I am still neutral for the Presidential primary. I have eliminated plenty of people, but there’s still a top tier. Elizabeth Warren is definitely in that tier. So I’m excited that she has a town hall in Seattle.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I understand! If you fact-check, you can’t be a Republican, because being Republican requires you to accept bullshit without looking into it or questioning it. If you ever do any critical thinking, you’ll turn into a Democrat.
Trump is the second coming of…God?
Good grief, Doctor. You and your orange moron have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.
@7 Republicans are child abusers. What else is new? They always have been. I grew up in a Republican neighborhood where old white men tried to pick up young boys. They still do. Nothing’s changed in 60 years. Never will. Republicans gonna be Republicans.
“Republicans are child abusers. What else is new?”
Raising children in rape cages strikes me as a new development in Republican depravity.
Not just Boob. Half the GOP and pretty much every shy-Trumper you know settled on Cruz once all the other non-FingerFuck options were gone.
How pathetic.
Arthur Fieldlerspews:
It’s unlikely Elizabeth Warren will be the nominee because the Democrats want to win in 2020. Warren will not win against Trump.
“King of the Jews”
Sounds familiar like it was in a book. Which one. Shakespeare? No. Where was it.
Stick to conducting.
At under 42% approval Donald loses.
To Joe
To Kamala
To Warren
To Beto
To Bernie
Probably even to the reanimated corpse of Wendell Wilkie
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Cruz isn’t the only RatFucking Traitor trying to re-cast himself as a “thoughtful conservative”. Prepare for half the Republiclowns you know to gradually disavow their 36 month long orgy of choke-fapping to racist Trump memes and cheering for Guatemalan Toddler Torture as the latest GOP recession sets in.
As they do so, they will become studied experts on every single defect in every single Democratic candidate, while somehow miraculously overlooking GREENLAND, PornLube, FingerRape, EEEMURJUNCEEE!, ShitDown, Obstruction, and Perjury. All of this is so that fourteen months from now they can go in and pull the lever for Trump once again, and blame it all on THE LEFTISTS.
The same people who voted for president peepee in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020. And the reason he won the Electoral College is because, while there was a huge drop off in support for Clinton in swing states in comparison to 2012, the GOP all got behind Trump. They may claim they held their nose, but they all publicly supported him and voted for him. And they intend to do it again knowing, that with historically low approval and a slowing economy, there is a far better than average chance that he may lose.
Steve, you should have wished Hillary luck with the 2016 Jewish vote:
71% of Jews supported the democratic nominee in this year’s election — slightly more than the 69% who voted for Obama in 2012, but significantly less than the 78% who turned out for Obama in 2008, the 74% who voted for Kerry in 2004, or the 79% who voted for Gore in 2000.
Had she done as well as other white Democrats, she might be president today.
Think on your sins.
My wife and I are certainly doing our best to support the US economy. Why, I even buy my own Barron’s to read.
Moynihan said the debate about the U.S. economy’s trajectory comes down to the consumer.
“And so in our customer base through this time Aug. 15 year to date, you’ve seen the amount spent by American consumers at Bank of America: $2 trillion,” he said.
“It’s up 5.9% from last year through the same period of time. So, in [2017-18] you’re up about 8.5% and 2018-19 up 5.9%. So, think about that as $120 billion more spending by our consumers this year versus last year, which means the U.S. consumer continues to spend and that will keep the U.S. economy in good shape,” Moynihan explained.
I’d like to thank y’all libbies for nominating Hillary Clinton for president. In doing so y’all did more to expand the wealth gap than y’all could have possibly imagined.
I’d also like to thank YLB’s children for shouldering the financial burden of supporting my wife and me, and our VISA card, as we thoroughly enjoy the consequences of the 2016 DNC convention.
In fact, I may thank Al Franken personally. He’ll be in Seattle on October 4th.
So we should assume that the way to be less like Hillary is to be more like Hillary?
David Brooks* certainly thinks so: “They take a good point—that capitalism needs to be reformed to reduce inequality—and they radicalize it so one gets the impression they want to undermine capitalism altogether.”
Radicalize. Impressions. Undermining.
Mind you, this is the GOP saying this shit. The dudes who marched with Tiki Torches screaming “Jews Will Not Replace Us!”.
Let us be perfectly clear, since that seems obligatory. It is, and has been for many, many decades, the official and acknowledged orthodoxy of the Republiclown Party that capitalism must be deregulated, that reforms are hinderances that must be removed, and inequality is a good thing. That is not partisan hyperbole. It is GOP orthodoxy. And it is a Hayekian orthodoxy that “sensitive” clownsurvaturds have embraced, cherished, and promoted incessantly for decades.
That’s rich, coming from a fucking traitor, Doctor.
Live in fucking shame.
In response to President Trump’s cancellation of a planned trip to Denmark, the Danish government has retaliated by initiating an immediate and total embargo on the delivery of Lego pieces to the United States.
Channeling Steve @ 3:
Good luck getting that Danish ham now, Jewish delis.
Dumbfuck pulls his head out of Putin’s ass long enough to imitate a broken record and repeats for the thousandth time, “I’d like to thank y’all libbies for nominating Hillary Clinton for president.”
Fuck you, you stupid dumbfuck traitor. Stick your head back up Putin’s ass where it belongs.
Aw, Steve. Can’t y’all accept responsibility for your monumental 2016 stupidity?
I guess being a liberal means there’s always someone else to blame.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’d like to thank y’all libbies…
Sounds more like you might want to thank the 200,000 Jewish Democrats who decided to vote for Trump instead. More than enough to make the difference in the key swings.
In fact you might want to do more than thank them, since these “very fine people” probably not helping so much.
“Channeling Steve”
Sorry, traitor, but that would require an actual patriotic American male to do that. Best you can hope for is to channel a Russian bot.
“2016 stupidity”
You and your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags can go fuck yourselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Republican megadonor and private equity investor John W. Childs has continued giving GOP fundraising committees large sums of money since he was charged in February with soliciting prostitution at a massage parlor in Florida.”
79% support for Democrats in the midterms and only 71% support for Hillary in 2016.
Maybe they just didn’t like Sarah Silverman speaking for them at the DNC convention.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Raising children in rape cages strikes me as a new development in Republican depravity.”
No, same mentality, only the label is different. Seventy-five years ago we called the people who did that Nazis. Today we call the people who do that Republicans. Nothing else has changed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 If you wanna impersonate somebody famous, at least learn to spell his name.
I wish we had better trolls. This blog attracts all the grade school dropouts.
“This blog attracts all the grade school dropouts.”
And one dumbfuck radiologist.
@ 26
Because there’s probably not a Republican official who hasn’t done the same thing.
Well, it’s not like they’re not getting plenty of cover, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
2020 Dem candidate Hickenlooper advocates exploring legalized prostitution
This is how y’all lost in 2016, HA libbies. Y’all assumed that people give a shit about sex when it comes to presidential elections.
Now if y’all will excuse me, I’ve got some pussy to grab.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…were they really voting for Trump? Or were they a protest vote against Hillary?
A vote for Trump, like say for instance YOUR VOTE FOR TRUMP, remains a vote for Trump. A vote for Guatemalan Toddler Torture, for FingerRape, for Obstruction, for ShitDown!, for EEEMERJUNCEE!, for WifeBeating, for PizaCannibals!, for RapeCages, for Trade War, for The Moooooch, for BENGHAAAZIII!!!, and for Jews Will Not Replace Us!
