I am on a bus at the moment, so I may not get a good feed for the debate. If you can, write about what you hear in the thread.
Or if you have poignant comments about Republicans, the Republican field, or the G.O.P. primary…feel free to spew ’em here.
4:53: Something to watch for: Will Herman Cain be positioned away from Michelle Bachmann?
5:37: I just got home, but with no functional television around, I am left looking for live streaming of the debate. No luck so far. Anyone else find a video or audio live stream?
5:45: Found a live stream here.
5:53: CNBC put Newt next to Michele? How long until we start calling her Mrs. Michele Gingrich?
5:55: Ron Paul, “We need to be able to opt out of EVERYTHING!”
6:12: New campaign slogan: “Santorum will bring people together!” Ewwwwwww!
6:17: Tomorrows headline: “Does Rick Perry suffer from early onset Alzheimer’s?”
6:21: Another possible headline for tomorrow: Rick Perry announces he is “withdrawing from the Republican…um…ahhh…ohhh…thing”
6:31: Just thinking about cutting the Department of Energy caused a blackout for Perry. No doubt he’s been thinking about cutting the Department of Education his whole life!
6:50: It’s over! What a snoozer…except for that DELICIOUS part with Rick Perry, seeding comedy shows and comedians for years!
Here it is…in all its deliciousness:
If you find my hand under your skirt it’s your fault.
If you find your mouth being pushed onto my dick it’s your fault.
Huntsman’s going after too big to fail banks! Go Huntsman!
Shorter Mittens: you’ll never find someone that’s on more sides of any issue than me.
I don’t have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that the Tea Party is bat shit crazy.
I don’t have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that Michele Bachmann wants my black dick.
Gingrich says “Bernanke is a large part of the problem and should be fired as soon as possible” — and throws out the phrase “class warfare.”
Shorter Newt: no I’m not going to answer your question. Btw, CLASS WARFARE.
I do have facts to back this up:
I can sexually harass any woman I want and get away with it.
Bachman’s complaining that we’re stuck in 1986? Shh… No one tell her that Reagan was president in ’86.
Cain: “The American people deserve better than these accusations.”
Republican’s seem to think it’s OK for the boss to slip his hand up an employee’s dress.
Cain says the accusations are “false” and are “character assassination.”
Mitts washes out on sexual harassment!
Huntsman’s doing good.
Romney: “Our Democrat friends think that when a corporation is profitable that’s a bad thing.”
Mittens is missing the fact that investment as a % of GDP has gone down under the policies he’s called for.
Sorry Newt, Bill Gates was in the 1% the day he was born.
I’ve generally been opposed to fighting sports – boxing, mixed martial arts, etc. It just seems too much like the crowd is watching to gladiators attempt to kill one another in the Roman colliseum.
But I would pay good money to see a real cage fight between the Republican candidates, with the nomination as the prize. Personally, I think Romney and Gingrich would be the first ones out, and Bachman would win.
He sorta missed that some of the most profitable companies in America are run by lefties.
Bachmann’s still not making sense.
Michelle (paraphrased): The poor and unemployed should pay federal income taxes, too.
Is everyone else watching a TV ad for catheters?
LOL… Gotta love Republicans being sponsored by incontinence products. Very fitting.
@23 No, but I have a crappy live stream from
, it’s cutting in and out. I’ve been trying to find a better connection, but can’t find one.
Here’s the problem with taking tea with Suskind at the mad liberal tea party: Suskind asserts that, to salvage his FUBAR administration, Obama was encouraged to get a grip with bold persistent action, a Lyndon Moment defined as the “way Lyndon Johnson, as senator, had pushed the foundations of civil rights legislation through a resistant Republican Senate in the late 1950s …” (Suskind, page 370.)
Of course my little twisted sister YLB knows why liberal Suskind’s quote is batshit false and defamatory, but does anybody else? Anyone?
Yep, YLB’s right. Should have stayed with the Always Reliable Right at Regnery.
Romney’s blaming the housing crisis on “the heavy hand of government” interfering with the housing market.
LOL… Too much regulation created the housing bubble.
This isn’t an open thread.
Herman Cain: I’m not going to answer your question. I’m just going to babble.
Open Thread: The Republican Melee and the Live-stream TUR of the Rabbit.
@30 Oh, let him rant. The way to bitch-slap a wingnut jackass is to hit him with facts — SLAP!!! OOOOOOO THAT HURT!!!
That graph is the only campaign ad the Democrats need.
You can already get healthcare on your own, Mitt.
Romney pulls out the tired old Republican bromide of blaming health care costs on malpractice suits (which account for less than 1% of health care spending).
Newt. Nah, I’ll just babble, rather than answer questions.
You can already get healthcare on your own, Michelle.
