Good morning to the Seattle students heading back to class.
I am a bit worried that this is too soon. But at some point, it has to happen. It is probably something that can be done safely, but that is a far cry from we will do it safely. Hopefully, between the Federal and state COVID-19 plans, there’s at enough money.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Trumpism in its purest form, clarified for you by a Claremont Institute think tanker:
1. Most people living in the United States “are not Americans.”
2. “Americans” are the 75 million people who voted for Trump.
3. The Constitution “no longer works. ”
4. Trump voters represent the “true understanding of America.”
5. If you didn’t vote for Trump, you must be dealt with “by force.”
If Georgia is so bad why does the NFL still permit the Falcons to play there? Same question to the NBA about the Hawks.
If MLB really wants to send a message to the citizens of Georgia why not move all games out of the state? As in the 81 home games played by the Braves. A 1/82 decision to do the right thing seems like something a pussy would do.
Oh, and about that Braves team name, so long as we’re all bein’ woke an shit…
Jimmy Carter didn’t just boycott womens’ badminton. He boycotted the whole fucking Olympics. That took a bit of courage.
Today’s CNN headline: “Covid variant is infecting school-age kids”
None of whom have been vaccinated.
“‘We have to think about the B.1.1.7 variant as almost a brand new virus,’ said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. ‘It’s acting differently from anything we’ve seen before, in terms of transmissibility, in terms of affecting young people, so we have to take this very seriously.'”
Yeah, “heading back to classes” might be premature.
Do you think maybe Boeing spending millions lobbying to obtain sweetheart tax breaks and then moving their operations to other states was “Cancel Culture”?
It’s a coincidence that “Japan just recorded its earliest cherry blossom bloom in 1,200 years.” Everyone knows global warming is a hoax.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 1, who used to regularly espouse “Liberals must arm.” in these parts until he was embarrassed by Darryl for doing so, now takes issue with some “Conservatives must arm.” dude that I’ve never heard of.
The most annoying shrewish anti-alcoholic people on the planet are reformed alcoholics, too.
@2 You’ve got a point. They should all leave.
@6 Doctor Dumbfuck is a big proponent of unilateral disarmament. And why wouldn’t he be? It worked well for Hitler, while it lasted.
@ 5
Beware those studies that purport to base massive claims on research performed on a single source. Michael Mann made himself famous by looking at the rings on a single tree trunk. It’s no coinky-kinky that he’s found a hockey stick in the single Tokyo cherry tree used to determine that it must be because of climate change.
That having been said, first thing I thought of when I saw the graph was hockey stick.
@6 Just because you never heard of him doesn’t mean he hasn’t recruited you.
Maybe cuz they don’t have one of these:
NBA and NFL pretty much don’t get to tell owners where they can do business. MLB OTOH has a special 100 year old Get Out of Antitrust Court Free card.
You’ll want to put a pin in that SCOTUS decis. for when sometime in the next decade or two it gets overturned because of
a) the “Trump judges” you’ve cheered relentlessly;
b) all the racist bullshit you and Every Republican You Know are about to unleash in your desperation to prevent brown people from voting.
@ 11
OK, then if the owners run the show (and I agree that a supermajority of owners can permit stuff like teams switching cities or even switching leagues) then why doesn’t every owner from a woke city prevent its team from playing the Braves in ATL?
Go full woke or go home, isn’t that the AOC way?
MLB takes the only game played during the regular season that has absolutely no meaning to the division standings, and decides to pull a stunt with it.
If MLB meant to have an impact, it would trash the Braves’ entire season unless something was done.
It’s for show. What will MLB do when the Braves make the playoffs? How about when they win the World Series?
If Delta really cared, it would refuse to fly passengers to Atlanta. Connecting or final destination.
So far as I know, doing so would constitute a contractual breach. MLB franchisees are under contract to each other via “the league”. That’s what the 1922 court decision enables.