And since we can and do all safely assume that you are a Republican primary voter, and owing to Trump’s absolute domination of the Republican primaries, we may also statistically assume that, unlike those 200,000 Jewish Democrats, you cast such a vote not once, but twice.
That’s what we think about. The louder and more often a clownsurvaturd shouts their support for Trump, the more likely it is that they’ve already voted for him twice. And will absolutely do it again no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Because this is who you are now.
As Republicans seek to make toddler rape a right-wing pastime, Dumbfuck counters with…
“2020 Dem candidate Hickenlooper advocates exploring legalized prostitution”
What a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Fed members affirm ‘mid-cycle adjustment,’ see no ‘pre-set course’ for cuts, minutes show”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This means war between Trump and the Fed, but it’ll be a short war, because whenever anybody stands up to him, he scuttles off in a cloud of squid ink even faster than Puddy did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Now you’re against decriminalizing Republican SOP? Are you a closet Democrat? Nothing surprises me anymore.
Whenever voter fraud is discovered, it’s always Republicans doing it.
“This Trump supporter received praise from the president himself — now he’s facing a lengthy prison sentence for voter fraud”
And every single Republican you know will vote for this lunatic again next year.
There has never been a time in modern American history when the contrast between the sanity, humanity and virtue of the Left and the sadism, bigotry and corruption of the Right has been sharper. Never in our history could it be any more comfortable and morally uplifting for any Republican voter to at least stay the fuck home. But they will choose sadism, bigotry, and corruption every goddamn time.
And every Never-Trumper you know will shake their heads with regret, pine for a myth of long-dead conservative heroes, and do likewise, while pretending not to. Because in the end, it is the sadism, bigotry, and corruption that they love. Trump is the clownsurvaturd id come to life.
“This is how y’all lost in 2016, HA libbies. Y’all assumed that people give a shit about sex when it comes to presidential elections.”
Bullshit. The conservative racist incel is partly correct. His party doesn’t care about sex when it comes to their candidate so long as he promises to hurt the right people, but they will impeach over a consensual stained blue dress when it’s a Democrat. Republicans are Hypocrites at best. Rules and morals only apply to Democrats.
No presidential election associated with the Clinton-Lewinsky thing, Red. Your comparison is useless because the post-1996 Clinton-Lewinsky affair had no effect on Clinton’s 1996 election campaign.
Nice try.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Led enthusiastically by corporate media and beltway consultants, “libbies” assumed that Republicans gave a shit about FingerRape, WifeBeating, WhitePower! and PornLube Payoffs.
Faced with an openly sadistic, misogynistic bigot as their nominee, the predicted dropoff in Republican turnout did not materialize at all. When it came down to it, every single Republican lined up like good Germans to smash some store windows. A few of them might even have been a little bit reluctant too.
@ 32
I wonder how many Stein voters were Democrats who could not stomach Hillary, and yet did not vote for Trump.
In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, one could plausibly blame third parties for the outcome. In Michigan, Clinton lost by less than a percentage point, a deficit she could have recovered from with half of Stein’s votes. Again in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Clinton lost by one point, Jill Stein’s votes would have covered her loss. Had Clinton won all three states, she would have won the election.
The only significant statistical departures in those states between 2008 and 2016 are a meaningful GOP defection to the Libertarian candidate in one or two of them, and measurable drop in turnout on the Dem side. Ralph Nader had a love child with Cynthia McKinney and her name was Jill Stein – right down to the same number of votes in nearly the exact same counties. Stein/Nader’s 50,000 MI votes are a tiny drop into a vast sea of 800,000 Obama voters who sat out 2016.
You should be proud of your convictions Dumbfuck. Even if they are base, sadistic, bigotted, and corrupt.
At this point, with your portfolio in decline, your cash accounts dumped into hedging schemes, and OfDumbfuck living on the other side of the trailer park with her bull, they are all you have left.
@41 Fuck you.
One dumbfuck Russian stooge, Stein, helped another dumbfuck Russian stooge, your orange moron, while you, yet another dumbfuck Russian stooge, cheered them on with your 4,000 pro-Putin fucking hashtags.
You’re the biggest dumbfuck of them all, and all of you are fucking traitors.
Go fuck yourself.
What you can’t get through your fucking thick skull, Doctor, is that this isn’t about left and right anymore. It’s about patriotism and treason.
You’re on Team Putin. That makes you a fucking traitor.
From The Simpsons – Dumbfuck’s orange moron vs. The Squad to the song America, from West Side Story.
LOL! One kid is doing better thanks to a promotion however starting out is just starting out – besides, there’s graduate or professional school in a couple years.
The other kid is still an undergraduate.. Not doing too much paid work.
8 percent of not much is not much…
But later on when they’re in their peak earning years…
Boob will be dead (oh yeah!) – maybe because of the old lady.. The old lady is all good – she writes checks to good causes like ACLU..
OfDumbfuck living on the other side of the trailer park with her bull
And writing checks to ACLU… Thank you mary k..
Still waiting for a harsh word for Putin from either Dumbfuck or his orange moron. Heh. Just kidding. We all know it’ll never happen. Hell, Dumbfuck would have never got his tax cut without him.
“Greenland highlights Trump’s willingness to offend close US allies”
@39 No, it merely resulted in an impeachment charade staged by a party that squandered $70 million of taxpayer money to “out” a consensual private affair, and is now looking the other way at 10 counts of obstruction by a sitting president who has colluded with our archenemy, used the office to line his own pockets, and relentlessly attacked our own intelligence agencies.
And you’re the guy who says on HA, “Move along folks, nothing to see here.” You’re not just a dumbfuck, you’re an accessory, too
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Stop blaming Hillary for Trump. Trump is to blame for Trump, and the people who voted for Trump are to blame, which almost everyone on this blog believes includes you.
No one else is to blame for Trump.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist Special Report: Pelosi Under Siege – As insurgent Demorats target Pelosi lieutenants, Pelosi herself is locked in a titanic battle for her position as titular head of Demorats with lead insurgent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Today the two traded pointed barbs.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez asserted, “My tits are much bigger than Pelosi’s when you consider the tits/ass ratio so I should be titular head of Demorats, just look at these.” https://media.zenfs.com/en/footwear_news_642/e366838f6ca7016fb991bca89f5343ad
Ms. Pelosi countered, “That dumb bitch doesn’t even know what ‘titular head’ means, and my tits are bigger anyway, check these out.” http://intercepts.defensenews......855059.jpg
Ms. Pelosi continued, “And I can tell you for certain that she stuffs her bra, I’ve seen that little hussy in the shower and she’s flat as a board.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is surrounded.
The left side of her conference, run by the so-called “Squad” of socialist Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is ascendant as Pelosi’s top deputies–several committee chairs–face primary challenges similar to one Ocasio-Cortez used to wipe out longtime Pelosi ally, former Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) on her path to power. In fact, at least seven of Pelosi’s top confidantes–committee chairs–potentiallly face the same fate as Crowley, as primary challengers have announced campaigns against them. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/19/surrounded-left-corners-pelosis-deputies-lines-up-primaries-against-democrat-committee-chairs/
@56 You’d be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, but Doctor Dumbfuck has already claimed the title. SAD!