Health savings accounts are cool, but you can’t pay to cure stage 3 ovarian cancer with an HSA. Break a hip? Your HSA isn’t going to have the cash it in to pay for that.
Get a sinus infection or need a filling in a tooth, HSA’s are great for that.
Romney: “Markets work!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.....ing_crises
(I would also post a list of food recalls and the names of people who have died from tainted food in the last 10 years, but there aren’t enough pixels in this blog.)
These yokels make our TROLLS look smart.
We’re going to have to worry about this list if these jokers get into office.
Which of the HA trolls would make a better Pres Candidate than this bunch of losers?
…I’ve got the emperor max-minidick.
Rick Perry is either brain damaged or high. He said three federal agencies need to be abolished — but only could remember two of ’em.
Commerce, education and that third one there…
Perry’s done.
Nice facebook page, lee rujax rosenberg…..lmfao
Cain: If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.
Hey tough guy, why don’t you show us yours?
Dear Newt, the young people in Chile are rioting in the streets.
Perry does!
@43 Any of Klown’s goats would be better than any of the trolls or GOP candidates.
@48 Those rules don’t apply in the court of public opinion.
Pizza’s ready, I’m out of here.
I’m not sure watching these idiots “debating” can actually cause brain damage, but they are giving me a headache.
Perry finally remember he wants to eliminate the Department of Energy.
I wonder if he knows who’s in charge of our nuclear weapons?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Of the following agencies, which is in charge of our nuclear weapons?
[ ] 1. Coast Guard
[ ] 2. Environmental Protection Agency
[ ] 3. Department of Energy
[ ] 4. College of the Ozarks
[ ] 5. CIA
(Note: Four of these answers are throwaways)
I have a question for Cain: If his 9-9-9 scheme is so great, why is it only a transitional plan, until the entire federal tax burden can be shifted to a 30% federal sales tax?
Romney: I like free trade.
Roger Rabbit: He sure does. He made millions by sending American jobs overseas.
Michelle: We need to stop enriching China with our money.
Roger Rabbit: Then don’t shop at Wal-Mart!
Cain: Stock market volatility is being driven by businesses’ uncertainty.
Roger Rabbit: Since when did businesses ever dictate the market price of their stocks?
Cain: Everything will be fine if we don’t regulate nobody nohow.
Perry: Yeah, it’s all the regulators’ fault!
Rick Perry is the guy who replaced the members of the Texas Forensic Commission when they started looking into whether he signed off on the execution of an innocent man.
Real balanced little site you have here. I love it. Not one positive or substancial piece of information about the debate. Just a bunch of nonsence from an obvious “brilliant” socialist who doesnt have a tv (probally because best buy doesnt take food stamps). LAME.
@66 This is a liberal partisan blog, and we’re partisan liberals. Deal with it.
New flash for you. This isn’t a balanced site.
That said, this blog is still a hell of a lot more objective and factual than anything you’ll find on the right. And, unlike rightwing blogs, this blog lets anyone post and doesn’t kick people off for disagreeing with the moderator. There are damned few, if any, rightwing blogs you can say that about.
It appears we have a new troll here. As the ex-officio ad hoc HA greeter, it is my duty to acquaint the new troll with the unofficial ad hoc HA posting rules. Ready? Here we go:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, it is our patriotic duty to verbally kick the living shit out of America-hating rightwing asswipes.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
You miss the video clip of a Republican top tier candidate flunking the talking point quiz???
The Unemployment Line Just Got 2 People Longer
Penn State Coach Joe Paterno said earlier today he’ll retire at the end of this season. He won’t get the chance — he’s been preempted. Penn State’s trustees fired him tonight. They fired the college’s president, Graham Spanier, too. They’re both gone. As in “now.”
which is always reliably wrong…
Perry: what a fucking dope!
The oil and gas players sure made a great bet backing that nag!
Nice to see people doing what’s right, even if they might lose a couple of games.
O’ yeah, gots to trust those red staters with the cash. They know what they’re doing.
Maybe Perry shoulda used a teleprompter.
76 – How could this happen in a red state?? I thought red states are supposed to models of fiscal responsibility..
It’s all a load of right wing bullshit.
Really? This is a liberal site? D-U-H (capitol D). I didnt say it WASNT liberal, or even written by someone who is pretending to have so much as an iodda of journalistic integrity. My complaint was that there wasnt even any remotely substancial information in the article about the debate. If you left your comfortable bubble once and a while and actually went to some of the conservative sites that you so clearly disdain, you would see that they at least give you valid information about democrats rather than just calling them petty names.
And just so you know, this article is linked to websites that actually provide people with legitamate news and information, so even though you might not care, you do have a certain responsibility to the people as a whole to provide substance and not just partisan fluff. Gotta love this new interlinked world were living in. :\
Look, this website does do legitimate info and debate. And sometimes we just sling highly partisan, profanity laced, mud. This just happened to be one of the times we decided to sling mud.