In most any other area of commerce contracts among business competitors are strictly limited and regulated under federal laws. In terms you may find easier to grasp, let’s say you own a Bojangles franchise. Your franchise agreement gives you access to all kinds of shared benefits, supply, financing, and other forms of support. But it also comes with some restrictions. Antitrust doctrine more or less allows these sorts of restrictions when they are “vertical”, that is a constraint between the franchisee and the franchisor. So you can’t open a Bojangles store next to another franchisee. And you can’t buy your frozen giblet gravy from just any old source, etc.
As the franchisor Bojangles, Inc. can also restrict you as a franchisee from doing shit that fucks directly with another franchisee. These kinds of conflicts among competing franchisees are often viewed in terms of “market power”. You are suggesting that a group of franchisees combine their market power to harm a single competitor. Or perhaps what’s worse, that the franchisor act directly to combine the efforts of a group of franchisees to harm a competitor. Not only would the Sherman Act forbid the former, it would forbid the latter even if the target of the attack were not a fellow franchisee (like a KFC). To protect their franchise arrangement Bojangles, Inc. has you agree under contract not to do these kinds of things.
Now MLB is not subject to Sherman. Still, it’s in the interest of MLB to prevent franchisees from fucking with each other off the field. So they also put that shit in the contract. If they didn’t it could empower a single wealthy dick owner (and there are plenty of those) or a small group to destroy the league. Games could be forfeited. But fans won’t buy tickets to see forfeits. And TV networks won’t pay to televise them.
@14 be careful what you fantasize for. If we have another civil war and the South creates an apartheid Nation, I expect Delta. Will stop Flying there
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Senator who sponsored cash bail ban is outraged: Driver who threatened him with gun only had to post $1,500 to get out of jail
Maybe tell your friends not to do crimes that get them arrested. Have you tried that?
Freedom is based on the smarts not to do stupid shit in the first place. Of course, by being released, your friends would be free to do stupid shit again, which is what you really want.
Even the guy accused of flashing the gun has not been convicted of having done “stupid shit”.
The Senator’s point is a valid one, regardless. Cash bail systems like that in his state are operated blindly like a machine and as a revenue source, essentially levying a tax upon people for being arrested. As such it massively empowers police to impose financial ruin on anyone they target, merely by arresting them and falsifying charges – which is a real thing that police frequently do, and which statistics demonstrate they do more frequently in states with a cash bail system.
Courts in these jurisdictions apply the bail amounts based almost exclusively on the charges filed. And in most cases these amounts are not recoverable. For the working poor this means a vicious lesson to be learned: any police officer may, at any time and for any reason or no reason at all empty your bank account and put you into debt simply by falsely swearing an arrest affidavit. And in our system police may not be held professionally or personally culpable for falsifying an arrest affidavit, something every single police officer knows quite well.
People like Dumbfuck draw comfort from this kind of system by assuring themselves that as a moderately prosperous white person they will never be targeted by it. And in the unlikely event that they ever were, they are assured they could easily cover the bail amount. Nobody wants to forfeit $1500 and be forced to retain a criminal defense attorney for another $5,000 to $10,000. But knowing that they can makes it much easier for lying shitheads like Dumbfuck to celebrate a system that empowers goons like Derek Chauvin to ruin lives for sport.
“5. If you didn’t vote for Trump, you must be dealt with by force”.
That is the ultimate embrace of cancel culture.
Here we have @ 19 referencing Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 1, who took two words, “by force”, from something written in a Claremont publication. You need to go to that publication to learn that the words “by force” were a quote from something written by a Henry Jaffe, decades ago, I suspect circa 1979, when we were dealing with the USSR and the Iranian kidnapping of dozens of our citizens.
And you fucks try to turn it into some Proud Boys manifesto. ’cause two words, written 40 years ago, before Ivanka was born.
Pull your heads out of your asses. I realize that for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that will require a surgical extraction to correct chronic craniorectal inversion.
Yabbut the important question is, can she keep her cell phone where she’s going?
