What? Starbucks, fucking what? This anti-union bullshit. Oh the First and Pike store can’t be unionized it has a different paint scheme and is in walking distance to the original, so union rules don’t apply? Fucking ridiculous. Absolute trash.
Anyway,please wash your hands right this moment. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
The price of oil is now $120+, again.
I bet the first question Jimmy Kimmel asks First Vegetable Joe Biden is about oil prices and why Biden hasn’t been able to do anything about them.
In recognition of the continuing inability of YLB’s kids to earn enough money to pay rent, Apple has initiated a buy now, pay later program to suck in those two poor fucks.
Y’all can’t take our guns, but y’all can take our accident settlement money.
Too bad, YLB. Stepping in front of a bus was your family’s financial plan.
QoS McHillbilly’s friends would like to point out that someone breaking in to a SCOTUS justice’s home with a ball peen hammer really isn’t serious about hurting anybody.
The Liz Cheney of the Democrat Party.
Moreover, Billy Carter wasn’t nearly as embarrassing to the nation as is Hunter Biden.
Now that a flaming liberal has been arrested for attempting the assassination of a sitting SCOTUS justice, it’s appropriate for me to remind y’all that little more than one month ago, Goldy thought that kind of behavior was funny:
Goldy hasn’t been a net positive to liberal politics in years.
Chuck Schumer in 2020:
Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress, and yet they are so weak that the grand plan is to assassinate a Trump SCOTUS appointee so that First Vegetable Joe Biden may nominate the replacement.
November will be retributive, and fully deserved.
You’re on a roll, Vicious Troll!
Too bad, YLB. Stepping in front of a bus was your family’s financial plan.
heh… another fantasy to go with the one that ends..
“on that certain day”
for teh kreepshit…
and those days of so… many… qanon fruitcakes and klownservatics…
keep trying kreepshit.. ya gotta few days left.
they’re ignoring the fact that Carter’s policies didn’t fast-track us into a new Cold War or push us into a place where we’re closer to a nuclear war now than since the Cuban missile crisis.
Heh.. Tusli is too funny.. and dumb…
Back then the repukes lambasted Carter for the Salt II treaty. Said he was laying down for the Soviets.. The Sovs were ahead in the nuke arms race, blah, blah.
Raygun then exploded the defense budget which included the “peacekeeper” missile and “Star Wars”..
Now Tulsi would love Biden if he just laid down for Vlad..
Pretty typical of her.
Sadly dumbasses like this “step in front of a bus” every fucking day:
Conservative Ken loved God and America. He hated many things including REALLY hating Dr. Fauci. He boasted wouldn’t be silent until he was gone and COVID gladly obliged him. He leaves legacy of some of the most unhinged HCA rants ever, including an ironic final slide farewell to the legend himself…
But teh widbee kreepshit sez that’s all GOOD
for my kids…
the continuing inability of YLB’s kids to earn enough money to pay rent
yawwwn… oldest has been making rent on his apartment for years now.. has over two years of living expenses saved up..
youngest, now that he has a job (w/ signing bonus) will start paying his parents a modest rent this month..
kreepshit is shiverin’ in fear in widbee.. addled by unhinged fantasies..
The price of oil is now $120 , again.
yawwwn.. Oil reached $184.94 in June 2008..
on the watch of an empty suit kreepshit voted for twice..
Back then, teh babblin’ butthole blamed that on Nancy Pelosi..
We put gas in the family car 6 times a year..
We drive that often..
yeah that last time we filled the tank kinda stung.. the next time will sting a bit more..
but it’s nothing we can’t handle.. yes, we’re one of the lucky ones..
Sux to be a gasaholic like kreepshit.
The Liz Cheney of the Democrat Party.
Really? Is Liz Russia’s “girlfriend” too?
Russian State TV Panel Call Tulsi Gabbard ‘Our Girlfriend’
Always wanting to be on the same page as his man Putin, the Putin lovin’ low IQ traitor loves him some Tulsi too.
@1 “why Biden hasn’t been able to do anything about them”
Yes, Biden has been derelict in letting gas prices get so high. He has completely failed to:
1. Invade Venezuela
2. Institute gas rationing
3. Ban F-350s
4. Prohibit non-essential flying
5. Impose price controls
6. Enact a $2 trillion Oil Company Stimulus Bill
7. Arrange a Ukraine-for-Russian oil swap with Putin
Instead, he let the free market determine gas prices, the fucking capitalist.
@1 “So far the number of gallons pumped at stations in the last week of May was down only about 5% from the same week a year ago, even though gas prices rose more than 50% during the same period. The number of US trips by car has slipped about 5% since early May, according to mobility research firm Inrix, although those trips are still up about 5% since the start of the year. The concern is that consumers will cut back on other spending to keep driving the miles they want or need to drive ….”
You’re to blame more than he is, doc.
Morning Consult poll – 58% disapproval of my imbecilic president.
First Vegetable Joe Biden isn’t even through his first 18 months yet. Imagine his disapproval numbers after a year of moderate recession.
