Kruger party. And that’s no joke.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“The new group is one of several launched in recent weeks by former aides of President Donald Trump. Shunned by corporate big money gigs, they are instead opening their own shops and embracing Trump’s legacy as they seek to capitalize on his continued popularity with the Republican base.”
If you’re unemployable, you can always open a shop selling made-in-China MAGA hats and t-shirts.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@25 Republican opposition to stupid people voting doesn’t make any sense. I don’t see how it could be anything but self-defeating.
Very Severely Serious Vaccine Skeptic spews:
We don’t mean stupid white people, silly.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Once upon a time, he wanted to be a professional golfer.
Now apparently this kid wants to be the next Governor of New York.
Stand back. Here comes another raging torrent of Dunning-Kruger money!
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Stacey Abrams is directly responsible for costing metro Atlanta $100M in tourism revenues later this year.
Not quite related but found this, from QoS McHillbilly, worth reading. Then reading again.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
@ 27
I don’t see how it could be anything but self-defeating.
Speaking of self-defeating, anyone heard anything from #CrookedHillary lately?
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
And George Floyd died from a drug overdose, instead of from having his airway crushed by the MPD crowd as previously reported.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
DC not yet ready to reveal that Brian Sicknick’s death was also due to natural causes. ’cause it’s too early to upend the liberal narrative.
(Link @ 32)
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Bruce Jenner wants to be the next CA guv.
Google “Jenner MAGA”.
Steve spews:
God bless our nation’s beloved president.
Politico/Morning Consult 59% Approve 37% Disapprove
It’s should be obvious by now that the only people who disapprove of our President are the America-hating, Putin loving, fascist dumbfucks.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Regarding a suggestion @ 1 that First Vegetable Joe Biden might be the most popular evah, Rep. Omar would like a word, Steve:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@30 “Stacey Abrams is directly responsible” for the Democrats’ Senate majority and Republicans losing control of the prosecution of Park Cannon. (ftfy)
Roger Rabbit spews:
@31 I heard she’s living comfortably.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@32 A MAGA rioter high on meth? Who would’ve guessed? Also this:
“Dr. Francisco Diaz, the chief medical examiner, also announced the causes of death for three others who died during the siege. Army vet Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from a gunshot to the left shoulder.”
Which tells me the LE officer who shot at her point-blank range was trying to not kill her.
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Man spews:
The Conservative narrative – hugs and kisses!
Bob is so hell bent on his narrative – I wonder why?
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Man spews:
Steve, God bless you!
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
@ 39
Which tells me the LE officer who shot at her point-blank range was trying to not kill her.
Yes, ’cause that’s how all LE officers are trained.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, given all of the criticism you have leveled against LE, what it should have told you is that he fired at her center mass from a distance of maybe 10 feet, and was about 1.5 feet off the mark.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. One would think that after your moronic Fleeing Felon analysis you wouldn’t be so quick to weigh in again on firearms usage.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@42 IOW you’re accusing the cop of being such a lousy shot he couldn’t hit center-mass from 10 feet away.
Yup. He was only lucky this time. Send him to the firearms instructor for more training.
Barry Zimdars spews:
Hillary is doing quite well apparently, continuing to live rent free in the heads of numerous RW Bagger Nut Jobs.
BTW – what happened to Kushner?
Steve spews:
Having tried his damnedest to incite the violence we all saw take place on 1/6 at our nation’s capitol, the dumbfuck now tries so very, very hard to whitewash what happened that day. Why? When you attempt to violently overthrow our government and fail, you face severe consequences. The dumbfuck traitor’s attempt to whitewash what happened on 1/6 is horseshit. He needs a lot more than that to save his treasonous ass, but it looks like that’s all he’s got.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“At least one of the Capitol riot defendants has flipped against the Proud Boys, agreeing to provide information that could allow the Justice Department to bring a more severe charge against the group’s leadership, according to an attorney involved in the case.”
Of course they’ll cooperate. That was always a given. If these criminals had any honor, they wouldn’t have been there in the first place.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angel spews:
Bob is hell bent on being a racist too. The dude is a real Dumbfuck.
Pussy Grabbers United Party spews:
Hugs and kisses for all the insurrectionists cop assaulters and killers!!!!
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
So, how do y’all think the Chauvin trial is goin’ so far?
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Go Manchin. Go Manchin. Go Manchin…
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
That was fast. Really.
Most of these pussies have barely seen detention. Many of the arrests didn’t take place until early last month. As quickly as that came together I’d be worried that the cooperating witness isn’t being properly represented. But I’d lay money right now it’s “Spezz”. They caught him with bomb making materials. He had more to gain by diming out his shithead leaders than any of them. That guy, Ryan Samsel, and Jon Schaffer, an Oath Keeper are my top candidates for CW1, CW2, and CW3.
Wait till they give up Roger Stone and Amy Kremer’s daughter.
All hell will break loose.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
A juror needed to flee the courtroom to throw up.
For the defendant this is never a good sign.
Still, it just takes one crazy shithead to hang a jury. And if you haven’t yet figured it out, that’s what defense counsel is going for.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
– Al Davis
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
@ 52
Takes one juror to find reasonable doubt that murder or manslaughter was committed when Floyd died without evidence of neck trauma and with a fatal level of fentanyl in his bloodstream.