Bob’s Family Circle of Mother Fuckers. He must be so proud! And they’re probably terrorist supporters like Bob and Steak Sauce
Which is surprising, as he has had so much practice in recent years.
So you’ve reduced the sauce over a long simmer until you’re left with quoting Right Wing ‘comedy’ websites as evidence.
Sad. Low energy.
Oh, great. We get our governor back. The new Governor Moonbeam.
Unintentionally true words given the sad state of WAGOP.
Say it with me…
Can I get an Amen?!
Two more NRA board members resign?
No one wants to be caught carrying the luggage when the fraud, embezzlement and collusion with Russia charges finally conclude.
But LaPierre’s tailored suits will look smashing on Court.tv.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Breitbart. That’s nice.
Remember what he said before he died from ass cancer? “Politics is downstream from culture.”
Little hint:”Throw the bums out” is not a good look for you this season, sweety.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Isn’t there some heavily armed lunatic from Marble Country poised to make yet another losing quest for relevance?
It’s little wonder why the sad fucks of the disappearing GOP-in-the-West are so preoccupied with cataclysmic armageddon. That’s what it would take for them to have any shot at being relevant again. I just don’t understand why you Dems in Washington keep them on life support. You should be well into a highly organized boot stomping program by now. In two decades you basically picked up one fucking seat net from redistricting. You people are not even trying.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 & 61 Doc is starting to repeat himself; I wonder if he’s had a senility checkup recently?
@67 He’s a Stable Genius
“Steve @ 41 offers the HA version of Tommy Lasorda”
Um, Dumbfuck, that was you posting @41.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump supporters still enjoy a higher public approval rating than Hitler’s SS, but it’s hard to tell how long that might last. As for Trump himself … his approval rating has sunk below Hitler’s.
Or maybe his Genius is in the Stable, in Bob’s case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 Another idiot troll who’s confusing me with a cartoon character with a similar name. No relation, bub. You, of all people, should know that. You probably do this to every John Smith and Bob Jones you encounter, too.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Tomorrow the Violent Extremist Republican Party will make an official filing for a rule change for the handling of infants and minor children accompanying refugees who come to the U.S. seeking asylum. The new rule seeks to allow ICE to permanently remove infants from their mothers and imprison those babies in Republican BabyJails forever if they feel like it. As this new rule abandons a decades old rule adopted under consent decree in federal court, it is subject to the review of that court and we may also assume subsequent legal challenges from human rights groups of Real Americans who object to baby torture.
In addition to creating permanent Republican BabyJails, the rule also seeks to strip oversight of Republican BabyJails from the individual states where the babies are being jailed (and occaisionally raped – but only by accident!) and instead turn oversight over to a low-bid government contractor chosen by ICE owned by a big donor.
In times like these, it can be a struggle to keep reminding ourselves that this isn’t FAKE NEWS. This is a real thing the GOP is doing. It will happen tomorrow as sure as the sun will rise. And it isn’t a stunt either. These people really do want this.
Think about that.
And think about how you will not hear so much as one single motherfucking peep of protest from any Shy-Trumper.
@74 Despite righwing denials, Hitler’s concentration camps were real, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate Trump’s migrant detention camps from those camps.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not Trump’s.
The GOP’s.
He is doing this vicious shit to babies at their behest.
It’s very, very important not to confuse cause and effect here, or really anywhere as it regards this president.
This man is not an author of events. He is not a mover. He does not conceive great plans or schemes. Everything about his time in office and his decades as a failure in business leading up to this tells us that he is a performance artist doing improv reacting with keen instinct off shouted cues from his audience of cruel, angry, sadistic bigots and grifters.
BabyJails and Guatemalan Toddler Torture are merely bits from his routine for the sadistic entertainment of his patrons and supporters. They are the authors of these events, not he.
Sitting in your car while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Off-duty cop pulls gun on man for sitting in his parked car while black”
It’s official. Hickenlooper is running for Senate.
Hmmmm…popular two term governor in a state that has gone 100% blue in the last statewide contests, where the highest ranking Elected Republican holds a seat on the minority side of the State Board of Education…
Guy who in a massive GOP wave election got by with under 2% margin of Victory.
Anyone want to guess if Colorado will flip a Senate seat? (Trick question, it was a likely flip anyway even without a popular termed out Governor running.)
No, not Dumbfuck’s orange moron. Some other freak.
“Man claiming to be the messiah and ranting about mental illness arrested as potential mass shooter”
During WWII through a massive public effort over 90% of Denmark’s Jews were saved by ferrying them in private boats through Nazi infested waters to neutral Sweden.
GOP now hates Denmark.
“The chosen one”
Chosen by Putin? Sure. No argument here.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Just in case you were wondering, the GOP is still investigating ButteryMales. Having used the investigation as a pretext to inject concern trolling into the media throughout the 2016 campaign, they are now relying on it to provide some smoke screen cover for GOP/TRUMP/NRA criminal involvement with Russia and obstruction. And so, for that reason, it isn’t really important that they still have nothing to show for it: https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/16/politics/hillary-clinton-china-emails-probe/index.html
Nothing classified, nothing mishandled, and nothing hacked.
Grassley has been trolling this since at least December of 2015 at taxpayer expense, while studiously voting to block any legislative effort to secure our election system from Russian hacking that has been proven repeatedly.
Inslee’s plane had trouble landing due to all the smoke from the Wal-Mart rooftop fires.
Walmart sues Tesla over solar panel fires at seven stores
I guess “Hot” takes like that one are what you’ll have to count on to push Dammeier across the line against Habib in 2022. Well that and lots of Stevie Wonder jokes, right?
“… [T]he President who smeared and offended Muslims and Latinos is now doing the same for Jews. … Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of having ‘either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.’ With those nine evil words, he deployed a vague but potent trope about Jewish patriotism. Accusations of ‘disloyalty’ were flung at Jews ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve suspected all along this is where the Orange Fuhrer might be going, and now the closeted Hitler admirer’s real intentions are out in the open. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been daydreaming about gas chambers all along, and every gassed Jew who voted Democrat is a twofer. #whatadeal
When are the responsible Republicans in the cabinet going to invoke the 25th Amendment on this madman? Oops, my mistake, there are no responsible Republicans in the cabinet or anywhere else.
@84 If someday you’re drowned by rising sea level, you’ll certainly be remembered here for your climate change snark.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
This was and is inevitable once the GOP voters started down this track.
This will only continue and get worse. As lashing out politically at people for being Jewish becomes normalized they will have no choice but to up the ante by lashing out in other ways. Once each line is crossed a new line must be targeted in order to keep these filthy vicious sadists energized and motivated. They know what they are doing. Careers, fortunes, and vast sums of money and commerce are all riding on this.
It was inevitable that the 2016 nominee would be a candidate like Trump. Going all the way back to the early 2000s the GOP became gradually addicted to targeting “others” and “enemies”. Trump merely dances to their tune, he does not call it.
A photo posted over on the dont-tread-on-us FB page is altered to make the “Squad” look like they’re sitting in a room with a portrait of Osama Bin Laden and the ISIS flag hanging on the walls. Naturally, the hate is off the charts in the comments thread.
The idea of course is to stoke hate and hope some nutcase kills them.
Our dumbfuck traitor got his tax cut, so he doesn’t care.