By early 2024 y’all won’t need to imagine.
Demand destruction has yet to occur. Pump prices will continue going up until people stop trying to buy more gas than there is. There isn’t more gas because years of low oil prices crushed oil company profits and cut spending on E&P. This is basic stuff, doc.
@3 From your link: “The Supreme Court on Monday … held that a state Medicaid program seeking to reimburse itself for past medical expenses that it has paid can take from the injured party any portion of a tort settlement that is allocated to medical expenses — even the portion that reflects compensation to the injured party for future medical expenses that the state Medicaid program has not yet paid (and might never pay). Justice Clarence Thomas’ opinion for a 7-2 majority treats the case as calling for a straightforward application of the plain language of the statute.”
Think of it as a tax on poor people, the only kind of tax conservatives like.
In November 1998, a barrel of oil fetched a price of $19.78..
Who was President then?
@ 17
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has already forgotten about the pandemic-associated declines in gasoline consumption in 2020 and in 2021.
Gasoline consumption was depressed due to the pandemic.
It’s depressed, now, from where it would otherwise be due to fuel prices. But the pandemic is largely over now. People are back to work and back to normal activity.
You’re a fucking useless, bloviating clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbie.
@4 Yes, Ruth Sent Us stepped in it. Doxxing public officials is where liberals should not behave like Republicans.
@ 21
HA’s dumbest twat goes back nearly a quarter-century for another useless spew, I see.
A barrel of oil went negative in early 2020. Girlfriend, who was president then?
And what is your fucking point, YLB? You don’t even know, do you?
@24 Why did oil go negative in early 2020?
And thanks for making my point. How much drilling do you think will occur when oil producers have to pay people to take oil off their hands?
Oops. Maybe you shouldn’t have bought those gas guzzlers back then. If you’d had a lick of foresight and common sense, you would’ve realized there eventually would be more people wanting to buy Very Cheap Gas than there are people willing to sell Very Cheap Gas.
@ 23
…trying to kill public officials is where liberals should not behave like Republicans.
Steve Scalise was shot by a liberal.
Rand Paul was assaulted by a liberal, and was forced to undergo a lung lobectomy because of his injuries.
A liberal was arrested today for attempting to kill a sitting SCOTUS justice.
@22 “Gasoline consumption was depressed due to the pandemic.”
No shit, Sherlock! And Trumpers rushed out to buy gas-guzzling pickups. Couldn’t get enough of ’em. Now they can’t get gas. Boo-fucking-hoo. Stupid is, as stupid does.
@5 Gabbard’s still on Putin’s payroll, I see. She’s smarter than you; she doesn’t do it for free.
Zip tie alert.
The pistol light is a nice touch.
I know he’s a liberal ’cause he took a cab to Kavanaugh’s house. If he was a conservative he’d have no reason to pay more for a vehicle with a medallion.
Let’s not dismiss the fact that the reason he knew Kavanaugh’s address is because Ruth Sent US doxxed Kavanaugh.
But the pandemic is largely over now. People are back to work and back to normal activity.
May 18, 2022 – Just because many people seem more than ready to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us doesn’t mean it’s really over. In fact, case numbers are rising again – with new infections reported in about 95,000 Americans each day – and hospitalizations are up 20% as well.
Wow kreepshit, keep telling yourself that.. It follows from your inane, insane, deranged, unhinged babbling that such “convictions” will be..
for my kids…
@6 “Now that a flaming liberal has been arrested for attempting the assassination of a sitting SCOTUS justice” maybe Trump greenlighting political violence doesn’t look like quite such a good idea after all, eh?
The guy’s a nutcase. And dangerous. He should be locked away where he can’t harm anyone.
Pretty much the same thing can be said of the entire Republican Party.
And Trumpers rushed out to buy gas-guzzling pickups.
w/ CARES fraud munee…
And what is your fucking point
You’d never credit a Dem for low oil prices.. You’d never blame a repuke you voted for twice for nearly a $185/barrel oil price..
Prove me wrong.
@7 “Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress, and yet they are so weak that the grand plan is to assassinate a Trump SCOTUS appointee so that First Vegetable Joe Biden may nominate the replacement.”
You’re blaming this guy’s actions on Schumer and Biden? I guess that’s to be expected, as they blame “GRAB HIS GUN!!!” and “HANG MIKE PENCE!!!” on Trump. The difference is Trump urged them to do it, whereas this guy acted on his own.
@10 Tulsi is a Russian agent. I wouldn’t let her off the hook by pleading stupidity. She knows what she’s doing.
The evil “white power” symbol. Ruth Sent Us can’t let it go.
Although maybe they should try.
@ 35
I wouldn’t let her off the hook by pleading stupidity.
From a guy who pleads stupidity with each and every one of his spews.
@ 33
You’d never credit a Dem for low oil prices.
There hasn’t been one who has managed it for more than a millisecond in the current millenium, YLB. How would you know?
Is there any relevance to the fact that one has to go back well past 20 years to find a Democrat who was president when oil prices were “low”?
