On this issue, Carl, I’m agreement with you. I really don’t like seeing a stand of trees cut down, particularly when those trees have been there for decades and decades.
Distant Replayspews:
Timber trespass law RCW 4.24.630, 64.12.030. Treble damages.
A valued legacy of our timber industry past.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Oregon no better at managing pensions than it is at creating an Obamacare exchange.
The numbers are bleak. Oregon’s pension system owes billions of dollars more to retirees than it has, and the last major attempt to fix the problem was shot down in courts.
This month, cities, school districts and others will find out how much more they’ll pay to help prop up the system. Higher pension costs could come at the expense of funding for other needs, including social services, infrastructure investments and education programs.
Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to president Trump.
Damn Amarosa. Is that how it works in America? Will he get to drink the blood of the vanquished and dine on their flesh live on TV too? Will all cower before him and despair?
Teabaggers Againspews:
Boob and Puffballs will be doing a curtsy instead of bowing.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 5
Keep following the important stuff, CZ.
AP PoliticsVerified account
BREAKING: Congressman says top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills given immunity deal in FBI investigation into Clinton’s email server.
One wonders whether immunity was granted to Mills before or after she was permitted to sit next to #CrookedHillary while the Democrat candidate for president was interviewed by the FBI.
Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State granted immunity during an investigation. Naw, nothing much to see here.
Oh boob. The ‘news’ is she was given immunity in the past before the FBI decided not to recommend charges.
So the one who knew everything and would be able to nail Clinton FINALLY got immunity. And the evidence she gave must not have been criminal.
She must have a good lawyer. “Either give me immunity or I’ll just plead the fifth like the IT guy.” “OK you have immunity.”
And then the information she provided amounted to nothing.
“See the FBI offered immunity to try to find criminal activity and STILL there was nothing.” Hillary Clinton.
The only possible hay to make of this is by granting immunity the FBI lost a chance to charge someone lower in the chain than the Secretary of State and they had access to everything and there’s no there there against the Secretary but maybe a staffer.
Keep following the important stuff, CZ.
Still my favorite part of the circus is the clown car even though I know it’s just the same handful of jokers running behind a scrim to pop out again.
Oh for the good old days when the fundamentalist Christians were OK with having no religion at public schools instead of opening up the slippery slope. Or the gate to hell as it may be…
is that there’s a big insecure dipshit male problem in this country. And with some women as well. Some of worst vitriol I’ve seen in this forum against Hillary came from female trolls.
It’s about time this country got around to putting a woman in charge. The men (yes especially the klownservatic men) have screwed the place up six ways to Sunday (Sat for the babbling jackass).
GB had the iron lady Maggie Thatcher.
Germany has Merkel.
Lots of other examples.
Not the end of the world guys. Get the F over it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clueless White-Privileged Republicans
Black people protest white cops killing black guy. White Republican congressman responds, “they hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, I think it’s more because black people are dead and white people aren’t, although I doubt the protesters would feel any better if some white people were dead, and that doesn’t seem to be their objective.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I could live with Cruz as AG. Senate would confirm him in a heartbeat to get him outta there. Rick Perry as replacement a simple task.
Unless, of course, you’re Donald Trump in which case millions of people will adore you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “I could live with Cruz as AG.”
If you can live with Trump as president, Cruz as AG is easy.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 25
I can live with #CrookedHillary as president.
Compared with that, Cruz is a non-issue.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Probably no truth to the rumor that YLB has a gig as Tiger Beat’s political columnist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Oooh, you got me big time, Boob! You’re absolutely right. I read that in the news, but I forgot. One of the cops swarming Scott’s dead body isn’t white, and he happens to be the one who pulled the trigger, or at least one of the ones who pulled the triggers. I’m not sure how many of these mostly white cops participated in pumping lead into this black guy. And I’m glad to see you focusing on what really matters. Where’s the gun the cops say he had? who cares? you sure don’t think that matters.
“I’m all for the City Attorney’s office suing the crap out of people who cut those trees down in West Seattle.”
Me, too. Fucking tree murderers. Kinda looks like it was a block party, everybody got in on it. I hope they all pay dearly.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Getting hard to tell the difference between the two of them, especially when it comes to celebrities @ 5 and politics.
So it’s difficult to know which of them would be most hurt by this:
Kim Kardashian ‘on the fence’ on voting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump
UPDATED: In the past, Kim Kardashian has been pretty vocal about her support for Hillary Clinton. But in a recent interview with Wonderland Magazine, the reality star revealed she’s now “on the fence” about her presidential pick, thanks to a few conversations she’s had with Caitlyn Jenner.
