It’s too early to call it, but it looks like two Democrats made it through to the general election for Lt. Governor. I don’t know if I like that as a possibility in our system. I do like getting the infighting out in August. And having an ability to vote straight ticket without thinking about it in November.
Still, it is nice knowing that if Governor Inslee becomes Cabinet Secretary Inslee that we know that there won’t be a Republican governor.
In any event, please wash your hands right now.
Yeah, Inslee is gonna be the Secretary of Learning Disabilities in January if Biden wins.
We were repeatedly assured that ol’ Joe Biden’s cognitive function was regularly tested.
Now we learn he has never had a test for cognition.
Good to know.
On Althouse, today:
Barack, OTOH, has stickers from all 57 states on the back of his station wagon.
Yosemite! It’s famous!
Person, woman, man, camera, TV
How satisfied are you with how things generally are going in America?
Gallup poll:
March: 42% satisfied, 57% dissatisfied
May: 32% satisfied, 66% dissatisfied
June: 20% satisfied, 78% dissatisfied
Now: 13% satisfied, 86% dissatisfied
Closing strong.
@1 You’ll be the new agency’s first client. You’ve learned nothing since grade school.
@2 He knows a woman from a horse.
Biden accuses black CNN interviewer of drug abuse.
It’s not surprising the apparent GOP nominee for governor refuses to enforce mask rules in his jurisdiction, which aren’t necessary there. Where he’s from, people are already socially distanced by a square mile of physical separation.
They’re close enough to sexually abuse children though.
Nice try.
Biden responds to a bullshit question with a bullshit rhetorical question.
Meanwhile, Donald responds to normal questions with a long series of unintelligible gibberish and a flummoxed expression and a basic misunderstanding of how many people are dying from his inaction.
@ 9
It’s not surprising the apparent GOP nominee for governor refuses to enforce mask rules in his jurisdiction, which aren’t necessary there.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, what unnecessary rules are you in favor of enforcing?
@10 Some people will fly across an ocean to an island for that opportunity. In Cop Culp’s bailiwick, they don’t have to.
@12 It was unnecessary to enforce a rule against fucking horses in Enumclaw because that horse could defend itself.
I don’t know about Island County, though. SPCA might have to get involved there.
In Portland last night an Antifa goon tried to trap a truck by laying his motorcycle down in front of it.
It didn’t go well for the motorcycle.
I’m starting to enjoy this.
@15 Naturally Doctor Dumbfuck applauds the hit-and-run driver who assaulted a crowd of pedestrians, because he’s a dumbfuck.
New excuse for driving on sidewalks: “They’re all antifa.”
Drone footage from the Beirut blast site.
The crater is 150 m in diameter.
The building still partly standing next to the crater is a grain silo.
Almost everything Beirut consumes is imported, and arrives via the now-destroyed port.
In Portland last night a Right Wing Thug bought himself a hit and run charge.
But, but but, they’re damaging PROPERTY! Bring in the Feds! (clutches Pearl Painted Beads)
@18 Reminiscent of this:
Probably about the same amount of regulation, too.
Who could predict a heap of ANFO might combust? Just about anyone.
That’s nothin’. Just wait until you turn down the wrong street and get your tires punctured and your ass pulled out of the driver’s seat by a violent white mob claiming to mourn George Floyd but really just looking for an excuse – any excuse – to beat the shit out of a Jew.
And if you try to get out of it, well, you’re just guilty @ 19 of “hit and run”, motherfucker.
I’m just gonna throw this out there:
Ukrainian oligarch at the center of Cleveland raid described as ‘ruthless’ businessman who laundered millions, records say
It’s really to bad for ol’ Joe that it was Beau, and not Hunter, who died.
This is the “hit and run” that @ 19 wants you to believe is not Antifa’s fault.
Truck drives slowly and then stops. One guy lays a motorcycle down in front of it while another smashes the right side of his windshield. A third asswipe throws a traffic cone against the left side of the windshield.
I suppose the “hit and run” part of it was the driver’s refusal to be yanked out of the truck while it was set afire.
Yeah, that must be it. The driver failed to yield in furtherance of an attempted incendiary event. People get ticketed for that all the time, I hear.
@22 You’re no better than Tim Eyman at sticking to one topic at a time. I’ll bet it sucks to be compared to him.
@23 In which Dumbfuck descends from mimicking Eyman’s scattergunning into complete irrelevancy.
Though the linked article is nevertheless useful for providing insights into how Trump’s “businesses” probably operate, and what their real purpose probably is.
@24 You’re right. The guy was just scared, after navigating smack into the middle of a protest crowd, because he lacked the IQ to think of going around it. Unlike Edison’s, his light bulbs don’t go on.
NASDAQ index hit 11,000 today.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will never be a millionaire. Or successful at anything else.
I think the @ 24 lesson for Antifa is that they need to improve their coordination.
The guy on the left should not be laying his $5,000 investment onto asphalt in front of a vehicle with some substantial ground clearance at the same moment the guy on the right is taking a tire iron to the windshield of said vehicle.
There’s a lesson here. Actually, more than one, but let’s assume Antifa will never learn the real lesson.
Weird that Donald’s FBI raided a business controlled by Igor Kolomoisky, close ally of defeated Ukrainian President Yuschenko and a primary source for Rudy’s bullshit intel on Hunter Biden.
He must be doing some shady ass shit that Donald’s FBI can’t just look the other way on a guy trying to help Donald win.
Igor Kolomoisky held no financial stake in Burisma. But Dumbfuck seems to think this will all tie up into a neat little package that DOESN’T implicate Donald and Rudy in conspiring with another foreign agent for political gain.
Good luck.
Look at @5.
Could part of that be working people are starting to notice that Corporations and the investor class don’t give a fuck about them running out of food soon?