You never disappoint, YLB. HA’s dumbest twat.
@35 I don’t know if I’d go that far. We’ll see in time I guess.. But she’s saying stupid shit that’s ignorant of history..
Just like the unhinged kreepshit of widbee..
Here’s some Oregon news that QoS McHillbilly inexplicably neglected to share with us:
There hasn’t been one who has managed it for more than a millisecond in the current millenium, YLB. How would you know?
I notice that you sidestepped the issue of an all time high oil price on the watch of a repuke.
But look here and weep..
notable drops in the oil price during both the Clinton and Obama terms..
a YUGE rise during the entirety of the Bush term
and you voted for latter twice.. asshole..
@26 And our liberal president condemns all of that. That’s the difference between our leader and your leader. And you’re perfectly good with Trump inciting violence against journalists, election workers, Congress, and cops.
YLB has a paid gig! She’s the Media Maven for Ruth Sent Us.
Doc waited a long, long time for something like this to happen while Republicans tried to burn the country down around him; and now that it has, he’s beside himself with glee, celebrating even, with dancing and shouting.
No. You just gave him directions to Kavanaugh’s house.
kreepshit is so full of shame having voted for an empty suit twice who is “to blame” for an all time high price of oil at nearly $185 a barrel..
that it switches to a fantasy of yours truly and some disturbed individual.
someone I haven’t commented on… what that person did is inexcusable..
yawwwwn.. next??
@29 He embroidered “Liberal” on his tactical vest so the press wouldn’t mistake him for one of yours.
After all nearly everyone running around with Glocks, knives, tactical gear, zipties, and hit lists is a Republican, so it’s an easy misidentification to make.
Here’s a pic of the empty suit kreepshit voted for twice holding hands w/ another man:
Awwwww. As drumpf would babble, “we fell in love…”
But why oh why cries kreepshit drowning in bourbon??? Maybe this:
Which leads us back to the stroll through those bluebonnets. Regardless of what Bush really thinks about the Saudi royal family and its undemocratic ways, he—like any other modern American president—has a strong interest in assuring access to oil, preferably at lower prices.
Pleez o pleez, o medieval Saudi ruler, give us cheaper oil!
Yawwn.. he tried.. even to the point of holding hands with a dude.. I’ll give him that kreepshit..
@38 “There hasn’t been one who has managed it for more than a millisecond in the current millenium, YLB. How would you know?”
That isn’t true. Gas prices plunged in 2014 when Saudi Arabia began flooding the market with cheap oil. Who was president then, dumbass? In 2015? 2016? And depending on how far back you want to go (stopping at the “current millenium” is arbitrary), gas prices peaked under Reagan and Bush43, and bottomed under Clinton.
HA’s dumbest twat, bless her double-digit IQ heart, wants to talk about @ 48 the president and world leaders. So let’s talk.
Earlier this week Mexico’s president snubbed our imbecilic president, who had invited him to the Summit of the Americas.
Mexico’s president snubs Biden’s invitation to summit
That’s not my description, that’s the WaPo’s word choice.
And now Brazil’s president calls my imbecilic president out for the asterisk that will be by Biden’s name when history looks back on the 2020 election.
Brazil’s President Bolsonaro raises DOUBTS that Biden won the 2020 election just two days before their meeting at the Summit of the Americas and praises Trump
That one from the Daily Mail.
Since the White House pushed back my imbecilic president’s visit to July or later, the price of a gallon of gas may very well be $5.50 by the time my imbecilic president gets to hold hands with MBS.
There hasn’t been one who has managed it for more than a millisecond
With this babble and refusing to acknowledge the all time high of oil in June 2008..
Kreepshit concedes that it can’t prove me wrong.
yawwn.. another day.. yet more worthless kreepshit babble skewered..
Roske wasn’t really trying to murder AJ Kavanaugh. If he was serious about committing murder he would have been caught with a fire extinguisher in his possession.
Isn’t that right, Cuomosexual G-clown.
@40 “Republican state Rep. Lily Morgan said her community had seen a 700% increase in overdoses and a 120% increase in deaths.”
Which is very common in rural red districts like the one she represents.
@ 51
Kreepshit concedes that it can’t prove me wrong.
I’ve proven far worse about you, YLB. Being merely wrong is usually one of your selling points, Princess.
@45 You think doxing is wrong when a liberal group does it. We get that. We agree. Now if only you thought it also is wrong when rightwing creeps do it …
@50 and it doubles down in desperation on worthless:
why o why does Mexico’s President “snub” the summit:
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had said he would not go to the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week led by U.S. President Joe Biden unless all governments in the region were asked.
On Monday, he followed through as Washington said it was not inviting its antagonists Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua on the grounds of human rights and democratic shortcomings.
Oh WOW not kreepshit is lambasting Biden over being anti-leftist..
you fucking commie you, kreepshit, never thought you had it in ya..
Come out, kreepshit, come out.. you’ve been closeted..
@50 and it doubles down in desperation on worthless:
why o why does Mexico’s President “snub” the summit:
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had said he would not go to the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week led by U.S. President Joe Biden unless all governments in the region were asked.
