Obama’s approval has hit a 16 month high at 53% approval to 41% disapproval.
Another poll finds Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) ” the least popular Governor in the country”, tied with Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL):
The furor over Senate Bill 5 [an anti-collective bargaining bill] was one of the main events precipitating Kasich’s decline and voters in the state continue to strongly favor repealing it.
Another poll finds Florida’s Scott in dire straights:
Florida voters disapprove 57 – 29 percent of the job Gov. Rick Scott is doing, the worst score of any governor in the states surveyed by Quinnipiac University and down from a 48 – 35 percent disapproval in an April 6 survey, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Man…voters going sour on Republicans in Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin?!? The next thing you know, pundits and media alike will take up the debate of whether 2012 is going to witness Obama win or an Obama landslide.
The Senate has voted down the house budget blueprint (a.k.a. the Ryan budget, a.k.a. the bill to kill Medicare as we know it) today:
A handful of Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Scott Brown (Mass.), Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) — joined Democrats to reject the House budget, 40-57. Paul voted against it because Ryan’s plan still adds $8 trillion to the debt over the next decade.
I wonder why the others voted against it? Perhaps because they want to be reelected….
(H/T Slog.)
Well…at least one bold Republican is doubling down on Ryan’s plan…after a major display of flip-floppery. That would be Newt Gingrich:
Less than two weeks after he condemned Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan as “right wing social engineering” Newt Gingrich is rallying support for the budget chair’s proposal in Congress.
Does anyone else get the feeling that Newt is perpetually lagging by about three news cycles?
Wasn’t so long ago that the Tea Party folks were all aglow in Scott Brown’s victory. How do you like your boy, Brown, now Tea Partiers?
In this CNN video, Bill Clinton delineates the two ideas of the last 30 years that have brought America to ruin:
1. The idea that corporations are creatures unto themselves with no responsibilities to shareholders, customers, or workers; and
2. The idea that all government is bad and everything that has happened in the last 80 years (i.e., the social safety net) should be jettisoned.
Here’s a fascinating article about how the “American Idol” format has caught on worldwide — and is doing what regimes and armies have been unable to do: Bridging ethnic, nationalist, and religious divides.
Over on Sucky Politics, Stefan The Waitress Slayer’s* pathetic little soapbox, Ron Hebron castigates Democratic senators for not producing a [Republican] budget, saying, “What is their job if not to produce the budget?”
Er, last time I read the Constitution, it’s the House’s job to “produce a budget.” You know, all appropriation bills originate in the House? Hey, if I’m wrong about this, someone correct me, okay?
Right now, we have a divided Congress, with Republicans controlling the House and Democrats controlling the Senate. I’m sorry for stating what everyone knows, but it’s a necessary prerequisite for what comes next: Republicans did NOT win control of the Senate in the 2010 elections and it is NOT the job of Democratic senators to rubberstamp the Paul Ryan Budget dismantling Medicare and giving more tax breaks to billionaires!!! When you have a divided Congress, the ONLY way you’re going to pass anything, including a budget, is by negotiation and compromise. Trouble is, it’s been so long since Republicans were willing to negotiate or compromise on anything, that there is now no living Republican who remembers how.
* This is metaphorical, of course; Stefan didn’t actally kill the single-mom waitress, he merely went after her job and got her fired because she had the audacity to shush Stefan’s rowdy ADHD kid when he was instigating a kindergarten riot in the restaurant and disturbing other paying patrons. It’s a good thing we don’t live under an authoritarian regime with absolute power, like they used to have in the USSR, or Stefan’s secret police would have shot her.
I’m sure I can just hear the Republican sophistry of Kasich and/or Scott now, “I don’t care about the polls, I’m here to do what the people want.”
Face it folks, Obama has blown the wad.
Medicare will be out of money. $50+ Trillion in the Red by 2026. You can’t tax that away or kick the can down the road without fixing it.
Social Security and whatever surpluses it had has been blown by the politicians and all that is left in that fund is worthless IOU’s.
You’ve debased the dollar almost 10% just since Obama took office.
We’re Broke, and you cannot ignore that fact and just kick the can down the road, or we WILL be in Greece’s situation before long.
