Man, fuck NIMBYs. Fuck the demonization of homeless people. Fuck kicking people out in the middle of a pandemic. Fuck thinking that an empty hotel is more desirable than one housing people.
Fuck kicking homeless people out of Cal Anderson Park without having a place for them to go. Fuck. It doesn’t have to be this way.
And wash your hands right now.
Renton’s fatal flaw: attempting to criminalize identity rather than behavior.
“Homeless service provider” is not a behavior, at least not a behavior that can be objectively designated to be criminal. If there are objectively criminal behaviors the city associates with the provision of services to the homeless they need to identify those as such, enact as needed local ordinances to address them, and enforce those ordinances.
This isn’t rocket science and never has been. The basic problem comes down to elected officials, police, and their attorneys doing a shit job of pushing back on the public who, when all is said and done, really do want to criminalize identity. Business owners who want police to unlawfully remove the “sketchy” people from public areas adjacent to their businesses. Worker bees and customers who are “grossed out” having to see poor people. Homeowners who demand exclusionary zoning laws but don’t want to face the consequences of those laws.
Renton will lose here. And it will cost them. It will cost them more in the end than the relatively simple things they could do to reduce whatever “harms” the city feels it suffers because of homeless people living in poverty on the streets.
Counsel representing the City of Detroit has now moved for 11(b) sanctions against Sidney Powell.
It won’t work, unfortunately. Safe harbor provisions in the rule will essentially mean that these kinds of motions in these kinds of lawsuits involving election challenges will never go anywhere. But I applaud the effort. And maybe it will cost them some money opposing the motion.
Why don’t you go down to one of these homeless camps and get a couple of these people to come live at your house for an indefinite period of time?
@3 Don’t you have anything better to do than pick on homeless poor people?
… guess not. You must be a Republican …
“Man, fuck NIMBYs. Fuck the demonization of homeless people. Fuck kicking people out in the middle of a pandemic. Fuck thinking that an empty hotel is more desirable than one housing people.”
You forgot to mention their creativity in doing it right before Christmas. Akin to an employer handing out pink slips on Christmas Eve. As in, “Fuck your Christmas!”
@1 Haven’t read the ordinance, but based on PubliCola’s description, it does occur to me this measure might have some legal vulnerabilities. Probably wouldn’t require a ton of effort to paint it as racist, either.
@2 Her bloviating would cost any normal attorney his/her reputation, but she isn’t a normal attorney. She’s hardly an attorney at all. She’s more in the category of aspiring TV host in the mold of Jeanne Pirro.
“The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the global nuclear watchdog, told CBS News that the world has become a more dangerous place partly due to President Donald Trump’s policies, and he urged Mr. Trump’s successor to return to nuclear negotiations with adversaries.”
The funny thing about nuclear warheads is they don’t ask who you voted for — something Trumpies might contemplate the next time someone asks, “Are you safer now than you were four years ago?”
Pence called the Covid vaccine a “miracle” — apparently in a divine intervention sense — with no acknowledgement of the role of science or hard work and perseverance in making it happen.
@1 what if a nudist identified as a nudist and not it to be a behavior?
Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m all for helping out the homeless, and making things right for all circumstances, but I also believe in personal responsibility and accountability.
To be homeless doesn’t mean you lose the ability to be considerate, responsible and accountable for your actions. Takes two to tango.
What harm does a nudist cause? Everyone has tits, penis and vagina (either or)
What about homeless horses – I bet Bob’s got that covered – he’ll take them in.
Matter of fact I donated $50 today to a cause that helps out the homeless…..anyone else do that today?
Show me your track record of success.
Show me where police harassment, eliminating treatment, reducing shelter capacity, arresting poor people for sleeping outside, and shuttling drunks and addicts in and out of public health emergency rooms, jail cells, and court rooms has reduced poverty, reduced addiction, or even succeeded in reducing public spending?
Your approach to street addiction and homelessness is precisely the same as your approach to immigration. It’s not cheaper. It’s not effective. But it’s what you want because it gets you hard to see people suffering.
The purpose of government is not to entertain sadists. For that you have the Republican Party.
Was it “considerate” of conservative Trumpalo protesters to vandalize church property on Saturday night?