On Monday, he followed through as Washington said it was not inviting its antagonists Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua on the grounds of human rights and democratic shortcomings.
Oh WOW now kreepshit is lambasting Biden over being anti-leftist..
you fucking commie you, kreepshit, never thought you had it in ya..
Come out, kreepshit, come out.. you’ve been closeted..
@50 Mexico snubbed Biden for disinviting commie thugs to the summit, and now Doctor Dumbfuck is having a sad over that.
Was our 2020 election? If you really want to know, go to the source: Brazil’s highly unpopular rightwing dictator who’s fixing to steal one of his own.
Really, doc, you need better sources. You can’t even keep gas prices straight.
@52 He called the cops and told them where he was and what he was planning to do, and threw in a suicide threat, which does raise some questions as to whether he was serious about assassinating Kavanaugh or was just trying to get himself shot by the cops. I guess we’ll have to wait for the mental eval results.
@56 He’s also adding Brazil’s fascist dictator to his list of “reliable sources.”
Brazil’s President Bolsonaro raises DOUBTS that Biden won the 2020 election just two days before their meeting at the Summit of the Americas and praises Trump
Wow.. kreepshit has a hard-on for Bolsonaro like drumpf had for Kim Jong-un.. Here’s Bolsonaro:
He wants criminals to be summarily shot rather than face trial. He presents indigenous people as “parasites” and also advocates for discriminatory, eugenically devised forms of birth control. Bolsonaro has warned about the danger posed by refugees from Haiti, Africa, and the Middle East, calling them “the scum of humanity” and even argued that the army should take care of them.
He regularly makes racist and misogynistic statements. For example, he accused Afro-Brazilians of being obese and lazy and defended physically punishing children to try to prevent them from being gay. He has equated homosexuality with pedophilia and told a representative in the Brazilian National Congress, “I wouldn’t rape you because you do not deserve it.”
Bolsonaro is a piece of shit but a piece of shit kreepshit would gladly have as guest of honor at the next klownservatic pissing kontest at the local widbee vip room..
muy macho eh?
“The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Nina Morrison to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, putting someone onto the federal bench with the extraordinary background of having worked to free dozens of innocent people from prison and death row.”
Republicans criticized her as “soft on crime” because, as doc keeps reminding us, not executing innocent people is being too lenient and undermines the deterrent value of the death penalty.
I’ve proven far worse about you,
yawwwn.. in your fantasies, sure.. you’ll bat a thousand for eternity there kreepshit..
Even in the pit with all your fookin’ munee, forever..
you can’t take the chance kreepshit.. not one cent of your fookin’ munee can be risked falling into hands of anyone to the left of Dino 4-time Lossi.
So burn it all and have the whole shitpile buried with ya, ya kreep.
@62 Nother!
@61 Bolsonaro is a fascist right up doc’s alley. What doc likes best about him is the summary executions.
Steve wants to give his life some purpose by killing me.
@65 It’s funee that kreepshit was so triggered by a pic of an empty suit it voted for twice holding hands with a dude – so triggered it doubled down on worthless rants about Mexico’s Prez and a piece of shit fascist from Brazil.
A piece of shit that it clearly admires.
He’s just a dick troll conjuring up his own nonsensical bullshit. Spin, spin, spin, ignore, ignore, phone treason destructors and deniers.
This is exactly the kind of rush-to-judgment Doctor Dumbfuck relishes. And according to Ted Crud, releasing this man from jail was being “soft on crime.”
I wouldn’t let either of them sit on a jury — unless, of course, I was defending the police detective and/or giant corporation that rushed to judgment.
I was surfing Netflix just now, and found Not Another Teen Movie. This was the movie clip Netflix hasn’t removed yet.
Trending in Uvalde.
Trending in Uvalde.
We already know that his money can’t buy the low IQ traitor a higher IQ. ‘Class’ is another thing he sorely lacks which his money can’t buy.
I certainly hope the bar behind which G-clown transmitted HIV to all of those dudes who fucked him bareback is insured.
Woman who claims she got a sexually transmitted disease from an ex-boyfriend after sex in the back of his Hyundai Genesis is awarded $5.2 million settlement from his CAR INSURANCE company
I Smoked The Proud Boys from Twitter.
The media made it difficult for Kyle Rittenhouse to live a normal life by reporting on his cold-blooded murdering of people.
Daily Mail.
Honestly surprised Degen had a free hand available to type with. I assume one hand to grip the belt around his neck and the other in between his legs furiously rubbing his man-clit.
Voice-to-text has really come a long ways.
You’re fuckin’ LeBron James, the face of the NBA. You scream racism from the top of
your lungs while the “racist” institution you work for makes you a billionaire.
You establish a school for people who look like you. And then three people who look like you beat a white boy to death in the parking lot of the school you established.
LeBron, what do you have to say for yourself?
[Update: LeBron responded. Hopes and prayers.