“At first I thought, ‘Oh my god, I’m so Hillary [Clinton],’ but I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump. I’m on the fence,” she purportedly said in an excerpt posted by The Evening Standard.
Have to give the nod to YLB since he’s most likely to write something like “Oh my god, I’m so Hillary.”.
Although he’d be more like “OMG I’m SO Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.
Well there’s a good Patrick Murphy ad.
All Ted Cruz voice over.
(Voiceover)”He is proud of being a serial philanderer … he describes his own battles with venereal diseases as his own personal Vietnam,”
(Text) Ted Cruz endorses a serial philander for President
(voiceover)”This man is a pathological liar, he doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies … in a pattern that is straight out of a psychology text book, he accuses everyone of lying.”
(text)Ted Cruz endorses a pathological Liar for President.
(Voiceover)”Whatever lie he’s telling, at that minute he believes it … the man is utterly amoral,”
(text)Ted Cruz says he believes character counts.
(Voiceover)”But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that’ll do it every time. Donald, you’re a sniveling coward.”
(text) Ted Cruz endorses a sniveling coward for President.
Patrick Murphy on camera. “Ted Cruz will endorse a man he doesn’t believe is a decent human being for President of the United States and Ted Cruz wants to be your Senator. There is a better choice for Florida.”
Patrick Murphy on camera. “Ted Cruz will endorse a man he doesn’t believe is a decent human being for President of the United States and Ted Cruz wants to be your Senator. There is a better choice for Florida.”
Yes, there is. Which is why Marco Rubio is currently
You can figger out more whites have been killed. Well maybe you can’t being the dumb stiff around here. Puddy provides another service just like http://heyjackass.com And some of those his panics are more white than not.
Butt don’t let a good argument go to waste. The foolish white woman who killed the black guy in Tulsa needs to be strung up.
Yep wrong race. But then Tim Kaine was never Governor of New Jersey…
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Puddy saw Nick Hanauer downtown earlier this week. Was pointed out by an old white lady Puddy met at a meeting.
She said “Oh look it’s Nick. He’s a Democrat you know.” Puddy said “Umm hmmm.” He may be rich butt not impressed.
Well the wife was pretty sure he didn’t have a gun. She said so in real time.
Gun or no gun there are still lots of questions. They were there to serve a warrant. Is it standard procedure that if Charlotte Police find a pedestrian or citizen in a car in the vicinity to assume that person is named in the warrant? Is it standard procedure to draw weapons on citizens CPD has not yet determined to be a suspect? What’s was the probable cause to approach a citizen sitting in a vehicle?
Why would CPD make a point of releasing an enhanced witness photo purporting to be the weapon and then say that releasing CPD video would “influence the investigation?”
And still the biggest question. What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant? As it because you were looking for an African American individual and you saw an African American? Does that rise to probable cause?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ted Cruz announced today, “”After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.”
Most convincing proof yet that there’s no God out there answering prayers or guiding consciences.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 40
Why would CPD make a point of releasing an enhanced witness photo purporting to be the weapon and then say that releasing CPD video would “influence the investigation?”
’cause they didn’t, dumbass. The witness released it – it was witness property. And if by ‘enhanced’ you mean magnified, then I guess it was enhanced.
What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant?
Um, that would be the warrant. You answered your own question.
Are you trying to be particularly stupid today or is it just a natural event for you, CZ?
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Cruz or Christie as AG.
Cruz on Supreme Court.
Cruz of Christie as head of FBI.
Christie head of IRS.
All great choices!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
still the biggest question. What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant? As it because you were looking for an African American individual and you saw an African American? Does that rise to probable cause?
Why not ask the black cop who pulled the trigger checkmate?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Was he the subject of the warrant?
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
So, Obummer vetoes bill to let 9/11 victims’ families sue Saudi Arabia over its alleged ties to attackers.
Why does Obummer hate American victims?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Probably for reasons similar to why we teamed up with Stalin to fight Hitler, and teamed up with Pakistan to fight Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Sometimes national interests trump personal interests. Next to Israel, Saudi Arabia is our most important ally in the Middle East, and that probably has something to do with it. Why are you so fucking dense?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 47
Seared in my memory is Roger Fucking Rabbit’s full-throated defense of the GWB43 administration efforts to aid Saudi nationals immediately following 9/11, because they were such important US allies.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I suppose we can eliminate sentences @ 40 that begin “Gun or no gun…”
Keith Scott’s fingerprints, DNA, blood found on gun, police sources say
No he was not. But CPD for reasons yet to be explained determined he was. Did they run the plate to see if the car was registered to the individual named in the warrant. Clearly no. So again. What was the probable cause to make contact with this individual?