The big difference between HA and a lot of other places on the web is that we don’t pretend to be something that we’re not. And you can say stuff like sperm-burping-cum-slut and not get banned.
Ok GROSS. Intellectual party my a**.
@80 Cool. Then it’s your task to enlighten us. What are we missing?
Post the links.
Argue your case.
If your positions are valid you will influence the discussion. Unlike conservatives, liberals do take facts and logic into account when forming and changing positions. Make sense and we will listen. I look forward to your further posting.
We always look forward to the arrival of new trolls who are looking for a fight; and we do our best to accomodate them.
Im sorry, was I being rude to you? I think not. I clearly hit a nerve. All I was doing is pointing out that you do not have valid information in your article that actualy helps people to understand the issues. And all of you have been rude and crude in return. I am not going to even attempt to reason with you because you are so clearly very very angry and very very unreasonable. Just know that in the future you need to have at least SOME valid information in your articles if your going to have your website linked to other webites that are actually trying to inform the people by giving valid substancial facts. Some people like to gather facts for them selves instead of just regurgitating opinions that other people have shoved down there throats. Im over it. Please leave me alone now.
85 – Rick Perry is not fit for the White House.
He’s an idiot. I’ve even seen former Reagan/Bush people call him that.
Do you agree?
If you come back to paste right wing talking points then no one is going to let you get away with it.
@85. Please feel free to post valid substantial facts. Help us understand the issues.
Its funny how conservatives always get accused of using party talking points when the soc’s are waaaay more guilty of it. (yes we can, anyone?)
As far as Rick Perry is concerned, I think people hsve made waaaay to big of a deal out of the debates. Being president is not about making constant speeches. I will admit that Obama is a very very talented speaker. But that doesnt make him a good president. This thing with all of the primary debates has gotten way out of hand and I think it is probally very taxing on the candiates. I certainly dont think anyone can honestly say Rick Perry is an idiot. If you just listen to the man talk when he isnt completely exhausted doing all fo these debates he is actually very intelligent and has some great ideas. Judging him by these debate performances is not fair.
And by the way (like I already said a million times), I am perfectly capable of voicing an opinion without regurgitating something that somebody else has told me to think. Thats why it is so frusterating to me when I spend my valuable time looking for informative and substancial information and all I find is a bunch of b* talking points. And just so you know that I am just as hard on the right as I am the left, I would be just as frusterated if I was looking for news and information and I got led to a site with a bunch of conserviative talking points. I am a very independent minded person and I just dont need somebody telling me what to think. Period.
To #87: Why is it MY responsibility to give YOU the facts? I am not the one shoving my views down peoples throats who are just trying to find information so they can develope there own views. That is totally back-a**-wards.
Is Perry Done?
Yes, say GOP politicos, according to CNBC:
“‘It’s fatal,’ said Tony Fratto, a former White House spokesman for the Bush Administration. …
Another Republican strategist agreed. ‘It was the death knell,’ said Sara Fagen, former director of political affairs for the Bush Administration. ‘Perry had the opportunity to re-emerge at this debate…and he squandered that opportunity.'”
But here’s the clincher:
“Futures on Perry’s candidacy at Intrade, the online trading site that allows futures trading on candidate prospects and other types of bets, immediately took a dive following the blunder (see below).”
I mean, markets are just never wrong; Perry himself told us that, as did Romney, Bachmann, et al.
Btw, are you wondering what Perry said afterwards, reflecting on his “oh shit” moment? Wonder no more, here it is:
“Immediately after the debate, the governor told members of the media who had gathered in the ‘spin room’ that he had ‘stepped in it out there.’ Taking full responsibility for his slip-up, Perry went on to say, ‘I stepped in it man, it was embarrassing, of course it was.'”
But at least he has a sense of humor:
“Trying to get the conversation back to his message Perry told reporters, … “I’ll be in SC on Saturday and hopefully I’ll remember the energy department.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve never liked Perry, for several reasons. First of all, I’ve had it with Texas politicians. First there was this guy:
Visual 1: http://tinyurl.com/5tfsp7
Visual 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBFBZb-B3Vo
And then, this guy: http://tinyurl.com/4cyxh
And then there’s the Willingham case. Instead of being careful not to execute a possibly innocent man, Perry signed off on the execution without looking at a report by a national arson expert that called into serious question the evidence used to convict Willingham; and then, when the Texas Forensic Commission began looking into the case, he replaced its members with political cronies, which sure as hell looks like a coverup. The death penalty is just too important to let a smartass like Perry fuck around with it. There’s lots more, but I’ll sum up by saying my gut instinct is don’t let this guy anywhere near my sister! As far as I’m concerned, if this knocks him out of the race, GOOD RIDDANCE!