The continuing resolutions and Republican budgets are putting NOAA satellites and storm warnings, like the ones that saved a bunch of peoples lives recently, at risk. They’re so focused on not going along with the Democrats that they’re willing to let people get killed so long as they can get their way.
Dear asshole…
…all we need to do is get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, roll taxes back to where they were under CLINTON (who balanced the budget btw), make corporations pay their share and we’re on the way to being fine.
Too stupid to put that together aren’t you, sonny?
#7 Links…
He’d rather people got killed in tornadoes that have to admit a black man was right.
Oops, then have to admit.
8,9 you’ve had two years to get out of those wars….and
All you’ve accomplished is getting into a third, blowing 3.7 Trillion in new debt, and trying socialism which is going bankrupt in most other nations in this world.
As our nation is BTW
The NY special election proves Professor Paul Ryan knows how to win elections; seniors are the largest Republican voting bloc, welfare drones the smallest, so the smart thing is to cut Medicare instead of welfare.
We should have to pay for the amusement you provide. Thankfully, here on HA, it’s free. Keep it up, m’lad.
@12 You wouldn’t know what socialism is even if it fucked you in the ass.
One of the things I do on this blog, besides kicking trolls in the nuts when they’ve got it coming, is peruse a wide range of publications and summarize news and policy debates for HA readers. And even though I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, I heavily cite opinion from conservative pro-business publications; and the fact I use that kind of material to bolster my own arguments tells you just how wacky the Republican Party has become.
Tonight’s commentary is all from The Economist, a U.K.-based conservative news and opinion magazine. I’ve frequently quoted (and linked to) this publication in my HA comments in the past; what’s different tonight is that I actually disagree with some of what they said in the current online issue. Let’s get started.
Indeed, Roger. Socialist concepts, as you know, made this nation what it was–the heart of the free world. Then, Reagan’s attack on government and everyone who isn’t rich overcame us. Sad, how Reagan and Rand (Ayn, not Paul), neither of whom knew what the fuck they were talking about, have become all that matters in the Republican Party.
The Economist takes umbrage at the NLRB’s legal action against Boeing to enforce unionized workers’ legal right not to be retaliated against for exercising their legal right to strike:
“IF YOU book a holiday and the flight is cancelled, you may decide to use a different airline the next time. Airlines know this, which is why Sir Richard Branson, the boss of Virgin Group, was so angry when Boeing failed to deliver the planes he needed to ferry thousands of passengers to sunny climes one Christmas. He blamed a strike by Boeing workers in Washington state. ‘If union leaders and management can’t get their act together to avoid strikes, we’re not going to come back here again,’ he told reporters. ‘We’re already thinking: ‘Would we ever risk putting another order with Boeing?’’
“No one disputes a traveller’s right to switch airlines, or an airline’s right to switch suppliers. But woe betide an aircraft-maker that tries to shift production from a strike-plagued American state to a more business-friendly one; at least, if the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) gets its way.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck Richard Branson. While I sympathize with his desire to have things go smoothly in his business, it’s his fault he chose to go into a business where there’s only two suppliers of the capital equipment the business needs. He can buy airplanes from Boeing, or from Airbus. He doesn’t have a right to dictate to Boeing workers that they have no right to bargain for wages, benefits, or working conditions.
The right to strike is the only leverage workers have. Without it, management can utterly dictate the terms of employment, on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. That’s why state employment is so awful; state workers never had the right to strike. If managements don’t want to inconvenience their customers with production stoppages, then they have to come to terms with their unionized workers — and pass through the costs of union wages and benefits to the customers. There are still some of us who think this is a better system than the old system of slavery and worker penury. It takes two to make a strike; it wasn’t just union aggression that shut down the Boeing plants, there was management bull-headedness involved, too.