Behavior that “harms” government interest is a helluva lot easier to identify and can be more easily grounded in law.
Hey senile wabidiot, MSDNC had their “expert” along with CNN’s @JessicaHuseman of ProPublica in May claiming
So VP Pence claiming it’s a miracle is a miracle with the two loudest dummocretin media mouthpieces dissing the vaccines and their development. Now we have Pfizer, AstraZeneca and soon to be Moderna. Trump implementing Operation Warpspeed not only worked but showed to the world those whom are truly doctors and those whom really are dummocretin mouthpieces!
Here and here
Of course being the mentally slow senile wabidiot of assesHorse, you forgot these small FACTS!
Meanwhile an antifa thug stab four people in WA DC last week. The NY Slimes claimed no one who who was the stabber. Yet it was immediately known because the thug was caught and police arrested the thug!
Unity Schmunity
Truly a miracle worker. Ironic, if you think about it. Because really, all you losers needed to do was express just the tiniest bit of sympathy and support for all the grieving American families.
Had you done that, that simple easy act of human kindness, even if it was completely insincere, Trump would have won re-election. And it would be you mocking us rather than the other way around. Loser. Ha. Ha.
Just imagine if you had sacked up, and confronted the fat freak about all his lying and corruption when we gave you the chance. If even a small handful of your Senate members had summoned the courage and patriotism to do the right thing, Pence would be your President right now and he’d be dancing toward inauguration next month.
But none of that happened. Because you declined all of it.
And so you lost.
And now all you do is come on here and cry.
More please. And thank you.
“Seems” he must have been able to hide behind all the knife wielding Republicans burning AME churches.
See what I did there?
Try harder.
FOX poll shows two* in every ten Trump voters are no longer interested in voting in presidential elections.
Since they lost. The election. And the fifty seven legal challenges to the election. And all the motions. And the vote in the electoral college.
*I wonder if either of our Trolls4Trump shares these regrets?
I hope not. I look forward to many more years of mocking and humiliating them as they continue to lose.
Meanwhile BiteME!’s pick for Energy Secretary was a Russia Russia Russia collusion crier.
Jennifer Granholm @JenGranholm .
Nov 10, 2015 . @CarlyFiorina boasts that she met Putin in a private meeting rather than in a green room … take that
Jennifer Granholm @JenGranholm ·
Jul 27, 2016 Is @realDonaldTrump a tool–witting or unwitting–of Putin? One way to prove he isn’t the Manchurian Candidate is to #ReleaseTheReturns.
Jennifer Granholm @JenGranholm ·
Feb 14, 2017 Rs: if u find Team @realDonaldTrump promised no sanctions to Russia, or encouraged Russia to hack, will u stand by your man or your country?
Jennifer Granholm @JenGranholm ·
Dec 10, 2019 This is one big middle finger to anyone who cares about his love for Putin.
Joe BiteME! sure knows how to pick ’em!
Got proof? No churches burned FOOL!
The plan is to take everything you own away from you and give it all to poor people of color. And to illegal immigrants.
Did you guys watch the smack down Senator Ron Johnson gave Senator Gary Peters over his LIES on Russian Disinformation on Hunter Biden’s activities?
Better late than never… Just two months or so.
Oh? So your defense is that you and your fellow Rapepublicans merely burned AME church property?
That’s so much better!
Please, continue. This is all going so well for you.
You claimed
Didn’t find any knives and no torched church buildings.
See how Puddy kicked your silly ASS down the gutter?
Keep trying!
Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, new rules for covid based orgies!!!
I guess Pudiot missed the part where Greenwald went to work for the Rapepublican Dildo Navy.
It’s the company you keep.
So not denying that knife-wielding Republicans rampaged violently through the handsome streets of our nation’s capitol burning AME church property you are therefore confirming it!
Because it’s all true! And it humiliates you!
The way losing to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris humiliates you.
I hate to break it to you, Pudiot. You are “the baddies”.
Worse than that. Try flame throwers…
At a police officer!
The cops chose the wrong side.
Republicans lose. Then they turn on you.
Eating raw meat “cannibal” sandwiches has obviously led to Senator Johnson contracting brain parasites.