@29 I think the lesson for you is the best way to prevent mob violence is not by driving vehicles into mobs, but by ending police brutality and racism so the angry mobs will go home. But you’re too dumb to figure that out, because you’re a dumbfuck.
Saying this, of course, isn’t justifying mob violence. The answer to Rodney King’s question is “yes” if, but only if, rogue cops and rioters stop being assholes and join the human race.
In any case, it doesn’t take an angry mob to provoke police and racist violence. For the latter, peaceful protest is enough to trigger rage. Selma proved that. Three peaceful and law-abiding civil rights workers were murdered for registering voters.
Today’s protests are a revival and extension of that civil rights movement, whose work is still uncompleted. But you ignore that and focus entirely on the actions of a few troublemakers.
You’re battling under the wrong flag, doc. The cops, gun brandishers, and pickup drivers you’re defending aren’t the good guys in this specific culture war.
@30 Not weird at all. From Dumbfuck’s link @23:
“Last year, he refused to set up a meeting with President Trump’s ally, Rudy Giuliani, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an attempt to find political dirt against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.”
Does that explain things?
The political party of the Boeing employee that died from Roger’s horse was identified by a previous poster who was a politically connected individual senile idiot wabbit. He figgered out the party he belonged to which BTW was is the party supported by godwinha. Do you remember that individual who could easily acquire party affiliations? Maybe you should ask the crazed databaze deala for help! It likes senile idiot wabbits. He came to your defense claiming Puddy was gaslighting you by accurately calling you senile. Then Puddy gave him the real gaslighting definition!
Puddy realizes that your sad senile inhibited mind can’t remember that tidbit butt now you know. So you can take your horse droppings back to your burrow where they originated from! The horse lover was not a Republican!
An active working memory, something the senile idiot wabbit wishes he could have again!
I’m a creep. What more can I say.
But I don’t fuck horses!
I’m a creep. What more can I say.
But I don’t fuck horses!
All that National Park money will go to build big wall to protect my whores.
Well BeerPong, we know a lot so far. Last October everyone with working brain cells learned that a controlling shareholder of Burisma is believed to be an entity called Privat Group. Privat Group is controlled by Ukraine’s largest commercial bank, PrivatBank, whose owner was Igor Kolomoisky.
Good Luck!
Doctor Dumbfuck’s “Jonas Salk and Albert Schweitzer were losers” argument.
@ 39
Those dudes weren’t dumbfucks like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Rashida Tlaib wins Democratic primary in Michigan
Guess her primary voters like her representing them.
Tlaib dominated the election. She’s up by over 32 points (66.1% to 33.9%) with 90% reporting.
You argue that Roger is a dumbfuck for his career focus in public service. He didn’t cash in. He didn’t get into law for the big $Bucks.
You can’t argue that without at the same time making the case that Jonas Salk and Albert Schweitzer were both dumbfuck losers, too. Because they didn’t cash in.
Really, Doctor, this reveals nothing about Roger other than he’s a better man than you.
“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”
Dr. Albert Schweitzer
What a dumbfuck thing to say. Right, Doctor?
@ 41
Guess her primary voters, by picking Tlaib over an experienced black woman, feel that Black lives don’t matter.
Tlaib had a huge financial advantage over Jones, having raised more than $2 million. Jones was far outraised in 2018 but almost won. The four other candidates the backed Jones this time, while Tlaib was endorsed by unions, Bernie Sanders and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Bernie, Nancy, and union leaders don’t think much of Black lives, either.
A Black Lives Matter Leader Just Toppled a Congressional Dynasty – “It is historic that this year, of all years, we’re sending a Black, working-class single mother who has been fighting for Black lives from Ferguson all the way to the halls of Congress” Cori Bush said during her victory speech.
Doctor “Tamir had it coming” Dumbfuck lectures us on black lives mattering.
Nothing dumbfuck about that.
@ 42
I argue that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a dumbfuck because of the stupid shit he spews, Steve.
He likely ended up in public service because he failed doing anything else. But it wasn’t public service that taught Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to refer to a thug shot several times in the front of his torso as a “fleeing felon”.
It wasn’t public service that taught Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to defend the future of a corporation because there was a one-day jump in its share price, nor was it public service that taught him to disparage the worth of a company that chose to fund growth instead of paying a dividend.
All of the above was dumbfuckery, Steve. Straightforward dumbfuckery. That, and professional (first example) and financial (second example) incompetence.
The man is a living, breathing waste of food.
Maybe just maybe BeerPong remembers this or maybe this…
Oh boy. Read the second article and see how she claimed “ahhh no big deal”. This Powell guy is the husband of a congress critter that attacked Atty Gen’l Barr last week. This Powell guy been working with BeerPong’s latest Ukrainian stooge for over 10 years. Congress critter Powell never allowed him to answer any of her questions. Y’all can find the testimony!
Where is the link for attribution? I read Vice too butt you have to provide link. Thems ain’t your words lady!
Afraid of the ridicule?
Meanwhile Ilhan Once Married My Brother Omar delivers more anti-Semitic trope.
Now this is one racist dummocretin!
Has anyone seen the senile idiot wabbit posts where it claimed to disagree with Kshama Sawant over defunding the police?
Neither did Puddy! Time for him to prove it as that’s his argument to us whom think RIGHT all the time!
Meanwhile Ilhan Once Married My Brother Omar delivers more anti-Semitic trope.
Trope? So says a dummy who bleats “shifty” all the time about a jewish congressman..
Siggghhh.. So it is with those who stink always wrong…
Wow, this Lt Gen Michael Flynn case is getting really interesting…
Looks like the Court of Appeals is evaluating the Sullivan conduct too. Wow. What will dot bombed claim about this development? Not interested in the senile idiot wabbit’s lawyering comments. That mind left the planet years ago!