LeBron James
Our condolences goes out to the family who lost a loved one!! My the heavens above watch over you during this tragedy! Pray for our community! 💚👑]
Chuck Schumer had to change his vote yesterday on a Biden nominee. It was going to be 50:50 and Momala was out of town. so it was only 49:51 but now Schumer can bring the nomination up for vote again, when Momala’s back in DC.
If that’s not the mark of a strong presidency I don’t know what is.
First Vegetable Joe Biden approval at only 35% in yesterday’s Q poll.
Biden doesn’t have a floor of support. This will worsen.
Biden’s FDA has known about the baby formula problem for well over a year. WSJ and ABC News have independently reported on it.
Abbott, FDA were warned about formula plant a year before recall
Maybe we can fly those southern border illegal aliens to Germany after we empty out the cargo plane that imports the baby formula.
Call these respondents the David Goldstein wing of the Democrat party.
Wait, there’s more.
“Vince Coglianese
Holy shit! That *SPLC* poll also finds that nearly 100% of young male Democrats approve of “assassinating any low IQ traitor who is harming our country or democracy.”
10:42 AM · Jun 8, 2022”
Hoo boy. Both sides. Am I right, or what?
Carl Paladino is a 75-year-old retired business executive who has served on his local school board in Buffalo NY and is interested in running for the House. GOP top leadership are solidly backing him with money and time. Rep. Elise Stefanik has raised money for him, given to his campaign, made campaign appearances in person and in ads, and calls Paladino a “good friend”.
Both-siderism Quiz:
When Paladino recently mentioned on a radio program
“…that’s the kind of leader we need today. We need somebody inspirational. We need somebody that is a doer, has been there and done it”,
was he referring to:
a) Former President Donald J. Trump, who now lives in a sex club in Florida;
b) Famously “moderate” Republican Senator from Utah, Willard Romney who killed a dog and promoted a winter Olympics;
c) Adolf Hitler, who exterminated 6 million Jews in under four years.
These are the guys “conservatives”, like the incel troll, are rooting for to take control of the House next year.
One side is… different?
AAA average price of gasoline today is $4.97 per gallon.
We’ll be at six bucks before Labor Day.
More turmoil for Michigan Republicans seeking to overcome popular Democrat Gretchen Whitmer.
With three of the front runners disqualified from the ballot for submitting tens of thousands of completely fabricated voter signatures on ballot petitions, one of the few remaining contenders was arrested this morning for taking part in the violent Republican terror attack on the Capitol. Leaves Tudor Dixon and Garrett Soldano. Advantage Dixon with DeVos money pile behind her.
But she’ll need to spend massively on her own name recognition in the state before doing anything else. In some recent polls she was in the back of the pack. That opens an important opportunity for Whitmer and Democrats to negatively define Dixon among low information voters in the early months. This was expected to be a very close race, no matter who the GOP nominee was. Now it may be slipping away even before it starts.
White Americans are “replacing” themselves:
So shitferbrains Tucker will babble about “teh hordes” at the Southern border.
It bears emphasis:
“And Republicans are both disproportionately white and older.”
Which of course means nothers! ‘pon nothers! ‘pon nothers! ‘pon nothers!
SS checks? Will never be collected or will be no more. Following from the sicko, deranged, inane and degnerate babbling of teh widbee kreepah:
for my kids…
one of the few remaining contenders was arrested this morning for taking part in the violent Republican terror attack on the Capitol.
Just another cosplaying grandmother. No big deal.
The real crime is Tyrant Joe Biden sending his FBI goons to arrest a “patriot”. /s
It’s weird. One minute they say he’s a doddering imbecile.
The next minute they insist that he’s all-powerful genius Darth Sidious.
I can even remember when he was the “disappointing” moderate compromise.
@74 George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse are free, but marked for life. It’s like prison without bars.
@76 George Washington should be ashamed of himself for establishing a country as unsafe as the one we live in, but you excuse him because he was white and a slaveowner.
@77 A strong administration is one that has the 51 votes needed to overcome the obstructionism of a radical revolutionary party violently opposed to democracy.
@82 Paladino is notorious. And so quotable I made him Handbill’s headline story yesterday, although not for that; for saying the federal government “hypnotized” the Uvalde gunman.
@83 Probably. That’s what happens when people try to buy more gas than there is. Gas will keep going up until demand destruction occurs. Maybe the rubes shouldn’t have bought so many F-350s when the oil companies were losing money. After all, the oil companies couldn’t keep that up forever. At some point they had to stop drilling. P.S., the Exxon shares I bought in March 2020 are worth 3 times what I paid for them, and the yield-on-cost of those shares is over 9%. Thanks for your business. I appreciate it.
@85 People from overpopulated places always move into and occupy unpopulated places. The only question is whether Mexico will annex Texas when its population exceeds 80% Mexican or waits until it’s 100% Mexican.
Mass shooting at Maryland machine shop, multiple fatalities, one state trooper injured, “suspect no longer a threat to the community.”
When you look at individual races and candidates questions continue to emerge about how Republicans are going to manage to flip 50 seats, like they claim. Who, and where are a bit of a puzzle once you get past the top ten or so.