Two teen girls accused of car-jacking and killing an Uber Eats driver in D.C. ‘reach plea deal with prosecutor ensuring they will not be held past the age of 21 nor be placed in a prison facility’
Calling it a killing of an Asian immigrant is a bit of a stretch to me. One border west is the Middle East, after all.
I’m OK with it unless they’re released in, like, six months. 6-8 years in the system is appropriate, if not satisfying.
Claremont has literally implored “conservative” voters to “charge the cockpit or you die” in order to seize control of the government by force. In doing so they have repeatedly argued for the view that either the consistent repeated failure of their model ideals of “conservatism” to win broad acceptance indicates a fundamental collapse of western civilization; or “conservatism” is just wrong.
Clearly unwilling to admit the latter, they opt for the former.
And that choice has confined them to a fairly narrow view of political activism when it comes to “conservatives”. They are indeed actively arguing that the constitutional republic endowed by The Framers has failed. That the only futures available to us are either Orwellian, Caesarian, or lead directly to collapse. And that the only viable “conservative” response must include moving “beyond” the failed model to more “muscular” “authority”.
It’s no stretch at all that this argument is a call for fascism.
Like most of the Trumpist movement it’s right out in the open.
They mean to say it. And they mean it when they say it.
It is what it is, regardless of whether Tara suffers ButtHurtz by seeing it spelled out.
And it leads directly to mobs of violent goons attacking The Capitol to overturn an election they didn’t like.
Hunter Biden is so fucking smart he smoked Parmesan cheese to get high.
@ 22
… mobs of violent goons attacking The Capitol …
Those people aren’t familiar with Claremont any more than the average Antifa thug is familiar with Amy Goodman, sorry.
Problems arise when everyone, even stupid people, are allowed to vote. Democratic representation is messy. Doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Two consecutive morons as president, and here we still are, wealthy as fuck.
@17 “Maybe tell your friends not to do crimes that get them arrested. Have you tried that?”
(Does this need any explanation?)
“Freedom is based on the smarts not to do stupid shit in the first place.”
So is winning elections, getting dates, and a host of other things Republicans often find themselves shut out of.
@20 “You need to go to that publication to learn that the words ‘by force’ were a quote from something written by a Henry Jaffe, decades ago, I suspect circa 1979, when we were dealing with the USSR and the Iranian kidnapping of dozens of our citizens.”
And requoted on March 24, 2021, by a Jaffe discipline who thinks every American citizen who didn’t vote for Trump should be treated exactly like Russians and Iranian kidnappers and is saying so.
Read the fucking fine print. He isn’t writing about Russians or Iranians, nor was this essay written in 1979.
@23 Which is a perfectly legal, if dumb, activity.
Maybe you should spend more of your posting time on people who engage in illegal, and dumb, activity. E.g., assaulting police officers and trying to kill the vice president and members of Congress.
@21 Doctor Dumbfuck is disappointed they won’t be summarily executed, reducing the nonwhite population by two.
The greedy racist incel: “Problems arise when everyone, even stupid people, are allowed to vote. ”
He said the quiet part out loud. He wants to go back to when only a select few rich white men with at least an acre of land had the right to vote.
@24 “Problems arise when everyone, even stupid people, are allowed to vote.”
Your tribe would be in trouble if we agreed to that.
“Federal prosecutors have requested an emergency stay to prevent the release of Capitol defendant Jack Wade Whitton, who was arrested last week after he was identified as the Trump fan captured on film dragging a D.C. police officer by the neck down the steps of the Capitol and into a violent mob.”
If convicted, he should get at least as much time as Crystal Mason got.
@17. Driving while black, shopping while black, walking while black, sleeping in one’s bed while black, all of those will get you shot or arrested by cops no crime required.
Here’s a letter from the Democrat mayor of West Palm Beach, FL, calling out CBS News’ 60 Minutes hit piece on DeSantis as “intentionally false“.