Looks like the Court of Appeals is evaluating the Sullivan conduct too. Wow.
Some drumpfy / moscow mitch hacks packed onto the bench keepin’ a black man down..
And a black man appointed by a republican president.. Who’d a thunk that?
Cheer it on tool.. cheer it on..
Adam Shifty Schiff is a moron! When caught lying about early contact with the “Ukrainian whistleblower”, he just went on and on and on like he never did it. Just like the assesHorse monomaniacal buttspigot, yellowishleakingbuttspigot. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot still has not delivered an original thought. Been on that monomaniacal Shifty Schiff attack for months now.
“You argue that Roger is a dumbfuck for his career focus…”
I still can’t help but point out that if this is The Cat Lady’s measure of dumbfuckery then his own poor career choices are chart busting.
Top grades, unmatched years of personal discipline and sacrifice, top test scores, to be among the 16,000 or so deemed worthy each year. Followed by more years of study, discipline, and sacrifice accompanied by a mountain of debt. For a job that starts at less than min wage.
There’s plenty to be proud of there. But not so much the money.
So James Comey went rogue. Imagine that.
The senile idiot wabbit was your student dot bombed? You must be old like Methuselah!
How do you know these facts? The senile idiot wabbit sent you a copy of the undergraduate and law school transcripts? They weren’t tampered?
Dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck.
Poor thing is probably all gassed out in the corner from a prolonged fit of violent choke-fapping after reading the orders.
Only one small problem: Any one single judge from the En Banc panel of seventeen can dictate any part of the order.
So Rao. Duh.
Sorry Puddy. This is what you get for relying on some unverified thing called Techno Fog for “expert” legal advice. Rao can use her time any way she likes. And if she wants to use it inquiring about lip waxing tips she can. Doesn’t mean the side with the best hair remover wins tho. Not even close.
You’re just not bright at all.
So sorry.
At least your Mom loved you.
Wow yellowishleakingbuttspigot you have your pulse on the DC Court of Appeals!
.N O T.
Otherwise you’d realize just how much more of an idiot you are right now. Trump’s appointments are visible for all to view yet you continually make yourself more of an assesHorse than the rest of the dummocretins every day! His DC Appeals Circuit appointments are less than five, idiot! So much for packing. Seems you need to pack the buttspigot because it is leaking yellowish pixels everywhere!
No, dot bombed@59, you demonstrate being a dim bulb all the time. Your claim of the senile idiot wabbit’s college prowess needs verification. Your words mean nothing in the scheme of life!
Seriously Puddy. How stupid are you?
You really find it credible that only 16,000 undergrads are accepted into law school in the US each year?
Did you son tell you that? And what? You believed him?
Geezus, no wonder you believe in invisible baby cannibalism.
You’ll fucking believe anything that suits you.
I’ll bet your mom told you you were good looking too.
Fuck me! This is awesome!
Do go on.
We can work out the kinks and you can take this act on the road.
During the breaks you can shit your own pants, scoop some out, and draw pictures with it.
@34 “The horse lover was not a Republican!”
Which, speaking of cognitive function, is totally beside the point I was making.
@39 Nicely done. So like him, too.
It’s just the one hack: Rao.
Like most of these poor souls, she’s lost the self-awareness to see it when she’s making an utter fool of herself. But at least she can know that she’s pleasing Dear Leader.
For more, see Puddy above debating with his own misunderstanding. And losing.
@40 My stocks pay dividends.
@43 I’m pretty sure neither the voters, nor the political leaders, you refer to have appointed a dumbfuck with white supremacist sympathies to speak for them about race or BLM.
Times like this I’m reminded that Thomas came from the DC Circuit too. Rao’s no shrinking violet. And she surely understands her own severe limitations. So it’s likely she sees her best opportunity here to get her name on the list. Trump and Mitch would be just the guys to do it.
Let’s all see to that they can’t.
@46 “waste of food”
Here doc unveils his program for starving political critics. Probably got the idea from Stalin.
@55 You forgot to mention the doctor’s only 56 and already retired. For all that time and money invested in his education, he rendered maybe 20 years of useful service before being put out to (horse) pasture. His service couldn’t have been all that useful.
The potential relief bill emerging from negotiations “would also extend the eviction moratorium through the end of the year, but would provide no federal rental assistance,” according to NBC News.
I don’t see how that will work. Do they expect landlords to provide housing with no income to pay mortgages, taxes, make repairs, etc.?
Just checked back…
TRIGGERED the babbling butthole troll!
Mission accomplished! Geez a while back the babblin’ tool celebrated the blackness of Emmet Sullivan not to mention Sullivan was appointed by Bush..
But now??? HAHAHAHA! babblin’ snowflake triggered!!!
Wherein WNBA players don shirts touting team owner Kelly Loeffler’s election opponent.
It’s gotta hurt when your own employees publicly shit on you.
undergraduate – a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor’s or equivalent degree.
First of all undergraduates normally are NOT accepted into law school. Normally people have a bachelor’s degree in some form or the other.
Second, are you talking about Tier1, Tier2 or Third Tier Toilet law school?
Since you brought up my son, he went to a Tier1 law school. Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim he went to the University of Missouri Law? It’s ranked 59th. If the senile idiot wabbit went to UW Law, then it’s ranked 44th. When Puddy’s son applied a decade ago, UW was ranked 34th so the school must really suck something bad to drop 10 spots in 10 years.
Now regarding 16,000 direct from university graduates, Puddy has no idea if that number is true or not since you don’t provide evidence for that claim.
All one needs per WikiPedia is:
So what is satisfactory dot bombed? For Tier1 schools satisfactory grades are much higher than UofMissu or UDub.