Pudiot, belonging to a meatless dietary cult, lacks this excuse.
Humiliation? NOPE!
You claimed churches burned.
Didn’t see your “link” in any story!
Dot bombed bombed @32! Senator Johnson dropped the BOMB!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Peters couldn’t deal with the TRUTH!
And I graciously admitted my error when you corrected me by pointing out and insisting as you still are, that it was not AME churches themselves that violent, knife-wielding Republicans burned, but rather it was AME church property that violent, knife-wielding, Republican rioters burned.
I stand corrected.
IIRC, you also accused President-elect(!!!!!!!) Biden of forcibly and violently digitally penetrating the vagina of an intern through support hose in the middle of the busiest business corridor in North America at mid day surrounded by hundreds of passersby with not one single witness.
In fact, now that I think about it, you also accused Tom Hanks of raping babies and dining on their adrenal glands while singing Stairway to Heaven backwards and voting in Detroit… twice.
Don’t look now, but nobody gives a fuck what you accuse anyone of anymore. That all burned up in an dumpster fire in the truck yard of a lawn mowing company.
Hope it was worth it!
Obvious answer – No. It was a crime and they should be punished like anyone else. Maybe even punish them with a punitive damages mentality.
I assume you are changing the subjet to make an analogy to demonstrate the inequity of my statement and what the intent of what you were stating, that I didn’t comprehend? In essence, you are saying my statement in reply to your statement isn’t apples to apples?
In defense of what I was implying or stating is that as much as I think the homeless situaton needs to be dealt with and assistance provided, there are things that the homeless should do to be part of that solution. It simply can’t be a one way street. I’d settle for a one way street but 90/10 percent.
With the exception of extreme mental health issues, the homeless should participate in their own well being too, and if they need the help to do so then they should seek that help (speaking of drug or alchol addictions or simply just behavior stuff that they can change with little or great effort).
Got proof? Or bad memory? Puddy votes baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad memory!
NOPE! Just BULLSH^TTIUM! Go ask PortaPotty for help. He owns the crazed databaze!!!!!
See how Puddy kicked your silly ASS to the curb AGAIN?
Keep trying! Even your “joke attempts” fall flat!
BTW, where is that flame throwing link bomidiot?
Ha! Ha!
Not to mention that the death toll is this Country and we are I think the one of all nations where the infection rate is increasing like wild fire.
Truly – change the subject to a miracle vaccine, that they’ll refuse to take, to hide your sins. The Fuckhump Virus!
Pro-Trump election lawyer makes racist attack on Mitch McConnell’s wife after he accepts Biden win
If they’d have thought of charging admission, I’d have gladly paid to watch Republicans devour each other.
Puddy is sure bomidiot wouldn’t mind the homeless to squat on their lawn, pissing and sh^tting and leaving used needles all over his property. Butt, because they are there illegally he’ll call the po-po-5-o and want them gone.
Proud Boys don’t believe black lives matter.
Black family’s cars set on fire and garage door vandalized after they displayed Black Lives Matter sign in their yard
I’m sure our white supremacist trolls will denounce them. The innocent black family, that is.
I’m just saying there’s such a thing as criminal behavior and it usually isn’t that difficult to identify it. No special zoning required.
“He is a President that supports moms. He’s a President that supports life.”
Widespread shock as emails reveal Trump appointee’s ‘monstrous’ call to spread COVID-19 in America
Pudiot response:
Pudiot, you just described at least two or three criminal offenses that have absolutely nothing to do with homelessness.
Now go back and substitute “homeless” with “Black”.
Then maybe you’ll take a tiny step closer to understanding why you always lose.
Know anyone who died of COVID19? Thank the Republicans
The party of godwin, puddy and pars has helped kill 300,000 Americans.
So Steve,
Weren’t you one of the assesHorse dummocretins spouting off on Moscow Mitch?
Don’t know ’bout “James Biden”.
But what all of America does know to an absolute certainty is that the Republican Party has been diligently at work investigating “bread crumbs” to uncover “the GLOBAL DERP STATE CONSPIRACY” to steal babies, hide them in invisible cannibal dungeons under pizza parlors, and sell them to Ron Howard so he and George Soros can boil them into wrinkle cream!
