It’s time for more Republican kkkraaaaazzzzy! Tonight’s debate is brought to you by the odd team of Google and FAUX News.
The livestream can be found here.
I’ll liveblog as I have the chance and inclination…provided the dry heaving doesn’t turn into actual vomiting.
5:58: Okay…I’m getting a little more psyched. I’m curious to learn whose death will bring on raucous cheers from the audience, this time.
6:00: Gary Johnson is allowed to participate!?!
6:07: Bachmann wants everyone to keep every single dollar that they earn. Does she even know where her salary comes from?
6:08: Santorum said something, but I was writing the above comment. It sounded really icky anyway.
6:15: “And that dog don’t hunt”, Herman Cain channels Bill Clinton.
6:24: Nice…America’s least popular Governor (Scott) wishes the candidates good luck.
6:25: Rick Perry on Social Security: I didn’t really mean to eliminate Social Security…its just that we should allow people to be in other programs just like they are already doing in almost every state!
6:32: Why does Herman Cain hate Richard Nixon?!?
6:34: Newt brings back the Contract on America™!
6:41: Huh…did you know that Michele Bachmann is the mother of 5 biological children and foster mother of 23 children?
6:42: Huntsman one-ups two-ups Bachmann. He has 7 biological children.
6:44: The Great Wall of Bachmann
6:46: And…The Great Wall of Newt
6:48: And The Great Wall of Mitt
6:51: Chris Wallace just said, “Senator Santorum…no need to butt in!”
6:52: The Great Wall of Santorum. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!
6:54: Someone should tell Ron Paul that the term “data bank” hasn’t been used since 1979.
Punish cheaters like China???
Heh. There goes the Wal-Mart shoppers vote..
How yooz gonna punish the same people that are holding our debt notes and purse strings?
thanks to republicans and democrats, we are indebted to China.
what a fucking disgrace.
re 2: It’s Nixon’s fault.
Huh? Michelle? zzzzZZZzzzz So annoying..
Santorum. What a goofy fayle boi.. And an ugly liar.. Oh groaaaaannn..
My gawwwwdddd. Noot is actually making a little sense.. But we’ve heard his feel good rhetoric before.. Look at Ariana – she didn’t buy his empty pitch after a while.
Huntsman is kinda puttin’ me to sleep..
999 – what’s that upside down???? WAAAAAAA HAHAHAHA! Shit – Forbes made this same kind of pitch back in the day… Prolly don’t pencil out..
oh well now we’re back to the mittster.. ok time to hit submit…
You can tell their Republicans by the hair.
Heh. a tenther question…
Wow Ron’s inspired a rally… Too bad no one in his/her right mind would vote for him.
Huh? Who’s this guy? Is he new???? Grooann.. a “fair” taxer..
ILLEGAL… How freakin’ myopic…
LOL… They had to explain what a word cloud is. Low information voters for sure.
Ooo… It’s the battle of the books!
Germany’s not working? WTF?
We need to be reminded that Ronald Reagan raised the deficit.
EPA gone wild! Lisa Jackson show us your tits!
Herman Cain wants use to be more like Chile.
We don’t have a right to “opt out” of public schools? WTF?
Lemme start – F YOU RICK SCOTT!
Scary Perry.. boooooorrrrinnnnng..
Attack Attack Attackk from the Mittster..
Counterstrker from scary Perry
Huh??? He can’t bring himself to call Obama a socialist?? Shit our trolls manage that every freakin’ day!
ooops here comes a guy who actually WORKED for Obama. Reeeed myyyyyy liiiipsss no neewww taxes.. Sorry Jon 999 is easier to remember why not try 66.. ooops forget it…
Herman what happened to Education and Energy? What would Saint Raygun do???
Whooaa Noot. You callin’ Megyn an empty suit??? Go Noooot! Zero in August???? According to the trolls it’s less than zero since Feb 2009..