FACTS dot bombed, FACTS. You love to call those with whom you disagree with stooooooooooooooooopid or other mental deficient epithets when you demonstrate loonacy right here in just about every post!
Then senile idiot wabbit you didn’t make a cogent point did ya? godwinha usually votes anti-dummocretin. You claimed many times on this blog that godwinha engages in horse sex referencing the Boeing employee escapades in Enumclaw. Since this individual engaging in anal horse sex wasn’t Republican the ASSociation falls flat on it’s face like all the pellets you leave in every thread!
Just blew yellowishleakingbuttspigot@73 out of the building with Trump appointed DC Circuit FACTS like the Beirut blast yesterday and he has no response to FACTS. You continually bring up the color of Emmit Sullivan’s skin. How racist of you yellowishleakingbuttspigot!!! It’s not the content of his character that you identify. That is what Puddy has been discussing on this blog about Sullivan. You continue to go racist because that’s all you know!
Steve, you see? Isn’t Puddy correct as always?
You continually bring up the color of Emmit Sullivan’s skin. How racist
You did it first.. Perhaps you dropped that once Sullivan didn’t play ball and refused to be rolled by Billy Barr.
Does that make you mini-racist? Racist-mini? You’re certainly small-minded..
I admire Sullivan.. He refuses to be rolled by that white supremacist piece of “work” Billy Barr. And I don’t think Sullivan would EVER find anything written by Jared Taylor “agreeable”..
@ 67
My stocks pay dividends.
Doubtless you really need them.
Steve, you see? Isn’t Puddy correct as always?
Awwwww. It’s gaslighting again.. Notice that the tool doesn’t give a flyin’ f about Steve. That gaslighting horseshit is directed at yours truly..
heh.. your silly gaslighting tricks will never work on me… Oh child of SATAN..
Oh child of Satan with gay relatives.
Let us ask the cat lady!
Hey Doctor! Did you have to wait until after commencement to find out that it was either Podiatry or the Bahamas?
TIL every single professional degree holder but me got a gap year.
You bastards!
@79 “Doubtless you really need them.”
Of course I **need** them. By reinvesting all my dividends, I grow my holdings much faster.
@75 “Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim he went to the University of Missouri Law?”
@75 There are ~1.33 million lawyers in the U.S., so if law schools admit 16,000 students a year, and we assume 80% of them pass a bar exam and the average lawyer practices for 35 years, we’re getting two-thirds of our lawyers from Mars.
@76 Sez the moron who posts gibberish.
The fact you can’t read doesn’t mean I can’t write.
It sure is too bad Puddy has to ride his son’s coattails because he doesn’t have any achievements of his own to brag about. Just a computer repairman. But what can you expect from a certifiable lunatic.
So not only are Roger, Salk and Schweitzer losers compared to you, so are Jesus, Ghandi, MLK Jr., Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Fauci. Losers. All of them. Compared to you. Why? Evidently it is because you’re obsessed with greed and they’re not.
What adumbASS. You apply before your degree with the known proviso you are accepted when you graduate.
DUMBASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dot bombed didn’t touch the rest of the law school facts provided by Puddy! Why? It can’t logic and facts overcome dummocretin BULLSH^TTIUM every day of the week.
Puddy first brought up Judge Emmit Sullivan’s race? A proud black man using the race card?
You have your crazed databaze yellowishleakingbuttspigot, so go back and show everyone where Puddy used Sullivan’s race to start any thread argument. Go on, for the first time, use the crazed databaze for something useful. Oh wait, you won’t because then you are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog!
Puddy still laughs reminiscing when you thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov! You can easily find that in the crazed databaze too.
Now who is the gaslighting moron yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Every time you know you can’t win the argument on strength of logic or facts you claim
This is why leftists called you monomaniacal.
adjective form of monomaniac
NOUN – a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing. – He’s the HA HERO!
Now put that to music. Insert “monomaniacal one” to The Wizard of Oz’s “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”
monomaniacal one… monomaniacal one…mono mono mono mono, monomaniacal one!
Then you call Steve to rescue your lowlife sorry ASS yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Can’t mentally spar with Puddy so you need reinforcements!
Wrong again gutter dweller. Puddy will break bread with Steve when we can after covid. As GBS said long ago, when you break bread with someone you care about them. That won’t happen between us you loser. Puddy doesn’t swallow hydration or masticate nutrition with poseurs!
Ummm no again yellowishleakingbuttspigot. The DC Court of Appeals just added a new argument point wrinkle for both the prosecution and defense to argue: the removal of Judge Sullivan from future proceedings. Now why is that yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Better ask those college educated children for help!
Even dot bombed doesn’t know the number of DC Circuit Court of Appeals Judges Trump nominated and the senate confirmed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Can you say dumbasssssssssssssssssssssss?
The Prosecution Rests your honor. It claimed only 16,000 “undergraduate” adults enter law school every year too.
One thing you’ve got to credit Puddy: when he wrong-foots it, he doesn’t just dip his toes. He does a flaming cannonball.
Maybe lawyers and the ABA should have rigged the supply the way the AMA has. Whenever I see lawyers like Cohen, Avenati, or Barr I wonder.
Puddy never said you can’t write. Puddy reads just fine.
It has to do with cohesion.
NOUN – the action or fact of forming a united whole.
Your political arguments and said examples fall flat on their face. There is no united whole argument. Your Boeing Enumclaw buddy was a dummocretin. godwinha isn’t dummocretin. So, your guilt by association argument while written by you is gibberish and hogwash.
Who cares about the number of lawyers each year? You claimed 16,000 undergraduates. Where is the factual link dot bombed?
Shall I end your shitshow?