Sure. Why did you think a person in a car not registered to the person on the warrant was occupied to the person on the warrant. Why did you assume someone near the address n the warrant had to be your target? It’s a reasonable question.
Funny that the wife said he didn’t own a gun so if you’re comfortable with an anonymous PD source leaking bits of information and not asking if the gun in question was registered to anyone or reported stollen…
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Notice how checkmate didn’t comment on a black man shooting another black man in the head and eventually killing him!
NOPE that doesn’t fit the checkmate narrative!
Puddy loves double posts. The editable one is loaded before the duplicate!
Watch QPPS’ head explode!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Notice how checkmate didn’t comment on a black man shooting another black man in the head and eventually killing him!
NOPE that doesn’t fit the checkmate narrative!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
This is how white libtards react when a black woman doesn’t fit their DUMMOCRETIN narrative… https://youtu.be/_eG5oMoZLxk
Listen to the PWNAGE question!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Rayquan Bolden…what a guy!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
If indeed he had a gun there is legitimacy to the shooting at that moment. But that moment should never have happened.
To review,
He wasn’t the subject of the warrant being served.
He wasn’t driving a car registered to the subject of the warrant being served.
He was in a car, legally, in the general vicinity of a warrant being served.
What was the probable cause for the officers to approach his vehicle?
Is it CPD procedure to treat everyone in the vicinity of the address on a warrant as the target?
I maintain that had the officers serving a warrant done even basic checks, plate number, registration they would have known that he was extremely unlikely to be their target and he would have remained just a guy sitting in a car waiting for someone and gone on about his life. But now he doesn’t have a life.
What was it about THIS guy sitting in a car that needed arresting?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Dumbfuck @ 60:
What if, say, he flashed a firearm at the police? Or otherwise provoked an incident by saying something he shouldn’t have said? Suppose he said or did something that might have started the ball rolling.
Check out his background. You don’t have to look far.
What if someone were to tell you, say, that about 11-12 years ago the dude fired off a couple rounds at police officers and spent a few years in jail for doing it? IOW he wasn’t a stranger to potentially lethal interactions with the police.
Might that change your calculus just a bit?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
“Vera Baker”
Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal
So the fuck what? You think the President is going to use his real name during sensitive diplomatic negotiations? I doubt any President since Washington has done anything else.
I know you Fascists in here are going to hem and haw and equivocate. But you know what? Thinking people who actually pay attention to people’s words know that you’re utterly full of shit.
Not to mention complete fucking assholes.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 64
You think the President is going to use his real name during sensitive diplomatic negotiations?
Well, no, not if he’s intentionally communicating sensitive State information using a known unsecured email system, I wouldn’t. So, you’ve got me there, ‘froggy d’ UnemploymentLine.
My response would be, of course, that I would expect my president not to communicate sensitive information AT ALL using that type of system.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ SnideShow Bob:
My response would be, of course, that I would expect my president not to communicate sensitive information AT ALL using that type of system.
What other system is there for him to use? That IS the main communications system for the entire fucking world. Thats IT. There is not another system that even comes close to the level of security the diplomatic Email system has. NO OTHER SYSTEM EXISTS.
What to you fucking want? Carrier Pigeons? Fucking smoke signals? Perhaps mountaintop semaphores.
Or is that even too high tech for you.
Of course, the ISIL and the Taliban have been able to maintain a very effective communications system with human runners carrying memorized messages.
Crimenentlies you’re a stupid motherfucker. You’re almost comparable to the Schitzo.
@35 Wrong as usual, dipshit. Males locked into voting for a swindling, bullshitting asshole named Drumpf have loads of problems, insecurity being one of the worst.
Lots of Christie love in there. The asshole that approved that Bridgegate stunt.
Federal Prosecutors and defense attorneys for the Bridgegate lackeys are all in agreement on that.
The idiot Christie even laughed about the stunt during a 9/11 memorial. Shameless.
Typical for the troll to show the love for a-holes. Shit it wasn’t that long ago when the troll said it didn’t like Christie.
What a fucked up memory! Must be the hate playing tricks.
Put ’em on the glass!
Source? A conviction for contributing to the deliquency of a minor, buy a kid booze maybe, and misdemeanor assault.
Yet somehow you’re claiming that he once shot at officers and managed to either not be charged or plea bargain it down? Yep the right wing cesspool is full of “sources coming forward” that he shot at a police officer in 2005.
Still, what was the probable cause to approach his vehicle? Still nothing from The Liar or the Boob.
Oh I’m sure it will get cleared up somehow but the photo they enhanced showing the gun it is in a position between is feet and the curb. Now look at the video. I don’t see it there.