@88 Playing the “socialist” card are you? Isn’t that the mother of all talking points?
@89 “I just dont need somebody telling me what to think.” — You could use a spelling tutor, though.
Oh c’mon! A right wing governor draws a blank on which federal departments to eliminate???
Even fellow Texan – old man Paul could manage that.
All my life I’ve heard eliminate Education and Energy from Raygunites. Old man Paul probably adds the Federal Reserve, Labor and HUD.
“so·cial·ism /ˈsoʊʃəˌlɪzəm/ Show Spelled[soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPAnoun 1.a theory or system of social organizationthat advocates the vesting of the ownership and controlof the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the communityas a whole.”
If you can tell me how that definition is any different from what the last 3 years have been, I will gladly stop calling liberals socialists.
apparently professor(insert laughter here) darwhyle has never heard any obama’s famous non-teleprompter speeches…
christ, talk about a stumbling, mumbling disaster that is…..
Okay, let’s take a timeout from the GOP Follies — there’s other consequential things going on in the world. The financial news is shit … as in dog turds, the sticky kind that clings to your shoes, and smells real bad. Let’s start with Greece.
Greece — The new leader was supposed to be named on Tuesday, but there is no new leader; and the rightwing party leader stomped out “screaming that the situation was a ‘farce’.” Just what Greece needs, political chaos at the top to match the social chaos in the streets.
Italy — Just when you thought the Greek farce couldn’t get any worse, the farce in Italy suddenly got worse: “Italian borrowing costs reached breaking point on Wednesday after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s insistence on elections instead of an interim government opened the way to prolonged instability and delays to economic reform. … Italy has replaced Greece at the center of the euro zone debt crisis and is on the cusp of requiring a bailout that Europe cannot afford to give.” I’d be tempted to suggest some anarchist shoot that philandering bastard, but I don’t think it’d do any good.
Italy’s “Oh Shit” Moment: You’ve heard of PIMCO, right? The world’s largest bond trader? If you ever read Barron’s you know who PIMCO is. They know everything there is to know about bonds. Here’s PIMCO’s take: “Italy’s debt woes signal ‘a new, even more dangerous phase in Europe’s debt crisis,’ Mohamed El-Erian, co-chief investment officer at PIMCO, said Wednesday. … ‘Domestic politics are undermining already complex relations among Italy and it’s external creditors,’ El-Erian said.” Maybe PIMCO will send somebody to shoot the philandering bastard for their own self-preservation? PIMCO owns $4.8 billion of Italian debt.
So what does Roger Rabbit think of all this? I’ll tell you. First of all, I think Europe is afflicted with politicians even worse than ours. For months, Europols have been trying to paste bandaids on bleeding wounds and tell people everything’s going to be fine. Investors and markets weren’t fooled for one minute. Secondly, the situation is spinning out of control. If you think it’s hard to get our two fractious parties in Congress to agree on anything, just watch the Eurozone’s 17 parliaments fight over who’s going to pay to save Europe’s banks from a meltdown worse than our “Lehman moment” in 2008. Think they’ll pull it off? You have faith, brother. Governments will fall, but that’s not a big deal; good riddance to them. Their banking system will go under, and that is a big deal. Europe will go into recession, and that will hurt U.S. companies, and maybe push us into recession. Stop for a moment and visualize a U.S. recession that starts with unemployment at 9% and sinks from there — you get the idea. Ultimately — the conservative Economist magazine — neither the Eurozone nor the Euro currency will survive. That ain’t good for anybody’s economy, including ours.
Today’s 350 Dow point selloff on Wall Street was just a down payment on Europe’s chaos. U.S. stocks are still well above their August and October lows. Many market watchers think we’re going to see stocks go below those levels. U.S. investors are desperate for positive encouragement, and the slightest sign of a resolution in Europe will send stocks back up, but if Europols continue dithering you’ll see more selloff. I’m sitting on cash and not buying yet. Personally, I find it hard to be optimistic in this environment.
(Quotes from various CNBC news stories.)
Do you hate Wall Street? Are you itching to piss all over the candidate Wall Street lavishes its love on, in the way WS loves best? Then vote for the Republican candidate, whoever it is, because Wall Street is showering more money on Obama than all the GOP candidates put together.
And don’t let some head-up-his-ass troll come along and try to tell you we liberals just regurgitate TPM talking points and never think for ourselves.
@95 Yeah, but he’s president, and your guy’s not. (snicker)
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
and “your guy” is doing such a great job..LMFAO
just another POS politician, in a long line of POS politicians that you lemmings glom onto..
@94 Last time I checked there were 6,473 privately-owned, publicly-traded companies on the NYSE and Nasdaq, plus 29.6 million privately held companies, that are NOT owned by the government.
That doesn’t look much like a planned economy or socialist society.
You said in your previous comments that you wanted “substantial” (sic) information. I just gave you some.