Have you ever noticed that, when Putin laughs at America, Doctor Dumbfuck is always laughing along with him?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Republiclown Pornstar Party Of Hate The Constitution and Everything is MS13 Special Report: Acting under orders from ICE a GOP Sheriff held a US citizen in prison for four days despite the citizen providing documentary proof that he was a citizen in the form of a US passport, a Social Security card, a state issued driver’s license, and a court order signed by a judge ordering his release.
@91 “Whenever I visit, I report them to FB as a hate site.”
Good luck with that. Zuckerberg will make money by giving a platform to freaks like these as long as he can.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Republiclown Pornstar Party Of Hate The Constitution and Everything is MS13 Special Report: On Monday of this week, as part of its daily news briefing sent to all of its employees, the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review emailed links and excerpts to an article posted to the anti-Semitic racist hate website VDARE. The article linked and excerpted by the EOIR directly attacked sitting immigration judges, calling out a number of the judges by name with anti-Semitic and ethnic slurs, and referencing claims of white supremacy. EOIR has over 1,500 employees, an unknown number of whom are members of protected classes covered in the federal civil rights acts. ACLU and a BMW car train of employment litigation attorneys are lining up outside EOIR offices in Bailey’s Church VA awaiting their next paychecks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 Yeah, I noticed. What Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t get is that Putin is laughing at him, too. Putin thinks horses are for riding and bare-chested photo ops, not for fucking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 His deputies may be driving Honda Civics for the next 10 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 Sounds like a hostile work environment to me. It might to as man as 18,000 randomly chosen jurors, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I guess drinking and fucking at work on rooftops of government buildings has to be expected under this administration.
Why am I not surprised to learn that AG Barr and the GOP hired some raging anti-Semite into EOIR who admires VDARE and thinks it would be funny to shit-post it to all the employees?
This is who they are. And they’ve been this way for quite a while now. They just used to do a better job of hiding it before.
The Teahadists are nothing but mother fucking terrorists! Nazi mother fuckers. Fascist fucking pigs! Go fuck yourselves you mother fuckers!
BiBi “He was Just a misunderstood Painter” Netanyahuspews:
“Hitler wasn’t so bad. It was the Arab. They ran the trains on time with the gas and the showers and the like.”
Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.
“Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jew. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here (to Palestine).’ According to Netanyahu, Hitler then asked: “What should I do with them?” and the mufti replied: “Burn them.”
“I guess drinking and fucking at work on rooftops of government buildings has to be expected under this administration.”
The shock is that a Republican was having sex with his own species and it wasn’t a child he was fucking.
@104. It’s ok! It was straight sex. Not like to fags were fucking. Or Bob and his horse or goat. I wonder if the nazism is rubbing off on the horse. Wonder if Bob has got him brainwashed yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@104, @105 He had no choice. All the goats and horses rejected his advances. Even Bob’s horse refused to go down on him.
“Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time….”
Whitewashing Hitler. The orange moron and Putin’s dumbfuck troll will go there soon, too, no doubt.
How about we deny healthcare to 44 million Americans to pay for Doctor Dumbfuck’s next luxury purchase? Doctor might have fun, too, say, like by whispering snide words into their ears as those Americans are dying.
“Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicare — now he says it could be a fun ‘second term project’”
“But according to Vanity Fair, Trump is now telling friends it might be fun to kill the program to meet his campaign promise that he would zero-out the deficit. Thursday it was revealed that the federal deficit will come dangerously close to $1 trillion by the 2019 fiscal end.”
So that’s your idea of fun these days, huh, Doctor? Causing millions of Americans to die so you can buy a new yacht?
These perverts are all the same. Odds are, it was either a child, goat or a horse.
“On Thursday, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported that Republicans in Kansas and Washington are pressuring Rep. Steve Watkins (R-KS) to step down after just eight months in office.
It is currently unclear why they are calling for his resignation.”
@108 Gotta cut spending somewhere to pay for his billionaire tax cuts. Seniors will need to make sacrifices so the rich don’t have to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 Republicans normally close ranks behind their own when one of them gets caught raping toddlers, taking money under the table from Ukrainians, or kicking shelter dogs. This must be serious. Maybe the night janitor found a Koran in his desk drawer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
David Koch has died, but his brother pretty much runs things, so that probably doesn’t change anything.
On a personal, non-political, level: My sympathies to the family. I don’t wish for the death of anyone, with a few exceptions (Hitler, etc.). When nature runs its course, as it eventually must for us all and our loved ones, we offer and accept what solace there is.
Puddy won’t be quite as lonely now that he has a kindred spirit to keep him company wherever he is, although he’ll never be able to ignore the fact Mr. Koch ideologically and financially supported the teabaggers who lynched him. That’s not my problem; I, and others here, tried to warn him not to trust his friends. The two of them can fight it out, wherever they are now. I doubt I’ll run into either of them in the future. My destination isn’t the same as theirs.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…so that probably doesn’t change anything.
Sure it does. “The Network” may be larger than most other private political funds, but it still operates in much the same way. And in that sense it depends financially on these principals pouring money in on a regular schedule. The two brothers have been singularly influential in bringing the network together and keeping the money tap open.
The death of one of the two named principals will mean first and foremost that his share of financial contributions will diminish greatly. It also means that his influence over other members of the network is gone. And it also means that other members of the network will now look elsewhere to some extent for ways to exert political influence.
All that happening at a time when the NRA is in collapse, and a internal war has transformed the RNC, the Congressional PACs, and many other private PACs into Trump/PubeFace playthings means that many of those other network members will probably reduce their spending this cycle in much the same way they reduced their spending in 2018.
That’ll change things a lot in a place like Colorado where Gardner is almost entirely dependent on out of state money and has become a Koch addict. Again, this goes to the structural money problem for WhitePower!. Many of their biggest fundraising states are also battlegrounds where they have to keep a lot of their money home each cycle. A big part of what the Koch network did was go around the party infrastructure and internal political allegiances and steer money into state races where the party bosses might not have prioritized. Samey same with the NRA. Any reduction in their influence means both less money and more of that money staying home or being steered now by Brad Parscale, Javanka and the Menendez brothers.
And that confronts phony asshats like Gardner with a dilemma: Continue as he has coyly offering muted criticism of president pornfinger and risk losing a lot of out of state money, or going FullRetard for the money and being slaughtered in the suburbs of Denver and Colorado Springs.
More evidence that Rick Perry is too stupid to be president (or in charge of our nukes).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I understand! If you fact-check, you can’t be a Republican, because being Republican requires you to accept bullshit without looking into it or questioning it. If you ever do any critical thinking, you’ll turn into a Democrat.
Trump is the second coming of…God?
Good grief, Doctor. You and your orange moron have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.
Good luck with Jews in 2020, Dumbfuck.
“Rudy Giuliani accuses majority of US Jews of ‘disloyalty to Israel’ — and gets torn to pieces”
@2 What’s he gonna do when being Jesus isn’t enough to stoke his insatiable ego? Overthrow God?
When Doctor Dumbfuck visits the post office.
“WATCH: Black postal worker stays remarkably calm as furious white man has a racist meltdown”
Fuck, and it’s only Wednesday. By Friday the shooter will be declared a national hero.
“Pat Buchanan Defends El Paso Shooter’s Fears Of Hispanic ‘Invasion’: ‘Accurate And Valid'”
Way to go, Dumbfuck.
You are really fucking sick, Doctor. Get help.