And yet the normative “cool kid” media consensus is that Democrats are going to get wiped out completely. I remain slightly less convinced. Many of these Republican candidates have character issues, criminal issues, and ideological issues that will make them a hard sell, even for voters yearning for change.
Liberal and progressive voters can’t afford to sit out this midterm and count on “the other guy” to save the country. The other guy is down in their basement building pipe bombs, sowing Klan hoods, and surfing Sasquatch porn. But in most of the places where turnout counts the message seems to be getting out. I doubt Trump can win back the Senate, and I suspect his House gains will be only half what he predicts.
Daily Mail, Doctor Dumbfuck’s new most favorite news site, quotes Kevin McCarthy as saying we’re all to blame for Jan. 6, 2021.
“During his weekly news conference a reporter asked McCarthy if he thought Trump bore blame for the Jan. 6 attack. ‘I think everybody in the country bears responsibility,’ McCarthy said.”
The part of the article in which McCarthy denies ever suggesting Trump resign even though he privately told his colleagues Trump should resign is pretty good, too. Loosely translated it says, “Don’t take anything I say seriously, because if my lips are moving, I’m lying.”
A Senate pickup in Utah? Mike Lee is only slightly ahead in polls. Who would Evan McMullen, a Libertarian running as an Independent, caucus with if he’s elected?
I suspect he wouldn’t be a Senate vote for GOP obstructionism. Rather, he would vote with Democrats on some issues, and with Republicans on others, predominantly the latter, but he wouldn’t be a Mike Lee.
Mormons on the whole are fundamentally decent family-oriented people, and it’s hard for me to imagine them re-electing Lee when they can vote for someone like McMullen.
Meanwhile, DeVos says she resigned because of Jan. 6 and was in favor of removing Trump from office.
That’s not exactly an endorsement from his Education Secretary if he chooses to run again. It also suggests she doesn’t expect an employment opportunity in a future Trump administration. It further indicates she’s trying to distance herself from the last one to preserve her personal and family reputation.
@ 91
I made him Handbill’s headline story yesterday…
A literal LOL moment for me when I read this. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit spoonfeeding Shortbus.
And nobody else.
Russia endorses GOP in midterms.
And no wonder. Biden’s policies, supported by his party, have stymied Russia in Ukraine. Our military assistance brought the invasion to a grinding halt. The sanctions are crushing their economy and eroding their national strength. The Biden-led diplomatic offensive has turned Russia into an international pariah. It’s having a real effect, and Putin hasn’t attacked NATO countries or used nuclear or chemical weapons. Biden has walked the fine line of countering Russian aggression without triggering World War 3 very well. There are times when polls simply don’t matter as much as leadership. If Biden is a one-time president who saved the world, he can retire in dignity. The flapping rooster that is Donald Trump has no dignity and enjoys no respect, and never will.
@ 100
And this, HA libbies, is what it looks like when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit sucks another old man’s cock.
@99 I’m sure he appreciates you calling him “Shortbus.” Maybe he’ll try to dox you next.
Meanwhile Trumpworld doing “great”.
Well played.
It’s been fun, I must say, watching the WaPo air its dirty laundry over the past week.
Dave Weigel did a dumb – not awful, but def not PC – thing on his own dime and his own time. He should have known how the panty-twisters he works with would respond, which is to say they responded predictably. One of the Karens at the paper got him suspended. And then she went after a bunch of other colleagues.
And when WaPo stepped in to make its Rodney King appeal for some harmony, she went after the WaPo.
Which just cashiered her. ‘bye Felicia.
You never see YLB and Felicia Sonmetz at the same time. Anybody ever notice that?
Word is that Felicia Sonmetz has been offered a writing job by Adam Carolla.
Sandra Fluke has sued Felecia Sonmetz, accusing her of muscling in on Fluke’s patented “That’s Not Funny” shtick.
Doctor Dumbfuck can’t afford his own Civic Skunk Works. Heck, he doesn’t even have free posting privileges on a dead guy’s blog. All he’s got is the HA comment threads.
…to his coworkers.
Weigel was contrite and apologetic, and accepted his employer’s disciplinary decision which followed a fair, thorough, but also efficient and decisive process.
One of his coworkers was none of those things. And not only did she expand her criticism of her coworker beyond the original, offensive tweet at a time when he was defenseless (having agreed to remain silent online and in other media), but she began attacking other, uninvolved coworkers, baselessly attributing to them the trolling public backlash she was enduring at the keyboards of anonymous, flaccid, balding beer guts angry about their golf handicap, liver spots, shrinking testicles, and Trump’s utter failure.
She canceled herself. It’s sad.
But it wasn’t a win for Trump. There haven’t really been any “wins” for Trump since RBG died. And he didn’t do that either.
And so it begins..
Here’s another part of the gas problem, as I mentioned before.
If people stone breaking the law, by speeding, maybe they wouldn’t have to pay as much. It’s their own fault.
Everything is their own fault. Grow up and be responsible.