The Economist seems to be extolling, or at least endorsing, truly awful legislation in Texas that tries to frighten people injured by the carelessness of others away from the courts by threatening them with liability for defendants’ legal bills. The magazine’s editors think that suppressing the legal rights of victims (which I put in the same category as suppressing the rights of American citizens to vote in their own country; and both schemes are perpetrated by the same fascist gang) is a good idea because
“Tort reform has been back in the spotlight as concerns about government spending and health-care costs have spurred new looks at cost-saving, confidence-boosting measures …”
I’m sorry, but cost saving, efficiency, confidence-boosting, and so on, are NOT reasonable or acceptable justifications for (a) shifting the personal and societal costs of negligence from perpetrators to victims, and (b) encouraging negligent behavior by relieving tortfeasors of any responsibility for the consequences of their selfish and heedless actions.
The legal environment for workers, homebuyers, and consumers in Texas is already so bad that I would never consider living in that state under any circumstances. Texas is a banana republic as far as I’m concerned. The problem is that the ultra-right-wing billionaires behind that state’s reactionary politics are seeking to export these policies to the other 49 states. For them, Texas is merely a test-bed for legislation taking away the rights of ordinary American citizens that they hope to eventually enact everywhere. That’s why I pay attention to what happens in Texas, and you should, too.
Next, The Economist comments on the Republican presidential freak show.
“Newt Gingrich … and Michele Bachmann … spoke at the annual dinner of the Minnesota Family Council, whose mission is ‘to strengthen the families of Minnesota by advancing biblical principles in the public arena’.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s my suggestion for evangelical voters: If you want to advance biblical principles in the public arena, then don’t vote for candidates who violate the Ten Commandments. You know, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, and all that. Of course, this means they can’t vote for any Republican, but hey, there’s another party in this country and Democrats do a fairly decent job of treating people with compassion, not looting the poor and middle classes, and that kind of stuff.
Hows your stocks been doing since the Obamaspender hit the debt limit Rog?
Dow down 400-500 points, bouncing like a yo yo
Gold racing towards $1600 due to the debasing of the dollar and printing of worthless monopoly money
The Canadian dollar now is worth more than the American dollar
Wrapping up this week’s Economist review is this piece on America’s housing market:
“At the ripe old age of five years, America’s housing bust is still very much alive and kicking. House prices dropped 3.3% in the year to February according to the S&P/Case-Shiller index, the fastest decline since November 2009. The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure, the CoreLogic house-price index, showed an even worse one-year decline of 7.5% in March. And Zillow, an online real-estate database, recently said that prices fell 8.2% in the year to March. Zillow has reported falling prices for 57 consecutive months.
“The latest housing hiccup has Americans worried that a new phase of the crash is under way. Two years ago, housing appeared to hit bottom. Prices and sales levelled off thanks to low interest rates and a generous housing tax credit. But that respite ended last summer … and price declines resumed.”
Yeah, well, housing prices are always married to personal incomes; and most housing is sold to middle-class working families; so, when you trash the personal finances of middle-class Americans, the housing market goes to hell. If someone wants to give me the Nobel Prize in economics for this observation, I’ll take it; even though my burrow is paid for and wholly occupant-owned, I need the money anyway for high medical expenses and food prices.
For 30 years, conservatives have labored mightily to strip workers of their earning power, economic security, and assets. Now they’re bitching because they can’t charge inflated prices for real estate because nobody has any money. Duh-fucking-duh.
There are three things I really dislike about conservatives:
1. Their totalitarian impulses;
2. Their stupidity; and
3. Their refusal to admit that they caused the consequences of their actions.
@22 I’ll let you know when we hit the debt ceiling.
@22 Actually, you’ve sorta got a point. Bush and the GOP congress’s borrow-and-spend policies created a monstrous problem for the economy, which was monstrously aggravated by their idiotic laissez-faire deregulation policies. They left Obama with the biggest mess to sort out since Herbert Hoover. The task is just too great for one president.
The trillion dollars that Bush squandered by attacking a country that did NOT have anything to do with 9/11/2001 sure would come in handy now. I wish we had it. And I’m sure the 4,000+ young Americans whose lives he needlessly threw away wish they had their lives back, too.
This is the kind of shit you get when you vote Republican. As one of those Republican voters who brought this down on us, I piss on you and your ilk. I don’t give a flying fuck if your Republican jackasses in the congress inflict a Treasury default on the financial markets. I’m sure that’ll make the rich people who own most of America’s financial assets real happy.