There is a consistent shadow in both images. At no point in the video is there any dark spot or object where the photo shows a gun. How and when did it get there? After shooting the victim did the police take a weapon off him and rather than sealing it as evidence just tossed it by his feet? Worth asking.
But there are no police who still think taping them is illegal despite a supreme court ruling telling them to knock it off.
And police are always honest. When they do something wrong it was a mistake, like fearing for their lives.
@17 Russia was an ally and supporter of America and sought friendly terms after the American revolution. Good relations allowed the purchase of Seward’s folly, yes a former VP candidate left out the part where her state used to be part of Russia.
Are you inferring the Russians sold us a baked Alaska? Should we give it back? Does that include the trading posts up and down the west coast.
We have hugger the Russian bear in the past. We invite them to hug our Kodiak bears. Lets have Kodak moment: Russin and Kodiak bears hug! Historic! Only to be topped by Captain Kirk bringing peace with the Klingon empire. (Sometimes fiction becomes truth. (Gene Rodenberry saw the end of the Cold War.)
Maybe the peace dividend is yet possible with Russia coming fully into Europe. Hmmm well they are being very Russian in Aleppo.
Mark Adamsspews:
@66 How about the system President Carter uses to communicate with heads of state and others he speaks to. The postal system. Works well, and has the option for certified or registered mail, For further security he could encrypt his messages, but I don’t think he goes that far. (PS it’s possible to move some classified material through the US postal service, something that would not be possible if it were privatized.)
Mark Adamsspews:
Some of the items you have listed would depend on the warrant being served. The warrant would list persons, property, vehicles, ect to be searched. Serving officers should limit themselves to what is in the warrant. If it is not in the warrant none of their concern unless it’s a threat to their safety, or an attempt to destroy evidence.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 Wish you had used better examples both are the leaders of their party in parliaments. They are the spokesperson of the government. Prime ministers have power, and in some ways are more powerful than our President but they are removed by their party not the people. They can quit and someone else takes over with no elections. They are the most equal among equals.
Maggie and Merkel became party leaders in a combination of luck, skill and perhaps not being as unliked as other potential party leaders. They were both third or fourth choices because the top two couldn’t garner enough support and were at loggerheads, and a choice had to be made so number 3 gets in and stays for decades and becomes Prime Minister when their turn comes up, it pays to be the loyal opposition.
Maggie never would have won in a popular vote, Merkel maybe, but it would be a close thing.
On this issue, Carl, I’m agreement with you. I really don’t like seeing a stand of trees cut down, particularly when those trees have been there for decades and decades.
Timber trespass law RCW 4.24.630, 64.12.030. Treble damages.
A valued legacy of our timber industry past.
Oregon no better at managing pensions than it is at creating an Obamacare exchange.
The numbers are bleak. Oregon’s pension system owes billions of dollars more to retirees than it has, and the last major attempt to fix the problem was shot down in courts.
This month, cities, school districts and others will find out how much more they’ll pay to help prop up the system. Higher pension costs could come at the expense of funding for other needs, including social services, infrastructure investments and education programs.
Hey, no problem. OR can always institute a statewide personal income tax.
Oh, wait…
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Yikes. @HillaryClinton down to a 78.9% chance of winning in @hominidviews latest analysis, her low point to date.
http://horsesass.org/poll-anal.....for-trump/ … https://twitter.com/hominidviews/status/779062629163601920 …
Lower than “super-predators”?
So another reality TV “Star” decided to weigh in.
Damn Amarosa. Is that how it works in America? Will he get to drink the blood of the vanquished and dine on their flesh live on TV too? Will all cower before him and despair?
Boob and Puffballs will be doing a curtsy instead of bowing.
@ 5
Keep following the important stuff, CZ.
AP PoliticsVerified account
BREAKING: Congressman says top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills given immunity deal in FBI investigation into Clinton’s email server.
One wonders whether immunity was granted to Mills before or after she was permitted to sit next to #CrookedHillary while the Democrat candidate for president was interviewed by the FBI.
Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State granted immunity during an investigation. Naw, nothing much to see here.
Oh boob. The ‘news’ is she was given immunity in the past before the FBI decided not to recommend charges.
So the one who knew everything and would be able to nail Clinton FINALLY got immunity. And the evidence she gave must not have been criminal.
She must have a good lawyer. “Either give me immunity or I’ll just plead the fifth like the IT guy.” “OK you have immunity.”
And then the information she provided amounted to nothing.
“See the FBI offered immunity to try to find criminal activity and STILL there was nothing.” Hillary Clinton.
The only possible hay to make of this is by granting immunity the FBI lost a chance to charge someone lower in the chain than the Secretary of State and they had access to everything and there’s no there there against the Secretary but maybe a staffer.