“Trump Administration Announces Plan To Detain Migrant Children For Longer”
@7 Republicans are child abusers. What else is new? They always have been. I grew up in a Republican neighborhood where old white men tried to pick up young boys. They still do. Nothing’s changed in 60 years. Never will. Republicans gonna be Republicans.
“Republicans are child abusers. What else is new?”
Raising children in rape cages strikes me as a new development in Republican depravity.
5, 6, 7,
Remember when Teh Dumbfuck was Stanning for Ted Cruz?
The internet is forever.
Not just Boob. Half the GOP and pretty much every shy-Trumper you know settled on Cruz once all the other non-FingerFuck options were gone.
How pathetic.
It’s unlikely Elizabeth Warren will be the nominee because the Democrats want to win in 2020. Warren will not win against Trump.
“King of the Jews”
Sounds familiar like it was in a book. Which one. Shakespeare? No. Where was it.
Stick to conducting.
At under 42% approval Donald loses.
To Joe
To Kamala
To Warren
To Beto
To Bernie
Probably even to the reanimated corpse of Wendell Wilkie
Cruz isn’t the only RatFucking Traitor trying to re-cast himself as a “thoughtful conservative”. Prepare for half the Republiclowns you know to gradually disavow their 36 month long orgy of choke-fapping to racist Trump memes and cheering for Guatemalan Toddler Torture as the latest GOP recession sets in.
As they do so, they will become studied experts on every single defect in every single Democratic candidate, while somehow miraculously overlooking GREENLAND, PornLube, FingerRape, EEEMURJUNCEEE!, ShitDown, Obstruction, and Perjury. All of this is so that fourteen months from now they can go in and pull the lever for Trump once again, and blame it all on THE LEFTISTS.
The same people who voted for president peepee in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020. And the reason he won the Electoral College is because, while there was a huge drop off in support for Clinton in swing states in comparison to 2012, the GOP all got behind Trump. They may claim they held their nose, but they all publicly supported him and voted for him. And they intend to do it again knowing, that with historically low approval and a slowing economy, there is a far better than average chance that he may lose.
Steve, you should have wished Hillary luck with the 2016 Jewish vote:
71% of Jews supported the democratic nominee in this year’s election — slightly more than the 69% who voted for Obama in 2012, but significantly less than the 78% who turned out for Obama in 2008, the 74% who voted for Kerry in 2004, or the 79% who voted for Gore in 2000.
Had she done as well as other white Democrats, she might be president today.
Think on your sins.
My wife and I are certainly doing our best to support the US economy. Why, I even buy my own Barron’s to read.
Moynihan said the debate about the U.S. economy’s trajectory comes down to the consumer.
“And so in our customer base through this time Aug. 15 year to date, you’ve seen the amount spent by American consumers at Bank of America: $2 trillion,” he said.
“It’s up 5.9% from last year through the same period of time. So, in [2017-18] you’re up about 8.5% and 2018-19 up 5.9%. So, think about that as $120 billion more spending by our consumers this year versus last year, which means the U.S. consumer continues to spend and that will keep the U.S. economy in good shape,” Moynihan explained.
I’d like to thank y’all libbies for nominating Hillary Clinton for president. In doing so y’all did more to expand the wealth gap than y’all could have possibly imagined.
I’d also like to thank YLB’s children for shouldering the financial burden of supporting my wife and me, and our VISA card, as we thoroughly enjoy the consequences of the 2016 DNC convention.
In fact, I may thank Al Franken personally. He’ll be in Seattle on October 4th.
So we should assume that the way to be less like Hillary is to be more like Hillary?
David Brooks* certainly thinks so:
“They take a good point—that capitalism needs to be reformed to reduce inequality—and they radicalize it so one gets the impression they want to undermine capitalism altogether.”
Radicalize. Impressions. Undermining.
Mind you, this is the GOP saying this shit. The dudes who marched with Tiki Torches screaming “Jews Will Not Replace Us!”.
Let us be perfectly clear, since that seems obligatory. It is, and has been for many, many decades, the official and acknowledged orthodoxy of the Republiclown Party that capitalism must be deregulated, that reforms are hinderances that must be removed, and inequality is a good thing. That is not partisan hyperbole. It is GOP orthodoxy. And it is a Hayekian orthodoxy that “sensitive” clownsurvaturds have embraced, cherished, and promoted incessantly for decades.
*Jewish too. Well, Jewish anyway. https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/david-brooks-conversion-story
“Think on your sins.”
That’s rich, coming from a fucking traitor, Doctor.
Live in fucking shame.
In response to President Trump’s cancellation of a planned trip to Denmark, the Danish government has retaliated by initiating an immediate and total embargo on the delivery of Lego pieces to the United States.
Channeling Steve @ 3:
Good luck getting that Danish ham now, Jewish delis.
Dumbfuck pulls his head out of Putin’s ass long enough to imitate a broken record and repeats for the thousandth time, “I’d like to thank y’all libbies for nominating Hillary Clinton for president.”
Fuck you, you stupid dumbfuck traitor. Stick your head back up Putin’s ass where it belongs.
Aw, Steve. Can’t y’all accept responsibility for your monumental 2016 stupidity?
I guess being a liberal means there’s always someone else to blame.
Sounds more like you might want to thank the 200,000 Jewish Democrats who decided to vote for Trump instead. More than enough to make the difference in the key swings.
In fact you might want to do more than thank them, since these “very fine people” probably not helping so much.
“Channeling Steve”
Sorry, traitor, but that would require an actual patriotic American male to do that. Best you can hope for is to channel a Russian bot.
“2016 stupidity”
You and your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags can go fuck yourselves.
“Republican megadonor and private equity investor John W. Childs has continued giving GOP fundraising committees large sums of money since he was charged in February with soliciting prostitution at a massage parlor in Florida.”
And they’re still taking his money. Because there’s probably not a Republican official who hasn’t done the same thing.
@ 23
Now, QoS McHillbilly, were they really voting for Trump? Or were they a protest vote against Hillary?
American Jews — 79 percent of whom voted for Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections, according to exit polls…
79% support for Democrats in the midterms and only 71% support for Hillary in 2016.
Maybe they just didn’t like Sarah Silverman speaking for them at the DNC convention.
@9 “Raising children in rape cages strikes me as a new development in Republican depravity.”
No, same mentality, only the label is different. Seventy-five years ago we called the people who did that Nazis. Today we call the people who do that Republicans. Nothing else has changed.
@11 If you wanna impersonate somebody famous, at least learn to spell his name.
I wish we had better trolls. This blog attracts all the grade school dropouts.
“This blog attracts all the grade school dropouts.”
And one dumbfuck radiologist.
@ 26
Because there’s probably not a Republican official who hasn’t done the same thing.
Well, it’s not like they’re not getting plenty of cover, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
2020 Dem candidate Hickenlooper advocates exploring legalized prostitution
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, do you really think you have a lot to gain by even bringing this up?
Sen. Stabenow’s husband tells police he had sex with prostitute
How Client 9 Got Caught
This is how y’all lost in 2016, HA libbies. Y’all assumed that people give a shit about sex when it comes to presidential elections.
Now if y’all will excuse me, I’ve got some pussy to grab.
A vote for Trump, like say for instance YOUR VOTE FOR TRUMP, remains a vote for Trump. A vote for Guatemalan Toddler Torture, for FingerRape, for Obstruction, for ShitDown!, for EEEMERJUNCEE!, for WifeBeating, for PizaCannibals!, for RapeCages, for Trade War, for The Moooooch, for BENGHAAAZIII!!!, and for Jews Will Not Replace Us!