All we’re getting from you is shouting points of the sort that are considered sophomoric even in a high school debating class.
@99 You seem to have forgotten that the 2008 financial crisis did NOT turn into another 1930’s Great Depression. Bailing out the banks, which btw was started by Bush, was a no-brainer and the right thing to do — and didn’t cost taxpayers a dime. Only stupid people criticize Obama for finishing what Bush started — saving the financial system.
You can debate whether saving the U.S. auto companies was wise or unwise all you want, but I’ll vote for pragmatism over dumbfuck ideology every time.
We would have had much better health care legislation if obstructionist Republicans had provided even a handful of votes for doing something about our clusterfucked health care system.
Does Obama have faults? Hell yes! Principal among them is the fact he’s a jellyfish who doesn’t stand up to Republican bullying. His leadership skills leave a lot to be desired; he isn’t a Teddy Roosevelt when we need one. Worst of all, he’s backstabbed his faithful supporters on issues like Guantanamo, Afghanistan, prosecuting Bushevik torturers, public option, et al., in his misguided and fruitless efforts to appease Republicans.
Obama isn’t great, but he isn’t terrible, either. In his first months in office, he helped save the world from economic disaster, which is a giant accomplishment even though he didn’t do it alone. The mere fact he didn’t fuck that up is worth a lot. He passed a health care reform bill through Congress, something presidents of both parties had tried and failed to do for 50 years. That says something about his legislative skills. He can be faulted for pushing a stimulus that virtually all economists complained was too small — more backbone would have been nice. But before you crucify him for not creating enough jobs, you should take a good hard look at this (might a well familiarize yourself with it now because you’ll be seeing a lot more of it during the campaign): http://thepoliticalcarnival.ne.....h-returns/
Obama is better than polemics like you give him credit for, less than what some of us hoped for, but he’s all we’ve got — because it’s becoming excruciatingly clear the whole GOP field is a big fat ZERO.
Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a winner!
@88 Party’in Hard 11/09/2011 at 10:28 pm
I just want to say thank-you.
And I hope you take your analysis and your passion to the next level and demand that Republican candidates no longer be forced at gun point to participate in these exhausting debates.
And you REALLY must act now!
There are FOUR Republican debates scheduled over the next 13 days, and if Rick Perry is expected to remember all the things he wants to do as President, this exhausting schedule will likely cause him to have a seizure and an aneurysm right there on the teevee.
We agree. Rick Perry is smart. He may be the smartest Republican in the world! It is just darn difficult to walk and chew gum at the same time and no POTUS should be expected to do it.
Being president is not about making constant speeches….Judging him by these debate performances is not fair.
True. It’s about leading and governing the country. The debates are a way to tell which candidate holds the views you like and how they handle stress and pressure. Like it or not, it’s a test. Just as a kid may be very smart but if he’s a lousy test taker, he’s going to have a bad GPA. That’s the system. Are you saying we should give Perry special treatment? Do you think Al-Qaeda will wait a day or two before engaging in war so Prez Perry can get a good night sleep?
Here are several reasons a conservative blog doesn’t want Perry to be prez (I deleted the dupes and the really loopy reasons)
And that’s just from a conservative site. You should read the reasons the liberals have not to vote for him.
Interesting thread – missed it last night, alas.
WOW – saw the Perry thingy on O’Donnell – whew, that boy’s toast.
Honestly, that, and the weird, weird performance in New Hampshire honestly make me think that there is something organically wrong with him, or some medication misadventure, all snark aside.
And to the new troll – WELCOME! I so look forward to having some righties around here who are not insane – can that needle be threaded? I’m a bit concerned, though – this was obviously a real time chatfest taking place while watching the debates – there was no journamalism involved. This was all poo-flinging, popcorn-passing fun!
Easy enough to go through the archives and find threads devoted to discussion of specific topics, with specific references and links, like he/she is demanding – to miss that factoid – makes one wonder.
The complaint about michael’s vulgarity does sound genuine – I was always amazed at the delicacy of the discussion over at Stefan’s sucky little blog, and how they’d faint at the dropping of a ‘fuck’ or a ‘shit’.
Anyway, good times!
About the debate – I was struck again by the audience response – the ‘booing’ to questions about Cain’s sexual assault history. One thing the Democrats might want to do is get an audience of Teahaddists and just show them inflammatory images – you know, like patriotic, buff, gay American soldiers – and let them boo and hiss to their hearts’ content with the cameras rolling. Makes great political ads aimed at the sane 73%.
Speaking of Herman, this, from TPM, is hysterical.
“The complaint about michael’s vulgarity does sound genuine”
The new troll thinks Michael is vulgar? He might change his opinion about Michael once he gets a load of me. Fucking A, guys, I do believe that I finally got through a comment without swearing. Oops!