Still my favorite part of the circus is the clown car even though I know it’s just the same handful of jokers running behind a scrim to pop out again.
It’s only a matter of time before
a fundamentalist Christiana parent declares that meditation is nothing but disguised Buddhism and how dare you “Indoctrinate young minds and could you teach the Ten Commandments while you’re at it?”Oh for the good old days when the fundamentalist Christians were OK with having no religion at public schools instead of opening up the slippery slope. Or the gate to hell as it may be…
Lawyer says Mount Vernon School District must allow after-school Satan club
@11 Until some atavistic Republican judge decides it’s not a “real” religion
All the world’s religion are full of shit. That’s the only thing that’s “true” regarding religion.
Video shot by Scott’s wife just released. Hell, were I him I’d be willing to take a bullet just to be rid of that woman.
Wow. He almost did go “Take my wife, please.”
Nah. No need to be respectful towards a dead man’s wife.
@ 15
In that video I’m sure I heard the cops repeatedly yelling, “Drop the book! Drop the book!” before firing, CZ.
Didn’t you?
Riots for two days, more than a dozen police injured, one man dead based on the lie that Scott didn’t have a gun.
His wife let it happen.
One receives the respect one deserves on this blog, CZ. As DR would say, “No ragrets.”.
I wonder how Boob likes the possibility of Russia and Putin becoming America’s best ally if Drumpf should become President.
The upshot of this article:
is that there’s a big insecure dipshit male problem in this country. And with some women as well. Some of worst vitriol I’ve seen in this forum against Hillary came from female trolls.
It’s about time this country got around to putting a woman in charge. The men (yes especially the klownservatic men) have screwed the place up six ways to Sunday (Sat for the babbling jackass).
GB had the iron lady Maggie Thatcher.
Germany has Merkel.
Lots of other examples.
Not the end of the world guys. Get the F over it.
Clueless White-Privileged Republicans
Black people protest white cops killing black guy. White Republican congressman responds, “they hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, I think it’s more because black people are dead and white people aren’t, although I doubt the protesters would feel any better if some white people were dead, and that doesn’t seem to be their objective.
I could live with Cruz as AG. Senate would confirm him in a heartbeat to get him outta there. Rick Perry as replacement a simple task.
@ 18
Pretty sure the country has no problem with a woman as president, YLB.
Just not this particular one.
Watch a top Democratic candidate’s painful response to whether Hillary Clinton is honest
The gender card is a weak-ass play even for you, YLB, and you’ve made a habit of setting the bar ever-lower, girlfriend.
@ 19
If only the officer who killed Scott was white, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you might have a point.
He wasn’t.
Thought I should point that out before you go doing another “fleeing felon” analysis wholly blind to facts.
“Are you excited to be the first girl president?”
I knew you would adore this, YLB.
When you’re a public figure, you can’t say stupid shit in public forums.
Unless, of course, you’re Donald Trump in which case millions of people will adore you.
@20 “I could live with Cruz as AG.”
If you can live with Trump as president, Cruz as AG is easy.
@ 25
I can live with #CrookedHillary as president.
Compared with that, Cruz is a non-issue.
Probably no truth to the rumor that YLB has a gig as Tiger Beat’s political columnist.
@22 Oooh, you got me big time, Boob! You’re absolutely right. I read that in the news, but I forgot. One of the cops swarming Scott’s dead body isn’t white, and he happens to be the one who pulled the trigger, or at least one of the ones who pulled the triggers. I’m not sure how many of these mostly white cops participated in pumping lead into this black guy. And I’m glad to see you focusing on what really matters. Where’s the gun the cops say he had? who cares? you sure don’t think that matters.
More space for bimbo-dicking.
“I’m all for the City Attorney’s office suing the crap out of people who cut those trees down in West Seattle.”
Me, too. Fucking tree murderers. Kinda looks like it was a block party, everybody got in on it. I hope they all pay dearly.
Getting hard to tell the difference between the two of them, especially when it comes to celebrities @ 5 and politics.
So it’s difficult to know which of them would be most hurt by this:
Kim Kardashian ‘on the fence’ on voting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump
UPDATED: In the past, Kim Kardashian has been pretty vocal about her support for Hillary Clinton. But in a recent interview with Wonderland Magazine, the reality star revealed she’s now “on the fence” about her presidential pick, thanks to a few conversations she’s had with Caitlyn Jenner.
“At first I thought, ‘Oh my god, I’m so Hillary [Clinton],’ but I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump. I’m on the fence,” she purportedly said in an excerpt posted by The Evening Standard.
Have to give the nod to YLB since he’s most likely to write something like “Oh my god, I’m so Hillary.”.