Guv J.. ooohhs he’s reachin’ back to St. Raygun..
Man on dog agrees.. Get the hook for this dope!!
Back to Noooot… Again sounding the dulcet tones of St. Raygun mixed in some extras..
Ohhhhh Ron. He’s hardcore… Wow dissin’ Dumbya’s NCLB…
Back to scaryP.. oooooh ‘nother strike at the mittster..
Heh. nice try indeed.. zzzzzZZZZZzzz. this mutt doesn’t have a prayer…
time to hit submit…
Teachers good. Teachers unions, which are made up of teachers, bad.
Does Bachmann change the number of kids she has every time she speaks?
Huntsman did pretty good on education.
Apparently the federal government isn’t kicking up record numbers of illegal immigrants.
zzzzzZZZZzzz Michelle… Go home…
Jon H has beat Michelle in the biological kids dept.. localize, localize… hmmm.. next!!!
Michelle is now hating brown people that cheap labor conservatives get rich on..
This crap will turn your head to cauliflower..
I’m out…
Republicans are never going to end illegal immigration.
Damn I’m gonna sneak into Mexico, lose my ID, then sneak back over the border so I can slurp up all that good stuff.
Would the big fence be an act of big government?
Shit after going to the other thread and reading the hate from two moron trolls,
I’m finding the degenerate Republicans a welcome relief…
Damn, it’s hard watching this shit!
looks like you didn’t close a bracket.. See the right column..
Fixed. Very kewl…
Israel.. Shit why can’t they stop building fuckin’ settlements???
I’m so sick of that situation.
What a dope on youtube..
Foreign aid is barely ONE PERCENT of Federal spending.
Rick is gonna standup for our country man!
Huntsman wow’s em on foreign policy. With Obama’s foreign policies.
She has to keep up with the Huntsmans..
Bachmann think we should have the religious rights that we have. Which is nice I guess.
I can’t believe Santorum is so ugly about gays in the military..
Ricky hates gays. The tea baggers love him.
Abortion is a state issue. So when every single state OK’s abortion the Republicans will be cool with that, right?
Cain’s just full of shit on Obama Care. Treatment times would be the same.
Wow, Bachmann’s really just crazy. And people love it. That’s just frightening.
The Republicans just don’t get the whole Federal Government being supreme thing, huh.
No Mittens, there’s no one between you and your doctor in Obama Care.
I can’t take it anymore.
Wow North Dakota is so affected by “Obamacare”..
Heh. A college student is on his parent’s health insurance thanks to PPACA..
Oh Jon, yes Utah is a shining monument, cross, what have you on a hill..
Michelle can’t run away from her braindead HPV crap…
Give it up Michelle.. The fossil fuel guys and gals support the scary one not you. Not that you’re not scary in your own way…
Missed that response from scary guy..
Heh. Texas is TUFF on those Medicare/Medicaid “freeloaders”..
Oooooh… The Mittster on the defense on “Romneycare”..
whatever, submit..
It’s ooovverrr..
From the OTHER Orange County…
That was painful.
The squawking heads are saying the Mittster won.
Lot’s o Ron Paul folks out there stumpin’ for their guy.
It’s the two blind blue crew special here!
The American PEOPLE are the supreme “thing”.
We’re the only ones with the fortitude to suffer though it.
42 – Good.. I love it when the Paultards shout “Fox News Sucks! Fox News Sucks!” when Sean Insanity and Co. go psycho killer on Paul.
You know what I meant.
“6:54: Someone should tell Ron Paul that the term “data bank” hasn’t been used since 1979.”
Someone should tell the Fox commentators that Obama is on track to deport more illegals in his first 4 years than Bush deported in 8 years.
Of course, this surprises no one who understands the reality of illegal immigration — which is that the Republican business establishment WANTS millions of illegals here because they like CHEAP LABOR.