Puddy, 16,000 refers to the aprox number of students admitted to US medical schools each year, more or less.
Take a deep breath, sip some grape juice, and go back and read the original comment. It doesn’t refer to Roger Rabbit. Okay? The Q Clearance Cat Lady mocks RR in part for having chosen to use his law degree and bar card in public service, implicitly for a lower lifetime salary. I was merely pointing out that, judged on those terms, any MD credential is a fundamentally poor investment with essentially negative returns.
You can find a law school in just about every strip mall in America. There’s no great winnowing of students the way there is for med schools. When you just look at the numbers, US medical schools annually admit a very small number of applicants from a global pool. For any one US citizen to gain entry is a singular accomplishment that tells you a very particular story about that student. Top grades (1% among their peers in most institutions), top test scores, exceptional math and science grades and scores, years of very rigorous and disciplined study practices starting well before high school. No BEACH WEEK!!!!s at the shore beer-bonging with Squi. No drunken pool parties with gang rapes.
Just a ton of hard work. And more. Medical school itself is a bitch. Far more competitive and demanding than all but the very top tier of law schools. And even after all that graduates still face years of clinical study, agonizing long hours, and incredibly shitty working conditions. And after all that they get… a big fat loan payment. No corner office. No partner track. No holiday bonus retreat to Cabo or Aruba.
Assuming The Q Clearance Cat Lady is indeed a doctor who retired at 55, I’m saying he was undoubtedly one of the smartest, if not the smartest student in his high school, and his undergraduate school too. There’s all kinds of smart. But in terms of nose to the grindstone, crack the books with a pot of coffee, drill baby drill, he would have been at the very top. But taking all that and investing into an MD means that he might have had at best twenty years to earn that retirement.
Anybody else takes that same package and puts it to work at a top white shoe law firm or at an investment bank like Goldman Sachs and they retire at 55 as an Executive VP, etc. Most of the time they don’t retire. Laffer curve after all. Firms and clients in that world make it worth their while to keep that nose to the grindstone. The bonuses and perquisites keep them with their noses buried in the trough until they stroke out at in the office.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady made a very bad investment decision thirty five years ago. And he’s been struggling to cover that loss ever since.
Thanks for playing, Puddy.
Are you still claiming that the panel votes on orders?
Bwahahaha… well you get the idea.
Was my count off by one or two? It’s a huge court. Certainly the busiest federal appellate court in the US rivaled perhaps only by the 9th. But with case complexity and issues that well surpass. So it needs a lot of judges to carry the load. And once they hit 65+15 fed III judges go on senior status whenever the fuck they like. So you may be right. Or you may be wrong. Careful you don’t go off half-cocked again. Although it is fun to watch.
Another 1,200,000 first-time unemployment claims last week. 55,000,000 over the last 20 weeks. 160,000 dead. 5,000,000 confirmed cases.
That is your record, Doctor. These are not the achievements of a winner. Rather, it is damned solid evidence that you are the biggest dumbfuck in the history of mankind.
Star Trek Klaxon Horn sounds, lights enter crimson mode…
dot bombed BULLSH^TTIUM Alert
dot bombed BULLSH^TTIUM Alert
dot bombed BULLSH^TTIUM Alert
We’re talking about LAW SCHOOLS!
So the rest of your rant is useless and worthless. Butt let’s humor everyone. You claimed the senile idiot wabbit got top grades.
All Puddy asked was how do you know what his grades were. All he needed were satisfactory grades per the Tier2 school he went to; UW. Puddy mentioned Tier1 schools have a much higher satisfactory grade level, LSAT and achievement. You then went into these screaming tirades of incomprehensible spitting and vitriol laced blathering over a simple question. You were caught with your panties down and the very little white fella limply in your calloused hands. Still pulling it we can see from above.
Puddy noticed you learned well from BeerPong. Notice the subject change and the trainwreck@95. WTF does “beach week” have to do with Puddy’s grade question? It’s the standard ramble and write much gibberish to cover the lack of factual information!
So the question stands. How do you know the senile idiot wabbit’s “satisfactory level” grades to enter law school? Why the medical school comparison. They are far different. Did you learn Obummer’s Harvard law grades too? As you say “it’s your sh^t show” dude!
97 – No, the blame for all this bullshit belongs to the Communist
Party of China because those people are racists towards the world outside of China.
You and the yellowishleakingbuttspigot are blood brothers. Judge Sullivan asked for the who DC Circuit to review because he didn’t like the well researched judgment. So the yellowishleakingbuttspigot claimed the DC Circuit was packed with Trump appointees. Puddy claimed he was as clueless as ever (like his original name For the Clueless) and then you chimed in proving the two of you are as clueless as ever. So how msny Trump appointees are there on the DC Circuit dot bomed?
Stoooooooooooooooooopid hangs with more stoooooooooooooooooopid!
Sux to be you two.
First of all I really want to express my thanks for this, Puddy. The TrumPlague has really stripped a lot of amusement out of daily life. And moments like these when regular folks can laugh at a clown are becoming scarce. So it’s good of you to serve it up like this.
Still, when I posted at 55 responding to The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s criticism of Roger, I was referring to annual medical school admissions in the US. Because according to The Q Clearance Cat Lady he (The Q Clearance Cat Lady) attended a US medical school (although there has been some suggestion that it may have been Caribbean).
So whatever “we” it is you are referring to, it can only be either the “royal we” or else you are once again having debates with the imaginary voices in your head, and you need to have your lithium dosage adjusted.
Today the Court lists seventeen judges. Some of them are probably on Senior status. That isn’t the same as retired, Puddy.
Senior judges are active, but having met the “rule of 80” requirements they are allowed to work a reduced calendar.