This is mainly a heterosexual problem caused by heterosexuals
Dave Weigal’s problems is that he’s one of the straights.
Rep. Liz Cheney, Super Patriot, slicing and dicing the low IQ traitor, his dozen cosplaying grandmothers, his raging orange man-baby and rest of the Republican traitors.
What kind of person would drive her family into a cliff and then abandon them, bleeding and injured, in order to protect her nascent political career?
Answer: The same kind of person who diverts campaign funds to her failing business.
@113 She’s also “trailing her leading GOP primary rival, attorney Harriet Hageman by 28-56 percent,” which tells you everything you’ll ever need to know about Wyoming’s Republican voters.
I guess it’s still okay to fly over that state, but I wouldn’t drive through it, it’s better to go around.
silly kreepshit whacks off to yet another fantasy of associating yours truly with some person I’ve never heard of until I read through this thread..
yawn… kreepshit should change its handle to ‘”seriously” lacking a life in widbee’.
January 6, 2021: Price of a gallon of gasoline was $2.19.
Hang the Traitors!
Here’s a nice photo of the teleprompter used for tonight’s made-for-TV movie.
It’s the economy, stupid. Thursday night TV won’t detract from $5 gasoline either tomorrow or next week.
@119 I see you’re going all-in with the Tucker Carlson version of the violent attempt to destroy our government and establish an unelected fascist dictatorship in our country. You might as well. You already had no credibility left here. But take heart, when they come from you, you can plead stupidity, a defense not available to Trump and his minions in Congress (some of whom, we learned today, were so convinced of the righteousness of his cause and their own innocence that they asked him for pardons. But he stiffed them, too, just like he stiffed the Proud Boys and all his other loyal soldiers at the Capitol).
Initially, many people feared Drumpf would abuse the powers of the office by issuing hundreds of pardons to those who committed crimes for his benefit. They need not have worried. He was more than willing to let his loyal sycophants twist in the wind. The only person he cares about is himself. ?Someday this will catch up to him, and he’ll die bitter and alone, and nobody will care.
I realize Joe, Nancy, and Chuck have other priorities right now; but when they get around to it, they should pass a law prohibiting Trump from having a state funeral, having any troops attend his funeral or burial, banning his casket from the Rotunda, banning his burial in any federal cemetery, and prohibiting the flying of flags at half mast on federal buildings or facilities, including ships, upon his death. To keep patriotic Americans from pissing on his grave, his children may want to consider dumping his ashes from a plane into the ocean.
I see you’re going all-in with the Tucker Carlson version of the violent attempt to destroy our government and establish an unelected fascist dictatorship in our country.
The day’s biggest loser? Our low IQ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck.
He never should have chosen treason. He chose poorly.
81 million votes and 5 dollar gas.
GasBuddy: National average price of gas reaches $5
Gas is so expensive that YLB’s family can only fill up every couple of months or so.
Matt Gaetz is on to us.
“They’re purposefully trying to disarm us by passing red flag laws and by assuring young adults cannot access various types of firearms because they want us to be in the most vulnerable position when they create these false flag acts of violence and then the counter-violence that could come against our people.”
Who blabbed?
The day’s biggest winner? U.S. Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards.
This is funny.
Telling cops they can’t wear uniforms, be armed, or use police vehicles but still expecting protection is the kind of perspective only idiots like G-clown and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron would have.
And then there’s the stated opinion by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron that police are cowards, so why would parade-goers want the police protecting them in any event?
81 million votes and 5 dollar gas.
What a babbling dumbfuck looks like.
Telling cops they can’t
Probably not the best day for a dumbfuck supporter of cop-hating cosplaying grandmothers to be talking about cops.
Vice Chair Liz Cheney: “Tonight, I say this to our Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone—but your dishonor will remain.”
The low IQ traitor’s dishonor is forever.
What? You’re not satisfied with your raging orange man-baby?
GOP House Candidate Backed by Party Leadership Said Hitler Is ‘The Kind of Leader We Need’
Carl Paladino, who is supported by Rep. Elise Stefanik, also shared conspiracy theories that the shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde were false flags
Watching the Season Premier of For All Mankind. Mainly to see filling the timeline. Jumped 12 years from the alternate 1983. Ron Moore and his crew really did a good job this time.
President Hart
Beatles do a reunion tour,
Jerry Springer stays in politics, Governor of Ohio.
IRA takes out Thatcher
Oil collapses, as more electric cars and Nuclear Power.
Clean Nuclear Power alleviates global warming.
Looking at some of the extras on Apple TV+, Which includes one news story for each year in between the events of the seasons. For 1984, it was tge report of the commission looking into the near Nuclear Meltdown at the Jamestown Base. The AG in the Reagans cabinet in the For All Mankind, was Archibald Cox. Nixon was pardoned by President Edward M Kennedy(When the Soviets landed on the moon, he didn’t go to Chapaquidick),, so no Saturday Night Massacre.