I can tell you right now it’ll make ME happy, because I’ll be able to buy stocks for 50 cents on the dollar, and I’m always hot to trot for a deal like that.
Meanwhile, I’m doing just fine in the stock market, thank you very much. Waaaay up since January. The Federal Reserve has been minting money like crazy and it’s all going straight into the stock market. Corporations have more cash than ever before. Shareholders never had it so good — our companies are making record profits and neither they nor we pay any taxes on them. The owning class, of which I’m a member, has never had it so good.
Am I worried about a Treasury default? Hell no. Do you think I’m stupid enough to own IOUs? Bonds are for fools. I own equity, not debt paper. And right now I’m selling stocks to stockpile cash for August. Yeah, I really believe Republicans are stupid enough to push our government into default. And am I ever gonna make a killing when they do. The best part of it is, almost all the people I’ll be taking money from are people who vote Republican!
Wow — I was thinking Randroid referred to Rand Paul followers, instead of Ayn Rand followers. Anyway, Rand Paul actually voted against the Ryan plan in the Senate to abolish Medicare! And his father Ron Paul was only one of four Republicans in the House to vote against the Ryan plan.
Amazing — looks like Ron Paul may be one of the few halfway sensible Republican candidates for President in 2012. I thought the Paul’s were generally against almost any type of government program. But maybe they like Medicare — since they are both DOCTORS and might actually care …
And Darryl — your clock on HA is about 20 minutes slow. It is now 11:19 p.m. according to my clock …
Ok so lets look at the picture this way for you rocket scientists (Idiocracy Stars).
The state of Wa is 5 Billion in the hole, so they make the cuts that are necessary, albeithard to make to balance the budget.
The Fed is 1700 Billion out of balance, + Medicare and Social Security going broke, and they just kick the can down the road.
And that’s perfectly OK with your voting base…Got it!
Interesting story on Newt over at SpyTalk:
Of course, nobody could have predicted that the only Speaker of the House in our history to have been rebuked for ethics violations might have a closet full of skeletons.
Speaking about that 5 Billion dollar state budget hole, looks like all you great Obama supporters, who wor for the state will be taking a bit of a pay cut….
What goes around, comes around!
The “base” of Jack Kemp’s old district crapped all over the miserable Randroid Ryan “plan” that screws poor and middle income people 55 and younger so billionaires can have permanent tax cuts.
There’s a solution to the deficit – it’s called economic growth, cutting defense pork barrel spending, raising taxes and ending the stupid Bush policies of endless wars.
Richard Branson’s rant at Boeing was directed at the company, not the union. He didn’t care why the strike happened, he just wanted his aircraft delivered on time.
What Boeing management has attempted to do, at the time of the strike and thereafter, was to blame the Union for the strike, and then blame the strike for the production delays, both on the 787 and other programs. But as the delays stretched from months into years, it was clear that Boeing’s management mistakes were to blame for the delays, not the strike.
As for the strike itself, it had several causes. Boeing’s previous contract was a bitter pill for the Union to swallow, giving more work to non-union workers in the factory and wage concessions, but there still was no strike at that time. Immediately prior to the last strike, Boeing had workers on mandatory overtime trying to complete 787 production and vacations were routinely dis-approved, making for a rather tired workforce with money in their pockets and willing to forego more money in return for a few weeks off work. But most importantly, Boeing management had a poison pill in the negotiations, demanding the right to have non-union vendors working on the planes inside the Boeing factory – a concession which the Union knew it couldn’t accept because it would quickly lead to the elimination of most union jobs in the factory. As long as that provision was “non-negotiable” by Boeing management, the strike was going to happen.
The only real question is whether Boeing really WANTED a strike. Boeing’s contracts with their customers would probably have a “Force Majour” provision which deems it not a default if delivery is delayed by acts of God, war, or union troubles or strikes. This is standard boiler-plate in most contracts. Perhaps Boeing management knew that there was NO WAY the 787 was going to meet delivery commitments, and was looking for someone else to blame? It was common knowledge on the factory floor that even if there was no strike, production would have been shut down for several weeks waiting for vendors to complete work and parts to arrive. So I am of the opinion that Boeing WANTED a strike.