Looks like Edwards, Silberman, Williams, Ginsburg, Sentelle, And Randolph are all on active Senior status. For purposes of voting to hear an appeal En Banc, the vote is based on a majority of active judges in that court. For all courts with more than 15 judges, the number of the En Banc panel is decided by the local rule.
I have no idea what the DC Circuit local rules are. I don’t need to know. Thank goodness. The DC Circuit and the Federal Circuit are scary. Although I can tell you Richard Linn is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Appointed by Clinton. He’s an EE graduated from Renssselaer. Knows his shit too.
Ok, I am now at the point of pre hanging days where I just scroll thru Puddy’s comments, at first I was intrigued but now it’s like before the hanging occurred. His ghost is just like him.
But good to know he has sooo many gay relatives.
BTW YOS LIB BRO, Judge Sullivan is black! What do you have to say now HA HERO?
You brought up Sullivan’s blackness first fool… in a more or less positive way.. Now you denigrate him..
Damn you’re disgusting..
Of course Donald called it Thighland.
When he went on my underage brothel tour of Chiang Mai everyone on the Gulfstream was calling it that.
Fell right for the PUDDYTRAP yellowishleakingbuttspigot@104. You have no idea when Puddy plays you because you are such a hateful racist. Puddy smacks your sorry face each day! As I wrote above you brought up the blackness issue. So let’s bring up the whole thread so everyone can see what you first said!
No Puddy didn’t again you idiot! You really are a gutter dwelling moron. Context and chronological arguments you twerp. When did Puddy bring up that argument of Judge Sullivan? After you brought up the blackness of Dr. Ben Carson, world renown brain surgeon whom you have a forever hard on for
and also the blackness of Dr. Susan Rice whom you had to remind everyone she too was black.
Seems the crazed databaze is another EPIC FAYLE! You really are a racist piece of SH^T yellowishleakingbuttspigot. You’ve been riding Dr. Carson as an black Uncle Tom since he decided to enter politics. Anyone can Google your Dr. Carson comments on this blog about how he’s a black turncoat. You ain’t black so your mouth is useless here! Pick on AOC who claims she be black and his panic. Therefore she is fair game to Puddy!
You live for racism. I laugh out loud when you pick on godwinha’s comments because you are so much more of a racist than he will ever be. A real HA
HEROZERO!Suck on that sucka!
@106 Oh it changes the subject from Sullivan to?????
Hmmmm… The perfidy of this child of the devil knows no limits..
Thanks for playing..
You’ve been riding Dr. Carson as an black Uncle Tom since he decided to enter politics.
“Uncle Tom”???? dated language.. Never use it myself. damn fool??? grifter?? white supremacist fellow traveler???
Hmmmmm.. some possibilites there…
Even drumpf made fun of the idiot!
Good for you wtf(gleeman). You can scroll for your hearts content and keep asking if anyone in Puddy’s family is gay!
Keep asking! No one purposefully travels the hershey highway and we don’t leave racetracks in our underwear either!
TRIGGGERED twice! You are one mindless moron yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
So you admit to picking on Dr. Ben Carson’s blackness! You admit you brought it up first in that May 2020 thread!
Finally an admission! Took forever butt we got it.
Thanks for Playing racist piece of SH^T.
One thing Puddy always notices here. When godwinha said something slightly racist Puddy was quizzed. Puddy never sees a leftist dummocretin assesHorse denounce any leftist racist on your side on this blog. We whom think right know why.
Basically all dummocretins hate blacks. Black lives don’t matter to dummocretins except in national elections every four years!
An african-american lady btw..
Like 15 years you’ve bored us to tears complaining about no blacks in Clinton and Obama’s cabinets. And when I point out a black person who served you go nuts and squirt the squid ink..
I point here and it shows more blacks in Dem cabinets than Republicans and you scream like an idiot..
Keep screaming… It’s entertainment for us. It’s certainly not anything anyone with any sense can take seriously.
This in an interesting take on trumpers. (edited from a longer text)
He’s not wrong.
So you admit to picking on Dr. Ben Carson’s blackness!
Nope… I picked on his mentality.. that of a fool and a grifter.. a vain man who would lecture a President at a prayer breakfast and other right wingers would then call him out to apologize. Was Cal Thomas racist for doing that?
A grifter who pens tall tales about breaking a knife on someone’s belt to sell books to people who go to church on the wrong day.
A dullard so bereft of things to talk about at some event he’d expound on his “belief” that the pyramids were grain storage..
It goes on and on.. You tout the fool endlessly cuz he’s in your kult. Had a career as a surgeon and has totally lost it in retirement.. WTF is he doing at HUD??? Oh. Standing behind drumpf on Saturday before sunset.
Case closed..
From that Wiki article.. the first black person ever appointed to a cabinet position was Patricia Roberts Harris.. to head of HEW..
by Jimmy Carter…
A black woman.. Black women elected Doug Jones over a racist pedophile in Alabama who put an R next to its name (and a majority of the other “R”s in Alabama supported it including the incumbent Governor).
Black women have been critical to the nomination of Joe Biden..
Kamala Harris or Susan Rice are odds on favorites to be Biden’s VP pick..
That’ll be another first..
Still a damn shame that their list doesn’t include
Crying like a pussy=weakness
‘Cause honestly, I’m already tired of hearing it from them.
Nope yellowishleakingbuttspigot… better check on the crazed databaze again! A black man checking another black man isn’t racist except in your eyes! Puddy touts Dr. Carson because he’s BRILLIANT!
Those blacks in dummocretin cabinets are tokens.
Joint Chiefs SoS, Nat’l Security Advisor, HHS, Surgeon General, etc. under Republican administrations, not dummocretin sadministrations you racist piece of SH^T!
Sux to be you!