I believe it’s clear who the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination is, at this point.
It’s the governor who performed effectively WRT COVID-19. Small wonder CBS is stooping to dishonesty in order to begin to take him down. Hard to blame CBS for doing it. Look who they have to protect – First Vegetable Joe Biden and the unlikable Kamala Harris.
It’s a short letter. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, your lips will still move while you read it but it won’t take you more than a half-hour or so.
Once again, literally dozens of Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and 3%ers had traded the Publius Decius Mus essay and memes based on it on their social media prior to violently attacking police guarding The Capitol.
For four years it was the foundational document used to set aside widely accepted norms of democracy to embrace the degenerate character of the avowed Rapist-in-Chief.
Now, slow your stupid piehole flapping, breathe slowly, and remind yourself that it is YOU and it is YOUR SIDE and YOUR PARTY who have been insisting since November that “democratic representation” isn’t working. That’s why you attacked The Capitol. That’s why you are trying to close polling places, purge voter registration rolls, limit voting hours, and make it a crime to hand out water. That’s why you swindled yourself into believing that three or four nerdy bookworms in black robes could hold back the inevitable tide of progress. That’s why you make up imaginary
Canadian Supermodel Girlfriends“FB friends in CO”. It’s why you post nonsense that is internally self-contradictory.Your cult prophecy has failed. “Conservatism” doesn’t work. Every day you and your fellow “conservatives” fight to deny that is another day driving you closer to the warm loving embrace of The Access Hollywood Tape and The Chewbacca Bikini.
I heard on Nextdoor that the vaccine was made in the abortion clinics with dead blond baby girls.
I think I’ll wait until I know more.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday that he will not throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Texas Rangers home opener because of Major League Baseball’s stance on voter integrity laws.”
Ooo! Ooo! Take that, libbies! That’s gotta hurt! But they can use the ball girl as a backup. Or bring in a nun. Or a kid who lost both his parents to TrumPlague.
P.S., I don’t understand why CNN didn’t put quote marks around “voter integrity,” because these laws have nothing to do with integrity of any kind.
That’s still being investigated. But it should concern all of us that the “High Priests in White Coats” have been evasive.
We all deserve to know the truth before we get vaccinated.
You have an absolute right to know how these things were made before they thrust, and force it inside of your most private body. Compulsion is wrong and UnAmerican™, and pretty much what the dictionary says “Communism™” is. Or maybe it’s “Socialism™”
That’s also still being investigated.
How to get an airline to move its hub to another state.
It’s apparent the GOP is deciding to go to war over voting rights, rather than back down from preventing (black) American citizens from voting in their own country.
I wonder how many friends they’ll have left when the dust settles? Not many, if any, in big business it appears.
Big business knows a losing strategy when they see one. There’s not much marketing power in fascism.
Holy Fuck. The FuckHump was stuck below 30,000. Biden economy is killing it.
Sad. Bob can’t put on the skirt and take out the Pom Poms.
40,000 here we come!!!
Oh thank you for sharing! Praise!
I just don’t understand what the rush is. I think these people just want liberal “brownie points”.
But I always think for myself. I never let people make decisions for me. That’s just the way I was raised. Traditional. With respect. In our house you always showed respect. And whatever Daddy decided, that was good enough for us. And we always went to church on Sunday (if the game was blacked out) and kept a Bible in the front room.
I got a Purity Ring the same week as Jessica Simpson. And my daughter got one the same time as Miley. Not because everyone was doing it. But because it was the right thing.
But I’m just not at all convinced about the vaccine. And one of my neighbors who reads the bible like waaaayyy more, and like studies and all that, she said it was “the mark of the beast”. And that sounds bad, obviously. So I’m not doing it. Not right now, at least. Praise! And thank you. And thank you Jesus!
@33 “the Democrat mayor of West Palm Beach, FL”
First of all, he’s not the mayor of West Palm Beach, Keith James is.,_Florida
He’s the county mayor of Palm Beach County.