89. Party’in Hard spews:
Rick Perry Struggles to answer Question on Abstinence
How cute. We can tell you want to have his baby.
But really, it was his choice to participate in the debates. It is not our fault he projects the image of a bumbling idiot.
Should we judge him by the jokes coming out of Texas that he is like Bush but without the brains? Or his associating with evangelical preachers so bigoted that John McCain decided to distance himself from them during his presidential run?
Heh. Lemme guess: Flygare, Celski and Duclos…
That’d make nice additions to one’s facebook.
Someone complained about my vulgarity?
The funny thing is I’ve toned that way, way, down lately. Actually, I’ve gotten bored with it and for the most part moved on. But, I wanted to flip our new troll’s wig last night.
MIchael-Like that asshole would have friends?
Spome clown wants to complain about vulgarity?
I’ll be the most vulgar motherfucker on the god-damned block.
Oh and…
This fuckwad dumbass may think that Rick Perry is a fucking genius. I hope not…’cause anybody who thinks that this hopped-up bible-thumping heartless killer is fit to be President is wearing out his pot card…or something.
@99 They’re all POSes, but some are worse than others, and then there’s Republicans …
@104 “I was struck again by the audience response – the ‘booing’ to questions about Cain’s sexual assault history.”
C’mon, it was a Republican audience, and you should expect this by now — it’s the same bunch that booed an American soldier in Iraq.
“I certainly dont think anyone can honestly say Rick Perry is an idiot.”
Well, I’m a rabbit, so I can honestly say Perry is an idiot. I mean, really, the guy can’t remember what federal agencies he wants to abolish?
But he would be an even bigger idiot if he had remembered — because the Department of Energy is responsible, among other things, for the care of feeding of our nuclear arsenal. Who would take over that job if DOE is gone? HUD? Maybe they could somehow integrate nukes into urban renewal — or how about Interior, maybe the could turn bombs into tourist attractions? Or, appropos for the times, perhaps Treasury could turn them into a cash cow by selling them (or licensing the technology) to cash-rich rogue states and terrorist groups (think Iran and Al Qaeda)?
I’d be willing to give Perry a pass on a stumble or two in a debate. I’m a forgiving person. But it’s obviously not just a one-off – Perry’s debate performances over the last two debates haven’t been particularly good, and then there’s the speech where he couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence together. Perry badly needed to hit a home run here to pick up some of his former supporters who had deserted to Cain, and now want to come back. Instead, he struck out at the plate.
As for whether debate skills are important – I have to say that they are. A President is expected to meet with numerous heads of state from all over the world, and sometimes engage in economic and defense summits where everyone has their own agenda. It is vital to the U.S. that the President be able to hold their own in such debates. When the President is perceived by other world leaders to be a complete idiot (i.e., George W. Bush), no good can come of it.
Also, debate skills are part of the leadership skill-set. Despite Republican propoganda to the contrary, I still believe that Carter was one of the most intelligent and forward-thinking Presidents we’ve had since WWII. But intelligence is just one job requirement – leadership is another. Ronald Reagan proved that you can get a lot of your agenda done by simply hitting your mark and delivering your lines, and holding your own in a debate. Clinton failed in this because he knew his subject so well he presumed that it was obvious to everyone, as well. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.
No, I’m not at all surprised, but still struck by the bloodlust and the hate, hopefully I always will be. Sort of relates to knowing the difference between right and wrong.
But wait – I’m an atheist – how can I have morals?
And, of course, Perry IS an idiot. He managed to slip through Texas A&G with a C- average. I don’t have anything against Texas A&G, I’m sure lots of it’s students apply themselves and can hold their own against graduates from some of our nations best schools. Unfortunately, Perry isn’t one of those. Getting a C- at Texas A&G, means you showed up for class more often than not.
Look, it’s nearly impossible to have a substantive comment or discussion based on the Republican debates. Their answers are simply a hodge-podge of their campaign mini-quotes, most of which are based on assumptions proven false long ago.
At this point we can only enjoy the spectical – like watching an old Three Stooges movie, or perhaps the Keystone Cops.
We could make it into drinking games, with everyone picking a Republican talking point (“class warfare”, “private sector”, “socialist”) and downing a shot every time it comes up. But we’d be unconscious after the first fifteen minutes.
OK. I’m game. Anybody actually have any examples of Perry sounding intelligent or having any great ideas?
Cain (I am the Koch brothers’ brother from another mother) at least has nifty sound bytes and a 9-9-9 plan possibly stolen from SimCity.
So what does Perry have against the Dept. of Education?
Well, he seems to dislike education in general, graduating from a ag college with only a C- GPA, and doeing even worse on the important courses (economics, etc.).
The Dept. of Education releases studies which document the state of education in the U.S. Of course, this shows that Texas is dead last in education in the U.S., by several measures. That’s awfully inconvenient for him.