The problem is, a lot of international customers don’t see it as a Union problem. They see it as a Boeing problem. If they have trouble with their union, it’s up to Boeing to work it out, without affecting their deliveries. Boeing failed at this, and a lot of customers were upset – not at the Union, but at Boeing management. The only ones swallowing the management line that it was all the union’s fault were the folks here in the U.S. that like to blame unions for everything that goes wrong, anyway.
If anyone’s actually looking to make a dent in the Federal budget…how about questioning why the Pentagon is ordering a dozen new Trident submarines?
@32 Seems if it hadn’t been for that strike, the first few Dreamliners Boeing tried to get into the air might well have wound up as smoldering piles of wreckage somewhere.
Licker of Dicks, if you look at the Republican welfare counties, you will see they suck $1.8 billion more a year out of the state coffers than they put in.
King County all by itself could pay that $5 billion debt if it didn’t have to carry the Republican welfare counties in its back.
It is the fucking Republican welfare counties that are screwing the state budget and it is them who don’t want to pay their share of it.
Face it Licker of Dicks, it is Republican who are welfare queens.
Seems like the only thing the righties can get right is wasting time and pissing people off.
Well, yay. Now maybe we’ll get a law that says if you rack up a couple hundred rule violations in your coal mines or cause a huge oil spill do to nothing but reckless greed we can pull charter for those as well.
@38 Not a bad idea. Corporations are creatures of the state, and as such, exist at the sufferance of the state. We don’t have to let them be above the law or a law unto themselves. We can pull the plug on them. All it takes is politicians willing to carry out the will of the people who elect them. Don’t expect that from Republicans, though.
Yesterday we celebrated the New York Congressional win which gave a long-standing Republican seat to the Democratic challenger – with the able assistance of the Republican budget plan which privatizes Medicare.
So then the Republicans have two choices: back down and hope voters have a short memory, or double-down in the hope that the voter’s problems with the Medicare privitization was that it didn’t go far enough.
Today we learned their decision. They are going to double-down on the medicare privitazation plan, and they are going to lie about it. They just needed a day for their minions from hell to write the appropriate talking point which they will quote everytime they come within a few feet of a microphone.
The problem, as they saw it, wasn’t that the privitization of Medicare was unpopular with voters. It’s just that the issue needed to be “framed” differently. They are going to try to convince voters that they are trying to “save” Medicare, and Democrats are going to stand by while it goes bankrupt.
Of course, the only problems faced by Medicare are caused by a decade of no or declining economic growth, thank’s to George W. Bush & Co.’s policies, and the absolute refusal of the Republicans to consider providing Medicare with additional funding to make up for Bush’s incompentence. In other words, after doing their best to destroy Medicare by destroying the economy, they are now going to try to convince us that we should let them “save” Medicare by following exactly the types of policies which got us into this mess in the first place.
You have to admire, however, their ability to look straight into the camera and tell an outright lie. They know it’s a lie, you know it’s a lie, even the cameraman knows it’s a lie. But they don’t even blink, and sometimes even shed a tear or two. They must be great at playing pocker – but the way they operate, they would never do it with their own money, only ours.
And Oh Pleeease, this election had nothing to do with the Ryan budget.
It had everything to do with a phony democrat who had twice lost, deciding to all of the sudden run as a conservative Tea Party candidate, and strip 9% of the vote.
If he had not been the democrats trojan horse, they would have gotten their asses kicked!
@40 Bush’s incompetence
Was it Bush’s incompetence or was it his deliberate policy to favor his natural constituency: the haves and the have mores.
Clearly tghe marijuana for you is not medicinal. Best not to write when baked, man.
Oh Licker of Dicks @41,
Way to spin. Your Rethuglican candidate was 20 points ahead right up until she came out in support of the Ryan Fuck Medicare plan. Then she tanked. The Teahadist had nothing to do with it.
Thanks for playing Spin the Election.
“And Oh Pleeease”
Sigh! This teabagging Republican twit has got to be about the dumbest motherfucker on the entire fucking planet. Good fucking grief!! What did we do to deserve such a dumbfuck loon repeatedly gracing us with his shallow and insipid drivel?