And he’s a strange kind of “Democrat”:
“[Ex-]Rep. Dave Kerner has been identified as conservative democrat, southern democrat, and bi-partisan, among other labels … while leading floor debate against bills that could typically be seen as ‘conservative’ in ideology, but ‘misguided’ in their conservative principles.”
Southern Democrat. Conservative Democrat. Beefs about the pollution of conservative ideology by the ideologically impure Trump/Armed Militia/NRA Party.
But whatever. If CBS lied, somebody should call them out, and it doesn’t really matter who, as long as someone does.
Now do Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, InfoWars, etc., while you’re concern-trolling about feeding disinformation to the gullible elements of the public (e.g., the 74 million fools who actually believe the 2020 election was “stolen” by the 81 million Americans who don’t want to live in a fascist country).
@35 That could help explain why church attendance is dropping.
Don’t get me wrong about religion. I prayed plenty in my foxhole. I’m not sure it helped, but at the time I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I’m still here, so maybe it did help, but considering how random death was in Vietnam, at best whatever divine intervention existed there was a dice roll. Virtue, education, marital or parentage status, had nothing to do with it. You either got zapped or you didn’t, and there was no rhyme or reason to it.
@36 The vaccine is perfectly fine as long as their hair was blonde and not kinky black.
@38 Frankly, my dear, you shouldn’t give a damn how it was made. Or who’s paying for it. All you should care about is your place in line.
@41 I did alright today. No doubt doc did, too, and is now figuring out how to spend it. Another horse? But wouldn’t that be cheating on the current horse?
The Governor of WI has hit Trump with a $145,000 legal bill for Trump’s failed attempt at overturning that state’s election. Looks like Trump will need to step up the scamming of his donors just to stay afloat.
“’60 Minutes’ is facing backlash for a story it aired Sunday on Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis — including from the supermarket chain Publix and two prominent Democrats in the state. … After the report aired, the Democratic director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management and Democratic county mayor of Palm Beach County both publicly responded, saying that partnering with Publix was not suggested by anyone from DeSantis’ office.”
Looks like a reporter fucked up. Nobody’s backing this story. Republicans always back false stories that serve their partisan interests or bring in fundraising dollars; e.g., the false story about a “stolen election” that wasn’t stolen. (And how many Republicans believe ridiculous hoaxes and conspiracy theories, while blowing off science and common sense?)
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. Especially when it comes to truth and common sense.
As for DeSantis running for president in 2024, I hope he does.
@49 He can afford it. Just raise the venue fee for weddings at Mar-a-Lago. Heck, just one wedding pays for it. For $145,000, Trump will show up for your wedding and be in all the photos.
Yeah, that includes killing and assualting cops and American military members……they are frothing at the mouths to kill them some cops and troops. Someone really needs to point that out. I have no trouble reminding them daily that they are not freinds of cops nor the military, they merely use them as their pawns.
Throwing this out there because it happened at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology.
I’m interested if there are any left-leaning accounts of what happened at the event, and what happened afterward.
Careful of what you wish for. When that happens you’ll be crying like you are my little bitch.
Shit @16… beat me to it. We must really know my little bitch.
My little bitch hides
@ 37
I can’t imagine why Abbott would be disgusted with the whole Georgia Voter ID bullshit.
Unless it is because he watched the same type of bullshit happen in his own state, back when Wendy Davis thought a nice pair of legs in pretty pink athletic shoes was enough to claim a right to governorship.
Texas voter ID law didn’t suppress vote
The numbers seem low because it was an off-year election.
@54 “whose heterodox politics led her to vote for Green Party nominee Jill Stein in 2016 and for Donald Trump last year”
No problem, if you keep your personal political views to yourelf, which you pretty much have to do in any public-employer workspace and a lot of private ones as well.