So … Fox fucked up and used a time-over bell in the last debate that set off millions of dogs in GOP households all across America … Pavlov’s bell … ha ha ha …
Ding ding … bark bark … drool drool …
So Perry’s jobs plan for America is to get trial lawyers off doctors’ backs …
Bachmann … what can you say? Airhead.
I’m apparently watching a delayed broadcast, because I’m watching the beginning of the debate.
Darryl missed this one — Newt Gingrich compared unemployment insurance to welfare.
I like Romney’s plan to exempt rabbits making under $200K from taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains. As public policy, it sucks, but hey I’m greedy and will take Republican manna!!
Gary Johnson thinks a 30% sales tax will get the economy moving again.
“6:41: Huh…did you know that Michele Bachmann is the mother of 5 biological children and foster mother of 23 children?”
“6:42: Huntsman one-ups two-ups Bachmann. He has 7 biological children.”
Based on my previous experiences with Republican parents, that’s at least 10 future votes for Democrats.
@27 Yeah, I remember seeing a poll that said umpty-ump percent of Americans believe we could balance the federal budget by eliminating foreign aid. Sheesh.
Oh, and wingnuts probably don’t realize that Israel is the biggest recipient of foreign aid.
Newt believes private business can run a verification program without massive fraud … dare I say “liar loans?”
Perry crushed Santorum. Santorum is done.
Having surpassed her fundraising goal of $300, little Rachel Beckwith is now reaching toward $1,260,000 with 7 days left in her campaign.
I posted some new comments on stocks and investing in the 9/21 open thread for anyone who’s interested.
Now for today’s news ledes, starting with general news.
The next Made-In-GOP crisis — a federal government shutdown — is right here, right now:
“Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives regrouped on Friday to approve a must-pass spending bill, but the prospect of a government shutdown loomed as Democrats said it would go nowhere in the Senate. Even in the face of rock-bottom approval ratings, the dispute suggested that lawmakers may not be able to bridge their differences to pass even the most essential legislation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I figure the chances of GOPers getting reasonable are zero. This ought to peel another 1,000 points off the Dow average. Which is okay with me, because I have cash, and I’d like to see stocks get cheaper before I spend it.
Now for the financial news ledes in advance of Friday’s market open, starting with Europe and working toward home shores from there:
“A situation where Greece cannot pay back its public debt can no longer be excluded, European Central Bank Governing Council member Klaas Knot was quoted as saying on Friday. Until recently, European leaders have rejected any chance of Greece defaulting, but are moving slowly to allow for the possibility of this happening. … Asked by Dutch daily Het Financieele Dagblad about a Greek default, Knot admitted it was being studied. ‘It is one of the scenarios. I’m not saying that Greece will not go bankrupt,’ he was quoted as saying.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, everybody in the fucking world knows Greece cannot and will not pay its loans, and when Eurozone poobahs begin admitting it, you know the event isn’t far away. My guess is Greece doesn’t make it past next month.
Jim Paulsen, a Wall Street poobah, echoed the sentiments of nearly everyone in the financial world when he said yesterday the Fed’s latest manipulation of interest rates “doesn’t help” the economy “at all.” Paulsen then tries to jolly-talk the economic situation because, you know, he manages a lot of money and doesn’t want to stock market to keep going down.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pollyannas make for great movie and comic book characters. But I make my bones by being a realist. Things are going to go to hell very soon, trust me on this, and the reason they are God hasn’t scheduled all the House Republicans for Rapture yet, so we still have to live with them.
That’s not my opinion, that’s this guy’s opinion:
“The U.S. market might be down nearly 4 percent Thursday, but Art Cashin thinks stocks may not have hit bottom yet. ‘We may wind up retesting the bottom,’ said the director of floor operations for UBS Financial Services. ‘You never bet on the end of the world. That only happens once and the odds of something happening once an eternity are pretty long,’ he said. ‘But I think you want to be careful. I think we’re seeing selling across broad asset classes here.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t know if this is the end of the world. It might be. I figure if it is, then money won’t be worth anything anyway, but if God spares us to get screwed by Republicans on another day, then I’ll make a hell of a lot of money by buying stocks on the day that everyone else thinks the world is going to end. This is an absolutely riskless deal.