Jesus H. Christ!! Ban a few of these goddamn fucking trolls. Do us a favor and weed out the really fucking stupid ones like this nitwit LD.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats use some lube when they give it to you up the ass. So clearly, Democrats are preferred to Republicans. But I’d really rather not have to take it up the ass anymore. ;->
Well Darryl, all the DUMMOCRAPTS voted against all budget proposals. Therefore they are the party of no!
The Party of NO!
Spoken from someone who supports Barney Frank’s actions.
Beats Mr. Ryan’s dry broomstick!
47 – No to stupid.
Your commentary is a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying right wing BRAIN DAMAGE!
Yes, the swamp gas between your ears is damaged beyond all recognition.
Ed Schultz makes an ASS of himself and conservatives are not calling for the firing or boycotting of Ed Schultz. That’s the difference between loony liberals and conservatives in media. In fact we cheer the fact insects like rujaxdipshithead are attracted to the Ed Schultz flame.
It demonstrates the type of people loony libtardos are!
Glad yelling lost boy thinks Obummer’s overspending budget was stupid!
52 – Heh. Brain-damaged reading yet again. For the simple among us – the Randroid Ryan Budget
The NY special election proves the Hochul campaign ads in NY-26 had a bunch of lies…
1) They displayed “Republicans” burning old people’s Medicare Cards – LIE
2) They told old people their Medicare benefits would IMMEDIATELY disappear under Ryan’s plan. – LIE
3) They told the lie to old people of Paul Ryan throwing Granny off a cliff. – LIE
How do you know a DUMMOCRAPT is lying? What a DNC or DNCC or DNSC or a DUMMOCRAPT led C-Street commercial.
Good try!
Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Proposal Fails 97-0
See ya moron! LMBBAO!
EPIC FAYLE for the 3 vigintillionth time!
Watch Pavlov calls it…
Looks like ekim has a goat and penis fetish. Who knew?
Well he is a loony libtardo!
Do failed wannabe musicians have enough money to buy weed and get “baked”? Or do they skim off the hard work of other taxpayers like other losers do?
How do you tell when Puddybud’s figers are repeating right wing bullshit?
You see a comment in the HA threads.
Gotta love this Jesse Lee Goebbels guy.
Minister of Propoganda. His job is to squash negative Obummer stories. Gotta love it.
Guess who this fool’s wife is? Nita Chaudhary, Campaign Director at MoveOn.org Political Action. She pushed General Betray-us on everyone.
Yep, the fleas, bed bugs and cockroaches infest the whitey house, rujaxdipshithead and yelling lost boy!
Prove it yelling loser boy. You can’t! Nothing has been enacted or voted upon!
yelling lost boy, you are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
61 – I don’t take orders from you moron.
Fiend, your malarkey spewed in these threads is as a tale told by an idiot. Full of right wing bullshit, signifying EXTREME MENTAL ILLNESS!
No links all lies @57! Then he goes postal in #62.
64 – No links at 54.
The Randroid Ryan (Jared Loughner’s hero) “plan” is nothing but a scheme to hand billionaires permanent tax cuts. It divides current beneficiaries against future beneficiares – mothers against daughters, fathers against sons, older siblings against younger siblings.
That’s the truth about your beloved party’s “scheme”. Again all to give your beloved right wing billionaires tax cuts.
And scum like you are only too delighted with it.
I hope the puddybitch keeps servin’ em up…
…like the home run contest at All-Star Weekend. Foolish foolish little puddybitch.
Oh my now both of the HA moron brothers are joining in with their insipid commentary.
yelling lost boy has gone postal and we’re still waiting on rujaxdipshithead to tell us how Pawlenty had two chances to fix the I-35W bridge.
yelling lost boy, you are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
rujaxdipshithead is such a dumb misogynist mofo who loves calling women sluts!
I laugh at your fantasies O lover of tax cuts for billionaires, O lover of throwing the common man and woman off the cliff, O lover of hatred and division between mother and daughter, between father and son, between older and younger brothers and sisters.
Fiend, your miserable commentary here is as a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying sycophantic man crushes for the right wing billionaires who pull your strings.