What does the federal department of education do? I know what the departments of commerce and energy do, but I’m drawing a blank on education.
@119 Cain has the best ads since the Superbowl.
Briefly revisiting the claims by our latest troll, who seemed to be biased towards Rick Perry.
We were live blogging the debate and it’s pretty hard to do that in real time. But, I know I pointed out more than a couple of falsehoods on the part the Republicans.
Like the fact that you can already buy health insurance as an individual in a competitive marketplace. Bachmann and Romney claimed otherwise.
Romney also claimed the left “hated profits” and I pointed out that more than a few of the largest, most profitable companies in America lean to the left.
Another boiler plate Romney claim is that profits are good because they get reinvested by companies in things that create jobs. This is the basic tenet behind neo-liberal economics. But, in the last 20 years as we’ve watched profits and the incomes of the top couple of % of Americans rise we’ve also watched investment as a % of GDP fall.
I also threw in a couple of “ata-boys” to Jon Huntsman, which I thought was nice of me. ;-)
But ya, we mostly mocked the Republicans. We did that for good reasons.
1. We were just having a little fun amongst ourselves, not trying to provide a service to the greater humanity.
2. Engaging in legitimate debate with them would have granted them legitimacy. Why on earth we should grant legitimacy to people who are spouting nonsense escapes me.
3 When Republicans come to the table with factual, sensible, workable, information I’ll be happy grant them legitimacy by debating on the issues. Of the candidates that are currently running Romney and Huntsman seem to be the only two capable of doing so.
HA can not control who decides to link to it. It’s not our fault when other people fail to do their homework.
Look Ma’, no vulgarity!
What’s up with the no fucking vulgarity? Fuck.
Just proving that I could do it. And it’s gotten a little old. I’ll still roll it out every now and again when I think someone needs it.
Hey, I think I found a reasonable explanation for Perry’s memory lapse:
So if we, uh, want to, uh…
Apparantly it’s a common defect inherited mostly by men….
I enjoy getting a different point of view then my own and I appreciate the one or two people at this website that show the capibility to have a spirited debate while still acting civily. But I have to say I am surprised by the number of individuals on at this website that seem to be pretty angry. I tend to beleive that the angry messages and especially the prophane language are usually an indication of a persons unhappiness in general. I am also dissappointed that the management of this website does absolutely nothing to edit that prophane language. I am very much a supporter of free speech and I despise censorship of any kind, but there is a line. And some of the things that I have seen written on here have crossed it by a mile.
I also have to shake my head at this situation with Rick Perry in the debate last night and the way its been blown out of porportion. I seriously doubt that a person among you has never done the exact same thing that he did last night. Things like that have a tendancy to happen in high stress situations like public speaking or a debate. I myself personally remember being in a play in high school and having a line that I had rehersed probally 100 times. I knew it backwards and forwards and could say it in my sleep. But during the play, when I finally got up to say it I could not think about it for the life of me. It was bizarre because I knew it, and I knew that I knew it, but I just couldn’t get it to come out of my mouth. It was just the pressure of the situation. In Rick Perry’s case I think he has an even bigger excuse with just the general exhaustion Im sure hes experiencing with the constant travel and never ending campaign stops. In fact, Im just surprised it doesnt happen to more of the candidates.
Can you imagine what our fearless (or is it cluess) leader Mr Obama would do without his trusty telepromter? Im sure he would forget a lot more then something as trivial as one of the millions of cabinet departments. Thats another thing that we should be talking about (and something Rick Perry should have said last night)… maybe if we didnt have a cabinet department for every possible thing it wouldnt be so difficult to remember all of there names. Lets start eliminating some of those stupid things so we can get down to a reasonable amount of them. THEN maybe we can remember there names!
To #128: Who is that in that photo? That isnt Rick Perry. The way that you put that up there is misleading.
How long have we had social security? Medicare? VA system?
Let’s see what else? Amish barn raisings? I’ve seen that even called a pure expression of communism.
Let’s see what else? How much corporate welfare in the form of an anti-trust exemption for sports franchises? It goes on and on.
A lot longer than the last 3 years. Year zero to some starts with a dark complected guy winning the Oval Office.
Good god you’re thick.
Is it an act?
BTW, I think the proper spelling of the colloquialism is “partyin’ hard” – you’ve misplaced the apostrophe, which signals the place of the dropped ‘g’.
To #132: Please re-read what I wrote. Like I said, I UNDERSTAND THAT IT ISNT RICK PERRY IN THE PHOTO. I was just asking if somebody could tell me who it actualy was. I didnt recognize the person in the photo, but it looked like the person that put that photo up was trying to say it was Rick Perry. THATS ALL.
To #133: WHO CARES????
Good grief! Where do they get these Klowns?