Although he’d be more like “OMG I’m SO Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.
Well there’s a good Patrick Murphy ad.
All Ted Cruz voice over.
(Voiceover)”He is proud of being a serial philanderer … he describes his own battles with venereal diseases as his own personal Vietnam,”
(Text) Ted Cruz endorses a serial philander for President
(voiceover)”This man is a pathological liar, he doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies … in a pattern that is straight out of a psychology text book, he accuses everyone of lying.”
(text)Ted Cruz endorses a pathological Liar for President.
(Voiceover)”Whatever lie he’s telling, at that minute he believes it … the man is utterly amoral,”
(text)Ted Cruz says he believes character counts.
(Voiceover)”But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that’ll do it every time. Donald, you’re a sniveling coward.”
(text) Ted Cruz endorses a sniveling coward for President.
Patrick Murphy on camera. “Ted Cruz will endorse a man he doesn’t believe is a decent human being for President of the United States and Ted Cruz wants to be your Senator. There is a better choice for Florida.”
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Free guac is the next $15. https://twitter.com/mshannabrooks/status/779408733449232384 …
Once upon a time real guac mattered.
Goldy’s been YLB’d.
@ 32
Patrick Murphy on camera. “Ted Cruz will endorse a man he doesn’t believe is a decent human being for President of the United States and Ted Cruz wants to be your Senator. There is a better choice for Florida.”
Yes, there is. Which is why Marco Rubio is currently
kicking Murphy’s ass. Cruz is Texan.
And the separation between CZ and YLB narrows further.
“there’s a big insecure dipshit male problem in this country. ”
Yeah, they all seem to possess the 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady becuz they are DUMMOCRETINS!
Thanks for playing clueless cretin arschloch!
Guy willing to pay extra for a good banh mi
demands free @ 33 guac from struggling Hispanics.
I guess the Asian community must have donated significantly more to the Sawant campaigns.
Hey dipshit senile dumb wabbit… http://www.killedbypolice.net/
You can figger out more whites have been killed. Well maybe you can’t being the dumb stiff around here. Puddy provides another service just like http://heyjackass.com And some of those his panics are more white than not.
Butt don’t let a good argument go to waste. The foolish white woman who killed the black guy in Tulsa needs to be strung up.
Yep wrong race. But then Tim Kaine was never Governor of New Jersey…
Puddy saw Nick Hanauer downtown earlier this week. Was pointed out by an old white lady Puddy met at a meeting.
She said “Oh look it’s Nick. He’s a Democrat you know.” Puddy said “Umm hmmm.” He may be rich butt not impressed.
Well the wife was pretty sure he didn’t have a gun. She said so in real time.
Gun or no gun there are still lots of questions. They were there to serve a warrant. Is it standard procedure that if Charlotte Police find a pedestrian or citizen in a car in the vicinity to assume that person is named in the warrant? Is it standard procedure to draw weapons on citizens CPD has not yet determined to be a suspect? What’s was the probable cause to approach a citizen sitting in a vehicle?
Why would CPD make a point of releasing an enhanced witness photo purporting to be the weapon and then say that releasing CPD video would “influence the investigation?”
And still the biggest question. What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant? As it because you were looking for an African American individual and you saw an African American? Does that rise to probable cause?
Ted Cruz announced today, “”After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.”
Most convincing proof yet that there’s no God out there answering prayers or guiding consciences.
@ 40
Why would CPD make a point of releasing an enhanced witness photo purporting to be the weapon and then say that releasing CPD video would “influence the investigation?”
’cause they didn’t, dumbass. The witness released it – it was witness property. And if by ‘enhanced’ you mean magnified, then I guess it was enhanced.
What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant?
Um, that would be the warrant. You answered your own question.
Are you trying to be particularly stupid today or is it just a natural event for you, CZ?
Cruz or Christie as AG.
Cruz on Supreme Court.
Cruz of Christie as head of FBI.
Christie head of IRS.
All great choices!
still the biggest question. What was the probable cause to investigate someone sitting in a car in the vicinity of an address on a warrant? As it because you were looking for an African American individual and you saw an African American? Does that rise to probable cause?
Why not ask the black cop who pulled the trigger checkmate?
@42 Was he the subject of the warrant?
So, Obummer vetoes bill to let 9/11 victims’ families sue Saudi Arabia over its alleged ties to attackers.
Why does Obummer hate American victims?
@46 Probably for reasons similar to why we teamed up with Stalin to fight Hitler, and teamed up with Pakistan to fight Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Sometimes national interests trump personal interests. Next to Israel, Saudi Arabia is our most important ally in the Middle East, and that probably has something to do with it. Why are you so fucking dense?