“She didn’t like the rise of the concept of ‘safe spaces,’ or certain aspects of what she calls ‘capital-A anti-racist pedagogy, …”
No problem, as long as she complies with her employer’s policies, which you have to do in al jobs, if you want to stay employed.
” … what most concerned her was an upcoming diversity training” etc.
No problem, as long as she puts up with whatever chickenshit her employer doles out, which is the lot of virtually all staff everywhere.
“… made Parrett uncomfortable” etc.
No problem, as long as she keeps her feelings to herself, which every salaried person in the universe has had to do more times than even God can count.
“She wasn’t the only one disturbed by the idea of a racially segregated anti-racism training. Her friend” etc. “said in an email to senior administrators” etc.
No problem, as long as she and he present their concerns respectfully through proper channels and observing the chain of command.
“Nonetheless, … the school’s president” etc. “made clear the expectation” etc.
No problem, as long as she eats shit, keeps her mouth shut, and does what she’s told, like employees in virtually every workplace have to do.
“… decided to express her qualms about the training during the training itself …”
That’s a problem.
– as a percentage of registered voters;
– as a percentage of eligible voting age adults.
The fun part is that at this point Tara is just a fucking babbling “conservative” talking point regurgitation machine with a busted algorithm. Every post is another opportunity to debunk one of her failed cult in-group orthodoxies.
It’s all low hanging fruit from here on out.
In more ways than one.
This kind of stuff is entirely performative. She’s engaging in HR victimhood theater. Because nobody in the organization who is responsible for implementing the training event or selecting the training content or content provider is present. And she’s smart enough to have known that. So expressing dissatisfaction with the training at the training is entirely for the benefit of other trainees. It’s a status move. It’s designed to draw attention to herself from her peers and to set herself apart. And nothing more.
Even without the context of bias and diversity training it would still be problematic behavior.
@54 (continued) “Parrett is far from a perfect victim. … She and her husband … attended the infamous ‘Stop the Steal’ rally on January 6, 2021. (The two insist that they protested peacefully and did not enter the U.S. Capitol or participate in the riot.) … What happened to Parrett, while not common, is part of a trend toward an intolerant approach to political differences—one in which disagreement on mainstream political issues is reframed as a form of harm.”
Actually, it’s been very common for employers to fire Capitol rioters. Trying to overthrow our government isn’t “political differences,” it’s insurrection. Trump’s baseless claims the election was “stolen” ae not a “mainstream political issue” and reframing rioting, damaging government property, and assaulting cops as “disagreement” doesn’t make it so.
Also, anybody who believes that shit probably shouldn’t be in a responsible teaching position anyway.
@56 The question is, who else “really knows [your] little bitch”?
@57 When she/it/him sees you coming, and I can’t say I blame her/it/him.
@58 “back when Wendy Davis thought a nice pair of legs in pretty pink athletic shoes”
Translation: Women have no damn business running for public office, that’s a male domain
“I’m a veteran cop, and I’ve already attended 19 annual use-of-force trainings, so I don’t need to sit through another one … “
“The Senate parliamentarian has ruled that Democrats may amend the budget resolution they used for their Covid-19 relief bill and attach another set of reconciliation instructions to it …. The ruling is a key step for Democrats as they weigh their options for moving infrastructure legislation, potentially giving them a route to pass new legislation without Republican votes.”
“Never a moment, never a moment that they weren’t trying to save me.”
“They” sounds like someone I’d rather have presiding over our country during a deadly pandemic than a self-serving narcissist who throws everyone under the bus.
Putin’s spin bitch – pussy move that hot all the pussies worked up
If there is any reason why MLB should be shot it’s because of this.
Keep spreading the germs. Bob’s horse knows the feeling of having to put up with dumbfucks.
Posted only because I believe this thread needs a Raw Story link.
Lauren Boebert silent on MLB moving All-Star Game to her state after attacking decision to leave Atlanta
Speaking of Colorado, I recall years ago going to Golden to check out the Coors plant. Familiar with the beautiful setting of the old Olympia Tumwater brewery, I was expecting to find something equally special set against the backdrop of the Rockies. But no, it looked like a fucking prison. Still does.