And since we can and do all safely assume that you are a Republican primary voter, and owing to Trump’s absolute domination of the Republican primaries, we may also statistically assume that, unlike those 200,000 Jewish Democrats, you cast such a vote not once, but twice.
That’s what we think about. The louder and more often a clownsurvaturd shouts their support for Trump, the more likely it is that they’ve already voted for him twice. And will absolutely do it again no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Because this is who you are now.
As Republicans seek to make toddler rape a right-wing pastime, Dumbfuck counters with…
“2020 Dem candidate Hickenlooper advocates exploring legalized prostitution”
What a dumbfuck.
“Fed members affirm ‘mid-cycle adjustment,’ see no ‘pre-set course’ for cuts, minutes show”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This means war between Trump and the Fed, but it’ll be a short war, because whenever anybody stands up to him, he scuttles off in a cloud of squid ink even faster than Puddy did.
@31 Now you’re against decriminalizing Republican SOP? Are you a closet Democrat? Nothing surprises me anymore.
Whenever voter fraud is discovered, it’s always Republicans doing it.
“This Trump supporter received praise from the president himself — now he’s facing a lengthy prison sentence for voter fraud”
Heading to the helicopter to go golf at Bedminster instead of working in Denmark president peepee doubles down on TRADEWAR!
And every single Republican you know will vote for this lunatic again next year.
There has never been a time in modern American history when the contrast between the sanity, humanity and virtue of the Left and the sadism, bigotry and corruption of the Right has been sharper. Never in our history could it be any more comfortable and morally uplifting for any Republican voter to at least stay the fuck home. But they will choose sadism, bigotry, and corruption every goddamn time.
And every Never-Trumper you know will shake their heads with regret, pine for a myth of long-dead conservative heroes, and do likewise, while pretending not to. Because in the end, it is the sadism, bigotry, and corruption that they love. Trump is the clownsurvaturd id come to life.
“This is how y’all lost in 2016, HA libbies. Y’all assumed that people give a shit about sex when it comes to presidential elections.”
Bullshit. The conservative racist incel is partly correct. His party doesn’t care about sex when it comes to their candidate so long as he promises to hurt the right people, but they will impeach over a consensual stained blue dress when it’s a Democrat. Republicans are Hypocrites at best. Rules and morals only apply to Democrats.
No presidential election associated with the Clinton-Lewinsky thing, Red. Your comparison is useless because the post-1996 Clinton-Lewinsky affair had no effect on Clinton’s 1996 election campaign.
Nice try.
Led enthusiastically by corporate media and beltway consultants, “libbies” assumed that Republicans gave a shit about FingerRape, WifeBeating, WhitePower! and PornLube Payoffs.
Faced with an openly sadistic, misogynistic bigot as their nominee, the predicted dropoff in Republican turnout did not materialize at all. When it came down to it, every single Republican lined up like good Germans to smash some store windows. A few of them might even have been a little bit reluctant too.
@ 32
I wonder how many Stein voters were Democrats who could not stomach Hillary, and yet did not vote for Trump.
In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, one could plausibly blame third parties for the outcome. In Michigan, Clinton lost by less than a percentage point, a deficit she could have recovered from with half of Stein’s votes. Again in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Clinton lost by one point, Jill Stein’s votes would have covered her loss. Had Clinton won all three states, she would have won the election.
The only significant statistical departures in those states between 2008 and 2016 are a meaningful GOP defection to the Libertarian candidate in one or two of them, and measurable drop in turnout on the Dem side. Ralph Nader had a love child with Cynthia McKinney and her name was Jill Stein – right down to the same number of votes in nearly the exact same counties. Stein/Nader’s 50,000 MI votes are a tiny drop into a vast sea of 800,000 Obama voters who sat out 2016.
You should be proud of your convictions Dumbfuck. Even if they are base, sadistic, bigotted, and corrupt.
At this point, with your portfolio in decline, your cash accounts dumped into hedging schemes, and OfDumbfuck living on the other side of the trailer park with her bull, they are all you have left.
@41 Fuck you.
One dumbfuck Russian stooge, Stein, helped another dumbfuck Russian stooge, your orange moron, while you, yet another dumbfuck Russian stooge, cheered them on with your 4,000 pro-Putin fucking hashtags.
You’re the biggest dumbfuck of them all, and all of you are fucking traitors.
Go fuck yourself.
What you can’t get through your fucking thick skull, Doctor, is that this isn’t about left and right anymore. It’s about patriotism and treason.
You’re on Team Putin. That makes you a fucking traitor.
From The Simpsons – Dumbfuck’s orange moron vs. The Squad to the song America, from West Side Story.
@44 not to mention someone who supports terrorists. But that’s ok, because we all can support terrorists now.
LOL! One kid is doing better thanks to a promotion however starting out is just starting out – besides, there’s graduate or professional school in a couple years.
The other kid is still an undergraduate.. Not doing too much paid work.
8 percent of not much is not much…
But later on when they’re in their peak earning years…
Boob will be dead (oh yeah!) – maybe because of the old lady.. The old lady is all good – she writes checks to good causes like ACLU..
I’d like to thank boob’s mary kay wife… l8r..
And writing checks to ACLU… Thank you mary k..
Still waiting for a harsh word for Putin from either Dumbfuck or his orange moron. Heh. Just kidding. We all know it’ll never happen. Hell, Dumbfuck would have never got his tax cut without him.
“Greenland highlights Trump’s willingness to offend close US allies”
Amazing. A Republican had sex and it didn’t involve a farm animal or a caged toddler.
“Former Trump official caught having sex with White House staffer on roof of government building”
This is too much fun! (in fondest memory of the implosion of one babbling butthole troll)..
“George Conway Calls on White House Staff to Institutionalize Trump”
Job numbers revised down..
Next thing you know gas prices will rise (heh) then… put a fork in the cheeto rage man baby..
@36 Still hard to beat this guy, though.
@39 No, it merely resulted in an impeachment charade staged by a party that squandered $70 million of taxpayer money to “out” a consensual private affair, and is now looking the other way at 10 counts of obstruction by a sitting president who has colluded with our archenemy, used the office to line his own pockets, and relentlessly attacked our own intelligence agencies.
And you’re the guy who says on HA, “Move along folks, nothing to see here.” You’re not just a dumbfuck, you’re an accessory, too
@41 Stop blaming Hillary for Trump. Trump is to blame for Trump, and the people who voted for Trump are to blame, which almost everyone on this blog believes includes you.
No one else is to blame for Trump.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist Special Report: Pelosi Under Siege – As insurgent Demorats target Pelosi lieutenants, Pelosi herself is locked in a titanic battle for her position as titular head of Demorats with lead insurgent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Today the two traded pointed barbs.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez asserted, “My tits are much bigger than Pelosi’s when you consider the tits/ass ratio so I should be titular head of Demorats, just look at these.”
Ms. Pelosi countered, “That dumb bitch doesn’t even know what ‘titular head’ means, and my tits are bigger anyway, check these out.”
Ms. Pelosi continued, “And I can tell you for certain that she stuffs her bra, I’ve seen that little hussy in the shower and she’s flat as a board.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is surrounded.