I have issues with Mitch and his wife, but I would never attack his wife for simply being Chinese.
1 in 4 young Asian Americans experienced anti-Asian hate amid COVID-19
Stirring up hatred for Asian-Americans, which includes people who are dear friends of mine, is Doctor ‘Wuhan’ Dumbfuck’s speed.
“Know anyone who died of COVID19? Thank the Republicans”
No, thank us. We did this intentionally.
News to brighten the doctor’s day.
Black family’s cars set on fire and garage door vandalized after they displayed Black Lives Matter sign in their yard
What I heard is that Hillary, Bill Gates, Justice Roberts and George Soros all got together in a Wuhan lab and made the virus themselves.
@15 It’s about giving credit where credit is due, dumbass. The vaccines happened because of the hard work of people, not by Pence’s favorite sky daddy waving a magic wand.
@43 Well, they didn’t leave any doubt about who they idolize, did they? And we don’t have to wonder why people of this ilk idolize him, either, do we?
Elliot Broidy is way more fascinating than James Biden. Stupider and greedier, too.
Credit is due to Trump getting business and government working together wabidiot. CNN & MSDNC didn’t help at all.
Puddy takes your “giving credit” and flushes it. Remember, you and reddeformed were two of those claiming Trump was clueless on getting a vaccine out. Puddy also noticed PortaPotty is NOT going to get vaccinated. So there will be a future super spreader in assesHorseland!
Puddy don’t forget your senile BULLSH^TTIUM wabidiot! The internet is a wonderful thing to cache your smelly useless pellets of pixel waste.
Ahhh yes David Corn of Mother Jones
Corny as evah on the Russia Hoax and Russia Disinformation campaigns of the dummocretin party! Thanks for the reminiscence senile wabidiot. Please continue to provide left wrong bile so Puddy can revisit their Russia Russia Russia and Steele Dossier disinformation campaigns to remind everyone your silly sources of disinformation.
Did you send Mother Jones some money for 2021 so they can continue their disinformation campaigns next year senile wabidiot? It’s on fair to them if you claim fair use and post their disinformation on assesHorse! You should contribute to keep this source alive.
In case anyone was really wondering why Moscow Mitch and his mob of Senate Republicans have held up pandemic recovery since May over demands for sweeping and unwarranted liability exemptions:
Executives at Tyson Foods’ largest pork processing facility operated a betting pool throughout the past year wagering on how many of their own hourly employees, packed into the steamy facility without protection, would get sick and die from COVID-19.
Of course this is all perfectly consistent with the party that imprisons, beats, tortures, and rapes refugee toddlers at overcrowded border facilities “for fun”. So really should not surprise anyone at this point.
You mean those cages and practices inherited from the Obummer sadministration?
See how Puddy did that?
Teh Pudiot’s new favorite Senate traitor (with Kennedy-LA) celebrating US independence day at the Duma surrounded by his GRU backers:
Russia, Russia, Russia
Did what? All anyone now sees is perseverative babbling about Satanic cannibalism, global conspiracies, birth certificates, and mountains of idiotically impossible fabrications about TAAARAAAAA!!!! or hair touching, or dead people voting, or Ukrainium One, or Lizard People.
You fucked yourself.
Supremely confident that Trump would win you idiots went on an hysterical lying binge of unprecedented proportion and succeeded only in convincing the vast majority of Americans that nothing you claim can ever be trusted ever again. You insisted that George Soros built an invisible dungeon under a DC area pizza place as a “way station” through which to traffic thousands of kidnapped children destined for rape camps in Hollywood. You made up infantile bullshit about a Biden intern. You claimed the Obamas put cock rings on the White House Christmas tree. You paid a drunk lady to go on television and claim vans full of pizza were stolen ballots. You said people could cure COVID by shoving flashlights up their butts.
The list is literally endless with all of it more stupid and more unbelievable than the last. You burned whatever shred of credibility you might have ever retained on your jizz-smeared alter to the biggest political failure in US history. You lost it all.
Nobody pays any attention to any of your claims anymore.
You blew it.
You have some strange fantasies bombidiot! You should write a screenplay and star in it.