Biden to MLB: You fucked up! You trusted us!
Why might First! Woman! President! Jill Biden be turning tail on the MLB issue?
For starters, there’s the difficulty finding a city like Atlanta that is in a more woke state than Georgia.
Denver is also 76% white. And I’m not talking about snowfall.
During pregame warmups he scored 1590 on his SAT, too.
Ohtani clocks 101 mph fastball, launches 451-foot HR in historic inning
Is there anything people of Asian heritage can’t do better than the rest of us?
Today’s one good thing we all deserve, especially Tara:
Merlot soaked John Boehner telling Ted Cruz to go fuck himself is 2021 perfection.
Tim Scott is lying.
I know, right? A “Republican” lying?
In Tim Scott’s case it’s probable that he’s lying unintentionally. Because stupid. But still lying.
So, the difference is 2.7 million jobs. Not a small number, but let’s think about this.
NYT recently pegged the cost of the infrastructure bill at $3 trillion.
Instead of giving those 2.7 million people jobs that cost $3 trillion, we could give each and every one of them one million dollars.
We’d still have $300m left over. And boy, what those people would do for the economy, with their one million dollars each…
@ 75
Tim Scott is lying.
I dunno. A lot of people in Atlanta look black to me. Or is Ralph Northam just on vacation there a lot?
You white MAGA people do sedition, treason and violent insurrection way better than us Asian-Americans.
Mary Mapes could not be reached for comment.
CBS goes dark on DeSantis, avoids mentioning ’60 Minutes’ report on morning, evening news programs
Remember, Mary Mapes still believes that letter is real. Stacey Abrams still maintains her loss in 2018 was a stolen election.
Liberals rely on falsity to get by.
The list of things/companies that their GQP FailPresident ordered Rapepublicans to boycott in his brief single term in office:
Coca Cola
Goodyear Tire
Harley Davidson
Apple and all Apple products
Megyn Kelly
Rolling Stone
The entire nation of Mexico
The entire nation of Italy
The Glenfiddich brands of single malt scotch
Spin it in whatever way best suits the imaginary “FB friends in CO”, but it’s entirely possible that President Biden is simply attempting to set a more moderate and careful tone as President in comparison to KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!!!!!!!!!
2021 a year of welcome change brought to us by the collapse of “Murican conservatism”.
@ 74
Merlot soaked John Boehner telling Ted Cruz to go fuck himself is 2021 perfection.
Here’s 2020 perfection:
Politicians occasionally tee off on other politicians from the same party. Who knew?
I’d suggest that Mayor Pete’s takedown of Fauxchahontas had far more effect than anything Boehner might have to say about Cruz.
I’m outta here.
Red state Baylor beat blue state Gonzaga.
I forgot there was a game last night.
Tim Scott lies about quite a lot of things.
So it’s no wonder Tara gets confused.
But in this case Scott is lying about the election laws in the states mentioned. The sources of the lying are probably media sources. I’ve tried to point out before that media often fuck up the law. Partisan media attempting to interpret the law is much worse.
Part of the clue here lies in understanding that the effects of any given law differ very dramatically on either side of Shelby and the related rulings. After Shelby elements of state election laws and practices that might have been blocked by Sec. 5 of the VRA could be reimplemented. So comparisons of text are meaningless in the absence of the context of VRA oversight.
The new law, restoring Jim Crow practices in Georgia is unbound by Sec. 5 and can not be controlled by any VRA legal challenge in anything like a timely manner. Voters and interested parties in Georgia can sue under Sec. 2, and then sit back and wait for the legal process to drag out for a decade or more while election officials continue to lock doors, unplug machines, and spill coffee on paperwork.
It’s beginning to sink in:
All your best days are now behind you.
That, and…
…is pretty much all we need to know to judge the doctor quite harshly.