@ 47
Seared in my memory is Roger Fucking Rabbit’s full-throated defense of the GWB43 administration efforts to aid Saudi nationals immediately following 9/11, because they were such important US allies.
I suppose we can eliminate sentences @ 40 that begin “Gun or no gun…”
Keith Scott’s fingerprints, DNA, blood found on gun, police sources say
The dumb senile wabbit upset that Ted just brought along a whole bunch of never Trumpers.
People are beginning to realize a Careless Crooked Heilary presidency will be really BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD for America!
I’ve been cheated.
Been mistreated.
When will I be loved.
When will millenials start liking Hillary Clinton?
@42 @ 50
No he was not. But CPD for reasons yet to be explained determined he was. Did they run the plate to see if the car was registered to the individual named in the warrant. Clearly no. So again. What was the probable cause to make contact with this individual?
Sure. Why did you think a person in a car not registered to the person on the warrant was occupied to the person on the warrant. Why did you assume someone near the address n the warrant had to be your target? It’s a reasonable question.
Funny that the wife said he didn’t own a gun so if you’re comfortable with an anonymous PD source leaking bits of information and not asking if the gun in question was registered to anyone or reported stollen…
Notice how checkmate didn’t comment on a black man shooting another black man in the head and eventually killing him!
NOPE that doesn’t fit the checkmate narrative!
Puddy loves double posts. The editable one is loaded before the duplicate!
Watch QPPS’ head explode!
Notice how checkmate didn’t comment on a black man shooting another black man in the head and eventually killing him!
NOPE that doesn’t fit the checkmate narrative!
This is how white libtards react when a black woman doesn’t fit their DUMMOCRETIN narrative… https://youtu.be/_eG5oMoZLxk
Listen to the PWNAGE question!
Rayquan Bolden…what a guy!
Remember how http://horsesass.org/59848/ well Puddy remembered!
Focus the Oregon moron comments… DAYUM hilarious! And was very wrong as it still is today!
Now this… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/09/23/nicole-eramo-is-a-limited-purpose-public-figure-but-may-be-able-to-show-reckless-disregard-on-rolling-stones-part/?utm_term=.87b0aea9a5b6 from that thread! Just as Puddy called it last year!
Puddy Prescience Strikes Again!
Hey senile wabbit, doesn’t this apply to Careless Crooked Heilary?
Just for checkmate!
Because it is a red herring.
If indeed he had a gun there is legitimacy to the shooting at that moment. But that moment should never have happened.
To review,
He wasn’t the subject of the warrant being served.
He wasn’t driving a car registered to the subject of the warrant being served.
He was in a car, legally, in the general vicinity of a warrant being served.
What was the probable cause for the officers to approach his vehicle?
Is it CPD procedure to treat everyone in the vicinity of the address on a warrant as the target?
I maintain that had the officers serving a warrant done even basic checks, plate number, registration they would have known that he was extremely unlikely to be their target and he would have remained just a guy sitting in a car waiting for someone and gone on about his life. But now he doesn’t have a life.
What was it about THIS guy sitting in a car that needed arresting?
Dumbfuck @ 60:
What if, say, he flashed a firearm at the police? Or otherwise provoked an incident by saying something he shouldn’t have said? Suppose he said or did something that might have started the ball rolling.
Check out his background. You don’t have to look far.
What if someone were to tell you, say, that about 11-12 years ago the dude fired off a couple rounds at police officers and spent a few years in jail for doing it? IOW he wasn’t a stranger to potentially lethal interactions with the police.
Might that change your calculus just a bit?
“Vera Baker”
Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4L8Lii8lP
Maybe she could finally go to Louisiana instead.
Hillary Clinton delays Charlotte visit at Mayor Roberts’ request
@ 62
So the fuck what? You think the President is going to use his real name during sensitive diplomatic negotiations? I doubt any President since Washington has done anything else.
Christ you’re a fucking disingenuous asshole.
“Just like workers comp out here’s got moochers, I wish that there were no vets that were the same sort of problem on our society,” Davidson said during a town hall event on Monday. “But part of the problem is there are some vets that are moochers and they’re clogging up the system, and we do as taxpayers want to make sure the VA filters out these folks that are pretenders. Just like we wish there were no people out there with stolen valor, but that’s a problem in the vet community, too.”>
I know you Fascists in here are going to hem and haw and equivocate. But you know what? Thinking people who actually pay attention to people’s words know that you’re utterly full of shit.
Not to mention complete fucking assholes.
@ 64
You think the President is going to use his real name during sensitive diplomatic negotiations?
Well, no, not if he’s intentionally communicating sensitive State information using a known unsecured email system, I wouldn’t. So, you’ve got me there, ‘froggy d’ UnemploymentLine.