BTW James Biden is UNDER INVESTIGATION! You can act stoooooooooooopid because you want to be stooooooooooooopid.
So stay stoooooooooooooopid like reddeformed!
Also “under investigation”:
– “Whitey Tape”;
– Hugo Chavez’s ghost stole Georgia;
– “CIA Chemtrails”;
– Mailbox stickers;
– AC Truck ful of “stolen ballots”;
– JFK, Jr. “plane crash”;
– Vaccine “trackers”;
– Trump’s yellow tie;
– Sandy Hook “crisis actors”;
– “White genocide”;
– Seth Rich;
– Vince Foster;
– Boat Full-O-Dildos;
– etc. etc. etc. Idiot Republican World Without End…
Wow, that’s the best you can “think” @67 of bombidiot?
It was all you. All along.
And it was more than enough to remove you from the House, The White House, and flip a half dozen states.
All three “Trump” SCOTUS justices continued their unbroken streak of affirming “the gay agenda” by telling Indiana bigots this week to fuck off.
DERP STATE is working!
Heh. teh losin’ fool @68 is making shit up again all through this thread..
No drumpf butt-kissin’ kultish super-spreaders in our family!
@70 Seems to me the 1st Amendment gives bigots a right to hate all they want to; they just can’t do anything about it, that’s all.
@66 What public office does he occupy/is running for?
Yours truly understands that teh losin’ fool @68’s beloved kooky karsen contracted teh covid19…
And how did THAT happen???
Oh! A super-spreader paloozah hosted by teh orange dear leader teh fool @ 68 voted for…
TWICE.. Sweet..
And let’s not forget that orange dear leader’s “favorite african american” (kookanut karsen) got the royal treatment – advanced medications and such..
Herman Cain wasn’t so lucky.. So sux to be teh losin’ fool @ 68.
@74 They’re counting on treatments nobody else can get. Also, they go to the head of the line to get shots, while telling their constituents to refuse vaccination. Question: Why do they hate the people who vote for them?
Hmmm, Pence is heading for the Middle East on Jan. 6, the same day he’s supposed to preside over the reading of electoral votes; and while nothing in the news reports indicates he plans to absent himself from the formality of announcing Biden’s and Harris’ victory, who knows? He might want to default that unpleasant task to Sen. Grassley to avoid irritating his boss.
These traitors should all hang.
Right-wing militant leader pledges violent support for Trump dictatorship
College fraternities, a campus pestilence even on their best days, are now drug dealers, too.
Oh well, those students can still pursue their degrees through prison extension courses.
@77 Too much trouble, and there’s so many of ’em, it would create a rope shortage. Just take ’em out in combat. They wanna fight, let ’em go up against Abrams tanks and F-16s with their AR-15s. Personally, I would entertain authorizing use of napalm in such a situation, because you need blanket coverage to effectively neutralize area-type targets, and it’s preferable to use a conventional weapon unburdened with the baggage accompanying tac nukes.
CDC cut Washington’s vaccine allotment by 40% without explanation. What’s that faint odor? Do I smell retaliation against a blue state?
When Republicans govern, it isn’t public service, it’s self-serve.
“The charge carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, Birge said in a statement.”
Sounds good to me. All these violent militia yahoos belong in dungeons where they’ll never see daylight again.
Most recent GOP/Trumpalo ballot lawsuit tossed out today in an immediate ruling from the bench following initial hearing.
Republicans had hoped to eliminate voter access in targeted parts of Georgia by forcing voters in minority areas to only vote “in-person” at a small number of highly infectious, unprotected polling places…
… presumably surrounded by oil fires, swarms of angry bees, and hungry tigers.
Safe to say Republicans may not be “so sick of winning” yet, since they haven’t so far.
Gasification. Turn traitor trash into clean energy.
I bet the TrumpFucks could care less. Bunch of bastards.
Benghazi. Emails, Emails, Emails.
Fuck You you Repuke fucks and Indepussies.
Bob has been missing lately. Hopefully the traitor is hiding in a barn somewhere. He can’t show his ugly face. Failed Pro Athlete and failed doctor – he lives in misery.