The Presidential Race in alt 1992 looks like a battle between Arkansas Governor Clinton and Republican Texas Senator Ellen Wilson, one of tge four female astronauts from Season 1. Perot’s in the race, complaining about outsourcing of Energy jobs to the Moon as the Moons Helium3 reserves are used for Nuclear fusion.
Love For All Mankind, a space race that never ends. Didn’t want to at first, hated the idea we lost the Moon Race.
BTW, The Beattles reunion was possible because John Lennon survived being shot in this timeline.
Maybe not.
Maybe that’s not even the point.
An attorney I know who is also a lifelong Republican voter said a thing. His wife is mixed race. They have three children, all adopted through church/religious affiliations. All three kids are non-white. Two are adopted from China. One is adopted from Sudan. The attorney drives a plug-in electric to the office. Graduated from an ivy. So did his wife. His oldest kid has been admitted to a very exclusive school in Boston. They hike, ride bikes, shop at organic grocery stores and eat kale or whatever.
He said to me: “I look at those images of those people in that Trump mob and I don’t know what it is, but it scares the hell out of me. I see people who might just as easily, if the wind was right, have set upon me and my family and beaten us to death.”
Carlson went the whole hour without a break, Fox is desperate to keep its viewers from switching to another channel and seeing the hearing in real time.
Fox News isn’t just letting Tucker Carlson do his regular show, they’re airing it without commercials. They want to push his propaganda so much that they are leaving money on the table to do it.
Remember when you’re watching the hearings
(a) If the GOP had kept the House, everything you’re hearing would have been buried.
(b) They plan to repeat all of these crimes again. They just plan to be more adept at it next time.
The Republican party has embraced authoritarianism and will stop at nothing to end democracy.
Just thought I should share this chunk of copy and paste. I await bob to counter with “but, but, but look at the high gas prices. ”
Recap of what we know so far regarding Trump’s efforts to overturn the election:
-Trump tried to extort the country of Ukraine for political dirt on Biden. He was impeached over it.
-He tried to weaponize COVID-19 politically by waging a war on mail-in ballots , which he knew would favor Democrats.
-Him and DeJoy tried to manipulate the USPS to stop mail-in ballots , which he knew would favor Democrats.
-Systematically and intentionally promoted The Big Lie that the election was stolen, which tens of millions of people have come to believe.
-Tried to get electors to illegally cast their votes.
-Him, his lawyers, and allies filed 60+ ridiculous lawsuits for lower courts to overturn the election (with zero evidence), oftentimes not even arguing there was fraud in court, yet claiming it in public.
-Supported an absolutely absurd case for SCOTUS to overturn the election (with zero evidence).
-Summoned Michigan GOP members to attempt to subvert election results.
-He undoubtedly provoked his AG’s resignation a few weeks after the election, who soon-before felt compelled to announce there was “No widespread fraud.”
-Attended a meeting which floated martial law.
-Told election officials to “stop counting”
-Suggested the military should force states to rehold elections.
-Tried to get the VP to illegally name him President.
-Called the PA Speaker of the House in an attempt to overturn the results.
-Pressured Governor Brian Kemp to push the state legislature to overturn the election.
-Threatened the GA Secretary of State with legal consequences if he did not find enough votes to overturn the election.
-Tried to get an insane conspiracy theorist to lead a special counsel.
-Defied and fired his own election security officials.
-Purged key Pentagon positions after the election.
-Ordered the Pentagon to stop working with Biden’s transition team
-Had a draft declaration which instructed the military to seize ballots.
-Directly told the DOJ to lie about the election . “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen”
-Pressured the DOJ to file a lawsuit to SCOTUS to nullify the election.
-Plotted the logistics of overturning the election via powerpoint with WH staff and his lawyer, John Eastman
-A federal judge, after seeing the evidence, has now suggested multiple times both Trump and Eastman’s efforts “more likely than not” constitute felonies.
-Incited a violent insurrection on U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden.
Mitch McConnell calls on Democrats to pass Supreme Court security bill after man arrested outside Brett Kavanaugh’s home
Patton Oswalt:
It only took one tweet to show that republicans are liars. Guns must be regulated when it could hurt their tribe.
Read the affidavit.
The guy got out of his cab out on the street, made “eye contact” with the G-men hanging around at BeerBong’s front door, then immediately booked out of there in the opposite direction. A block away the guy dialled 911 on his cell and dimed himself out to the local 5-0.
No waiting for BORTAC or door keys.
I’m not so sure Ivanka is still in the running for the 2-spot on the ticket now.
Very “checked out”?
My sincere sympathy to whoever-the-fuck it is explaining to Trump this morning that he can’t run without a running mate.He might, however, fire whoever it is on his first day in office.
Month-on-month inflation rose a full percentage point, bitches.
So much for inflation “peaking” in March. Last month it was well into double digits, annualized.
Today’s economic good news is that AAA average national gasoline price has not quite reached $5/gallon.
Bidenworld. No wonder he went with Kimmel.
Real wages have fallen in each of the last eight months.
YLB’s kids are so fucked.
Siri, what is transitory?