Joint Chiefs SoS, Nat’l Security Advisor, HHS, Surgeon General, etc. under Republican administrations
HEW was predecessor to HHS and a black woman, the FIRST AA cabinet pick was done under a Democrat..
Plenty of black Surgeon Generals served under Democrats.. Regina Benjamin, David Satcher, Audrey Manley, Jocelyn Elders.. You calling them “tokens”????
Susan Rice was NatSecAdvisor
And you denigrate all AA’s who served under Democratic administrations as “tokens”… Wow…
You HATE black people UNLESS they’ve been “blessed” by a white Republican order… News for you:
ORANGE is the new White! Sux to be you – you ORANGE supremacist..
Puddy touts Dr. Carson because he’s BRILLIANT!
Wow that “BRILLIANT” really light ups that ORANGE serial sex assaulter and con man spouting PABLUM on..
Saturday before sunset!
Mr “Brilliant” had trouble keepin its eyes open!
They hate liberals. They don’t give a shit what trump does. He’s just something to rally around and hate liberals,
And drumpf, sadly, understands that only too well and does everything it can to weaponize that.. It used that to pull an inside straight in 2016 and that hatred is its only hope to keep its grift going beyond Jan 2021..
It’s all or nothing for drumpf and that’s really scary..
@95 “The Q Clearance Cat Lady made a very bad investment decision thirty five years ago. And he’s been struggling to cover that loss ever since. Thanks for playing, Puddy.”
And his mental stability depends on taking it out on someone. He chose me. I feel honored.
@97 Probably not the biggest, but if they had a society for the dumbest 0.1% of humankind (i.e., the reverse of a high-IQ society), he could get a membership.
@112 Nailed it.
@113 Stupidity and incompetence know no racial boundaries. Or other boundaries. Including IQ boundaries. Even doctors can be dumbfucks if they work at it. For Puddy, it comes naturally.
@114 You left out Karen Bass.
@116 Gotta hand it to Trump, there are no token blacks in his cabinet.
@118 I have no doubt Mr. Brilliant passed the MCAT with flying colors; after all, he got into med school. But there’s no evidence he’s ever passed a common-sense test. A lot of people who scored well on certain specialized tests can’t, either, so he’s not alone.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’ve got friends who made it into med school who absolutely love the work. They were all brilliant science students who really longed to work in a dynamic demanding field with lots of daily challenge and a sense of accomplishment. In many other science disciplines I think that can be hard to find. But probably not in medicine. None of them was particularly motivated by money, though. Financially I’m sure they do just fine. But I don’t think they are doing it for the money. At least I hope not. There are more ways to measure success than just financial reward.
But that clearly does not describe The Q Clearance Cat Lady. He’s not only preoccupied with financial success but also with comparing financial success. Nothing is more boring to me. But to each his own. I just think he falls into the gambler’s fallacy by not fully accounting for the cost of all of his bets.
@127 “The Q Clearance Cat Lady [is] not only preoccupied with financial success but also with comparing financial success” and urinary function.
He not only brags about being richer than me, which he undoubtedly is, but also brags he can piss better than me, for whatever that particular talent is worth.
SCIENCE will have to study these video images for many, many years to understand how this was even possible:
But I’ll save them all the trouble. She received the Guardian Training but somehow missed the subsequent Killology Training.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Looney Joe Biden-Einstein Calmly Refuses To Take Mental Exam.
In the clip of an interview with CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett, which is set to air in full on Thursday, Biden was asked about the issue of cognitive testing.
“Your opponent in this election, President Trump, has made your mental state a campaign topic,” Barnett said. “When asked in June if you were tested, you said you were constantly tested, in effect, because you’re in situations like this one on the campaign trail. But please, clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive test?”
Biden grinned, then launched into a made-to-go-viral outburst.
“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” He said. “Come on, man. That’s like saying you, before you got on this program, you’re taking a test for whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Are you a junkie?”
Article w/video;
The mere fact that Trump’s doctors consider it necessary to regularly give him the MoCA is what should concern voters the most. Not Trump’s incoherent obsessive rantings about his performance on it.
Trump has taken this test often enough to have almost memorized some parts of it. That is in fact a terrifying thing to learn.
Puddy discussing the highest cabinet positions in government and the yellowishleakingbuttspigot fails again. You don’t realize Puddy always has the better hand!
Really? Wow yellowishleakingbuttspigot you is a real genius… oh wait, you forgot Condoleeza Rice was before her you moron! Bush is white and Obummer is black! Rice was the first female black Secretary of State and the first black woman to serve as National Security Advisor. Who was president? A Republican!
Who was the first black to serve as Secretary of State? – Colin Powell. Who was president? A Republican!
Colin Powell also the first black to serve as Chairman to the Joint Chiefs of Staff Who was president? A Republican! Gave Storming Norman Schwarzkopf his orders!
Gen. Charles Q. Brown is the first black and the Air Force’s 22nd Chief of Staff. Who is president? A Republican!
Who was NASA’s first black Mission Control Flight Director on Duty – Kwatsi Alibaruho Who was president? A Republican!
Black people didn’t count for those loftiest of positions when white dummocretins are in power! If Joe BiteME wins watch who gets the lofty positions.
As the senile idiot wabbit once said, all you need is one example and nuff said sucka. Just blew that out of the water with multiple examples.
It is well known yellowishleakingbuttspigot how much you hate Dr. Carson because he’s a brain surgeon and a Seventh-day Adventist who concurs Jesus is coming again! You may want to check on how that national Sunday law is coming along yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
See ya!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Life Under Demorat Rule Report – Peaceful Demorats Prove That When Feds Pull Back Violence Ends.