The left side of her conference, run by the so-called “Squad” of socialist Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is ascendant as Pelosi’s top deputies–several committee chairs–face primary challenges similar to one Ocasio-Cortez used to wipe out longtime Pelosi ally, former Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) on her path to power. In fact, at least seven of Pelosi’s top confidantes–committee chairs–potentiallly face the same fate as Crowley, as primary challengers have announced campaigns against them.
@56 You’d be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, but Doctor Dumbfuck has already claimed the title. SAD!
Bob’s Family Circle of Mother Fuckers. He must be so proud! And they’re probably terrorist supporters like Bob and Steak Sauce
Oh, great. We get our governor back. The new Governor Moonbeam.
Steve @ 41 offers the HA version of Tommy Lasorda when asked what he thought about a 3-homer performance by Dave Kingman of the opposing team.
Steve’s not a good loser.
Steve’s not a good loser.
Which is surprising, as he has had so much practice in recent years.
So you’ve reduced the sauce over a long simmer until you’re left with quoting Right Wing ‘comedy’ websites as evidence.
Sad. Low energy.
Unintentionally true words given the sad state of WAGOP.
Say it with me…
Can I get an Amen?!
Two more NRA board members resign?
No one wants to be caught carrying the luggage when the fraud, embezzlement and collusion with Russia charges finally conclude.
But LaPierre’s tailored suits will look smashing on Court.tv.
Breitbart. That’s nice.
Remember what he said before he died from ass cancer?
“Politics is downstream from culture.”
Little hint:”Throw the bums out” is not a good look for you this season, sweety.
Isn’t there some heavily armed lunatic from Marble Country poised to make yet another losing quest for relevance?
It’s little wonder why the sad fucks of the disappearing GOP-in-the-West are so preoccupied with cataclysmic armageddon. That’s what it would take for them to have any shot at being relevant again. I just don’t understand why you Dems in Washington keep them on life support. You should be well into a highly organized boot stomping program by now. In two decades you basically picked up one fucking seat net from redistricting. You people are not even trying.
@60 & 61 Doc is starting to repeat himself; I wonder if he’s had a senility checkup recently?
@67 He’s a Stable Genius
“Steve @ 41 offers the HA version of Tommy Lasorda”
Um, Dumbfuck, that was you posting @41.
Trump supporters still enjoy a higher public approval rating than Hitler’s SS, but it’s hard to tell how long that might last. As for Trump himself … his approval rating has sunk below Hitler’s.
67 – We wonder the same about you.
Or maybe his Genius is in the Stable, in Bob’s case.
@71 Another idiot troll who’s confusing me with a cartoon character with a similar name. No relation, bub. You, of all people, should know that. You probably do this to every John Smith and Bob Jones you encounter, too.
Tomorrow the Violent Extremist Republican Party will make an official filing for a rule change for the handling of infants and minor children accompanying refugees who come to the U.S. seeking asylum. The new rule seeks to allow ICE to permanently remove infants from their mothers and imprison those babies in Republican BabyJails forever if they feel like it. As this new rule abandons a decades old rule adopted under consent decree in federal court, it is subject to the review of that court and we may also assume subsequent legal challenges from human rights groups of Real Americans who object to baby torture.
In addition to creating permanent Republican BabyJails, the rule also seeks to strip oversight of Republican BabyJails from the individual states where the babies are being jailed (and occaisionally raped – but only by accident!) and instead turn oversight over to a low-bid government contractor chosen by ICE owned by a big donor.
In times like these, it can be a struggle to keep reminding ourselves that this isn’t FAKE NEWS. This is a real thing the GOP is doing. It will happen tomorrow as sure as the sun will rise. And it isn’t a stunt either. These people really do want this.
Think about that.
And think about how you will not hear so much as one single motherfucking peep of protest from any Shy-Trumper.
Qui tacet consentire videtur
They are monsters, all the way down.
This nutjob was a crappy CEO, too.
@74 Despite righwing denials, Hitler’s concentration camps were real, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate Trump’s migrant detention camps from those camps.
Not Trump’s.
The GOP’s.
He is doing this vicious shit to babies at their behest.
It’s very, very important not to confuse cause and effect here, or really anywhere as it regards this president.
This man is not an author of events. He is not a mover. He does not conceive great plans or schemes. Everything about his time in office and his decades as a failure in business leading up to this tells us that he is a performance artist doing improv reacting with keen instinct off shouted cues from his audience of cruel, angry, sadistic bigots and grifters.
BabyJails and Guatemalan Toddler Torture are merely bits from his routine for the sadistic entertainment of his patrons and supporters. They are the authors of these events, not he.
Sitting in your car while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Off-duty cop pulls gun on man for sitting in his parked car while black”
It’s official. Hickenlooper is running for Senate.
Hmmmm…popular two term governor in a state that has gone 100% blue in the last statewide contests, where the highest ranking Elected Republican holds a seat on the minority side of the State Board of Education…
Guy who in a massive GOP wave election got by with under 2% margin of Victory.
Anyone want to guess if Colorado will flip a Senate seat? (Trick question, it was a likely flip anyway even without a popular termed out Governor running.)
No, not Dumbfuck’s orange moron. Some other freak.
“Man claiming to be the messiah and ranting about mental illness arrested as potential mass shooter”
During WWII through a massive public effort over 90% of Denmark’s Jews were saved by ferrying them in private boats through Nazi infested waters to neutral Sweden.
GOP now hates Denmark.
“The chosen one”
Chosen by Putin? Sure. No argument here.
Just in case you were wondering, the GOP is still investigating ButteryMales. Having used the investigation as a pretext to inject concern trolling into the media throughout the 2016 campaign, they are now relying on it to provide some smoke screen cover for GOP/TRUMP/NRA criminal involvement with Russia and obstruction. And so, for that reason, it isn’t really important that they still have nothing to show for it:
Nothing classified, nothing mishandled, and nothing hacked.
Grassley has been trolling this since at least December of 2015 at taxpayer expense, while studiously voting to block any legislative effort to secure our election system from Russian hacking that has been proven repeatedly.
Inslee’s plane had trouble landing due to all the smoke from the Wal-Mart rooftop fires.
Walmart sues Tesla over solar panel fires at seven stores
I guess “Hot” takes like that one are what you’ll have to count on to push Dammeier across the line against Habib in 2022. Well that and lots of Stevie Wonder jokes, right?
Made any progress on that IG report yet?
“… [T]he President who smeared and offended Muslims and Latinos is now doing the same for Jews. … Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of having ‘either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.’ With those nine evil words, he deployed a vague but potent trope about Jewish patriotism. Accusations of ‘disloyalty’ were flung at Jews ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve suspected all along this is where the Orange Fuhrer might be going, and now the closeted Hitler admirer’s real intentions are out in the open. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been daydreaming about gas chambers all along, and every gassed Jew who voted Democrat is a twofer. #whatadeal
When are the responsible Republicans in the cabinet going to invoke the 25th Amendment on this madman? Oops, my mistake, there are no responsible Republicans in the cabinet or anywhere else.
Traitor @84 shows up, says something stupid again.
@84 If someday you’re drowned by rising sea level, you’ll certainly be remembered here for your climate change snark.
This was and is inevitable once the GOP voters started down this track.
This will only continue and get worse. As lashing out politically at people for being Jewish becomes normalized they will have no choice but to up the ante by lashing out in other ways. Once each line is crossed a new line must be targeted in order to keep these filthy vicious sadists energized and motivated. They know what they are doing. Careers, fortunes, and vast sums of money and commerce are all riding on this.