My response would be, of course, that I would expect my president not to communicate sensitive information AT ALL using that type of system.
@ SnideShow Bob:
My response would be, of course, that I would expect my president not to communicate sensitive information AT ALL using that type of system.
What other system is there for him to use? That IS the main communications system for the entire fucking world. Thats IT. There is not another system that even comes close to the level of security the diplomatic Email system has. NO OTHER SYSTEM EXISTS.
What to you fucking want? Carrier Pigeons? Fucking smoke signals? Perhaps mountaintop semaphores.
Or is that even too high tech for you.
Of course, the ISIL and the Taliban have been able to maintain a very effective communications system with human runners carrying memorized messages.
Crimenentlies you’re a stupid motherfucker. You’re almost comparable to the Schitzo.
Who’s down with O.P.P.?
Of course you’re impressed stupid. Like Randroid Ryan you don’t want Hannauer to pay a dime in taxes.
How is this country is going to pay off the debt from neo-klown endless wars?
@35 Wrong as usual, dipshit. Males locked into voting for a swindling, bullshitting asshole named Drumpf have loads of problems, insecurity being one of the worst.
Thanks for playing.
Lots of Christie love in there. The asshole that approved that Bridgegate stunt.
Federal Prosecutors and defense attorneys for the Bridgegate lackeys are all in agreement on that.
The idiot Christie even laughed about the stunt during a 9/11 memorial. Shameless.
Typical for the troll to show the love for a-holes. Shit it wasn’t that long ago when the troll said it didn’t like Christie.
What a fucked up memory! Must be the hate playing tricks.
Put ’em on the glass!
Source? A conviction for contributing to the deliquency of a minor, buy a kid booze maybe, and misdemeanor assault.
Yet somehow you’re claiming that he once shot at officers and managed to either not be charged or plea bargain it down? Yep the right wing cesspool is full of “sources coming forward” that he shot at a police officer in 2005.
Still, what was the probable cause to approach his vehicle? Still nothing from The Liar or the Boob.
Oh I’m sure it will get cleared up somehow but the photo they enhanced showing the gun it is in a position between is feet and the curb. Now look at the video. I don’t see it there.
Here’s a side by side.
There is a consistent shadow in both images. At no point in the video is there any dark spot or object where the photo shows a gun. How and when did it get there? After shooting the victim did the police take a weapon off him and rather than sealing it as evidence just tossed it by his feet? Worth asking.
But there are no police who still think taping them is illegal despite a supreme court ruling telling them to knock it off.
And police are always honest. When they do something wrong it was a mistake, like fearing for their lives.
An officer would never charge a citizen with a crime just to send a warning to quit it.
@17 Russia was an ally and supporter of America and sought friendly terms after the American revolution. Good relations allowed the purchase of Seward’s folly, yes a former VP candidate left out the part where her state used to be part of Russia.
Are you inferring the Russians sold us a baked Alaska? Should we give it back? Does that include the trading posts up and down the west coast.
We have hugger the Russian bear in the past. We invite them to hug our Kodiak bears. Lets have Kodak moment: Russin and Kodiak bears hug! Historic! Only to be topped by Captain Kirk bringing peace with the Klingon empire. (Sometimes fiction becomes truth. (Gene Rodenberry saw the end of the Cold War.)
Maybe the peace dividend is yet possible with Russia coming fully into Europe. Hmmm well they are being very Russian in Aleppo.
@66 How about the system President Carter uses to communicate with heads of state and others he speaks to. The postal system. Works well, and has the option for certified or registered mail, For further security he could encrypt his messages, but I don’t think he goes that far. (PS it’s possible to move some classified material through the US postal service, something that would not be possible if it were privatized.)
Some of the items you have listed would depend on the warrant being served. The warrant would list persons, property, vehicles, ect to be searched. Serving officers should limit themselves to what is in the warrant. If it is not in the warrant none of their concern unless it’s a threat to their safety, or an attempt to destroy evidence.
@18 Wish you had used better examples both are the leaders of their party in parliaments. They are the spokesperson of the government. Prime ministers have power, and in some ways are more powerful than our President but they are removed by their party not the people. They can quit and someone else takes over with no elections. They are the most equal among equals.
Maggie and Merkel became party leaders in a combination of luck, skill and perhaps not being as unliked as other potential party leaders. They were both third or fourth choices because the top two couldn’t garner enough support and were at loggerheads, and a choice had to be made so number 3 gets in and stays for decades and becomes Prime Minister when their turn comes up, it pays to be the loyal opposition.
Maggie never would have won in a popular vote, Merkel maybe, but it would be a close thing.