North Carolina bathroom bill boycott cost the state billions.
Q-Anon/BEACHWEEK!! culture wars themes have a very consistent record of political failure for “Murican conservatives”. It’s an appeal to their own base. And it is effective at energizing that base. But it has always come at a high political cost of big losses among moderate voters.
At least one of the intended outcomes of Tara’s kind of culture wars flogging is to “concern troll” liberals and Democrats into being cautious. And it’s true that Democrats have to be careful about the messaging. The economic losses to NC weighed heavily on hourly workers in hospitality, travel, leisure, and events. Atlanta, GA has been the runaway number one travel destination for African Americans.
I do not intend on spending my money in a state attempting to set up a republican Apartheid nation.
C’mon you were rooting for the zags because they had the most white guys.
So look for ways to directly support African American small businesses and employers in Georgia in particular, even if you choose to avoid spending money on big corporate largely white-owned businesses in Georgia if you can. And support the businesses in Georgia and elsewhere who have been fighting for ballot access for years and who are largely responsible for flipping two Senate seats.
“…self-serving narcissist who throws everyone under the bus.”
That describes “Roger Rabbit” perfectly.
Parliamentarian has ruled that Democrats will have two more at-bats this year for budget reconciliation legislation.
Only you.
Are you sad? Go ahead.
Let the tears flow.
Why might Hunter Biden’s Little Bitch spew stupid ass shit here in his glory days of retirement?
Because he’s a failure at everything, even retiring.
There you go again with the false equivalencies. That describe you more – not wanting to put your skirt and Pom Poms on today like you did yesteryears under less impressive circumstances.
@73 I thought pitchers couldn’t hit homers. Meanwhile, back on the golf course …
… well, not exactly on the golf course.
@82 You’d have known if you read Handbill.US once in a while. But this is a free country, and if you choose to be ignorant and uninformed, that’s your choice.
@88 I didn’t look at it that way, but I think you’re right.
@90 Did you wash your hands after pulling that out of your ass?
Who have I thrown under the bus? Besides you, I mean.
Nobody is a bigger piece of shit than me!
@99 I disagree. Trump is a bigger piece of shit than you. So is Ted Cruz. And many others. You’re a small fry. But even a shit-eating housefly deserves to be swatted.
Georgia’s voting laws aren’t the same as Colorado’s; see, e.g. …
The limited early voting period in Colorado is not meaningful in practice because most of the state —94 percent in 2020 — votes by mail or via drop box.
The vote-by-mail systems also differ widely in both seats: In Colorado, every eligible voter receives a ballot in the mail, versus in Georgia where a voter must request it, and there are far more dropbox locations in Colorado than Georgia.
… but Doctor Dumbfuck just cuts-and-pastes Tim Scott because he’s a lazy dumbfuck with no critical thinking skills.
Proud Boy joins unemployment line.
“The party has spent the first months of the Biden administration rewriting electoral laws to suppress minority votes, denying the truth of Trump’s Capitol insurrection, raging against vaccine passports and trashing science with state openings that threaten to cause unnecessary pandemic deaths.”
Anybody wants to dispute this? Looks factually accurate to me. The point is, the GOP is a party of dumbfucks. It’s Doctor Dumbfuck’s party.
People who believe themselves innocent don’t seek preemptive presidential pardons.
Also, Trump’s loyal toadies don’t get pardons, because with Trump loyalty is a one-way street — demanded, but not given in return.
Suck on prison loaf, Gaetz.
Here’s a bit of light reading for any dumbfuck who thinks Jill Biden is running the country and Joe is a doddering, slobbering candidate for a rest home. Excerpt:
“Like Roosevelt, Johnson and Reagan, Biden is an adroit politician who knows how to seize the moment.”
Man, does he ever.
History might not entirely overlook Trump; if Biden is ranked with FDR, LBJ, and Reagan, then DJT may be credited with getting him elected.
Hoover was before FDR