In fact, money (dollars, that is) may actually become toxic very soon, according to another Wall Street poobah:
“US Dollar Is ‘Not a Safe Haven’: Jim Rogers
“The U.S. dollar is going higher ‘against major currencies,’ well-known investor Jim Rogers told CNBC Thursday. … ‘The U.S. dollar is not a safe haven, if you ask me …,’ he added. … ‘We are much worse off than we were in 2008 ….’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so the dollar is shit. That means you eventually want to convert dollars into the only assets that are worth owning, namely, the right stocks. Not just yet, but you don’t want to wait too long.
You don’t want to buy stocks before they bottom, of course. The tricky part of this is that no one, including me, can time markets. Not with exactitude, anyway. All you can do is make a ballpark guess about when stocks have gotten as cheap as they’re going to get. Expert opinion says we’re not there yet:
“Stocks successfully tested their summer lows Thursday, but they are likely to take another run at them, as investors remain fearful of recession and European banking crisis.”
Actually, I think we’ve got a long way to go to the bottom. Right now, people are just talking about a European meltdown; they’ll really freak out when it actually happens. And then there’s the little matter of recession turning into depression and the unemployment rate jumping up from 9.1% here in the U.S. When all that shit happens — and it will — then you’ll see real panic selling of stocks. That’s the time to buy.
There is, in fact, a reliable way to figure out when we’ve hit rock bottom — newspapers. When the newspapers run blaring headlines like “Armageddon” and “The World Is Ending” over frightening stories saying money is about to become worthless, you know we’re at the bottom and a huge stock rally is about to begin. At that moment, you should sell your wedding rings to raise cash, break open your kids’ piggy banks, auction off your wife’s wedding dress on eBay, and spend every cent you’ve got on high-quality, dividend-paying, blue-chip stocks in companies that make stuff people will want to take with them in the Rapture — toothpaste, soap, liquor, gasoline, and Fritos. You’ll make so much money they’ll throw you out of Heaven and send you back to Earth.
Foreign financial markets are mixed ahead of Friday’s U.S. markets open. Asian investors dumped stocks today but European markets stabilized. Crude is holding steady. Wall Street expects market gains after the Group of 20 nations pledged “a strong and coordinated response” to the European debt crisis. We’ll see.
Faster Than Light?
CERN, a European physics lab, reports it has measured neutrinos traveling slightly faster than light, which is supposed to be impossible. A Chicago team reported similar results in 1997, but their results were within a margin of error; the latest experiment’s results are well outside the calculated margin of error. Neutrinos traveling faster than light would force a rethinking of Einstein’s theory of relativity, which holds that nothing can travel faster than light.
Of course, Einstein’s theory has been repeatedly disproved by experiments in Washington D.C. over the last several years.
There, ample empirical evidence has accumulated that Republicans routinely cast faster-than-light votes against anything that helps ordinary Americans (i.e., anyone who isn’t a millionaire or billionaire).
For example, Republicans are going to shut down the federal government this week because they don’t want to spend money on disaster relief.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch the trainwreck live, but reading about it this morning – the audience comes through again, allowing all of America to see the right’s true colors.
What I refer to, of course, is this.
A rather hunky soldier wearing an ‘Army’ T-shirt comes out as gay – and asks the ‘candidates’ (can you really call Gary Johnson a candidate?) whether they would protect the rights of gay and lesbian service members to serve openly.
A frothy Ricky Santorum tripped over his words, of course (why is he up there?). More to the point, the audience, at the end of the soldier’s question, BOO’d him!
They didn’t cheer this man willing to put his life on the line in Iraq, they didn’t “support the troops”, they denigrated him. And little frothy Ricky went on about special rights in the military.