The world was assured by Democrats that if Donald Trump’s “stormtroopers” left Portland, antifa and Black Lives Matter riots would simply stop. And yet another riot was declared on Wednesday night in Portland on Day 69 of the riots.
During the attack on the police precinct, the rioters blocked traffic and shone green lasers into the eyes of police officers.
Tonight’s group outside of East Precinct’s entrance doors setting fire.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 6, 2020
They followed up by destroying the cameras surrounding the precinct.
When that was over, the antifa mob went to the home of a woman whom they labeled a “Nazi” and woke up the neighborhood, beat on her door, shouted threats, and shone lasers into her windows.
Meanwhile yellowishleakingbuttspigot here is a young black man you can identify with. He hates black men like you.
Meanwhile Shurkan Durkan hasn’t called Horance Lorenzo Anderson, Sr. yet.
Another dummocretin covid death hoax
Wow. And later “she” was asked to take a blood test for ancestry. Does that sound familiar?
Apparently Crazy Maisie Hirono doesn’t think defunding the police is literal.
It’s just free speech!
That’s why she is Crazy Maisie!
Now this is interesting. Defund the police, truck drivers are not coming.
Meanwhile Susan Rice’s son has a working brain, unlike his mama! Apparently she thinks her son belongs “to the trash heap of history.”
Hey Pork Drippings,
your Beloved Dear Leader claimed he could not be pushed around.
He said no liberal lesbian governor could tell him what to do.
He said he only withdrew his death squads temporarily to make Brown look weak and stupid.
What day is Trump returning?
He’s not scared of bare naked ladies too, is he?
Pinned tweet right now:
Check the ratio and the follows.
It’s about time we took “Flordia Woman” for a drag.
Why at least one doctor thinks (but won’t say it) that at least some cops are stupid, fucking assholes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This video helps explain why the Aurora, Colorado, police department has a globe-girdling reputation for rotten-egg cops.
Why at least one doctor thinks (but won’t say it) that at least some cops are stupid, fucking assholes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This video helps explain why the Aurora, Colorado, police department has a globe-girdling reputation for rotten-egg cops.
Here’s one that makes you wonder if he’s even a high school graduate.
He isn’t a cop anymore, though. He was fired for this incident.
We need to get rid of bad cops, racist cops, and incompetent cops, so good cops can do the necessary work of policing the right way.
@129 Let’s see, it took the rookie cop who shot him about 1,000 times as long to pull the trigger as it took the cop who shot Tamir Rice, and he didn’t even die.
Obviously, she needs more training, and it’s equally obvious who should train him.
@136 “asked to take a blood test for ancestry. Does that sound familiar?”
What we have here is Puddy connecting dots.
Hey everybody, after extensive internet research, I found some more dots Puddy connected! Get a load of these:
BLS “claims” 1.8 million non-farm payroll jobs recovered in the month of July.
But this must be either mistaken or a lie. Because the month of July was the peak of the $600 pandemic recovery unemployment payments. And Moscow Mitch, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz have already explained to all of us very clearly how the $600 prevented people from going back to work. People are making too much money on unemployment so they refuse to accept job offers. So the BLS number must be completely wrong.
Shorter: BLS jobs number for July must be wrong, because “overpayment” for unemployment keeps workers sitting at home.
Prove me wrong.
Looks like it worked dot bombed. Portland mayor condemns rioters for ‘attempting to commit murder‘
Yep, dems some peaceful protestors. They demonstrate how they really love the peace in the incendiary device every night in Portland. So where is Kate Brown on this activity? Kind of like Jay Inslee was on CHAZ: “First I’ve heard of it.”
Truly dot bombed, you really are a leftist dummocretin moron!
senile idiot wabbit@142&143,
You are just double posting that video now? One month later? Puddy loves how the building owning doctor tells the cop off. This was thoroughly discussed on leftist blogs long ago. The doctor is well known in his locale. Hopefully you still remember the Aurora Police video where the black woman with four children are handcuffed and placed on the pavement right? Just checking for a lucid moment! They are becoming fewer and farther apart.
Well Puddy guesses waking up to it now is better than sleeping senile through most news cycles as you do! Good to see you can double post. Puddy learned that trick long ago. Puddy can sometimes triple post.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
The moron in the video @144, talked like you used to write years ago on this blog senile idiot wabbit. That’s what used to make you fun to spar with senile idiot wabbit. When you first came and I met “SeattleJew” Steve Schwartz at that first Drunken Libtards, we talked about certain posters. We both liked your style back then before your memory issues became apparent.
“Because I told you to”!
You should ask the crazed databaze deala to give you access to the crazed databaze so you can review your “glory days”.
See ya!
Sez the moron@140 that still thinks Portland protestors are oooooooooooooh sooooooooooooo peaceful!
DAYUM this is sooooooooooooooooo funny
When you need the best you forget that “boycott” thingy and prepare nutritious meals for the family!
Gotta love dem dummocretins!
BTW the yellowishleakingbuttspigot never said if it joined the Goya boycott when asked. Notice how it never puts itself out there on issues “that matter”? Imagine that, keeping his own people down due to politics. Sounds like what Jim Clyburn does every day!
That’s not very good proof or even evidence that my claim is wrong.
All over the US Republican elected officials are insisting that the extra $600 makes it impossible for employers to fill payroll spots.
And yet at the very absolute peak period of those extra payments the economy added record numbers of non-farm payroll jobs.
If Republican claims about unemployment payments are real, then the new jobs are not.
Say something that proves this statement is wrong.
Well yellowishleakingbuttspigot seems Joe BiteME! knows something about “communities”.
Comparing yourself with yourself dot bombed?
Since your Portland protests commentary is so blatantly wrong, why should we believe you on your BLS commentary?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
And now we know more about Twatter.