It was 12 jurors, not one, who found for Zimmerman. That case was supposed to be a lock, too.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
Impeached and convicted former judge Alcee Hastings has assumed room temperature.
How did I miss that news?
Roger Rabbit spews:
#55 You took a break from reading obituaries, your favorite section of the newspaper.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@54 Must’ve been a slow-acting fatal dose of fentanyl, then, because he looked pretty lively in the videos until Killer Kop sat on his neck. Also, Floyd’s repeated cries of “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” until he stopped breathing might influence the jury’s conclusions on the issue of causation.
In any case, it doesn’t matter if he would’ve died anyway, if asphyxia was the proximate cause of death. We’re all going to die anyway, but that doesn’t give Derek Chauvin or anyone else a license to make it sooner rather than later.
Floyd was a convicted criminal, a drug user, was caught passing a counterfeit $20 bill, and above all was black. I realize that you think that justifies summary-execution-by-cop-without-trial. But that’s not the law in this country.
If all 12 jurors apply the law, Chauvin is fucked. What you need is a rogue juror — someone who doesn’t believe in the rule of law. Your chances are pretty good because this country is full of people like that.
And you’re one of ’em.
Roger Rabbit spews:
If Derek Chauvin is totally acquitted he might get to be a cop again in someplace like, oh, Republic, Washington. Anybody can be a cop there.
EvergreenRailfan spews:
39)On that one, it looked like a situation where lethal force was appropriate.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@59 Sure did. Doctor Dumbfuck’s approach is an M60 machinegun. I wouldn’t go that far. Unless absolutely necessary.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Trump is being ignored.
Evil Pussy Grab'em spews:
RedReformed spews:
Oh the wailing and the outrage and pearl clutching republicans hypocrites over republican social services in Missouri.
JEFFERSON CITY — Lawmakers lashed out at a Missouri child welfare official Wednesday for not alerting the Legislature about alleged abuse inside Christian reform schools.
Lawmakers wanted to know about missteps in cases like the one involving Circle of Hope Girls Ranch, where the state knew about abuse reports for many years before girls were removed and charges filed. Boyd and Stephanie Householder, who owned Circle of Hope have been charged with 102 crimes — all but one are felonies — that include statutory rape, sodomy and physical abuse.
“How does this happen?” asked Rep. Dottie Bailey, R-Eureka, […] “I’m thinking about kids — the kids. Now we have kids being allegedly raped, allegedly sodomized, allegedly abused, allegedly neglected, allegedly all these things…”
DSS has said a nearly 40-year-old law that exempts faith-based boarding schools from state oversight, has limited the agency’s ability to take action.
And who is responsible for enacting, amending, or repealing the law? Those very same “upstanding Christian” Republicans who are professing themselves “Shocked, Shocked that kids are being abused at “faith-based” “schools” in Missouri. Most tragically, no one is surprised.”
Your religious freedom at work.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, did you hear of this mass murder of five black people, including two children, by a white former NFL player?
Hunter Biden's crack pipe and felonious firearm spews:
First! Woman! President! Jill Biden, as part of the enticement package offered to Iran, has also promised to bring Soleimani back to life.
Biden Administration Caves: Will Lift Sanctions on Iran for New Deal
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Sure. Possible. Maybe it’ll be 11-1 against the Phantom Puker.
Still hung.
If Defense “wins” a mistrial through jury nullification you can be sure both sides will move to poll. And we’ll all find out then.
If in the end the jury hangs, I’m willing to bet it will a lone holdout.
Probably calls her/himself an “EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE”.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Trust me. Troll read your post about as far as the magic phrase “Girls Ranch” and totally lost the plot recalling bygone days of early 70s 16mm Arriflex grindhouse exploitation thrillers and hours of self abuse below the dash at the drive-in.
Steve spews:
A black man kills some white people. Dumbfuck’s racism is therefore justified.
But that’s not why you believe all black men deserve to die. You want them all dead because black kids kicked your ass after school every day. They did that to you because even then you were a whiny, POS racist bitch.
Now you’re a treasonous, whiny, POS racist bitch.
Steve spews:
Dumbfuck doesn’t like Asian-Americans much, either. Wants them dead, too.
US Olympian accosted by an angry racist while training in a public park — and it’s caught on video
Be careful which girl you pick on, Doctor. That is, unless you want your ass kicked in public by a girl. You see, this girl happens to be the gold medal winner in karate at the 2019 Pan American Games.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I’m willing to bet it never happened once.
Awkward and perhaps a bit bookish, I’ll wager the incel troll moved quietly through the school hallways staying close to the lockers and avoided eye-contact with the San Fernando Chads and Stacies. Tara’s contact with non-whites would have restricted to away games with metropolitan LA teams from communities to the south. Later on, her parents would have watched in horror as their suburban neighborhoods like Van Nuys or Canoga Park shifted from being nearly all-white, to becoming “majority-minority”. But that shift would have been barely in its infancy when the incel was still in public schools there.