Ahhh lookie here… yelling loser boy copies me again. You are a beta moron. I am your alpha. You copy everything I do.
yelling lost boy, you are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
LMBBAO! Nothing original in #67 move along!
Pavlov calls it…
Barney Frank’s lover mysteriously gets a job at Fannie Mae. Today he admits it. I brought this up back in 2008. Y’all pooh-poohed it. Well let’s see where the chips fall!
You lie fiend. You’re wretched, worshipping the liars and charlatans of the right wing like Beck.
I have no pity for you. You’ve reaped what you’ve sown in this life.
Fool, your life is as a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying abso-freaking-lutely NADA!
Don’t grab yourself hard too hard moron @ 68
You won’t have anything to brag to MWS about!
There’s all the signal you need to fall head over heels with a Randroid.
Sycophant, you are as a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying naught but obeisance to rapacious right wing greed.
Obummer has the Secret Service monitoring Fox News. Did you morons see the twitter? Oopsie… that agent wasn’t supposed to let peeps know what Obummer had him doing.
BTW Fox News most trusted again. Suck on that HA leftist morons!
Pavlov called it…
Ahhh lookie here… yelling loser boy is still copying me. You are a beta idiot. I am your alpha. You copy everything I do.
yelling lost boy, you are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
This comment board’s top sycophant to right wing greed and batshit insanity needs to jump into action.
One of the “mama grizzlies” is in trouble.
Open your wallet O stalwart defender of the batshit insane right wing womenfolk.
Simple one, you are as a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying naught but batcrap psychotic breakdown!
Still reading the left wing kook-aid!
Ahhh lookie here… another post and yelling loser boy is still copying me. You are a beta idiot. I am your alpha. You copy everything I do.
You are a sad case of biomASS!
75 – Where’s the volcano shit fool??
Moron, you are as a tale told by an idiot. Full of Sound and Fury, registering not even a picovolt within the vacuum that occupies your cranial space.
You are the nadir, the utter omega to those to whom you grovel in abject obeisance.
Rodent@17, “And even though I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, I heavily cite opinion from conservative pro-business publications; and the fact I use that kind of material to bolster my own arguments tells you just how wacky the Republican Party has become.”
For probably the first and last time you are absolutely right about the Republicans, the Ryan/ Republican Medicare suicide pact is even more idiotic than your simplistic arguments about labor relations at Boeing. To continue on your theme, as you so eloquently put it;
Rodent@16, “You wouldn’t know what socialism is even if it fucked you in the ass,”
you wouldn’t recognize economics under the identical circumstances. If you would pull that dildo out of your ass you would see that it’s made in China, which is where our manufacturing jobs will continue to go under a harebrained Obama administration which believes in the sort of economic nonsense you spew.
31, 50, 53, 57, 59, 63, 64, 67, 70, 71, 74, 76
Nuff SAID Sucka!
You are a beta. I am your alpha. You copy everything I do. That’s A-OK being a beta. Someone needs to provide guidance to betas! I am truly honored!
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit,
Now that Obummer has his Goebbels Minister of Propoganda… When will his brown shirts appear… Wait they already did. Secret Service Types monitoring Fox News.
P R I C E L E S S!
Fox News is most trusted. What does this little tidbit actually reveal? Does it really have anything to do with how trustworthy a news source might be? Look at it this way. Just what kind of mind “trusts” corporate news media of any stripe? I suggest that Fox News is most trusted because the wingnut mind is utterly incapable of questioning the ideological and dogmatic lies that are being spoonfed to them by their corporatist masters. So when I hear some stupid wingnut crowing on about how Fox News is the “most trusted” news, what I hear is the learned chant of the extremely gullible, or in the case of our own street corner loon, the insane.
That’s gotta really suck for some people here. I can see why they don’t want to talk about it. But a trend is a trend, and until the trend is broken, that’s the direction things are headed as we enter the election season. Obviously, the delusional rants of a disgusting blog troll will do nothing to change this reality. My goodness, that realization has really gotta suck for these losers. But I’m here for you. If any of you troll losers want to talk about how much today’s political reality sucks for you, I’d be glad to listen.
@81, Looks like no one is interested!