(They’re probably all YECs as well, stoopid assholes)
Does this mean that Perry wants Bachman to quit riding Ron Paul????
Please help me get that visual image out of my mind….
Thanks for sharing, RHP. Now we all have the live the rest of our lives with that image stashed away somewhere in our ‘data banks’.
Heh. Whadayaknow? Scary Rick Perry for some bizarre reason thinks it’s ok to charge undocumented kids (who meet residency requirements?) in-state tuition to attend Texas Universities.
So a Washington State kid pays more than the undocumented kid???
Guess the knee jerk asshat brown skin people hating racist moron troll won’t be throwing the lever for scary guy.
70 – and by “bizarre reason” I mean IT FREAKING DOESN’T MAKE SENSE given the bizzarro world of pandering to Teahadists.
Oh this is too sweet:
Read more:
You go SCARY GUY! You’re a “Dream Actor”…
So the racist moron asshat troll of these threads is “heartless”, well he’s brainless too but who’s counting?
64 – Already some are talking about time travel but off the top of my head, if you could use neutrinos to communicate with say a voyager type probe at the far reaches of the solar system – you’d have less lag?
Whatever, this still has to be confirmed in depth.
@73 They picked up an extra 60 nanoseconds over a distance of 450 miles, which doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up over a distance of several billion light years.
It’s time for some Rabbit Math. Let’s see, speed of light + 60 nanoseconds is 1 additonal second every 1 billion seconds, which is roughly 31.688 years, so you’d gain 8.76 hours on the light waves behind you every 1 million years.
“Huh…did you know that Michele Bachmann is the mother of 5 biological children and foster mother of 23 children? ”
Dear Lord…those poor kids!
So, if Bachmann eliminates taxes (has she ever bothered to read the Constitution?) who does she think will pay the salary of the Border Patrol, the Armed Forces or the Secret Service people protecting the lives of the POTUS? The “charitable” assclowns that cheer leaving people to die and boo members of the armed forces?
Maybe we need to get her on some medication.
“Bachmann wants everyone to keep every single dollar that they earn.”
Well, if she’s talking about not paying taxes, she would have almost been right…in about 1799. Wars cost a lot less than and the federal budget was essentially paid for out of foreign-trade tariffs.
Approaching the end, someone made mention of Rudy Guiliani and Fred Thompson, pointing out that they don’t seem to be around any more…and I found myself actually missing them.
“Whooaa Noot. You callin’ Megyn an empty suit???”
There has to be some way to turn that into a joke in deliciously poor taste.
@78: I know! I never thought I’d miss Nixon, but I do.
We really need some good Rs. Clearly, it is beyond doubt at this point that nothing works if the other side is composed of the insane, the evil and the ignorant.
78 – Heh. Grandpa lazy bones Fred.. He talked a good game at the start. Even seemed to WANT the job. The wingnuts LOVED the guy. But…
The further he got along the more of a lost sheep look he got on his face.. He didn’t have it…
To want this job you gotta a fire in your belly – that madness called ambition. Shit Raygun had it spades.. The role of his career..
Heh. Lazy bones Fred fizzled out like a half-charged bottle rocket.
Pfffttt.. Old noun verb 911 Giuliani was nothing but a thug.. What a vindictive prick as a Mayor and just before 9/11 rolled around – a total joke with a busted marriage, a strange fondness for cross-dressing and a one-way ticket to bankruptcy court..
911 was heaven-sent for that guy. All of sudden he was a multi-millionaire and for what??? Who could say?? Some “security” consulting businesss???
Last I heard he was shilling motivational speaking tours. Whatever..
The Mittster is a really bad liar:
If Romney is the last man standing, then right wing dopes can’t vote for him.. For the Mittster was for a “government takeover of health care” before he was against it.
Heh.. We’ll see.
@81 “I never thought I’d miss Nixon, but I do.”
I don’t.