136 – It appears he hasn’t done too much on-line reading of political blogs.
He seems to think they should be like published tomes you’d find in college library stacks.
To #137: If you ACTUALY READ anything that Ive written, you would see that a “published tomes you’d find in college library stacks.” is actualy the opposite of what Im looking for. Im looking for FEWER overly complex words and sentences. All I want are a few plain facts. I dont need everything to be written by a college professor using a bunch of words and phrases that are never used in everyday conversations, I just want to see facts. Clearly written easy to understand facts. People seem to confuse a big vocabulary with intelligence. When people get so consumed by STYLE, SUBSTANCE gets its a** kicked. Style is all smoke and mirrors and doesnt really do anything to solve the problems of the day. A few years ago we elected a guy that was real big on style. Hows that working out for eveyone?
@137 I’d put at least a little bit of money on this guy being yet another Klown sockpuppet. Either that, or they’re both too stupid for words to describe.
138 – And again you fail to see the point I’ve been trying to make..
Bloggers are not professionals who are slavishly devoted to serving and retaining particular audience (some are but most aren’t). They by and large write for themselves and if people like what they have to say and how they say it then they have an audience. If not then the blog goes unread. There are literally MILLIONS of blogs out there, most of them unread.
It’s too bad that you’re put off by the multi-syllabic usage of a blogger who just happens to be a college professor.
I guess you never read National Review either in its glory days edited by William F. Buckley Jr.
And AGAIN Darryl presented two facts backed up by hyperlinks to their sources. He chided Joni Balter for not firing the synapses required to look past the numbers 60 and 80..
You’ve followed in that wake by not firing the synapses required to look past the “big words”.
If you don’t like it then I recommend a trip to the local college library where you can peruse National Review as it built up to the election of Reagan in 1980. Plenty of right wing glory there even it’s a bit short on the monosyllabic.
139 – Could be a KLOWN sockpuppet. The “income” canard falls rather effortlessly off his keyboard.
To #138: William F Buckly was a VERY intelligent and VERY conservative man and I have read a million things that he wrote. For the five millionth time though…. IM NOT SAYING THAT I DONT UNDERSTAND BIG WORDS. Im not stupid. I know what they mean and I could use them myself if I chose to. The difference between the things that William F Buckly wrote and the articles that Im complaining about is that William F Buckly had the ability to write with style AND substance. Yes, some of the things he wrote werent the easiest things to read and he did use a lot of big words, but he also had facts gallore in his articles. Even the biggest soc would have to admit that there was a ton of information in his articles. Nobody could read something that he wrote and not learn something. Yes it was written from a conservative point of view, but his articles were covered with facts. My comlaint about big words is that often times I see them used INSTEAD of facts. I’m ok with an article that is full of big words AND facts. I am NOT ok with articles full of big words and nothing else except for a bunch of partisan fluff. Does that make sense?
Could have been way worse.. We could have had 25 percent unemployment like we had in the 30’s.
And it could have been way better if Congress wasn’t so stupid.
142 – Nope. Darryl is an interesting blogger in that he is very terse but he rarely leaves anything out.
Whenever someone has a problem with him he almost always says nope, it’s there, you’re just not seeing it.
He demands something of the reader. So yes, you have to click on the links and read the backstory and do your homework before you challenge what he’s written or he’ll tear you apart if he’s so inclined.
So on that note, nope, you’re not seeing it. It’s there. Stop being so thick.
Ug… More name calling. Funny how the left always resorts to childish tactics in the face of a valid argument.
144 – No name calling on my part…
Remember a few threads ago when darwhyle was asked to show his math re 1183? He ran away from his own thread like the plague and never did provide any proof or backup to his assertions
What a chump.
“Im not stupid.”
LMFAO! Sure, he’s stupid, but at least he’s funny.
To #146: Calling somebody “thick” isnt name calling? Hmmm, interesting…
149 – Nope.
I’ve been called way worse than that here. Thick is just a simple adjective.
There’s a somewhat mild name call in 147.
FAT is an “adjective”. UGLY is an “adjective” So if you call somebody fat or ugly your not calling them names? Please try to grow up and actualy understand what your saying. And Im sorry that people call you names but that doesnt give you a right to turn around and start doing it to somebody else especially when that person is just trying to have a civil debate about issues that he-she may feel differently about then you do. The name calling just gets in the way of what could be an intelligent respectful conversation. Thats all Im saying.
151 – An “ugly” situation..
“fat” profits..
Overweight people even refer to themselves as “fat”..
Let’s compare and contrast:
Here are some names typically hurled by your fellow travelers on the right here in these comment threads:
“fag”, “bleeder”, “pussy”, “bitch”, “cunt”, “moonbat”, “pedo”….
Get the picture?? And you’re in a huff because I find your blindness to the facts in Darry’s blog post “thick”?