The fear and resentment is all in her head. Just like the made-up “FB friends from CO”.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@62 Not to be overlooked is the fact this adulterer denied and lied and even called his mistress a “stalker” — until she produced the tape recordings.
I doubt that has anything to do with him pulling out of the Senate scramble. This behavior doesn’t make a Republican unelectable anywhere. More likely his wife is putting him on restriction and he can’t leave the house.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@63 “exempts faith-based”
These 3 words license a lot of sins.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Remember, half the people in this country have below-average IQs. That’s why there will always be Republicans, and we can’t do anything about it. Education simply doesn’t work in that situation.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I’ll feel a lot safer when half of all Republicans no longer have IQs below that of an incel troll so helplessly driven to count coup on a “First Vegetable”, “FemiNazi in a Pantsuit”, or “Radical Community Organizer Trained in a Madrassa”, that he has to fabricate “Whitey Tapes”, “Aneurysms”, and “LaptopFingerBang” just to make it through another day of failure.
Steve spews:
Funny thing for me is that I really do have FB friends from CO. But I lived in Boulder, Denver and Lyons for a few years, so that explains why I have friends there.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Are you sure “we can’t do anything about it”?
Ever checked out the “Q” universe on Parler or 8chan? About half the “Q conspiracy” volume consists of “Q-patriots” sharing child porn with each other “in order to document the conspiracy”. It goes largely under the radar because us “normies” encounter that shit and we instinctively recoil in horror, shut the tab and delete the browser cache.
But of course, they don’t.
Folks like Bob, and MTG, and the Chewbacca Bikini guy, and the Proud Boys just “force themselves” to look at it I guess. Because it’s “their duty”? Apparently it is also “their duty” to repost and keep sharing widely. To “save the children”, etc.
You get the picture? (no pun)
Qanon is a front.
Has been from the beginning.
Not all the loony lies are so very harmless. It’s getting less so every day. Murican “conservatives” are gradually becoming a weird-beard cult devoted to sharing child-porn and tearing down democracy. It has to be stopped.
Steve spews:
Your commentary is as stupid as your screen name.
Today’s presidential lucidity is such a refreshing change from the incoherent insanity of the raging orange man-baby you foisted on our nation.
Steve spews:
I’ve been saying it for several years…put them all in FEMA camps deep in the swamps of Louisiana while at the same time publicly executing, by firing squad or hanging, the worst of them, the outright traitors like our dumbfuck radiologist.
Steve spews:
I’ve wondered how it escaped Q’s notice that literally hundreds of Republican politicians and officials have been arrested for being pedophiles over the last 20 years or so. And that’s only those who were busted. That means there’s an awful lot more of them out there.
Odds are, the dumbfuck is one of them. The advice I give still stands. Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
Steve spews:
Speaking of which…
Florida Elections Commission general counsel arrested on child porn charges
A registered Republican, of course.
Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
Steve spews:
After a string of very bad days, Matt Gaetz is now having himself a very, very bad day. I reckon it doesn’t comfort him much to realize that far worse days than today are now locked into his future.
I’d bet even money* he takes the coward’s way out and is dead in a matter of weeks, a couple of months at most.
*I don’t bet with welchers.
Steve spews:
Ron DeSantis will never be president.
Video emerges of Trump and Ron DeSantis meeting man being investigated for human trafficking with Matt Gaetz
Deserving of a Raw Story link.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia told CNN on Thursday that the deadly attack on January 6 at the US Capitol changed him, saying, ‘You can’t have this many people split to where they want to go to war with each other’ as he calls for Democrats and Republicans to work together on top legislative priorities in a divided Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s all well and good if the other side acts like adults. I’m not against giving them another opportunity, but they’ve already failed so many times I have to ask what’s the use?
The situation is not we “want to go to war with each other.” The situation is they want to make war on us. We don’t want a civil war; they say they do, and talk about it all the time.
We’re not the ones who signed on for crazy conspiracy theories, voted for an authoritarian with no respect for rule of law, or violently attacked our government if we lose an election. That’s them.
I really don’t know what Joe Manchin is thinking.
Bad Hombre spews:
All criminal roads lead to Trump Tower
Roger Rabbit spews:
@76 “Ever checked out the ‘Q’ universe on Parler or 8chan?”
No. Never been on Parler of 8chan. Only read about them. That’s stink enough for my sensitive bunny nose.
YLB spews:
My second shot later this week.
Got mine weeks ago..
Y’all can always pray for an anaphylactic reaction.
ahhh.. that certain day… It comes for pos rapey fux too.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
If the Weiselberg family, for whatever peculiar reason, have intentionally perpetrated fraud upon the taxpayers and financial investors of New York state, they’ll just have to pay for it one way or another.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angel spews:
I think all white heterosexual men who cheat on their wives should be castrated.
If you read hard enough in the Bible, it’s there.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angel spews:
Bob is willing to adopt the molesters and his farm an animals, right after assaulting cops
Prick Scott spews:
I hope my name doesn’t come up as a sex trafficer.
G Big Money giving $18 Charity spews:
It really must hurt not to be able to put your skirt on…..unless you really didn’t care about the cheer to begin with