Maybe The Cat Lady has been too busy
#winning, er, um, something…
Railfan – I’m sure you may have seen this, but if not….–62279
@87. I hate to say it, but I think we are all the losers for the last 4 years. Hopefully that changes, but Repukes will do everything to make sure there is continued losing.
It’s the way Repukes and the Indypussies like it.
Let’s see. Hmmm? If a Democrat was in office during this Pandemic and say 100,000 only perished, Repukes would blame Democrats…..but since the HumpFuck who wanted everyone to be infected with this virus did nothing and spoke of not doing a thing because it would be gone by Easter…….is now the Chinese fault becuase they intentionally sent it here. Wow, what personally responsibility and accountibility there you dumbfuck!
Did the Chinese intentionally know that The FuckHump would do nothing about it? What a great surmization. And know that it wouldn’t affect Austrailia or South Korean or whereever it is not out of control becuase their leaders weren’t out spreading the virus of fucking a football? Trolls are uneducated fuckwad shitheads.
The chickenshit drumpf gang is now deliberately delaying shipments of Pfizer covid vaccine to the states.
Pfizer has met all production targets but millions of doses are just sitting in their warehouses.
Apparently over 3000 americans dying every day isn’t enough for the orange cheater at golf.
Assholes.. Corrupt, repuke assholes..
“Fuck You you Repuke fucks and Indepussies.”
So, anybody who isn’t exactly like you, you arrogant cocksucker, deserves ridicule? That make perfect sense in your Rose-Colored Liberal progressive Democrat Cocksucker Universe.
Eat shit and die, you worthless fucking asshole! Die a fucking painful and lingering death!
OMG, a Biden staffer called Republicans “fuckers.” Liar!
How is that not fibbing, when talking about incels?
@92 “So, anybody who isn’t exactly like you, you arrogant cocksucker, deserves ridicule?”
No, he’s ridiculing your and your ilk on the merits.
@91 Yeah, I saw in local news that Washington’s allotment was being cut, but I thought it was just us and other blue states because we voted for Not Drumpf.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron tweets…
Doctor has a sad, too. It’s what these judges and justices were all about -besides oppressing blacks – appointing saps who would rule that the original intent of the Constitution was for America to be a single party totalitarian fascist state ruled by a raging orange man-baby.
“Millions of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are languishing in warehouses awaiting shipment instructions from the Trump administration — even as states are clamoring for them — vaccine manufacturer Pzifer said in a statement Thursday.
“The startling bottleneck is occurring as America is breaking daily COVID-19 death tolls. The U.S. lost more people on Wednesday alone (3,611) than the number of people who died on 9/11.
“Officials in several states said they were told Wednesday that their second shipments of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine next week has been mysteriously reduced …. A source told The Washington Post that Pfizer executives were ‘baffled’ that the Trump administration wasn’t immediately shipping out all of the vaccine.”
Also, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis [of the Never Admit Responsibility Party] said Tuesday that his state’s vaccine doses are ‘on hold right now’ due to Pfizer ‘production issues,’ which the company has flatly denied” and is bullshit.
To read more about DeSantis doing everything he can to kill as many Floridians as possible, click here:
The grift continues:
“President Donald Trump has invoked the Georgia Senate runoffs dozens of times over the past month while raising money for his $100 million-plus ‘leadership’ political committee — but has not reported spending a dime on those races.”
P.S., why would he care who controls the Senate for the next 2 years? He won’t be around.
Holy fuck! The DJIA is at 30,300! I didn’t know. Without Bob and his Pom Poms and cheering in his skirt, I didn’t know.
Has nothing to do with being different or not exactly like me. Let’s negotiate. Let’s compromise. Let’s work this out.
Oh wait, the Ridicule Shoe fits you so well so guess what? Go fuck yourselves you Repukes and Indypussies. You’ve destroyed this Country, go fuck yourself and each other you Neanderthal dumbfucks. You dumbfucks were and are too stupid to realize you break and don’t know how to fix a god damn thing. Get back in your little house on wheels. And by the way that blue tarp on the roof, it’s not a real roof.
Oh, oh, oh, Jamie’s cryin’ (womp, womp)
Oh, oh, oh, Jamie’s cryin’ (womp, womp)
More, please!