It was inevitable that the 2016 nominee would be a candidate like Trump. Going all the way back to the early 2000s the GOP became gradually addicted to targeting “others” and “enemies”. Trump merely dances to their tune, he does not call it.
A photo posted over on the dont-tread-on-us FB page is altered to make the “Squad” look like they’re sitting in a room with a portrait of Osama Bin Laden and the ISIS flag hanging on the walls. Naturally, the hate is off the charts in the comments thread.
The idea of course is to stoke hate and hope some nutcase kills them.
“Are Doctored Images a Serious Threat?”
Whenever I visit, I report them to FB as a hate site.
Another day, another bucket of lies. Some are more disgusting than others.
“El Paso hospital forced to call out Trump’s lie that surgeons left the operating room to see him”
Our dumbfuck traitor got his tax cut, so he doesn’t care.
Have you ever noticed that, when Putin laughs at America, Doctor Dumbfuck is always laughing along with him?
Republiclown Pornstar Party Of Hate The Constitution and Everything is MS13 Special Report: Acting under orders from ICE a GOP Sheriff held a US citizen in prison for four days despite the citizen providing documentary proof that he was a citizen in the form of a US passport, a Social Security card, a state issued driver’s license, and a court order signed by a judge ordering his release.
The Sheriff insists that arresting and holding all “Latinos” until cleared by ICE, even U.S. citizens, is legal and that he is doing so under orders from The Chosen One. ACLU has filed and is awaiting their next paycheck.
@91 “Whenever I visit, I report them to FB as a hate site.”
Good luck with that. Zuckerberg will make money by giving a platform to freaks like these as long as he can.
Republiclown Pornstar Party Of Hate The Constitution and Everything is MS13 Special Report: On Monday of this week, as part of its daily news briefing sent to all of its employees, the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review emailed links and excerpts to an article posted to the anti-Semitic racist hate website VDARE. The article linked and excerpted by the EOIR directly attacked sitting immigration judges, calling out a number of the judges by name with anti-Semitic and ethnic slurs, and referencing claims of white supremacy. EOIR has over 1,500 employees, an unknown number of whom are members of protected classes covered in the federal civil rights acts. ACLU and a BMW car train of employment litigation attorneys are lining up outside EOIR offices in Bailey’s Church VA awaiting their next paychecks.
@93 Yeah, I noticed. What Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t get is that Putin is laughing at him, too. Putin thinks horses are for riding and bare-chested photo ops, not for fucking.
@94 His deputies may be driving Honda Civics for the next 10 years.
@96 Sounds like a hostile work environment to me. It might to as man as 18,000 randomly chosen jurors, too.
I guess drinking and fucking at work on rooftops of government buildings has to be expected under this administration.
Why am I not surprised to learn that AG Barr and the GOP hired some raging anti-Semite into EOIR who admires VDARE and thinks it would be funny to shit-post it to all the employees?
This is who they are. And they’ve been this way for quite a while now. They just used to do a better job of hiding it before.
The Teahadists are nothing but mother fucking terrorists! Nazi mother fuckers. Fascist fucking pigs! Go fuck yourselves you mother fuckers!
“Hitler wasn’t so bad. It was the Arab. They ran the trains on time with the gas and the showers and the like.”
Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.
“I guess drinking and fucking at work on rooftops of government buildings has to be expected under this administration.”
The shock is that a Republican was having sex with his own species and it wasn’t a child he was fucking.
@104. It’s ok! It was straight sex. Not like to fags were fucking. Or Bob and his horse or goat. I wonder if the nazism is rubbing off on the horse. Wonder if Bob has got him brainwashed yet.
@104, @105 He had no choice. All the goats and horses rejected his advances. Even Bob’s horse refused to go down on him.
“Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time….”
Whitewashing Hitler. The orange moron and Putin’s dumbfuck troll will go there soon, too, no doubt.
How about we deny healthcare to 44 million Americans to pay for Doctor Dumbfuck’s next luxury purchase? Doctor might have fun, too, say, like by whispering snide words into their ears as those Americans are dying.
“Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicare — now he says it could be a fun ‘second term project’”
“But according to Vanity Fair, Trump is now telling friends it might be fun to kill the program to meet his campaign promise that he would zero-out the deficit. Thursday it was revealed that the federal deficit will come dangerously close to $1 trillion by the 2019 fiscal end.”
So that’s your idea of fun these days, huh, Doctor? Causing millions of Americans to die so you can buy a new yacht?
These perverts are all the same. Odds are, it was either a child, goat or a horse.
“On Thursday, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported that Republicans in Kansas and Washington are pressuring Rep. Steve Watkins (R-KS) to step down after just eight months in office.
It is currently unclear why they are calling for his resignation.”
Teh Dumbfuck’s “yacht”:
@110 That made my day. =:D<
@108 Gotta cut spending somewhere to pay for his billionaire tax cuts. Seniors will need to make sacrifices so the rich don’t have to.
@109 Republicans normally close ranks behind their own when one of them gets caught raping toddlers, taking money under the table from Ukrainians, or kicking shelter dogs. This must be serious. Maybe the night janitor found a Koran in his desk drawer?
David Koch has died, but his brother pretty much runs things, so that probably doesn’t change anything.
On a personal, non-political, level: My sympathies to the family. I don’t wish for the death of anyone, with a few exceptions (Hitler, etc.). When nature runs its course, as it eventually must for us all and our loved ones, we offer and accept what solace there is.
Puddy won’t be quite as lonely now that he has a kindred spirit to keep him company wherever he is, although he’ll never be able to ignore the fact Mr. Koch ideologically and financially supported the teabaggers who lynched him. That’s not my problem; I, and others here, tried to warn him not to trust his friends. The two of them can fight it out, wherever they are now. I doubt I’ll run into either of them in the future. My destination isn’t the same as theirs.
“…so that probably doesn’t change anything.
Sure it does. “The Network” may be larger than most other private political funds, but it still operates in much the same way. And in that sense it depends financially on these principals pouring money in on a regular schedule. The two brothers have been singularly influential in bringing the network together and keeping the money tap open.
The death of one of the two named principals will mean first and foremost that his share of financial contributions will diminish greatly. It also means that his influence over other members of the network is gone. And it also means that other members of the network will now look elsewhere to some extent for ways to exert political influence.
All that happening at a time when the NRA is in collapse, and a internal war has transformed the RNC, the Congressional PACs, and many other private PACs into Trump/PubeFace playthings means that many of those other network members will probably reduce their spending this cycle in much the same way they reduced their spending in 2018.
That’ll change things a lot in a place like Colorado where Gardner is almost entirely dependent on out of state money and has become a Koch addict. Again, this goes to the structural money problem for WhitePower!. Many of their biggest fundraising states are also battlegrounds where they have to keep a lot of their money home each cycle. A big part of what the Koch network did was go around the party infrastructure and internal political allegiances and steer money into state races where the party bosses might not have prioritized. Samey same with the NRA. Any reduction in their influence means both less money and more of that money staying home or being steered now by Brad Parscale, Javanka and the Menendez brothers.
And that confronts phony asshats like Gardner with a dilemma: Continue as he has coyly offering muted criticism of president pornfinger and risk losing a lot of out of state money, or going FullRetard for the money and being slaughtered in the suburbs of Denver and Colorado Springs.